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Post Info TOPIC: Hammonton Democrats call for fiscal responsibility

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Hammonton Democrats call for fiscal responsibility

In promoting our platform of open, limited government, fiscal responsibility and experienced management, the Hammonton Democrats feel that it is necessary to discuss fiscal responsibility.  With a federal budget deficit and a draconian state budget, the Hammonton Democrats would like to share their views on the measures necessary to maintain the fiscal health of Hammonton. 

It is always difficult for politicians to take tough stands when money is involved.  Often, elections are won by promising the people what they want and wishing away the problems involved in fulfilling those problems.  There are those out there who think shopping locally, a few coats of paint and taking credit for decades-old grants is the key to fiscal health.  The Hammonton Democrats will not engage in this political grandstanding.

 The Hammonton Democrats hope to implement the following reforms:

·         Focus on the essential town services of police, fire and highway departments.  Ironically, our current administration and their supporters who decried consolidation are now considering turning over the police department to the State Police.

·         The sewer department should be able to maintain its own surplus for future infrastructure improvements.

·         The Town must evaluate non-essential and back-office functions and determine if integrating those services with neighboring communities could cut costs.

·         Determine the actual cost for the Town Hall to include parking and demolition.  Currently, there are conflicting estimates on the project. In the January 23, 2008 edition of the Hammonton Gazette, the head of the Town Hall building committee reported that less than $20,000 had been spent on change orders.  Yet based off of the minutes from the Nov. 19, 2007, Dec. 17, 2007 and the Jan. 21, 2008 Town Council meetings, a total of $31,804.53 worth of change orders had been approved. (At the February 25 Council Meeting, an additional $29,650.69 was approved.)

·         Transfer responsibility of all Cosmetic improvement initiatives such as Little Italy and the Historical Preservation effort to the private sector.  The Little Italy coordinator position will cost the town $23,000 a year.  Salary and benefits are $43,000 and the grant only covers $20,000.  The historical preservation effort has expanded from Bellevue and Central and will now cost $21,545.

·         Set aside tax revenue for debt reduction which as of 2007 is $300,000 higher than in 2005.  A large portion of the towns budget now goes to debt maintenance.

·         Create a fund to pay for road improvements so that roads can be continually maintained rather than depend on grants;

·         Audit all outside billing by contractors to the town;

·         Close the Real Estate Developers Loophole in our business tax abatement program.  Currently, the ordinance allows an empty strip mall receive an abatement.  Such a business consumes services yet provides neither jobs nor revenue.  The abatement should be adjusted so that only businesses that create jobs can receive benefit. Hammonton has an unemployment rate of 7.2 % in contrast with Winslow (6.3%), Vineland (6.5%) and Galloway (5.2%).

·         Implement a three-year budget forecast, so the Council can conduct better planning.

This platform is the commitment that is needed to ensure that our town has a strong financial foundation.  It requires some sacrifice from everyone.  But sacrifice is part of Hammontons middle-class work ethics. For those of us that go to work everyday or spent a life-time working, we know what it takes to overcome lifes challenges.

We also want to say that this platform is not an indictment of any member of the local government.  We appreciate any person who answers the call to public service and we consider all members of the Council to be personal friends. Our disagreement is based on policy and the direction of Hammonton.

Sometimes, people think disagreement is negative; it supposedly interferes with progress. Disagreement is an important part of the process.  Deliberation prevents any one group from seizing power.  It ensures that decisions are well-thought out and all opinions are presented.  Rather than being divisive, the freedom for well-intentioned people to debate important issues actually unites us not just as Hammontonians but also as Americans.

So the Hammonton Democrats will continue to present our policies to the public.  And with help from the voters of Hammonton, we will begin implementing those policies on Town Council.  All of Hammonton can then triumph in the Promise of the Future rather than Satisfaction of the Now.

-- Edited by Admin at 09:40, 2008-03-19


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Posts: 35

Finally, a real fiscal plan...not the usual HF smoke and mirrors.



Why don't the Democrats publish what they would set the budget to be line-by-line? I am sure that if their proposed spending numbers for the grand total were really lower the town would be interested in saving money.



Anonymous wrote:

Why don't the Democrats publish what they would set the budget to be line-by-line? I am sure that if their proposed spending numbers for the grand total were really lower the town would be interested in saving money.

It would be nice to see the complete proposed Democrat budget.  Having a COMPLETE budget proposal would show if the taxpayers would really save money or if the Democrats would raise taxes.  More spending = more taxes.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Why don't the Democrats publish what they would set the budget to be line-by-line? I am sure that if their proposed spending numbers for the grand total were really lower the town would be interested in saving money.

It would be nice to see the complete proposed Democrat budget.  Having a COMPLETE budget proposal would show if the taxpayers would really save money or if the Democrats would raise taxes.  More spending = more taxes.

Actually, since the Democrats claim they want to have a three year budget forecast, they should post their complete budget proposal for the next three years.  It will be interesting to see what how much they propose to spend and tax the residents of Hammonton.


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If you take a look at this thread and the original post, our comments are about putting policies, procedures, and programs in place for the long term fiscal responsiblility of our town.
If we continue to dwell solely on the short term, we will never be able to move forward. We will always have to cut services in order to keep taxes from increasing. That is the kind of short term thinking we are seeing now. At some point you run out of services to cut. At some point we have nothing left.
We are focussing on how to establish a future for our town where services can continue to be provided without raising taxes.



So the Democrats aren't posting their three year budget, just make idle promises?  If you call for a three year budget forecast, can't you even say what your detailed budget plan is for this year?


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Sorry to see that you are so short sighted that you can't accept our proposals for their real intent. Please expand your thinking and open your mind.



admin: straight up, what would the dems do in 2008 different then the current m -c.  If you want people to respect and vote your slate, you should be able to filed this question.  If not then it is nothing but talk.  The budget is not done so maybe you can do some good for all of us. thank you .


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Impossible for us to say because we have not been able to obtain the required information to create a budget. I have requested a copy of what was handed out to the council members on Monday night, but have not received a response yet. I have requested a breakdown in anticipated revenue, but have not received a call back on that either. I also have been told that a breakdown by account number for expenses is not available yet.
A lot of people could help out if this information was available, but apparently it is not.


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How long did it take for the HF Vultures to swoop? They must be pretty worried about their budget to strike back so fast.

I do not think this letter was a budget proposal. I think it's intent is how the Dems plan to approach the budget. They are telling the town what methods they will use to make budget decisions. They are answering the question how not what.

Even with all the information, it is difficult for any party to say how they will spend line-by-line next year. There may be some unexpected expenses. However, it is important for the public to know how the Dems will make their decisions.

By the way, the Dems do mention some cuts, Little Italy, Historic Preservation. Close real estate developer's loophole. I realize this hurts the feelings of alot of the Pro-HF folks posting on this blog. But this shows alot of thought on the Dems' part.

Before the Bullies of Bellevue post any new information, let me ask this. Do not change the subject. Just answer this question.
How much will the town hall cost us in total?



Anonymous wrote:

So the Democrats aren't posting their three year budget, just make idle promises? If you call for a three year budget forecast, can't you even say what your detailed budget plan is for this year?

How can we trust HF when they can't even file their campaign finance reports on time?  If they can't crunch up the math for a few "donations in kind", how can we trust them with their $5.9 at Central and Vine.




Anonymous wrote:

admin: straight up, what would the dems do in 2008 different then the current m -c.  If you want people to respect and vote your slate, you should be able to filed this question.  If not then it is nothing but talk.  The budget is not done so maybe you can do some good for all of us. thank you .

this seems like a reasonable request
dems claim they can do a 3 yr plan
they should be able to show this years plan's details


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Impossible for us to say because we have not been able to obtain the required information to create a budget. I have requested a copy of what was handed out to the council members on Monday night, but have not received a response yet. I have requested a breakdown in anticipated revenue, but have not received a call back on that either. I also have been told that a breakdown by account number for expenses is not available yet.
A lot of people could help out if this information was available, but apparently it is not.



Jim, you always claim to have all kinds of data and even quoted numbers out of the budget plan.  If you claim you can keep taxes down, why not post your numbers?  If not, this is just talk, not action.


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Let's see if you can understand. I have not qouted any numbers from this years budget, because they have not been provided to the public yet. Do you have them? Maybe you will share them with me? I have a budget worksheet that shows last year's spending by department but I have absolutetly nothing showing the spending plan for this year. I have absolutetly nothing to show me anticipated revenue. I do not even have the budget proposal given out by the Mayor at the council meeting, and that was just an overview, not a breakdown. As soon as I am provided with that information I will look at it thoroughly.

But don't confuse that with the message we deliver at the beginning of this thread. Those points do not speak to specific numbers, but to plans, programs, and policies the Democrats propose as a way of doing business in the future to make us a fiscally resonsible town.



All talk, no backup.  The Dems claim they can be fiscally responsible but do not even have the ability to put their own budget together for one year, let alone three.


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It would be irresponsible for us to propose a budget without having all of the information. Why are you so impatient. Do you think our proposal is different than yours, what is your proposal?
We will continue to try and get the information needed to answer your question. As soon as we get that info I will respond. The impact on the taxpayers of this community is too important for us not to give due diligence to this budget.



Hey Don, why don't you wait for an answer and stop bashing. The proposals the Democrats have put forward seem to make a lot of sense to me. Are you afraid that someone may see a flaw in your numbers?



Donny is thinking way outside of the box. I do not believe he is capable of thinking anywhere near the box if you know what i mean.


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Posts: 35

Before the Dems can propose a three-year budget, they need the true estimate for the Town Hall.

Maybe Don DiDonato can ask Steve DiDonato to provide the actual numbers? Obviously, based on Steve DiDonato's conflicting statements as noted by the Dems, this may be tough.



Admin wrote:

In promoting our platform of open, limited government, fiscal responsibility and experienced management, the Hammonton Democrats feel that it is necessary to discuss fiscal responsibility.  With a federal budget deficit and a draconian state budget, the Hammonton Democrats would like to share their views on the measures necessary to maintain the fiscal health of Hammonton. 

It is always difficult for politicians to take tough stands when money is involved.  Often, elections are won by promising the people what they want and wishing away the problems involved in fulfilling those problems.  There are those out there who think shopping locally, a few coats of paint and taking credit for decades-old grants is the key to fiscal health.  The Hammonton Democrats will not engage in this political grandstanding.

 The Hammonton Democrats hope to implement the following reforms:

·         Focus on the essential town services of police, fire and highway departments.  Ironically, our current administration and their supporters who decried consolidation are now considering turning over the police department to the State Police.

·         The sewer department should be able to maintain its own surplus for future infrastructure improvements.

·         The Town must evaluate non-essential and back-office functions and determine if integrating those services with neighboring communities could cut costs.

·         Determine the actual cost for the Town Hall to include parking and demolition.  Currently, there are conflicting estimates on the project. In the January 23, 2008 edition of the Hammonton Gazette, the head of the Town Hall building committee reported that less than $20,000 had been spent on change orders.  Yet based off of the minutes from the Nov. 19, 2007, Dec. 17, 2007 and the Jan. 21, 2008 Town Council meetings, a total of $31,804.53 worth of change orders had been approved. (At the February 25 Council Meeting, an additional $29,650.69 was approved.)

·         Transfer responsibility of all Cosmetic improvement initiatives such as Little Italy and the Historical Preservation effort to the private sector.  The Little Italy coordinator position will cost the town $23,000 a year.  Salary and benefits are $43,000 and the grant only covers $20,000.  The historical preservation effort has expanded from Bellevue and Central and will now cost $21,545.

·         Set aside tax revenue for debt reduction which as of 2007 is $300,000 higher than in 2005.  A large portion of the towns budget now goes to debt maintenance.

·         Create a fund to pay for road improvements so that roads can be continually maintained rather than depend on grants;

·         Audit all outside billing by contractors to the town;

·         Close the Real Estate Developers Loophole in our business tax abatement program.  Currently, the ordinance allows an empty strip mall receive an abatement.  Such a business consumes services yet provides neither jobs nor revenue.  The abatement should be adjusted so that only businesses that create jobs can receive benefit. Hammonton has an unemployment rate of 7.2 % in contrast with Winslow (6.3%), Vineland (6.5%) and Galloway (5.2%).

·         Implement a three-year budget forecast, so the Council can conduct better planning.

This platform is the commitment that is needed to ensure that our town has a strong financial foundation.  It requires some sacrifice from everyone.  But sacrifice is part of Hammontons middle-class work ethics. For those of us that go to work everyday or spent a life-time working, we know what it takes to overcome lifes challenges.

We also want to say that this platform is not an indictment of any member of the local government.  We appreciate any person who answers the call to public service and we consider all members of the Council to be personal friends. Our disagreement is based on policy and the direction of Hammonton.

Sometimes, people think disagreement is negative; it supposedly interferes with progress. Disagreement is an important part of the process.  Deliberation prevents any one group from seizing power.  It ensures that decisions are well-thought out and all opinions are presented.  Rather than being divisive, the freedom for well-intentioned people to debate important issues actually unites us not just as Hammontonians but also as Americans.

So the Hammonton Democrats will continue to present our policies to the public.  And with help from the voters of Hammonton, we will begin implementing those policies on Town Council.  All of Hammonton can then triumph in the Promise of the Future rather than Satisfaction of the Now.

-- Edited by Admin at 09:40, 2008-03-19



Voice of the People wrote:

Before the Dems can propose a three-year budget, they need the true estimate for the Town Hall.

Maybe Don DiDonato can ask Steve DiDonato to provide the actual numbers? Obviously, based on Steve DiDonato's conflicting statements as noted by the Dems, this may be tough.

I heard from a member of the fiscal oversight committee. The D-boys don't have enough money to demo the old town hall building!  What is the true cost of the New town hall project.  Don't deny the citizens these figures.  They aren't your elctorial reports.  Give us the numbers and then we will talk shop.  Same taxes with less service, but It's all Good




Anonymous wrote:


Voice of the People wrote:

Before the Dems can propose a three-year budget, they need the true estimate for the Town Hall.

Maybe Don DiDonato can ask Steve DiDonato to provide the actual numbers? Obviously, based on Steve DiDonato's conflicting statements as noted by the Dems, this may be tough.

I heard from a member of the fiscal oversight committee. The D-boys don't have enough money to demo the old town hall building! What is the true cost of the New town hall project. Don't deny the citizens these figures. They aren't your elctorial reports. Give us the numbers and then we will talk shop. Same taxes with less service, but It's all Good



Remember $5.9 at Central and Vine.  What a bunch of bull!




The Democrats have put out a slate which should easily have people turn away from Vitalo, Marino and Bertino. It will be interesting to see how people respond to the Democrats campaign slogan that they are against the satisfying people now and will provide promises in the future!

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