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Post Info TOPIC: N.J. Leads Municipal Bond Downgrades as Aid Shrinks, is Hammonton far behind?

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N.J. Leads Municipal Bond Downgrades as Aid Shrinks, is Hammonton far behind?

With Hammonton's high reliance on state grants and poor cash flow (as evidenced by Town's recent inability fund the snow removal), is a bond downgrade the next shoe to drop on Hammonton's dismal fiscal picture.

To read the full story on NJ's municipal bond downgrades, Click Here.



Steve has got some explaining to do on January 1!!!!

Drug rings, no snow removal, no expected grants for Lake house, no state aid, potential debt downgrades.

Him and his buddies' swearing in should be fun!!!



Wow, my street was finally plowed.  I'm so thankful that the farmers in my street did their best to make the roads around here somewhat accessible until the town could finally come in today and clear it.



Well what the brain washed voters weren't told is that for no new taxes HF will not do snow removal because they refuse to pay overtime to the highway workers, trash pick up will be every two weeks, services cut and more layoffs. They want only one secretary in each office. They just spent $50,000. on changes to the Canoe Club!!!! I wonder who benefited from that? Oh well Happy New Year a new year that is going to suck for all Hammontonians. Suck it up you voted for these a holes! Curious... why didn't the seniors has their Christmas party at the Canoe Club isn't that why the taxpayers had to spend millions on it?



Hey I wonder what Stevie Wonder is going to do if we get a lot of snow this weekend? They are predictitng another noreaster! I thought it was all good? All the money that they should have used for snow I hear is being used to fix the canoe club. Can't they do anything right? I heard another leak in town hall and still problems with the heating this is a new building! WOW we not only have a mistake at the lake - everything HF does is a mistake. Hey when are they going to be butchering more trees at the lake maybe they can help the poor taxpayers and give the wood away to help people keep warm or maybe someone else will need it to make lumber.



Did HF use stolen funds to finance their election campaigns??? That is the word on the street.  The town should get the whole truth. Otherwise the new Mayor will be tainted from the start.



Anonymous wrote:

Did HF use stolen funds to finance their election campaigns??? That is the word on the street.  The town should get the whole truth. Otherwise the new Mayor will be tainted from the start.

 Shouldn't the party President and Treasurer be held accountable as yell?  Didn't the sign off on receiving the monies?  IS that why HF consistently delays reporting their campaign finances to the state... because they're doctoring the books to hide illegal activity.  This time they got caught.



The Mayor-elect and HF officers should call a press conference about the matter. Steve D. said that HF was dedicated to open and honest gov't.  Let's see if he really believes it.



Did any of the candidate from HF ever think to question where all this $$$ was coming from?

I hope this isn't true. We don't need to be in the news anymore!!!



Speaking of news why didn't the paper of record "THE GAZETTE" do a story on this. If this was a democrat that did this he would have it on the front page of his rag. Also speaking of tainted... let's not forget that the Mayor elect received over $200,000 worth of airport dirt, a deal was cut with the AG's office but the records are sealed. Does he consider this open and honest government?



The Mayor, the mayor-elect, the President and Treasurer of HF need to make a statement on the rumors about where there funds came from.

I want to know what John and Steve D. knew and when did they know it.  How do we know if other projects in the Town are legitimate?




Anonymous wrote:

The Mayor, the mayor-elect, the President and Treasurer of HF need to make a statement on the rumors about where there funds came from.

I want to know what John and Steve D. knew and when did they know it.  How do we know if other projects in the Town are legitimate?


You the taxpayer will never know the truth - that's HF's version of open government to keep the taxpayers in the dark. Think about it isn't that how dictators in foreign countries operate? Keep the people poor and uninformed and you can control the country and make millions! Was Saddam Hussein ever questioned or challenged by his people? Maybe that's why everything is so quiet because it is now a huge cluster f***. I hope a lot of people go to jail. The only thing is when you have a lot of money you can buy a get out of jail free and clear card.




Even Saddam got toppled !!!!



Anonymous wrote:

Even Saddam got toppled !!!!

I hope there's no ties to the funds raised for Kessler during their Save Our Hospital campaign.  Did anyone possilby say they're collecting for Kessler and then use that money to funnel to an HF project.



Question does anyone know the answer to this? If HF was and is funded by embezzeled money wouldn't the state have to investigate wether or not this is a legitimate party or organization? There should be some kind of investigation not sure if it would be state or Board of Elections or somebody. Anytime money is stolen to start a business etc there are always consciquences and the business usually gets shut down! Wouldn't that be nice? It's nice to have a lot of money but only if it's your own!



Anonymous wrote:

The Mayor, the mayor-elect, the President and Treasurer of HF need to make a statement on the rumors about where there funds came from.

I want to know what John and Steve D. knew and when did they know it.  How do we know if other projects in the Town are legitimate?


They can't handle the truth.     My question is what else did they do wrong.    If as many people that said they didn't vote for Hammonton First really didn't vote for them and they keep winnng anyway there is something fishy going on there.    Where else did the embezzled funds go to?




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Even Saddam got toppled !!!!

I hope there's no ties to the funds raised for Kessler during their Save Our Hospital campaign.  Did anyone possilby say they're collecting for Kessler and then use that money to funnel to an HF project.


WOW you're good I never thought of that! What you are saying could be true since no one knows what they did with that money they received... they didn't pay their bills and they didn't pay the employees and the board members won't talk. Where did it go??? Interesting so far we know some of the stolen money went to HF and Eagle Theater but where else did all this money go? Maybe that's why the Mayor was so willing to give $200,000 of taxpayer money to help Kessler! You could be on to something!




If Steve does not address this issue and tell us what he knows, his administration is dead before it starts.  People will think he is covering stuff up.

I wish the Hammonton News would start reporting on this.  By not asking questions, they are doing a disservice to their readers.  I bet they would have to print more copies if they reported on this story.



Anonymous wrote:

If Steve does not address this issue and tell us what he knows, his administration is dead before it starts.  People will think he is covering stuff up.

I wish the Hammonton News would start reporting on this.  By not asking questions, they are doing a disservice to their readers.  I bet they would have to print more copies if they reported on this story.

What about the Gazette, AC Press, the Jersey Guys radio station since they are so familiar with Hammonton what about the local news stations? THIS IS BIG NEWS... NEW POLITICAL PARTY IN HAMMONTON FUNDED BY STOLEN MONEY! The media would go insane over this. It would put Hammonton on the map and maybe even attract more people to our downtown to shop HA HA!




I hope there's no ties to the funds raised for Kessler during their Save Our Hospital campaign.  Did anyone possilby say they're collecting for Kessler and then use that money to funnel to an HF project.


WOW you're good I never thought of that! What you are saying could be true since no one knows what they did with that money they received... they didn't pay their bills and they didn't pay the employees and the board members won't talk. Where did it go??? Interesting so far we know some of the stolen money went to HF and Eagle Theater but where else did all this money go? Maybe that's why the Mayor was so willing to give $200,000 of taxpayer money to help Kessler! You could be on to something!

Thanks, I 'm just the average Hammonton taxpayer who is sickened by all the greed the last few years.   It's obvious to me all the wrongs that HF is doing but I'm just one person.  IThey are very powerful.  All I can do is shed a little light.  To them my opinion doesn't matter.  I'm just a naysayer.




What did Steve and John D. know about this?  Was stolen money used for any other campaigns besides HF like the Freeholder race?

Hammonton News and AC Press, where are you?????



People should show up at the swearing-in on Friday and DEMAND answers.




Anonymous wrote:


I hope there's no ties to the funds raised for Kessler during their Save Our Hospital campaign.  Did anyone possilby say they're collecting for Kessler and then use that money to funnel to an HF project.


WOW you're good I never thought of that! What you are saying could be true since no one knows what they did with that money they received... they didn't pay their bills and they didn't pay the employees and the board members won't talk. Where did it go??? Interesting so far we know some of the stolen money went to HF and Eagle Theater but where else did all this money go? Maybe that's why the Mayor was so willing to give $200,000 of taxpayer money to help Kessler! You could be on to something!

Thanks, I 'm just the average Hammonton taxpayer who is sickened by all the greed the last few years.   It's obvious to me all the wrongs that HF is doing but I'm just one person.  IThey are very powerful.  All I can do is shed a little light.  To them my opinion doesn't matter.  I'm just a naysayer.



To them your opinion may not matter but to everyone else it does. You are only a naysayer in their eyes because they can't handle the truth. They are the dumb ones because they haven't realized yet that they are only fooling themselves! Hopefully they will be talking through bars soon.




Notice HF is probably reading this blog but they are not responding. I guess they figure if they ignore all these problems they will go away. Not this time. What a disgrace another black cloud on our town. When will all this negativity end we need people in office who will bring positive to our town and reunite our town as it was before HF took office. Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not make anymore money from us - our town should not be a monopoly by one party.



Notice Hammonton First isn't replying.   Because the same theif was hacking computers and doing all the replying.   Besides the money he was doing that at the company as well.  



I'm wondering if the town clerk's office was in on all this manipulating of money? It's awful strange how April's sister worked in the tax office for years and then HF moved her in with her sister who just so happens to be the assistant town administrator. I guess just one person couldn't handle all the wheeling and dealing. Every business person knows that you never put two sisters working in the same office it spells trouble! The whole town  knows April is notorious for lieing and losing important documents. Like all big politicians do Steve needs to get rid of the old administrations people and bring in new ones that he can trust. Also, these people could be informants for the washed up puppet master.



If Steve had any sense of decency, he would denounce the practices of the last 4 years and start a new leaf.  He should denounce all of this when he sworn in, in all the papers and on all the blogs.  I hope he shows he's a real man and does what's right for the Town.  Not what is good for his family and his business.



If I was Steve I would put all new people in the clerks office the people their now were under the direction of the washed up puppet master. I wouldn't trust those people as far as I could throw them. They have proven time and time again they can't be trusted. They ignore OPRA requests and told people there were no documents on Stockton yet they were coming to Hammonton and the taxpayers were paying for it. I guess they never questioned all the town money spent on Eagle Theater and I guess there is no paper work for that either. Steve give them the boot if your smart and want to run and honest and efficient government!



Anonymous wrote:

I'm wondering if the town clerk's office was in on all this manipulating of money? It's awful strange how April's sister worked in the tax office for years and then HF moved her in with her sister who just so happens to be the assistant town administrator. I guess just one person couldn't handle all the wheeling and dealing. Every business person knows that you never put two sisters working in the same office it spells trouble! The whole town  knows April is notorious for lieing and losing important documents. Like all big politicians do Steve needs to get rid of the old administrations people and bring in new ones that he can trust. Also, these people could be informants for the washed up puppet master.

 Are you for real? You are going to pick on April and her sister? Yes, they are the brains behind the curtin, a kind of Wizard of Hammonton, if you will. Let's think about this for a moment. No two sisters in the same office? Then we would have to get rid of every one in the schools, town hall, and most businesses in town, wouldn't we?  Are you being naive or are you just stupid?  No one in this town get hired unless they are related to someone. Who doesn't know that?  So stop picking on those two unless you are going to go after 99% of the town.



What about Jim Bertino what part does he have in this mess? He has been strangely silent for the past 4 years. He is the ones who wanted town employees laid off, why? What does he know and what part does in have in these shameful events.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I'm wondering if the town clerk's office was in on all this manipulating of money? It's awful strange how April's sister worked in the tax office for years and then HF moved her in with her sister who just so happens to be the assistant town administrator. I guess just one person couldn't handle all the wheeling and dealing. Every business person knows that you never put two sisters working in the same office it spells trouble! The whole town  knows April is notorious for lieing and losing important documents. Like all big politicians do Steve needs to get rid of the old administrations people and bring in new ones that he can trust. Also, these people could be informants for the washed up puppet master.

Are you for real? You are going to pick on April and her sister? Yes, they are the brains behind the curtin, a kind of Wizard of Hammonton, if you will. Let's think about this for a moment. No two sisters in the same office? Then we would have to get rid of every one in the schools, town hall, and most businesses in town, wouldn't we?  Are you being naive or are you just stupid?  No one in this town get hired unless they are related to someone. Who doesn't know that?  So stop picking on those two unless you are going to go after 99% of the town.


If the shoe fits....FYI there is a nepotism law in place where schools can't hire immediate family members I guess Hammonton is exempt from that law. No immediate family members should work in the same public office I don't care what private businesses do because that is not my money. However all public employees are funded by tax dollars therefore no immediate family members in same office I don't care who they are or know! This town needs to turn around and if Steve was smart he would start the trend.




Jim Bertino should have spoken out on all of the deals going on.  He never asked questions and when he did, his arguments were weak.  He always was more worried about getting re-elected then actually fighting for people.



Steve I hope you are reading these blogs and picking up some good information. You need to do everything that will annoy the fallen puppet master. Like... don't spend any more money downtown, turn Stockton away, stop the ruination of our lake park, rescind the layoffs, pave our roads, return services to the taxpayers and put intelligent hard working people on your boards. Steve we know you can do way better than your brother because you have no strings attached. Come on Steve be a Mayor this town will look up to and remember!



Apparently he's not reading the blogs and the puppet master is still in control.   Can you believe he put him on committees today even after knowing what he did?    They are all thieves and I really hope those that voted them in are happy with the mess they are making.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I'm wondering if the town clerk's office was in on all this manipulating of money? It's awful strange how April's sister worked in the tax office for years and then HF moved her in with her sister who just so happens to be the assistant town administrator. I guess just one person couldn't handle all the wheeling and dealing. Every business person knows that you never put two sisters working in the same office it spells trouble! The whole town  knows April is notorious for lieing and losing important documents. Like all big politicians do Steve needs to get rid of the old administrations people and bring in new ones that he can trust. Also, these people could be informants for the washed up puppet master.

Are you for real? You are going to pick on April and her sister? Yes, they are the brains behind the curtin, a kind of Wizard of Hammonton, if you will. Let's think about this for a moment. No two sisters in the same office? Then we would have to get rid of every one in the schools, town hall, and most businesses in town, wouldn't we?  Are you being naive or are you just stupid?  No one in this town get hired unless they are related to someone. Who doesn't know that?  So stop picking on those two unless you are going to go after 99% of the town.


If the shoe fits....FYI there is a nepotism law in place where schools can't hire immediate family members I guess Hammonton is exempt from that law. No immediate family members should work in the same public office I don't care what private businesses do because that is not my money. However all public employees are funded by tax dollars therefore no immediate family members in same office I don't care who they are or know! This town needs to turn around and if Steve was smart he would start the trend.


Well then let's see you make a change. FYI, you must be new here because no one gets into the schools unless they are related. Everyone knows that except for you. Look at all the last names. They are all connected to each other, even if they are in-laws, cousins, 3rd cousins, friends of cousins, etc.  There are whole families represented, husbands and wives working side by side with their kids/siblings/cousins in the same classes they teach. You just need to look at the list of teachers, the members of the school board, and their maiden names to see the connection. And the "best" names get the "special education" designation. They are the very highly paid aides who do not even have their own class to teach, they just help out the actual teacher. And they get money designated for special education to be plain old helpers.  They should wear a mask on payday. Seriously, don't tell me you don't all know this?  The school is the biggest employer in Hammonton, that is a fact. There are kids in high school right now (with the right last name) who know they will be working in the schools as soon as they graduate and get their certificates. It is a birthright.



Nepotism/Schnepotism wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I'm wondering if the town clerk's office was in on all this manipulating of money? It's awful strange how April's sister worked in the tax office for years and then HF moved her in with her sister who just so happens to be the assistant town administrator. I guess just one person couldn't handle all the wheeling and dealing. Every business person knows that you never put two sisters working in the same office it spells trouble! The whole town  knows April is notorious for lieing and losing important documents. Like all big politicians do Steve needs to get rid of the old administrations people and bring in new ones that he can trust. Also, these people could be informants for the washed up puppet master.

Are you for real? You are going to pick on April and her sister? Yes, they are the brains behind the curtin, a kind of Wizard of Hammonton, if you will. Let's think about this for a moment. No two sisters in the same office? Then we would have to get rid of every one in the schools, town hall, and most businesses in town, wouldn't we?  Are you being naive or are you just stupid?  No one in this town get hired unless they are related to someone. Who doesn't know that?  So stop picking on those two unless you are going to go after 99% of the town.


If the shoe fits....FYI there is a nepotism law in place where schools can't hire immediate family members I guess Hammonton is exempt from that law. No immediate family members should work in the same public office I don't care what private businesses do because that is not my money. However all public employees are funded by tax dollars therefore no immediate family members in same office I don't care who they are or know! This town needs to turn around and if Steve was smart he would start the trend.


Well then let's see you make a change. FYI, you must be new here because no one gets into the schools unless they are related. Everyone knows that except for you. Look at all the last names. They are all connected to each other, even if they are in-laws, cousins, 3rd cousins, friends of cousins, etc.  There are whole families represented, husbands and wives working side by side with their kids/siblings/cousins in the same classes they teach. You just need to look at the list of teachers, the members of the school board, and their maiden names to see the connection. And the "best" names get the "special education" designation. They are the very highly paid aides who do not even have their own class to teach, they just help out the actual teacher. And they get money designated for special education to be plain old helpers.  They should wear a mask on payday. Seriously, don't tell me you don't all know this?  The school is the biggest employer in Hammonton, that is a fact. There are kids in high school right now (with the right last name) who know they will be working in the schools as soon as they graduate and get their certificates. It is a birthright.


WOW  I really didn't know that. I think I know who you are talking about. That is such a disgrace. Our schools waste so much of our money.  I thought Steve fixed all the problems at the school. I guess not. Well I don't expect him to do much for the town then either.




Well then let's see you make a change. FYI, you must be new here because no one gets into the schools unless they are related. Everyone knows that except for you. Look at all the last names. They are all connected to each other, even if they are in-laws, cousins, 3rd cousins, friends of cousins, etc.  There are whole families represented, husbands and wives working side by side with their kids/siblings/cousins in the same classes they teach. You just need to look at the list of teachers, the members of the school board, and their maiden names to see the connection. And the "best" names get the "special education" designation. They are the very highly paid aides who do not even have their own class to teach, they just help out the actual teacher. And they get money designated for special education to be plain old helpers.  They should wear a mask on payday. Seriously, don't tell me you don't all know this?  The school is the biggest employer in Hammonton, that is a fact. There are kids in high school right now (with the right last name) who know they will be working in the schools as soon as they graduate and get their certificates. It is a birthright.


If the school board did an exit interview of teachers who left the Hammonton School District, they would find the number 1 reason people quit working in Hammonton schools is NEPOTISM.




Complain, complain, complaint all you do is complain and then turn around and vote for these people. Stupid is is stupid does.



Anonymous wrote:

Complain, complain, complaint all you do is complain and then turn around and vote for these people. Stupid is is stupid does.

The only regular challenger is Costa.  He's not the Answer.  So yes, I do complain and get called a naysayer.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Complain, complain, complaint all you do is complain and then turn around and vote for these people. Stupid is is stupid does.

The only regular challenger is Costa.  He's not the Answer.  So yes, I do complain and get called a naysayer.


You should run for the school board since the people on the board now are all out for themselves. Higher education means nothing in this town your last name is worth more.




Anonymous wrote:


Nepotism/Schnepotism wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I'm wondering if the town clerk's office was in on all this manipulating of money? It's awful strange how April's sister worked in the tax office for years and then HF moved her in with her sister who just so happens to be the assistant town administrator. I guess just one person couldn't handle all the wheeling and dealing. Every business person knows that you never put two sisters working in the same office it spells trouble! The whole town  knows April is notorious for lieing and losing important documents. Like all big politicians do Steve needs to get rid of the old administrations people and bring in new ones that he can trust. Also, these people could be informants for the washed up puppet master.

Are you for real? You are going to pick on April and her sister? Yes, they are the brains behind the curtin, a kind of Wizard of Hammonton, if you will. Let's think about this for a moment. No two sisters in the same office? Then we would have to get rid of every one in the schools, town hall, and most businesses in town, wouldn't we?  Are you being naive or are you just stupid?  No one in this town get hired unless they are related to someone. Who doesn't know that?  So stop picking on those two unless you are going to go after 99% of the town.


If the shoe fits....FYI there is a nepotism law in place where schools can't hire immediate family members I guess Hammonton is exempt from that law. No immediate family members should work in the same public office I don't care what private businesses do because that is not my money. However all public employees are funded by tax dollars therefore no immediate family members in same office I don't care who they are or know! This town needs to turn around and if Steve was smart he would start the trend.


Well then let's see you make a change. FYI, you must be new here because no one gets into the schools unless they are related. Everyone knows that except for you. Look at all the last names. They are all connected to each other, even if they are in-laws, cousins, 3rd cousins, friends of cousins, etc.  There are whole families represented, husbands and wives working side by side with their kids/siblings/cousins in the same classes they teach. You just need to look at the list of teachers, the members of the school board, and their maiden names to see the connection. And the "best" names get the "special education" designation. They are the very highly paid aides who do not even have their own class to teach, they just help out the actual teacher. And they get money designated for special education to be plain old helpers.  They should wear a mask on payday. Seriously, don't tell me you don't all know this?  The school is the biggest employer in Hammonton, that is a fact. There are kids in high school right now (with the right last name) who know they will be working in the schools as soon as they graduate and get their certificates. It is a birthright.


WOW  I really didn't know that. I think I know who you are talking about. That is such a disgrace. Our schools waste so much of our money.  I thought Steve fixed all the problems at the school. I guess not. Well I don't expect him to do much for the town then either.



Hey is there any special ed money to retrain the washed up puppet master so he can learn how to use a cash register in the card store? Maybe when he earns a salary of $10 an hour like most people he will realize he is just like us only he is possessed by evil and we are kind.




You forget fast he can't be trusted working a cash register he might steal the money. Since he cares so much about our downtown maybe he can scrape off the gum from the sidewalks. Maybe Stockton will give him a free education since the taxpayers will be paying 4 million for them to come here and he's the one cutting the deal with them. What commission will he get when the deal is finalized?



Where do you people get this stuff??  I hope you can PROVE your allegations!!  A deal was cut with the AG's Office??  Yea, and what color is the sky in your world??  You people should be sued for slander with all of your lies & allegations, without substantiation!!



Hey is the washed up puppet master back in action? If so you better watch you don't get sued for slander with all the false allegations you have posted. Haven't you learned your lesson yet? Jail is only a stone throw away!



Anonymous wrote:

Where do you people get this stuff??  I hope you can PROVE your allegations!!  A deal was cut with the AG's Office??  Yea, and what color is the sky in your world??  You people should be sued for slander with all of your lies & allegations, without substantiation!!

So what you are saying is the new mayor got away with stealing $200,000 worth of top soil from the airport? This is what everyone has been talking about since it happened. What are you trying to say the dirt disappeared into thin air? I guess all the witnesses were hallucinating? I'm confused! Please clarify. 




This is what happens when people become public officials. All your dirty laundry gets aired out for all the public to see and hear. ALL THE SKELETONS IN YOUR CLOSET WILL BE EXPOSED so if you have done anything wrong, anything at all it will be found out and exposed. Oh well is it worth it?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Where do you people get this stuff??  I hope you can PROVE your allegations!!  A deal was cut with the AG's Office??  Yea, and what color is the sky in your world??  You people should be sued for slander with all of your lies & allegations, without substantiation!!

So what you are saying is the new mayor got away with stealing $200,000 worth of top soil from the airport? This is what everyone has been talking about since it happened. What are you trying to say the dirt disappeared into thin air? I guess all the witnesses were hallucinating? I'm confused! Please clarify. 


If the Mayor did "steal $ 200,00 worth of top soil from the airport", why wasn't he charged criminally?  Why does he not appear in a court of law? Is it because people like you have again used allegations as fact ??? You tell me !!!




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Where do you people get this stuff??  I hope you can PROVE your allegations!!  A deal was cut with the AG's Office??  Yea, and what color is the sky in your world??  You people should be sued for slander with all of your lies & allegations, without substantiation!!

So what you are saying is the new mayor got away with stealing $200,000 worth of top soil from the airport? This is what everyone has been talking about since it happened. What are you trying to say the dirt disappeared into thin air? I guess all the witnesses were hallucinating? I'm confused! Please clarify. 


If the Mayor did "steal $ 200,00 worth of top soil from the airport", why wasn't he charged criminally?  Why does he not appear in a court of law? Is it because people like you have again used allegations as fact ??? You tell me !!!



Wow you seem to be angry. When the Gazzette always does nasty cartoons of people does that bother you? When the Gazzette never prints the truth does that bother you? Did someone hit a nerve? If it's not the truth then why do you care? Don't be so upset. Relax it's all good!





Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Where do you people get this stuff??  I hope you can PROVE your allegations!!  A deal was cut with the AG's Office??  Yea, and what color is the sky in your world??  You people should be sued for slander with all of your lies & allegations, without substantiation!!

So what you are saying is the new mayor got away with stealing $200,000 worth of top soil from the airport? This is what everyone has been talking about since it happened. What are you trying to say the dirt disappeared into thin air? I guess all the witnesses were hallucinating? I'm confused! Please clarify. 


If the Mayor did "steal $ 200,00 worth of top soil from the airport", why wasn't he charged criminally?  Why does he not appear in a court of law? Is it because people like you have again used allegations as fact ??? You tell me !!!



Wow you seem to be angry. When the Gazzette always does nasty cartoons of people does that bother you? When the Gazzette never prints the truth does that bother you? Did someone hit a nerve? If it's not the truth then why do you care? Don't be so upset. Relax it's all good!



Yes, I'm angry with people like you using rumors & allegations as FACTS !! When will you people grow up & act as adults ?? Maybe people like you need to be sued a few times to learn that rumors treated as fact will get you listed as a defendant in a civil action !! Lets stay on point here, you & others have accused someone of a criminal act. If he stole anything, bring criminal charges against him !!!!!!!




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Where do you people get this stuff??  I hope you can PROVE your allegations!!  A deal was cut with the AG's Office??  Yea, and what color is the sky in your world??  You people should be sued for slander with all of your lies & allegations, without substantiation!!

So what you are saying is the new mayor got away with stealing $200,000 worth of top soil from the airport? This is what everyone has been talking about since it happened. What are you trying to say the dirt disappeared into thin air? I guess all the witnesses were hallucinating? I'm confused! Please clarify. 


If the Mayor did "steal $ 200,00 worth of top soil from the airport", why wasn't he charged criminally?  Why does he not appear in a court of law? Is it because people like you have again used allegations as fact ??? You tell me !!!



Wow you seem to be angry. When the Gazzette always does nasty cartoons of people does that bother you? When the Gazzette never prints the truth does that bother you? Did someone hit a nerve? If it's not the truth then why do you care? Don't be so upset. Relax it's all good!





Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Where do you people get this stuff??  I hope you can PROVE your allegations!!  A deal was cut with the AG's Office??  Yea, and what color is the sky in your world??  You people should be sued for slander with all of your lies & allegations, without substantiation!!

So what you are saying is the new mayor got away with stealing $200,000 worth of top soil from the airport? This is what everyone has been talking about since it happened. What are you trying to say the dirt disappeared into thin air? I guess all the witnesses were hallucinating? I'm confused! Please clarify. 


If the Mayor did "steal $ 200,00 worth of top soil from the airport", why wasn't he charged criminally?  Why does he not appear in a court of law? Is it because people like you have again used allegations as fact ??? You tell me !!!



Wow you seem to be angry. When the Gazzette always does nasty cartoons of people does that bother you? When the Gazzette never prints the truth does that bother you? Did someone hit a nerve? If it's not the truth then why do you care? Don't be so upset. Relax it's all good!



Yes, I'm angry with people like you using rumors & allegations as FACTS !! When will you people grow up & act as adults ?? Maybe people like you need to be sued a few times to learn that rumors treated as fact will get you listed as a defendant in a civil action !! Lets stay on point here, you & others have accused someone of a criminal act. If he stole anything, bring criminal charges against him !!!!!!!



What I heard was that a settlement was agreed upon with the Attorney General and that sealed the case as closed - is this true or not? I heard that he was the one that took the dirt. I also heard that councilman Bertino caught him taking dirt from the lake park too and then when caught agreed to stop and bring it to the dump. The people in this community want answers but we want the truth. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. Threats of a lawsuit mean nothing when you know the law.




I guess it's OK when you and your party insult, belittle, accuse, try to intimidate and deform  other people's character but yet you don't like when people say things about you that could be true? How does it feel? You should always treat people the way in which you want to be treated.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Where do you people get this stuff??  I hope you can PROVE your allegations!!  A deal was cut with the AG's Office??  Yea, and what color is the sky in your world??  You people should be sued for slander with all of your lies & allegations, without substantiation!!

So what you are saying is the new mayor got away with stealing $200,000 worth of top soil from the airport? This is what everyone has been talking about since it happened. What are you trying to say the dirt disappeared into thin air? I guess all the witnesses were hallucinating? I'm confused! Please clarify. 


If the Mayor did "steal $ 200,00 worth of top soil from the airport", why wasn't he charged criminally?  Why does he not appear in a court of law? Is it because people like you have again used allegations as fact ??? You tell me !!!



Wow you seem to be angry. When the Gazzette always does nasty cartoons of people does that bother you? When the Gazzette never prints the truth does that bother you? Did someone hit a nerve? If it's not the truth then why do you care? Don't be so upset. Relax it's all good!



Yes, I'm angry with people like you using rumors & allegations as FACTS !! When will you people grow up & act as adults ?? Maybe people like you need to be sued a few times to learn that rumors treated as fact will get you listed as a defendant in a civil action !! Lets stay on point here, you & others have accused someone of a criminal act. If he stole anything, bring criminal charges against him !!!!!!!



What I heard was that a settlement was agreed upon with the Attorney General and that sealed the case as closed - is this true or not? I heard that he was the one that took the dirt. I also heard that councilman Bertino caught him taking dirt from the lake park too and then when caught agreed to stop and bring it to the dump. The people in this community want answers but we want the truth. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. Threats of a lawsuit mean nothing when you know the law.


Yes, but do you know the law? You say the following, "I also heard that councilman Bertino caught him taking dirt...". You heard this, meaning what, that councilman Bertino said this to you directly? or you heard this from another party other then Bertino? 




It's for me to know and for you not to know. I normally go to Florida for the winter but I would rather stay here and watch the bullies go down one by one like domino's.



If Steve doesn't have anything to hide he should just go public with whatever happened at the attorney general's office and put this issue to rest.



Anonymous wrote:

It's for me to know and for you not to know. I normally go to Florida for the winter but I would rather stay here and watch the bullies go down one by one like domino's.

Typical answer. Why would I expect anything else !!!!!!




If you support the new Mayor, that is fine.  But the other guy brings up an interesting point.  What happened with the airport?  Why doesn't everyone just say what happened?  If people made mistakes, ok.  Were the mistakes corrected or was dirt being removed from the Lake.

Rumors are bad but they are result of govenment not being transparent like Steve promised when when he was sworn in.



Anonymous wrote:

If you support the new Mayor, that is fine.  But the other guy brings up an interesting point.  What happened with the airport?  Why doesn't everyone just say what happened?  If people made mistakes, ok.  Were the mistakes corrected or was dirt being removed from the Lake.

Rumors are bad but they are result of govenment not being transparent like Steve promised when when he was sworn in.

You are so right. As previously mentioned all Steve has to do is tell us the truth. The truth is painless it's lies that hurt and come back to haunt you.




Tell the truth Steve. People will respect you for it and you can move on and do the job you were elected to do.



Anonymous wrote:

Tell the truth Steve. People will respect you for it and you can move on and do the job you were elected to do.

Just curious... if this was brought to light before the election would the election results have turned out differently? Would Joe Ingemi be our mayor instead?




When the incident first happened, Steve went around saying good people make mistakes.  But he would not talk about it during the campaign.  Now that he is Mayor and wants to have open government, he should talk about the airport.  He has nothing to lose.  People would respect him for it.



Anonymous wrote:


When the incident first happened, Steve went around saying good people make mistakes.  But he would not talk about it during the campaign.  Now that he is Mayor and wants to have open government, he should talk about the airport.  He has nothing to lose.  People would respect him for it.


I'm not sure if people will respect him if what people are saying he did is true. I know I don't respect anyone who commits a crime, lies about it and especially if costs me money as a taxpayer. Would you respect someone if they came into your house and robbed you of $200,000. worth of goods sold them and then admitted they did it and got no punishment for it? He has everything to lose because how can we trust him in the future and whose to say this won't happen again. Once a criminal always a criminal.




If you and I commit a crime we go to jail and get a criminal record. If a wealthy politician commits a crime he just says he's sorry - no jail time, no criminal record, no restitution.  DO YOU CONSIDER THIS JUSTICE???



I guess the Hammonton taxpayers feel that it's OK for politicians to steal town property that the taxpayers own as long as they don't raise taxes?!#$% WOW the voters are dumber than I thought.



Anonymous wrote:

What about Jim Bertino what part does he have in this mess? He has been strangely silent for the past 4 years. He is the ones who wanted town employees laid off, why? What does he know and what part does in have in these shameful events.

Yesterday, Hamilton Township laid off four policemen.  After years of the Dems in Trenton and their wild spending it looks like cutbacks will have to be made.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

What about Jim Bertino what part does he have in this mess? He has been strangely silent for the past 4 years. He is the ones who wanted town employees laid off, why? What does he know and what part does in have in these shameful events.

Yesterday, Hamilton Township laid off four policemen.  After years of the Dems in Trenton and their wild spending it looks like cutbacks will have to be made.


What does Trenton have to do with the way Hamilton township spends their money. If towns are broke you have to blame their local politicians for pissing the money away. Dah how stupid are you? Are you trying to blame Trenton for all Hammonton's problems too? Mistake at the lake, 6 million over budget on town hall, downtown renovations and all stores are closing, 4 million taxpayers have to pay for Stockton to come to Hammonton. Don't blame Trenton blame our downtown advocate!


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