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Post Info TOPIC: Town Council Suspends Lance Schiernbeck

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Town Council Suspends Lance Schiernbeck

After a discussion in closed session, Hammonton Town Council voted to suspend the Superintendent of Highways, Lance Schiernbeck. Alledgedly Mr. Schiernbeck made some purchases for the Town without first receiving a purchase order from the Clerk's office. As this story unfolds it will be interesting to see what type of purchases were made, were they for an emergent situation, were they large purchases or insignificant items? Has Lance ever received a warning for this type of infraction or did they go straight to suspension?
Second question, how can this council suspend someone for not getting a purchase order after all of the things they have tried to get away with? They have put the public in jeopardy with the asbestos at the Old Town Hall. Cost the Town over $40,000 in a personal vendetta against the Chief, I'll bet they didn't get a Purchase Order for that. Almost brought the KKK to Town. Gave the downtown merchants free sewer hookups. Gave contracts to friends and relatives. And the list goes on.
Who should really be suspended?



Anthony Marino is in charge of the Highway Department.  He would be overseeing that group.  Was the Hwy Superitendent purchasing personal items for himself?


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Posts: 1241

Are you alledging that the purchases he made were for himself and not for the highway dept?



Admin wrote:

Are you alledging that the purchases he made were for himself and not for the highway dept?

You are the one posting and clearly drawing conclusions.  What were the purchases for?  Or are you speaking based on complete ignorance of the facts?



Admin wrote:
Second question, how can this council suspend someone for not getting a purchase order after all of the things they have tried to get away with? They have put the public in jeopardy with the asbestos at the Old Town Hall. Cost the Town over $40,000 in a personal vendetta against the Chief, I'll bet they didn't get a Purchase Order for that. Almost brought the KKK to Town. Gave the downtown merchants free sewer hookups. Gave contracts to friends and relatives. And the list goes on.
Who should really be suspended?

Your question is not fair.  First off, you refer to "this council" as the council responsible for asbestos in Town hall, the chief's trial, and the KKK.  That was the 2006 Council, not the 2007 council.  While there are still three councilmembers left from '06, and one mayor, there are three new members.

Furthermore, you don't excuse one man's actions becuase of a previous Council's discretion on other actions.  Based on your argument, a town employee could steal toilet paper all year, and be excused becuase the mayor and rocky dragged the Chief through a kangaroo court.

You really should go back and change your original post.



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:
Second question, how can this council suspend someone for not getting a purchase order after all of the things they have tried to get away with? They have put the public in jeopardy with the asbestos at the Old Town Hall. Cost the Town over $40,000 in a personal vendetta against the Chief, I'll bet they didn't get a Purchase Order for that. Almost brought the KKK to Town. Gave the downtown merchants free sewer hookups. Gave contracts to friends and relatives. And the list goes on.
Who should really be suspended?

Your question is not fair.  First off, you refer to "this council" as the council responsible for asbestos in Town hall, the chief's trial, and the KKK.  That was the 2006 Council, not the 2007 council.  While there are still three councilmembers left from '06, and one mayor, there are three new members.

Furthermore, you don't excuse one man's actions becuase of a previous Council's discretion on other actions.  Based on your argument, a town employee could steal toilet paper all year, and be excused becuase the mayor and rocky dragged the Chief through a kangaroo court.

You really should go back and change your original post.

You are messing up the bashing.  The point of this bash is to ignore the fact that the Republicans control council with a 4-3 majority.  There must have been Republicans who voted for this or it would have lost.



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:
Second question, how can this council suspend someone for not getting a purchase order after all of the things they have tried to get away with? They have put the public in jeopardy with the asbestos at the Old Town Hall. Cost the Town over $40,000 in a personal vendetta against the Chief, I'll bet they didn't get a Purchase Order for that. Almost brought the KKK to Town. Gave the downtown merchants free sewer hookups. Gave contracts to friends and relatives. And the list goes on.
Who should really be suspended?

Your question is not fair.  First off, you refer to "this council" as the council responsible for asbestos in Town hall, the chief's trial, and the KKK.  That was the 2006 Council, not the 2007 council.  While there are still three councilmembers left from '06, and one mayor, there are three new members.

Furthermore, you don't excuse one man's actions becuase of a previous Council's discretion on other actions.  Based on your argument, a town employee could steal toilet paper all year, and be excused becuase the mayor and rocky dragged the Chief through a kangaroo court.

You really should go back and change your original post.

Well consider this, 100 employees would need to steal $400.00 worth of toilet paper each to amount to the total $40,000.00 wasted by the Hammonton First personal vendetta against the Chief of Police.

Or that money, $400 each for each of the same 100 employees, could have been used by Mayor and Council to give each employee a fair raise going back to the last contract ending in Dec. of 2005 instead of crying poor all of the time.



Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:

Are you alledging that the purchases he made were for himself and not for the highway dept?

You are the one posting and clearly drawing conclusions. What were the purchases for? Or are you speaking based on complete ignorance of the facts?


 What facts are you asking about? Do you know something we don't?  Obviously council has drawn some conclusions that would require suspension?  People are just asking why?  Can't people ask why?



Admin wrote:

After a discussion in closed session, Hammonton Town Council voted to suspend the Superintendent of Highways, Lance Schiernbeck. Alledgedly Mr. Schiernbeck made some purchases for the Town without first receiving a purchase order from the Clerk's office. As this story unfolds it will be interesting to see what type of purchases were made, were they for an emergent situation, were they large purchases or insignificant items? Has Lance ever received a warning for this type of infraction or did they go straight to suspension?
Second question, how can this council suspend someone for not getting a purchase order after all of the things they have tried to get away with? They have put the public in jeopardy with the asbestos at the Old Town Hall. Cost the Town over $40,000 in a personal vendetta against the Chief, I'll bet they didn't get a Purchase Order for that. Almost brought the KKK to Town. Gave the downtown merchants free sewer hookups. Gave contracts to friends and relatives. And the list goes on.
Who should really be suspended?

Clearly sounds like you have drawn conclusions.  Do you have facts as to what was purchased or are you just blathering incompentently with no facts?  This seems like the insanity of when people were saying the school was "on budget" at the same time leases were being taken out like crazy and the middle school was sold to get cash quickly.  The taxes went thru the roof so we all found out the facts were it was a disaster.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:
Second question, how can this council suspend someone for not getting a purchase order after all of the things they have tried to get away with? They have put the public in jeopardy with the asbestos at the Old Town Hall. Cost the Town over $40,000 in a personal vendetta against the Chief, I'll bet they didn't get a Purchase Order for that. Almost brought the KKK to Town. Gave the downtown merchants free sewer hookups. Gave contracts to friends and relatives. And the list goes on.
Who should really be suspended?

Your question is not fair.  First off, you refer to "this council" as the council responsible for asbestos in Town hall, the chief's trial, and the KKK.  That was the 2006 Council, not the 2007 council.  While there are still three councilmembers left from '06, and one mayor, there are three new members.

Furthermore, you don't excuse one man's actions becuase of a previous Council's discretion on other actions.  Based on your argument, a town employee could steal toilet paper all year, and be excused becuase the mayor and rocky dragged the Chief through a kangaroo court.

You really should go back and change your original post.

You are messing up the bashing.  The point of this bash is to ignore the fact that the Republicans control council with a 4-3 majority.  There must have been Republicans who voted for this or it would have lost.

I don't think anybody cares about facts as long as they can bash!


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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Are you alledging that the purchases he made were for himself and not for the highway dept?

You are the one posting and clearly drawing conclusions.  What were the purchases for?  Or are you speaking based on complete ignorance of the facts?

I did not draw ANY conclusions, I raised a lot of questions. We need to get more facts to understand what has happened. That is why those questions are asked and we should start seeing some anwers in the near future.

You raised the question about whether the purchases were for personal use. Under your line of thinking that would mean you have drawn a conclusion while being completely ignorant of the facts. People in glass houses....



How about that almighty Councilman Ed W. , does anyone remember last year when he berated the Fire Chief during a Town Council meeting because only one vendor bid on the Fire Dept specialized safety equipment. The Town's cost was only about $6,000.00 on that purchase since it was funded primarily by a granted that the Fire Dept applied for and received. Well I guess if you are the almighty ED W. and now you want to buy a simple new $39,000.00 pickup truck for the Water Dept. one bid is all that you need.

Not a word was said about the it during the recent Town Council when the purchase contract was awarded with a single bid from a local car dealer. You mean to tell the public that the Town of Hammonton could only manage to get one dealer to bid on a pickup truck!!! You want to ask yourself what was so special about the local car dealer that they alone submitted the only bid for this $39,000.00 Water Dept. pickup truck.

Remember rules only apply to common people not the powerful and almighty Hammonton First Mayor and Council. Thanks again HF



Since the Republicans have a 4-3 majority, anything like this would have to have some Republican votes to pass. Maybe the bashers need to be careful as they might be bashing their own on this one.


RE: Town Council Suspends Lance Schiernbeck

Anonymous wrote:


How about that almighty Councilman Ed W. , does anyone remember last year when he berated the Fire Chief during a Town Council meeting because only one vendor bid on the Fire Dept specialized safety equipment. The Town's cost was only about $6,000.00 on that purchase since it was funded primarily by a granted that the Fire Dept applied for and received. Well I guess if you are the almighty ED W. and now you want to buy a simple new $39,000.00 pickup truck for the Water Dept. one bid is all that you need.

Not a word was said about the it during the recent Town Council when the purchase contract was awarded with a single bid from a local car dealer. You mean to tell the public that the Town of Hammonton could only manage to get one dealer to bid on a pickup truck!!! You want to ask yourself what was so special about the local car dealer that they alone submitted the only bid for this $39,000.00 Water Dept. pickup truck.

Remember rules only apply to common people not the powerful and almighty Hammonton First Mayor and Council. Thanks again HF


Well... when your wife is the deputy clerk your department gets whatever it wants. There are 4 people who work at the water department but they have like 6 trucks. Must be nice to have a "hook" in the clerk's office.



Anonymous wrote:

How about that almighty Councilman Ed W. , does anyone remember last year when he berated the Fire Chief during a Town Council meeting because only one vendor bid on the Fire Dept specialized safety equipment. The Town's cost was only about $6,000.00 on that purchase since it was funded primarily by a granted that the Fire Dept applied for and received. Well I guess if you are the almighty ED W. and now you want to buy a simple new $39,000.00 pickup truck for the Water Dept. one bid is all that you need.

Not a word was said about the it during the recent Town Council when the purchase contract was awarded with a single bid from a local car dealer. You mean to tell the public that the Town of Hammonton could only manage to get one dealer to bid on a pickup truck!!! You want to ask yourself what was so special about the local car dealer that they alone submitted the only bid for this $39,000.00 Water Dept. pickup truck.

Remember rules only apply to common people not the powerful and almighty Hammonton First Mayor and Council. Thanks again HF

Will someone please tell the "corn farmer" that not all of us live in "his world". By the way, what color is the sky in his world? We have 1 set of rules/laws we are to live by & govern by. Why is the farmer only getting 1 bid for the purchase of a vehicle? COULD IT BE THAT THE SPECS WERE WRITTEN TO FIT ONLY 1 TYPE/MAKE OF VEHICLE? ISN'T THAT ILLEGAL? OR DID I MISS SOMETHING? Maybe Frank Olivo, the morally & ethically challenged lawyer can help the farmer.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

How about that almighty Councilman Ed W. , does anyone remember last year when he berated the Fire Chief during a Town Council meeting because only one vendor bid on the Fire Dept specialized safety equipment. The Town's cost was only about $6,000.00 on that purchase since it was funded primarily by a granted that the Fire Dept applied for and received. Well I guess if you are the almighty ED W. and now you want to buy a simple new $39,000.00 pickup truck for the Water Dept. one bid is all that you need.

Not a word was said about the it during the recent Town Council when the purchase contract was awarded with a single bid from a local car dealer. You mean to tell the public that the Town of Hammonton could only manage to get one dealer to bid on a pickup truck!!! You want to ask yourself what was so special about the local car dealer that they alone submitted the only bid for this $39,000.00 Water Dept. pickup truck.

Remember rules only apply to common people not the powerful and almighty Hammonton First Mayor and Council. Thanks again HF

Will someone please tell the "corn farmer" that not all of us live in "his world". By the way, what color is the sky in his world? We have 1 set of rules/laws we are to live by & govern by. Why is the farmer only getting 1 bid for the purchase of a vehicle? COULD IT BE THAT THE SPECS WERE WRITTEN TO FIT ONLY 1 TYPE/MAKE OF VEHICLE? ISN'T THAT ILLEGAL? OR DID I MISS SOMETHING? Maybe Frank Olivo, the morally & ethically challenged lawyer can help the farmer.


 Ohhhhhh.... so someone wrote the specs so only a Hammonton First Relative could get the bid.... ohhhh now i understand. Will this truck be parked on Broadway all the time too ?? Or in EHT doing consulting work ?





the water dept. should be combined with sewer.  water dept. should be looked into not lance. 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

How about that almighty Councilman Ed W. , does anyone remember last year when he berated the Fire Chief during a Town Council meeting because only one vendor bid on the Fire Dept specialized safety equipment. The Town's cost was only about $6,000.00 on that purchase since it was funded primarily by a granted that the Fire Dept applied for and received. Well I guess if you are the almighty ED W. and now you want to buy a simple new $39,000.00 pickup truck for the Water Dept. one bid is all that you need.

Not a word was said about the it during the recent Town Council when the purchase contract was awarded with a single bid from a local car dealer. You mean to tell the public that the Town of Hammonton could only manage to get one dealer to bid on a pickup truck!!! You want to ask yourself what was so special about the local car dealer that they alone submitted the only bid for this $39,000.00 Water Dept. pickup truck.

Remember rules only apply to common people not the powerful and almighty Hammonton First Mayor and Council. Thanks again HF

Well... when your wife is the deputy clerk your department gets whatever it wants. There are 4 people who work at the water department but they have like 6 trucks. Must be nice to have a "hook" in the clerk's office.



While we're on the water department... how come they do inspections for the Fire Department ???

I see a water dept employee checking smoke detectors ? Do we have shared services or something ? Don't they need these people @ the water dept ?



Anonymous wrote:

While we're on the water department... how come they do inspections for the Fire Department ???

I see a water dept employee checking smoke detectors ? Do we have shared services or something ? Don't they need these people @ the water dept ?

Why are you bashers attacking the Water Department now?  You are like rabid dogs.  First you attack everyone in HF, then you go out of control and attack everyone else.  If shared services are being performed and cooperation is being done with the Fire Department, that might save the taxpayers money.  Are you afraid that the Water Dept has HF people so you want to bash them also?



What surprises me is this is a Viet Nam vet who has served the Town faithfully for over 32 years. He has never received any type of reprimand in his job. And yet he is the obvious target of a vendetta similar to the Chief vendetta. It has been obvious from day one that they were out to get Lance. They didn't learn their lesson with the Chief and here we go again.
Not so surprising is the lack of action by the Republicans on council. They have never stood up against the corruption and obviously never will. This was a 7-0 vote. It seems like all votes go that way. Does that mean that they have all become Hammonton Firsters or does it mean they've all become Republicans again...actually, what's the difference?



Anonymous wrote:

What surprises me is this is a Viet Nam vet who has served the Town faithfully for over 32 years. He has never received any type of reprimand in his job. And yet he is the obvious target of a vendetta similar to the Chief vendetta. It has been obvious from day one that they were out to get Lance. They didn't learn their lesson with the Chief and here we go again.
Not so surprising is the lack of action by the Republicans on council. They have never stood up against the corruption and obviously never will. This was a 7-0 vote. It seems like all votes go that way. Does that mean that they have all become Hammonton Firsters or does it mean they've all become Republicans again...actually, what's the difference?

I never saw a difference between Republicans or Hammonton First.  People are tired of Republican rule and obviously are fed up with Hammonton First as well.  We need balance in town council again.  No one on council is speaking out for the taxpayers and none of them are brave enough to admit when they've made a mistake or give credit where it is due.



Anonymous wrote:

What surprises me is this is a Viet Nam vet who has served the Town faithfully for over 32 years. He has never received any type of reprimand in his job. And yet he is the obvious target of a vendetta similar to the Chief vendetta. It has been obvious from day one that they were out to get Lance. They didn't learn their lesson with the Chief and here we go again.
Not so surprising is the lack of action by the Republicans on council. They have never stood up against the corruption and obviously never will. This was a 7-0 vote. It seems like all votes go that way. Does that mean that they have all become Hammonton Firsters or does it mean they've all become Republicans again...actually, what's the difference?

Lance is one of the most dedicated town employees Hammonton has ever seen. Again, Hammonton First (and lame ducks Rock Colasurdo & Ed Wuillerman) are intent on damaging the reputation of Mr. Sherinbeck. Remember a few months ago when Colasurdo went at Lance with the type of anger that a representative of Hammonton should not display in public; what was that all about? because Lance disagreed with the "Fab 2" (Colasurdo & Wuillerman)? Yes Virginia, Colasurdo & Wuillerman are "lame ducks". Yes I know, the truth hurts Hammonton First !!!!!!



OK wait a min. Lance is a good guy. But, if he screwed up , so be it. He has worked for the town for 32 years . but last time I checked he got paid to work for 32 years.  He will retire with paid health benifits for life and over 52k a year in pension.  So what you dems are saying is that because someone has worked for the town a long time. They can do whatever they want.  Listen up  !! you pay people very well to be the dept. heads.  They should be held accountable for there actions.  This case in no way includes the chief. that was a vendetta.  but yes all department heads should be held accountable.  highway , water recreation, tax accesser, etc. 


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Posts: 1241

Have you not been paying attention. It has been obvious from day one that there was also a vendetta against Lance. After 32 years of fine service, all of a sudden the Hammonton First council members don't like the work he does and want to throw him under the bus. Yes, we all need to know more about the situation, but given the track record of the current council versus the track record of Mr. Schiernbeck I would lean toward the defense of Mr. Schiernbeck. And why straight to a suspension, not even a warning.



If they suspended Lance . Just wait until they get to the water dept.  does the water dept have a well on broadway.  and does the water dept have a water main on pleasent mills road past royce run.  Does the water dept. run a blueberry farm. Does the water dept. run  the fire dept. Do these guys ever do town work. are they not needed.  HMMM. Without a good boss the mice surely will play. 



I disagree .  So you think he deserves to do what ever he wants.  Jim If you started buying items that you where not authirized to buy, I am sure your boss would take action.  the difference is that the town uses our money. It is called a missuse of public funds.  Just like  the school board.  Can you say cuneo.


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Posts: 1241

Don't misunderstand what I am saying. I don't believe anyone can just do what they want and I never said that. But the purchase order system they now have is a fairly new system. Lance authorized the work under the direction of a councilperson. Why is the current council just salivating and waiting for someone to make a mistake. Maybe they should spend more time preventing mistakes or when a mistake happens using that as an opportunity to re-educate the employee as to the proper procedure. Apparently the Councilperson didn't understand the proper procedure but yet that councilperson joined with the others in voting for a suspension. After 32 years of dedicated service maybe Lance deserved some direction, a reprimand, or at worst a written warning.

-- Edited by Admin at 12:23, 2007-07-25



It has been more than obvious for a long time that there has been a vendetta against Lance. They have tried to ridicule him at public meetings. Anyone who doesn't bow down to them has a target placed on their back.



Anonymous wrote:

If they suspended Lance . Just wait until they get to the water dept. does the water dept have a well on broadway. and does the water dept have a water main on pleasent mills road past royce run. Does the water dept. run a blueberry farm. Does the water dept. run the fire dept. Do these guys ever do town work. are they not needed. HMMM. Without a good boss the mice surely will play.

 Does the Waterdepartment take action on Sports games ? Are they having dog fights under the water tower at the school? Is that why the top blew off it and no one knew anything about it. Oh wait the eagles were on the day....



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

How about that almighty Councilman Ed W. , does anyone remember last year when he berated the Fire Chief during a Town Council meeting because only one vendor bid on the Fire Dept specialized safety equipment. The Town's cost was only about $6,000.00 on that purchase since it was funded primarily by a granted that the Fire Dept applied for and received. Well I guess if you are the almighty ED W. and now you want to buy a simple new $39,000.00 pickup truck for the Water Dept. one bid is all that you need.

Not a word was said about the it during the recent Town Council when the purchase contract was awarded with a single bid from a local car dealer. You mean to tell the public that the Town of Hammonton could only manage to get one dealer to bid on a pickup truck!!! You want to ask yourself what was so special about the local car dealer that they alone submitted the only bid for this $39,000.00 Water Dept. pickup truck.

Remember rules only apply to common people not the powerful and almighty Hammonton First Mayor and Council. Thanks again HF

Well... when your wife is the deputy clerk your department gets whatever it wants. There are 4 people who work at the water department but they have like 6 trucks. Must be nice to have a "hook" in the clerk's office.

There seems to be no end to what the Water Dept gets.  How about a new specialty excavator!  I guess that the nice backhoe that they already have is not good enough anymore.  And Ed's emergency contract award without bidding for an asphalt shingle roof replacement.  The roof was still sound and not leaking. he just wanted it to match the other new roof they were getting next to it.  Must be nice, spend, spend and more spending - lie, lie and more lies.



I really hope you aren't trying to create another "Support the Chief" situation here.  Don't exploit town employees and taxpayer dollars for your campaign.  That's the cheapest way out of all.

The head of the highway department was suspended for one day becuase of misuse of funds.  There was evidence, prior problems, and an admission of guilt.  Noone tried to fire him.  Noone tried to make him wear silly uniforms. Noone tried to throw him over the coals.

When you are responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayers' money every year, and you mishandle the funds or don't properly follow procedure, you need to be held accountable.  It's pretty obvious that's what happened here.

Maybe someone or some people dislike or want Lance out, but in this case trying to paint a "Chiefgate" picture is just chasing windmills.  Democrats, don't become a Don Quixote party of Hammonton.

Now move along, there's nothing to see here.



That being said, your party is doing a great job keeping the town alert of what's going on politically in hammonton.  I only disagree with this latest story and the approach you are taking with it.  Let Council do their job when its apparent the job they did was appropriate.


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Posts: 1241

There are problems with your statement:

"There was evidence, prior problems, and an admission of guilt.  Noone tried to fire him.  Noone tried to make him wear silly uniforms. Noone tried to throw him over the coals."

From what we have been able to discern there was no evidence of prior problems and no admission of guilt. As a matter of fact the blame really lies with someone else. And we also understand that there was an attempt to fire him. They are throwing him under the bus.

I guess we all need to find out the actual truth about the whole situation and then can we make final judgement.



Anonymous wrote:

I really hope you aren't trying to create another "Support the Chief" situation here.  Don't exploit town employees and taxpayer dollars for your campaign.  That's the cheapest way out of all.

The head of the highway department was suspended for one day becuase of misuse of funds.  There was evidence, prior problems, and an admission of guilt.  Noone tried to fire him.  Noone tried to make him wear silly uniforms. Noone tried to throw him over the coals.

When you are responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayers' money every year, and you mishandle the funds or don't properly follow procedure, you need to be held accountable.  It's pretty obvious that's what happened here.

Maybe someone or some people dislike or want Lance out, but in this case trying to paint a "Chiefgate" picture is just chasing windmills.  Democrats, don't become a Don Quixote party of Hammonton.

Now move along, there's nothing to see here.

Is this what happened with Lance?  Are the Democrats just trying to make a big stink for political reasons to try to get mileage?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I really hope you aren't trying to create another "Support the Chief" situation here.  Don't exploit town employees and taxpayer dollars for your campaign.  That's the cheapest way out of all.

The head of the highway department was suspended for one day becuase of misuse of funds.  There was evidence, prior problems, and an admission of guilt.  Noone tried to fire him.  Noone tried to make him wear silly uniforms. Noone tried to throw him over the coals.

When you are responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayers' money every year, and you mishandle the funds or don't properly follow procedure, you need to be held accountable.  It's pretty obvious that's what happened here.

Maybe someone or some people dislike or want Lance out, but in this case trying to paint a "Chiefgate" picture is just chasing windmills.  Democrats, don't become a Don Quixote party of Hammonton.

Now move along, there's nothing to see here.

Is this what happened with Lance?  Are the Democrats just trying to make a big stink for political reasons to try to get mileage?

Move along, let Hammonton First go on with their vendettas.  It's There Way or the "Highway"



Anonymous wrote:
Is this what happened with Lance?  Are the Democrats just trying to make a big stink for political reasons to try to get mileage?

I'm a Republican and I'll be the first to admit the Democrats have been doing a great job getting out information.  On this one occasion though, I think they are jumping the gun and assuming way too many things.

In the end, the guy got a ONE DAY SUSPENSION.  Big deal.  We should all be so lucky when we screw up.  Lance is a good man, and just ended up with a very short administrative action against him.  It doesn't hurt him, his pay, his benefits, or his pension.  And really, in the long run, it benefits the taxpayers as hopefully more departments will pay closer attention to billing and PO procedures.



In the scheme of things, it's really no big deal and everyone is making more of than needs to be made.    He gets a day off...big deal.    



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Is this what happened with Lance?  Are the Democrats just trying to make a big stink for political reasons to try to get mileage?

I'm a Republican and I'll be the first to admit the Democrats have been doing a great job getting out information.  On this one occasion though, I think they are jumping the gun and assuming way too many things.

In the end, the guy got a ONE DAY SUSPENSION.  Big deal.  We should all be so lucky when we screw up.  Lance is a good man, and just ended up with a very short administrative action against him.  It doesn't hurt him, his pay, his benefits, or his pension.  And really, in the long run, it benefits the taxpayers as hopefully more departments will pay closer attention to billing and PO procedures.

What really occured here?  Since the Republicans have a majority of the votes on Council, are they not wanting people to ask questions about this?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Is this what happened with Lance?  Are the Democrats just trying to make a big stink for political reasons to try to get mileage?

I'm a Republican and I'll be the first to admit the Democrats have been doing a great job getting out information.  On this one occasion though, I think they are jumping the gun and assuming way too many things.

In the end, the guy got a ONE DAY SUSPENSION.  Big deal.  We should all be so lucky when we screw up.  Lance is a good man, and just ended up with a very short administrative action against him.  It doesn't hurt him, his pay, his benefits, or his pension.  And really, in the long run, it benefits the taxpayers as hopefully more departments will pay closer attention to billing and PO procedures.

What really occured here?  Since the Republicans have a majority of the votes on Council, are they not wanting people to ask questions about this?

The public has a right to know what happened here.  What are the Republicans trying to hide?  What do they think they are, a bunch of Richard Nixons?


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Posts: 1241
Town Council Suspends Lance Schiernbeck

Don't pin this on just the Republicans, this one belongs to the WHOLE council.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Is this what happened with Lance? Are the Democrats just trying to make a big stink for political reasons to try to get mileage?

I'm a Republican and I'll be the first to admit the Democrats have been doing a great job getting out information. On this one occasion though, I think they are jumping the gun and assuming way too many things.

In the end, the guy got a ONE DAY SUSPENSION. Big deal. We should all be so lucky when we screw up. Lance is a good man, and just ended up with a very short administrative action against him. It doesn't hurt him, his pay, his benefits, or his pension. And really, in the long run, it benefits the taxpayers as hopefully more departments will pay closer attention to billing and PO procedures.

What really occured here? Since the Republicans have a majority of the votes on Council, are they not wanting people to ask questions about this?

The public has a right to know what happened here. What are the Republicans trying to hide? What do they think they are, a bunch of Richard Nixons?


I am not a crook !




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:
Is this what happened with Lance? Are the Democrats just trying to make a big stink for political reasons to try to get mileage?

I'm a Republican and I'll be the first to admit the Democrats have been doing a great job getting out information. On this one occasion though, I think they are jumping the gun and assuming way too many things.

In the end, the guy got a ONE DAY SUSPENSION. Big deal. We should all be so lucky when we screw up. Lance is a good man, and just ended up with a very short administrative action against him. It doesn't hurt him, his pay, his benefits, or his pension. And really, in the long run, it benefits the taxpayers as hopefully more departments will pay closer attention to billing and PO procedures.


 It's a little disturbing that you think this is a little thing because it isn't. It does affect the paycheck because it is a suspension and I am sure this council didn't tell him to stay home but we'll pay you for doing nothing. It also puts a blemish on his spotless record. It becomes a permanent part of his job record and should not be done in this manner.

It is also disturbing that you think we should choose whether to stand up based on the size of the issue. This council has already proven that if they get away with the little things, they move on to bigger and better things. We need to stand up whenever we think an injustice has been done not only for the individual it affects but also so that our government knows that they are our representatives and we will be heard.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

How about that almighty Councilman Ed W. , does anyone remember last year when he berated the Fire Chief during a Town Council meeting because only one vendor bid on the Fire Dept specialized safety equipment. The Town's cost was only about $6,000.00 on that purchase since it was funded primarily by a granted that the Fire Dept applied for and received. Well I guess if you are the almighty ED W. and now you want to buy a simple new $39,000.00 pickup truck for the Water Dept. one bid is all that you need.

Not a word was said about the it during the recent Town Council when the purchase contract was awarded with a single bid from a local car dealer. You mean to tell the public that the Town of Hammonton could only manage to get one dealer to bid on a pickup truck!!! You want to ask yourself what was so special about the local car dealer that they alone submitted the only bid for this $39,000.00 Water Dept. pickup truck.

Remember rules only apply to common people not the powerful and almighty Hammonton First Mayor and Council. Thanks again HF

Well... when your wife is the deputy clerk your department gets whatever it wants. There are 4 people who work at the water department but they have like 6 trucks. Must be nice to have a "hook" in the clerk's office.

There seems to be no end to what the Water Dept gets.  How about a new specialty excavator!  I guess that the nice backhoe that they already have is not good enough anymore.  And Ed's emergency contract award without bidding for an asphalt shingle roof replacement.  The roof was still sound and not leaking. he just wanted it to match the other new roof they were getting next to it.  Must be nice, spend, spend and more spending - lie, lie and more lies.

How much money does the Water Department have to spend on whatever Ed wants to buy?  While he tells everyone else how poor the town budget is! 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Is this what happened with Lance? Are the Democrats just trying to make a big stink for political reasons to try to get mileage?

I'm a Republican and I'll be the first to admit the Democrats have been doing a great job getting out information. On this one occasion though, I think they are jumping the gun and assuming way too many things.

In the end, the guy got a ONE DAY SUSPENSION. Big deal. We should all be so lucky when we screw up. Lance is a good man, and just ended up with a very short administrative action against him. It doesn't hurt him, his pay, his benefits, or his pension. And really, in the long run, it benefits the taxpayers as hopefully more departments will pay closer attention to billing and PO procedures.

 It's a little disturbing that you think this is a little thing because it isn't. It does affect the paycheck because it is a suspension and I am sure this council didn't tell him to stay home but we'll pay you for doing nothing. It also puts a blemish on his spotless record. It becomes a permanent part of his job record and should not be done in this manner.

It is also disturbing that you think we should choose whether to stand up based on the size of the issue. This council has already proven that if they get away with the little things, they move on to bigger and better things. We need to stand up whenever we think an injustice has been done not only for the individual it affects but also so that our government knows that they are our representatives and we will be heard.

What exactly did the Republicans do here?



The Republicans did nothing like they always do. The just folded up and said nothing and voted along with HF.
Since all 7 council persons vote the same way - does that mean they've all become Hammonton Firsters or does it mean they've all become Republican's again?
Actually, What's the difference?



Anonymous wrote:

The Republicans did nothing like they always do. The just folded up and said nothing and voted along with HF.
Since all 7 council persons vote the same way - does that mean they've all become Hammonton Firsters or does it mean they've all become Republican's again?
Actually, What's the difference?

How do you know who voted for what in a closed session?  There are 4 Republicans and 3 Firsters.  Anthony Marino chairs that committee.  The Republicans didn't need HF votes.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

The poster knows how the vote went because it was reported in a local publication. And as a point of order, votes can not be taken in closed session, discussions can be held in closed session but the body must come out into open session to take the vote.



After first announcing Robin Ripa's lawsuit against Police Captain Jones, etc. the Democrats are now trying anything to make people forget about it.

I like Captain Jones. He is a good man.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

We like Capt Jones too, he is a good man. It is up to the courts to decide, not us. If he did nothing wrong, then he has nothing to worry about. You are the ones who put the focus on him and pretend he is the only person mentioned in the document. You are the ones putting the pressure on him.

We are not trying to make anyone forget anything. Why would we do that when it is now more obvious than ever that this council has exhibitted a pattern of harrassment against Town employees. They started with the Chief, moved on to Ms. Ripa, and now have moved to Lance.



Just connect the dots....  I am sure Lance knows...

HF puppets came in and made not secert of wanting Lance to "retire"

HF puppets made a lot of noise about contracting out the trash pickup

HF puppets found out that the town does the trash pickup work for much less  than any contractor would charge

HF puppets put the squeeze #1 on Lance by making the Highway Dept work under staffed , making it very difficult to operate on a day to day basis

HF puppets put the squeeze #2 on Lance by making the Highway Dept work under funded again making it very difficult to operate on a day to day basis

HF puppets put the squeeze #3 on Lance by making purchasing paperwork a slow and difficult process, an item as little as $1.00  needs 2 pieces ofpaperwork completed and processed at town hall before buying the item , again making day to day operations more difficult for Lance

HF puppets suspend Lance on a minor purchasing procedures failure , what a surprise , when they could not break him with squeezes 1 & 2  they get him on a minor paperwork issue

So how long do you think before the town will be seeing another lawsuit because of the HF puppets ?



Admin wrote:

We like Capt Jones too, he is a good man. It is up to the courts to decide, not us. If he did nothing wrong, then he has nothing to worry about.

The Democrats posted this "massive lawsuit." The Admin keeps posting Hammontonians "well be shocked" and reiterates the allegations. This case forces a fine man like Police Captain Jones pay to defend himself. Drop the case. Another poster complained Captain Jones was too friendly with Hammonton First. Is that what this is about? If a town employee is friendly with a HF person, are they threatened?

Get well soon Captain Jones!



I'm glad they posted the lawsuit, once I read it I was shocked at what goes on in our government.

Capt. Jones is not just friendly with Hammonton First, he is a puppet who they are using to try and get rid of the Chief. They promised him the Chief's job if he could help get rid of him.



Remember the HF puppet motto

If it is good ... take credit for it

If it is bad ... find somebody to blame it on 



Anonymous wrote:

I'm glad they posted the lawsuit, once I read it I was shocked at what goes on in our government.

Capt. Jones is not just friendly with Hammonton First, he is a puppet who they are using to try and get rid of the Chief. They promised him the Chief's job if he could help get rid of him.

Does any realize he's the only one in line and qualified for the job upon the Chief vacating the post which obviously he is not?    

Does anyone stop to think that he's not aligned with Hammonton First members but has been friends with these people and socialized with them for years before the politics came into quesiton.   

There are many of us that have socialized with these people before Hammonton First and thought they were okay.   Well now we all know different.   



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I'm glad they posted the lawsuit, once I read it I was shocked at what goes on in our government.

Capt. Jones is not just friendly with Hammonton First, he is a puppet who they are using to try and get rid of the Chief. They promised him the Chief's job if he could help get rid of him.

Does any realize he's the only one in line and qualified for the job upon the Chief vacating the post which obviously he is not?    

Does anyone stop to think that he's not aligned with Hammonton First members but has been friends with these people and socialized with them for years before the politics came into quesiton.   

There are many of us that have socialized with these people before Hammonton First and thought they were okay.   Well now we all know different.   

Are you saying that it's okay to sue Captain Jones just because he is friendly with HF people?  Is that a new law or something?



Anonymous wrote:

Just connect the dots....  I am sure Lance knows...

HF puppets came in and made not secert of wanting Lance to "retire"

HF puppets made a lot of noise about contracting out the trash pickup

HF puppets found out that the town does the trash pickup work for much less  than any contractor would charge

HF puppets put the squeeze #1 on Lance by making the Highway Dept work under staffed , making it very difficult to operate on a day to day basis

HF puppets put the squeeze #2 on Lance by making the Highway Dept work under funded again making it very difficult to operate on a day to day basis

HF puppets put the squeeze #3 on Lance by making purchasing paperwork a slow and difficult process, an item as little as $1.00  needs 2 pieces ofpaperwork completed and processed at town hall before buying the item , again making day to day operations more difficult for Lance

HF puppets suspend Lance on a minor purchasing procedures failure , what a surprise , when they could not break him with squeezes 1 & 2  they get him on a minor paperwork issue

So how long do you think before the town will be seeing another lawsuit because of the HF puppets ?

Are you saying that it's okay to go after town employees just because they are not friendly with HF people?  Is that a new law or something?  If you do not socialize with and make nice-nice to the HF inter-circle of power and influence it is ok when you then find yourself on their black list.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I'm glad they posted the lawsuit, once I read it I was shocked at what goes on in our government.

Capt. Jones is not just friendly with Hammonton First, he is a puppet who they are using to try and get rid of the Chief. They promised him the Chief's job if he could help get rid of him.

Does any realize he's the only one in line and qualified for the job upon the Chief vacating the post which obviously he is not?    

Does anyone stop to think that he's not aligned with Hammonton First members but has been friends with these people and socialized with them for years before the politics came into quesiton.   

There are many of us that have socialized with these people before Hammonton First and thought they were okay.   Well now we all know different.   

Are you saying that it's okay to sue Captain Jones just because he is friendly with HF people?  Is that a new law or something?

It is amazingly stupid how you people are attacking Captain Jones. What has he ever done to you? The guys does his job and goes about his business. Now he's forced to defend himself in court and it sure seems political. Can't you just leave him alone?



If what you're saying is that he is paid well for the level of responsibility that he has, then I have to disagree.  He is the lowest paid department head in the town, yet he has the most years of service.  He is paid less in comparison to other public works directors, in similar sized towns. He has been without a contract for 2 years or more, as well as being substantially understaffed.  This is a man, a disabled veteran, who came through my neighborhood last fall, alone and in the dark of night, to pick up the trash for almost 300 homes, because the mayor constantly plays games of let's deny the highway department overtime to create service interruption, which angers the taxpayers, which makes Lance and the department look bad.  This most recent incident is just one more example in a series of obsticles that mayor and council have thrown in Lance's way to prevent him from doing his job. 



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I'm glad they posted the lawsuit, once I read it I was shocked at what goes on in our government.

Capt. Jones is not just friendly with Hammonton First, he is a puppet who they are using to try and get rid of the Chief. They promised him the Chief's job if he could help get rid of him.

Does any realize he's the only one in line and qualified for the job upon the Chief vacating the post which obviously he is not?

Does anyone stop to think that he's not aligned with Hammonton First members but has been friends with these people and socialized with them for years before the politics came into quesiton.

There are many of us that have socialized with these people before Hammonton First and thought they were okay. Well now we all know different.

Are you saying that it's okay to sue Captain Jones just because he is friendly with HF people? Is that a new law or something?


 HF has continually showed their true colors.  People must not tolerate their vendettas.  So the new law in Hammonton is We Won't Get Fooled Again. 






Who is really attacking who .



Anonymous wrote:


Is he going to let the public know where he stands?


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

The entire Democratic ticket stands united and ready to serve the Town of Hammonton. They all defend the rights of any individual who feels they have been harassed and has proof to back up their statements to defend themselves. And that is where it ends. The suit is a separate issue from the campaign. The suit is available for all to read, but beyond that we do not have enough information to make a judgement. That is the job of the courts. We certainly have not heard anything from the defendents so how can anyone, even you make a decision. Just like the defendents are being told not to comment, so is Robin. Be patient and let it play out in our justice system.



Admin wrote:

The entire Democratic ticket stands united and ready to serve the Town of Hammonton. They all defend the rights of any individual who feels they have been harassed and has proof to back up their statements to defend themselves. And that is where it ends. The suit is a separate issue from the campaign. The suit is available for all to read, but beyond that we do not have enough information to make a judgement. That is the job of the courts. We certainly have not heard anything from the defendents so how can anyone, even you make a decision. Just like the defendents are being told not to comment, so is Robin. Be patient and let it play out in our justice system.

It is going to be interesting to see how the Republicans react to this. With the lawsuit calling out Angela Costigan, who was the Republican solicitor, and Rocky Colasurdo, who the Republicans have welcomed to their party, they might not be happy. I guess overall last year's Chief issue was something the Republicans were okay with. They took Rocky into their party and never spoke out against him.



Anonymous wrote:

Just connect the dots....  I am sure Lance knows...

HF puppets came in and made not secert of wanting Lance to "retire"

HF puppets made a lot of noise about contracting out the trash pickup

HF puppets found out that the town does the trash pickup work for much less  than any contractor would charge

HF puppets put the squeeze #1 on Lance by making the Highway Dept work under staffed , making it very difficult to operate on a day to day basis

HF puppets put the squeeze #2 on Lance by making the Highway Dept work under funded again making it very difficult to operate on a day to day basis

HF puppets put the squeeze #3 on Lance by making purchasing paperwork a slow and difficult process, an item as little as $1.00  needs 2 pieces ofpaperwork completed and processed at town hall before buying the item , again making day to day operations more difficult for Lance

HF puppets suspend Lance on a minor purchasing procedures failure , what a surprise , when they could not break him with squeezes 1 & 2  they get him on a minor paperwork issue

So how long do you think before the town will be seeing another lawsuit because of the HF puppets ?

the word according to HF, retire now or else



I don't know Mr. Schiernbeck that well but the times  that I've met him he was very kind.  I think he's been set up to fail.  I feel like he knows it but what is he going to do?



The four Republicans in council (Bertino, Colasurdo, Marino and Vitalo) have control now.  They must have wanted this.  They also have Rocky as their big backer so the Chief situation must have been something they were happy with also.



The four Republicans in council (Bertino, Colasurdo, Marino and Vitalo) have control now.  They must have wanted this.  They also have Rocky as their big backer so the Chief situation must have been something they were happy with also.

It looks like the Republicans set up Lance.  Shame on them.



That's because there is no difference between them. There are the Republicans and there are the Hammonton First Republicans.



Yeah, it looks like you have the rich republicans and the richer republicans.  I guess its all the same!



Anonymous wrote:

Yeah, it looks like you have the rich republicans and the richer republicans. I guess its all the same!

I have no idea what the difference is between the Republicans and Hammonton First anymore either. It used to be obvious. Now they're one in the same like some have said last year.



Anonymous wrote:

I don't know Mr. Schiernbeck that well but the times  that I've met him he was very kind.  I think he's been set up to fail.  I feel like he knows it but what is he going to do?

Stay tuned. This one ain't over yet! HF and Ms. Oddo continue undermine Mr. Schiernbeck's authority and falsely accuse him of wrong doings, in attempt to force him out. But, Lance isn't exactly defenseless, which is something they aren't learning fast enough, in the very recent past couple of months.

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