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Chat live during Monday night's Town Council meeting
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You can now watch the Town Council Meeting live on Channel 13 or live on the internet and participate in a live chat during the meeting. Click on the link provided on the main page of the Hammonton Democratic website or you can click here to go directly to the chat page. Log in with a nickname of your choice and you are ready to chat.
Before watching the meeting you can also see the agenda for the meeting by clicking on the link on the Democratic website, or click here to see the agenda.


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WOW, I'm Impressed!

Unfortunately, I have to work Monday night.  I would love to be a part of this chat.  Hopefully the Dems will keep up their good work and offer chat opportunities for every meeting!

It just goes to show the great lengths that the Dems are going through to listen to the community.  I only wish the other 2 political parties in town listened to tax payers!


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The Dems keep showing great leadership with their innovative ideas.  I can't wait to see these guys running town hall!


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Anonymous wrote:

The Dems keep showing great leadership with their innovative ideas. I can't wait to see these guys running town hall!

Many have been saying good things of the Democratic candidates and wished that they had won last year.  Last year's candidates were new faces and clearly demonstrate how the Democratic club is growing while the Republican party is split and broke up into two parties.  I look forward to going the Community Fun Day Picnic.  I've talked to ALL 9 candidates running for council and strongly believe that the Democrats have the Best Ticket for Hammonton.  This time Hammontonians will make sure to vote Straight Democrat. Go Ammirato, Falcone, & Ripa.


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Admin wrote:

You can now watch the Town Council Meeting live on Channel 13 or live on the internet and participate in a live chat during the meeting. Click on the link provided on the main page of the Hammonton Democratic website or you can click here to go directly to the chat page. Log in with a nickname of your choice and you are ready to chat.
Before watching the meeting you can also see the agenda for the meeting by clicking on the link on the Democratic website, or click here to see the agenda.

I think that everyone should watch the TV for Monday night's council meeting. 


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I drove by the new town hall and saw that it is going up nicely.  Also, I see that it is a brick building.  I guess those that said that was not the case were obviously not telling the truth.


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Sorry to tell you but that building is awful looking and even when the old town hall comes down there will still be no parking there.    Awful, just awful.  


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Rather than just bash, why don't the Democrats agree to debate Hammonton First and discuss what specific projects they will do if elected?  The Democrats keep turning down a debate... what are they afraid of?


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Now you want a debate????
Lat year when you thought you were totally in control, you refused to debate.
But now that you know you are in deep trouble, you now want to set up a debate?
Too little, too late!!!!


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Anonymous wrote:

Rather than just bash, why don't the Democrats agree to debate Hammonton First and discuss what specific projects they will do if elected?  The Democrats keep turning down a debate... what are they afraid of?

Debate??? Hammonton First REFUSED TO DEBATE LAST YEAR. HELLO!!!!!!!!


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Anonymous wrote:

Rather than just bash, why don't the Democrats agree to debate Hammonton First and discuss what specific projects they will do if elected?  The Democrats keep turning down a debate... what are they afraid of?

Two years ago the Hammonton News tried to organize a debate.  They reported that HF was the only group that accepted, the others refused.  I guess they don't really have any ideas to say and just want to bash in the darkness.


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Guess who voted in the Republican Primary this year!


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Rather than just bash, why don't the Democrats agree to debate Hammonton First and discuss what specific projects they will do if elected?  The Democrats keep turning down a debate... what are they afraid of?
Hammonton First refused to debate the Dems last year.  The Firsters were too afraid that the Dems would mop the floor with them.


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It's amazing that the Democrats don't have the guts to debate yet they want to make up stories about HF not wanting to.  I guess they have to make up a lot of stories.

For example, remember when the Democrats said the new town hall wasn't going to have brick?  Drive by and see the brick going up?

Remember when the Democrats said the building would be too small?  Drive by and see how big it is?

Remember when the Democrats said HF would raise taxes?  No tax increases two years in a row!  Even the school has no increase this year... the first time in years!


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It's amazing that the Democrats don't have the guts to debate yet they want to make up stories about HF not wanting to.  I guess they have to make up a lot of stories.

For example, remember when the Democrats said the new town hall wasn't going to have brick?  Drive by and see the brick going up?

Remember when the Democrats said the building would be too small?  Drive by and see how big it is?

Remember when the Democrats said HF would raise taxes?  No tax increases two years in a row!  Even the school has no increase this year... the first time in years!

Hammonton First outright REFUSED to debate the Democratic candidates last year.  That is fact.

It is also a fact that Hammonton first claimed to have a case against the Chief, and they LIED.

Hammonton First also said they would build a community center, and they LIED.

Hammonton First also said they would build town hall for less than $4.9 million with the community center, and they LIED.

Hammonton First also LIED about the asbestos coverup in town hall.  They also LIED about so called comtamination at the 11th St. site.

Hammonton First does not control the school board, so they are LYING by taking credit about no additional school taxes. 

How much money did these LIES cost us taxpayers?

Enough LIES, Hammonton First.  Do the world a favor and just go away!


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Isn't it funny that the Democrats... some of whom the Republicans charged with ethics violations when they ran the school... are accusing others of lying.

Let's see... how many people remember being told by certain Democrats that the new school would lower our taxes? That obviously was not the truth.

How many people remember being told by certain Democrats HF would raise their taxes? That never happened.

How many people remember being told HF would build the new town hall too small? Look at the building yourself.

How many people remember being told HF wasn't using brick for the new town hall building. Take a look for yourself at the building as it goes up.

How many people remember being told there would be no community center. HF is proposing one at the lake right now which the Democrats are fightring against. The Democrats are againt it.


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Anonymous wrote:

How many people remember being told HF would build the new town hall too small? Look at the building yourself.

 Not only is the town hall too small. THERES NO ROOM FOR GROWTH in the future.  We'd have to "compromise" to lose more parking.  Maybe in the future we'll be forced to buy off the Post Office.


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Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Rather than just bash, why don't the Democrats agree to debate Hammonton First and discuss what specific projects they will do if elected? The Democrats keep turning down a debate... what are they afraid of?

Two years ago the Hammonton News tried to organize a debate. They reported that HF was the only group that accepted, the others refused. I guess they don't really have any ideas to say and just want to bash in the darkness.


Well I guess since you're commenting about 2 years ago then by your argument then Hammonton First refused to debate last year because in your own words "didn't really have any ideas to say." 



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Anonymous wrote:

Rather than just bash, why don't the Democrats agree to debate Hammonton First and discuss what specific projects they will do if elected?  The Democrats keep turning down a debate... what are they afraid of?

The Democrats are afraid of debating so they want to make up stories that HF doesn't want to debate.  HF explained again this year that they will debate.  I guess all the Dems can do is make up stories because this terrifies them.


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Anonymous wrote:

Isn't it funny that the Democrats... some of whom the Republicans charged with ethics violations when they ran the school... are accusing others of lying. That's a lie, the only one who was charged and all charges were thrown out because they had no merit was a resident of Winslow Twp. And if you also remember the ones who brought the charges were Hammonton First cronies.

Let's see... how many people remember being told by certain Democrats that the new school would lower our taxes? That obviously was not the truth. It is now proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that the cause of taxes rising in school districts all across the state was caused by the state not following their own law to fund public schools properly. And it has been proven that it is even more true in Hammonton's case because our district was given $1 million extra because our district was hurt so much by the lack of proper funding by the state.

How many people remember being told by certain Democrats HF would raise their taxes? That never happened. I don't recall any Democrat claiming that HF would raise taxes. You don't raise taxes, you beg, borrow and spend for anything you do. We now have the highest debt this town has ever seen. The seniors will feel the effect first and our children and grandchildren will be paying for your spending.

How many people remember being told HF would build the new town hall too small? Look at the building yourself. Looks are decieving. The proffesionals told us we needed a lot more square footage than you are providing. And unless you buy properties, there is no room for growth as the town grows.

How many people remember being told HF wasn't using brick for the new town hall building. Take a look for yourself at the building as it goes up. Many people asked the question and even Steve DiDonato had to clarify at the meeting the other night because the architect referred to it as brick veneer, but we all know that the public is not allowed to ask questions, you call that bashing.

How many people remember being told there would be no community center. HF is proposing one at the lake right now which the Democrats are fightring against. The Democrats are againt it. The Democrats have not made any statement about this subject. However, we will say that we were promised a "community" center in the total price of $5.9 million and you are proposing a "senior" center. We also are listening to the seniors who do not want a center at the lake. They brought that up at the Park & Rec meeting last week. I guess the senior are bashing now, huh?

We will continue to bring up issues and ask questions. That is how a democracy works. You only get answers by asking questions. Don't be afraid of people asking you questions, at least it shows they have an interest in the subject.


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Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Rather than just bash, why don't the Democrats agree to debate Hammonton First and discuss what specific projects they will do if elected?  The Democrats keep turning down a debate... what are they afraid of?

The Democrats are afraid of debating so they want to make up stories that HF doesn't want to debate.  HF explained again this year that they will debate.  I guess all the Dems can do is make up stories because this terrifies them.

They are terrified.  They can bash HF in private but are scared of a televised debate where they have to deal with facts.


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most of the third floor is empty. and if that building is awful . do you rember the 11.0 million dollar building on 11th st. I think that brick looks better then a metal pole barn. 


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Anonymous wrote:

most of the third floor is empty. and if that building is awful . do you rember the 11.0 million dollar building on 11th st. I think that brick looks better then a metal pole barn. 

Less than 1/2 of the third floor is empty (click here to see floor plan), but the office space given to each department at the present time is much less than the professionals said was needed for efficiency. And you are spreading false information again. As you can see in the document below, the town hall on 11th street was $7.4 million and that was all inclusive and did not include the sale of the old town hall which would have significantly reduced the cost of the project. And you also know that the 11th Street site was brick. Do you have to lie to get your point accross? Is your truth so weak that you have to spread false information to try and get votes?

-- Edited by Admin at 10:38, 2007-09-25


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The power of telling a lie well.

From the Hammonton First game playbook,
The Big Lie, first coined by Adolf Hitler in his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf,was made famous by Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister for the Third Reich. The idea was simple enough: Tell a whopper (the larger the better) often enough and most people will come to accept it as the truth. During World War II, the predecessor of the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services, described how the Germans used the Big Lie: "[They] never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."


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Hammonton First designed their signs as a circle this year but they forgot the most important part of the sign. Here's the corrected sign.


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Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Rather than just bash, why don't the Democrats agree to debate Hammonton First and discuss what specific projects they will do if elected?  The Democrats keep turning down a debate... what are they afraid of?

The Democrats are afraid of debating so they want to make up stories that HF doesn't want to debate.  HF explained again this year that they will debate.  I guess all the Dems can do is make up stories because this terrifies them.

Keep on believing that.  There was an online taped video by the Democrats that Hammonton First backed out of at the last minute.  There was also an online live debate that the Republicans and Democrats both participated in.  Hammonton First was invited but REFUSED to participate. 


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Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Rather than just bash, why don't the Democrats agree to debate Hammonton First and discuss what specific projects they will do if elected?  The Democrats keep turning down a debate... what are they afraid of?

Two years ago the Hammonton News tried to organize a debate.  They reported that HF was the only group that accepted, the others refused.  I guess they don't really have any ideas to say and just want to bash in the darkness.



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I'm sure that the Dems will debate.  I would love to see Ammirato, Falcone and Ripa make fools out of these liars in Hammonton First, just as I would have loved to see Diaz, Glorioso, and Santone make fools out of the Hammonton First puppets a year ago!


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If the Democrats debate with HF they will destroy them. When Ripa went to the "Chat with the Mayor" she asked questions that no one could answer or maybe if they knew the answer they didn't want to embarrass themselves. She also went to the Parks and Rec meeting and asked questions but they didn't want to answer.  You can't have a debate if only one party the Democrats are willing to answer the questions. Another important factor would be the room would need to be big enough so that when HF's noses grow the room will be able to accommodate them. Falcone knows all the dark secrets since he has been on council for so long. Do they really want the secrets revealed? DON"T GET FOOLED BY THE FALSE INFORMATION THAT THE UNDERDOGS ARE PUTTING ON THE BLOG.


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I stiill don't see the Democrats stepping up to debate.  All talk, no action.


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Anonymous wrote:


I stiill don't see the Democrats stepping up to debate. All talk, no action.


 Why would they want to debate with a bunch of thugs and liars?


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Anonymous wrote:

I stiill don't see the Democrats stepping up to debate.  All talk, no action.

Typical do-nothings.


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Anonymous wrote:

The power of telling a lie well.

From the Hammonton First game playbook,
The Big Lie, first coined by Adolf Hitler in his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf,was made famous by Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister for the Third Reich. The idea was simple enough: Tell a whopper (the larger the better) often enough and most people will come to accept it as the truth. During World War II, the predecessor of the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services, described how the Germans used the Big Lie: "[They] never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."

HF may know the value of a good lie.  But Hammonton voters have leaned their lesson the hard way, they will not be fooled again by this bunch of con artists.


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Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Rather than just bash, why don't the Democrats agree to debate Hammonton First and discuss what specific projects they will do if elected?  The Democrats keep turning down a debate... what are they afraid of?

Two years ago the Hammonton News tried to organize a debate.  They reported that HF was the only group that accepted, the others refused.  I guess they don't really have any ideas to say and just want to bash in the darkness.


The last thing the Democrats want to answer is why Anthony Falcone worked with the Republicans to run up the largest debt in Hammonton's history.  Hammonton First has been able to reduce that debt by almost $600K and is working to drop it more all the time.


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Hf has already increased the debt this year by over $500,000 and the year is not over. They are within $60,000 of topping the all time high. So it doesn't look like they have learned any lesson.

It is nice to see that you finally agree that the huge debt is a problem.


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It is amazing how the Democrats and Republicans posted that there was no problem with the town's finances when HF took office. Now they have been forced to admit that that Anthony Falcone and his council-mates left the town with the largest deficit in it's history.

HF explained that there were major problems with the town's finances. They put together public hearings to try to fix the town's situation. They were able to halt all tax increases. Now we see why they needed to cut spending. They needed to fix the disaster they had been left by Anthony Falcone and the other members of the 2005 council.

Now the independent professional auditor shows that in their first year of office, HF was able to build up surplus and reduce debt.

Anthony Falcone helped cause this problem. It is ridiculous to think he'll do anything but make it worse if he is put back on council.


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Anonymous wrote:

The power of telling a lie well.

From the Hammonton First game playbook,
The Big Lie, first coined by Adolf Hitler in his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf,was made famous by Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister for the Third Reich. The idea was simple enough: Tell a whopper (the larger the better) often enough and most people will come to accept it as the truth. During World War II, the predecessor of the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services, described how the Germans used the Big Lie: "[They] never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."

next month it is time again to....   Vote-hammontonfirst-OUT
vote for an end to the lies , vote for a better hammonton without the first
One and Done means everyone's vote counts for being done with them


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Anonymous wrote:

It is amazing how the Democrats and Republicans posted that there was no problem with the town's finances when HF took office.

Anthony Falcone helped cause this problem. It is ridiculous to think he'll do anything but make it worse if he is put back on council.

It's amazing that the writer claims the D's & R's posted that there was no problem, the blogs didn't exist back then. And we never said that this year, this whole discussion started because we disagreed with the Mayor's indication that the debt has fallen. IT HASN'T.
Anthony Falcone didn't cause this problem, it is the continuing practice of bonding the wrong items. Bonding needs to be reserved for the proper projects.
The current council made small progress for one year and then turned right around and made it worse. Ed Wuillermin is part of that council, it's ridiculous to think he'll do anything but make it worse if he is put back on council.


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Anonymous wrote:

It is amazing how the Democrats and Republicans posted that there was no problem with the town's finances when HF took office. Now they have been forced to admit that that Anthony Falcone and his council-mates left the town with the largest deficit in it's history.

HF explained that there were major problems with the town's finances. They put together public hearings to try to fix the town's situation. They were able to halt all tax increases. Now we see why they needed to cut spending. They needed to fix the disaster they had been left by Anthony Falcone and the other members of the 2005 council.

Now the independent professional auditor shows that in their first year of office, HF was able to build up surplus and reduce debt.

Anthony Falcone helped cause this problem. It is ridiculous to think he'll do anything but make it worse if he is put back on council.

Now we know that the D's and R's were lying last year when they said the Mayor was wrong and the town's finances were fine.  I won't get fooled again.  I am voting for Hammonton First.


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The Democrats are offering solutions to our huge debt and you are avoiding the subject. If you can't work together with us on a solution, then get out of the way.
Ammirato, Falcone, and Ripa are ready to work with the rest of council to solve our huge debt problem before it puts the town in financial ruin and so that we don't pass this problem on to our children.

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