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Post Info TOPIC: Republicans forget how to bid too!

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Republicans forget how to bid too!

We have all watched Councilman Ed Wuillermin berate other councilmembers and department heads for not getting competitive bids and then make a motion to purchase a truck for the town with only one bid.  At the recent council meeting, Republican Counciman Jerry Vitalo asked approval to purchase filters to help clean the storm water flowing into Hammonton lake. Although this particular purchase does not require obtaining bids, it does require getting more than one quote to insure you are paying a competitive price. However, as he was questioned about getting a second bid by solicitor Brian Howell, he led council to believe that this is a specialized product only offered by this one company and he further put pressure on council to approve this purchase because of timing with getting this in place to insure opening the lake in May. A simple search on the internet will bring up a variety of suppliers who can provide these products to our town.

And there are many more. We owe it to the taxpayers of this community to competitively bid or at least get several qoutes on any products we need to purchase with our tax dollars. We can not continue these fiscally irresponsible practices. We must do ALL the research and get all the facts. That is what they are elected to do.

-- Edited by Admin at 14:10, 2007-10-23



Good job bringing this up.  There is no way those loser Republicans and Jerry Vitalo should ever think they can get more votes than the Democrats.



It looks like the Democrats caught the Republicans in a LIE. The Republicans kicked Robin Ripa and Rich Jacobus out of their party. Now they want to give out one bid contracts to waste our money.



good job jim very true jerry and anthony are back room dealers. 



Anonymous wrote:

It looks like the Democrats caught the Republicans in a LIE. The Republicans kicked Robin Ripa and Rich Jacobus out of their party. Now they want to give out one bid contracts to waste our money.

It looks like all three Democrats will have my vote this year.   I have been on the fence about Ms. Ripa for some time now because of her past problems and current lawsuit however when measuring her up against the Republican candidates she's better person for the job.    Hammonton First was never an option to for me.   I would like to know where exactly the Dems Ms. Ripa included stand on our police department.     Public safety is becoming a great concern to me and my family.     With more and more people moving in the area more crime comes with it.    Will they hire more officers?    Will they make sure all equipment and cars are up to date?   I feel this mayor and council don't care about the regular people like you and me.    They can afford to replace stolen items, broken things and they feel they are entitled to special treatment anyway.    I can't and my family can't afford those luxuries.    I want my family, home and belongings protected.     I don't want my issues investigated after the fact I want to know there are enough officers to prevent these situations from happening.   The current Mayor and Council are lost in the 50's and are oblivious to the dangers that lurk around us.    

Will the Democrats stay out of the school business.    The current School Board and Administration are doing a wonderful job and don't need interference from a political party.    

Will the Democrats continue to bring in new business to our area.    The WHP is ready for new retail stores.    The "industrial park" needs some industry.   

Will the Democrats help build up our parks and recreational areas?    Will the Democrats bring back the July 4th celebration to what is was becoming a wonderful town wide family event not what they have turned it into.   




You damned well the bid is well under the threshold for competitive bids.  the total cost is under $4,000.  the  bid threshold for competitive bids is $13,000.

Who are you trying to fool?


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This item did not have to be bid, you are correct. But there are suposed to be more than one quote on items such as this. They are supposed to compare prices from different vendors to make sure the taxpayers are getting the best value for the money we spend.



Good job Jim.  You showed the Republicans didn't even care about how they spent the taxpayers money.  Who knows what side deals Bertino, Vitalo, and Marino might be doing?



jim what is your take on the central ave. problem it looks like all the curbs are too low . I see that these guys don't have a level or know how to run a straight line. now i here all the curbs and aprons are to low and  nothing is being done about it . unless you call giving the contractor more money for extra safety items that should have been bid within the scope of the project.  oh don't foget the arh inspector guy what does he do exactly except eat donuts. 



Anonymous wrote:

It looks like the Democrats caught the Republicans in a LIE. The Republicans kicked Robin Ripa and Rich Jacobus out of their party. Now they want to give out one bid contracts to waste our money.

Looks like the three Republicans are guaranteed losers now.  Pajic really hurt himself by telling people he was going to get rid of Adams, Rehmann and Heggan.  He works for another engineering firm.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

It looks like the Democrats caught the Republicans in a LIE. The Republicans kicked Robin Ripa and Rich Jacobus out of their party. Now they want to give out one bid contracts to waste our money.

Looks like the three Republicans are guaranteed losers now.  Pajic really hurt himself by telling people he was going to get rid of Adams, Rehmann and Heggan.  He works for another engineering firm.

When Anthony Falcone pushed to give out a half million dollar road contract with only one bidder, everything was fine, huh?  Add in Ripa & Jacobus.... what a joke.


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You need to remember that that project was put out to bid according to all of the requirementsof the bidding laws. In this case we didn't even attempt to get another price.



Admin wrote:

You need to remember that that project was put out to bid according to all of the requirementsof the bidding laws. In this case we didn't even attempt to get another price.

Falcone was going to give out a road job for a half million to your company without any other bidder.  That half million is a lot more money than the Republicans were giving in their contract.


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You need to remember that that project was put out to bid according to all of the requirementsof the bidding laws. In this case we didn't even attempt to get another price.



Jim, please explain the difference.  The Republicans give out a contract to one bidder and it is less than $10,000.  Anthony Falcone fights to give a contract with only one bidder to your company for about a half million.  Why is what the Democrats did right and what the Republicans did wrong?  Falcone was for paying a lot more money out.


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Anthony Falcone was not fighting to give the contract to anyone. Anthony was fighting for Council to follow the bidding laws. According to the regulations the contract was required to be advertised for bid, that was done. Several contractors picked up the bids and then decided not to bid the project. Council rejected the bid based on the fact that there was only one bidder. Bidding laws only allow rejection for one bidder if the bid received was substantially over the engineer's estimate. The bid was under the engineer's estimate. The other reason Council used to reject the bid was that they had not allocated enough money for the project. Again, the bidding laws only allow the rejection of bids for this reason when the bid is substantially over the allocated amount. In the next meeting Council only had to transfer $13,500 to fund the project. On a $500,000 project that amount is not considered anywhere near substantial.
In the recent case there was not even an attempt to get any kind of qoutes to make sure we were getting a competitive price. If that attempt was made we would not be discussing this at all.
I hope you are not trying to set a benchmark where it is OK to ignore the bidding laws. In the first case all of the bidding laws were followed and that is what Anthony was pointing out. In the second case the laws were completely ignored.

-- Edited by Admin at 21:17, 2007-10-23



You know I watched this last night... A few observations... For once.... ONCE... the dems hit something on the head here. But.. dont get ****y Jim, you guys are still goign to get hammered like every other year.... Are Pajic & Amaratto competing for who can lose the most elections... They gave jerry every opportunity to say "you know what lets get another quote" but why would we do that... I mean Dave Ness said it was ok. Dave Ness.. ok sure. Next... Mayor Ed aka Brian from Family guy... is like "Jerrry dont you think we should get another bid" No Ed, Dave Ness said it was ok. Then vote for Dave Ness next time... if I didnt hate Hammonton First just that much I would not have voted for this idiot.



Great job Democrats for unveiling the tangled web of lies by jerry vitalo.  it's so obvious he was ripping the town off by trying to get a $4,000 project done quickly at the Lake to stop the pollution that's destroying the place.

he should have went on askjeeves.com and googled up a dozen companies and then sent out for competing quotes and then hold three more meetings with subcommittees and finally follow up with a cost/benefit analysis to make sure the $4,000 the town would spend to stop the pollution at the lake isn't going to break the town's coffers.

maybe he should have hired a consultant to dig deeper.  i mean hey, the lake hasn't been a problem, right?  what do we want to hurry up and clean it up for.  after all, this website has been yelling that Town Council abandoned the lake in 2005.  now that jerry picked up the ball and is trying to get it clean, you guys pounce on him over the possibility of saving a buck or two.

Funny thing is, you don't mention if you inquired with the lake water quality commitee or parks & rec commitee to see if they already looked into other quotes or products.  you just jumped the gun to make jerry vitalo look bad.

odd, i don't ever remember jerry vitalo attacking the democrats when he was running for council.  so much for civility.


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Jerry made a mistake and we let him know about it. We are not bashing Jerry, but he must follow the rules. Jerry's a big boy and I'm sure he is big enough to admit he goofed. It is extremely important that every single tax dollar spent by Town Council be done within the rules. We must make absolutetly sure that we are saving the taxpayers of Hammonton as much as possible so that we can ease the tax burden. It is mentalities such as yours that cause waste and overspending of our tax dollars.
Well, we the Democrats promise not to look for reasons to justify not following the rules. We will do everything in our power to save the taxpayers ev ery single penny we can from their tax bills. Your comments indicate that the tax payers are not important to you. Shame on you!



Admin wrote:

Anthony Falcone was not fighting to give the contract to anyone. Anthony was fighting for Council to follow the bidding laws. According to the regulations the contract was required to be advertised for bid, that was done. Several contractors picked up the bids and then decided not to bid the project. Council rejected the bid based on the fact that there was only one bidder. Bidding laws only allow rejection for one bidder if the bid received was substantially over the engineer's estimate. The bid was under the engineer's estimate. The other reason Council used to reject the bid was that they had not allocated enough money for the project. Again, the bidding laws only allow the rejection of bids for this reason when the bid is substantially over the allocated amount. In the next meeting Council only had to transfer $13,500 to fund the project. On a $500,000 project that amount is not considered anywhere near substantial.
In the recent case there was not even an attempt to get any kind of qoutes to make sure we were getting a competitive price. If that attempt was made we would not be discussing this at all.
I hope you are not trying to set a benchmark where it is OK to ignore the bidding laws. In the first case all of the bidding laws were followed and that is what Anthony was pointing out. In the second case the laws were completely ignored.

-- Edited by Admin at 21:17, 2007-10-23

Jim, who was Anthony Falcone demanding to give the contract to? 


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Anthony Falcone wasn't demanding to give the contract to anyone. That is not what the vote was on. The vote was whether or not to reject the bid by Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc. of Hammonton, NJ. As explained previously, bidding laws do not allow for the rejection of bids for the reasons Town council used and Anthony Falcone and Jimmy Bertino were voting based on the LAW. Luckily the contractor decided not to challenge the rejection.



So now you attack Jerry Vitalo over chump change.  Real nice.


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Chump change to you is important to us and I'll bet it's important to the taxpayers of Hammonton. If things like this happen enough times it can really add up. The Democrats understand that we don't have to look at only the huge items, but we need to look at every item to make a real difference in controlling the taxes for the Hammonton residents.

And as for Jerry, we are not attacking him. He's a big boy and I doubt he went running home crying because we pointed out a mistake. I'd be willing to bet Jerry has already reacted and is looking into other company prices as we speak. I'll bet he's a big enough man to learn from his mistakes and move on.



I agree with the Administration on this one. If you can save $400.00 to $900.00 it would be a good idea to do it.

I have another point I would like to make:

1) What if you can save the Hammonton taxpayers over $10,000 per year by not doubling dipping on health insurance when you are already covered by another government sponsored health plan? Do the 9 candidates running this year agree with this point or would they double dip and cost the Hammonton taxpayers an additional $10000 per year to enrich themselves?

Between Hammonton First enriching their friends and family and the Democrat Party tradionally enriching themselves.......I am sticking with the Conservative Republicans who generally tend to save the taxpayer money in the long run.



I just read the paper online. Jerry Barberio is a sum bag. THank all the volunteers for all their help.. blah blah blah blah...

Sure Jerry, the VOLUNTEER fire department knows you just think all the other peoiple are more important.  THanks. Really. I hope you dont vote @ a firehouse.....



Anonymous wrote:

I agree with the Administration on this one. If you can save $400.00 to $900.00 it would be a good idea to do it.

I have another point I would like to make:

1) What if you can save the Hammonton taxpayers over $10,000 per year by not doubling dipping on health insurance when you are already covered by another government sponsored health plan? Do the 9 candidates running this year agree with this point or would they double dip and cost the Hammonton taxpayers an additional $10000 per year to enrich themselves?

Between Hammonton First enriching their friends and family and the Democrat Party tradionally enriching themselves.......I am sticking with the Conservative Republicans who generally tend to save the taxpayer money in the long run.

Falcone will double dip. He's done it before. He wants to pocket the cash. He couldn't care less about the taxpayers as long as he gets his.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I agree with the Administration on this one. If you can save $400.00 to $900.00 it would be a good idea to do it.

I have another point I would like to make:

1) What if you can save the Hammonton taxpayers over $10,000 per year by not doubling dipping on health insurance when you are already covered by another government sponsored health plan? Do the 9 candidates running this year agree with this point or would they double dip and cost the Hammonton taxpayers an additional $10000 per year to enrich themselves?

Between Hammonton First enriching their friends and family and the Democrat Party tradionally enriching themselves.......I am sticking with the Conservative Republicans who generally tend to save the taxpayer money in the long run.

Falcone will double dip. He's done it before. He wants to pocket the cash. He couldn't care less about the taxpayers as long as he gets his.

Next we'll hear how it's okay for Anthony Falcone to pocket $10,000 but we should worry about Jerry Vitalo wasting $1.50.


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You guys can't help yourselves can you? You lie, lie, lie and it doesn't even phase you. Check out your facts. Anthony Falcone did not take the buyout. You are accusing him of something he did not do. Are you that scared now that you have to lie and bash others?
And yes we should worry about how much money Jerry could have saved us. I'm willing to bet Jerry is worried about it today and is looking into it right now. There are rules and laws that need to be followed, Jerry goofed and now he can correct his error. We won't know how much he can save until the research is done, but if it is only $1.50 then it is worth it because every $1.50 we can save for the taxpayers will add up to more substantial savings. Are you telling us that your party doesn't care about saving the taxpayers money???

-- Edited by Admin at 20:03, 2007-10-24


Republican want to bring raw sewage into Hammonton

MacLane is right. Who in the world would want to vote for the Republicans? We don't need more Jerry Vitalo's. Look how stupid the Republican plan in the paper was to take Mullica and Winslow's sewage. Besides from taking more raw sewage into our town from out of town. There are more problems.

1. Who pays for the capital improvements to connect the systems? Even if the neighboring towns say they will pay to connect to our system, we have costs at the hook up point. We may need to upgrade pumping stations to take the added capacity. Let's face it. When we started building the school, Waterford was supposed to cover all the bills. Look how that turned out. Can we afford that mistake again?

2. Who covers the costs if the State comes back and says that our sewer system has to be upgraded for future environmental laws? The taxpayers already have had to do that once before.

3. Who covers costs of the endless "he said/she said" issues that occur when sewage originates in one town and has to be pumped to another. That is additional stress on our own pumping systems. Do we have to pay for that? Who calculates the cost of the stress of our own sewage versus Mullica's?

4. The obvious problem is that this sets up Mullica and Winslow to have prime real estate on the White Horse Pike to compete with our own town for valuable new construction projects which are ratables which are need to keep taxes down.

5. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: Who in their right mind agrees to take someone else's sewage? Nobody in their right mind wants to take somebody else's you know what!


Republicans want to kill Soccer Field Project

As a parent, I am also appalled by the Republicans statement that they want to go back to their old plan for Boyer Ave and the Lake Park.

The Republicans want to force the Hawks to move out of the Lake Park and don't want to add the new safe parking that has been proposed. They also don't want to add the new soccer fields at Boyer Ave for the kids. Why would they want to hurt opportunities for the kids?


RE: Republicans forget how to bid too!

Hammonton First is spinning the truth again.....please do not play politics with the youth sport teams in Hammonton.



Anonymous wrote:

As a parent, I am also appalled by the Republicans statement that they want to go back to their old plan for Boyer Ave and the Lake Park.

The Republicans want to force the Hawks to move out of the Lake Park and don't want to add the new safe parking that has been proposed. They also don't want to add the new soccer fields at Boyer Ave for the kids. Why would they want to hurt opportunities for the kids?

This was the Republicans response printed in the Hammonton News.  Why would the Republicans bring this up in their campaign?



I have never responded on this site but the comment attacking Jerry personally is just wrong.  Jerry was not trying to slight anyone.  I know Jerry and he is a kind person who only has the well being of this town and its' people at heart.  He values the fireman as everyone in this town does.  As citizens of Hammonton , our firemen and women are true heroes and no one disputes this.  Just because someone does not know Jerry personally, do not attack him.  Let me give you some background.  Jerry is a family man who is well respected.  He dedicates as much time to volunteering to improving Hammonton  as anyone.  He has worked on grants and different plans to make the parks and recreation areas wonderful for our children.  Jerry cares about all of us.  Please meet and get to know someone prior to attacking them.


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All of that is true and I know Jerry personally so I know you are correct. This is not an attack on Jerry. Jerry made a mistake and we as representatives of the taxpayers of Hammonton pointed it out. That is the only way it can be corrected and the only way we all can learn from the mistakes that are made. I'm sure Jerry would be the first one to admit that he is not infallible. But we can not ignore mistakes that have the potential of costing the taxpayers of Hammonton more money just because the guy who made the mistake is a good guy.



Anonymous wrote:

I have never responded on this site but the comment attacking Jerry personally is just wrong.  Jerry was not trying to slight anyone.  I know Jerry and he is a kind person who only has the well being of this town and its' people at heart.  He values the fireman as everyone in this town does.  As citizens of Hammonton , our firemen and women are true heroes and no one disputes this.  Just because someone does not know Jerry personally, do not attack him.  Let me give you some background.  Jerry is a family man who is well respected.  He dedicates as much time to volunteering to improving Hammonton  as anyone.  He has worked on grants and different plans to make the parks and recreation areas wonderful for our children.  Jerry cares about all of us.  Please meet and get to know someone prior to attacking them.

Are you talking about Jerry Barberio?   Didn't he threaten to take someone's property with eminent domain if they didn't sell it to the town?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I have never responded on this site but the comment attacking Jerry personally is just wrong.  Jerry was not trying to slight anyone.  I know Jerry and he is a kind person who only has the well being of this town and its' people at heart.  He values the fireman as everyone in this town does.  As citizens of Hammonton , our firemen and women are true heroes and no one disputes this.  Just because someone does not know Jerry personally, do not attack him.  Let me give you some background.  Jerry is a family man who is well respected.  He dedicates as much time to volunteering to improving Hammonton  as anyone.  He has worked on grants and different plans to make the parks and recreation areas wonderful for our children.  Jerry cares about all of us.  Please meet and get to know someone prior to attacking them.

Are you talking about Jerry Barberio?   Didn't he threaten to take someone's property with eminent domain if they didn't sell it to the town?

First the admin attacks Jerrry Vitalo and now lies are made up about Jerry Barbario.  Do you even know the people you bash?  Stick with defending why Anthony Falcone pushed so hard to give out a one bid contract for a road when competitive rebidding saved the taxpayers over $40,000.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I have never responded on this site but the comment attacking Jerry personally is just wrong.  Jerry was not trying to slight anyone.  I know Jerry and he is a kind person who only has the well being of this town and its' people at heart.  He values the fireman as everyone in this town does.  As citizens of Hammonton , our firemen and women are true heroes and no one disputes this.  Just because someone does not know Jerry personally, do not attack him.  Let me give you some background.  Jerry is a family man who is well respected.  He dedicates as much time to volunteering to improving Hammonton  as anyone.  He has worked on grants and different plans to make the parks and recreation areas wonderful for our children.  Jerry cares about all of us.  Please meet and get to know someone prior to attacking them.

Are you talking about Jerry Barberio?   Didn't he threaten to take someone's property with eminent domain if they didn't sell it to the town?

First the admin attacks Jerrry Vitalo and now lies are made up about Jerry Barbario.  Do you even know the people you bash?  Stick with defending why Anthony Falcone pushed so hard to give out a one bid contract for a road when competitive rebidding saved the taxpayers over $40,000.

I see no lie.  It was a question.  if the answer is "no," then the answer is "no."

Speaking of lies, what was up with your mayor blabbing on at your little private debate?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

As a parent, I am also appalled by the Republicans statement that they want to go back to their old plan for Boyer Ave and the Lake Park.

The Republicans want to force the Hawks to move out of the Lake Park and don't want to add the new safe parking that has been proposed. They also don't want to add the new soccer fields at Boyer Ave for the kids. Why would they want to hurt opportunities for the kids?

This was the Republicans response printed in the Hammonton News.  Why would the Republicans bring this up in their campaign?

Now the Republicans want to let Mullica and Winslow send their sewage to Hammonton.  If the Republicans force this on Hammonton, we'll have to deal with their sewage problem while those other towns will get new businesses that might have come to Hammonton.  We lose ratables and our taxes go up.  This is an unbelievable bad idea!



It must be political season attacking Jerry Vitalo by the Hammonton Firsters is typical. Jerry is a great guy who cares about Hammonton while not trying to line his pockets.



Oh poor Jerry... please. I will retort. If HF doesn't "hang" the chief. they win. Jerry should be lucky. 1 term for him.

He better shop for his own health insurance plan... the free 6k from me is over.

What makes it worse is eddie led him to the pond and jammed his face in the water.



What did Jerry Barberio do to upset the fire department?



Anonymous wrote:

What did Jerry Barberio do to upset the fire department?

The better question is "Who is Jerry Barberio?", besides the guy on you tube answering to the call of "councilman elect".  They are so ****y and arrogant.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

As a parent, I am also appalled by the Republicans statement that they want to go back to their old plan for Boyer Ave and the Lake Park.

The Republicans want to force the Hawks to move out of the Lake Park and don't want to add the new safe parking that has been proposed. They also don't want to add the new soccer fields at Boyer Ave for the kids. Why would they want to hurt opportunities for the kids?

This was the Republicans response printed in the Hammonton News.? Why would the Republicans bring this up in their campaign?

Now the Republicans want to let Mullica and Winslow send their sewage to Hammonton.? If the Republicans force this on Hammonton, we'll have to deal with their sewage problem while those other towns will get new businesses that might have come to Hammonton.? We lose ratables and our taxes go up.? This is an unbelievable bad idea!

Admin did a good job pointing out the bad things the Republicans have done. And now they want to kick the Hawks out of their Lake Park field? They also don't want to build the new soccer fields for the kids? I also heard they are against the senior community center. This past year Jimmy Bertino motioned for a tax increase. The Republicans want to increase taxes and do nothing for the town. There is no way they will get my vote.



Let's be straight. In two years Hammonton First has blown three million dollars in two years.  In 2005 we had a 4.2 million dolalr suprlus.  By the mayor's own admission, we are down to just over 1 million.

So Hammonton First has spent away 3 million dollars in two years.

Now why should we vote for them when you are telling me its a bad idea of Republicans to try to bring in new revenue for the town?



You want facts?

1--- Debt was okay when Hammonton First took over. It wasn't. Now both the Democrats and Republicans admit the debt was at record levels when Hammonton First took office. The town's independent auditor has explained the debt went down by over $500,000 under Hammonton First. The mayor has projected another $500,000 drop by the end of this year.

2--- Surplus went down. No, wrong. Surplus INCREASED by $1.5M under Hammonton First. This again was verified by the town's independent auditor.

3---- This year the total property tax burden in Hammonton went down for the first time in years. HF delivered on new roads, new sidewalks, and other projects AND YOUR TAXES DID NOT GO UP!

4--- Both the Republicans and Democrats have come out openly against adding more soccer fields at Boyer Avenue. Mike Amirratto wants soccer to go back to the school. They tried that and there were to many children. It didn't work. The Republicans don't even have an alternative.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

As a parent, I am also appalled by the Republicans statement that they want to go back to their old plan for Boyer Ave and the Lake Park.

The Republicans want to force the Hawks to move out of the Lake Park and don't want to add the new safe parking that has been proposed. They also don't want to add the new soccer fields at Boyer Ave for the kids. Why would they want to hurt opportunities for the kids?

This was the Republicans response printed in the Hammonton News.? Why would the Republicans bring this up in their campaign?

Now the Republicans want to let Mullica and Winslow send their sewage to Hammonton.? If the Republicans force this on Hammonton, we'll have to deal with their sewage problem while those other towns will get new businesses that might have come to Hammonton.? We lose ratables and our taxes go up.? This is an unbelievable bad idea!

Admin did a good job pointing out the bad things the Republicans have done. And now they want to kick the Hawks out of their Lake Park field? They also don't want to build the new soccer fields for the kids? I also heard they are against the senior community center. This past year Jimmy Bertino motioned for a tax increase. The Republicans want to increase taxes and do nothing for the town. There is no way they will get my vote.

Hammonton First has a new web chat televised right from the soccer fields on it's web site today.


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Anonymous wrote:

You want facts?

1--- Debt was okay when Hammonton First took over. It wasn't. Now both the Democrats and Republicans admit the debt was at record levels when Hammonton First took office. The town's independent auditor has explained the debt went down by over $500,000 under Hammonton First. The mayor has projected another $500,000 drop by the end of this year.

2--- Surplus went down. No, wrong. Surplus INCREASED by $1.5M under Hammonton First. This again was verified by the town's independent auditor.

3---- This year the total property tax burden in Hammonton went down for the first time in years. HF delivered on new roads, new sidewalks, and other projects AND YOUR TAXES DID NOT GO UP!

4--- Both the Republicans and Democrats have come out openly against adding more soccer fields at Boyer Avenue. Mike Amirratto wants soccer to go back to the school. They tried that and there were to many children. It didn't work. The Republicans don't even have an alternative.


"Recreational facilities also are important for all residents of Hammonton," Ammirato said. "We want to ensure that we are providing these facilities in the most cost-effective manner and in a way that respects the athletic traditions and interests of the community. Coordination with the school district for field use may be one such option."

That is the qoute from the Hammonton News, WHERE DOES IT SAY HE IS AGAINST BOYER AVENUE??????????????
He just points out that there are more options open to us. This could be used in conjunction with Boyer Avenue to ease overcrowding. We could utilize school fields while the rest of Boyer is being built. We could utilize school fields until we make sure we can afford the rest of the work at Boyer Avenue. Or we could use school fields to keep us from going any further into debt than HF has already put us.

The figures you qoute concerning the debt are from the town auditor. Then why is it you refuse to acknowledge that the town auditor and town accountant estimate the debt to end this year within $60,000 of our historic high, and that is if we don't incur any more debt from Sept till the end of the year. The auditor and the accountant both figured in the payments the town will make against the debt before they issued this number.

The tax burden did not go down, it went up. The total budget of the town went up for this year, however, because the ratable base also went up. The larger tax burden was spread over a bigger base and therefore the taxes did not go up.

Hammonton First did get some project going that the Regular Republicans dragged their feet on for years, but they are claiming everything about those projects  to be theirs and that is not the case. Most of those projects were started by the Democrats when they were on council, but then the Republicans failed to get them done.
It's time to bring Democrats back to town council and get this town moving again, and not just 3 blocks downtown.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

As a parent, I am also appalled by the Republicans statement that they want to go back to their old plan for Boyer Ave and the Lake Park.

The Republicans want to force the Hawks to move out of the Lake Park and don't want to add the new safe parking that has been proposed. They also don't want to add the new soccer fields at Boyer Ave for the kids. Why would they want to hurt opportunities for the kids?

This was the Republicans response printed in the Hammonton News.? Why would the Republicans bring this up in their campaign?

Now the Republicans want to let Mullica and Winslow send their sewage to Hammonton.? If the Republicans force this on Hammonton, we'll have to deal with their sewage problem while those other towns will get new businesses that might have come to Hammonton.? We lose ratables and our taxes go up.? This is an unbelievable bad idea!

Admin did a good job pointing out the bad things the Republicans have done. And now they want to kick the Hawks out of their Lake Park field? They also don't want to build the new soccer fields for the kids? I also heard they are against the senior community center. This past year Jimmy Bertino motioned for a tax increase. The Republicans want to increase taxes and do nothing for the town. There is no way they will get my vote.

Hammonton First has a new web chat televised right from the soccer fields on it's web site today.

Hammonton First should try watching their children play soccer instead of campaigning.    



Anonymous wrote:

You want facts?

1--- Debt was okay when Hammonton First took over. It wasn't. Now both the Democrats and Republicans admit the debt was at record levels when Hammonton First took office. The town's independent auditor has explained the debt went down by over $500,000 under Hammonton First. The mayor has projected another $500,000 drop by the end of this year.

2--- Surplus went down. No, wrong. Surplus INCREASED by $1.5M under Hammonton First. This again was verified by the town's independent auditor.

3---- This year the total property tax burden in Hammonton went down for the first time in years. HF delivered on new roads, new sidewalks, and other projects AND YOUR TAXES DID NOT GO UP!

4--- Both the Republicans and Democrats have come out openly against adding more soccer fields at Boyer Avenue. Mike Amirratto wants soccer to go back to the school. They tried that and there were to many children. It didn't work. The Republicans don't even have an alternative.


Interesting how the above scares the Dems and Reps.



Anonymous wrote:

You want facts?

1--- Debt was okay when Hammonton First took over. It wasn't. Now both the Democrats and Republicans admit the debt was at record levels when Hammonton First took office. The town's independent auditor has explained the debt went down by over $500,000 under Hammonton First. The mayor has projected another $500,000 drop by the end of this year.

The Mayor is not an auditor, so what he says about debt means NOTHING more than a campaign press release.  The auditor never said "debt went down."  The mayor pointed to selected facts in the audit.  There was no quote from the auditor saying "Hammonton's debt went down."  To be factual, our debt has gone up, UP, UP.  If you don't believe that statement, just get a copy of the audit.

Anonymous wrote:

2--- Surplus went down. No, wrong. Surplus INCREASED by $1.5M under Hammonton First. This again was verified by the town's independent auditor.

Once again you are playing word games.  The auditor never stated that "surplus INCREASED."  The audit states that there is a $1.5 million surplus.  Compare that surplus to what was in the coffers on January 1st, 2006:  $4.2 million!  That's a net loss of $3 million over two years!  At that rate we'll be an additional $1.5 million in the hole by the end of next year, unless the drunk-sailor spenders are ran out of office this November.

Anonymous wrote:
4--- Both the Republicans and Democrats have come out openly against adding more soccer fields at Boyer Avenue. Mike Amirratto wants soccer to go back to the school. They tried that and there were to many children. It didn't work. The Republicans don't even have an alternative.

No Republican has ever come out against soccer fields.  This again is a play by you, a Hammonton First party boss, to discredit the goals of Republicans.  Republicans want to run sewer and water to Boyer Ave.  It's a disgrace that children have to practice and play for hours at Boyer Ave. without real toilets or drinking water.  A DISGRACE.

You should be ashamed of yourself for skewing reality and facts.  Are you doing it to ensure your cronies are elected in to office?  Are you doing it as a move of desperation before reality strikes this town in 2008?
  Whatever your reasoning is, the voters of Hammonton are smarter than you take them to be.


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And no Democrat came out against Boyer Avenue either. In fact we are in favor of it. We are just concerned over how to fund it without making our debt go eben higher. We need the fields but we can build them today and make our children pay for them tomorrow.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

You want facts?

1--- Debt was okay when Hammonton First took over. It wasn't. Now both the Democrats and Republicans admit the debt was at record levels when Hammonton First took office. The town's independent auditor has explained the debt went down by over $500,000 under Hammonton First. The mayor has projected another $500,000 drop by the end of this year.

2--- Surplus went down. No, wrong. Surplus INCREASED by $1.5M under Hammonton First. This again was verified by the town's independent auditor.

3---- This year the total property tax burden in Hammonton went down for the first time in years. HF delivered on new roads, new sidewalks, and other projects AND YOUR TAXES DID NOT GO UP!

4--- Both the Republicans and Democrats have come out openly against adding more soccer fields at Boyer Avenue. Mike Amirratto wants soccer to go back to the school. They tried that and there were to many children. It didn't work. The Republicans don't even have an alternative.


Interesting how the above scares the Dems and Reps.

1--- The auditor clearly stated that the debt was reduced last year by $570K.

2--- The auditor clearly shows that the surplus increased.

3--- Taxes did not go up.  Even the school had no tax increase!

It is a shame that the mayor's opposition has resorted to lies and mudslinging because they have no positive ideas of their own.


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Anonymous wrote:

1--- The auditor clearly stated that the debt was reduced last year by $570K.

2--- The auditor clearly shows that the surplus increased.

3--- Taxes did not go up.  Even the school had no tax increase!

It is a shame that the mayor's opposition has resorted to lies and mudslinging because they have no positive ideas of their own.

1. Absolutetly true and then the auditor goes on to list this years debt that will be added to those numbers.

2. The auditor NEVER states that the surplus increased, he states that we now have a surplus

3. True, taxes did not go up, but debt did. It is only a short term irresponsible system to keep taxes down by borrowing tons of money to pay for stuff.

It's a shame the Mayor uses data from 12/31/06 to mislead the public, because he has no solution of his own.

The Democratic team of Ammirato, Falcone, and Ripa have very publicly spoken of their plan to start reducing the debt and changing from the present "borrow and spend" mentality to a "pay as we go" approach.



Debt hit record levels in 2005, the year BEFORE Hammonton First took office.  That was because Anthony Falcone and the Republicans voted to spend money on everything that wasn't tied down. 

And don't think it was the town hall bond that caused 2005 to skyrocket.  In fact, Ordinance 22 of 2003 was the original bond for town hall.  That ordinance authorized $9M for a new town hall.  That was eventually lowered to $5.9M by Hammonton First.


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The last year Anthony was on council is the year the debt dropped and that is the year the Mayor is qouting in all his press releases. As soon as Anthony was gone, the council drove the debt bacj up to the highest levels in history. We need the entire Democratic team back on council to stop this runaway train. Stop the "borrow and spending" Republican council, elect all three Democrats to begin a "pay as we go" plan.



You are really spinning hard.  Anthony Falcone's last year in office was 2006.  That was HF's first year.  HF was able to lower the debt by stopping Anthony Falcone's dumb ideas.  One example was when Falcone fought to award a $500,000 single bid contract.  HF voted to re-bid the contract and the town saved $50,000.  After Anthony lost his election versus Curcio, the mayor has explained debt will go down again in 2007 as the town pays bonds down.


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Talk about a spin...Anthony leaves the council and the debt goes back up because he wasn't there to stop HF borrow and spend tactics. They pushed the debt for fixing their three blocks downtown to our kids and grandkids and that's how they did that work without raising taxes, they raised the debt.
And yes the Mayor has explained repeatedly that the debt will go down, but why is he deliberately ignoring the town auditor and the town accountant who both say that the debt will finish this year back at the highest level in history?



Remember back when Hammonton First started and they promised us the whole town hall project with more parking, new furniture, landscaping, demolition of the old town hall, a new community center and more all for $5.9 million. They lied then to get elected and the Mayor is lying now to get his party elected again. The experts have said the debt will finish this year back up at the highest level ever. The Mayor keeps talking about the figure theygave for 12/31/06 and ignores the more important facts, the debt has gone back up.



Anonymous wrote:

Remember back when Hammonton First started and they promised us the whole town hall project with more parking, new furniture, landscaping, demolition of the old town hall, a new community center and more all for $5.9 million. They lied then to get elected and the Mayor is lying now to get his party elected again. The experts have said the debt will finish this year back up at the highest level ever. The Mayor keeps talking about the figure theygave for 12/31/06 and ignores the more important facts, the debt has gone back up.

Now they're hoping we forget the $5.9M period.  WE are in for more and more debt if Hammonton First continues its fiscal irresponsibility.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

You want facts?

1--- Debt was okay when Hammonton First took over. It wasn't. Now both the Democrats and Republicans admit the debt was at record levels when Hammonton First took office. The town's independent auditor has explained the debt went down by over $500,000 under Hammonton First. The mayor has projected another $500,000 drop by the end of this year.

2--- Surplus went down. No, wrong. Surplus INCREASED by $1.5M under Hammonton First. This again was verified by the town's independent auditor.

3---- This year the total property tax burden in Hammonton went down for the first time in years. HF delivered on new roads, new sidewalks, and other projects AND YOUR TAXES DID NOT GO UP!

4--- Both the Republicans and Democrats have come out openly against adding more soccer fields at Boyer Avenue. Mike Amirratto wants soccer to go back to the school. They tried that and there were to many children. It didn't work. The Republicans don't even have an alternative.


Interesting how the above scares the Dems and Reps.

* Town hall already bid at under $5.9M
* Historic town hall already moved with grant money, no property tax money needed
* Senior community center being built with grant money, no property tax money needed
* no tax increase in 2006 and 2007 for municpal govt
* no tax increase this year at the school
* surplus INCREASED $1.5M
* debt DECREASED $570K
* employees got a raise
* new soccer fields proposed
* new parking at lake park

Dems and Reps better step it up.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

You want facts?

1--- Debt was okay when Hammonton First took over. It wasn't. Now both the Democrats and Republicans admit the debt was at record levels when Hammonton First took office. The town's independent auditor has explained the debt went down by over $500,000 under Hammonton First. The mayor has projected another $500,000 drop by the end of this year.

2--- Surplus went down. No, wrong. Surplus INCREASED by $1.5M under Hammonton First. This again was verified by the town's independent auditor.

3---- This year the total property tax burden in Hammonton went down for the first time in years. HF delivered on new roads, new sidewalks, and other projects AND YOUR TAXES DID NOT GO UP!

4--- Both the Republicans and Democrats have come out openly against adding more soccer fields at Boyer Avenue. Mike Amirratto wants soccer to go back to the school. They tried that and there were to many children. It didn't work. The Republicans don't even have an alternative.


Interesting how the above scares the Dems and Reps.

* Town hall already bid at under $5.9M
* Historic town hall already moved with grant money, no property tax money needed
* Senior community center being built with grant money, no property tax money needed
* no tax increase in 2006 and 2007 for municpal govt
* no tax increase this year at the school
* surplus INCREASED $1.5M
* debt DECREASED $570K
* employees got a raise
* new soccer fields proposed
* new parking at lake park

Dems and Reps better step it up.

It is a clear choice this year. Vote for HF if you want projects completed and taxes kept in check. Vote for the Dems or Reps if you like higher taxes and no action.


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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

* Town hall already bid at under $5.9M but the promise was the whole project and all we are getting is the building, and we haven't seen the change orders yet.
* Historic town hall already moved with grant money, no property tax money needed and the money used was from the federal government, they gave it to us for a community center, what do you think will happen when we ask again for the same project?
* Senior community center being built with grant money, no property tax money needed there are no grants lined up for this project. We keep seeing pretty pictures being held up at meetings for the camera, but ther are no grants obtained yet and see the above for the answer we will likely get.
* no tax increase in 2006 and 2007 for municpal govt Because you borrowed tons of money for everything you did and drove the debt up to historic levels. You just passed the tax increase on to our kids.
* no tax increase this year at the school and you are claiming credit for all of the hard work the school board has done.
* surplus INCREASED $1.5M it has not increased, we used to have much more in surplus
* debt DECREASED $570K as of 12/31/06 but the auditor and town accountant both say the debt is already right back at it's historical high.
* employees got a raise after waiting way too long after you used a technicality to deny them a raise last year.
* new soccer fields proposed but no funding plan in place, here comes more debt.
* new parking at lake park more pretty pictures with no funding or pinelands approvals

Dems and Reps better step it up.

Democrats already have plans in place to put this town back on a "pay as you go" mentality and begin lowering the debt without stopping the projects we so despaerately need.

-- Edited by Admin at 21:38, 2007-10-27



Anonymous wrote:


* Town hall already bid at under $5.9M
* Historic town hall already moved with grant money, no property tax money needed
* Senior community center being built with grant money, no property tax money needed
* no tax increase in 2006 and 2007 for municpal govt
* no tax increase this year at the school
* surplus INCREASED $1.5M
* debt DECREASED $570K
* employees got a raise
* new soccer fields proposed
* new parking at lake park

Dems and Reps better step it up.


 Let's talk about factis now:

-How could the Town Hall be under $5.9 million when the original contract is $6.2 million?  Add on top of that over $500,000 in collateral billings and we're nearing $7 million on the project already.  Let's not forget the building has no contract for electrical, telephone, plumbing, furniture, or electronics. That could be over $1 million additional right there!

-Historic Town Hall moved illegally breaking state laws in the bidding process.


Surplus is currently at $1.5 million as of January 2007.  That's almost $3 million less than January of 2006!  Where did the money go!  We're going broke fast under Hammonton First.

-No tax increase.  That's right.  You can thank Republicans who are responsible for the majority of the Town budget.  Hammonton First councilpeople decided not to take the big responsibilities this year and pass them on to the Republicans.  Good job Republicans!

-No school tax increase.  This has nothing to do with Town Council.

-Your phony debt numbers do not take into account everything after January, 2007.  If you look at the numbers today, we've past all time levels of debt in Hammonton.  Hammonton First is spending like drunk sailors!

-Employees got a raise.  Whoopdedoo.  What does that do for the 13,000 other residents?

-There is no new parking at the Lake.

-New soccer fields proposed.  Hammonton First has proposed to add more fields and hundreds of more children at Boyer Ave without supplying sewer or running water.  They want you children to continue to use port-a-potties and bottled water.   Hundreds of children evey day going to the bathroom in plastic closets.  It's despicable.  Republicans have promised to get back to the original master plan and run sewer and water to the Boyer Ave facility so Hammonton can continue the growth at Boyer without jeopardizing the health and wellness of our children.  Hammonton First on the other hand seems to think its okay for kids to crap in spot-a-pots.



Today's Halloween festival was very nice for the kids downtown. MainStreet Hammonton did a great job in putting that together. unfortunately, that's probably another group the Democrats have a vendetta against.



Hammonton is subject of Philadelphia Inquirer article

We seem to be getting a lot of press for Hammonton lately. Mostly bad. In the Friday, 3/9 Philadelphis Inquirer an article appeared called, "From asbestos to Klan, a town drama." Click here to read article. 

More press to follow?



Anonymous wrote:

Today's Halloween festival was very nice for the kids downtown. MainStreet Hammonton did a great job in putting that together. unfortunately, that's probably another group the Democrats have a vendetta against.

It is nice that people want to make Hammonton a better place. It is a shame the Democrats do nothing but bash on this website. They could never bring new ratables and business into town. They are too negative.


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The Democrats raise legitimate questions and issues and the Firsters see that as bashing.



Anonymous wrote:

Today's Halloween festival was very nice for the kids downtown. MainStreet Hammonton did a great job in putting that together. unfortunately, that's probably another group the Democrats have a vendetta against.

With the new sidewalks the downtown looks great.  People could relax and sit on the benches to talk with their friends while their children went trick or treating at the Bellevue Ave stores.  It was a nice day.

I also like the progress on Central Ave.  I hear the county couldn't get it done fast enough so they gave the town $1.3M to do it.  That is also very nice.  Having a nice street on the way to Kessler is a good thing.



Isn't that nice, nearly all the county and State roads that lead to the properties owned by the Firsters downtown have been done and paid for by the county and state. They knew they didn't have much time to get all the improvements done to their three blocks so they did it as quickly as they could. Denny Levinson fell right into their trap.
Maybe if we get the Firsters out of there we can see some improvements in the rest of town.



Democrats did a lot to bring ratables to town. Kramer Beverage and New Jersey Manufacturing are two examples. Check the records. Both of these industries initially applied for their approvals long before HF was on the scene.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

You want facts?

1--- Debt was okay when Hammonton First took over. It wasn't. Now both the Democrats and Republicans admit the debt was at record levels when Hammonton First took office. The town's independent auditor has explained the debt went down by over $500,000 under Hammonton First. The mayor has projected another $500,000 drop by the end of this year.

2--- Surplus went down. No, wrong. Surplus INCREASED by $1.5M under Hammonton First. This again was verified by the town's independent auditor.

3---- This year the total property tax burden in Hammonton went down for the first time in years. HF delivered on new roads, new sidewalks, and other projects AND YOUR TAXES DID NOT GO UP!

4--- Both the Republicans and Democrats have come out openly against adding more soccer fields at Boyer Avenue. Mike Amirratto wants soccer to go back to the school. They tried that and there were to many children. It didn't work. The Republicans don't even have an alternative.


Interesting how the above scares the Dems and Reps.

* Town hall already bid at under $5.9M
* Historic town hall already moved with grant money, no property tax money needed
* Senior community center being built with grant money, no property tax money needed
* no tax increase in 2006 and 2007 for municpal govt
* no tax increase this year at the school
* surplus INCREASED $1.5M
* debt DECREASED $570K
* employees got a raise
* new soccer fields proposed
* new parking at lake park

Dems and Reps better step it up.

It is a clear choice this year. Vote for HF if you want projects completed and taxes kept in check. Vote for the Dems or Reps if you like higher taxes and no action.

HF's opposition doesn't want to hear facts. They strictly deal with mudslinging because they know the facts make the Dems and Reps look bad.


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The Democrats have been dealing with facts throughout this whole campaign. Everytime we brought up a fact, you accused us of bashing. You are the ones who are afraid of the facts. Further proof of that is shown by your failing to follow the law and file your election reports. What are you hiding?



lie lie lie lei lie lie the fact is that krammer came to hammonton due to location period.  and njm  was a rep group  deal that brought them to hammonton.  please lies lies lies . just because one party lies does not mean that all should lie.



You miss the point totally.  When NJM and Kramer came to town and came before the Planning Board... HF wasn't even around...only the Democrats and Republicans were.



I think you all need to deal with business reality.  In order to keep taxes down, common sense says we have to attract ratables such as NJ Manufacturer's, Lowe's, Home Depot, etc.

When you want to attract those kinds of businesses, they look at the overall project costs, the taxes, and the town itself.  They'll look at the attractiveness of the downtown, the residential areas, water and sewer, etc.

What will you be competing with?  If the company has decided to locate in Central South Jersey, it's Hammonton versus Mullica Township, Winslow Township, and Folsom.  Of those town's only Hammonton has city water and sewer for the majority of it's area.  For that reason, you see that the White Horse Pike area in Hammonton is much more developed than the neighboring towns.

Right now, Hammonton has a built in advantage to help win more ratables.  Many of the projects that would come need sewer so they cannot locate in Mullica or Winslow's section of Route 30.  Hammonton wins the ratable and thus the local taxpayers get the benefits of those taxes being paid by the new company.

If you extend water and sewer to Mullica and Winslow you essentially help them take our future ratables.  It's simple.  Their ground is cheaper and they'll have our sewer so companies will elect to build there.  Those town's taxpayers will benefit while we lose the ratable and increase taxes to our own people.

Hammonton First has said they are COMPLETELY OPPOSED to extending water and sewer outside city limits.  The Republicans have come out in favor of this.  The Democrats stated they want to look at the idea.  IT IS A BAD, BAD IDEA THAT WILL HURT THE TOWN.



Anonymous wrote:

Hammonton First has said they are COMPLETELY OPPOSED to extending water and sewer outside city limits.  The Republicans have come out in favor of this. 

Good, I'm glad its on record that Hammonton First is against lowering taxes, against creative ideas to fund our Town, and would rather be like little bully babies and sit on a 60% unused sewer department than lower people's taxes.

Fun Fact:  Wal-Mart uses little more sewer than a regular home. Sure, there's lots of shoppers, but how many are flushing the toilet all day and taking showers and baths?

Fun Fact:  Sewer and water is already running to most developable areas of Hammonton, so there is no worry that we wouldn't have enough capacity for new development

Fun Fact:  High density residential developments demand the MOST sewer.  Any idea who does the most high density development in Hammonton?  Yeah, that's right, the Mayor's brother.

So, if you want to help out the Mayor and his brother with their residential sprawl that raises taxes, takes up sewer, and fills our schools with more children, than you too should oppose the idea of selling sewer capacity to Folsom.

But, if you want your taxes LOWERED, and your services optimized, than you would support the plan.



Anonymous wrote:

I think you all need to deal with business reality.  In order to keep taxes down, common sense says we have to attract ratables such as NJ Manufacturer's, Lowe's, Home Depot, etc.

When you want to attract those kinds of businesses, they look at the overall project costs, the taxes, and the town itself.  They'll look at the attractiveness of the downtown, the residential areas, water and sewer, etc.

What will you be competing with?  If the company has decided to locate in Central South Jersey, it's Hammonton versus Mullica Township, Winslow Township, and Folsom.  Of those town's only Hammonton has city water and sewer for the majority of it's area.  For that reason, you see that the White Horse Pike area in Hammonton is much more developed than the neighboring towns.

Right now, Hammonton has a built in advantage to help win more ratables.  Many of the projects that would come need sewer so they cannot locate in Mullica or Winslow's section of Route 30.  Hammonton wins the ratable and thus the local taxpayers get the benefits of those taxes being paid by the new company.

If you extend water and sewer to Mullica and Winslow you essentially help them take our future ratables.  It's simple.  Their ground is cheaper and they'll have our sewer so companies will elect to build there.  Those town's taxpayers will benefit while we lose the ratable and increase taxes to our own people.

Hammonton First has said they are COMPLETELY OPPOSED to extending water and sewer outside city limits.  The Republicans have come out in favor of this.  The Democrats stated they want to look at the idea.  IT IS A BAD, BAD IDEA THAT WILL HURT THE TOWN.

It's pretty easy to understand the above, however it is amazing how some of the opposition just don't get it.  The correct answer for the Democrats is to say they are also against extending sewer to Mullica but they seem to want to.  I think the taxpayers need to carefully consider who is going to continue to keep their taxes down.



I heard the Mayor is so against selling sewer access becuase it would mean his brother wouldn't be able to build as many homes as he'd like in Hammonton.

I don't think its fair that Hammonton would lower our taxes while taking away the possibility of the Mayor's brother building hundreds of more homes for outsiders to move to Hammonton.  He needs to make money, too!

I don't care that our school taxes go up every time another home is built in Hammonton.

I, for one, am willing to pay more taxes so we can keep our sewer here, just for the home builders!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I think you all need to deal with business reality.  In order to keep taxes down, common sense says we have to attract ratables such as NJ Manufacturer's, Lowe's, Home Depot, etc.

When you want to attract those kinds of businesses, they look at the overall project costs, the taxes, and the town itself.  They'll look at the attractiveness of the downtown, the residential areas, water and sewer, etc.

What will you be competing with?  If the company has decided to locate in Central South Jersey, it's Hammonton versus Mullica Township, Winslow Township, and Folsom.  Of those town's only Hammonton has city water and sewer for the majority of it's area.  For that reason, you see that the White Horse Pike area in Hammonton is much more developed than the neighboring towns.

Right now, Hammonton has a built in advantage to help win more ratables.  Many of the projects that would come need sewer so they cannot locate in Mullica or Winslow's section of Route 30.  Hammonton wins the ratable and thus the local taxpayers get the benefits of those taxes being paid by the new company.

If you extend water and sewer to Mullica and Winslow you essentially help them take our future ratables.  It's simple.  Their ground is cheaper and they'll have our sewer so companies will elect to build there.  Those town's taxpayers will benefit while we lose the ratable and increase taxes to our own people.

Hammonton First has said they are COMPLETELY OPPOSED to extending water and sewer outside city limits.  The Republicans have come out in favor of this.  The Democrats stated they want to look at the idea.  IT IS A BAD, BAD IDEA THAT WILL HURT THE TOWN.

It's pretty easy to understand the above, however it is amazing how some of the opposition just don't get it.  The correct answer for the Democrats is to say they are also against extending sewer to Mullica but they seem to want to.  I think the taxpayers need to carefully consider who is going to continue to keep their taxes down.

The opposition keeps bashing without logic.  If we extend sewer out of town, we chase commercial ratables out of town.  That is exactly the wrong thing to do.  Losing commercial ratables means losing taxes which means our taxpayers will be forced to pay higher taxes.



Anonymous wrote:
The opposition keeps bashing without logic.  If we extend sewer out of town, we chase commercial ratables out of town.  That is exactly the wrong thing to do.  Losing commercial ratables means losing taxes which means our taxpayers will be forced to pay higher taxes.

You can't just say "we chase commercial ratables out of town."  Sure, you can say it, but that doesn't necessarily make it so.

Selling sewer access doesn't shut down our ability to give commercial ratables sewer.

Why does Burger King build across from McDonald's?  Becuase that's where the action is.  Any new ratables will build closest to the last new ratable.  It has nothing to do with some field in the middle of Jabib having sewer. 

But you go on believing what you are saying.  The rest of Hammonton would like their taxes to stabilize after having to pay for the $11 MILLION in debt Hammonton First put us in this year. 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I think you all need to deal with business reality.  In order to keep taxes down, common sense says we have to attract ratables such as NJ Manufacturer's, Lowe's, Home Depot, etc.

When you want to attract those kinds of businesses, they look at the overall project costs, the taxes, and the town itself.  They'll look at the attractiveness of the downtown, the residential areas, water and sewer, etc.

What will you be competing with?  If the company has decided to locate in Central South Jersey, it's Hammonton versus Mullica Township, Winslow Township, and Folsom.  Of those town's only Hammonton has city water and sewer for the majority of it's area.  For that reason, you see that the White Horse Pike area in Hammonton is much more developed than the neighboring towns.

Right now, Hammonton has a built in advantage to help win more ratables.  Many of the projects that would come need sewer so they cannot locate in Mullica or Winslow's section of Route 30.  Hammonton wins the ratable and thus the local taxpayers get the benefits of those taxes being paid by the new company.

If you extend water and sewer to Mullica and Winslow you essentially help them take our future ratables.  It's simple.  Their ground is cheaper and they'll have our sewer so companies will elect to build there.  Those town's taxpayers will benefit while we lose the ratable and increase taxes to our own people.

Hammonton First has said they are COMPLETELY OPPOSED to extending water and sewer outside city limits.  The Republicans have come out in favor of this.  The Democrats stated they want to look at the idea.  IT IS A BAD, BAD IDEA THAT WILL HURT THE TOWN.

It's pretty easy to understand the above, however it is amazing how some of the opposition just don't get it.  The correct answer for the Democrats is to say they are also against extending sewer to Mullica but they seem to want to.  I think the taxpayers need to carefully consider who is going to continue to keep their taxes down.

The opposition keeps bashing without logic.  If we extend sewer out of town, we chase commercial ratables out of town.  That is exactly the wrong thing to do.  Losing commercial ratables means losing taxes which means our taxpayers will be forced to pay higher taxes.

The opposition keeps trying to make up $11M in new debt.  The reality is that that $9M for the town hall was voted on with Ordinance 22 of 2003.  That was reduced to $5.9M by Hammonton First.



Anonymous wrote:
The opposition keeps trying to make up $11M in new debt.  The reality is that that $9M for the town hall was voted on with Ordinance 22 of 2003.  That was reduced to $5.9M by Hammonton First.

Now you're trying to argue about a bond that wasn't used?

Let's try this again.  This year Hammonton First floated two MONSTER bonds putting us over $11 Million in debt, which leaves us with a Town Hall that has no interior, and playing fields that have no sewer, water, or concession stands.

TOWN HALL - $6 Million
BOYER AVE. - $5 Million

All bonded so Hammontonians can pay it off for 30 years or longer.  

So who pays to put in the furniture and walls in your empty town hall?

Who pays for the bathrooms and drinking water at Boyer Ave?

Taxpayers.  That's who.

Hammonton First failed this town.  Step down now and save us all more money and embarassment!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
The opposition keeps trying to make up $11M in new debt.  The reality is that that $9M for the town hall was voted on with Ordinance 22 of 2003.  That was reduced to $5.9M by Hammonton First.

Now you're trying to argue about a bond that wasn't used?

Let's try this again.  This year Hammonton First floated two MONSTER bonds putting us over $11 Million in debt, which leaves us with a Town Hall that has no interior, and playing fields that have no sewer, water, or concession stands.

TOWN HALL - $6 Million
BOYER AVE. - $5 Million

All bonded so Hammontonians can pay it off for 30 years or longer.  

So who pays to put in the furniture and walls in your empty town hall?

Who pays for the bathrooms and drinking water at Boyer Ave?

Taxpayers.  That's who.

Hammonton First failed this town.  Step down now and save us all more money and embarassment!

I looked on the Democrat's site. Jim MacLane claimed by his calculations at the end of 2007 the town debt will be $18,787,760.05. As of the end of 2005 the debt was $18,847,438.

So even if you use Jim MacLane's numbers, the debt had decreased.  Now Jim didn't factor in the $2.5M that SJ Gas is paying the town.

It's all good!

It's really nice we have had
  • No tax increase 2 consecutive years
  • Lowered the total debt
  • Took a deficit and turned it into a $1,538,122 surplus
  • Repaved 10 Roads - 6 of them town roads, 4 state & county roads
  • Water & Sewer infrastructure replaced on 8 roads
  • Town Hall underway Relocated Original Town Hall to Park
  • Downtown Streetscaping, and sidewalks completed
  • New Soccer home with 8 soccer fields completed
  • Design and permitting underway for community center, amphitheater, parking at the lake; and additional soccer, baseball, hockey and walking trails at Boyer Ave.
  • Upgraded TV and Web, to provide a new open government format



I don't TRUST any figures from Hammonton First anymore.  They lied about the $5.9M.  How can we trust them with figures from a multi million dollar project when they can't even file their campaign finance reports on time.  Either their hiding something or they can't ad.  NOT ONE SINGLE HF supporter or the HF council candidate that I've talked to wants to say why they refuse to  make it public.  Does any HF supporter know why their party is hiding information that should be public? Is that honest, open government?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
The opposition keeps trying to make up $11M in new debt.  The reality is that that $9M for the town hall was voted on with Ordinance 22 of 2003.  That was reduced to $5.9M by Hammonton First.

Now you're trying to argue about a bond that wasn't used?

Let's try this again.  This year Hammonton First floated two MONSTER bonds putting us over $11 Million in debt, which leaves us with a Town Hall that has no interior, and playing fields that have no sewer, water, or concession stands.

TOWN HALL - $6 Million
BOYER AVE. - $5 Million

All bonded so Hammontonians can pay it off for 30 years or longer.  

So who pays to put in the furniture and walls in your empty town hall?

Who pays for the bathrooms and drinking water at Boyer Ave?

Taxpayers.  That's who.

Hammonton First failed this town.  Step down now and save us all more money and embarassment!

I looked on the Democrat's site. Jim MacLane claimed by his calculations at the end of 2007 the town debt will be $18,787,760.05. As of the end of 2005 the debt was $18,847,438.

So even if you use Jim MacLane's numbers, the debt had decreased.  Now Jim didn't factor in the $2.5M that SJ Gas is paying the town.

It's all good!

It's really nice we have had
  • No tax increase 2 consecutive years
  • Lowered the total debt
  • Took a deficit and turned it into a $1,538,122 surplus
  • Repaved 10 Roads - 6 of them town roads, 4 state & county roads
  • Water & Sewer infrastructure replaced on 8 roads
  • Town Hall underway Relocated Original Town Hall to Park
  • Downtown Streetscaping, and sidewalks completed
  • New Soccer home with 8 soccer fields completed
  • Design and permitting underway for community center, amphitheater, parking at the lake; and additional soccer, baseball, hockey and walking trails at Boyer Ave.
  • Upgraded TV and Web, to provide a new open government format

The nice thing is that people now even see that both the independent auditor and Jim MacLane's numbers show the town's debt has gone down.  Heck, let's look at the positive.  Here is one we agree on.  Town debt went down while HF was in office.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

So on almost $19 million in debt it went down $60,000 or 0.032%. That is such an insignificant difference I didn't think it worth mentioning. However, I'll change my tune. Oh how wonderful HF is. They dropped the debt 0.032% in one year. At that rate our debt will be paid off in 312 years as long as the banks don't charge us any interest. Yeah HF, we are so lucky to have them representing us.



Admin wrote:

So on almost $19 million in debt it went down $60,000 or 0.032%. That is such an insignificant difference I didn't think it worth mentioning. However, I'll change my tune. Oh how wonderful HF is. They dropped the debt 0.032% in one year. At that rate our debt will be paid off in 312 years as long as the banks don't charge us any interest. Yeah HF, we are so lucky to have them representing us.

Heck, if you thought it was bad, why did the R's and D's vote to build up that much debt?  Are you saying you've learned from past mistakes?  HF was left this insanely high debt level by the councilpeople who came before them.



HI folks.  I'm a Hammonton Firster and I'd like to thank them for taking the town website away from those nasty city hall employees and putting in the private control of an Atco businessman.  He is friends with the Mayor, so I'm not worried that when the Mayor wants something put up there, it will be.  A perfect example is the forms to download if you rent property.  It's right there on the front page!

I'd also like to thank the Mayor for running political infomercials before Council Meetings.  It's very polite of him to start meetings ten minutes late so everyone in Hammonton can watch video of how wonderful he is.  He even wore a hard hat in one of the videos!  That's so you know he is working hard!

One more thing.  How was the parade last Thursday? I figured it would have been cancelled due to the rain, but I checked the town website and it didn't have any information about the parade being cancelled, so I assume it went on.

Thank you Hammonton First!


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Posts: 1241

Spin it any way you want, the Democratic candidates see the problem and have made a commitment to put an end to the "borrow and spend" ways of the present council. We can't keep making things better for ourselves but forcing our children and grandchildren to pay for it.



Anonymous wrote:
Heck, if you thought it was bad, why did the R's and D's vote to build up that much debt?  Are you saying you've learned from past mistakes?  HF was left this insanely high debt level by the councilpeople who came before them.

How much is it going to cost the taxpayers now that the Mayor lost his sham witch trial against teh Chief of Police?

That was crazy how he tried to charge Chief Ingemi for not wearing a specific uniform before he was told to wear the specific uniform.

When is the next witch trial the Mayor will be holding?  I'll tell you one thing, I bet Mayor DiDonato or other Hammonton First members will never be under investigation for bid rigging or abuse of power.  That would just be ludicrous!



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

So on almost $19 million in debt it went down $60,000 or 0.032%. That is such an insignificant difference I didn't think it worth mentioning. However, I'll change my tune. Oh how wonderful HF is. They dropped the debt 0.032% in one year. At that rate our debt will be paid off in 312 years as long as the banks don't charge us any interest. Yeah HF, we are so lucky to have them representing us.

Heck, if you thought it was bad, why did the R's and D's vote to build up that much debt?  Are you saying you've learned from past mistakes?  HF was left this insanely high debt level by the councilpeople who came before them.

You have to also remember that SJ Gas is paying the town $2.5M.  That will also help lower the debt.  Overall, that gets it down by about 15%.  That is a pretty good run for 2 years.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

The money from SJ Gas is to compensate the town for having to move it's new well plans to a different location. Are you now telling us we are not using the money for what it is truly needed for and plan to use it for other purposes?



OK , I have lived in hammonton for over 40 years  and never ever did taxes go stable meaning zero and never did debt go down even if a little it is a start.  the rep and dems have had control for years and just continued to tax spend give rasies and get nothing done. hf has got things done period. hf has lowered the debt even if a little it is lower. hf has improved hammonton.  and yes hf has made some mistakes.  like  none of you did under the old rule you can work for the town and teach your spin class .  you can use your town owned car for personal use and yes you will still get a big fat raise.  the new town hall is brick. and yes it looks good and yes the lot is tight.  boyer ave is not the ideal place for the fileds but it is better then the old fileds.  vote on your past tax bills. vote hf



In only two years, the town debt has only gone up $11 Million minimum. In two years, there's only been one town employee tried in a public hearing for not wearing a uniform he didn't have to wear. In only two years we've blown $3 million of town surplus. In only two years we've repaved the roads around the councilmen's businesses; built them a new town hall; trucked 700 loads of town dirt to their private construction sites; shut down municipal water and sewer oversight commitees; froze public projects all over town; left thousands of children to play soccer in the woods without bathrooms; left trees dying around town without the smallest amount of budget to cut them down; forced town employees to use hand and eye scanners to punch into work everyday; moved public bus transportation out of the center of town; dropped out of county and state grant programs to help senior citizens; gave our solicitor an unrequested raise of $10,000.....



Anonymous wrote:

OK , I have lived in hammonton for over 40 years  and never ever did taxes go stable meaning zero and never did debt go down even if a little it is a start.  the rep and dems have had control for years and just continued to tax spend give rasies and get nothing done. hf has got things done period. hf has lowered the debt even if a little it is lower. hf has improved hammonton.  and yes hf has made some mistakes.  like  none of you did under the old rule you can work for the town and teach your spin class .  you can use your town owned car for personal use and yes you will still get a big fat raise.  the new town hall is brick. and yes it looks good and yes the lot is tight.  boyer ave is not the ideal place for the fileds but it is better then the old fileds.  vote on your past tax bills. vote hf

HF are nothing but the elite Rich Republicans who spawned from the Republican party. This town has been majority Republican for too long. It's time that people vote Democrat.  The Republicans are the party of the past in Hammonton.  The Hammonton First Rich Republicans are our embarrassing present.  Let's look to a better future, Republicans have done nothing for years.  Only the Democrats aren't afraid to speak out, Republicans have been quiet for too long.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

So on almost $19 million in debt it went down $60,000 or 0.032%. That is such an insignificant difference I didn't think it worth mentioning. However, I'll change my tune. Oh how wonderful HF is. They dropped the debt 0.032% in one year. At that rate our debt will be paid off in 312 years as long as the banks don't charge us any interest. Yeah HF, we are so lucky to have them representing us.

Heck, if you thought it was bad, why did the R's and D's vote to build up that much debt?  Are you saying you've learned from past mistakes?  HF was left this insanely high debt level by the councilpeople who came before them.

You have to also remember that SJ Gas is paying the town $2.5M.  That will also help lower the debt.  Overall, that gets it down by about 15%.  That is a pretty good run for 2 years.

I think the Dems have hit full throttle on the bashing now!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

OK , I have lived in hammonton for over 40 years  and never ever did taxes go stable meaning zero and never did debt go down even if a little it is a start.  the rep and dems have had control for years and just continued to tax spend give rasies and get nothing done. hf has got things done period. hf has lowered the debt even if a little it is lower. hf has improved hammonton.  and yes hf has made some mistakes.  like  none of you did under the old rule you can work for the town and teach your spin class .  you can use your town owned car for personal use and yes you will still get a big fat raise.  the new town hall is brick. and yes it looks good and yes the lot is tight.  boyer ave is not the ideal place for the fileds but it is better then the old fileds.  vote on your past tax bills. vote hf

HF are nothing but the elite Rich Republicans who spawned from the Republican party. This town has been majority Republican for too long. It's time that people vote Democrat.  The Republicans are the party of the past in Hammonton.  The Hammonton First Rich Republicans are our embarrassing present.  Let's look to a better future, Republicans have done nothing for years.  Only the Democrats aren't afraid to speak out, Republicans have been quiet for too long.

Is it any wonder why the common sense people of Hammonton don't get involved in politics !!  Stop the "SPINNING" and tell people the truth, the "plain" truth, no spinning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did Hammonton realize a no tax hike in 2007? or is it just good bookkeeping that has put off the spending (bonding) until 2008? I can have no increase in taxes this year because I put off paying the bills until 2008. This IS NOT, I REPEAT, NOT the truth about no tax increase; it is another "POLITICAL SPIN".



Who are you voting for that you are sure they'll raise your taxes in 2008?

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