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Post Info TOPIC: The "Jersey Guys" endorse Joe Ingemi for Mayor

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The "Jersey Guys" endorse Joe Ingemi for Mayor

It's been a busy day in Hammonton. This  morning the local newspapers were on the newstands. The local papers and The Press of Atlantic City all had stories about how the Mayor & Council denied the Chief's request to overturn the ordinance that prevented town employees from donated their sick time to those in need. Patrolman Pete Haggerty is fighting testicular cancer but has run out of sick and vacation time due to the premature birth of his son earlier this year.
Click to see the stories:

Press of Atlantic City

The Hammonton News

NBC10 Philadelphia

The story has been reported all day on a multitude of radio stations.
This afternoon, the Jersey guys from NJ 101.5 picked up the story as a topic on their call in show. All but one caller attacked the decision by Mayor & Council to deny this officer this extension of benefits. Then Mayor DiDonato called in to discuss his side of the story. He tried to turn the discussion to the fundraising that he committed to with the Chief. He felt very confident that this effort would raise more than the amount needed to cover the salary shortfall. Casey & Rossi didn't want to hear it. They insisted that the whole thing would be unecessary if they had just done the right thing and approved the request at the meeting. The Mayor informed them that he has guaranteed that any shortfall from the fundraising would be made up by him. Casey then insisted that the Mayor end this whole discussion now by writing the $5600 check now instead of making local residents give of their time and money to correct their mistake. Casey finished the conversation with the Mayor's promise that he would write the check.
Democratic candidate for Mayor Joe Ingemi then called in to discuss what should have happened at the meeting to prevent this whole situation. Casey asked him if he would be willing to write the check, he responded that no one should have to write the check. The law should have been corrected instead of being thrown out of the window. At the end of Joe's call the "Jersey Guys" promised that if DiDonato doesn't come through with his check, they will be down in Hammonton campaigning for Joe Ingemi.

Joe Ingemi and his running mates Mike Ammirato, Jim Scarpato, and Carmen Villani feel that this isssue should have been discussed more thoroughly when the abuses came to light rather than the knee jerk reaction that council used. The donation program could be reinstated if:
1) a mechanism is created to check abuse and intimidation
2) donated time must be financially equivalent
3) all town employees must support the program

The phone at Town Hall has been ringing off the hook.
Emails to the Mayor and Council are flying
Once again our town has been thrust into the limelight, and not in a positve way.

-- Edited by Admin on Thursday 30th of April 2009 06:55:38 PM



Admin wrote:

It's been a busy day in Hammonton. This  morning the local newspapers were on the newstands. The local papers and The Press of Atlantic City all had stories about how the Mayor & Council denied the Chief's request to overturn the ordinance that prevented town employees from donated their sick time to those in need. Patrolman Pete Haggerty is fighting testicular cancer but has run out of sick and vacation time due to the premature birth of his son earlier this year.
Click to see the stories:

Press of Atlantic City

The Hammonton News

The story has been reported all day on a multitude of radio stations.
This afternoon, the Jersey guys from NJ 101.5 picked up the story as a topic on their call in show. All but one caller attacked the decision by Mayor & Council to deny this officer this extension of benefits. Then Mayor DiDonato called in to discuss his side of the story. He tried to turn the discussion to the fundraising that he committed to with the Chief. He felt very confident that this effort would raise more than the amount needed to cover the salary shortfall. Casey & Rossi didn't want to hear it. They insisted that the whole thing would be unecessary if they had just done the right thing and approved the request at the meeting. The Mayor informed them that he has guaranteed that any shortfall from the fundraising would be made up by him. Casey then insisted that the Mayor end this whole discussion now by writing the $5600 check now instead of making local residents give of their time and money to correct their mistake. Casey finished the conversation with the Mayor's promise that he would write the check.
Democratic candidate for Mayor Joe Ingemi then called in to discuss what should have happened at the meeting to prevent this whole situation. Casey asked him if he would be willing to write the check, he responded that no one should have to write the check. The law should have been corrected instead of being thrown out of the window. At the end of Joe's call the "Jersey Guys" promised that if DiDonato doesn't come through with his check, they will be down in Hammonton campaigning for Joe Ingemi.

Joe Ingemi and his running mates Mike Ammirato, Jim Scarpato, and Carmen Villani feel that this isssue should have been discussed more thoroughly when the abuses came to light rather than the knee jerk reaction that council used. The donation program could be reinstated if:
1) a mechanism is created to check abuse and intimidation
2) donated time must be financially equivalent
3) all town employees must support the program

The phone at Town Hall has been ringing off the hook.
Emails to the Mayor and Council are flying
Once again our town has been thrust into the limelight, and not in a positve way.

I was so embarrassed when the mayor was on the radio.  He tried to duck Casey and showed his true colors of not answering a simple question.  I was riding on the Turnpike with some friends from Philly and North Jersey and they were shocked to hear of all the problems between Town council, the mayor and the police force.




You go Joe!!!!!!     It is the end for HF thank  god



Anonymous wrote:

You go Joe!!!!!!     It is the end for HF thank  god

One only hopes that it's the end of HF.  They'll probably spend $150K to dig themselves out of this one during the campaign.  Then again, they won't file their finance report on time, so we'll find out next year.



Joe who!  never heard of him. 



How does it feel to live in Hammonton, knowing that HF just made your town a joke in this state?? On the biggest and most powerful station in jersey. HF should go back and read their mission statement they forgot it.



Anonymous wrote:

Joe who!  never heard of him.

You haven't been reading the papers or seeing Town council meetings then.  You know who he is........  




He's another NFT like spinzo.  HF took control of a town the was spinning into a credit crises.  THe mayor and the police chief said they would make the man whole.  I for one get no sick days at work if i have to miss a day i take a vacation day.  I work in the real world.  I think the town should not let sick days cary over period.  The mayor and chief should get the ball rolling and advance this man his regular paychecks unitl the benifit happens.  Both the mayor and the chief owe it to him so his family does not suffer. 



What does "NFT like spinzo" mean?  Does that have something to do with Jim Donio and donating 10's of thousands of dollars to John DiDonato's political party, the party that hates police and emergency workers?




That means that you are NFT also. ( Not From Town).
but i think i read on this blog that the hard working Volunteer fire guys got a 425,000. dollar fire truck.  the rescue squad is a paid for profit company.  and the cops get paid 75K a year to work 3 days a week. 

I think the mayor likes all these guys. But what do I know. I know it looks like zero new taxes , lower debt, higher surplus . 



Anonymous wrote:

That means that you are NFT also. ( Not From Town).
but i think i read on this blog that the hard working Volunteer fire guys got a 425,000. dollar fire truck.  the rescue squad is a paid for profit company.  and the cops get paid 75K a year to work 3 days a week. 

I think the mayor likes all these guys. But what do I know. I know it looks like zero new taxes , lower debt, higher surplus . 

People like you make Hammonton look bad. You single out anyone whose name doesn't end in a vowel or wasn't born or raised here.  You love attacking town employees, teachers, police officers, hospital employees, etc. 




Hammonton's motto used to be A Great Place to Live, Work and Play.  Our motto has become Never a Dull Moment.  In the last 4 years, there's been some good but SO MUCH BAD.



Looks like Carla Katz is replacing the Jersey Guys on NJ101.5. An endorsement from two fired radio shock jocks doesnt seem like a big winner.

Not true. Carla Katz has a 1 hour spot on the Jersey Guys show on Monday. After that the station will use her as a special contributor.

-- Edited by Admin on Thursday 30th of April 2009 06:49:22 PM



Please jersey guys r a holes. thank god there gone.  lets all help this guy out.  the mayor and chief will have a huge benifit.  let's all reach out to other civc groups and get this guy some money.  and furthermore lets all pray for him.  But for hammonotn being a joke . I say no. people the system was abused. no one siad dont take it alway when it was.  but now people post  with threats.  come on the mayor and the chief both said they will make the guy whole. we are only talking about 5,600.  give me a break. all the posters on hear must want the old ways back.  be careful waht you wish for do you remember higher taxes and nothing getting done. oh right at least the town hall employees where happy.  the new building is not good , i don't have a private office, i have to use the steps i don't have my own bathroom , i have to park 100 feet from the door, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah whahhhhh.  whos the real joke! 



Anonymous wrote:

Please jersey guys r a holes. thank god there gone.  lets all help this guy out.  the mayor and chief will have a huge benifit.  let's all reach out to other civc groups and get this guy some money.  and furthermore lets all pray for him.  But for hammonotn being a joke . I say no. people the system was abused. no one siad dont take it alway when it was.  but now people post  with threats.  come on the mayor and the chief both said they will make the guy whole. we are only talking about 5,600.  give me a break. all the posters on hear must want the old ways back.  be careful waht you wish for do you remember higher taxes and nothing getting done. oh right at least the town hall employees where happy.  the new building is not good , i don't have a private office, i have to use the steps i don't have my own bathroom , i have to park 100 feet from the door, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah whahhhhh.  whos the real joke! 

You are right.  Since the officer will receive full benefits and 2/3 of his salary with state disability, there is a $5,600 shortfall that needs to be raised in the fundraiser.

There are only two important things.

1.  By far the most important is for the officer's healthy recovery.  Nothing else even comes close in importance.

2.  A successful fundraiser to help the officer out.

All this political attacking over the issue is just nonsense.  Okay the Chief's nephew is running for major on the Democrat ticket.  It is natural that any uncle would want his nephew to win.  But making this "Jersey Guy" thing a big deal is a waste. 



That's  the best post on this whole blog . hey ground control get me major tom . I think there just might be some intelligent life forms left in hammonton. 
let 's get a full house on the benifit  and pray for this guy and stop the bashing.
problems need solutions not more problems.  now that's a slogan



Anonymous wrote:

Looks like Carla Katz is replacing the Jersey Guys on NJ101.5. An endorsement from two fired radio shock jocks doesnt seem like a big winner.

Carla Katz is joining NJ101.5 but is not replacing the Jersey Guys.  She'll be appearing on their show from time to time and will appearing on the other time slots as well. 




Anonymous wrote:

That's  the best post on this whole blog . hey ground control get me major tom . I think there just might be some intelligent life forms left in hammonton. 
let 's get a full house on the benifit  and pray for this guy and stop the bashing.
problems need solutions not more problems.  now that's a slogan

The solution is simple GET RID OF ALL INCUMBENTS.



Joe Ingemi is not related to the police chief. The last thing we need in town is everything being run by one or two families with alot of money to throw around.



Joe is the chief's brothers son.  even though he left hammonton at a very young age and just returned. He is still the chief's own blood it's his nehpew.  So if he wins we will have the most overfunded police force in history. oh sorry we had that before. 



Is Anthony Marino related to Joe Ingemi?



Anonymous wrote:

Joe is the chief's brothers son.  even though he left hammonton at a very young age and just returned. He is still the chief's own blood it's his nehpew.  So if he wins we will have the most overfunded police force in history. oh sorry we had that before. 

 It will definately give Chief Ingemi a lot of power to do what he wants if he can get his nephew Joe Ingemi elected mayor.



Last  time I checked the Chief was in charge and had total power.  How much more chould he get. 



Anonymous wrote:

Last  time I checked the Chief was in charge and had total power.  How much more chould he get. 

You have a point.  But if he can get his nephew Joe Ingemi elected, he might somehow even have more!




talk about class . good job on craiglist you redneck a holes. that makes hammonton look real good.  at least on the radio they can say the mayor is  a hardliner .  you guys air it out.  good job .



Anonymous wrote:

talk about class . good job on craiglist you redneck a holes. that makes hammonton look real good.  at least on the radio they can say the mayor is  a hardliner .  you guys air it out.  good job .

you keeping attacking hammonton
the out of town guys on our force are jerks
ingemi is their ring leader clown



Anonymous wrote:

talk about class . good job on craiglist you redneck a holes. that makes hammonton look real good.  at least on the radio they can say the mayor is  a hardliner .  you guys air it out.  good job .

What is on craig's list.  Please inform.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

talk about class . good job on craiglist you redneck a holes. that makes hammonton look real good.  at least on the radio they can say the mayor is  a hardliner .  you guys air it out.  good job .

What is on craig's list.  Please inform.


nice for the out of towners to call hammonton red neck a-holes.  but they certainly want to drive their town car to mays landing and get town benefits while the chief plays political games for them




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

talk about class . good job on craiglist you redneck a holes. that makes hammonton look real good.  at least on the radio they can say the mayor is  a hardliner .  you guys air it out.  good job .

What is on craig's list.  Please inform.


nice for the out of towners to call hammonton red neck a-holes.  but they certainly want to drive their town car to mays landing and get town benefits while the chief plays political games for them


This isn't political.  The politics began when Hammonton First made up accusations against the chief and the judged said that the mayor's statements were very questionable.  If town council didn't refuse to bring this matter up for this discussion it would be a non-issue.




Zero tax increases four years in a row at Town Hall, three years in a row at the School. Less debt, higher surplus, AA bond rating, State and Federal Grants to help pay for new road projects, downtown sidewalks, and soccer fields.



Anonymous wrote:

Zero tax increases four years in a row at Town Hall, three years in a row at the School. Less debt, higher surplus, AA bond rating, State and Federal Grants to help pay for new road projects, downtown sidewalks, and soccer fields.

Less debt?? then why the need for furloughs


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