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Post Info TOPIC: Town needs to deal with Gypsy Moth problem this year

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Town needs to deal with Gypsy Moth problem this year

Gypsy Moth infestation was a major problem for the Town of Hammonton last year. According to a survey by the State of New Jersey, Department of Agriculture, Hammonton experienced severe defoliation from gypsy moths in 1,834 acres last year. Click here to see the report from the Dept of Agriculture. Click here to see a map showing the area of infestation.
The Hammonton Democrats took the only action left to us at that time and distributed 500 gypsy moth traps to affected residents. We acknowledge that this action will only make a very small dent in the gypsy moth population, but it was the only action left available to us at that time of year and we knew something had to be done.
This year we have the opportunity to attack the problem before it starts. The Department of Agriculture has a Gypsy Moth suppression program available to eligible areas to aid in combatting this problem. The state is finalizing the egg mass suvey counts at this time and will shortly be contacting eligible areas to inform them of their options within this program. We as a town need to be ready to deal with this problem this year. Once the survey is completed we will have a much better idea of what area will have to be treated with aerial spraying. The state will assist in locating assistance in funding the program, but there is no guarantee that it will be available. That does not relieve us as a town of our responsibility to deal with the problem. Last year the aerial spraying cost $39.44 per acre. We need to be on top of this problem this year and make sure we do the spraying in early May to have the best opportunity of heading off the problem for this year.
For more information on the Gypsy Moth suppression program, Click here.

The Democrats have contacted the Mayor to see where we stand in our plans to deal with this problem this year. We will keep you informed as we learn more.




Just an FYI. No one


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I commend the Democrats for being forward looking. However, I do not think the Mayor has a plan. The town is run hand-to-mouth as it is. The Mayor has time to use taxpayer dollars to help his friends get tax credits for their properties on Bellevue. Specifically, paying $10K to help get a historical designation which can provide a 20% federal tax credit for a rental property.

But problems that effect everyone like the gypsy moth problem is not a priority. Go figure.

Not to change the subject but has anyone seen HF's financial report for the election? So I challenge HF'ers reading this website that there next post be their election disclosure. I will respond to every HF post on this blog with that challene. Your for the people right? What do you have to hide.



Loyal Dem wrote:

I commend the Democrats for being forward looking. However, I do not think the Mayor has a plan. The town is run hand-to-mouth as it is. The Mayor has time to use taxpayer dollars to help his friends get tax credits for their properties on Bellevue. Specifically, paying $10K to help get a historical designation which can provide a 20% federal tax credit for a rental property.

But problems that effect everyone like the gypsy moth problem is not a priority. Go figure.

Not to change the subject but has anyone seen HF's financial report for the election? So I challenge HF'ers reading this website that there next post be their election disclosure. I will respond to every HF post on this blog with that challene. Your for the people right? What do you have to hide.

While I like trees as much as the next guy, why would I want to make this a priority? We have much more important issues to deal with in Hammonton. How about addressing the issue of lack of shoppers downtown? Do you really think that by building the townhall "near" downtown that will spur people to shop there? I don't think so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Let face it, the "downtown shopper" is history, from an era many, many years ago !!!  While rebuilding downtown looks great, it will not bring in any more shoppers then who currently shop there.

I have an idea  !!!!!!!!  Lets take our tax money & spend it on the needs of the town itself, like more police officers & more employees for the highway department. How about the continuation of rebuilding/updating the town's infrastructure, such as streets, water & sewer department needs, etc.

Lets stop spending money on ideas that only benefit a few !!!  Lets spend money on what benefits the town as a "whole", not just for a few !!!



Anonymous wrote:

Loyal Dem wrote:

I commend the Democrats for being forward looking. However, I do not think the Mayor has a plan. The town is run hand-to-mouth as it is. The Mayor has time to use taxpayer dollars to help his friends get tax credits for their properties on Bellevue. Specifically, paying $10K to help get a historical designation which can provide a 20% federal tax credit for a rental property.

But problems that effect everyone like the gypsy moth problem is not a priority. Go figure.

Not to change the subject but has anyone seen HF's financial report for the election? So I challenge HF'ers reading this website that there next post be their election disclosure. I will respond to every HF post on this blog with that challene. Your for the people right? What do you have to hide.

While I like trees as much as the next guy, why would I want to make this a priority? We have much more important issues to deal with in Hammonton. How about addressing the issue of lack of shoppers downtown? Do you really think that by building the townhall "near" downtown that will spur people to shop there? I don't think so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Let face it, the "downtown shopper" is history, from an era many, many years ago !!!  While rebuilding downtown looks great, it will not bring in any more shoppers then who currently shop there.

I have an idea  !!!!!!!!  Lets take our tax money & spend it on the needs of the town itself, like more police officers & more employees for the highway department. How about the continuation of rebuilding/updating the town's infrastructure, such as streets, water & sewer department needs, etc.

Lets stop spending money on ideas that only benefit a few !!!  Lets spend money on what benefits the town as a "whole", not just for a few !!!

Trees would be an issue to you if you were cited to fix your sidewalk.  My neighbor has been denied to take his tree down and he's willing to pay for it.


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I think everyone has brought up great points. The Gypsy moth proposal is not about trees per se. Gypsy moths did alot of damage last year in large areas of Hammonton. I think the Democrats rightly feel that this is one of these issues that do affect alot of people. The main issue is preparations must be made now.

Removal of trees that are damaging the sidewalks also are an issue. HF has not funded the Shade Tree commission in the amount necessary to take down all of the trees. The Democrats have made an issue of this.

Finally, the person who mentioned city services hit the nail on the head. Priority must be placed on Police, Fire and Highway. This was a major part of the Democrats' 2007 platform.

The Democrats are rightly making an issue of the problems that affect all of Hammonton, not just the elite.

The next HFer will read this and say that they are holding down taxes. However, no firster has had either the intellect or the courage to say how they will keep taxes down this year without making any job cuts. (In previous posts, HF has just said they did it before). Iti s obvious they have no plan and are just living hand-to-mouth.

Bottom Line: HF is pillaging the town for themselves without disregard for the rest of us or for the future. Sorry for the bashing, HF, but the truth hurts.



I sure like my taxes staying down.  Boy am I glad HF won.  If not, losers like Robin Ripa would have listened to Rich Jacobus and given out all our hard earned cash.  No wonder HF swept in a landslide.


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You have already won and you still can't stop bashing!!!! You're party kept pointing fingers throughout the campaign saying that because people were asking legitimate questions they were bashing. But your party continually attacked individuals from both opposing parties. You attacked individuals, their families, their personal lives and obviously you plan on continuing to do this.
The election is over, you won, we lost. Now let's discuss issues and stop the personal attacks. The Mayor himself keeps asking for us all to work together, and your party is the only one not willing to do so.


Rich Jacobus was right.

The Hammonton voters are against town employees getting nice raises.  They are against Robin Ripa and Chief Ingemi suing the town.  They are against tax increases.  Taxes go up everywhere.  Why should Hammonton be different?  They voted for HF because they gave out a cheap bag of vegetables and haven't raised taxes.  Horrible!


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Posts: 1241
Town needs to deal with Gypsy Moth problem this year

Mr. Jacobus has never said he was against town employees hetting raises! The taxpayers haven't said they are against the town employees getting raises! As for your definition of nice, All but one of the town employees got a 2.7% increase. The town accountant got a 18% increase of $7,000 after working for less than a year. Mr. Jacobus and the taxpayers are against apparent inconsistentcies in how we disperse raises.


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Posts: 28

HF has returned to the site. Yeah!!!

As usual, you have changed the subject. To add variety, you are attacking Rich and Robin instead of Jim.

Okay, so I guess during your hiatus, you have thought about my questions from the other post.

So once again. I congratulate your win and past accomplishments. But now I ask you about the next two years. "You have promised not to fire employees and to continue revitalization. How will you pay for these things without raising taxes??"

Remember you are stewards for the next 2 years. So answer the question directly. Don't talk about the past or how much you dislike the Dems or Rep. You are in charge now. So once again:

"You have promised not to fire employees and to continue revitalization. How will you pay for these things without raising taxes??"

Everytime you don't answer the question, you justify the Dems in their attack that you have no plan.

"You have promised not to fire employees and to continue revitalization. How will you pay for these things without raising taxes??"


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Millville is planning ahead for this year and we need to also.
Click here for story.


RE: Rich Jacobus was right.

Anonymous wrote:

The Hammonton voters are against town employees getting nice raises.? They are against Robin Ripa and Chief Ingemi suing the town.? They are against tax increases.? Taxes go up everywhere.? Why should Hammonton be different?? They voted for HF because they gave out a cheap bag of vegetables and haven't raised taxes.? Horrible!

I think Rich Jacobus should get a weekly spot in the Hammonton News. He can call it "Democrat Discussion" and explain the views of he and the rest of the Democrats.


RE: Town needs to deal with Gypsy Moth problem this year

Anonymous wrote:


I think Rich Jacobus should get a weekly spot in the Hammonton News. He can call it "Democrat Discussion" and explain the views of he and the rest of the Democrats.


Or better yet we could find a way for Jim and Gabe Donio to explain their views and the rest of Hammonton First while they pull their strings, we could call it the Hammonton First Gazette.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The Hammonton voters are against town employees getting nice raises.? They are against Robin Ripa and Chief Ingemi suing the town.? They are against tax increases.? Taxes go up everywhere.? Why should Hammonton be different?? They voted for HF because they gave out a cheap bag of vegetables and haven't raised taxes.? Horrible!

I think Rich Jacobus should get a weekly spot in the Hammonton News. He can call it "Democrat Discussion" and explain the views of he and the rest of the Democrats.

Are the Democrats embarrassed by Rich Jacobus' views? Or do they feel he represents their party accurately?



Is Hammonton First embarrassed by Gabe Donio's views? Or do they feel he represents their party accurately?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The Hammonton voters are against town employees getting nice raises.? They are against Robin Ripa and Chief Ingemi suing the town.? They are against tax increases.? Taxes go up everywhere.? Why should Hammonton be different?? They voted for HF because they gave out a cheap bag of vegetables and haven't raised taxes.? Horrible!

I think Rich Jacobus should get a weekly spot in the Hammonton News. He can call it "Democrat Discussion" and explain the views of he and the rest of the Democrats.

Are the Democrats embarrassed by Rich Jacobus' views? Or do they feel he represents their party accurately?

Rich Jacobus is a leader in the Democratic Club. He was even the boss on the Dem's float, giving out orders.



Gabe Donio uses his publication to glorify the actions of HF. He ignores the other parties. The Democrats forwarded the same letters and Press Releases to both papers and he refused to print them. He even refuded to give the Dems any prices for ad space.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The Hammonton voters are against town employees getting nice raises.? They are against Robin Ripa and Chief Ingemi suing the town.? They are against tax increases.? Taxes go up everywhere.? Why should Hammonton be different?? They voted for HF because they gave out a cheap bag of vegetables and haven't raised taxes.? Horrible!

I think Rich Jacobus should get a weekly spot in the Hammonton News. He can call it "Democrat Discussion" and explain the views of he and the rest of the Democrats.

Are the Democrats embarrassed by Rich Jacobus' views? Or do they feel he represents their party accurately?

Rich Jacobus is a leader in the Democratic Club. He was even the boss on the Dem's float, giving out orders.

What are your thoughts, Admin?


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Rich Jacobus is a member of our club. He has a right to express himself as a member of this community. Rich gets his word out to the public his way and the club gets our word out in our way. Rich was on the float as a volunteer from our club and he was playing the part of a poll worker.
We as a club defend the right of citizens to speak out and Rich has that right too.
Rich is not a spokesman for the Democratic club, but we also are not embarrassed by him.

-- Edited by Admin at 20:19, 2007-12-09


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Posts: 1241

I just received some additional information concerning the gypsy moth problem here in Hammonton. The state has finished it's survey of gypsy moth egg masses and has made it's recommendations to the affected towns. We have several large areas of infestation that are eligible for treatment under the state plan. Some require a single application, while other areas have a concentration of over 4,000 egg masses per acre and require a double application. In total, Hammonton needs to treat 2,279 acres at an approxiamte cost of $39.44 per acre. That means we need to set aside $89,883.76 to handle the gypsy moth problem here in Hammonton.
The Federal Government sometimes has funds available to supplement up to 50% of the cost to the town, however, those funds for the last several years have been spotty at best and may not be available at all.

A letter was sent from the state to Mayor DiDonato on 11/5 informing him of the findings and our eligibility. We now have until the last part of December to get back to the State as to whether we are interested in participating in this program.

-- Edited by Admin at 14:47, 2007-12-11



Admin wrote:

Rich Jacobus is a member of our club. He has a right to express himself as a member of this community. Rich gets his word out to the public his way and the club gets our word out in our way. Rich was on the float as a volunteer from our club and he was playing the part of a poll worker.
We as a club defend the right of citizens to speak out and Rich has that right too.
Rich is not a spokesman for the Democratic club, but we also are not embarrassed by him.

-- Edited by Admin at 20:19, 2007-12-09

Rich Jacobus writes the nastiest editorial letters imaginable. How can a guy who is so new to town be so mean spirited? Maybe that is another reason the Democrats get so few votes lately.



Remember, Rich was with the Republicans for many years. He left them because he couldn't stand the sit back and do nothing attitude of the club. Are you saying that here in America he shouldn't have the right to express himself?
Remember not to long ago we had another writer who was even more vicious and he also was a Republican who was tired of the inaction of our government, that was Bob Salvo.

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