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Post Info TOPIC: Hammonton Democrats attack Gypsy moth problem

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Hammonton Democrats attack Gypsy moth problem

The Hammonton Democratic Club is surprised and disappointed that our elected officials have done nothing to tackle our serious gypsy moth problem. An emergency session of Town Council should have been called to deal with the massive gypsy moth infestation and health hazard currently gripping Hammonton. In this environmentally sensitive area of AtlanticCounty we have heard nothing from our CountyExecutive or Board of Freeholders and our Town Council remains silent as our town is attacked by these voracious insects. Hundreds of trees are defoliated daily and some portions of Hammonton look like the aftermath of a forest fire.


In response to this crisis, the Hammonton Democratic Club has mobilized its membership and is taking decisive action to save our town. The Club has begun delivering gypsy moth traps to some of the affected areas of town and on Saturday, June 23rd we will be distributing the remainder of the 500 traps for free, one to any resident of Hammonton who is 18 years of age or older. We will be setting up a special crisis center on the corner of Fairview Avenue and North Egg Harbor Road. Traps are easy to use and will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. The Hammonton Democratic Club is also in the process of contacting the office of Governor Corzine to determine if State aid is available to combat this infestation in any other ways.


If traps remain after this Saturday giveaway, residents can find out how to obtain a trap for free from the Hammonton Democratic Club, by visiting the clubs website at www.HammontonDems.com and filling out a form so that we can deliver one to you.


Once again, the Hammonton Democratic Club is the first to take action and the Democratic Council candidates, Mike Ammirato, Anthony Falcone and Robin Ripa, issue a challenge to the Hammonton Republican club and the Hammonton First club to match or exceed the efforts of the Hammonton Democratic Party. The Hammonton Democrats have taken the lead once again in an issue that affects all of the residents of Hammonton.



I am hearing that in Wildwood the judge decided that the police officer who won a council seat cannot serve as both police officer and councilperson. I am also hearing rumors that if Robin Ripa wins the Democrats get to pick a replacement and that will be Rich Jacobus. I would like the Democrats to comment on this event.


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What a totally ridiculous statement. Robin Ripa is prepared to take whatever actions are neccessary when she wins the Council seat. There will be no need for a replacement. Robin will serve this town proudly as a councilperson. You didn't hear this rumor, you are starting it. Well, it's stopped now. Mike Ammirato, Anthony Falcone, and Robin Ripa will all serve proudly and resposibly as your next representatives on Town Council.



Since the Wildwood case is showing that it is not allowed to be both a town employee and town councilperson, are you saying that Robin is quitting her Town job? Or are you saying if she wins she'll let Rich Jacobus have her seat on council?


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What part didn't you understand? Ripa is prepared to take whatever steps are neccessary to serve as a Town councilperson.



Admin wrote:

What part didn't you understand? Ripa is prepared to take whatever steps are neccessary to serve as a Town councilperson.

So you are saying she now understands she cannot be both a town employee and town councilperson. Is she there a job at the school in store for her?



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

What part didn't you understand? Ripa is prepared to take whatever steps are neccessary to serve as a Town councilperson.

Could you be both a jackass and a horse's ass at the same time?

So you are saying she now understands she cannot be both a town employee and town councilperson. Is she there a job at the school in store for her?



kudos to the dems for a unique campaign trinket!  you win the first battle my friends.



Reading the Hammonton News, it sure does show that many positive things are going on.  Last week there was almost a million dollars in grants for the airport.  This week, there is another grant for the town.  The News summed it up in the editorial below:

  MainStreet is seeing green. A $50,000 Smart Future Grant was awarded to our MainStreet organization from the state recently. That's great news for our downtown -- and our entire town. With the grant, a design team will work with residents, business owners and property owners to establish a set of standards when developing our town. We hope residents and business owners take full advantage of this opportunity. MainStreet director Dr. John Woods believes the initiative will have a positive impact on our entire community, particularly our downtown businesses and residences. We agree and applaud the MainStreet organization for working hard to secure this funding. We believe good-looking and well-maintained businesses and homes will help attract more consumers to support our economy. And that's a good thing for all of us. Great things are certainly happening downtown -- with new sidewalk construction wrapping up and new businesses setting up shop along Bellevue Avenue. But let us not forget that the White Horse Pike corridor is also seeing its fair share of growth. Starbucks announced it would open in late summer and Lowe's officials are scheduled to make a presentation for a store to our local Planning Board. Should both of these companies move forward with businesses here, our local economy and job market will certainly receive a boost. Indeed, it is great news to see so many positive things happening for our local economy. We hope these wonderful developments continue throughout the year. ====



I think it's great that finally someone is addressing this issue.  This is an epidemic that is affecting many towns in New Jersey.  I'm glad to see the Democrats  have the pulse of what the people of Hammonton are thinking.
Good idea.  Kudos.    It's ashame that there are people who are attacking this great idea.  Thanks for addressing the issues, may you have better luck this election.  We need people to speak up for ALL of HAMMONTON.



What does Robin working for the town and running for council have to do with the gypsy moth traps? Boy you are really afraid of her. You need to relax because she will obey the law and maybe you will have to obey the law too. Is that what you are so afraid of? I also heard a rumor that anyone who is on town council their family members are not allowed to work or volunteer for the town. Could this be yet another violation? You need to relax and stop starting rumors because of your fears. GO ROBIN!



I think it is terrible that Robin Ripa is calling the Police Department a "hostile working environment."  Why didn't she speak with Chief Frank Ingemi about her issues with her co-workers in the Department before suing the taxpayers of Hammonton?  If she had said something like this, the Chief would have been obligated to report the issue and take action.  I guess in the end this will come down to Robin Ripa's word versus the Chief's as to the condition of the Police Department.



Anonymous wrote:

I think it is terrible that Robin Ripa is calling the Police Department a "hostile working environment." Why didn't she speak with Chief Frank Ingemi about her issues with her co-workers in the Department before suing the taxpayers of Hammonton? If she had said something like this, the Chief would have been obligated to report the issue and take action. I guess in the end this will come down to Robin Ripa's word versus the Chief's as to the condition of the Police Department.

Since Hammonton First's errand/money boy is so busy ripping on us, why don't we spend a little time going over the embarrasing job Hammonton First did last year in the election.

Look how pathetic their organization was run for their campaign:
-They won 4 seats by a sweeping victory the year before
-They had total control of Town Council
-They could do ANYTHING they wanted and couldn't be stopped
-They had limitless money to spend on their campaign since a couple trust-fund kids bankroll the entire party(you know the guys: fat, spineless, egotistical, and not as smart as they think they look!)

So what happened come November?  They lost to an overweight brickmason, a little known train conductor, and Jimmy Bertino, their #1 target.

Just how stupid and ineffective do you have to be to lose to those three guys after blowing upwards of $100,000.  Don't forget, they had the Eagles Cheerleaders here, they gave out discount cards, they cooked prime rib and lobster for everyone. 

So, remember this, while one ogrish, slovenly, putrid half-man posts here trying to take potshots at us, ultimately he destroyed the party he worked so hard to build up!

Congratulations trust-fund boy!




Anonymous wrote:
They lost to an overweight brickmason, a little known train conductor, and Jimmy Bertino

It's nice to see the Democrats being so complimentary of the Republicans.



Anonymous wrote:

Reading the Hammonton News, it sure does show that many positive things are going on.  Last week there was almost a million dollars in grants for the airport.  This week, there is another grant for the town.  The News summed it up in the editorial below:

MainStreet is seeing green. A $50,000 Smart Future Grant was awarded to our MainStreet organization from the state recently.

That's great news for our downtown -- and our entire town. With the grant, a design team will work with residents, business owners and property owners to establish a set of standards when developing our town. We hope residents and business owners take full advantage of this opportunity.

MainStreet director Dr. John Woods believes the initiative will have a positive impact on our entire community, particularly our downtown businesses and residences. We agree and applaud the MainStreet organization for working hard to secure this funding.

We believe good-looking and well-maintained businesses and homes will help attract more consumers to support our economy. And that's a good thing for all of us.

Great things are certainly happening downtown -- with new sidewalk construction wrapping up and new businesses setting up shop along Bellevue Avenue.

But let us not forget that the White Horse Pike corridor is also seeing its fair share of growth. Starbucks announced it would open in late summer and Lowe's officials are scheduled to make a presentation for a store to our local Planning Board. Should both of these companies move forward with businesses here, our local economy and job market will certainly receive a boost.

Indeed, it is great news to see so many positive things happening for our local economy. We hope these wonderful developments continue throughout the year.

With growth like the Hammonton News pointed out all over town, Hammonton is becoming more and more desirable for business investment every day.  New ratables will help keep our taxes down.  The School already has a lot more money froim Waterford and the State without any extra taxes.  The Town has had no tax increase also.



Anonymous wrote:
With growth like the Hammonton News pointed out all over town, Hammonton is becoming more and more desirable for business investment every day.  New ratables will help keep our taxes down.  The School already has a lot more money froim Waterford and the State without any extra taxes.  The Town has had no tax increase also.

Why do you keep saying we had no tax increase when we did have a tax increase?



Boy, you have a strange view of reality.  The School had no property tax increase this year.  The town has had no property tax increase two years in a row.  The School's new revenue came from Waterford (over $2.5M) and the State.



Anonymous wrote:

Boy, you have a strange view of reality.  The School had no property tax increase this year.  The town has had no property tax increase two years in a row.  The School's new revenue came from Waterford (over $2.5M) and the State.

I'm not sure where you pay taxes (maybe in Camden County), but my tax bill went up.  So did everyone else's that I know in town.

Not a property owner I guess?



Tax bills go out in July.  This year there will be no increase at both the town and the school. 

Last year there was no increase at the town.  The School had wanted a 22.9 cent increase.  That would have represented a $229 increase for each $100K your property is assessed.  The town reduced this to 7.1 cents and also setup the student cost analysis that was need for the zero increase at the school this year.



How much is Robin Ripa asking the taxpayers to pay her?

Common sense says that the Town's attorney is going to have to put the Chief on the stand and ask if Robin came to him regarding this issue of a "hostile working environment." Is the Chief going to testify that "yes, she came but I did nothing even though I was obligated to do so"? Or is the Chief going to testify she never came to him?



Anonymous wrote:

How much is Robin Ripa asking the taxpayers to pay her?

Common sense says that the Town's attorney is going to have to put the Chief on the stand and ask if Robin came to him regarding this issue of a "hostile working environment." Is the Chief going to testify that "yes, she came but I did nothing even though I was obligated to do so"? Or is the Chief going to testify she never came to him?

Common sense says that the drawing made depicting Robin as a devil is just one of the many signs of proof of a hostile environment.  HF can't stop everyone from speaking the truth.  I guess it's common practice to make fun and intimidate town employees.  This should not be tolerated.  Too many are afraid to speak up.  Why are shaming Robin for speaking up for her rights to a professional and respectable work environment? 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Boy, you have a strange view of reality.  The School had no property tax increase this year.  The town has had no property tax increase two years in a row.  The School's new revenue came from Waterford (over $2.5M) and the State.

I'm not sure where you pay taxes (maybe in Camden County), but my tax bill went up.  So did everyone else's that I know in town.

Not a property owner I guess?

My tax bill went up too.  Maybe only certain people didn't get increases.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Tax bills go out in July.  This year there will be no increase at both the town and the school. 

Last year there was no increase at the town.  The School had wanted a 22.9 cent increase.  That would have represented a $229 increase for each $100K your property is assessed.  The town reduced this to 7.1 cents and also setup the student cost analysis that was need for the zero increase at the school this year.

It is a shame that the school couldn't be fixed before.  I guess that the people running things back then didn't know what they were doing.  I sure hope things to go back to the way they were in the past now that Barbara Berenato is on the school board.  She is the one that brought in Plymouth Place.  The slum causes a lot of crime around town.  I hear that some of those people even injured police.  I guess the Democrats don't care about public safety or keep our taxes down.

It seems now we have people trying to help our town move forward, keep taxes down, and fix the school. In the past the goal really was to get a lot of patronage jobs. I am concerned with what appears to be a Democratic vendetta against our police force. Why are they against the Chief's recommendations? Also, I think it is wrong for someone to be a Town employee, run for Town office, and sue the Town all at the same time. If Robin Ripa had a problem with working in the Police Department, why didn't she talk to the Chief?


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Anonymous wrote:

It seems now we have people trying to help our town move forward, keep taxes down, and fix the school. In the past the goal really was to get a lot of patronage jobs. I am concerned with what appears to be a Democratic vendetta against our police force. Why are they against the Chief's recommendations? Also, I think it is wrong for someone to be a Town employee, run for Town office, and sue the Town all at the same time. If Robin Ripa had a problem with working in the Police Department, why didn't she talk to the Chief?

Yes, there are a lot of people working together trying to help our town move forward. That is one of the great things about our town.
But as for your idiotic statement concerning a vendetta against the Police Department, you obviously don't pay attention to what is going on around you. The Democrats have been nothing but supportive of the Police Dept and public safety in Hammonton. Our representatives have stood up at council meetings and discussed safety concerns and other issues. We stood up in support of the Chief. We stood up in favor of the Depts budget and increasing the number of officer's in our growing town. We still hold the opinion that because of the Hammonton First lawsuit against the police Dept, the Mayor and Councilman Colasurdo should step down from the Law & Order committee. And we stand up in favor of the Chief's and Captain's recomendations to the updates of the rules & regulations of the Dept. We are not in favor of the clause added by the Hammonton First party requiring the Mayor & Deputy Mayor to be the assigned council members to that committee.

As for a town employee running for office. The Hammonton Gazette reported that she had every right to do so, and when elected she is willing to take any steps neccessary so that she can proudly serve the people of Hammonton. As for the suit, that is not a political issue and should not be mixe in the campaign, however, as an employee are you suggesting that Ms. Ripa should turn her head and allow laws to be broken by officials of our Town just to make it better for her political career. You keep trying to say it is a vendetta against the police dept., however, there is only one person working for the dept. even mentioned as a defendent. He is less than 2% of the force, does that make him the whole police dept.? Apparently, you are not smarter than a fifth grader, because that is simple elementary school math. Jeff Foxworthy won't be calling you. Robin was alledgedly the victim of illegal activites and now the defendants will have their day in court. If they are found guilty, then they are the ones who bear the blame of damaging our town. In America our judicial system says you are innocent until proven guilty. This case is not being tryed in the Court of Hammonton Opinion. It is not for you to decide this case. All should wait for the case to be tried before a jury and then we can all have our opinions.



These are questions I think voters have a right to ask fo a Town Council Candidate:

1. Is Robin Ripa going to resign her position with the Town if elected?
............................. YES OR NO, only one word is required to answer.

2. If elected to Town Council, would she accept a job with the Town\'s School?
...............................YES OR NO, only one word is required to answer.

The voters have a right to know.


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When elected she is willing to take any steps neccessary so that she can proudly serve the people of Hammonton.



Why won't you answer the question? Do the Democrats all want patronage jobs?

1. Will Robin Ripa resign her position with the Police Department if elected?

2. Will Robin Ripa apply or accept a position at the School if elected?


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I am answering the question.

When elected she is willing to take any steps neccessary so that she can proudly serve the people of Hammonton.



Anonymous wrote:

Why won't you answer the question? Do the Democrats all want patronage jobs?

1. Will Robin Ripa resign her position with the Police Department if elected?

2. Will Robin Ripa apply or accept a position at the School if elected?

Will you resign from your vendetta against Robin whether or not she's elected? You're not asking a question,you are spewing hate and not listening to the answer given to you. 



Anonymous wrote:

These are questions I think voters have a right to ask fo a Town Council Candidate:

1. Is Robin Ripa going to resign her position with the Town if elected?
............................. YES OR NO, only one word is required to answer.

2. If elected to Town Council, would she accept a job with the Town\'s School?
...............................YES OR NO, only one word is required to answer.

The voters have a right to know.

Oh, that's Great! comments from someone who dislikes all Town and School employees.  Your comments are disrespectful saying that all town and school employees hold patronage jobs.  Morale has been low continuously the last 2 years at town hall.  No one is being fooled by the likes of you.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Reading the Hammonton News, it sure does show that many positive things are going on.  Last week there was almost a million dollars in grants for the airport.  This week, there is another grant for the town.  The News summed it up in the editorial below:

MainStreet is seeing green. A $50,000 Smart Future Grant was awarded to our MainStreet organization from the state recently.

That's great news for our downtown -- and our entire town. With the grant, a design team will work with residents, business owners and property owners to establish a set of standards when developing our town. We hope residents and business owners take full advantage of this opportunity.

MainStreet director Dr. John Woods believes the initiative will have a positive impact on our entire community, particularly our downtown businesses and residences. We agree and applaud the MainStreet organization for working hard to secure this funding.

We believe good-looking and well-maintained businesses and homes will help attract more consumers to support our economy. And that's a good thing for all of us.

Great things are certainly happening downtown -- with new sidewalk construction wrapping up and new businesses setting up shop along Bellevue Avenue.

But let us not forget that the White Horse Pike corridor is also seeing its fair share of growth. Starbucks announced it would open in late summer and Lowe's officials are scheduled to make a presentation for a store to our local Planning Board. Should both of these companies move forward with businesses here, our local economy and job market will certainly receive a boost.

Indeed, it is great news to see so many positive things happening for our local economy. We hope these wonderful developments continue throughout the year.

With growth like the Hammonton News pointed out all over town, Hammonton is becoming more and more desirable for business investment every day.  New ratables will help keep our taxes down.  The School already has a lot more money froim Waterford and the State without any extra taxes.  The Town has had no tax increase also.

I looks like a lot of new businesses want to move into town. Lowe's is coming. Starbucks is coming. The Mazzas are expanding. Lots of new ratables!



Anonymous wrote:
I looks like a lot of new businesses want to move into town. Lowe's is coming. Starbucks is coming. The Mazzas are expanding. Lots of new ratables!

You mean it looks like a lo tof new businesses want to move onto Route 30.  Can't say the same for downtown.



Now that articles from the Atlantic City Press have shown without question that Robin Ripa cannot legally hold a job at the Police Department and also be a Town Councilperson, do the Democrats have any comment?

On this website the Dems made idiotic statements like "the aw only applies in some circumstances." Is this the kind of incompetence we can expect if the Democrats are elected?

Let's face it. When Democrats had a lot of seats on the School Board they screwed that up also.



Boy, the Dems really have you worried don't they? You are reaching for straws now in your bashing.



Anonymous wrote:

Now that articles from the Atlantic City Press have shown without question that Robin Ripa cannot legally hold a job at the Police Department and also be a Town Councilperson, do the Democrats have any comment?

On this website the Dems made idiotic statements like "the aw only applies in some circumstances." Is this the kind of incompetence we can expect if the Democrats are elected?

Let's face it. When Democrats had a lot of seats on the School Board they screwed that up also.

The AC Press article about the member of the police force who ran for town council and is also suing their town is at http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/local/capemay/story/7487283p-7382497c.html.



I went and picked up my gypsy moth trap today from the Democrats and had to wait in a line. There were a lot of people there. What a great things these people did for the Town of Hammonton. I also got a chance to talk to the candidates and these three have a real plan for Hammonton. They got my vote.



Anonymous wrote:

I think it's great that finally someone is addressing this issue.  This is an epidemic that is affecting many towns in New Jersey.  I'm glad to see the Democrats  have the pulse of what the people of Hammonton are thinking.
Good idea.  Kudos.    It's ashame that there are people who are attacking this great idea.  Thanks for addressing the issues, may you have better luck this election.  We need people to speak up for ALL of HAMMONTON.

I guess HF doesn't care about the gypsy moth epidemic.  They already cut down all the trees of Downtown "Mainstreet",  in front of their investment properties.  They live on the Hammonton Lake and hire private outfits to spray chemicals to kill their mothes.  Selfishly,  they do this with no concern how they continue to poison our lake. The Democrats without one seat on council have come up with an enviromentally safe solution to this crisis.  DON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN! VOTE DEMOCRARIC!!!


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We had a great turnout for today's gypsy moth trap giveaway. The Hammonton Dem ocrats were very glad that we could provide some support to the citizens of Hammonton. Thank you for all your great words of support today. We did distribute most of the traps today, but we do have some left. If you would like one, Click here, fill out the form, and we will see that you get one while our supply lasts.



Maybe I live in a different town but I believe Mazza's are relocating not expanding. I'll believe Lowe's when they actually start putting up the building, as for Starbucks who cares but the HF Yuppies,when are you going to get some real ratables?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Now that articles from the Atlantic City Press have shown without question that Robin Ripa cannot legally hold a job at the Police Department and also be a Town Councilperson, do the Democrats have any comment?

On this website the Dems made idiotic statements like "the aw only applies in some circumstances." Is this the kind of incompetence we can expect if the Democrats are elected?

Let's face it. When Democrats had a lot of seats on the School Board they screwed that up also.

The AC Press article about the member of the police force who ran for town council and is also suing their town is at http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/local/capemay/story/7487283p-7382497c.html.

I heard that Falcone seemed 100 percent behind Ripa. According to the other Dems he TOTALLY supports her candidacy for council.



Anonymous wrote:

I went and picked up my gypsy moth trap today from the Democrats and had to wait in a line. There were a lot of people there. What a great things these people did for the Town of Hammonton. I also got a chance to talk to the candidates and these three have a real plan for Hammonton. They got my vote.

These traps are unbelievable.  The entire container was filled to the top, with dead mothes this morning.  The Democrats came up with a safe way to deal with this problem.  My wife and I will not forget this come November 6th.  Thanks guys and keep up the good work!!!



Thanks for the traps.  That was a really good idea.  This is the kind of thing poeple in Government should be doing.  It is obvious that the Democrats have been focussing their attention on helping the people of Hammonton, while HF continues it's reign of terror and personal attacks.


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You're welcome. We thought it would be much better for the people of Hammonton if we spent some of our campaign money on something like this that would help the people of Hammonton rather than spend it on giveaways like pens, pencils baloons, etc. Remember, if you need a trap for your property just Click here and fill out the form, we'll get one to you, while supplies last.



Anonymous wrote:

Maybe I live in a different town but I believe Mazza's are relocating not expanding. I'll believe Lowe's when they actually start putting up the building, as for Starbucks who cares but the HF Yuppies,when are you going to get some real ratables?

I think it's a shame that Hammonton is losing this business.  They are not only not having faith in staying downtown but they felt it was more financially sound to get out of town. 




Admin wrote:

You're welcome. We thought it would be much better for the people of Hammonton if we spent some of our campaign money on something like this that would help the people of Hammonton rather than spend it on giveaways like pens, pencils baloons, etc. Remember, if you need a trap for your property just Click here and fill out the form, we'll get one to you, while supplies last.

I'm sick and tired of junk left on my door step.  If we can only do away with those stupid balloons and using kids to carry them as free advertising at town events.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Now that articles from the Atlantic City Press have shown without question that Robin Ripa cannot legally hold a job at the Police Department and also be a Town Councilperson, do the Democrats have any comment?

On this website the Dems made idiotic statements like "the aw only applies in some circumstances." Is this the kind of incompetence we can expect if the Democrats are elected?

Let's face it. When Democrats had a lot of seats on the School Board they screwed that up also.

The AC Press article about the member of the police force who ran for town council and is also suing their town is at http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/local/capemay/story/7487283p-7382497c.html.

I heard that Falcone seemed 100 percent behind Ripa. According to the other Dems he TOTALLY supports her candidacy for council.

I think that Admin has made it totally clear that Falcone is completely behind Robin Ripa's actions and her candidacy. Anthony Falcone also has a right to take money from the town. He doesn't need the insurance since the State already gives it to him. Jerry Vitalo took the insurance which costs the taxpayers about $18,000. Anthony can pick up another $6K or so from the taxpayers since he doesn't need the insurance.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Now that articles from the Atlantic City Press have shown without question that Robin Ripa cannot legally hold a job at the Police Department and also be a Town Councilperson, do the Democrats have any comment?

On this website the Dems made idiotic statements like "the aw only applies in some circumstances." Is this the kind of incompetence we can expect if the Democrats are elected?

Let's face it. When Democrats had a lot of seats on the School Board they screwed that up also.

The AC Press article about the member of the police force who ran for town council and is also suing their town is at http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/local/capemay/story/7487283p-7382497c.html.


I heard that Falcone seemed 100 percent behind Ripa. According to the other Dems he TOTALLY supports her candidacy for council.


I think that Admin has made it totally clear that Falcone is completely behind Robin Ripa's actions and her candidacy. Anthony Falcone also has a right to take money from the town. He doesn't need the insurance since the State already gives it to him. Jerry Vitalo took the insurance which costs the taxpayers about $18,000. Anthony can pick up another $6K or so from the taxpayers since he doesn't need the insurance.


Man, you're really twisted talking about money yet you'd probably be the last to say the obvious wrongs of HF.  Many are still asking what about the Recreation Center that was promised under the $5.9 Million Town Hall project?  Is the Town Hall going to be all brick or just have a brick facade?  Have the designs changed again?  I hope the town hall does it get built and built right and I look forward to a Recreation Center as well.  I just hope people keep HF to their campaign promise of a Town Hall and Recreation center for $5.9M.  To me it seems they want to promote 5.9 at Central and Vine and hope we forget about the Recreation Center.



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Admin wrote:

We had a great turnout for Saturday's gypsy moth trap giveaway. The Hammonton Democrats were very glad that we could provide some support to the citizens of Hammonton. Thank you for all your great words of support today. We did distribute most of the traps today, but we do have some left. If you would like one, Click here, fill out the form, and we will see that you get one while our supply lasts.

We thought it would be much better for the people of Hammonton if we spent some of our campaign money on something like this that would help the people of Hammonton rather than spend it on giveaways like pens, pencils baloons, etc. Remember, if you need a trap for your property just Click here and fill out the form, we'll get one to you, while supplies last.


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Here is some additional information on gypsy moth traps. Despite what Mayor DiDonato claims, the traps are effective now! Please take note of the highlighted section in this information.

The Gypsy Moth Trap is an effective weapon against the adult gypsy moth during the summer mating season. When used over several seasons, the trap is an effective tool for reducing the overall moth and caterpillar populations.

Gypsy Moths are one of the most destructive pests of our urban forests, stripping trees such as oak, crab apple, poplars and hundreds of other trees and shrubs. The Gypsy Moth Trap is designed to help the public avoid applying pesticides indiscriminately to control Gypsy Moths. It is simple, easy to use and utilizes powerful pheromone lures to attract Gypsy Moths and detect outbreaks, so you can use less pesticides. The Trap itself includes one packet of Gypsy Moth Lure.

The trap works by disrupting the gypsy moth's reproductive cycle by attracting and trapping the adult moth before mating can occur. Each mated female can produce as many as 1,000 caterpillars the following spring - caterpillars that can strip your shade trees and ornamentals bare making them more vulnerable to secondary assault by other insects and diseases which can kill them.

How the Trap Works:

The Gypsy Moth Trap contains a special attractant which releases a highly purified form of the adult gypsy moth sex lure. Since the female gypsy moth does not fly, she instead releases minute amounts of the sex lure (pheromone) to attract the flying male moth for the purpose of mating. The Gypsy Moth Trap pulls male gypsy moths in from a ¼-acre area to the trap which traps the male moths before they reach the waiting female.

Gypsy Moth Traps should be first hung in early spring. The trap is effective as long as the moths are active and from late April through to late September.

When placing the trap, choose a tree and a location on the tree where air currents can circulate the smell of the attractant freely. The Gypsy Moth Trap should be hung from a tree or placed on a stand approximately 4 to 5 feet from the ground. The south side of the tree is the best location.

For best results, the Gypsy Moth Trap should be used as part of an Integrated Pest Management program which also includes biological control treatments and traps (bug bands) against caterpillars.

Remember, if you need a trap for your property just Click here and fill out the form, we'll get one to you, while supplies last.



The Mayor quoted the people at the State's Department of Agriculture.  If the story the Democrats are putting out has merit, can you quote an authority on the subject?  Would be nice if it isn't the guys who got them to waste their money.

Catching male moths doesn't matter.  They are destructive when they are still catapillars eating.  Females don't fly and don't go into the traps.  To stop next year's problem, you have to destroy the eggs.


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Posts: 1241

What was said is that the traps have no effect at all and that is simply not true. The Democrats  have never said this is the end all solution to the problem, it's not. Much more needs to be done to end this problem for Hammonton. But these traps do aid in disrupting the life cycle of the moths and do help to reduce the population we would have seen next year if no traps at all were used. As stated in our information, "For best results, the Gypsy Moth Trap should be used as part of an Integrated Pest Management program which also includes biological control treatments and traps (bug bands) against caterpillars." As a Town we need to iplement this type of IPM for next year, but we Democrats did respond and provide one of the pieces of the whole picture and it will have an effect.



Anonymous wrote:

Since the Wildwood case is showing that it is not allowed to be both a town employee and town councilperson, are you saying that Robin is quitting her Town job? Or are you saying if she wins she'll let Rich Jacobus have her seat on council?

Rich Jacobus has really spoken out over the past couple of years. That is what the Democrats promote.


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Posts: 1241

Getting pretty desperate already. Have to make ridiculous statements in order to do your bashing.



Anonymous wrote:

The Mayor quoted the people at the State's Department of Agriculture. If the story the Democrats are putting out has merit, can you quote an authority on the subject? Would be nice if it isn't the guys who got them to waste their money.

Catching male moths doesn't matter. They are destructive when they are still catapillars eating. Females don't fly and don't go into the traps. To stop next year's problem, you have to destroy the eggs.

To stop next year's problem. YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING NOW, at least the Dems are doing something.  The Traps ATTRACT MALES.  THAT"S WIDELY KNOWN FOR ALL INSECT TRAPS.




Anonymous wrote:

The Mayor quoted the people at the State's Department of Agriculture.  If the story the Democrats are putting out has merit, can you quote an authority on the subject?  Would be nice if it isn't the guys who got them to waste their money.

Catching male moths doesn't matter.  They are destructive when they are still catapillars eating.  Females don't fly and don't go into the traps.  To stop next year's problem, you have to destroy the eggs.

The Democrats have no expert. They don't have a clue what to do.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

We know you have been getting conflicting information concerning the Gypsy Moth crisis here in Hammonton. Even the Mayor made some inaccurate claims during the last Town Council meeting. The research we have done show that the Gypsy Moth Traps ARE effective, even at this time of year.


The Gypsy Moth Trap is an effective weapon against the adult gypsy moth during the summer mating season. When used over several seasons, the trap is an effective tool for reducing the overall moth and caterpillar populations.

Gypsy Moths are one of the most destructive pests of our urban forests, stripping trees such as oak, crab apple, poplars and hundreds of other trees and shrubs. The Gypsy Moth Trap is designed to help the public avoid applying pesticides indiscriminately to control Gypsy Moths. It is simple, easy to use and utilizes powerful pheromone lures to attract Gypsy Moths and detect outbreaks, so you can use less pesticides.

The trap works by disrupting the gypsy moth's reproductive cycle by attracting and trapping the adult moth before mating can occur. Each mated female can produce as many as 1,000 caterpillars the following spring - caterpillars that can strip your shade trees and ornamentals bare making them more vulnerable to secondary assault by other insects and diseases which can kill them.

The Gypsy Moth Trap contains a special attractant which releases a highly purified form of the adult gypsy moth sex lure. Since the female gypsy moth does not fly, she instead releases minute amounts of the sex lure (pheromone) to attract the flying male moth for the purpose of mating. The Gypsy Moth Trap pulls male gypsy moths in from a 3/4-acre area to the trap which traps the male moths before they reach the waiting female.

Gypsy Moth Traps should be first hung in early spring. The trap is effective as long as the moths are active and from late April through to late September.

When placing the trap, choose a tree and a location on the tree where air currents can circulate the smell of the attractant freely. The Gypsy Moth Trap should be hung from a tree or placed on a stand approximately 4 to 5 feet from the ground. The south side of the tree is the best location.

For best results, the Gypsy Moth Trap should be used as part of an Integrated Pest Management program which also includes biological control treatments and traps (bug bands) against caterpillars.

Anyone still needing a trap can visit www.hammontondems.com and fill out the Gypsy Moth Trap Request form. We will see that one is delivered to you, while supplies last.

We hope this puts the issue to rest and we ask that our opponents stop making this subject into a political juggernaut, and instead embrace this solution as a positive for all the residents of Hammonton. We must remember there is still more to be done and when we are elected to serve you on Town Council we will insure that the proper steps are taken next year to further curb the Gypsy Moth population in Hammonton.


Thank You,

Michael Ammirato

Candidate for Hammonton Town Council




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
They lost to an overweight brickmason, a little known train conductor, and Jimmy Bertino

It's nice to see the Democrats being so complimentary of the Republicans.

Everyone knows that Vitalo has screwed up everything he's touched so far, Marino is not much better and Jimmy Bertino has done absolutely nothing. The Republicans are a complete waste. We won't get fooled again!



Thank you Dems for my gypsy moth trap.  I thought it was a nice gesture and good idea. 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
They lost to an overweight brickmason, a little known train conductor, and Jimmy Bertino

It's nice to see the Democrats being so complimentary of the Republicans.

Everyone knows that Vitalo has screwed up everything he's touched so far, Marino is not much better and Jimmy Bertino has done absolutely nothing. The Republicans are a complete waste. We won't get fooled again!

Mike Pajic will do absolutely nothing on council.  Could you imagine watching Pajic and Vitalo try to get something done?  Enough.  I won't get fooled again!

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