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Hammonton Democrats announce Council Candidates

Hammonton- The Hammonton Democratic Club has issued the following statement,

Over the past several months, we have seen the rebirth of the Hammonton Democratic Party.  This New Democratic Party has spoken truth to power on numerous occasions.  We have successfully advocated for Hammontons enrollment in the Gypsy Moth program, joined with our Republican colleagues for restoration of MUAC, and consistently warned the Town Council about excessive debt.

Aided by a re-energized base as evidenced by the record turn-out in the Presidential primary, the New Hammonton Democrats have issued our 2008 Promise of the Future Platform.  The three pillars of the platform are:

  • Open and ethical government
  • Fiscal Responsibility
  • Consistent Management

This platform, discussed in The Hammonton News opinion page as well as the Democratic Website (www.hammontondems.org), is the right solution for the problems that vex Hammonton.  Hammonton recently has seen a drastic reduction in services (which is a phantom tax increase), an unaccounted for Town Hall Project, and the highest unemployment rate in the area.

However, a platform will only be as good as the people chosen to execute it.  Therefore, the New Hammonton Democrats are pleased to announce our 2008 ticket.  These individuals come from a variety of backgrounds and bring the broad experience needed to lead Hammonton into the future.  Some candidates may be familiar to Hammontonians while others are newcomers to the political scene.   These candidates share one thing in common with each other and with every citizen of Hammonton:  their commitment to deliver to Hammonton the Promise of the Future.

Our first New Democratic Candidate is Jim Mac Lane.  The Hammonton Democrats chose Jim because of his strong understanding of local government operations and his financial background.  Jim will provide the necessary insight into the best ways to improve Hammontons financial situation.

Jim has been a resident of Hammonton for over 13 years.  He graduated from Mount St. Marys College with a Bachelors of Science in Business and Finance.  He currently works as a project coordinator with Asphalt Paving Systems in Hammonton.  He has been an active member of the Lions Club and has served on the Hammonton School Board.  Jim is married with four children.

Hammonton has a vibrant community of young professionals.  These professionals, bringing unique talents to the Town, deserve a voice on Council.  The New Democrats have found this voice in Mike Perrotta, our second candidate.

Mike, a 1990 St. Joe High School graduate, works as a senior account manager with Heritage Business Systems of Moorsetown, NJ.  He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from West VirginiaWesleyanCollege in Government and Business.  In addition to being a Freemason, Mike has been active in the Assumption Society, Kiwanis and the St. Joseph Wildcatters Club.

Our final candidate, Russ Rodjinske, is ready to fight for the middle class of Hammonton and lower our Towns 7.2% unemployment rate.  No one understands the importance of attracting high paying jobs to the Town than Russ.

As Representative for the NJ Council of Carpenters, Russ has been a true friend of labor.  Russ has worked on numerous committees to bring jobs to individuals.  Russ is most proud of his work in the Helmets to Hard Hats program. This initiative helps provide returning veterans with the jobs that they so richly deserve.

Russ graduated from NathanielHawthorneCollege with a Bachelors of Science degree in Business.  He is married with two children.  He has been a youth sports coach and is a member of the Never There Sportsman Club in Hammonton.

The Hammonton Democrats understand that only by uniting government, business and labor can our Town move forward without the loss of our values and traditions.  The 2008 Hammonton Democratic Ticket brings this unity.  Mac Lane, Perrotta and Rodjinske are the team that will allow Hammonton to realize the Promise of the Future.

 If you would like to discuss your ideas with our candidates, come to our Meet the Candidates reception on May 7 at 7:00 pm at the Womens Civics Club.  Everyone is invited to attend.

-- Edited by Admin at 16:39, 2008-04-08



Best of luck guys.   Bring Hammonton back to the nondelusional people.



Get it right Hammonton.  NO to Hammonton First and NO to Republican politicians who were ineffective dealing with Hammonton First.  Only Democrats have constantly spoken for the people.  We don't want the same old councilpersons.  We need new faces and change.



Anonymous wrote:

Get it right Hammonton.  NO to Hammonton First and NO to Republican politicians who were ineffective dealing with Hammonton First.  Only Democrats have constantly spoken for the people.  We don't want the same old councilpersons.  We need new faces and change.

speaking FOR the people and actually doing something are two different things.



It is great to see Jim McLane running.  He was a good school board member when he served as the finance chairman while the new school was being built.  People will complain about the taxes going up but that was not Jim's fault.  The state did not give the school's enough money to spend.  Taxes going up is something that people just have to accept.  Good luck Jim!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Get it right Hammonton.  NO to Hammonton First and NO to Republican politicians who were ineffective dealing with Hammonton First.  Only Democrats have constantly spoken for the people.  We don't want the same old councilpersons.  We need new faces and change.

speaking FOR the people and actually doing something are two different things.

Your right on that. That's why this year many are voting STRAIGHT Democrat so that those who constantly speak for the people  (THE DEMOCRATS) can actually hold seats in Council and do something.  SO far all the "Doing" we see are from people who are only speaking for themselves.  I was shocked to see that Hammonton First got over 50% of its "donations" from one single family.  Who's controlling who?  Does Town Council answer to us or its donors.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Get it right Hammonton.  NO to Hammonton First and NO to Republican politicians who were ineffective dealing with Hammonton First.  Only Democrats have constantly spoken for the people.  We don't want the same old councilpersons.  We need new faces and change.

speaking FOR the people and actually doing something are two different things.

Your right on that. That's why this year many are voting STRAIGHT Democrat so that those who constantly speak for the people  (THE DEMOCRATS) can actually hold seats in Council and do something.  SO far all the "Doing" we see are from people who are only speaking for themselves.  I was shocked to see that Hammonton First got over 50% of its "donations" from one single family.  Who's controlling who?  Does Town Council answer to us or its donors.

Republicans are afraid to speak out against Hammonton First and when they do they drop the ball regularly.  So far the only thing they've redeemed themselves on was the Gypsy Moth decision where they flip flopped back and forth on that.



Will the democrats be going door to door?   I believe this tactic works well with the senior citizens in our town.     You go to the door and you listen to their concerns and give them you plan in person and they will remember you come time to vote.    Actually every household should be attempted to reach some how.   It might mean giving up several hours each weekend between now and November but you'll hear the concerns, meet the people and they will remember you.   In most cases people wouldn't know you if they fell over you and they like to put a face with the name.   Get to people on a personal level and you'll have it in the bag (not a rotten veggie bag either).



Yeah.... go door to door and tell the people why Jim Mac was the only guy who worked out hte teacher contract where they got 15% and longevity pay.



Anonymous wrote:

Yeah.... go door to door and tell the people why Jim Mac was the only guy who worked out hte teacher contract where they got 15% and longevity pay.

Still better than the town being crushed to death by one family and their mindless, spineless mouth pieces.   People have had enough you've ruined out whole town.  You want Haddonfield move to Haddonfield and find out just what a nothing you really are.



Anonymous wrote:

Will the democrats be going door to door?   I believe this tactic works well with the senior citizens in our town.     You go to the door and you listen to their concerns and give them you plan in person and they will remember you come time to vote.    Actually every household should be attempted to reach some how.   It might mean giving up several hours each weekend between now and November but you'll hear the concerns, meet the people and they will remember you.   In most cases people wouldn't know you if they fell over you and they like to put a face with the name.   Get to people on a personal level and you'll have it in the bag (not a rotten veggie bag either).

Let me guess some senior citizens gave you idea to have them bag their own leaves and haul their own trash to the dump.  Better yet that their trash won't be weekly and that there will be no more police protection for them. 



These 3 couldn't get out of a wet paperbag!  It's all good in Hammonton!



Anonymous wrote:

It is great to see Jim McLane running.  He was a good school board member when he served as the finance chairman while the new school was being built.  People will complain about the taxes going up but that was not Jim's fault.  The state did not give the school's enough money to spend.  Taxes going up is something that people just have to accept.  Good luck Jim!

How much extra spending would the Democrats like to see in this year's budget?



jim should win the teachers will vote for him.  he gave them the bigest raise in history.  you guys are dreaming with that tickets.  it looks like hf can get these three seats. that is if they don't do another chiefgate.  oh and don't blame old jimbo for the mess at the school.  it was the state fault. BS. don't pass the buck you voted yes to everything that bobby told you to do. and we had huge tax increases .   huge big really big huge .!  at least hf is keeping zero taxes even though the state  has cost us alot of money.  people listen up though times we are in a bad place countrywide. 



The Democrats will fight against HF. The Republicans get nothing done. Jim Bertino couldn't even figure out how to spray for gypsy moths.


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Posts: 35

I think it is sooooooooo funny. The Mayor gets up and says we run a postive campaing all the time. And here HF is making nasty attacks against Jim. What is HF always says, "Don't be negative." Amazing the courage that hiding behind the computer gives you.

I think the Democrats have nominated 3 fine candidates. They bring different expertise and backgrounds that will unite the town.

The Dems have convinced me, I'm about the Promise of the Future.



Why would anybody vote for Vitalo, Marino and Bertino? Can Vitalo even tie his shoes without instructions? The only way to win is if Republicans join the Democrats and vote for MacLane and his running mates.



Anonymous wrote:

Why would anybody vote for Vitalo, Marino and Bertino? Can Vitalo even tie his shoes without instructions? The only way to win is if Republicans join the Democrats and vote for MacLane and his running mates.

 If Democrats won the last 2 years, things would be better.  There wouldn't be a need for a merger because then Hammonton First would cease to exist.  It would be the Republicans and Hammonton First who would have to merge since they are one in the same.



OK hear's your chance dems. what would have the dems done different then the hf and reps over the last two years.  and if so what would have those changes cost in tax dollars.  this question will decide weather i vote for u or not. 



Anonymous wrote:

OK hear's your chance dems. what would have the dems done different then the hf and reps over the last two years. and if so what would have those changes cost in tax dollars. this question will decide weather i vote for u or not.

 If you really want to know, you should ask the candidates themselves.  Too many Hammontonians base their voting on newspapers or last names. A blog is not the place for you to solely decide whether you're going to vote for someone or not.  A blog is just another means of getting information.  Attend a Democratic Club meeting and you'll see the new energy and many new faces that have joined. The question can also be posed to the Republicans and Hammonton First what mistakes would you have corrected.  Some most likely would never admit to the many mistakes made the last 3 years.  So if you ask the Republicans and Hammonton First what would you have done differently; what answer are you looking for?  If you think it's All Good then you can vote for either Republican or Hammonton First; If you think it SHOULD BE Better than you'd vote for people who would not be afraid to speak up for the people of Hammonton all the time.  I like Bertino and Marino but Hammontonians need people who will be able to speak up and counter the opposition when the opposition is wrong.



no I think the post should be answered.  for the last two years all I have heard is we want to do this and that.  what would be done different and what would it have cost the taxpayers.  I for one would not have built a new town hall.  i would still have leaf pick up but no bulky waste for rental properties.  furhter i would have no trash pick up at rental prop's with more then two units.  i would also suport a small tax increase for one cop a year unitl the force is staffed properly.  but that's is just my two cents. 



Anonymous wrote:

no I think the post should be answered. for the last two years all I have heard is we want to do this and that. what would be done different and what would it have cost the taxpayers. I for one would not have built a new town hall. i would still have leaf pick up but no bulky waste for rental properties. furhter i would have no trash pick up at rental prop's with more then two units. i would also suport a small tax increase for one cop a year unitl the force is staffed properly. but that's is just my two cents.

I suggest you read the front page of www.hammontondems.org if you want to do is just read something. No other party is as open online, in the newspaper, or in town hall. If you want to truly hear something directly then don't be afraid or shy to talk to the candidates themselves. I find this website to very informative but I like to talk to people directly. People need to be active and not passive this election. People in Hammonton are too passive. The only active thing they do in the election season is cook and eat some vegetables. I wonder if the veggies this year will be delivered in biodegradable bags.




Anonymous wrote:

OK hear's your chance dems. what would have the dems done different then the hf and reps over the last two years. and if so what would have those changes cost in tax dollars. this question will decide weather i vote for u or not.

 Let me guess, you actually believe the $5.9 at Central and Vine. 



 Quote of the week from our esteemed friend Sir Charles Barkley:  


 "Poor People have been voting for Democrats for the last 50 years, .............and they are still poor." 


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Posts: 35

I think you and your political memory have a slightly distorted view of history. Let's see..
....there was Franlin Roosevelt whose New Deal gave the country the hope it needed to make it through the depressions and whose Social Security did not make old age a sentence to poverty.

...there was LBJ whose Medicare and Medicaid meant the old age and poverty did not have equal sickness

....there was Bill Clinton whose welfare reform allowed people to escape the cycle of dependency and actually helped the work their way out of poverty.

A famous Democrat once said that the Republican and Democrats both want to make it to the finish line. The difference is that the Republicans only want the strong to cross the line. The Democrats want us all to cross the line together_the old, the young, the disabled.

In terms of Hammonton, I would change the word Republican with Hammonton First in this quote.

Sorry, I tend let basketball players play basketball.



that' s funny . don't forget  what bill did for cigar sales. 



Anonymous wrote:

that' s funny . don't forget  what bill did for cigar sales. 

Let's not forget what George Bush, Jr did for oil sales.

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