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Post Info TOPIC: Kessler Hospital misses payroll; gets bridge loan from Town of Hammonton

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Kessler Hospital misses payroll; gets bridge loan from Town of Hammonton


By ROB SPAHR Staff Writer, 609-272-7283
(Published: Friday, March 06, 2009)

Kessler Memorial Hospital failed to produce paychecks for employees today and has asked Hammonton officials for a $200,000 loan to help meet payroll.

Hospital representatives said they have a letter of intent from DBR Health Care, LLC to buy the facility for $7.5 million. The company is reportedly owned by a University of Pennsylvania surgeon. A $300,000 deposit on the potential purchase would help repay Hammonton and fund immediate payroll needs.

If the purchase does not go through, the state can step in and close the hospital as early as Monday, according to officials at the meeting on Friday.

Hammonton Town Council held an emergency meeting Friday afternoon and approved this $200,000 loan to Kessler.



And what happens when this deal goes through?  We will be on the hook.  This is just like the auto bailout.  Big government saving bad businesses.  Good job Mayor John Barack DiDonato.



Barack DiDonato...good one.

Hammonton First's Motto this year will be:
"Change...because between the Mayor and the federal government. It's all that you'll have left in your pocket."



for the employees and the people that the hospital saves i hope it works out.



Anonymous wrote:

for the employees and the people that the hospital saves i hope it works out.

It was doomed the moment they told people to not ask questions and just put up lawn signs.  I feel sorry for the people who work at Kessler they did their absolute best.



Sorry I have to change the subject for a minute.  Why does a Democratic blog which is representative of a local party that has no chance in hell of getting anywhere  in such a overwhelmingly Republican environment start putting Republican weekly addresses on its website?  Once again, as a life-long  Democrat, I will be avoiding the locals as I did in this last election because of your unwillingness to support the Democratic nominee for President/Vice President. Good Luck! When and if you ever find candidates who support the party, I might reconsider.



There is nothing wrong with presenting both sides of the argument whether discussing local, state or national issues.  It is called having a debate. 

Even Obama invited all sides to various policy summits that he recenlty held.  But I guess you disagree with the President. 

Well, enjoy your narrow-mindedness.

The Hammonton Democrats are doing a great job in getting ideas out to the public.  Keep it up!


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Kessler Hospital finds buyer, meets payroll after day of emergency care
By ROB SPAHR Staff Writer, 609-272-7283
(Published: Saturday, March 07, 2009)
HAMMONTON - Officials at Kessler Memorial Hospital, which could not pay its 105 employees Friday, said late that evening they had not only gained the payroll money but saved the hospital.
After months of shopping for investors, the financially distressed hospital's last-ditch effort to survive was successful as members of its board and its foundation's board agreed to potentially dip into their own pockets to guarantee a loan.

Officals agreed to sell the hospital to B. Reddy Dandolu, a cardiovascular surgeon with the University of Pennsylvania Health System. They also secured a $200,000 loan from Hammonton to help cover the $500,000 payroll shortfall.

But to get that money, the Town Council said, the hospital had to find at least 10 people from its board of directors, its foundation's board of directors or the general public willing to help cover the cost of the loan if it defaults. Five people on each board agreed to back the loan.

"It's a way of holding their feet to the fire," said Mayor John DiDonato, who pledged the first $20,000. "And it would be a show of good faith to our taxpayers, that the people responsible for the negotiations are willing to do what it takes to make this thing work."

If the hospital had not found the necessary donors or the purchase had not gone through, the only options left would have been to close the facility completely or strike an agreement with another health care provider to keep just the emergency room open, board member Greg Morano said.

This could have happened as early as Monday.

"We've asked the Department of Health to give us to the end of the business day on Monday to get this done," said Michael Sandnes, the hospital's interim chief restructuring officer, earlier in the day. "If we don't, they would send (representatives) here who will overrun the board with the sole intention of divesting the facility."

The hospital also put a property on Philadelphia Avenue in Egg Harbor City up for collateral, but the council's concern over whether the building would fetch $200,000 in the current real estate market prompted the second stipulation.

Donna Leusner, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Health and Senior Services, said the state was already closely monitoring patient care at the hospital.

"Our primary concern is to ensure that the community has access to health care. The Department of Health and Senior Services sent inspectors to the facility (Friday) to monitor patient care and will continue to do that throughout this process," said Leusner, who added that the hospital's 45 patients would be relocated only if the situation gets extreme.


This mess was almost avoided entirely.

The hospital had a signed letter of intent Thursday from the operators of Bayonne Medical Center to take over the facility. It would have saved the hospital and enabled it to cover the payroll and taxes it owed.

But that multi-million dollar offer was taken off the table after one of Kessler's lawyers, Stephen Packman, got into a "heated exchange" with Bayonne's attorney over the agreement, according to hospital officials.

"Our attorney felt that there was no way the agreement would get the approval of the bankruptcy judge," Sandnes said. He would not say what Bayonne offered for the hospital.

Board member Nick Cashan said the deal was also dealt a blow when Bayonne bumped its fees from $500,000 to $3.5 million, prior to the lawyers' argument.

The board was still willing to move forward with the deal against the advice of its attorneys, Morano said, but Bayonne withdrew its offer.

So on Friday morning, employees showed up to collect their paychecks only to be told, according to one nurse: "Sorry. Maybe next week."

"This is a very severe, dire and very unfortunate situation," said Sandnes, who explained this to groups of employees as they arrived for their shifts. "There were a lot of tears in the room and a lot of anguish."

But with the exception of one employee, all the staffers agreed to continue working through the weekend in order to give the board enough time to save the hospital, Sandnes said.

"I really can not say enough about the hard work, professionalism and dedication of this hospital's staff (and board members)," said Sandnes, who was hired Tuesday to take over for former Chief Executive Officer Jim Rossi. "I can't thank them enough."

If the deal had not gone though, Sandnes said, the hospital would have had to turn its focus to vigorously trying to collect enough of the $25 million in receivables it is still owed, just to cover the tardy payroll. But Sandnes said only about $5 million could realistically be collected.

Peter Gould, the executive vice president of District 1199C of the National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees, which represents a bulk of the hospital's workers, called the payroll debacle "unique."

"In 30 years doing this, I've never had a situation where workers didn't get paid due to something like this," Gould said Friday morning. "None of our members are happy. But their tolerance has been varied based upon their ability to handle this kind of upheaval."


According to officials earlier in the day, Dandolu's DBR Healthcare LLC. will purchase Kessler for $7.5 million.

A $300,000 down payment will be used to pay the rest of the payroll costs, and a $2 million bridge loan will help the facility operate until the deal closes. The parties will have 75 days to close the deal, officials said earlier.

At the emergency meeting the Town Council called Friday to vote on the loan, the council questioned whether this was the best deal for the hospital's future. Dandolu has never run a hospital before and the $7.5 million falls well short of the what Bayonne originally offered, officials said.

Dandolu attempted to buy Plainfield's similarly troubled Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center in 2008, but that deal eventually fell through, Kessler officials said.

"This, as was the case with the previous deal, is a deal of last resort," Morano said. "We are out of time and out of options."

But Dandolu, a Mount Laurel resident, claims that while he has never directly overseen a hospital's operations before, his family operates several dozen hospitals worldwide, including the California-based Prime Healthcare Services Inc., which he said has 14 hospitals to its credit.

"The main thing we want to do is increase the amount of doctors with the good connections we have," Dandolu said via telephone, adding he is already in negotiations to affiliate Kessler with Temple University Hospital in order to attract more doctors to Hammonton. He said he would keep Kessler an acute-care hospital. "We want to double our physicians and double our patients. We can have success."

Dandolu said he signed a letter of intent at 4 p.m., but as of 8 p.m. he was still waiting for the hospital's board to make a decision.


E-mail Robert Spahr:




Yes, just like the republican sites that post democratic party  messages. Or the "Republicans for Obama" sites from last fall.  Subliminal brainwashing.  Whatever you say doesn't matter, you guys will never get my vote. Maybe I will be a "Democrat for Republicans in Hammonton." You have zero credibility. Good Luck.



Yes they are doing a great job locally as we have all seen. Having a debate?   It is not a debate, it is a democratic website which should be used to promote the democratic party which kicked ass last fall.  You are trying to get democrats to switch to the republican party by presenting that party's viewpoints.  Do you think we are all stupid? You put your party in the hands of a Democrat for McCain so you will reap what you sow in terms of democratic support here.


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Your assessment couldn't be farther from the truth. We have presented both sides of the story because once you listen to what each side has to say it is quite obvious that we have nothing to fear. The Republican party is just like Hammonton First. All they are doing is bashing for the sake of bashing. They are bashing anyone who doesn't follow them blindly. Locally, HF labels anyone who even dare speak up with a different point of view as a "naysayer". They are losing any message they might have in their rhetoric. The Democratic message comes through strong and clear. And we are still softening the partisan label always stuck on us. By presenting both sides we show we are willing to listen to all sides. In this case, by presenting both sides it becomes obvious which side is right.
It is time for you to stop attacking your own party and hiding like a coward behind the "Anonymous" shield. If you really have something to say, then become involved and make your voice count. We hold our meetings every month on the 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 pm in the library meeting room. ALL are welcome and everyone is listened to. If you have a good point, then come and present it and maybe you will change our minds. We don't claim infallibility, we discuss and come to a consensus.



you are a good man.  I would never invite these  fringe people to my meeting.  Typical radicals, they get worked up over everything, even a stupid link on a website.  Besides, they are probably too busy protesting something, somewhere.  Their nonsense is the reason why Hammonton First is able to say that the local parties are too partisan.

But they must know something I don't about local issues.  They figured out their is a conservative way to pick up garbage versus a liberal way to pick up garbage.  Or maybe there is a Republican way of fixing potholes versus a Democratic way of fixing potholes.



Watch out, Jim, these Hammonton Hippies may come protest your meetings.  They'll probably want 100% healthcare for anyone that attends.



I am not interested in the local dems as I stated earlier because of your non-support of the Obama-Biden ticket, nor will I ever attend anything that represents a Democratic party with a Republican bent.  We are obviously on different pages that is why I belong to other democratic organizations in the county. You guys are turning off a lot of people who are new to the area. Sorry. I just thought you might want to tone it down so that the dems have a tiny chance in the next election and point out why some will not support you still. I think a different direction is needed locally but couldn't you find a real Democrat? Same old same old despite the name recognition won't help your cause. Good luck. Hippies?  I know this town is slow to evolve but come on this is not 1969.  That is one of the problems.


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You still hold on to lies. The Hammonton Democratic Club fully supported the Obama-Biden ticket, so much so that we repeatedly gave away every sign we were able to get to Hammontonians and also people from surrounding towns. People repeatedly saw signs in the windows of our headquarters and came to our location to get signs. As you know, signs were scarce in NJ. Some people saw our signs while riding the trains and came to us. People begged us and we even took the signs out of our windows to give to them.
If you are involved in the county, then you are on the same page with us because we support the county and they are extremely supportive of us. That is why Senator Jim Whelan is coming as keynote speaker at our Jefferson-Jackson breakfast next Sunday. We are honoring Former Atlantic County Sheriff Jim McGettigan at our breakfast. And many more county representatives are joining us at Rocco's Townhouse at 10 am on the 15th.
You obviously drew a wrong conclusion and refuse to believe the truth as it has been told to you several times. You use this as an excuse not to come to a meeting and have your opinion heard. I see it as a lack of commitment to your party. You won't stand up for what you believein, you just find it easier to run the other way.
On the original point, the Republicans haven't updated their "weekly" response for three weeks now which further goes to show the strength of the Obama plan. I will take down the Republican response because a three week old response isn't relevant anymore.



Jim, you are wasting your breathe with these losers...if you had lunch with Obama, they would complain because Biden was not there. 

They are obviously a little deluded.  What policy did you guys ever back that went against the Democratic Party?  I think you guys backed the highway department...is this something the DNC would be against?

You are better off without them.  They would be so busy complaining while you tried to provide leadership to the Town.  I always find weirdos like this entertaining:  they complain about Bush criticizing the anti-war movement as unpatriotic yet they screech when a Democrat wants to present all information.  They have their cult for Obama who called for bi-partisanship yet when you try to work with the other party, they whine.

These people should move to San Francisco or something.  I vote for the best candidates not the party.  As a result, I have found myself voting for  the Hammonton Dems!!

These jerks will never show up at your next meeting.  They are cowards.  They want change but will not work for it.  Imagine that, a radical hippie wanting something for nothing.



With these complainers, the Hammonton Dems can change get a new motto:

"Change you can whine about"



Thank you to the brave and loyal people who exposed the conspiracy to promote Republicans on this site.  You have inspired me to scan this site carefully and I found some stuff...
-the letter from the Club Prez talked about moving forward when there is agreement.  There must never be agreement when it comes to parties.
-in a press release, the admin of this site proposed working with mayor and council on energy efficiency.  Again, working together must be bad because it means parties agree.
-the weather map at the bottom of the page includes areas that voted for Republicans.  This is too much.

So I call on all self-anointed party loyalsts to rise up and continue to criticize the Hammonton Dems, especially the ones who go to every meeting and serve on committees and just want to offer ideas to make Hammonton better.  Also, show the error in their ways in giving away for free Obama-Biden signs.  What were they thinking giving me a minimum wage worker such token of party loyalty. 

But most of all do all of this stuff anonymously on the blog.  Who do they think they are inviting people to their open meetings to air their grievances.



McGettigan is being honored at the breakfast, are you kidding me?  Don't forget Craig Calloway.  To all the true Democrats out there, let's see if the organization stands behind Corzine this fall.  Hopefully they wont distance themselves from him like they did with Obama.   We need 4 more years of Corzine.



Anonymous wrote:

Sorry I have to change the subject for a minute.  Why does a Democratic blog which is representative of a local party that has no chance in hell of getting anywhere  in such a overwhelmingly Republican environment start putting Republican weekly addresses on its website?  Once again, as a life-long  Democrat, I will be avoiding the locals as I did in this last election because of your unwillingness to support the Democratic nominee for President/Vice President. Good Luck! When and if you ever find candidates who support the party, I might reconsider.

A blog is to comment all issues. So seeing how the Republicans dominate town politics, why wouldn't Democrats comment the Good and the Bad. This is our town too and we will not be silenced or afraid to speak up by narrow minded individuals.  This website strongly supports DEMOCRACY.  We post information about Democrats, Republicans and Hammonton First. NO other party in town does that. 




Anonymous wrote:

I am not interested in the local dems as I stated earlier because of your non-support of the Obama-Biden ticket, nor will I ever attend anything that represents a Democratic party with a Republican bent.  We are obviously on different pages that is why I belong to other democratic organizations in the county. You guys are turning off a lot of people who are new to the area. Sorry. I just thought you might want to tone it down so that the dems have a tiny chance in the next election and point out why some will not support you still. I think a different direction is needed locally but couldn't you find a real Democrat? Same old same old despite the name recognition won't help your cause. Good luck. Hippies?  I know this town is slow to evolve but come on this is not 1969.  That is one of the problems.

If you're not interested in the local dems then why are you posting on this blog.  The best way to bring about CHANGE is to act on it.  You're just all talk and no action since you have no desire to make the local Democratic club better.  Then again you're not "all talk" because you post anonymously.  The Hammonton Democrats have had many new faces young and old, life long residents and new residents join the club. 




How many LOCAL democratic votes were lost in November by "Democrats for McCain" who did not know you can split a vote, know how to split a vote, were too confused, were too lazy to even bother to try so they voted straight Republican, or were too brainwashed by the reasons put forth by those "Democrats for McCain?" Seems to me this could hurt yout party in the long run. Those saying you are doing a great job are probably all the HF and Republicans being sarcastic. So maybe you are.  Will you now have a "Democrats for HF" local platform?  Maybe I will attend your next meeting.  I'll be the little dude in the back in the bell bottoms. Peace and Love man.


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We look forward to your input.


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Correction: Kessler hospital story

- The Associated Press

In a March 7 story about an agreement to sell Hammonton's Kessler Memorial Hospital to cardiovascular surgeon B. Reddy Dandolu, The Associated Press reported erroneously that Dandolu is with the University of Pennsylvania Health System. Dandolu was formerly associated with Pennsylvania Hospital, but is no longer affiliated with the university health system, according to Susan Phillips, senior vice president and chief of staff for the health system.



Anonymous wrote:

Yes, just like the republican sites that post democratic party  messages. Or the "Republicans for Obama" sites from last fall.  Subliminal brainwashing.  Whatever you say doesn't matter, you guys will never get my vote. Maybe I will be a "Democrat for Republicans in Hammonton." You have zero credibility. Good Luck.

Democrats may never get your vote it seems but at least it stirs up your desire to point out the problems with the Republican party at least. 




If what I just heard is true, Thank you Kessler staff.  We were lucky to have a hospital in our own town.  Thank you for your many years of dedication and quality care.  Hopefully someday Hammonton will have a hospital again in my lifetime.


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Anonymous wrote:

How many LOCAL democratic votes were lost in November by "Democrats for McCain" who did not know you can split a vote, know how to split a vote, were too confused, were too lazy to even bother to try so they voted straight Republican, or were too brainwashed by the reasons put forth by those "Democrats for McCain?" Seems to me this could hurt yout party in the long run. Those saying you are doing a great job are probably all the HF and Republicans being sarcastic. So maybe you are.  Will you now have a "Democrats for HF" local platform?  Maybe I will attend your next meeting.  I'll be the little dude in the back in the bell bottoms. Peace and Love man.

We were shocked that you did not attend our meeting. For someone who supposedly has such convictions, you certainly didn't do anything to back up your words.


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