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Post Info TOPIC: Democratic Response to the Hammonton First Stockton Scheme

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Democratic Response to the Hammonton First Stockton Scheme

At the July 27th Town Council meeting, the Town Council provided some discouraging answers that demonstrated a clear lack of planning.  As many citizens know, the Town Council wants to build a Stockton Satellite Campus in downtown Hammonton.  The House of Representatives appropriated $250,000 (of the $650,000 Hammonton requested) for this effort. This funding must still be approved by the U.S. Senate, which has the option to raise, reduce, maintain or eliminate the $250,000.

The actual cost estimate is somewhat nebulous.  Several different estimates were provided.  One estimate was for $3-$4 million.  Another was for more than $650,000.  A third answer was that the cost was unknown.  Ironically, all three of these different answers came from the Mayor in the span of three hours.  In terms of paying for the project, the Mayor and Council hope that the U.S. Senate will provide more funds and that unnamed grants and Stockton itself will provide the balance of the cost.

Joseph Ingemi, Democratic Nominee for Mayor stated,
First, let me clear up some confusion.  The Hammonton Gazette stated that I endorsed the Stockton Project.  This is false.  My running mates and I do NOT endorse the Stockton project.  I cannot understand why Gabe Donio, publisher of the Gazette would have made this outrageous statement.  He should know better than to confuse the politeness that I show towards our elected officials as agreement with their incompetence or support for their deceitful tactics.
My opposition to the Stockton project stems from the mystery surrounding this project.  We need some definitive answers to some important questions.  How will we make up the difference if the Senate, the grant programs and Stockton do not provide the necessary funds?  Are higher taxes in our future?  Will we borrow for this project? Have we signed a commitment with Stockton?  How long have we been meeting with Stockton? What site are using and who owns it currently? Basically, what is the plan?  As of now, Mayor and Council are supporting an unspecified project at an unspecified cost with unspecified support from unspecified sources.
My running mates and I have a far less expensive solution.  We would work with the School Board to allow Stockton to utilize pre-existing classrooms at one of our three schools.
Hammontonians have suffered far too long with over-promised projects.  We were promised a Town Hall for $5.9 million and we still do not know the complete cost.  We were promised Boyer Avenue Recreational Fields without using taxpayer dollars yet we are paying $800,000 to run water and sewer to the fields. (Just think if there are ten stalls, we will have the privilege of using $80,000 toilets.)  We were promised that the heartbeat of Kessler would continue and hundreds of jobs have disappeared.  We were promised a senior center at the lake and 100 year old trees have been cut down. The spending habits of the current Council resemble those of over-indulged children in a toy store.  They see something they like and they buy it.  The Mayor and Council are just out of touch with the needs of Hammonton
So to the Mayor and Council, I say thanks but no thanks; we need plans not promises.  We need plans to pay for the road and sewer problems on Fourth  Street, Pratt Street and many other roads.  We need plans to deal with our water allocation problemsA college campus is nice. But can we afford it when we have so many other infrastructure issues to tackle and projects to complete? 
I encourage my opponents to be true public servants.  Even if they believe this Stockton scheme to be a priority out of either stupidity or greed, they should pledge to oppose this proposal until the Council presents a complete business plan.  And they should reject the proposal outright if Hammonton must pay one penny of property tax revenue towards the project.

The team of Mike Ammirato, James Scarpato, Carmen Villani for Council and Joseph Ingemi for Mayor represent a new kind of politics.  They will lead a Council that reasons and deliberates carefully.  They will prioritize projects, develop fact-based business plans and make decisions based on reality.    The politics of instant gratification and backroom deal-making must make way for the politics of quiet professionalism and technical competence.  This November, the voters of Hammonton must choose a team of leaders who will bring accountability to our local government.

For more information:
Email the Hammonton Democratic Campaign 2009 at
info@hammontondems.org or visit the Hammonton Democrats website at www.hammontondems.org

-- Edited by Admin on Tuesday 4th of August 2009 09:02:01 PM



Rowan has been providing Professional Development to Teachers for a decade in various towns.  They use existing school facilities.  The grants they use actually help renovate and improve the schools.  Now Stockton wants to do the same thing but they want HAMMONTON TAXPAYERS to pay for them to come here.

The Rowan Professional Development School network currently includes four PDSs in Camden, Cumberland and Gloucester counties in New Jersey.
  • 1999 present Holly Glen Elementary, Monroe Township School District, Williamstown, NJ
  • 2000-present Johnstone Elementary, Vineland Public Schools, Vineland, NJ
  • 2000-present Johnson Elementary, Cherry Hill Public Schools, Cherry Hill, NJ
  • 2006-present Lakeside Middle School, Millville Public Schools, Millville, NJ
Other PDS Partners are Woodbury, Paulsboro, Gate Regional and Camden.

We're being fooled into believing that we need Stockton Downtown.  They bring up transportation when NJ Transit can be redirected towards the school. Heck NJTransit should be redirected to go the full length of the WHP.



I am a business owner in Hammonton.  In these tough economic times I watch every penny.  My family and I have seen these types of economic down turns in the past.  The reason why we have survived is because we had the common sense, not get over extended.  How can HF "hope" to get $250,000 and turn around and spend 3-4 MILLION dollars? How can they over extend the town? Is it for ther own personal gain?



Instead of spending millions of dollars to destroy our lake park they should have used that money for more important things like save Kessler Hospital etc. Well look at it this way. Since the Senior Citizens saved about 3 million dollars with their discount cards they can use that 3 million dollars to pay for Stockton that way the working class taxpayer will only have to pay 1 million. Hammonton Taxpayers = millions to pay        HF = millions to gain no



Mr. businessman in Hammonton the taxpayers care about you it just HF doesn't and they are in control. I heard that if they get elected in November trash will be picked up every two weeks like the recycling and everyone will have to pay their taxes online if you don't have a computer they will tack on a processing fee to your tax bill. Shh don't tell anyone it's a secret.




This scares me. 



Anonymous wrote:

Mr. businessman in Hammonton the taxpayers care about you it just HF doesn't and they are in control. I heard that if they get elected in November trash will be picked up every two weeks like the recycling and everyone will have to pay their taxes online if you don't have a computer they will tack on a processing fee to your tax bill. Shh don't tell anyone it's a secret.

HF has talked about it before.  There will be no trash pickup weekly anymore around December.  I also heard that the Vets are no longer grandfathered and that they have hire someone to remove their trash.



Hf plans on using the Mullica plan.  The citizens have to drive there trash to the dump!  Hmm, maybe eliminating MUAC wasn't a good idea.  Have you seen your water and tax bills?  But, It's all good.



the dems started this lie last year on the blogs.   silly little dems.  



Anonymous wrote:

the dems started this lie last year on the blogs.   silly little dems.

The fact is that HF wants to stop weekly trash pickup.  It was even discussed that Bulky pick-ups stop and that people will have to take their own trash to the dump. This was discussed THIS YEAR!!!



Nice to see the Democrats are fighting hard against Stockton.  Maybe the Dems can have a letter to the editor in this week's paper making sure everyone knows they are against Stockton.



Don't worry, there will be a letter to set the record straight.  As stated at the three party leaders debate last year.  "The Dems support Stockton in Hammonton but, we do not think it is a prudent decision to spend 4 million dollars of tax payer money."  The Democrats want to use existing facilities ie: our state of art high school.



Admin wrote:
Joseph Ingemi, Democratic Nominee for Mayor stated,
First, let me clear up some confusion.  The Hammonton Gazette stated that I endorsed the Stockton Project.  This is false.  My running mates and I do NOT endorse the Stockton project.  I cannot understand why Gabe Donio, publisher of the Gazette, would have made this outrageous statement.  He should know better than to confuse the politeness that I show towards our elected officials as agreement with their incompetence or support for their deceitful tactics.
Nice that the Dems are against the Stockton project and they are publicly calling the Mayor incompetent.




Atlantic Cape Community College several years ago used the Middle School to hold classes at night but had to cancel most of them because of lack of enrollment. Why don't Stockton offer classes to all instead of just teachers who want to further their education? Mayor and Council should take a poll to see who would take classes at Stockton if offered to all and poll the taxpayers in the next election to see if they want Stockton since they will be paying for it not Stockton. Personally I feel they should utilize our high school or middle school to determine if it is worth it for them to come here. It didn't work for ACCC. Right now not many people have money for college anyway.



Im puzzled! The Mayor said he wont raise taxes because of the struggling economy and he doesnt want to burden people who are already struggling. But why has he raised the rent of his rental properties to the point where some businesses that rent from him had to close. I thought he cared about all who are struggling with this economic crises. Is he not raising taxes for us or to benefit himself - since he is one of the top 10 taxpayers in Hammonton. All the money he is saving by no tax increase that money is invested and since the economy is bouncing back that means big bucks for you know who?



Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:
Joseph Ingemi, Democratic Nominee for Mayor stated,
First, let me clear up some confusion.  The Hammonton Gazette stated that I endorsed the Stockton Project.  This is false.  My running mates and I do NOT endorse the Stockton project.  I cannot understand why Gabe Donio, publisher of the Gazette, would have made this outrageous statement.  He should know better than to confuse the politeness that I show towards our elected officials as agreement with their incompetence or support for their deceitful tactics.
Nice that the Dems are against the Stockton project and they are publicly calling the Mayor incompetent.



If the shoe fits then wear it!




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:
Joseph Ingemi, Democratic Nominee for Mayor stated,
First, let me clear up some confusion.  The Hammonton Gazette stated that I endorsed the Stockton Project.  This is false.  My running mates and I do NOT endorse the Stockton project.  I cannot understand why Gabe Donio, publisher of the Gazette, would have made this outrageous statement.  He should know better than to confuse the politeness that I show towards our elected officials as agreement with their incompetence or support for their deceitful tactics.
Nice that the Dems are against the Stockton project and they are publicly calling the Mayor incompetent.



If the shoe fits then wear it!


Sound like the Democrats are tired of negative campaigning against Jimmy Curcio so now they want to negative campaign against Mayor DiDonato by calling him imcompetent, stupid and greedy. 

Funny thing is that New Jersey's two US Senators... both Democrats... are working in support of this.  I guess the local Dems are against them also.  Maybe they think they are stupid, incompetent and greedy also?

I wonder how all this will go over with the majority of town?



That's probable because the 2 Senators got misinformation. Why would Senators want to force the struggling taxpayers of Hammonton to pay 3 or 4 million dollars for a building in Hammonton to house a multi-million college who can afford to pay for their own satellite campus. If we can't afford a tax increase how can we afford to pay for Stockton and why should we - they have plenty of money let them pay for it. I find it strange that millions of dollars will be spent for limited classes for teachers only. It's not cost effective.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:
Joseph Ingemi, Democratic Nominee for Mayor stated,
First, let me clear up some confusion.  The Hammonton Gazette stated that I endorsed the Stockton Project.  This is false.  My running mates and I do NOT endorse the Stockton project.  I cannot understand why Gabe Donio, publisher of the Gazette, would have made this outrageous statement.  He should know better than to confuse the politeness that I show towards our elected officials as agreement with their incompetence or support for their deceitful tactics.
Nice that the Dems are against the Stockton project and they are publicly calling the Mayor incompetent.



If the shoe fits then wear it!


Sound like the Democrats are tired of negative campaigning against Jimmy Curcio so now they want to negative campaign against Mayor DiDonato by calling him imcompetent, stupid and greedy. 

Funny thing is that New Jersey's two US Senators... both Democrats... are working in support of this.  I guess the local Dems are against them also.  Maybe they think they are stupid, incompetent and greedy also?

I wonder how all this will go over with the majority of town?

The Democrats are trying to bash by saying only teachers can take classes.  Stockton will be offering classes anyone can take.  Maybe the Dems need to take them time to understand issues before calling others incompetent and stupid.




Is that all you know how to say the Dems are bashing how do you know they are not republicans or independents or maybe they aren't even registered but have a right to their opinion. Why can't someone answer the questions why do the taxpayers have to pay 3 or 4 million dollars for a building for stockton why can't they pay for it themselves since they are collecting the tuition not the taxpayers. You always avoid answering the questions. What are you hiding? Answer the questions!!



Is it true the Hammonton School Board told Stockton they can use the high school free of charge? Then why do we need to spend millions on a building downtown when the school is free? I say go with the high school we shouldn't pass up anything that is free. Unless it's all about continuing to renovate our downtown. When are you going to give up on downtown you have been dumping money their for 10 years and nothing has changed except your property values have increased at the expense of the taxpayers.


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Posts: 1241

Stockton has stated many times that for the first 6 or 7 years the only course offerings would be to teachers to advance their certifications. Other courses and programs would not follow until that time and only if found to be viable and profitable.



Admin wrote:

Stockton has stated many times that for the first 6 or 7 years the only course offerings would be to teachers to advance their certifications. Other courses and programs would not follow until that time and only if found to be viable and profitable.

I guess only the democrats know how to tell the truth! It just the truth hurts some people! They can't handle it.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:
Joseph Ingemi, Democratic Nominee for Mayor stated,
First, let me clear up some confusion.  The Hammonton Gazette stated that I endorsed the Stockton Project.  This is false.  My running mates and I do NOT endorse the Stockton project.  I cannot understand why Gabe Donio, publisher of the Gazette, would have made this outrageous statement.  He should know better than to confuse the politeness that I show towards our elected officials as agreement with their incompetence or support for their deceitful tactics.
Nice that the Dems are against the Stockton project and they are publicly calling the Mayor incompetent.



If the shoe fits then wear it!


Sound like the Democrats are tired of negative campaigning against Jimmy Curcio so now they want to negative campaign against Mayor DiDonato by calling him imcompetent, stupid and greedy. 

Funny thing is that New Jersey's two US Senators... both Democrats... are working in support of this.  I guess the local Dems are against them also.  Maybe they think they are stupid, incompetent and greedy also?

I wonder how all this will go over with the majority of town?

The Democrats are trying to bash by saying only teachers can take classes.  Stockton will be offering classes anyone can take.  Maybe the Dems need to take them time to understand issues before calling others incompetent and stupid.


The Democrats keep trying to say they are not bashing, however, their own candidate is stating that Mayor and Council are incompetent, stupid, and greedy.  The Dems posted that themselves.




Anonymous wrote:

Don't worry, there will be a letter to set the record straight.  As stated at the three party leaders debate last year.  "The Dems support Stockton in Hammonton but, we do not think it is a prudent decision to spend 4 million dollars of tax payer money."  The Democrats want to use existing facilities ie: our state of art high school.

The three party leaders meeting?  The one with Mento in shorts and a jacket?




This is weird. Last week I walked into the construction office and the secretary to the right was doing all her personal banking. Maybe we need more layoffs! Do you think Stockton would tolerate this behavior on the taxpayers dime?



It would be nice if someone would post on YouTube the part of the council meeting where Joe Ingemi spoke.  That way everyone would get to watch exactly what happened and make their own decisions.



Anonymous wrote:

It would be nice if someone would post on YouTube the part of the council meeting where Joe Ingemi spoke.  That way everyone would get to watch exactly what happened and make their own decisions.

You don't want to go there.




They don't want anyone to see the video because they know Joe Ingemi did not endorse the plan.



Anonymous wrote:

It would be nice if someone would post on YouTube the part of the council meeting where Joe Ingemi spoke.  That way everyone would get to watch exactly what happened and make their own decisions.

 The nice thing is that everyone can watch the Town Council meeting which is shown regularly on Channel 9, listen to what Joe Ingemi said, and decide for themselves.



I watched the meeting and I never saw Mr. Ingemi say anything in favor of the project. He asked several questions and at the end agreed with the Mayor that "hopefully" the funding would come through and it would be nice to be a college town, but never did he say he supported the council's plan.



He said, she said.  Lets move on.  We all watched the replay.



I would imagine Joe Ingemi will be writing another letter to the editor about this in the paper.

Since he feels it is important to be an informed citizen, I am sure he would agree voters should watch the Town Council meeting on Channel 9 so they can decide for themselves what he said on the recording.



I hope he writes another long drawn out letter on this important topic. Maybe he will throw in some quotes from Ceasar or Napoleon too. His words of wisdom really inform the working people.



Has anyone been downtown lately? 3 businesses have closed the Candle Shop, the Blueberry Factory and Nimia's I guess the no new taxes for the past four years didn't help them since their landlords raised the rent anyway. Why did the landlords have to  raise their rent? They can't use the excuse because of tax, water or sewer increases. Do you think Stockton's campus can cover the whole downtown especially since no businesses can afford to be there. Stockton won't pay rent downtown either that's why the taxpayers have to foot the bill. Did anyone look into any University's coming to Hamm or we just cut a deal with Stockton and did no research?



How many jobs will Stockton create for the residents of Hammonton? If someone from Hamm wants to attend Stockton will their tuition be reduced since the taxpayers are paying for them to come here? If so what is the percentage of the discount for local residents? Also will they have to tear down the existing buildings? There are a lot of unanswered questions but no one is willing to answer them. Why? It's like buying a house they you know nothing about.



Anonymous wrote:

I hope he writes another long drawn out letter on this important topic. Maybe he will throw in some quotes from Ceasar or Napoleon too. His words of wisdom really inform the working people.

 The Dems claim they will work for grants to attract businesses.  Here is a case where the Federal Government is providing grant money for a college to come to Hammonton but it seems the Democrats want to tell people that the Mayor and Council are "incompetent, stupid and greedy."  That certainly will attract other organizations.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I hope he writes another long drawn out letter on this important topic. Maybe he will throw in some quotes from Ceasar or Napoleon too. His words of wisdom really inform the working people.

The Dems claim they will work for grants to attract businesses.  Here is a case where the Federal Government is providing grant money for a college to come to Hammonton but it seems the Democrats want to tell people that the Mayor and Council are "incompetent, stupid and greedy."  That certainly will attract other organizations.


Why do you keep repeating yourself? Can't you think of anything else to say? Why don't you try answering the questions that people are asking? OHHH because you have no answers this was not a thought out plan. That money isn't guaranteed and 250,000 is a far cry from 4 million that the taxpayers have to pay and why isn't Stockton paying the tab? If that's the case why not bring Disney World to our town at least they employ a lot of people, it would be a huge ratable and Disney keeps their property very clean. Keep on dreaming! Why did 3 businesses close downtown - no answer right you should gamble your money like you gamble ours!




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I hope he writes another long drawn out letter on this important topic. Maybe he will throw in some quotes from Ceasar or Napoleon too. His words of wisdom really inform the working people.

The Dems claim they will work for grants to attract businesses.  Here is a case where the Federal Government is providing grant money for a college to come to Hammonton but it seems the Democrats want to tell people that the Mayor and Council are "incompetent, stupid and greedy."  That certainly will attract other organizations.


Why do you keep repeating yourself? Can't you think of anything else to say? Why don't you try answering the questions that people are asking? OHHH because you have no answers this was not a thought out plan. That money isn't guaranteed and 250,000 is a far cry from 4 million that the taxpayers have to pay and why isn't Stockton paying the tab? If that's the case why not bring Disney World to our town at least they employ a lot of people, it would be a huge ratable and Disney keeps their property very clean. Keep on dreaming! Why did 3 businesses close downtown - no answer right you should gamble your money like you gamble ours!



Incompetent, greedy, and stupid must really bother you. Is that the first time anyone has said those words to you? I guess they are right that's why it hurts so bad. If I remember correctly in past elections wasn't it HF who called the voters of Hammonton stupid.... give them a free meal and some veggies and they will vote us in every time... sound familiar?? Oh and think of something logical to say you sound like a broken record. I guess you just have to keep copy and pasting since you have nothing else to say.. now you know why those words were used.




Sounds like the Democrats must be sick that another of their negative campaign stunts blew up in their faces.  What is worse is they are putting a letter to the editor in so they have to deal with this for yet another week. 



Looks like the campaign stunt by Gabe Donio blew up in his face. He misrepresented the Democratic stand on the Stockton project and they called him on it. He is not used to people standing up to him. It's nice to see a group of candidates who want to make sure they are not misunderstood.
Good try Gabe, but now we know the truth.



Hmm, when I watch the Town Council meeting on Channel 9, it certainly sounds like Joe Ingemi agrees with Stockton.  Especially the part where Ingemi agrees with the mayor and tells the mayor that he supports the project.


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Posts: 1241

Watch again. The Mayor said that he hopes for more federal funding and grants to come,
Joe responds "Hopefully"
Mayor says it would be nice to be a college town.
Joe says, "That would be nice"

No where did Joe say he supports this project.
That is why he issued the statement to let the public know exactly where the Democrats stand on this project. Read it at the top of this blog, on the Hammonton Democrats website ( http://www.hammontondems.org), or in today's Hammonton News ( http://www.thedailyjournal.com/article/20090805/HAMMONTON05/908050338/Many-questions-about-Stockton-plan-remain-unanswered)

-- Edited by Admin on Wednesday 5th of August 2009 08:31:24 AM



The  nice thing is that everyone can watch for themselves on Channel 9.  No "spin" from Joe Ingemi or the other Democrats is needed.


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Posts: 1241

You are 100% correct.



The gazette really got a punch in the mouth.  I guess they aren't used to being stood up to.  The Record of slime has seen the end of days when they would bully and misrepresent people who have the courage to speak the truth. 
The Democrats won't be bullied, and the voters won't get fooled again. 



Why don't you let the voters watch the Town Council meeting on Channel 9 and let them hear for themselves what Joe Ingemi said?  People can listen and make their own decisions.  I think that is much more civil than having Joe Ingemi call people incompetent, stupid, and greedy on the Democrats web site..



If it doesn't cost the taxpayer, a single dime. Then I say Stockton is good. But so far there's absolutely NO guarantee that it won't cost us.  From what I see so far, we have to cover millions of dollars to bring Stockton.  That's putting a Ton of Stock on Stockton with our taxpayer money.



There has been many questions asked but no answers they just keep talking about Joe Ingemi. Why won't they answer the questions they keep avoiding them. Why? Landlords raising the rents of stores downtown forcing them to close when there hasn't been a tax increase in 4 years. Discounts to Hamm residents from Stockton? Will Stockton provide jobs to Hamm residents, how many? Is the $250.000. guaranteed in writing? Why do the taxpayers have to pay anything when we have nothing to gain. By avoiding the questions only confirms to the people that you have something to hide and a lot to gain personally. Guilty people always plead the 5th.



yes fooled =

no new tax increases
higher surpluss
lower debt. 


let me get this striaght you said yes in the meeting ( OK correct me hopefully)
and to make Hammonton a college town you said That would be nice.
How do you think it starts one grant then another then anthother. next thing you have a fully functioning collage campus in your town and i think you said . that would be nice. HF can get it done.  HF will get it done

look at the above plus new town hall.  lake center, fire truck , 16 cop cars,  oh and

the town crown :downtown.  

the downtown never looked so good. 



Mr. Fact, Fact, Fact

so how much will Stockton cost?

the downtown is so great that the blueberry factory closed and the candle store moved



Anonymous wrote:

yes fooled =

no new tax increases
higher surpluss
lower debt. 


let me get this striaght you said yes in the meeting ( OK correct me hopefully)
and to make Hammonton a college town you said That would be nice.
How do you think it starts one grant then another then anthother. next thing you have a fully functioning collage campus in your town and i think you said . that would be nice. HF can get it done.  HF will get it done

look at the above plus new town hall.  lake center, fire truck , 16 cop cars,  oh and

the town crown :downtown.  

the downtown never looked so good. 

Nimia's, Blueberry Factory, and another store closed.  Old and New stores are closing.




We're never going to know how many millions more Stockton will cost us.  Heck, we don't even have the final costs of the town hall made public yet.  So far, it's past $10M from what many tell me.



The Donio boys took a pucnch to the face.  They aren't used to to having people stand up to them.  I guess they got that glass jaw from there old man. From what I here their mom knows howt to take a punch. 



Anonymous wrote:

yes fooled =

no new tax increases
higher surpluss
lower debt. 


let me get this striaght you said yes in the meeting ( OK correct me hopefully)
and to make Hammonton a college town you said That would be nice.
How do you think it starts one grant then another then anthother. next thing you have a fully functioning collage campus in your town and i think you said . that would be nice. HF can get it done.  HF will get it done

look at the above plus new town hall.  lake center, fire truck , 16 cop cars,  oh and

the town crown :downtown.  

the downtown never looked so good. 

Ok I agree no new tax increases but your cutting services! You say higher surplus if you have a higher surplus then why did you have to lay off 5 secretaries according to the Hamm News it was because our town is in a financial crisis like the rest of the country. No other administration in the history of Hammonton ever had to lay off employees so that doesn't say much for you. The News also said the town would save $180,000. that's pocket change for a town so how desperate are you? How can you have lower debt when you keep borrowing more money? I thought the lake park project was included in the 5.9 for town hall NOT! Where are all the parking spaces? Where are the 16 cop cars last meeting you said you purchased 4 where are the other 12? You say one thing and do another. You can say fact all you want but actions speak louder than words.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

yes fooled =

no new tax increases
higher surpluss
lower debt. 


let me get this striaght you said yes in the meeting ( OK correct me hopefully)
and to make Hammonton a college town you said That would be nice.
How do you think it starts one grant then another then anthother. next thing you have a fully functioning collage campus in your town and i think you said . that would be nice. HF can get it done.  HF will get it done

look at the above plus new town hall.  lake center, fire truck , 16 cop cars,  oh and

the town crown :downtown.  

the downtown never looked so good. 

Ok I agree no new tax increases but your cutting services! You say higher surplus if you have a higher surplus then why did you have to lay off 5 secretaries according to the Hamm News it was because our town is in a financial crisis like the rest of the country. No other administration in the history of Hammonton ever had to lay off employees so that doesn't say much for you. The News also said the town would save $180,000. that's pocket change for a town so how desperate are you? How can you have lower debt when you keep borrowing more money? I thought the lake park project was included in the 5.9 for town hall NOT! Where are all the parking spaces? Where are the 16 cop cars last meeting you said you purchased 4 where are the other 12? You say one thing and do another. You can say fact all you want but actions speak louder than words.



Who's downtown are you talking about? It can't be ours. The buildings are empty and falling down full of roaches and termites and most don't meet code. So who's downtown are you talking about Haddonfield, Ocean City, Cape May? If your talking about our town you need a reality check. Keep on dreaming.




Hey what's up with this bring your dog to the Italian Market. I guess no one is going so they are trying to attract people since what they are selling just isn't worth wasting a Friday night. HF needs to start doling out the cash maybe they can pay people to go. Hey when are they going to start giving out some free food? Since we are in an economic crisis they need to double the size of the veggie bags. It's gonna take more free stuff to get people to vote for them this year.



Anonymous wrote:

yes fooled =

no new tax increases
higher surpluss
lower debt. 


let me get this striaght you said yes in the meeting ( OK correct me hopefully)
and to make Hammonton a college town you said That would be nice.
How do you think it starts one grant then another then anthother. next thing you have a fully functioning collage campus in your town and i think you said . that would be nice. HF can get it done.  HF will get it done

look at the above plus new town hall.  lake center, fire truck , 16 cop cars,  oh and

the town crown :downtown.  

the downtown never looked so good. 

You are right, the televised Town Council meeting shows the Mayor answered all Joe Ingemi's questions.  Then Ingemi said that he was in favor of Stockton.  I guess he went back to his handlers and they told him to work hard at being a naysayer.  I wonder who advised him to call the Mayor incompetent, stupid and greedy?



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

yes fooled =

no new tax increases
higher surpluss
lower debt. 


let me get this striaght you said yes in the meeting ( OK correct me hopefully)
and to make Hammonton a college town you said That would be nice.
How do you think it starts one grant then another then anthother. next thing you have a fully functioning collage campus in your town and i think you said . that would be nice. HF can get it done.  HF will get it done

look at the above plus new town hall.  lake center, fire truck , 16 cop cars,  oh and

the town crown :downtown.  

the downtown never looked so good. 

You are right, the televised Town Council meeting shows the Mayor answered all Joe Ingemi's questions.  Then Ingemi said that he was in favor of Stockton.  I guess he went back to his handlers and they told him to work hard at being a naysayer.  I wonder who advised him to call the Mayor incompetent, stupid and greedy?


Can you ever get over this? Who cares what Joe Ingemi says about Stockton it's the taxpayers that have to pay for it. When he becomes Mayor he wouldn't put that burden on the taxpayers just like HF doesn't want to burden the taxpayers with higher taxes since the town is in a financial hardship.




Correct, Who cares what Ingemis says.  He can write a book about it.  Currently we are on week 12 of what 18 instalments of the Democratic patform?  He should qoute Michael Dukakis because that is who we are going to compare him and Mento to after nov 3rd!



FYI, as someone who just moved here from Pine Hill, Hammonton has the lowest taxes I have ever heard of.  My taxes were 2 - 3 times as much and that is why I moved here. You guys have no idea what high real estate taxes are like. Burlington County and Camden County are through the roof. I even have a bigger home now and all for under $4000.00. This is sweet!  I have no complaints at all.  I do think that any money being released for education should go to local schools, not colleges.  Local schools being properly funded will only increase the value of the homes here. People generally look at elem, middle and high schools when relocating, not colleges. After all, if you don't fund the schools, the kids won't make it to college. It seems to me that a downtown Stockton would only benefit those who own businesses downtown, not the rest of Hammonton. Any money generated by purchases will only go into the pockets of those business owners because they will not be paying anything more in taxes. They will profit, not the taxpayers.



Anonymous wrote:

FYI, as someone who just moved here from Pine Hill, Hammonton has the lowest taxes I have ever heard of.  My taxes were 2 - 3 times as much and that is why I moved here. You guys have no idea what high real estate taxes are like. Burlington County and Camden County are through the roof. I even have a bigger home now and all for under $4000.00. This is sweet!  I have no complaints at all.  I do think that any money being released for education should go to local schools, not colleges.  Local schools being properly funded will only increase the value of the homes here. People generally look at elem, middle and high schools when relocating, not colleges. After all, if you don't fund the schools, the kids won't make it to college. It seems to me that a downtown Stockton would only benefit those who own businesses downtown, not the rest of Hammonton. Any money generated by purchases will only go into the pockets of those business owners because they will not be paying anything more in taxes. They will profit, not the taxpayers.

 We used to have taxes go up every year at both the town and the school.  However, the last four years have seen zero tax increases each year at the town.  In addition, the Mayor finally fixed the school's finances after years of a disaster there.  They haven't had an increase for the last three years.



Anonymous wrote:

Correct, Who cares what Ingemis says.  He can write a book about it.  Currently we are on week 12 of what 18 instalments of the Democratic patform?  He should qoute Michael Dukakis because that is who we are going to compare him and Mento to after nov 3rd!

If you say Mento is a Dukakis and will lose in November, then I guess you'll have to concede that Curcio is George Bush, Sr. who in that same election in 88' campaigned saying "READ MY LIPS, NO NEW TAXES!"  Well we don't want new taxes in Hammonton.  So Curcio will be bad since he's already raised taxes.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

FYI, as someone who just moved here from Pine Hill, Hammonton has the lowest taxes I have ever heard of.  My taxes were 2 - 3 times as much and that is why I moved here. You guys have no idea what high real estate taxes are like. Burlington County and Camden County are through the roof. I even have a bigger home now and all for under $4000.00. This is sweet!  I have no complaints at all.  I do think that any money being released for education should go to local schools, not colleges.  Local schools being properly funded will only increase the value of the homes here. People generally look at elem, middle and high schools when relocating, not colleges. After all, if you don't fund the schools, the kids won't make it to college. It seems to me that a downtown Stockton would only benefit those who own businesses downtown, not the rest of Hammonton. Any money generated by purchases will only go into the pockets of those business owners because they will not be paying anything more in taxes. They will profit, not the taxpayers.

We used to have taxes go up every year at both the town and the school.  However, the last four years have seen zero tax increases each year at the town.  In addition, the Mayor finally fixed the school's finances after years of a disaster there.  They haven't had an increase for the last three years.


The mayor didn't fix anything.  That's very disrespectful to those who serve and work in our schools for one man to take credit for that.  Our schools are great because of dedicated staff and volunteers not because of some politician.  Politicians do not make Hammonton Great!




Anonymous wrote:

FYI, as someone who just moved here from Pine Hill, Hammonton has the lowest taxes I have ever heard of.  My taxes were 2 - 3 times as much and that is why I moved here. You guys have no idea what high real estate taxes are like. Burlington County and Camden County are through the roof. I even have a bigger home now and all for under $4000.00. This is sweet!  I have no complaints at all.  I do think that any money being released for education should go to local schools, not colleges.  Local schools being properly funded will only increase the value of the homes here. People generally look at elem, middle and high schools when relocating, not colleges. After all, if you don't fund the schools, the kids won't make it to college. It seems to me that a downtown Stockton would only benefit those who own businesses downtown, not the rest of Hammonton. Any money generated by purchases will only go into the pockets of those business owners because they will not be paying anything more in taxes. They will profit, not the taxpayers.

Welcome to Hammonton,  Hammonton does have low taxes indeed.  It's been like that for many many yeats.  Some will make people think that it just happened the last 4 years and say the sky is falling and we must support their projects or Hammonton will crumble.  I think it's rather obvious that properly funded schools increase the value of our homes and attract new people and businesses.  SO MUCH focus have been placed downtown.  There have been so much waste in spending. Yet little will pay attention just as long as their tax bill stays the same.    We can actually have tax cuts but instead the powers that be want to keep things the same so that they can "expand" their dominance and benefit solely from our money.




Who says Hammonton has low taxes? My local tax bill is thru the roof and the town wastes more money today. In PA the taxes are 70% of my Hammonton bill and my house in Hammonton is alot smaller.



Anonymous wrote:

Who says Hammonton has low taxes? My local tax bill is thru the roof and the town wastes more money today. In PA the taxes are 70% of my Hammonton bill and my house in Hammonton is alot smaller.

Yes, many parts of PA is lower.  But our taxes are low compared to many towns in NJ especially since we spend the lowest per pupil in the whole county.



Anonymous wrote:

FYI, as someone who just moved here from Pine Hill, Hammonton has the lowest taxes I have ever heard of.  My taxes were 2 - 3 times as much and that is why I moved here. You guys have no idea what high real estate taxes are like. Burlington County and Camden County are through the roof. I even have a bigger home now and all for under $4000.00. This is sweet!  I have no complaints at all.  I do think that any money being released for education should go to local schools, not colleges.  Local schools being properly funded will only increase the value of the homes here. People generally look at elem, middle and high schools when relocating, not colleges. After all, if you don't fund the schools, the kids won't make it to college. It seems to me that a downtown Stockton would only benefit those who own businesses downtown, not the rest of Hammonton. Any money generated by purchases will only go into the pockets of those business owners because they will not be paying anything more in taxes. They will profit, not the taxpayers.

I have and average size house in Hamm and not very much ground and my taxes are 7,000. a year you are lucky.




Notice they are still avoiding the questions about Stockton, why the stores downtown closed, how much did the new town hall cost, why do the taxpayers have to foot the bill to ruin the lake park and run water and sewer to the bowling ally and if we have a surplus and are in great financial shape why did they have to layoff 5 employees to save $180,000???? They avoid this question as if it were quicksand. They are pleading the 5th they just keep refusing to answer these questions. Doesn't make you wonder why???? If it's all good then talk about it.



The Democrats will lower taxes and cut spending because HF is really spending our grandchildrens money. Debt is higher, we are putting everything on the credit card and our kids will pay the price.

The Democratic team will lower your taxes and cut unnecessary spending and employees in every department.



The school board is out of control.



Anonymous wrote:

The Democrats will lower taxes and cut spending because HF is really spending our grandchildrens money. Debt is higher, we are putting everything on the credit card and our kids will pay the price.

The Democratic team will lower your taxes and cut unnecessary spending and employees in every department.

Good, it is about time the Dems stand up and cut town jobs and wastful spending.  We need to win a seat from HF and the Republican sfor th efirst time in over 5 years. 




I at the county 4H last night.  Curio was handing out peaches telling peolple he is a peach farmer,  I guess Mento giving out his blueberries has got him nervous.  Then again, I guess jimmy thinks it is better to say he is a farmer, then the guy who is double dipping the pension fund after he just raised you taxes!



Anonymous wrote:

FYI, as someone who just moved here from Pine Hill, Hammonton has the lowest taxes I have ever heard of.  My taxes were 2 - 3 times as much and that is why I moved here. You guys have no idea what high real estate taxes are like. Burlington County and Camden County are through the roof. I even have a bigger home now and all for under $4000.00. This is sweet!  I have no complaints at all.  I do think that any money being released for education should go to local schools, not colleges.  Local schools being properly funded will only increase the value of the homes here. People generally look at elem, middle and high schools when relocating, not colleges. After all, if you don't fund the schools, the kids won't make it to college. It seems to me that a downtown Stockton would only benefit those who own businesses downtown, not the rest of Hammonton. Any money generated by purchases will only go into the pockets of those business owners because they will not be paying anything more in taxes. They will profit, not the taxpayers.

 The nice thing is that Hammonton has had no municipal tax increase for four straight years and no school tax increase for three years.  Our taxes had been going up every year, but now they are stable.

Also, the town's debt has been lowered while the surplus savings have increased over the past four years.  The bond rating for the town was increased after a review by Standard and Poor's to be a AA rating.



I at the county 4h fair last night???



Anonymous wrote:

I at the county 4h fair last night???

They rode the short bus to the fair, or rode in RJ's car.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

FYI, as someone who just moved here from Pine Hill, Hammonton has the lowest taxes I have ever heard of.  My taxes were 2 - 3 times as much and that is why I moved here. You guys have no idea what high real estate taxes are like. Burlington County and Camden County are through the roof. I even have a bigger home now and all for under $4000.00. This is sweet!  I have no complaints at all.  I do think that any money being released for education should go to local schools, not colleges.  Local schools being properly funded will only increase the value of the homes here. People generally look at elem, middle and high schools when relocating, not colleges. After all, if you don't fund the schools, the kids won't make it to college. It seems to me that a downtown Stockton would only benefit those who own businesses downtown, not the rest of Hammonton. Any money generated by purchases will only go into the pockets of those business owners because they will not be paying anything more in taxes. They will profit, not the taxpayers.

The nice thing is that Hammonton has had no municipal tax increase for four straight years and no school tax increase for three years.  Our taxes had been going up every year, but now they are stable.

Also, the town's debt has been lowered while the surplus savings have increased over the past four years.  The bond rating for the town was increased after a review by Standard and Poor's to be a AA rating.


There you go again.  LOWER OUR TAXES and stop your wasteful spending.  We know what's really going on.




i have a few questions that our friends from hammonton First should answer and try telling the truth. how much is St Joe being paid for classes ran by stockton? didn't our public school offer this all for free? is st joe going to give the 1.5 million the public school was asked to give? how much is this going to cost the taxpayer in the end?
once again its nothing more that a Donio thing...250,000.00 is a far cry from the millions that are needed to make this thing work. maybe the town planner Joe p can make it all work....just remember its all good...............hammonton will never be a college town afterall they can't even keep stores open on the main street.



Anonymous wrote:

i have a few questions that our friends from hammonton First should answer and try telling the truth. how much is St Joe being paid for classes ran by stockton? didn't our public school offer this all for free? is st joe going to give the 1.5 million the public school was asked to give? how much is this going to cost the taxpayer in the end?
once again its nothing more that a Donio thing...250,000.00 is a far cry from the millions that are needed to make this thing work. maybe the town planner Joe p can make it all work....just remember its all good...............hammonton will never be a college town afterall they can't even keep stores open on the main street.

Is separation of church and state an issue here?  A Parochial school and a State college.




Why would anyone be against bringing a college to Hammonton? I do not like Hammonton First but if Stockton wants a satellite campus in Hammonton, I am all for it too.

Don't be a naysayer. Evalute and judge each situation and decide accordingly. If it helps Hammonton we should all be for it.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

No one is against bringing a college or Stockton to Hammonton. The Hammonton Democrats are very much in favor of higher education. However, we are not in favor of starting any project without a plan. When asked how much the project would cost, no one could give an answer. The next day an estimate was given to the AC Press of $3-4 million. So far we have a possible grant from the House of Representatives of $250,000. But the Senate could raise that amount, keep it the same, lower it, or cut it out altogether. And there is absolutely no plan for the remainder of the money. The Mayor says he hoped for more grants, but did not know where they might come from.
This project has the potential of costing the taxpayers of Hammonton millions of dollars. We need to know how it will be paid for. Will there be a tax increase to pay for this?
Go to www.hammontondems.org to see our statement on this project.



So if the dems get elected , you will turn down this first round of grants. 
I think the mayor said this is just the start.  I guess the dems will so no to the 250k but in turn tell the congress we want either it all or nothing. 
Wow .  
stick with a proven plan . 



Anonymous wrote:

Why would anyone be against bringing a college to Hammonton? I do not like Hammonton First but if Stockton wants a satellite campus in Hammonton, I am all for it too.

Don't be a naysayer. Evalute and judge each situation and decide accordingly. If it helps Hammonton we should all be for it.

 The town already received one grant for $250,000 from the House of Representatives.  Now the Senate wants to approve more money for this project.  Rather than Joe Ingemi calling people incompetent, stupid and greedy, many others are working to more this forward in a positive fashion.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Why would anyone be against bringing a college to Hammonton? I do not like Hammonton First but if Stockton wants a satellite campus in Hammonton, I am all for it too.

Don't be a naysayer. Evalute and judge each situation and decide accordingly. If it helps Hammonton we should all be for it.

 The town already received one grant for $250,000 from the House of Representatives.  Now the Senate wants to approve more money for this project.  Rather than Joe Ingemi calling people incompetent, stupid and greedy, many others are working to more this forward in a positive fashion.

 WRONG , you  stupid   incompetent fool!  BOTH houses must aprrove this bill.  All apppropriations start in the House.   You should have taken a basic civics course.



Anonymous wrote:

So if the dems get elected , you will turn down this first round of grants. 
I think the mayor said this is just the start.  I guess the dems will so no to the 250k but in turn tell the congress we want either it all or nothing. 
Wow .  
stick with a proven plan .

Grants are great but having the taxpayers foot the difference to bring Stockton in is bad for Hammonton Taxpayers.  HOW MUCH DO WE HAVE TO PAY from our pockets if the answer is $0.01 or more than NO, NO NO NEW TAXES!!!!!!!!!




We have had four straight years of no tax increases with Mayor DiDonato.  Our town debt is down and Standard and Poor's gave the town a AA bond rating.  

Now the naysayers want to push our chance to bring Stockton to Hammonton to help education.  They claim that only teacher's classes will be held, but that is not true.  They keep making false claims to push Stockton away.

This will help real estate values, create jobs and bring people into Hammonton.  It is a positive for the future.  Everyone needs to help John DiDonato continue the improvements we have seen all over town.



Anonymous wrote:

We have had four straight years of no tax increases with Mayor DiDonato.  Our town debt is down and Standard and Poor's gave the town a AA bond rating.  

Now the naysayers want to push our chance to bring Stockton to Hammonton to help education.  They claim that only teacher's classes will be held, but that is not true.  They keep making false claims to push Stockton away.

This will help real estate values, create jobs and bring people into Hammonton.  It is a positive for the future.  Everyone needs to help John DiDonato continue the improvements we have seen all over town.

The current facts are that classes will be for teachers and that this MAY COST US TAXPAYERS millions of dollars.  Those are the facts presented so far.  There are no guarantees that this will cost the taxpayers NOTHING.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

We have had four straight years of no tax increases with Mayor DiDonato.  Our town debt is down and Standard and Poor's gave the town a AA bond rating.  

Now the naysayers want to push our chance to bring Stockton to Hammonton to help education.  They claim that only teacher's classes will be held, but that is not true.  They keep making false claims to push Stockton away.

This will help real estate values, create jobs and bring people into Hammonton.  It is a positive for the future.  Everyone needs to help John DiDonato continue the improvements we have seen all over town.

The current facts are that classes will be for teachers and that this MAY COST US TAXPAYERS millions of dollars.  Those are the facts presented so far.  There are no guarantees that this will cost the taxpayers NOTHING.


Looks like the Democrats are really willing to make up information which is not true to defeat the Stockton plan.  Even Stockton presented in a televised meeting that there would be classes for all, the Dems want to try to say something else.




You people just don't get it everything HF does benefits only them and if you are against them making money at the taxpayers expense you are a basher. Taxes haven't gone up not because they care about the poor taxpayer it's because THEY don't want to pay higher taxes. If they cared about the people of this town they would stop borrowing money and outsource work to cut taxes by reducing payroll, health care benefits, pensions etc. and sell the oversized, half empty town hall and move to a smaller more efficient bldg. HF needs to lay off more employees and cut more services. Stop wasting our money and start wasting yours. doh



Anonymous wrote:

HF needs to lay off more employees and cut more services. Stop wasting our money and start wasting yours.

 Do you think the Democrats would actually lay off more employees?  Is that their official position?



Anonymous wrote:

We have had four straight years of no tax increases with Mayor DiDonato.  Our town debt is down and Standard and Poor's gave the town a AA bond rating.  

Now the naysayers want to push our chance to bring Stockton to Hammonton to help education.  They claim that only teacher's classes will be held, but that is not true.  They keep making false claims to push Stockton away.

This will help real estate values, create jobs and bring people into Hammonton.  It is a positive for the future.  Everyone needs to help John DiDonato continue the improvements we have seen all over town.

Real estate value? For who? You are obviously a firster who wats nothing more then to increase your property value, at the Hammonton Tax payers expense. 
HF all for them and nothing for you.  HF, bush league politcs has cost the town so much they are putting a burden on our future generations. 
How can you propose to spend 4 million tax payer dollars and have no plan.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

HF needs to lay off more employees and cut more services. Stop wasting our money and start wasting yours.

Do you think the Democrats would actually lay off more employees?  Is that their official position?


Stop answering your own questions. It's rather obvious.




OK dumb dumb if you want John DiDonato to continue the progress then why not convince him to run for re-election? Ah maybe because the **** will be hitting the fan very soon because the town is broke. If the town is in great shape why the layoffs no one will answer that question! Anyone business person knows that when a business is doing well and in excellent financial shape you don't layoff employees it never happened in the past so what does that tell you?? ACCC classes didn't work in this town and Stockton won't either plus their classes cost more money. Why don't they let the public review the agreement with Stockton? Again silence why can't anyone answer questions cost of town hall, businesses closing down town, layoffs, Stockton agreement?? If the town is in great financial shape then you will answer these questions NOT ANSWERING THESE QUESTIONS MEANS THE TOWN IS BROKE!!! Come on tough guy put the facts were your mouth is!



I'm very disappointed with the Gazzette that paper always exposes what's going on in town especially when people are trying to cover up the truth he exposes it. Why hasn't he printed the costs of the new Town Hall? The costs of the lake park? The costs of the Airport? The costs for water and sewer to the bowling alley? The costs for downtown renovations? The costs of moving the old Town Hall and the new telephone poles out front of the new Town Hall? The employee salaries? The surpluses in each departments account? Why the silence? What is the secret? If we are in great financial shape then prove it! Let us see for ourselves paper speaks louder than words!



Did everyone see in the AC Press today. Stockton will be holding classes at St. Joe! Why not Hammonton Public Schools? How much is this costing the taxpayers since we know St. Joe isn't doing it for free and Stockton isn't paying? Strange very strange! Just think the financially burdened people of Hammonton (how the Mayor refers to us) don't even get a discount hey what's $1,500. a class not counting the $150. book not to mention the cost of art supplies. Hey in a struggling economy why put food on the table and pay your bills when you can o to Stockton in Hammonton and pay full price. HF wouldn't be doing this if they didn't have something to gain! Prove me wrong!



Anonymous wrote:

Did everyone see in the AC Press today. Stockton will be holding classes at St. Joe! Why not Hammonton Public Schools? How much is this costing the taxpayers since we know St. Joe isn't doing it for free and Stockton isn't paying? Strange very strange! Just think the financially burdened people of Hammonton (how the Mayor refers to us) don't even get a discount hey what's $1,500. a class not counting the $150. book not to mention the cost of art supplies. Hey in a struggling economy why put food on the table and pay your bills when you can o to Stockton in Hammonton and pay full price. HF wouldn't be doing this if they didn't have something to gain! Prove me wrong!

Prove me wrong? Who the hell are you? Are you a naysayer?

Having a satellite campus anywhere in Hammonton is good.Am I missing something here? Maybe in Hammonton "It's All Good".




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Did everyone see in the AC Press today. Stockton will be holding classes at St. Joe! Why not Hammonton Public Schools? How much is this costing the taxpayers since we know St. Joe isn't doing it for free and Stockton isn't paying? Strange very strange! Just think the financially burdened people of Hammonton (how the Mayor refers to us) don't even get a discount hey what's $1,500. a class not counting the $150. book not to mention the cost of art supplies. Hey in a struggling economy why put food on the table and pay your bills when you can o to Stockton in Hammonton and pay full price. HF wouldn't be doing this if they didn't have something to gain! Prove me wrong!

Prove me wrong? Who the hell are you? Are you a naysayer?

Having a satellite campus anywhere in Hammonton is good.Am I missing something here? Maybe in Hammonton "It's All Good".


Steve DiDonato is going to win by a landslide.  He has no one running against him that even realize he's the mayor candidate.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Did everyone see in the AC Press today. Stockton will be holding classes at St. Joe! Why not Hammonton Public Schools? How much is this costing the taxpayers since we know St. Joe isn't doing it for free and Stockton isn't paying? Strange very strange! Just think the financially burdened people of Hammonton (how the Mayor refers to us) don't even get a discount hey what's $1,500. a class not counting the $150. book not to mention the cost of art supplies. Hey in a struggling economy why put food on the table and pay your bills when you can o to Stockton in Hammonton and pay full price. HF wouldn't be doing this if they didn't have something to gain! Prove me wrong!

Prove me wrong? Who the hell are you? Are you a naysayer?

Having a satellite campus anywhere in Hammonton is good.Am I missing something here? Maybe in Hammonton "It's All Good".


Steve DiDonato is going to win by a landslide.  He has no one running against him that even realize he's the mayor candidate.

even who? I don't get your joke!




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Did everyone see in the AC Press today. Stockton will be holding classes at St. Joe! Why not Hammonton Public Schools? How much is this costing the taxpayers since we know St. Joe isn't doing it for free and Stockton isn't paying? Strange very strange! Just think the financially burdened people of Hammonton (how the Mayor refers to us) don't even get a discount hey what's $1,500. a class not counting the $150. book not to mention the cost of art supplies. Hey in a struggling economy why put food on the table and pay your bills when you can o to Stockton in Hammonton and pay full price. HF wouldn't be doing this if they didn't have something to gain! Prove me wrong!

Prove me wrong? Who the hell are you? Are you a naysayer?

Having a satellite campus anywhere in Hammonton is good.Am I missing something here? Maybe in Hammonton "It's All Good".


Steve DiDonato is going to win by a landslide.  He has no one running against him that even realize he's the mayor candidate.


I am your worst nightmare!


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