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Post Info TOPIC: Stockton spending plenty of money elsewhere, but current proposal gives them a free ride in Hammonton.

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Stockton spending plenty of money elsewhere, but current proposal gives them a free ride in Hammonton.

In an article in the 7/26 Atlantic City Press, Stockton College is spending $2 million dollars to expand it's real estate holdings.
In a Press Release from the President's office, the college is currently in the middle of numerous construction projects.

The following is a summary of some of the additional projects:

Alton Auditorium Renovation
Construction is underway with a completion date of December 2008.

Sara and Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center Addition
Construction is underway with completion scheduled in December 2008.

Sports Center Photovoltaic and Lighting College is in the planning stage of replacing some existing lighting with more efficient and environmentally-friendly lighting and installing "green" photovoltaic system.

Additional Parking - One of the former athletic fields is being paved to provide additional parking. Upgrades and improvement to other athletic fields will compensate for the former fields conversion.

Free-to-Be Playground upgrade An improved playground for the children at the Free-to-Be facility is currently underway.

Fire Alarm upgrades -Carbon dioxide detectors are being added and fire alarms are being upgraded in Housing II and Housing III with completion scheduled by the start of classes for Fall semester 2008

Housing V Construction Four more residential "Living Learning" Communities will open in time for the fall semester, providing a state-of-the-art residential experience for 260 more students as Stockton moves toward the vision of a more residential campus. This construction will enable Stockton to guarantee on-campus housing for the first two years for incoming freshmen.

Entrance sign renovation Phase I of this project is currently underway at the main entrance to the campus off Jimmie Leeds Road as part of a comprehensive "wayfinding" program.

Renovation of the Lakeside Center will address the need for increased food service seating to accommodate an additional 384 residential students in Housing V.

Nature Path Lighting The College will install pathway lighting along the Nature Path from the main campus buildings across Lake Fred

New roller hockey / skateboard rink at Lakeside Housing - A new rink, bleacher seating and lighting for night intramurals is currently being installed.
And yet, as reported in this week's Hammonton News, the college would have a satellite campus built here in Hammonton and it would be solely funded by the taxpayers of Hammonton.
 The proposal calls for the School district to put up $1.5 million  in funding now to get the project started and the Town would then have to issue bonds or pursue grants to fund the rest of the project, with no estimate of what the final costs could be. The town would also have to provide the funds for advertising and marketing the college for a period of 5 years.

With all of the money Stockton college is spending in other areas, it seems ridiculous that they ask for a free ride here in Hammonton and even more ridiculous that the current proposal is even being considered by our local government.

The Democrats stand by our original proposal calling for the college to utilize existing district facilities to start the program at no cost to the taxpayers.

-- Edited by Admin at 16:54, 2008-07-26



I agree with you Jim. Why can't Stockton spend some money in Hammonton and buy a property or rent space from a developer. Hammontonians support Stockton have a satellite campus in our town but why does the Hammonton School Board have to pay for it?

It sounds as if this plan is not very well thought out and rushed into the newspapers. Is this just a political stunt? If Stockton wants to open a satellite campus.....great for Hammonton......if they want our tax money to build them a facility ........forget it.



Here's an idea... let's get Stockton here and send Vitalo back to school. Because he's dumber than a box of rocks. 

I was at Saint Martins Church yesterday, and the preist was saying mass over Jerry's Mortar Mixer.



Anonymous wrote:

Here's an idea... let's get Stockton here and send Vitalo back to school. Because he's dumber than a box of rocks. 

I was at Saint Martins Church yesterday, and the preist was saying mass over Jerry's Mortar Mixer.

Get rid of all Incumbents for the Next 2 Years. Everyone currently on Council has no idea of what they are doing or simply don't care about the average taxpayer.



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At tonight's Council meeting it was reported that a meeting was held with Stockton and others. Two properties were looked at as locations for the Stockton campus near the train station. An estimate was given as to what it would cost to convert these buildings into a usable building for Stockton, that estimate was between $6,5 and $8 million dollars.
So let's recap:
Building costs $6.5 to $8 million
Upfront soft costs(design and engineering) to be paid by the School district  $900,000
Upfront payment by School District to develop educational programs $600,000
An undetermined amount of money to be spent each year for 5 years to publicize and market the College -?-

Cost to the Hammonton taxpayers  more than $8 to $9.5 million.
Cost to Stockton (according to the current proposal) -0-


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Kudos to Mike Perrotta for speaking out for the taxpayers of Hammonton at the joint Council-School Board meeting!

It is great to know that Perrotta and his running mates , Falcone and MacLane, will look out for all of Hammonton not special interests!


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It was a very productive meting tonight between the School District, Town Council and Stockton. The Board of Ed were able to express their comncerns as well as many people from the public. Stockton agrees to throw out the current proposal and start over again. They also indicated that their stance has changed and will now offer some amount of up front money for the project, of course the amount remains to be seen.

We, the Hammonton Democrats, stand by our original proposal of utilizing the facilities within the district and not expend any money from the Hammonton taxpayers.



My  neighbors are talking about Mike speaking up for Hammonton Taxpayers.  As a life long resident of Hammonton I say thank you for running. I hope to see and your running mates sitting on Council and being able to take action.



Stockton will run this town broke, all for the royal families. Say no to stockton and most of all say no to them on election day. Its all about them and their pockets, didn"t they get enough already? Free sidewalks, free water lines, free sewer lines,and now some have even had their oil tanks removed. Please Hammonton wake up, its' all about them and their families. once the down town has drained this town dry they will go and blame everyone else, that's their plan, always was always will be.....



the free sidwalks was passed way before hf came in . the reps and dems voted for that so i don't think it's fair to blame hf for that. HF did get that program going before we lost the grant that paid for it . 


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I believe the previous poster is referring to the water and sewer lines being installed currently on Second St. as well as the tank removals on the same block.



It was certainly interesting listening to the Democratic candidate telling Stockton there was nothing to shop for downtown.  I wonder what Stockton thought when the candidate told them SAT's of 1150 were too high for our kids?  I think maybe before bashing, he should think about what he is saying.


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If your hearing is that bad, maybe you should get it checked!!!
He did not say there was nothing to shop for downtown, he was pointing out that there are many more opportunities for shopping and eating and the other type of activities that Dr Kesselman was saying were vital to the branch campus out on the White Horse Pike as opposed to downtown.
And he did not say our kids could not get 1150 on their SAT's, he drew a comparison as to what would happen if it came down to students from Hammonton and students from outside of Hammonton with different SAT scores.
There was no bashing from anyone that spoke that night, including Mike Perrotta. People having frank and open discussions and voicing their concerns is a constructive democratic process. Our ancestors fought for that right and we still excercise that right today.

-- Edited by Admin at 18:47, 2008-08-02



You might want to watch it on the television before you say people need their hearing checked.  Also, you might want to figure out exactly how a person who comes into Hammonton on public transportation to go to the Stockton campus gets from Bellevue Ave to the high school area.  Also, at lunch, exactly where would the person go?



Anonymous wrote:


You might want to watch it on the television before you say people need their hearing checked.  Also, you might want to figure out exactly how a person who comes into Hammonton on public transportation to go to the Stockton campus gets from Bellevue Ave to the high school area.  Also, at lunch, exactly where would the person go?


Seeing how you're concerned of public transporation.  NJ Transit Bus 554 goes by the train station and drives right by WHP and Old Forks Road. You know the same bus Hammonton First didn't want to stop in the heart of downtown.  I'm sure arrangements can be made with NJ Transit to reroute or relocate stops just about anywhere in Hammonton as they've done before.  Most students who use public transporation have weekly or monthly passes so there won't be a charge for transfering from the train station to Bus 554. 




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

You might want to watch it on the television before you say people need their hearing checked.  Also, you might want to figure out exactly how a person who comes into Hammonton on public transportation to go to the Stockton campus gets from Bellevue Ave to the high school area.  Also, at lunch, exactly where would the person go?

Seeing how you're concerned of public transporation.  NJ Transit Bus 554 goes by the train station and drives right by WHP and Old Forks Road. You know the same bus Hammonton First didn't want to stop in the heart of downtown.  I'm sure arrangements can be made with NJ Transit to reroute or relocate stops just about anywhere in Hammonton as they've done before.  Most students who use public transporation have weekly or monthly passes so there won't be a charge for transfering from the train station to Bus 554. 


There is still no way to get to anything to eat at lunch time for the proposed Stockton students.  Also, the bus runs once every few hours.  I don't think anybody wants to wait around the train station to catch the bus and be late to their class.


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The comment did not include that it be on the HHS campus. The comment was that if one of the factors was to be near shopping and eating then the White Horse Pike had more to offer.

And I was present at the meeting and I also watched it yesterday on Channel 9 and that is how I know what was said.

-- Edited by Admin at 10:38, 2008-08-03


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How many people use public transportation to get Stockton now? I suspect most people drive.

If our primary concern is Hammonton and students from Western Atlantic County, then public transportation becomes less of a concern, correct?

Let's look at 2 targeted groups to attend classes at the new Stockton campus: Teachers, they will be going at night, so lunch is not a concern. High school students wanting to take advanced classes, they can eat in the cafeteria.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

You might want to watch it on the television before you say people need their hearing checked.  Also, you might want to figure out exactly how a person who comes into Hammonton on public transportation to go to the Stockton campus gets from Bellevue Ave to the high school area.  Also, at lunch, exactly where would the person go?

Seeing how you're concerned of public transporation.  NJ Transit Bus 554 goes by the train station and drives right by WHP and Old Forks Road. You know the same bus Hammonton First didn't want to stop in the heart of downtown.  I'm sure arrangements can be made with NJ Transit to reroute or relocate stops just about anywhere in Hammonton as they've done before.  Most students who use public transporation have weekly or monthly passes so there won't be a charge for transfering from the train station to Bus 554. 


There is still no way to get to anything to eat at lunch time for the proposed Stockton students.  Also, the bus runs once every few hours.  I don't think anybody wants to wait around the train station to catch the bus and be late to their class.


The NJ Transit bus route closely parallels the train track from AC to Hammonton. The bus runs hourly and during peak hours every half hour during weekdays.  The next stop West of Hammonton is Atco.  Those who live in between (Elm, Waterford, Chesilhurst (yes I said it) would be taking the bus instead if they use public transporation.




Voice of the People wrote:

How many people use public transportation to get Stockton now? I suspect most people drive.

If our primary concern is Hammonton and students from Western Atlantic County, then public transportation becomes less of a concern, correct?

Let's look at 2 targeted groups to attend classes at the new Stockton campus: Teachers, they will be going at night, so lunch is not a concern. High school students wanting to take advanced classes, they can eat in the cafeteria.

Bingo, you said it best!




Since it will be a brand new facility...all you need to do is have an area set aside to be used as a cafeteria for students who are there during lunch and bring their lunch from home which is also a cost saver to them


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Please find me one intelligent person who is going to pick a school based on its proximity to a restuarant.

Has anyone seen the areas near UPenn or Yale? They are bad neighborhoods but students pick those schools because of the quality education.

Second, this is a COMMUTER campus. No one will be going there full time. They will go there for a course or two. So outside of the 3 hours a week they spend there a week, I think that they can find some place to eat in the other 165 hours.

To the person who recommended a cafeteria, I want you to personally write a check an pay for it.

I think the problem is that all the people that have commented on the need to build this campus probably have probably only seen a college on TV watching football.



Voice of the People wrote:

Please find me one intelligent person who is going to pick a school based on its proximity to a restuarant.

Has anyone seen the areas near UPenn or Yale? They are bad neighborhoods but students pick those schools because of the quality education.

Second, this is a COMMUTER campus. No one will be going there full time. They will go there for a course or two. So outside of the 3 hours a week they spend there a week, I think that they can find some place to eat in the other 165 hours.

To the person who recommended a cafeteria, I want you to personally write a check an pay for it.

I think the problem is that all the people that have commented on the need to build this campus probably have probably only seen a college on TV watching football.

 There are NO RESTAURANTS near Stockton anyway.  Most students who go to Stockton drive anyway.  Why does proximity to restaurants matter anyway?  All I want to make sure is the Hammonton taxpayer doesn't have to spend a dime.  Keep the money in both pockets. 



Voice of the People wrote:

Please find me one intelligent person who is going to pick a school based on its proximity to a restuarant.

Has anyone seen the areas near UPenn or Yale? They are bad neighborhoods but students pick those schools because of the quality education.

Second, this is a COMMUTER campus. No one will be going there full time. They will go there for a course or two. So outside of the 3 hours a week they spend there a week, I think that they can find some place to eat in the other 165 hours.

To the person who recommended a cafeteria, I want you to personally write a check an pay for it.

I think the problem is that all the people that have commented on the need to build this campus probably have probably only seen a college on TV watching football.

Actually, Penn has spent quite a few million in the last few years renovating the area around it's campus.  Rowan University is building a "Main Street" for it's students with all these services mentioned.  A big part of the "marketing" of any college is the overall student life.



Anonymous wrote:


Voice of the People wrote:

Please find me one intelligent person who is going to pick a school based on its proximity to a restuarant.

Has anyone seen the areas near UPenn or Yale? They are bad neighborhoods but students pick those schools because of the quality education.

Second, this is a COMMUTER campus. No one will be going there full time. They will go there for a course or two. So outside of the 3 hours a week they spend there a week, I think that they can find some place to eat in the other 165 hours.

To the person who recommended a cafeteria, I want you to personally write a check an pay for it.

I think the problem is that all the people that have commented on the need to build this campus probably have probably only seen a college on TV watching football.

Actually, Penn has spent quite a few million in the last few years renovating the area around it's campus.  Rowan University is building a "Main Street" for it's students with all these services mentioned.  A big part of the "marketing" of any college is the overall student life.


 Yes, Penn has USING THEIR MONEY. ROWAN has USiNG THEIR MONEY. Now you GET IT.   The colleges have the money to build so NO Hammonton Taxpayer money should be used.  Maybe if Stockton decides to spend their own money and build in Hammonton then they will spend more money to build around their campus.  Currently Stockton has spent Millions on housing and some few renovations.  It'll be probably a decade before they can do the grand projects Rowan and Penn have. 




Anonymous wrote:


Voice of the People wrote:

Please find me one intelligent person who is going to pick a school based on its proximity to a restuarant.

Has anyone seen the areas near UPenn or Yale? They are bad neighborhoods but students pick those schools because of the quality education.

Second, this is a COMMUTER campus. No one will be going there full time. They will go there for a course or two. So outside of the 3 hours a week they spend there a week, I think that they can find some place to eat in the other 165 hours.

To the person who recommended a cafeteria, I want you to personally write a check an pay for it.

I think the problem is that all the people that have commented on the need to build this campus probably have probably only seen a college on TV watching football.

Actually, Penn has spent quite a few million in the last few years renovating the area around it's campus.  Rowan University is building a "Main Street" for it's students with all these services mentioned.  A big part of the "marketing" of any college is the overall student life.


 You are aware that they've had to because many students have gotten murdered or robbed within 2 blocks of campus.  It's all a marketing ploy to get parents to feel comfortable sending them to Penn.  There were 19 crimes committed on Penn Campus alone this last week.  12 of them were robbery and theft.   Rowan had a murdered student months ago and they too have had to beef up and remodel student walk areas.  They've shut down 322 to do so.  Major projects happening to protect students in today's post 9/11 world.



I guess Ivy League schools are all bad.  I guess we don't need higher education in Hammonton.



as  everyone has said change is bad. just sit back and wait.  don't do anything. that's the way . stockton is a good thing and could become a great thing. but the dum dums in this town want to make everything into a fight.  this is just like kessler.  let's all work together for the common good of the town .  put aside our political views and forge ahead. 



Anonymous wrote:

as  everyone has said change is bad. just sit back and wait.  don't do anything. that's the way . stockton is a good thing and could become a great thing. but the dum dums in this town want to make everything into a fight.  this is just like kessler.  let's all work together for the common good of the town .  put aside our political views and forge ahead. 

All we are asking for is No New Taxes. What was proposed by Stockton was us the taxpayers forking over Millions of Dollars. Any College is more than welcome to open up a satellite or campus in Hammonton.  It's a free market economy not a free giveaway economy.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

as  everyone has said change is bad. just sit back and wait.  don't do anything. that's the way . stockton is a good thing and could become a great thing. but the dum dums in this town want to make everything into a fight.  this is just like kessler.  let's all work together for the common good of the town .  put aside our political views and forge ahead. 

All we are asking for is No New Taxes. What was proposed by Stockton was us the taxpayers forking over Millions of Dollars. Any College is more than welcome to open up a satellite or campus in Hammonton.  It's a free market economy not a free giveaway economy.



In today's free market economy, it's common practice to abuse taxpayer money.  The taxpayers have been fleeced into supporting projects that benefit private interests.  Public monies have been used to pay for non-essential purchases or used as collateral for loans.


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