This November, there is only one choice for working families in Hammonton -- the Democrats.
For those who don't know, the Central Labor Council recently endorsed our entire ticket -- Joe Ingemi for mayor, and Mike Ammirato, Jim Scarpato and Carmen Villani for Town Council.
When opposing platforms are compared with the Democrat's plan for the future of Hammonton, it becomes abundantly clear which party is fighting for the hard-working families in our town and which parties are seeking personal gain at the taxpayers' expense.
The financial records over the last four years only strengthen this point. Back-door business deals to create the illusion of prosperity on Bellevue Avenue, when, in reality, the town is swimming in debt.
Layoff after layoff has ravaged the once-amazing services that our local government used to provide.
What do we have now? Trash pickup cut to every other week? $800,000 toilets? A crumbling Town Hall with no parking? No wonder the Central Labor Council endorsed the Democrats.
This November, we need to choose which candidates will usher in a new era of prosperity for Hammontonians. The Central Labor Council, representing thousands of working families, has chosen the Democrats.