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Post Info TOPIC: Primary coming up on Tuesday, June 5th
Who will win the Republican Primary for Town Council in Hammonton? (vote for three) [6 vote(s)]

Don Berenato
Michael Pajic
Maria Ricca
Micael Torrissi

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Posts: 1241
Primary coming up on Tuesday, June 5th

It's just a few days away until the Primary election on Tuesday, June 5th. It seems people are itching to discuss this election, so here is a thread for that. There is a local race for the Republican nominations for Town Council.

The local GOP has placed Michael Pajic, Maria Ricca, Michael Torrissi Jr., and Don Berenato on its primary ballot.
The Democrats do not have any local races, but do have a choice to represent us in the State Senate. The Hammonton Democratic Club has endorsed Jim LeTellier for Senate.

Do you plan on voting in the primary?
Who do you think will win the local race for Town Council for the Republicans?

-- Edited by Admin at 09:34, 2007-05-31



Vote for Mike Pajic, Maria Ricca, and Don Berenato. Don't vote for Mike Torrissi. He is a Firster. He's just in the race so his cousin, Jimmy Curcio, can take more shots at Anthony Falcone. If Torrissi wins, he might jump ship to HF.


RE: Primary coming up on Tuesday, June 5th

A win by Torrissi only benefits HF.  They want to control be it within their candidates or influencing others that ally with them blindly.



I am supporting Ricca, Torrissi & Bernato because this is the best Republican ticket that can defeat Hammonton First.

Democrats are not strong enough to win as a team. Possibly Falcone can win again but with another lawsuit filed by the democrats that will hurt their chances. Hammonton First lost alot of support by bringng a lawsuit against the chief. The democrats will lose support by suing the captain. Robin Ripa should step aside and let another person run until her lawsuit is finished.



I like Torrissi in the primary. If he is top vote getter next week it gives Jimmy Curcio a lot of power to work with Denny Levinson and dump DiMatteo and put his brother rih in charge of the Republican Club. That helps everybody. The other three are losers who the Club can control. Torrissi will work with HF.



When the Republicans win in Novemeber 2 or 3 seats this will shift the power back to the Republicans from Hammonton First. Bernato, Torrissi and Ricca are the best chance at a sweep for the Republicans. Some new blood will jump start the Republicans.

Jim Bertino, Anthony Marino and Jerry Vitalo only need one more vote for control.



Anonymous wrote:

I like Torrissi in the primary. If he is top vote getter next week it gives Jimmy Curcio a lot of power to work with Denny Levinson and dump DiMatteo and put his brother rih in charge of the Republican Club. That helps everybody. The other three are losers who the Club can control. Torrissi will work with HF.

When Torrissi gets the top vote getter spot and easily beats the other three losers thanks to a bunch of HF votes, it's going to give the Curcio's a lot more power to finally dump that loser DiMatteo along with the Pajics.


RE: Primary coming up on Tuesday, June 5th

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I like Torrissi in the primary. If he is top vote getter next week it gives Jimmy Curcio a lot of power to work with Denny Levinson and dump DiMatteo and put his brother rih in charge of the Republican Club. That helps everybody. The other three are losers who the Club can control. Torrissi will work with HF.


When Torrissi gets the top vote getter spot and easily beats the other three losers thanks to a bunch of HF votes, it's going to give the Curcio's a lot more power to finally dump that loser DiMatteo along with the Pajics.


 All the more reason to vote Democrats in November. HF still has influence and control of Republicans.  We won't get fooled again.



Republicans will sweep in November.
Pajic, Torrissi and either Ricca or Berenato will be the best ticket. The Democrats only have Falcone. Hammonton First has Ed Wuillerman but the Republican ticket will be the best in the fall election.

Mike Pajic, Mike Torrissi and either Ricca or Berenato will be the best ticket.



I thought this is the Democrat blog. Why aren't you talking about Democrat candidates?



Anonymous wrote:

I thought this is the Democrat blog. Why aren't you talking about Democrat candidates?

 It's mainly Firsters and Republicans on this site.  Firsters aren't allowed to voice their opinions or worries about their party on their site and the Republican site is pretty much inactive.  All postings either get deleted or don't post at all. I like that the Dems have this forum.  I think the Dems are enjoying the fact that Republicans have so much in fighting especially comments about Ricca, Pajic and Torrissi.  I haven't seen any comments about Berenato. I guess he's the one people dislike the least.



Anonymous wrote:

I thought this is the Democrat blog. Why aren't you talking about Democrat candidates?

Let's see. Maybe it's because they have no ideas and no chance to win?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I thought this is the Democrat blog. Why aren't you talking about Democrat candidates?

 It's mainly Firsters and Republicans on this site.  Firsters aren't allowed to voice their opinions or worries about their party on their site and the Republican site is pretty much inactive.  All postings either get deleted or don't post at all. I like that the Dems have this forum.  I think the Dems are enjoying the fact that Republicans have so much in fighting especially comments about Ricca, Pajic and Torrissi.  I haven't seen any comments about Berenato. I guess he's the one people dislike the least.

That's because everyone is concerned with who is actually going to be on the ticket. Pajic and Torissi are the only real choices the other seat is going to Falcone.



Berenato and Ricca are shoo-ins. No way do they lose!



How are Berenato & Ricca "shoe-ins"??? While Don Berenato is a fine gentleman and Maria Ricca is a nice woman, what have they done for the town? I know Berenato is active in the Hammonton Swim Club & the airport, but what about Maria. Her only "claim to fame" is her objection to the town ordinance against landlords. And who is Mike Torrissi? What has he done to get involved in Hammonton? The only candidate who has consistently worked for Hammonton is Mike Pajic. He has served for many years on various "boards" for the Town of Hammonton. Clearly, Pajic is the only "shoe-in" of the Republicans running in the primary.



Anonymous wrote:

How are Berenato & Ricca "shoe-ins"??? While Don Berenato is a fine gentleman and Maria Ricca is a nice woman, what have they done for the town? I know Berenato is active in the Hammonton Swim Club & the airport, but what about Maria. Her only "claim to fame" is her objection to the town ordinance against landlords. And who is Mike Torrissi? What has he done to get involved in Hammonton? The only candidate who has consistently worked for Hammonton is Mike Pajic. He has served for many years on various "boards" for the Town of Hammonton. Clearly, Pajic is the only "shoe-in" of the Republicans running in the primary.

Mike Torrissi's family have been public servants for years. The Curcio family are fine people. Look how they just finished beating Falcone.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

How are Berenato & Ricca "shoe-ins"??? While Don Berenato is a fine gentleman and Maria Ricca is a nice woman, what have they done for the town? I know Berenato is active in the Hammonton Swim Club & the airport, but what about Maria. Her only "claim to fame" is her objection to the town ordinance against landlords. And who is Mike Torrissi? What has he done to get involved in Hammonton? The only candidate who has consistently worked for Hammonton is Mike Pajic. He has served for many years on various "boards" for the Town of Hammonton. Clearly, Pajic is the only "shoe-in" of the Republicans running in the primary.

Mike Torrissi's family have been public servants for years. The Curcio family are fine people. Look how they just finished beating Falcone.

That doesn't answer the question "who is Mike Torrissi". A family "legacy" holds no water. This kid has to stand on his own merits, not his families. Maybe this kid is okay; I don't know. I would like to see his qualifications.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

How are Berenato & Ricca "shoe-ins"??? While Don Berenato is a fine gentleman and Maria Ricca is a nice woman, what have they done for the town? I know Berenato is active in the Hammonton Swim Club & the airport, but what about Maria. Her only "claim to fame" is her objection to the town ordinance against landlords. And who is Mike Torrissi? What has he done to get involved in Hammonton? The only candidate who has consistently worked for Hammonton is Mike Pajic. He has served for many years on various "boards" for the Town of Hammonton. Clearly, Pajic is the only "shoe-in" of the Republicans running in the primary.


Mike Torrissi's family have been public servants for years. The Curcio family are fine people. Look how they just finished beating Falcone.


 Curcio got 51% of the vote not 100%.  Most Hammontonians weren't fooled by him but he managed to slip in still.  Let's vote for people not famiies. That's what's wrong with town and the Republican party.  We vote for people just because of some stinking last name. If all you can say about people is that they come from a nice family, then that's just what we'll continue to get in Hammonton. The same families controlling everything.  I think it's best to vote for someone who will answer to all the people.  Let's judge the candidate and not the family.  We're giving reason for people to vote for HF if all we have are much of the same thing.



Torrissi has learned a lot from Jimmy Curcio. He shoud be considered the leader of the ticket. Torrissi has already started the process of working with Hammonton First for the best interests of the town. He will be a great team player.



Anonymous wrote:

How are Berenato & Ricca "shoe-ins"??? While Don Berenato is a fine gentleman and Maria Ricca is a nice woman, what have they done for the town? I know Berenato is active in the Hammonton Swim Club & the airport, but what about Maria. Her only "claim to fame" is her objection to the town ordinance against landlords. And who is Mike Torrissi? What has he done to get involved in Hammonton? The only candidate who has consistently worked for Hammonton is Mike Pajic. He has served for many years on various "boards" for the Town of Hammonton. Clearly, Pajic is the only "shoe-in" of the Republicans running in the primary.

pajic, the only candidate who has consistently lost for hammonton.  although this might be the first election he could actually not lose because when he finishes third he still makes it.



Release Date: October 25, 2006
Republican Hdqs. 677-0707

Atlantic County Republican chairman Keith A. Davis today called on Democrat Freeholder Alisa Cooper to stand by her professed opposition to political patronage in government by recommending that Freeholder candidate Anthony Falcone withdraw his candidacy because he secured his state job through political pressure.

Cooper leveled her accusations of patronage in county government earlier this year but was unable to produce a shred of evidence that it existed Davis said. Falcone, on the other hand, was publicly identified by the Democrat state administration for which he worked as someone whose employment was secured through pressure exerted by the office of former Gov. McGreevey --- a textbook case of the kind of patronage Cooper says she finds so offensive.

Davis said that in May of 2005, former Department of Corrections Commissioner Devon Brown told the Assembly Budget Committee that he was forced to accept 14 individuals as department employees because of pressure brought on him by the Governors office.

Brown publicly identified Falcone was one of the gang of 14, Davis said. At the time, Falcone was director of the Division of Community Programs at a salary of nearly $90,000 per year.

In her comments, Cooper said that patronage appointments should be identified and let the chips fall where they may, Davis said. Well, the chips have fallen and they have fallen on Falcone. What say you now, Alisa?

Its time for Cooper to stand up for what she said she believed in and call for Falcones withdrawal from the race Davis said. Anything less is hypocrisy of the worst kind.

The chairman pointed out that Falcones patronage appointment was not revealed as part of any partisan agenda, but, in fact, came directly from the Democrat Administration of which he was a part. Davis added that Falcone receives some $90,000 a year in state salary; $7,500 per year as a councilman in Hammonton, and is seeking a seat on the Board of Freeholders which pays $20,000 a year.

Falcone wants to triple dip and get three taxpayer paychecks totaling over $117,000 a year, Davis said.


RE: Primary coming up on Tuesday, June 5th

Anonymous wrote:

 Davis was proven wrong in her accusation.  While it was proven that Curcio was playing both sides with Mullica Township's Trash Train Dump Fiasco.

-- Edited by Admin at 10:36, 2007-06-04



Anonymous wrote:
You must not know very much about the situation. Keith Davis is not even a "she", he's a man. This patronage is what drives our taxes through the roof. It needs to be stopped as taxpayers can't afford it anymore.

-- Edited by Admin at 10:37, 2007-06-04


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

These posts about Devon Brown have been responded to already, but a couple of individuals refuse to acknowledge the answers. They ignore the truth and keep posting these false allegations. Future posts of this old subject that has already been put to rest will be deleted.

Mr. Brown was proven to have a political agenda. Anthony Falcone had a full review of his qualifications and job performance in all of his positions leading up to his appointment to his current position. He still holds the same position that Mr. Brown made his allegations about, but Mr. Brown has since left his position and no longer works in the state of NJ. Mr. Falcone is highly thought of in his current position. Therefore, Mr. Davis' allegations have been proven false and this too was a political move by the Atlantic County Republicans to try and smear the good name of Mr. Falcone, as you are trying to do today. Mr. Falcone has worked hard to reach the positin he holds today, and for that the Hammonton Democrats applaud him and proudly present him as one of our candidates for Town Council 2007.

As for the triple dipping allegations, that was obviously never true. When Mr. Falcone ran for Atlantic County Freeholder, it was at the end of his term as Town Councilman. There was never a time when he would have held three positions. If elected he will serve the Town of Hammonton just like every other member of council. He will hold his regular full time job and also serve as Councilman.



Devon Brown pointed out the problems patronage was causing in driving up the cost to run State Government and thus our taxes.  Mr. Brown testified that Anthony Falcone was one of 14 people whose jobs were a result of political pressure.  Mr. Brown has had a distinguished career.  Information about him can be read at http://doc.dc.gov/doc/cwp/view.a.3.q.491508.asp.

The admin has provided no links to data to support his claims.  If there is any data to show that this wasn't the case, it should be posted.


RE: Primary coming up on Tuesday, June 5th

Anonymous wrote:

The admin has provided no links to data to support his claims.  If there is any data to show that this wasn't the case, it should be posted.

You provided a dead link.  This is a dead issue anyway.   There are those who wished to ruin Falcone's reputation and failed. You are trying to throw "old" mud.



A number of Democrats are talking about a meeting last week. Several members of the party apparently demanded that Robin Ripa be removed from their ticket. With the fact she cannot take office while being a town employee already casting a shadow on the candidacy, quite a few party members want her replaced.

According to some of the attendees, Rich Jacobus weighed in to keep Ripa on the ticket. He told the Dems if they pulled her off, he would stop donating. With support light, the Dems had to follow Jacobus' demands.

Add to this the weakness of the Falcone (patronage) and Amirrato (financial concerns) and it looks like a tough election for the Dems.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
Primary coming up on Tuesday, June 5th

What link do you want to see to prove to you that Mr. Brown no longer works in NJ, you provided that yourself, he now works in DC. You say he left to get back home, prove that. It is our understanding he left because of the mistake he made in making these kinds of statements. He has had a very good career, but everyone makes mistakes, this was his. He tried and failed at an attempt to better himself by stepping on others with good carrers. It didn't work and he is now gone.



Anonymous wrote:

A number of Democrats are talking about a meeting last week. Several members of the party apparently demanded that Robin Ripa be removed from their ticket. With the fact she cannot take office while being a town employee already casting a shadow on the candidacy, quite a few party members want her replaced.

According to some of the attendees, Rich Jacobus weighed in to keep Ripa on the ticket. He told the Dems if they pulled her off, he would stop donating. With support light, the Dems had to follow Jacobus' demands.

Add to this the weakness of the Falcone (patronage) and Amirrato (financial concerns) and it looks like a tough election for the Dems.

It will be interesting to see how the admin responds to this one.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

A number of Democrats are talking about a meeting last week. Several members of the party apparently demanded that Robin Ripa be removed from their ticket. With the fact she cannot take office while being a town employee already casting a shadow on the candidacy, quite a few party members want her replaced.

According to some of the attendees, Rich Jacobus weighed in to keep Ripa on the ticket. He told the Dems if they pulled her off, he would stop donating. With support light, the Dems had to follow Jacobus' demands.

Add to this the weakness of the Falcone (patronage) and Amirrato (financial concerns) and it looks like a tough election for the Dems.

You are so full of crap. There was a meeting last week and everyone was in full support of keeping the ticket exactly as it is. We were all in favor of staying the way we are and therefore there was no move by any of our many suporters to influence us. Ms. Ripa has every right to defend herself from the types of attacks alledged and this defense started two years ago. She is the victim of a government who believes itself to be above the law and we are proud to have someone with integrity such as hers who is willing to stand up to people such as these. The Chief defended himself against their vendetta and came out victorious and now another target of their vendettas is defending herself.

The allegations against Mr. Falcone have already been answered above. He defended himself against the false allegations and still proudly serves in the same position today.

And your point about Mr. Ammirato is completely ludicrous as this is the same situation the hospital is in. The difference is that Mr. Ammirato took over a business, took the neccessary steps to get it back on track, ran it for another 6 years and then sold it for a profit. Let's hope the hospital can do as well.

-- Edited by Admin at 14:50, 2007-06-04



It is good to see that at least some Democrats realize that they should not be attacking Captain Jones and the other members of the police force. This will hurt the taxpayers and force our taxes up.


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RE: Primary coming up on Tuesday, June 5th

The Democrats are not attacking Capt. Jones or the Police Dept. While we support Ms. Ripa's right to defend herself against unfair treatment and vendettas, this has nothing to do with the Democrats. This is a personal issue for Ms. Ripa. And if this does cost the Town in any way, you need to put the blame where it belongs, on the individuals who alledgedly think they are above the law and feel they can treat people in this fashion.

Why would you put the blame on the victim rather than the perpetrators?

Our justice system now takes over and will decide the outcome. If the courts decide there is basis for this action then the courts will have said that those found guilty have broken the law. It is not for us to decide this case, it is up to our judicial system.

If you have not read the document click here to read it and then decide if you want our government officials to act this way. Should people turn their heads and allow behavior like this to go on? If they in fact did act this way, then they are the ones who are causing damage to our Town.



If Ricca doesn't win, I'm quiting the Republican Party.  The rest are losers.



Torrissi will easily be #1 in votes. This will be a rematch of the Curcios versus Falcone. Another easy win for the Curcios.



The curcios dont carry a ticket.....

Tell me another one... Like Robin Ripa is allowed to serve as her own boss.



Anonymous wrote:

Torrissi will easily be #1 in votes. This will be a rematch of the Curcios versus Falcone. Another easy win for the Curcios.

 You call 51% - 49% an easy win?????



Anonymous wrote:

Torrissi will easily be #1 in votes. This will be a rematch of the Curcios versus Falcone. Another easy win for the Curcios.

Hey listen, I'm a registered Republican & have been for 28 years. I don't believe in voting for those based upon family ties, nor along party lines. I will & have voted outside party lines in General Elections, based upon who I thought would best serve Hammonton. My question is this: what has Maria Ricca & Mike Torrissi done for the Town of Hammonton? What involvement have they shown? I have nothing against them, but would like more information about them.



The Republican Primary contest will generate the best town ticket which can unseat Hammonton First. Hammonton First had a nice run but made too many mistakes. They were elected because of the Town Hall location. They were not elected to upset every local government entity and program or the local volunteer organizations.

The primary contest is the Republican party will yield the best ticket. Mike Pajic, Mike Torrissi and Maria Ricca or Joe Bernato will better serve the Hammonton residents than the Democratic ticket or Hammonton First. The Democrats were gaining some traction but filing another lawsuit against the police department will definitely hurt their ticket.



Anonymous wrote:

The Republican Primary contest will generate the best town ticket which can unseat Hammonton First. Hammonton First had a nice run but made too many mistakes. They were elected because of the Town Hall location. They were not elected to upset every local government entity and program or the local volunteer organizations.

The primary contest is the Republican party will yield the best ticket. Mike Pajic, Mike Torrissi and Maria Ricca or Joe Bernato will better serve the Hammonton residents than the Democratic ticket or Hammonton First. The Democrats were gaining some traction but filing another lawsuit against the police department will definitely hurt their ticket.

Is the Democratic Club behind the filing of Robin Ripa's lawsuit? I would hope that is not the case. I would hope the Ms. Ripa is filing the lawsuit based upon the personal allegations & not on behalf of a political club.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

There is no lawsuit against the Police Dept. And there is certainly no lawsuit by the Democrats. Try and paint it that way if you want, but the public will see through that. We support Ms. Ripa's right to defend herself against unfair treatment and vendettas, but this has nothing to do with the Democrats. This is a personal issue for Ms. Ripa. And if this does cost the Town in any way, you need to put the blame where it belongs, on the individuals who alledgedly think they are above the law and feel they can treat people in this fashion.

Why would you put the blame on the victim rather than the perpetrators?

The Chief defended himself against their vendetta and came out victorious and now another target of their vendettas is defending herself.

The Democratic Party has already generated the best ticket to serve the residents of Hammonton. Experience, Knowledge and willingness to stand up and fight for the people of our Town has already been exhibitted by the Hammonton Democrats and will continue when these three people are elected to serve as a team on Hammonton Town Council.

-- Edited by Admin at 17:04, 2007-06-05



Anonymous wrote:

If Ricca doesn't win, I'm quiting the Republican Party.  The rest are losers.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

If Ricca doesn't win, I'm quiting the Republican Party.  The rest are losers.


take marino with you , talk about a loser!  the republicans better run a primary to get rid of him next year.  you didn't want pajic and who won? yes, pajic won.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

If Ricca doesn't win, I'm quiting the Republican Party.? The rest are losers.


take marino with you , talk about a loser!? the republicans better run a primary to get rid of him next year.? you didn't want pajic and who won? yes, pajic won.

Marino and Ricca are related, right? They are both losers!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

If Ricca doesn't win, I'm quiting the Republican Party.  The rest are losers.


take marino with you , talk about a loser!  the republicans better run a primary to get rid of him next year.  you didn't want pajic and who won? yes, pajic won.


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