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Post Info TOPIC: Democrats disagree with Mayor's statement on the debt

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Democrats disagree with Mayor's statement on the debt

The Hammonton Democratic candidates for Town Council have expressed their great concern over statements recently made by the Mayor of Hammonton indicating that the debt level for the Town has fallen. Mike Ammirato, Anthony Falcone and Robin Ripa all have reviewed the same document that the Mayor refers to in his comments and see a very different picture.

In a recent edition of the Hammonton Gazette Mayor John DiDonato refers to an independent audit report by Bowman & Company that show that the current level of debt for the town decreased from 2005 to 2006 by $570,116.63. While this may be an accurate figure it represents just a 3% drop in debt to a still historically high figure of $18,277,321.37. The Democratic candidates find this to be a totally unacceptable level of debt for a town whose entire budget is only $12,307,428.20.

The comments by the Mayor also failed to report that a few pages later in the same audit, the Town has increased its debt this year. Assuming the Town does not take on any additional debt this year, we will finish 2007 with a debt totaling $18,787,760.05 which is an increase of over $500,000. This puts us less than $60,000 under our all time high debt figure of $18,847,438 which occurred at the end of 2005.

Town debt was just above $12 million at the end of 2004. In just one year the debt soared to an all time high and remains there today.

"The Town of Hammonton can not continue on this current path of borrowing and spending," according to Democratic candidate Robin Ripa. "If we continue this reckless policy, we will place a huge burden on the taxpayers of Hammonton." Mike Ammirato added, "This will impact our senior citizens in the short term, and in the long term our children and grandchildren will inherit this debt." Currently the Town pays over $1,250,000 a year on our debt and that figure will continue to rise each and every year.

The team of Ammirato, Falcone and Ripa propose that Hammonton implements a pay as you go strategy for future projects and capital expenditures. A portion of any increase in revenues must be put aside to fund future projects and another portion must go to reducing our debt as quickly as possible. "The people who are incurring this debt now are the same ones who very vocally criticized the school district for their borrowing" says Anthony Falcone. "We need to practice what we preach and we need to do it now!"

-- Edited by Admin at 09:57, 2007-09-28



how can you say you will reduce debt but yet buy new police and fire cars and give raises to town employees and pave roads.  WOW .  I think that the records show debt has gone down and taxes at zero for 2 years.  lastly the school at zero . once again you offer nothing a solution is what people want. bringing up a problem is great and it should be done. but don't bring up a problem with out offering a solution. 



Gee, how much debt did the school take on when the Democrats like Jim MacLane demanded we build a new building?  Now they want to spend more money but say they aren't going to add to debt?  What a joke.


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Anonymous wrote:

how can you say you will reduce debt but yet buy new police and fire cars and give raises to town employees and pave roads.  WOW .  I think that the records show debt has gone down and taxes at zero for 2 years.  lastly the school at zero . once again you offer nothing a solution is what people want. bringing up a problem is great and it should be done. but don't bring up a problem with out offering a solution. 

Read the first post again!!!!! We do offer a solution. We propose earmarking any increases in revenue to solve this problem. A portion of any increase in revenue needs to go to pay off the debt and a portion needs to be put towards new projects so we do not incue new debt.


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Anonymous wrote:

Gee, how much debt did the school take on when the Democrats like Jim MacLane demanded we build a new building?  Now they want to spend more money but say they aren't going to add to debt?  What a joke.

Jim Mac lane was not on the school board that demanded a new building. I came on the board long after the Town approved the referendum. And I believe you missed the point. Bonding should only be used for long term items such as the new town hall. But we are bonding absolutetly everything we do. All road projects are now bonded. That is a bad idea. We know we will be spending on roads every single year and by bonding it we are just compounding the debt year after year. It's like putting your groceries on a credit card. You know you will have to buy them each week and if you charge them every week your debt will get out of control very quickly.  We also bond too many items that we should find money for somewhere else and pay for outright. Just this year we bonded and will be paying interest for the next 13 years on Turnout gear for the fire dept - $4,744, Airport improvements - $9,500, Maint equipment - $11,400. Conversion of a trash truck - $27,550.
We have to rethink our financial plans for the Town instead of putting off all of the consequences to the future.



Admin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

how can you say you will reduce debt but yet buy new police and fire cars and give raises to town employees and pave roads.  WOW .  I think that the records show debt has gone down and taxes at zero for 2 years.  lastly the school at zero . once again you offer nothing a solution is what people want. bringing up a problem is great and it should be done. but don't bring up a problem with out offering a solution. 

Read the first post again!!!!! We do offer a solution. We propose earmarking any increases in revenue to solve this problem. A portion of any increase in revenue needs to go to pay off the debt and a portion needs to be put towards new projects so we do not incue new debt.

Revenue increases?  What do you want to do, raise taxes! 

Right now the town needs new ratables to pay for things like employee raises, inflation on things like electric & gas, increased insurance coverages, etc.

The Democrats have been promising a lot of spending.  How do they expect to pay for it?  Oh yes, they can lease.  They did that at the school a lot.

-- Edited by Admin at 11:44, 2007-09-28


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No we absolutetly do not want to raise taxes. The increasing revenue stream that the town is experiencing from all of the growth each year needs to be very carefully distributed among the items you mention and our plan so that we can begin on the road to recovery.

Obviously you don't care that the road we are on is a road to ruin for the town. Someday these bills come due and you don't care because it will be our children and grandchildren who have to pay for it.

The Democrats have not proposed any additional spending. We can't afford it right now. We do have to implement preventive maintanence programs to keep our costs down and a balanced and conservative capital improvement program to fix our roads, drainage, etc. This can't be done overnight, we have to live within our means.

As for your bashing comments, bonding and leasing are very similar except that in leasing you pay back the debt as you go, in bonding you only pay interest each year and the full amount comes due at the end of the lease. So you can see bonding can be potentially more dangerous to the town if not planned for and handled properly.



Admin wrote:

As for your bashing comments, bonding and leasing are very similar except that in leasing you pay back the debt as you go, in bonding you only pay interest each year and the full amount comes due at the end of the lease. So you can see bonding can be potentially more dangerous to the town if not planned for and handled properly.

Umm, maybe you need to learn a bit before you type.  Bonding means paying off a construction job over a period of time, just like a house mortgage.  At the end of the term, you owe $0.

I guess the reason you are making whacky statement is you don't really understand.  That's okay.  Fortunately the mayor is working to lower the towns debt and increase surplus every day.  Maybe you should give him a call and he can explain things so you'll understand.


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Please explain what HF has done for the school? They have and will cost the taxpayers more for the next 13 years with the now we see it, now you don't, land deal. The HF team will not be around when all the bills of their bonding come due. It's like town hall, no change orders?That's a joke, the public just hasn't seen them yet. It's just one big joke that we the taxpayers will have to foot the bill for after the november election. They just don't get it.But we will.


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Anonymous wrote:

Umm, maybe you need to learn a bit before you type.  Bonding means paying off a construction job over a period of time, just like a house mortgage.  At the end of the term, you owe $0.

I guess the reason you are making whacky statement is you don't really understand.  That's okay.  Fortunately the mayor is working to lower the towns debt and increase surplus every day.  Maybe you should give him a call and he can explain things so you'll understand.

There are several different types of bonds that can be issued by a municipality and several of those have the principal come due at maturity. We probably have a mixture of different types of bonds and thjat is OK. We don't have a problem with the type of bonds we issue. We do have an issue with the debt this town is in.
The Mayor may be working to lower the debt but this year alone the debt has increased over $500,000 and the year is not over yet. And the Mayor has not made any claim that the surplus has gone up, and rightfully so. He only said that we have created a $1.5 million surplus. He was very careful when he chose those words because the surplus has actually dropped.


Do the people of Hammonton want the new soccer and baseball/softball fields for their kids?

The Democrats have come out against bonding.  That will kill these projects as they cost to much to be paid for in one year.

The professional auditors reported that the Mayor has reduced debt and increased surplus in Hammonton.  Do we want to now stop building these fields for the kids?  If you do, then go ahead and vote Democrat!


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Democrats disagree with Mayor's statement on the debt

The Democrats have not come out against bonding. If you read one of the responses we gave in this thread, we feel bonds are needed for the right projects. Single one time projects such as the new town hall are what bonds should be used for. But they should not be used for recurring costs, small projects, and many other ways we use them. Our stance is that we need to be much more selective about what we use bonding for. Our entire town budget is $12 million and we currently have outstanding debt of almost $19 million. Doesn't that concern you. We must implement a plan to reduce this debt as soon as possible. We currently spend over $1.2 million of our hard earned tax dollars in paying off the debt we have created. That money could certainly go a long way in gettin g projects done each year.

Apparently Hammonton First is making a statement here that they support creating as much debt as possible in order to push through the projects they want. They are against planning ahead and putting money away for any projects. They don't care that the amount of money we are using to pay off our debt each year would certainly be enough to fund a lot of projects. You now know that they are in favor of increasing the debt to any level just to get their projects done. If you don't mind paying more taxes to pay off our debt then vote Hammonton First.



Anonymous wrote:

The professional auditors reported that the Mayor has reduced debt and increased surplus in Hammonton.

 And obviously next year the auditor will report that the Mayor has increased the Town debt once again. The Mayor tried to use a political ploy by just selectively using portions of the report to his benefit. He got caught. Thank goodness the Democrats did the research and found out the truth.


Jimmy Bertino keeps the mayor in line.

Bertino questioned the mayor's numbers during the meeting. Didonato was questioned by Bertino at the last meeting. Jim Bertino does not let the mayor put his slick spin on the numbers.


RE: Democrats disagree with Mayor's statement on the debt

Anonymous wrote:

Gee, how much debt did the school take on when the Democrats like Jim MacLane demanded we build a new building?  Now they want to spend more money but say they aren't going to add to debt?  What a joke.

The Town of Hammonton has a wonderful beautiful new school.  I can't believe that there are some who just don't see how important our kids education is.  Like George Bush said "Our Childrens are learning"



In 2005, the year before Hammonton First took office, Anthony Falcone voted YES on over $6 million in new bonding.  The town's debt increased dramatically.  It is good the Democrats are speaking out against Falcone's type of behavior.


Do the people of Hammonton want the new soccer and baseball/softball fields for their kids?

Anonymous wrote:

The Democrats have come out against bonding.  That will kill these projects as they cost to much to be paid for in one year.

The professional auditors reported that the Mayor has reduced debt and increased surplus in Hammonton.  Do we want to now stop building these fields for the kids?  If you do, then go ahead and vote Democrat!

Vote Democrat because they can promise to accomplish nothing for you!  Forget the kids fields, the Dems won't ever even start them!



Anonymous wrote:

In 2005, the year before Hammonton First took office, Anthony Falcone voted YES on over $6 million in new bonding.  The town's debt increased dramatically.  It is good the Democrats are speaking out against Falcone's type of behavior.

Falcone sure did vote to borrow a lot of money for a guy who didn't get anything done.  Where did all that money go? 

If you vote Democrat you'll be sure to kill the new soccer & baseball fields!  There is no way to pay for that in only one year.


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Democrats disagree with Mayor's statement on the debt

Don't be completely ridiculous!!! Of course you can't pay for the fields in one year. That is the type of project that can be bonded if you have no other way of funding it. It is a one time major improvement just like town hall. You haven't listened to anything that has been said on this thread. We are not against bonding important projects such as that, but because of the irresposible way council has bonded EVERYTHING over the last few years, it now becomes harder to accept even more debt. We can't make everything wonderful for ourselves and then make our kids and grandkids pay for it all!!!!!

Important projects still need to be done, but at the same time we have to begin to fix the mess we have been handed.



Anonymous wrote:

In 2005, the year before Hammonton First took office, Anthony Falcone voted YES on over $6 million in new bonding.  The town's debt increased dramatically.  It is good the Democrats are speaking out against Falcone's type of behavior.

I am certainly glad that Hammonton First came in and lowered the debt the town has and increased the surplus.  We couldn't keep going with the way things were when Anthony Falcone was voting to borrow like crazy.

Now the professional auditors have reviewed the books and shown debt is going down.  The Democrats are complaining because they refuse to listen to the professionals.  That gets them in trouble a lot with bad decisions.



Admin wrote:

As for your bashing comments, bonding and leasing are very similar except that in leasing you pay back the debt as you go, in bonding you only pay interest each year and the full amount comes due at the end of the lease. So you can see bonding can be potentially more dangerous to the town if not planned for and handled properly.

It is no wonder that Anthony Falcone voted for $6M in new bonding during 2005, the year before HF came to office.

The Democrats don't even understand what a bond is. Look at the admin's comments. They are all wrong! When the government sells bonds, there is a term just like your house mortgage. The payments are calculated so that at the end of the term, the bond is paid off and you owe $0.


Do the people of Hammonton want the new soccer and baseball/softball fields for their kids?

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The Democrats have come out against bonding.  That will kill these projects as they cost to much to be paid for in one year.

The professional auditors reported that the Mayor has reduced debt and increased surplus in Hammonton.  Do we want to now stop building these fields for the kids?  If you do, then go ahead and vote Democrat!

Vote Democrat because they can promise to accomplish nothing for you!  Forget the kids fields, the Dems won't ever even start them!

Now we see why nothing ever was accomplished for years in Hammonton.  The Democrats are also bad mouthing the new community center for senior citizens.  Maybe they are just lies so that nothing gets done.

What did Anthony Falcone do with the $6 million in bonds he voted for?  Where did all the money go?


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Democrats disagree with Mayor's statement on the debt

Anthony Falcone agreed with bonding for the new town hall, that is what we have been saying on this thread. Bonding for a project like the new town hall is legitamate, but financing absolutetly everything else just to keep the taxes low is what has put the town in the debt we are now in. It has to stop!!!

Stop lying, you know the Dems have not said anything about the senior center, the seniors are the ones who have come out vocally on that subject. The only thing the Dems have been asking is why the "community" center we were promised has been eliminated from all plans by council. Just another promise they refuse to deliver.



OK WOW thank you dems for your postings on bonding versus leasing. This may explain wahat you did at the school and why the dems where in m and c.
A bond is very much the same as your home loan you must put at least 5% down in cash on the total bonded amount.  and then facter in the term of the bond and the interest rate. that is your payment. at the end you owe nothing. zero.  with leasing on the muncipal side it is very different then on the consumer side.  A city lease can only be constructed with a $1 dollar buy back at the end.  so there is no such thing as a ballon payment or anything like that.  The way that hammonton bonds is the same way most town and citys bond. 

As far as you saying put a side a portion of the increase from the ratables.  That money has to go to your cost of living increases for your town employees.  even with all of the construction that has gone on it town there was just enough to pay for all the raises and health increases.  Do not take that wrong the rasies where well deserved and needed. 
So you see the only way your plan can work is to rasie taxes in huge amounts
Good job jim you guys should do well. 
As for the reps they had it all for many many many years and taxes always went up.   now taxes are at zero and the is huge amount of progress. and lots more planed. 

like them don't like them resent them hate them. but don't lie.  Hammonton is a great place to live and raise our familes.  all Familes let's keep it that way!


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Growth rates change each and every year. Increases in wages and health benefits each and every year. You are making a blanket statement that just doesn't hold true for every situation. You can't just sit back and let the increase in revenues be the only thing to save your annual budget. It is only a part of a much larger plan that in total can free up the money in the way we describe to begin to pay off the debt and fund future projects. Remember, we are not proposing that all of these changes can happen in just one year, it is part of the way we have to begin changing the way we do things here in Hammonton. Our debt is so huge, we can not fix it overnight. And we have absolutetly no plan on fixing our failing roads, drainage, and infrastructure, so putting these changes in place will also take a little time. But we have to start sometime and it might as well begin on Nov. 7th when we elect the team ready to make the changes necessary to make the future of Hammonton secure for us, our seniors, our children and our grandchildren.

At least we agree on one thing. Hammonton is a great place to live and raise our families. Let's keep it that way.



Anonymous wrote:

OK WOW thank you dems for your postings on bonding versus leasing. This may explain wahat you did at the school and why the dems where in m and c.
A bond is very much the same as your home loan you must put at least 5% down in cash on the total bonded amount.  and then facter in the term of the bond and the interest rate. that is your payment. at the end you owe nothing. zero.  with leasing on the muncipal side it is very different then on the consumer side.  A city lease can only be constructed with a $1 dollar buy back at the end.  so there is no such thing as a ballon payment or anything like that.  The way that hammonton bonds is the same way most town and citys bond. 

As far as you saying put a side a portion of the increase from the ratables.  That money has to go to your cost of living increases for your town employees.  even with all of the construction that has gone on it town there was just enough to pay for all the raises and health increases.  Do not take that wrong the rasies where well deserved and needed. 
So you see the only way your plan can work is to rasie taxes in huge amounts
Good job jim you guys should do well. 
As for the reps they had it all for many many many years and taxes always went up.   now taxes are at zero and the is huge amount of progress. and lots more planed. 

like them don't like them resent them hate them. but don't lie.  Hammonton is a great place to live and raise our familes.  all Familes let's keep it that way!

You might have a point. When I first read this, I thougnt maybe the Democrats were complete clueless.  None of this makes sense because Anthony Falcone voted to INCREASE the town's debt BEFORE Hammonton First was ever in office.  Also, the Democrats have repeatedly complained and spoken out in favor of more spending, not less, on a number of things.

Clearly, the professional auditor went over the town's books and showed that during the Hammonton First administration, the debt has been paid down and the surplus is increasing.  Maybe the Democrats are just saying a lie to try to get votes.  I am not sure which is the case.


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Anonymous wrote:

You might have a point. When I first read this, I thougnt maybe the Democrats were complete clueless.  None of this makes sense because Anthony Falcone voted to INCREASE the town's debt BEFORE Hammonton First was ever in office.  Also, the Democrats have repeatedly complained and spoken out in favor of more spending, not less, on a number of things.

Clearly, the professional auditor went over the town's books and showed that during the Hammonton First administration, the debt has been paid down and the surplus is increasing.  Maybe the Democrats are just saying a lie to try to get votes.  I am not sure which is the case.

You are cluless, because you are not listening to what is being said here. The bonding that Anthony Falcone voted in favor of was for the new town hall. We have repeatedly stated here that that kind of project is what bonding should be reserved for. But this administration has been falsley keeping the tax rate down by approving all konds of projects in a three block area downtown and then borrowing all of the money to do it. They are pushing through all of the pet projects they can before their terms end and are making our future generations pay it.

As for what the professional said, we have already pointed out that the Mayor only selectively used the report from Bowman & Company. It was just a few pages later that the professional reported how much has already been approved this year. Already this year the Mayor & Council have added over $500,000 to our debt putting it right back up at the highest debt level this town has ever seen. We have debt of almost $19 million and our entire budget is only $12.3 million.

From the posts in this thread it is obvious that all of Hammonton First support putting our town further and further into debt. They won't even discuss the alternative plans proposed by the Dems to put us back on a prudent financial course. They just want to spend and spend money we don't have and not worry about it till later. We can not and will not stand for that in our government. We must put the team in place that will pfrevent our town from this borrow and spend mentality. It is obvious that the Republic`ans are voting along with Hammonton First in creating more debt, so we need all three Democrats elected to stop this. It takes a 2/3 vote to approve their reckless borrowing, so the only way to stop it is have 3 votes against them.

This in no way means we still can't get these projects approved, but it will take a lot harder work and planning to come up with the financing to make them happen. They have bonded too many of the wrong things, so now it will be harder to get the right projects going.

You also need to look at the words of the professional a little better. The report by Bowman & Company does not say we increased our surplus by $1.5 million it only says we have a surplus of $1.5 million, which if you remeber was much higher before HF took office. So they have raided the surplus and exploded the debt to give a short term zero tax increase. So who is it that lied to get votes?


Anthony Falcone really is the $6 Million Man

The Democrats are running scared now that it has been shown that Anthony Falcone voted for over $6 million in bonding during 2005, the year before Hammonton First came to office.  They are trying to say it was just for town hall.  That is not the truth.  Go to town hall and you can see the list for yourself.

The Democrats have complained about not enough spending for two years.  Now they want to tell you they know how to reduce spending?  What a joke.


RE: Democrats disagree with Mayor's statement on the debt

democrat = confussed. They say they have a plan. HMMMM SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it must be secert plan that nobody else knows . maybe a magic wond. Please dems no more spin tell me how you will get everyone the golden pot of gold without taxes.  


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If The bonding you speak of was not for town hall then why did HF as one of their first acts vote to reduce the bond? That is what it was for and you know it.
But the major point is we are NOW in way over our heads. We can not continue on this same course and it is apparent by your posts that Hammonton First doesn't care and plans to continue putting us in debt. It has to stop!

There is no secret plan, just go back and read this thread, it's there. It will take a lot of commitment and hard work, but the Democrats recognize the problem and WILL correct the problem.


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Are you trying to tell the people of Hammonton that you are not at all concerned about the level of our debt. That is what you have said in every one of your responses. Hammonton First is attacking the Democrats because we want to stop this borrow and spend spree. We want tomake a better life for ourselves, our seniors, our children, and our grandchildren and for this you are attacking and belittling us. Sorry we have offended you by thinking about the people we serve.



Hammonton First is not concerned with the level of debt. That will be their legacy. A mountain of debt for future councils to deal with. Their only concern is doing everything they can to improve the values of their properties downtown. No matter what cost. But they hide the spending by turning it into debt, not having to pay for it till later, and therefore not having to raise taxes to pay for it now. They have set us on a course that will take a long time to correct.



You talk about previous councils that voted to spend money. Let me remind you that there were Firsters there too. Jeannie Lewis, Bill Olivo, Dan Chiafolo. The roots go back to then although they called themselves Republicans then. Now the current Republicans vote with Hammonton First on every vote. There is reall no difference. Vote Democrat. We won't be fooled again!



When you read what the Hammonton First supporters are saying throughout this blog, they already have plans to put us even further in debt this year. They made the statement earlier that if the Dems don't bond all progress will stop. Well I for one agree with the Democrats. You can't borrow for absolutetly everything you want to do. We can't keep going further and further into debt. According to the Admins numbers we have to spend over $1 1/4 million each year right now to pay off our current debt. If we keep adding to the debt we will have to spend more and more each year. When will it stop? I won't get fooled again.



I agree that we can't keep borrowing like this. From what I see in the Admins statements the Dems have a plan to keep progress going without putting us further into debt. They have been very vocal the last two years and have stood up for the average people of Hammonton. They deserve the chance to fix this problem.



Anonymous wrote:

democrat = confussed. They say they have a plan. HMMMM SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it must be secert plan that nobody else knows . maybe a magic wond. Please dems no more spin tell me how you will get everyone the golden pot of gold without taxes.  

No wonder the Democrats refuse to be speciific with their plans.  Thank goodness Hammonton First has been able to reduce the debt by saving money and paying down the unnecessary waste of the Democrats and Republicans.

The professional auditor explained the debt has been lowered and the surplus increased.  That sure didn't happen when the new school was built.

No wonder HF was able to eliminate the tax increases of the past few years!


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What don't you understand. We have to scrutinize the budget and eliminate wasteful spending. We have to negotiate hard and tough on wages and benefits. We have to spur controlled and smart growth to increase tax revenues and then dedicate a portion to paying off the debt and a portion to future capital improvements.

Yes, we have alreaqdy stated in the opening of this thread that the debt did decrease this year, but it is still at it's second highest level in history. We then explained that the Mayor did not report what the professional auditor said just a few pages later. The town put over $1/2 million back on the debt this year and we are back at the highest level of debt in history again. We have $19 million in debt while we only have a budget of $12 million.

And you are wrong again, the school debt has been lowered twice by refinancing atg better rates on two separate occasions.

HF was able to eliminate tax increases the last two years by borrowing and increasing our debt to historic levels.



HF just doesn't get it. They fooled us about the cost of the town hall project and now they are trying to fool us about how they are putting this town on the road to ruin. We can't afford their borrowing and spending. They obviously plan to put us further into debt as long as they are in office. In Nov. we need to get them out of office.



Admin wrote:

1--- We have to negotiate hard and tough on wages and benefits.

2----Yes, we have alreaqdy stated in the opening of this thread that the debt did decrease this year, but it is still at it's second highest level in history.

3----And you are wrong again, the school debt has been lowered twice by refinancing atg better rates on two separate occasions.

1---- After complaining that Hammonton First didn't give the town employees raises, now the Dems say they will negotiate hard?  Really?  Who is going to do that, Robin Ripa?  That should be fun watching her negotiate her own wages and benefits.

2---- We agree.  HF did decrease the debt.  And we also agree, before HF came to office, thanks to people like Anthony Falcone, it was the highest ever.

3---- When you refinance to a lower interest rate you don't lower the amount of debt you have.  You still owe the bank the same amount of money.  You have a lower payment due to the lower rate, but you still owe the same amount of principal.  Are you sure you Dems are really qualified to manage the taxpayers' money?



the dems all over this blog say how they support the little guy . the town employee and bash hf for holding the line on spending and now say they want to take that stanse.  to anyone over 4 years old it is clear that the dems or whoever is posting for them has know idea how bonding or muncipal goverment works.  there aspect of bonding is way off and it is simply untrue


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Anonymous wrote:

1---- After complaining that Hammonton First didn't give the town employees raises, now the Dems say they will negotiate hard?  Really?  Who is going to do that, Robin Ripa?  That should be fun watching her negotiate her own wages and benefits.First point, you don't negotiate hard by refusing to give any raises in the first year, that only causes low employee morale and makes them dig in deeper. Second point, it has already been well established by the Democrats that Robin will have to recuse herself in discussions pertaining to the police dept just as the Mayor has to recuse himself from votes relating to the properties he owns or develops.

2---- We agree.  HF did decrease the debt.  And we also agree, before HF came to office, thanks to people like Anthony Falcone, it was the highest ever.And now after the debt dropping a little, thanks to the Mayor and Coucnil it is right back up to the highest level in history.

3---- When you refinance to a lower interest rate you don't lower the amount of debt you have.  You still owe the bank the same amount of money.  You have a lower payment due to the lower rate, but you still owe the same amount of principal.  Are you sure you Dems are really qualified to manage the taxpayers' money?You are correct, the debt does not go down, but overall cost to the taxpayers does go down because you will pay less interest.


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Anonymous wrote:

the dems all over this blog say how they support the little guy . the town employee and bash hf for holding the line on spending and now say they want to take that stanse.  to anyone over 4 years old it is clear that the dems or whoever is posting for them has know idea how bonding or muncipal goverment works.  there aspect of bonding is way off and it is simply untrue

We do know how bonding works and if you go to town hall and get a copy of the repayment schedule from the audit report the Mayor talks about you will see that council has structured the payments so that most of the debt is paid off at the end of the bond. We are not making equal payments throughuot the bond like a mortage, we are putting off the payments so that someone else will have to take care of it many years down the road.




Here are some question for the Democratic Party.  Since you seem to answer for the candidates, please respond.

QUESTION 1.  You claim that even though Hammonton First has lowered the debt, it is still the second highest it has ever been in the town's history.  That means that since HF lowered it, it must have been the highest ever when HF took office.

When HF took office, Anthony Falcone was already on council and had voted for over $6 million in new bonds the year before.  He voted to help create the highest debt in the town's history.  Why did he do that if you think it is bad.  Why didn't you speak out against that back then?

QUESTION 2.  You claim you will negotiate hard with the town employees to lower overall costs.  What specifically will you take away from them to lower the employee costs.  Will you lower their benefits?  Will you cut their pay?  Will you reduce the number of people working for the town?

QUESTION 3.  You claim you will reduce debt.  Which specific projects will you vote to kill?  The new soccer fields?  The new remodeling for safe parking at the Lake Park?  What else?

Thank you in advance for your answers.


Leave the LAKE PARK alone!!

I will suggest one way to save money.........leave the Hammonton Lake Park ALONE PLEASE. If it ain't broke don't fix it. The Hammonton Lake Park is one of the best facilities in South Jersey just the way it is........we need more facilities not a silly waste of money paving over our park.

Please create new facilities for the kids without wasting taxpayer money on a silly renovation at a facility that is working very well.


RE: Democrats disagree with Mayor's statement on the debt

Anonymous wrote:


Here are some question for the Democratic Party.  Since you seem to answer for the candidates, please respond.

QUESTION 1.  You claim that even though Hammonton First has lowered the debt, it is still the second highest it has ever been in the town's history.  That means that since HF lowered it, it must have been the highest ever when HF took office.

When HF took office, Anthony Falcone was already on council and had voted for over $6 million in new bonds the year before.  He voted to help create the highest debt in the town's history.  Why did he do that if you think it is bad.  Why didn't you speak out against that back then?

QUESTION 2.  You claim you will negotiate hard with the town employees to lower overall costs.  What specifically will you take away from them to lower the employee costs.  Will you lower their benefits?  Will you cut their pay?  Will you reduce the number of people working for the town?

QUESTION 3.  You claim you will reduce debt.  Which specific projects will you vote to kill?  The new soccer fields?  The new remodeling for safe parking at the Lake Park?  What else?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

I think that the Dems will kill off the project to provide safe parking at the Lake Park.



Anonymous wrote:


Here are some question for the Democratic Party.  Since you seem to answer for the candidates, please respond.

QUESTION 1.  You claim that even though Hammonton First has lowered the debt, it is still the second highest it has ever been in the town's history.  That means that since HF lowered it, it must have been the highest ever when HF took office.

When HF took office, Anthony Falcone was already on council and had voted for over $6 million in new bonds the year before.  He voted to help create the highest debt in the town's history.  Why did he do that if you think it is bad.  Why didn't you speak out against that back then?

QUESTION 2.  You claim you will negotiate hard with the town employees to lower overall costs.  What specifically will you take away from them to lower the employee costs.  Will you lower their benefits?  Will you cut their pay?  Will you reduce the number of people working for the town?

QUESTION 3.  You claim you will reduce debt.  Which specific projects will you vote to kill?  The new soccer fields?  The new remodeling for safe parking at the Lake Park?  What else?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

Now that the Democrats have identified that when Hammonton First came to office, the town had it's largest debt levels ever, we can see why it was so important to eliminate the moron Republicans from office.  Led by Jimmy Bertino, and helped by Democrat Anthony Falcone, they voted to borrow millions, wasted the money, and the town had nothing to show for it.

Thank heavens HF has come in and started to lower the debt levels.  We couldn't take the kind of reckless waste that Jimmy Bertino and Anthony Falcone promoted.


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RE: Democrats disagree with Mayor's statement on the debt

Anonymous wrote:


Here are some question for the Democratic Party.  Since you seem to answer for the candidates, please respond.

QUESTION 1.  You claim that even though Hammonton First has lowered the debt, it is still the second highest it has ever been in the town's history.  That means that since HF lowered it, it must have been the highest ever when HF took office. It looks like you are finnally starting to see the picture, let's see if you get the rest. Yes, the highest debt ever was in plave when HF took office. It was created by the bonds issued to build the new town hall. As we have said all the way through this thread, that is the type of project that should be bonded.

When HF took office, Anthony Falcone was already on council and had voted for over $6 million in new bonds the year before.  He voted to help create the highest debt in the town's history.  Why did he do that if you think it is bad.  Why didn't you speak out against that back then? He voted for the town hall bond. We support building a new town hall, I assume you wanted him to vote no and stop progress? Remember, if we have to do bonding, then this is the type of project that should be bonded.

QUESTION 2.  You claim you will negotiate hard with the town employees to lower overall costs.  What specifically will you take away from them to lower the employee costs.  Will you lower their benefits?  Will you cut their pay?  Will you reduce the number of people working for the town? Apparently you are new to the negotiations process, but none of that is discussed until you sit down at the table. But rest assured, our town employees are very dedicated and deserve a fair and open negotiation process and we need to come up with a compromise that serves both the employees and the taxpayers well.

QUESTION 3.  You claim you will reduce debt.  Which specific projects will you vote to kill?  The new soccer fields?  The new remodeling for safe parking at the Lake Park?  What else? We have already answered that ten times on thiss blog, so let us just say, we will not kill ANY projects. We will utilize better ways to fund them.

Thank you in advance for your answers. You're welcome!



Admin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Here are some question for the Democratic Party.? Since you seem to answer for the candidates, please respond.

QUESTION 1.? You claim that even though Hammonton First has lowered the debt, it is still the second highest it has ever been in the town's history.? That means that since HF lowered it, it must have been the highest ever when HF took office. It looks like you are finnally starting to see the picture, let's see if you get the rest. Yes, the highest debt ever was in plave when HF took office. It was created by the bonds issued to build the new town hall. As we have said all the way through this thread, that is the type of project that should be bonded.

When HF took office, Anthony Falcone was already on council and had voted for over $6 million in new bonds the year before.? He voted to help create the highest debt in the town's history.? Why did he do that if you think it is bad.? Why didn't you speak out against that back then? He voted for the town hall bond. We support building a new town hall, I assume you wanted him to vote no and stop progress? Remember, if we have to do bonding, then this is the type of project that should be bonded.

QUESTION 2.? You claim you will negotiate hard with the town employees to lower overall costs.? What specifically will you take away from them to lower the employee costs.? Will you lower their benefits?? Will you cut their pay?? Will you reduce the number of people working for the town? Apparently you are new to the negotiations process, but none of that is discussed until you sit down at the table. But rest assured, our town employees are very dedicated and deserve a fair and open negotiation process and we need to come up with a compromise that serves both the employees and the taxpayers well.

QUESTION 3.? You claim you will reduce debt.? Which specific projects will you vote to kill?? The new soccer fields?? The new remodeling for safe parking at the Lake Park?? What else? We have already answered that ten times on thiss blog, so let us just say, we will not kill ANY projects. We will?utilize better ways to fund them.

Thank you in advance for your answers. You're welcome!

Notice point #1. The Democrats are admitting that before Hammonton First took office, the Democrats and Republicans had run up the largest debt in the town's history. In addition, we now see that Hammonton First has worked to lower that debt.

I can't imagine why we'd want to vote Anthony Falcone back into office. He already voted to run the debt up to a record level. Why would be believe him when he says he realizes now he was wrong? We might as well stay with Hammonton First, who is getting the job done!


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Why would we deny a fact. But the items approved by Anthony were for the new Town Hall. Now it looks like you are having second thoughts and say we should have voted against the Town Hall. Are you worried now because you know how far over budget this project will be and it will have to be added to the debt?
HF has worked the debt right back up where it was by financing ridiculous items. Why would we finance $4,700 for our portion of Fire Dept turnout gear? You mean to tell me we couldn't find that money anywhere else so we are now going to pay interest on that money for 13 years? Why would we finance $12,000 for our portion of improvements at the airport? Again we have to pay interest for 13 years? Why would we finance $27,000 for lawn equipment? We will be paying for that for 13 years and it probably won't even last that long. We will be still paying for these items while they are sitting on a trash heap. And those are just some of the items we shouldn't be bonding. It's just a ploy to shift the debt and payments to future generations and artificially keep the taxes low. We can afford a $20,000 irrigation system to water the plants on Bellevue Avenue but we can't find money to keep our firefighters safe. We can find thousands of dollars to put up flagpoles on Bellevue Avenue but we can't find money to buy safe equipment for our children to use in our youth programs.
Hammonton First lowered the debt 3% for one year and then turned around and drove it right back up to $19 million. Stay with Hammonton First and the debt will rise even higher. They already have projects on the books that will put the debt over $27 million.

-- Edited by Admin at 12:19, 2007-10-01



The bonds Anthony Falcone voted on during 2005 are much more than the town hall.  During his term he voted to raise the amount of debt in the town far more than just the town hall.

As you have pointed out, the facts are the following:

1.  When Hammonton First came into office, the debt was the highest in the town's history.

2.  Hammonton First has LOWERED the debt the town owes.

This is the first time in years that the town's debt has gone down after years of Republican and Democrat votes to keep raising it.  I think for my money, I want the people who are lowering debt already... Hammonton First.


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But to lower the debt in one year and turn right around and raise it back up to the same level it was accomplishes nothing. And what is even worse is you completely ignore the reality just so you can blow your horn about a shortlived reduction. Are you totally unconcerned about how much in debt this Town is, because that is the impression you are giving. It seems HF doesn't care about the debt as long as they can spin the facts in some way to make themselves look good.
The Democrats acknowledge that there is much reason to be concerned about this debt. We have made some proposals to turn this situation around. At least we have a plan, you propose nothing but more and more debt.



Anonymous wrote:

The bonds Anthony Falcone voted on during 2005 are much more than the town hall.  During his term he voted to raise the amount of debt in the town far more than just the town hall.

As you have pointed out, the facts are the following:

1.  When Hammonton First came into office, the debt was the highest in the town's history.

2.  Hammonton First has LOWERED the debt the town owes.

This is the first time in years that the town's debt has gone down after years of Republican and Democrat votes to keep raising it.  I think for my money, I want the people who are lowering debt already... Hammonton First.

The Mayor has also explained that the debt will go down again by December 31, 2007.  Looks like this is progress you can see!



I have never heard the Mayor talk about the debt until the article in the Gazette. And how could he claim the debt will go down this year if we have bonded an additional $500,000 this year.


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I don't know why the Mayor would make that statement when the Town's own professional has estimated the Town debt as of 12/31/07 to be $18,787,760.05.



It's really amazing that the Democrats and Republicans let the town's debt reach a record level in 2005, the year before Hammonton First won the election.

It sure seems like the were running the town's finances the same way the school board was handling things back then.   No wonder taxes kept going up.

Now we see that why the Mayor had the public budget meetings and demanded to know all the money we owed.  He was taking action and fixing things, not just talking about it.

Great results to see that the debt is going down.  We need to keep up the progress.



All last year when the Mayor was looking into the town finances and saying how bad things were, the Democrats and Republicans told everyone it was not true and he was just making things up.

Now we see that the Democrats have admitted that when Mayor DiDonato took office, the town had it's highest debt in history.  It looks like the Mayor was right and the Republicans and Democrats were trying to cover their mistakes.  Good thing Mayor DiDonato has been working to fix the town's finances.

I think Anthony Falcone has a lot of explaining to do if he wants to run for office.  He was part of that council that set a record for the highest debt ever.  He needs to explain his actions.



Nothing but lies from HF.  If things are so good. Why was the town administrator recently going through departmental budgets for thousands of dollars to pay for new furniture in the new town hall?



From what I heard they are now not buying any new furniture for the new town hall. They are only taking the old furniture to the brand new building because there is no money left to buy anything.


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Looks like Ed Wuilermin needs to explain his actions. He is part of the council that after taking a very small step in the right direction, immediately turned right around and put the debt right back up at the highest level ever.



thats called being responsible. 


Why can't the Democrat candidates speak for themselves

Why is it that Jim MacLane does all the talking for the Democrats? Let the Democrats answer for themselves.

Why did Anthony Falcone vote to skyrocket the debt in 2005, the year before Mayor DiDonato took office, and say nothing back then?  It was NOT the town hall... that was originally bonded in 2003!

Why did the Democrats try to say the town finances were in great shape when Mayor DiDonato took office?  We now see that the Mayor was right.  Falcone and his cronies ran a deficit and borrowed like crazy to the highest levels in the town's history.

Falcone should answer for himself.

-- Edited by Admin at 12:53, 2007-10-02


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Democrats disagree with Mayor's statement on the debt

Because Jim is part of the team and the Dems are all running on the same platform with the same goals to help our town be even better than it is.
Anthony works in Trenton and when he gets back to Hammonton he is busy knocking on doors and meeting with the people of Hammonton.
If you think the bonds were for something other than the town hall, then let's see the list. Just go to town hall and get the list.
When did the Democrats say that the finances were in great shape when the Mayor took office? This is not a problem that happened overnight. This is a problem though that now has reached a level that we need to stop and change direction.
You seem to ignore the whole question that was raised in this post. We disagree with the Mayor's statement that the debt has gone down, and so does the auditor.
No matter whose fault it is IT HAS TO STOP!!!!
The Mayor keeps calling for unity and then the people of HF just get on here and bash the hell out of the Democrats, the Republicans, and any other person they feel isn't bowing down to them. Listen to your own Mayor. We disagree with what the Mayor said and that's OK. We weren't attacking anyone personally, we just have a different point of view, but to you that is a threat rather than a chance to join together and come up with a solution.
The fact remains that at the end of this year, Bowman & Company estimates the debt to be close to $19 million and we need a bi-partisan solution to keep our town financially stable and keep from passing the debt on to our children. We have offered some ideas for us all to think about and add to to try and come up with a long term solution, and for that you ignore the problem and go on red alert. If you can't try and be part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.
The team of Ammirato, Falcone, and Ripa are ready to work with the rest of council on solving this problem. Apparently HF is not.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The bonds Anthony Falcone voted on during 2005 are much more than the town hall.  During his term he voted to raise the amount of debt in the town far more than just the town hall.

As you have pointed out, the facts are the following:

1.  When Hammonton First came into office, the debt was the highest in the town's history.

2.  Hammonton First has LOWERED the debt the town owes.

This is the first time in years that the town's debt has gone down after years of Republican and Democrat votes to keep raising it.  I think for my money, I want the people who are lowering debt already... Hammonton First.

The Mayor has also explained that the debt will go down again by December 31, 2007.  Looks like this is progress you can see!

The mayor explains what he wants you to hear.  You have look deeper for the facts.  Just like the fact that Hammonton First said the Town Hall, the moving of the Old Town Hall and the TOWNWIDE Community Center would cost $5.9M.  Now they have back pedalled from that and are saying that only the Town Hall will be $5.9M when even that will most likely go up to $7M.  Deception and Reinventing History is the HF way.  HF can't deny the fact that deceived the public about the $5.9M which was to include all 3 projects.  Now they are trying to squeak by in hopes that we forget.  They hope that we buy into 5.9 at Central and Vine and that It's All Good.



Anonymous wrote:

Why is it that Jim MacLane does all the talking for the Democrats? Let the Democrats answer for themselves.

Why did Anthony Falcone vote to skyrocket the debt in 2005, the year before Mayor DiDonato took office, and say nothing back then?  It was NOT the town hall... that was originally bonded in 2003!

Why did the Democrats try to say the town finances were in great shape when Mayor DiDonato took office?  We now see that the Mayor was right.  Falcone and his cronies ran a deficit and borrowed like crazy to the highest levels in the town's history.

Falcone should answer for himself.

-- Edited by Admin at 12:53, 2007-10-02

Falcone doesn't want to answer because his puppet master hasn't told him what to say. 

Falcone thinks he is going to make people think he can cut taxes?  That's nonsense.  In his last month as a councilperson, he went and pocketed $11,000 of the taxpayers money for himself personally.

Curcio was right.  Falcone is just all about grabbing cash for himself.



Keith Gazzara was right.  The Dems need to dump their ticket and get new people.  It isn't too late.  When Democrat Senator Robert Torrecelli was caught taking bribes, the Dems switched him out for Lautenberg.  Dump these loser candidates and get new ones.  Falcone has voted to put us in so much debt it will take a team of businessmen and financial experts to get us out of it.



I really enjoyed reading the top story of the Hammonton News about New Jersey Manufacturers building a new office building in Hammonton. They have already brought 200 jobs to town and are expanding for more.

Their representative explained what a great job the Mayor & local officials did to attract them. They are seeing all the positive changes of the past two years. This is more progress for Hammonton and new, great jobs for our residents! Well done Mayor DiDonato! The people of Hammonton are behind you!



I just read the Mayor's letter in the paper.  I think he is doing a great job.  It is terrible the town was left with so much debt when he came into office.  He is doing a nice job paying off the debt and keeping our taxes down.  Even Rich Jacobus had nice things to say about the Mayor.  He pointed out that Frank LoBiondo (US House of Representatives), Denny Levinson (Atlantic County Executive) and Jimmy Curcio (local freeholder) all seem to support Hammonton First.  I guess Rich must know or he wouldn't have put it in the paper.



Anonymous wrote:

I really enjoyed reading the top story of the Hammonton News about New Jersey Manufacturers building a new office building in Hammonton. They have already brought 200 jobs to town and are expanding for more.

Their representative explained what a great job the Mayor & local officials did to attract them. They are seeing all the positive changes of the past two years. This is more progress for Hammonton and new, great jobs for our residents! Well done Mayor DiDonato! The people of Hammonton are behind you!

Once again stupid HF is trying to take credit for what was already set in motion by previous administrations.  The Hammonton News stated this has been in the works for a long time.  Pinelands were holding it up.  Now that they dumped Wuillermin we see the progress.  The FACT is Barbar Berenato brought this project to town.  DON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN!



That was a great article in the Hammonton News showing how once again the Mayor LIED.  The deficit is at 18 million the surplus they inherited has been squandered.  They will continue to lie, borrow and spend.  How many parking spots at the misplaced town hall.  DON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Why is it that Jim MacLane does all the talking for the Democrats? Let the Democrats answer for themselves.

Why did Anthony Falcone vote to skyrocket the debt in 2005, the year before Mayor DiDonato took office, and say nothing back then?  It was NOT the town hall... that was originally bonded in 2003!

Why did the Democrats try to say the town finances were in great shape when Mayor DiDonato took office?  We now see that the Mayor was right.  Falcone and his cronies ran a deficit and borrowed like crazy to the highest levels in the town's history.

Falcone should answer for himself.

-- Edited by Admin at 12:53, 2007-10-02

Falcone doesn't want to answer because his puppet master hasn't told him what to say. 

Falcone thinks he is going to make people think he can cut taxes?  That's nonsense.  In his last month as a councilperson, he went and pocketed $11,000 of the taxpayers money for himself personally.

Curcio was right.  Falcone is just all about grabbing cash for himself.

Bertino was the guy who drove all the borrowing.  It is the tax and spend Republicans who left Hammonton with it's largest debt ever when  HF came to office.  Bertino is to blame.  His business isn't doing well so he must want to make money off the taxpayers.


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I think everyone is realizing that the year the Mayor is talking about the debt going down is the year Anthony Falcone was still on council. As soon as he left council the Hammonton First Republicans and the Regular Republicans drove the debt right back up to the highest level this town has ever seen. We need to elect the whole Democratic team so they can work together to reduce our debt once again.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Why is it that Jim MacLane does all the talking for the Democrats? Let the Democrats answer for themselves.

Why did Anthony Falcone vote to skyrocket the debt in 2005, the year before Mayor DiDonato took office, and say nothing back then?  It was NOT the town hall... that was originally bonded in 2003!

Why did the Democrats try to say the town finances were in great shape when Mayor DiDonato took office?  We now see that the Mayor was right.  Falcone and his cronies ran a deficit and borrowed like crazy to the highest levels in the town's history.

Falcone should answer for himself.

-- Edited by Admin at 12:53, 2007-10-02

Falcone still has still not responded.  The fact remains that in 2005, the year before HF took office, the Republicans and Democrats were on a spending spree that increased the town's debt by over 30% to the highest levels ever. 

HF has been able to lower it.  Certainly, the problem Anthony Falcone and his cronies created can't be fixed overnight, because they certainly hurt this town.  But HF is chipping away and lowering it every year.


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The year that the debt went down is the year Anthony Falcone was still on council. This year he was not on council and the debt went right back up to the historically high levels. You tell me what this shows. Anthony Falcone is there and the debt goes down, Anthony Falcone leaves and the Hammonton First Republicans and Regular Republicans drive the debt right back up.



As I remeber it, 2005 was 6 Republicans to 1 Democrat. You want to blame everything on the lone Dem? Also on that council the Republicans, even though it wasn't official yet, were split 4 Regular Republicans and 2 Hammonton First Republicans. Anthony lost a lot of fights that year. That's why we need Democrats on council to fight for the average citizen.



Anonymous wrote:

As I remeber it, 2005 was 6 Republicans to 1 Democrat. You want to blame everything on the lone Dem? Also on that council the Republicans, even though it wasn't official yet, were split 4 Regular Republicans and 2 Hammonton First Republicans. Anthony lost a lot of fights that year. That's why we need Democrats on council to fight for the average citizen.

Thank heavens Hammonton First came in and swept both the Republicans and Democrats out of office.  They both were spending money in an out of control fashion.  Both Jimmy Bertino and Anthony Falcone share the blame for this spending spree.


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Anthony recognized the out of control spending and did something about it. The last year he served on council the debt went down. The following year after he left council the debt went right back up. So who do you think does the out of control spending. We need Anthony Falcone back on council to bring our debt down again and he needs Mike Ammirato and Robin Ripa to help him achieve these goals.



Admin wrote:

Anthony recognized the out of control spending and did something about it. The last year he served on council the debt went down. The following year after he left council the debt went right back up. So who do you think does the out of control spending. We need Anthony Falcone back on council to bring our debt down again and he needs Mike Ammirato and Robin Ripa to help him achieve these goals.

Actually, the above is not true.  In 2005, when Anthony Falcone was with his Republican cronies, he helped vote for the highest debt in town's history.  All year he voted for just about every bond that was put in front of him.

In 2006, when Hammonton First came into office, Anthony was on the losing end of votes as HF didn't want to have the debt go up.  It went down.  Anthony, however, did lose on many votes for more bonding which were all pushed hard on this blog.  For example, there was the time when he voted for bonding an extra $50,000 to pay for a one bid contract that year.


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That is an absolute and complete lie!!! In your own post, the vote was on whether or not to reject a bid, it had nothing to do with saving money.



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Anthony recognized the out of control spending and did something about it. The last year he served on council the debt went down. The following year after he left council the debt went right back up. So who do you think does the out of control spending. We need Anthony Falcone back on council to bring our debt down again and he needs Mike Ammirato and Robin Ripa to help him achieve these goals.

Actually, the above is not true.  In 2005, when Anthony Falcone was with his Republican cronies, he helped vote for the highest debt in town's history.  All year he voted for just about every bond that was put in front of him.

In 2006, when Hammonton First came into office, Anthony was on the losing end of votes as HF didn't want to have the debt go up.  It went down.  Anthony, however, did lose on many votes for more bonding which were all pushed hard on this blog.  For example, there was the time when he voted for bonding an extra $50,000 to pay for a one bid contract that year.

I am certainly glad this contract was re-bid thanks to Hammonton First votes.  That decision resulted in saving the taxpayers $50,000.

It looks like the Democrats will vote for almost any bond, which is why they and the Republicans generated the highest debt in the town's history.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

As I remeber it, 2005 was 6 Republicans to 1 Democrat. You want to blame everything on the lone Dem? Also on that council the Republicans, even though it wasn't official yet, were split 4 Regular Republicans and 2 Hammonton First Republicans. Anthony lost a lot of fights that year. That's why we need Democrats on council to fight for the average citizen.

Thank heavens Hammonton First came in and swept both the Republicans and Democrats out of office. They both were spending money in an out of control fashion. Both Jimmy Bertino and Anthony Falcone share the blame for this spending spree.


 Hello, you guys lost last year.  Who swept who?  Hammonton First will swept again.  Hammonton First was a one issue party.   Hammonton is united more then ever. United Against The HF Corporation.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Anthony recognized the out of control spending and did something about it. The last year he served on council the debt went down. The following year after he left council the debt went right back up. So who do you think does the out of control spending. We need Anthony Falcone back on council to bring our debt down again and he needs Mike Ammirato and Robin Ripa to help him achieve these goals.

Actually, the above is not true. In 2005, when Anthony Falcone was with his Republican cronies, he helped vote for the highest debt in town's history. All year he voted for just about every bond that was put in front of him.

In 2006, when Hammonton First came into office, Anthony was on the losing end of votes as HF didn't want to have the debt go up. It went down. Anthony, however, did lose on many votes for more bonding which were all pushed hard on this blog. For example, there was the time when he voted for bonding an extra $50,000 to pay for a one bid contract that year.

I am certainly glad this contract was re-bid thanks to Hammonton First votes. That decision resulted in saving the taxpayers $50,000.

It looks like the Democrats will vote for almost any bond, which is why they and the Republicans generated the highest debt in the town's history.


 Let's look at the big picture here. Hammonton First lied to us and told us the construction of the new town hall, the moving of the old town hall, and construction of the "Townwide" community center would cost $5.9M.   They are hoping that we buy into 5.9 at Central and Vine and That It's All Good. 



It's really funny that the Democratic candidates are not allowed to answer for themselves.  Why does their puppet master have to tell them what to say?  Why can't Falcone answer himself for why he voted to raise the town's debt to the highest amount ever?



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Anthony recognized the out of control spending and did something about it. The last year he served on council the debt went down. The following year after he left council the debt went right back up. So who do you think does the out of control spending. We need Anthony Falcone back on council to bring our debt down again and he needs Mike Ammirato and Robin Ripa to help him achieve these goals.

Actually, the above is not true.  In 2005, when Anthony Falcone was with his Republican cronies, he helped vote for the highest debt in town's history.  All year he voted for just about every bond that was put in front of him.

In 2006, when Hammonton First came into office, Anthony was on the losing end of votes as HF didn't want to have the debt go up.  It went down.  Anthony, however, did lose on many votes for more bonding which were all pushed hard on this blog.  For example, there was the time when he voted for bonding an extra $50,000 to pay for a one bid contract that year.

It's a good thing that HF was able to stop Falcone from his tax and spend ways when they got into office in 2006. It it too bad HF didn't exist even earlier to stop this. Also, what is the Democrats response to the money Falcone pocketed in 2005 and 2006. Do they think that is right, especially while the debt was going thru the roof to record levels in 2005?



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:

Anthony recognized the out of control spending and did something about it. The last year he served on council the debt went down. The following year after he left council the debt went right back up. So who do you think does the out of control spending. We need Anthony Falcone back on council to bring our debt down again and he needs Mike Ammirato and Robin Ripa to help him achieve these goals.

Actually, the above is not true. In 2005, when Anthony Falcone was with his Republican cronies, he helped vote for the highest debt in town's history. All year he voted for just about every bond that was put in front of him.

In 2006, when Hammonton First came into office, Anthony was on the losing end of votes as HF didn't want to have the debt go up. It went down. Anthony, however, did lose on many votes for more bonding which were all pushed hard on this blog. For example, there was the time when he voted for bonding an extra $50,000 to pay for a one bid contract that year.


It's a good thing that HF was able to stop Falcone from his tax and spend ways when they got into office in 2006. It it too bad HF didn't exist even earlier to stop this. Also, what is the Democrats response to the money Falcone pocketed in 2005 and 2006. Do they think that is right, especially while the debt was going thru the roof to record levels in 2005?


 Hammonton First hates our kids.  They bash our schools and don't want to spend a dime more for our kids.   They say they want to unite our town but they continue to bash past and current school board members.  Hammonton First has even bashed the teachers.   I think if Hammonton First had their way that they would make all police officers, town and school employees work for minimum wage.


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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

It's really funny that the Democratic candidates are not allowed to answer for themselves.  Why does their puppet master have to tell them what to say?  Why can't Falcone answer himself for why he voted to raise the town's debt to the highest amount ever?

The Democrats are a team and 1 person can answer because we all have the same goals and will all work very hard for the people of Hammonton.
You are a hypocrite because the HF candidates have not said a word either. The original Hammonton puppetmaster speaks for them.

Falcone was on town council when the debt dropped. As soon as he left council Hammonton First raised the debt back up to the highest in history. We need Anthony back on council and he needs the rest of his team of Ammirato and Ripa to be there with him so we can reverse the course the Hammonton First

Republicans and the Regular Republicans have put us on.



Admin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

It's really funny that the Democratic candidates are not allowed to answer for themselves.  Why does their puppet master have to tell them what to say?  Why can't Falcone answer himself for why he voted to raise the town's debt to the highest amount ever?

The Democrats are a team and 1 person can answer because we all have the same goals and will all work very hard for the people of Hammonton.
You are a hypocrite because the HF candidates have not said a word either. The original Hammonton puppetmaster speaks for them.

Falcone was on town council when the debt dropped. As soon as he left council Hammonton First raised the debt back up to the highest in history. We need Anthony back on council and he needs the rest of his team of Ammirato and Ripa to be there with him so we can reverse the course the Hammonton First

Republicans and the Regular Republicans have put us on.

We all know about the Famous Mr. Ed and what his stance is but I when I talked to Tracy Petrongolo (Lucca) all she talked about was "the arts."   She said the standard HF propoganda how THEY did everything and that the Republicans and Democrats are bad for Hammonton.  I heard a rumor that she voted in the Republican primary.  What a hypocrite?  Or is because Hammonton First Republicans and Republicans are really the same.  The only real choice for Independents is the Democrats.  Hammonton has be run by Republican majority to long.  This is a working class town and we need working class leaders not some silver spooned rich brats.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Anthony recognized the out of control spending and did something about it. The last year he served on council the debt went down. The following year after he left council the debt went right back up. So who do you think does the out of control spending. We need Anthony Falcone back on council to bring our debt down again and he needs Mike Ammirato and Robin Ripa to help him achieve these goals.

Actually, the above is not true.  In 2005, when Anthony Falcone was with his Republican cronies, he helped vote for the highest debt in town's history.  All year he voted for just about every bond that was put in front of him.

In 2006, when Hammonton First came into office, Anthony was on the losing end of votes as HF didn't want to have the debt go up.  It went down.  Anthony, however, did lose on many votes for more bonding which were all pushed hard on this blog.  For example, there was the time when he voted for bonding an extra $50,000 to pay for a one bid contract that year.

It's a good thing that HF was able to stop Falcone from his tax and spend ways when they got into office in 2006. It it too bad HF didn't exist even earlier to stop this. Also, what is the Democrats response to the money Falcone pocketed in 2005 and 2006. Do they think that is right, especially while the debt was going thru the roof to record levels in 2005?

I don't hear much about the debt now that it's come out that Anthony Falcone was one of the councilpeople who voted to take it to record high levels.  In 2006, HF lowered it even though Falcone was still ready to vote for more debt.


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That's because you obviously have selective hearing. We have said all along that the debt went high in 2005 because of the bonding for the town hall project. We support that kind of project being bonded because it is a long term one time project that the taxpayers can not pay for all at once.
Our point was that the Mayor claims he lowered the debt and that simply is untrue. The debt went down for one year while Anthony was still on council. But the next year, after Anthony left council,  HF voted to raise the debt right back up to the highest level in our history. They used these tactics to keep taxes low while passing on these expenses to future generations. If we don't do something now our town will be in real financial trouble very quickly.
We need Anthony Falcone back on council and he needs the rest of his team of Mike Ammirato and Robin Ripa to put us back on sound financial footings.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Anthony recognized the out of control spending and did something about it. The last year he served on council the debt went down. The following year after he left council the debt went right back up. So who do you think does the out of control spending. We need Anthony Falcone back on council to bring our debt down again and he needs Mike Ammirato and Robin Ripa to help him achieve these goals.

Actually, the above is not true.  In 2005, when Anthony Falcone was with his Republican cronies, he helped vote for the highest debt in town's history.  All year he voted for just about every bond that was put in front of him.

In 2006, when Hammonton First came into office, Anthony was on the losing end of votes as HF didn't want to have the debt go up.  It went down.  Anthony, however, did lose on many votes for more bonding which were all pushed hard on this blog.  For example, there was the time when he voted for bonding an extra $50,000 to pay for a one bid contract that year.

I am certainly glad this contract was re-bid thanks to Hammonton First votes.  That decision resulted in saving the taxpayers $50,000.

It looks like the Democrats will vote for almost any bond, which is why they and the Republicans generated the highest debt in the town's history.

I wish we can save the money that we pay or get grants for Mainstreet and use it for something more worthy then benefitting Hammonton First landowners.  A downtown community center would have been better use for that money.



Admin wrote:

That's because you obviously have selective hearing. We have said all along that the debt went high in 2005 because of the bonding for the town hall project. We support that kind of project being bonded because it is a long term one time project that the taxpayers can not pay for all at once.
Our point was that the Mayor claims he lowered the debt and that simply is untrue. The debt went down for one year while Anthony was still on council. But the next year, after Anthony left council,  HF voted to raise the debt right back up to the highest level in our history. They used these tactics to keep taxes low while passing on these expenses to future generations. If we don't do something now our town will be in real financial trouble very quickly.
We need Anthony Falcone back on council and he needs the rest of his team of Mike Ammirato and Robin Ripa to put us back on sound financial footings.

The debt taken on oin 2005 by Falcone did not include the town hall.  That was bonded for in 2003.



It looks like we all agree.  Even though you disagree with the town's independent certified auditor, you are saying that the debt is $18,787,760.05.  That is lower than what the debt closed at in 2005.

Factor in the 2.5 million settlement with SJ Gas and that puts the debt at 16,287,760.05.

Debt sure has gone down under HF!


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Posts: 1241

The money the town received from SJ Gas is to be used to relocate the new well Hammonton wanted to put at Lincoln Ave. This is not income to the town, but a reimbursement for additional expenses created by the problems at that site. If this money is added to the general fund or used in any other way would be a slap in the face to every taxpayer in Hammonton. So don't try and add it to your calculations.

So on almost $19 million in debt it went down $60,000 or 0.032%. That is such an insignificant difference I didn't think it worth mentioning. However, I'll change my tune. Oh how wonderful HF is. They dropped the debt 0.032% in one year. At that rate our debt will be paid off in 312 years as long as the banks don't charge us any interest. Yeah HF, we are so lucky to have them representing us.

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