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Post Info TOPIC: Hammonton First misleads public on Town Hall costs

RE: Hammonton First misleads public on Town Hall costs

They have done nothing but mislead the public from day one. They only campaigned on one issue and now that turns out to be a lie.



The cost was supposed to include a new community center too. That's what they said to get elected.



Their whole campaign from day 1 was to mislead the public.  That was their plan, that was how they got elected.

We need some honest citizens back in council.......its a good thing the Dems have a strong ticket this year!



Would someone please supply the web sites with the "honest & accurate" figures for both the 11th. St. project and the Central & Vine St. project? I would hope that the "bottom line" figures are all-inclusive.



You can see that the numbers posted on this site are directly from ARH. Their file number is at the top. Do you really expect to get any actual numbers from the present HF council????? They are trying to talk their way out of this by not mentioning that the campaign promise was all inclusive. All they mention now is the building cost. They'll never admit they were wrong, they are too arrogant for that. They lied, they've been caught, they're done.



you say they mislead
2006 0 tax increase
2007 0 tax increase
they cleaned up the school
lots of things are getting done.
everyone got a raise
the dems and reps better step it up .



Anonymous wrote:

you say they mislead
2006 0 tax increase -and what did we get for that?

*Hammonton Lake closed for the season
*MUAC Eliminated
*Code enforcement officer fired
*Hiring freeze
*Fired all part timers in the Highway Dept.
*Working to eliminate Shade Tree Commission and Rent Control Board
*Jeopardized the Town July 4th celebration
*Turns away grants for Senior citizens from the CDBG
*Eliminated Street Sweeping
*Eliminated funding for the Senior Citizen club Christmas party
*Cut funding for the Fire Department
*Paid $1.2 million for school property we already owned
*Paid $500,000 for a pumping station we already owned

2007 0 tax increase - still not addressing deteriorating roads, public safety, the whole of Hammonton Lake, and we now have the largest debt this town has ever had

they cleaned up the school - the school board fixed the problems by cleaning out the business office and hiring a much better business administrator, and the state finally ,after 5 years, came through with some much needed funding.

lots of things are getting done. - evertything being done now was started by previous administrations, HF is just taking the credit

everyone got a raise - after a full year without one because they enforced a technicallity on the employees, and drove morale into the toilet.

the dems and reps better step it up - If you have watched this site at all, the Dems are the ones who have stood up for us and are asking the questions. They will represent us very well on council.




I want to know why Jerry Vitalo gets free health insurance.  I want free health insurance.....



Anonymous wrote:

I want to know why Jerry Vitalo gets free health insurance. I want free health insurance.....

 Are you going to start up with that same old line of bull again?

Part of the total compensation package that a councilperson receives is a benefit package, just like any other town employee. That package includes insurance coverage. You have no right to sit there in judgement. He has every right to his compensation and you have no right to try and deny him his rights.



"Overall compensation package"

Are you the joke of my life ??? You want a cell phone next Craig ???

Councilpersons don't do 1/2 of the work some other town "volunteers" do.,.,, and they get benefits.

Vitalo ran for council to save 20k a year.  Real nice.


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Posts: 1241

In the 5/2 edition of the Hammonton News, the Mayor and his brother, Project Building Committee Chairman Steve DiDonato, both state that the building project will come in on budget.
Read information by clicking here.
Then come back here to discuss on the blog.

-- Edited by Admin at 18:29, 2007-05-02



You say they mislead
2006 0 tax increase -and what did we get for that?
To answer your question look
 *HammontonLake closed for the season it has been closed for years HF is planning on fixing that

*MUAC Eliminated    
yeaand oh no giveaways for your political cronies

*Code enforcement officer fired yes
and a cop did the job. 

*Hiring freeze and
for one year now new cops and town workers.  What was lost nothing?

*Fired all part timers in the Highway Dept.  
 Did we miss them no.  So we did not need them

*Working to eliminate Shade Tree Commission and Rent
Control Board   the m and c where elected so they should handle it

*Jeopardized the Town July 4th celebration   
yeah that was jerry v. hea a least no kids will get attacked

*Turns away grants for Senior citizens from the CDBG  

*Eliminated Street sweeping  
ok every road was torn up to get what the reps had   talked about doing done  and now it is back in place

*Eliminated funding for the Senior Citizen club Christmas party 
 yes they did and they paid for it out of there pocket a noble gesture hopefully more will follow

*Cut funding for the Fire Department   
lie they had money left over at the end of the year. 

*Paid $1.2 million for school property we already
owned   tough decisions needed to be made to get the school some help although I do not agree with it.  It did work

*Paid $500,000 for a pumping station we already owned  
 see above
    2007 0 tax increase - still not addressing deteriorating roads, public safety, the whole of HammontonLake, and we now have the largest debt this t own has ever had
No no no debt is lower, the lake is in the works, and roads are starting to look good, public safety? WHAT 3 new cops.  And they took a stand on the paid rescue squad... THE reps and you guys would have given them the hen house.  The fire dept. also got a huge grant and a larger budget.  Try again..

they cleaned up the school - the school board fixed the problems by cleaning out the business office and hiring a much better business administrator, and the state finally ,after 5 years, came through with some much needed funding.
   Yes they did

lots of things are getting done. - evertything being done now was started by previous administrations, HF is just taking the credit  
 no hf is getting it done planning is good implantation is better. 

everyone got a raise - after a full year without one because they enforced a technicallity on the employees, and drove morale into the toilet.   
 Ok we all saw the salaries posted. Please 65k to read water meters.  Sorry Charlie

the dems and reps better step it up - If you have watched this site at all, the Dems are the ones who have stood up for us and are asking the questions. They will represent us very well on council.  
 You may be right on this? 
We need questions asked and answered thats what an open form is all about.   The hfs have done good and bad.  Just like all past administrations.  Only difference I see is taxes at zero.  So I say good job for that



*HammontonLake closed for the season it has been closed for years HF is planning on fixing that
They have been "Planning" for two years now.  Time to stop the bull and actually do something about it!!

*MUAC Eliminated    
yeaand oh no giveaways for your political cronies
Sure, eliminate all bi-partisan oversight committees and replace them with the HF cronies.

*Code enforcement officer fired yes
and a cop did the job. 
One less cop patroling the streets so he can write code violations.  That is crazy.

*Hiring freeze and
for one year now new cops and town workers.  What was lost nothing?
New cops only after pressure by the citizens from issues made public by the Democrats and their 2006 Candidates.  We needed new cops to replace the ones we lost.

*Fired all part timers in the Highway Dept.  
 Did we miss them no.  So we did not need them
I know I missed them, during the inclement weather of the winter, when the trash was all backed up.  You would think it is more cost effective to have a couple of part-timers on staff rather than have to pay the entire highway department crew time and a half for hours of overtime everyday.  Some times this winter, my trash wasn't picked up until 7-8pm!!!

*Working to eliminate Shade Tree Commission and Rent
Control Board   the m and c where elected so they should handle it

*Jeopardized the Town July 4th celebration   
yeah that was jerry v. hea a least no kids will get attacked
I think we were talking about last year, remember that, when no one had a clue?

*Turns away grants for Senior citizens from the CDBG  
Not a lie.

*Eliminated Street sweeping  
ok every road was torn up to get what the reps had   talked about doing done  and now it is back in place
Now what is back in place, street sweeping???  What about all the damage that was done to the sewers when HF didn't sweep the streets? 

*Eliminated funding for the Senior Citizen club Christmas party 
 yes they did and they paid for it out of there pocket a noble gesture hopefully more will follow
The Democrats actually helped fund that.

*Cut funding for the Fire Department   
lie they had money left over at the end of the year. 
It is not a lie that Hammonon First cut funding for our fire department.

*Paid $1.2 million for school property we already
owned   tough decisions needed to be made to get the school some help although I do not agree with it.  It did work
It really didn't work.  It never addressed any long term solution.  It was another one time band-aid.  Its a good think the school board has been working so dilligently to address the school district's finances.

*Paid $500,000 for a pumping station we already owned  
 see above 
We still paid money out of a surplus that the Firsters say we didn't have for something that we already own.  It doesn't make sense!  

  2007 0 tax increase - still not addressing deteriorating roads, public safety, the whole of HammontonLake, and we now have the largest debt this t own has ever had
No no no debt is lower, the lake is in the works, and roads are starting to look good, public safety? WHAT 3 new cops.  And they took a stand on the paid rescue squad... THE reps and you guys would have given them the hen house.  The fire dept. also got a huge grant and a larger budget.  Try again..
The lake is still filled with crap, and is not open.....all talk and no work on that project. 
The roads are looking good....thanks to the state!
3 new cops - didn't we have 3 leave the force from either retirement or resignation?
Who took a stand on the rescue squad?  Hammonton First hands out money to the squad like they are giving out fruit.  The fire dept, most notably John Lyons, worked very hard to get that grant with no help from Hammonton First.....why don't you try again!

they cleaned up the school - the school board fixed the problems by cleaning out the business office and hiring a much better business administrator, and the state finally ,after 5 years, came through with some much needed funding.
   Yes they did

lots of things are getting done. - evertything being done now was started by previous administrations, HF is just taking the credit  
 no hf is getting it done planning is good implantation is better. 
Then stop "planning" to fix the lake and get out and do it!!!!!!

everyone got a raise - after a full year without one because they enforced a technicallity on the employees, and drove morale into the toilet.     Ok we all saw the salaries posted. Please 65k to read water meters.  Sorry Charlie
Are Firsters the only ones allowed to make money in this town?

the dems and reps better step it up - If you have watched this site at all, the Dems are the ones who have stood up for us and are asking the questions. They will represent us very well on council.    You may be right on this? 
We need questions asked and answered thats what an open form is all about.   The hfs have done good and bad.  Just like all past administrations.  Only difference I see is taxes at zero.  So I say good job for that
There is a lot more to it than zero taxes.  I don't want to see taxes go up either, but we do have to consider the quality of life we want here in Hammonton.  We do pay taxes, so we should have a swimmable lake, fixed up roads, and adequate police force, a fully funded fire department, etc.  There is a lot more to this great town than the downtown.  Firsters seem to forget that, probabally because it is their own properties that they are conserned about, and not much else.



I am tired of hearing Fisters and their zero tax increases.  We need Democrats on Council to speak out for us.






Anonymous wrote:




 We've seen raises for HF family members on work bid.  We've seen a raise to the town solicitor.  Don't even get me started on the bill HF caused to the taxpayer with their ridiculous charges against the chief.  Taxpayers are stuck with that bill-unnecessarily.  Support the Democrats, yes because they care about all taxpayers, homeowners, seniors, police, firemen, town employees, and our future- our children.



Anonymous wrote:

I am tired of hearing Fisters and their zero tax increases.  We need Democrats on Council to speak out for us.




Anonymous wrote:

you say they mislead
2006 0 tax increase
2007 0 tax increase
they cleaned up the school
lots of things are getting done.
everyone got a raise
the dems and reps better step it up .


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

you say they mislead
2006 0 tax increase *Hammonton Lake closed for the season
*MUAC Eliminated
*Code enforcement officer fired
*Hiring freeze
*Fired all part timers in the Highway Dept.
*Working to eliminate Shade Tree Commission and Rent Control Board
*Jeopardized the Town July 4th celebration
*Turns away grants for Senior citizens from the CDBG
*Eliminated Street Sweeping
*Eliminated funding for the Senior Citizen club Christmas party
*Cut funding for the Fire Department
*Paid $1.2 million for school property we already owned
*Paid $500,000 for a pumping station we already owned

2007 0 tax increase - and we are now over $14,000,000 in debt
they cleaned up the school - bull, the school board did that
lots of things are getting done. - that were all started by previous administrations, but HF took credit for it all
everyone got a raise - after a full year of denying them raises based on a technicality
the dems and reps better step it up . - the Dems already have, that's why you are so worried



Anonymous wrote:

you say they mislead
2006 0 tax increase
2007 0 tax increase
they cleaned up the school
lots of things are getting done.
everyone got a raise
the dems and reps better step it up .

This really says it all.  The Dems talk and talk but do nothing except raise our taxes when they had control of the school.


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The Dems never had control of the schools. The school board is a non-political entity. You may have tried to control it with your two puppets last year, but that didn't work because the public knew you were trying to make it political.



Actually, Jim is right.  When the Democrats were running the school with Bobby Capoferri as School Board President and Jim MacLane as VP, it was out of control with huge tax increases, cost overruns at the school, and leasing everything that wasn't tied down.  So we can't really say they had control of anything.  Good thing Bobby dropped out of the Freeholder race.  If he won the county might have been messed up also.


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Posts: 1241

You still don't get it. I helped you find the end of the line at the bar, now you are right back ignoring answers people have already given.

The state has admitted that it's lack of funding has hurt districts like ours and caused the tax increases. Besides giving us increased aid this year, additional legislation has been introduced to send more money to our district becuse the state has admitted our district has been hit harder than other districts.

Try and get this one through your thick skull, THERE WERE NO COST OVERRUNS AT THE SCHOOL. ON TIME AND ON BUDGET.

The current school board continues to lease because it helps the taxpayers. The current council bonds absolutely everything 9it is leasing by another name).

And leave Mr. Capoferri out of this stuff and for that matter me too. Neither one of us is running for anything. We are volunteers, the kind the Mayor praises. Neither one holds any political office. The people of Hammonton are tired of these vendettas, we saw how the last one went.



Yes, there were also no huge tax increases at the school because Jim MacLane says so.  Whatever the rest of you saw in your tax bill, ignore that because Jim MacLane says so.

Also, when the school explains they have over 100 kids from Plymouth Place that they cannot afford to educate, ignore that because Jim MacLane says so.

Whatever Jim MacLane says is true.  The fact that he's been blown out in every election he has entered is also not true because Jim MacLane says so.


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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

Yes, there were also no huge tax increases at the school because Jim MacLane says so.  Whatever the rest of you saw in your tax bill, ignore that because Jim MacLane says so.

Also, when the school explains they have over 100 kids from Plymouth Place that they cannot afford to educate, ignore that because Jim MacLane says so.

Whatever Jim MacLane says is true.  The fact that he's been blown out in every election he has entered is also not true because Jim MacLane says so.

It's a shame you can't read whole statements. It must be a defect in your brain that doesn't allow you to comprehend any statement you don't like.
I never said there were no tax increases at the schools, I said they had nothing to do with the building project, and that is proven by your tax bills. The amount being paid for the referendum in your taxes has actually gone down.

I agree that Plymouth Place brought an uneccessary burden to the Hammonton taxpayers. We can not afford to pay for all those kids when we are only receiving a PILOT that council doesn't even share with the schools. But that was a Republican controlled planning board and a Republican controlled council that approved it.

And I did win an election and was very proud to serve this community. And am very proud of my accomplishments when I did serve.

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