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Post Info TOPIC: Town Council Meeting 01/25 Topics

Town Council Meeting 01/25 Topics

Town employees got a bonus with their checks this week a form to complete to volunteer to take furlough days ! I would imagine the next meeting will consist of how bad off we are from a few months ago when we had a surplus and just got awarded a significant rating from Princeton. I would imagine that we are doing so well that layoffs are coming next.



Anonymous wrote:

Town employees got a bonus with their checks this week a form to complete to volunteer to take furlough days ! I would imagine the next meeting will consist of how bad off we are from a few months ago when we had a surplus and just got awarded a significant rating from Princeton. I would imagine that we are doing so well that layoffs are coming next.

unfortunately this has been a reality all over the country for the past year. I don't know who was naive enough to think it would not happen to Hammonton. I don't care which party was in office, this was bound to happen. I guess people should learn to not have blind faith in any politician. People have been losing jobs, homes and businesses have tanked. The Candle Company is also up for sale now on 12th street. The casinos are tanking big time. Hammonton is no different and anyone who believed it would never happen here was just being foolish.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Town employees got a bonus with their checks this week a form to complete to volunteer to take furlough days ! I would imagine the next meeting will consist of how bad off we are from a few months ago when we had a surplus and just got awarded a significant rating from Princeton. I would imagine that we are doing so well that layoffs are coming next.

unfortunately this has been a reality all over the country for the past year. I don't know who was naive enough to think it would not happen to Hammonton. I don't care which party was in office, this was bound to happen. I guess people should learn to not have blind faith in any politician. People have been losing jobs, homes and businesses have tanked. The Candle Company is also up for sale now on 12th street. The casinos are tanking big time. Hammonton is no different and anyone who believed it would never happen here was just being foolish.



Oh no you are wrong! The Mayor said we have 10 million in surplus, we are paying down the debt, we have a double A bond rating and the town has never been so well run, in fact he had repeatedly stated that Hammonton is unaffected by the down turning economy. Look at all the vanity projects that they continue to fund. Phase II at lake park plus $50,000 in change orders for the Canoe Club and 4  million for Stockton. You must be wrong the Mayor would never lie!




The DiDonato's created these problems. If Steve would stop building houses there would be no need to hire more town employees. If they didn't own properties downtown we wouldn't need to fund all their renovations, bring Stockton to Hammonton and build a town hall on Vine St. that was double the cost of what they said.  If they didn't have problems with their septic system at the bowling alley we wouldn't have had to run water and sewer to the bowling alley. If they weren't so desperate for the senior citizen vote we wouldn't have had to build the Canoe Club. When HF first ran it was 5.9 for town hall, furniture and the Canoe Club well they are keeping the records sealed but the total cost is about 15 million dollars the cost tripled and still counting because of defects and change orders. Don't blame the economy. Blame the greedy DiDonato's, their donors and friends!



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Town employees got a bonus with their checks this week a form to complete to volunteer to take furlough days ! I would imagine the next meeting will consist of how bad off we are from a few months ago when we had a surplus and just got awarded a significant rating from Princeton. I would imagine that we are doing so well that layoffs are coming next.

unfortunately this has been a reality all over the country for the past year. I don't know who was naive enough to think it would not happen to Hammonton. I don't care which party was in office, this was bound to happen. I guess people should learn to not have blind faith in any politician. People have been losing jobs, homes and businesses have tanked. The Candle Company is also up for sale now on 12th street. The casinos are tanking big time. Hammonton is no different and anyone who believed it would never happen here was just being foolish.



Wrong, wrong, wrong.  It's ALL GOOD.  It's ALL GOOD.  Things have NEVER been better in Hammonton the HG repeatedly publishes.  We should have "blind faith" in our politicians because they continually give us bags of veggies. 




I hope they don't read the Press. They seem to draw ideas from there. Demotions and a Public Safety Director will not be far behind.



Anonymous wrote:

I hope they don't read the Press. They seem to draw ideas from there. Demotions and a Public Safety Director will not be far behind.

Is the town doing more layoffs and furloughs? Why is the school unaffected by all this?




What I can't figure out is how salaries of politicians, gov't workers, and teachers got so out of control. It seems the ones that make the most money and receive the most benefits are the ones who continue to receive more money and more benefits. I don't understand how someone who makes $100,000 a year plus receives health benefits, pension and a ridiculous amount of vacation, sick and personnel time honestly thinks they deserve more money and more benefits how greedy can you get? Why do taxpayers have to pay for college degrees for teachers so we can pay them more money for their degrees? What teachers should have learned in college is that when the source runs out (of money) then you shouldn't expect to get anything. I see other school districts are paying for their health benefits. Just because someone has a teaching degree doesn't mean they can teach. There are many people with no degrees that are more qualified to teach. Maybe that's why our kids aren't learning because people are hired because of their degree not qualifications. I think Atlantic City has the right idea. Cut at the top and keep the low paid workers who actually work.



Can anyone answer these questions: 1 - when a husband and wife both work for the town one of them gets an additional $7,000. for not taking the health insurance - because they are covered under their husband or wife. Why would they deserve this $7,000.? 2 - Why does the town have 5 police dogs that are never used but cost the tax payers a pretty penny to maintain? 3 - How can the School Board President fairly represent the Board of Education when she and her husband derive their principal family income from the town? 4 - why does HF keep saying volunteer, volunteer, volunteer when in fact they volunteer nothing? 5 - why is Mayor and Council going to talk about Stockton and how much it will cost the taxpayers in closed session isn't this a violation of the Sunshine Law what are they hiding?


Status: Offline
Posts: 29

If you get the Chief(hahahah) and the abundance of town adm.not meaning April you do a great job but the others who actually earn more than they deserve gave the ok to the furlough which everyone in America is doing now or cut some of the HEAVY hitters pay a little it would help alot. How come people like the chief always want to give money up when they know they won't have to. If they did it would be add up. People are asked all over to to do more for less, why is it so hard here?When the chief did the toy drive at kessler he delegated all the families out with him not having a family and then he would bring them to kessler! That is fact not fiction!



gravesact wrote:

If you get the Chief(hahahah) and the abundance of town adm.not meaning April you do a great job but the others who actually earn more than they deserve gave the ok to the furlough which everyone in America is doing now or cut some of the HEAVY hitters pay a little it would help alot. How come people like the chief always want to give money up when they know they won't have to. If they did it would be add up. People are asked all over to to do more for less, why is it so hard here?When the chief did the toy drive at kessler he delegated all the families out with him not having a family and then he would bring them to kessler! That is fact not fiction!

Not sure what you are trying to say. But April needs to go. HF is so stupid they don't even realize she is costing them a fortune with all her mistakes and who knows what lawsuits she may have caused the town - again for her own greed. I know her sister works with her for the town but doesn't her husband work for the town too? Talk about a family affair.




Anonymous wrote:

gravesact wrote:

If you get the Chief(hahahah) and the abundance of town adm.not meaning April you do a great job but the others who actually earn more than they deserve gave the ok to the furlough which everyone in America is doing now or cut some of the HEAVY hitters pay a little it would help alot. How come people like the chief always want to give money up when they know they won't have to. If they did it would be add up. People are asked all over to to do more for less, why is it so hard here?When the chief did the toy drive at kessler he delegated all the families out with him not having a family and then he would bring them to kessler! That is fact not fiction!

Not sure what you are trying to say. But April needs to go. HF is so stupid they don't even realize she is costing them a fortune with all her mistakes and who knows what lawsuits she may have caused the town - again for her own greed. I know her sister works with her for the town but doesn't her husband work for the town too? Talk about a family affair.


yes april must be rolling in dough because no one would check to make sure she isn't, they would just let her walk out the door with a giant paycheck, right? I surprised it fits in her handbag (LOL).  That makes sense. Why don't you run to the school webpage and look at December 17 meeting minutes to see the salary that was approved for a woman who is a "helper" at the middle school, then look at January's minutes to see the salary that was approved for another "helper" at the middle school. You know who, the one whose daddy is on the board and his sister is a teacher and his mom works at town hall where daddy used to work. And we won't even mention the new kitchen they got for free  (and I think someone owns a kitchen company???) How come no one has a problem with them and all the money the town has given them. Or all the other families that overrun the school system in both Hammonton and Folsom? 




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


gravesact wrote:

If you get the Chief(hahahah) and the abundance of town adm.not meaning April you do a great job but the others who actually earn more than they deserve gave the ok to the furlough which everyone in America is doing now or cut some of the HEAVY hitters pay a little it would help alot. How come people like the chief always want to give money up when they know they won't have to. If they did it would be add up. People are asked all over to to do more for less, why is it so hard here?When the chief did the toy drive at kessler he delegated all the families out with him not having a family and then he would bring them to kessler! That is fact not fiction!

Not sure what you are trying to say. But April needs to go. HF is so stupid they don't even realize she is costing them a fortune with all her mistakes and who knows what lawsuits she may have caused the town - again for her own greed. I know her sister works with her for the town but doesn't her husband work for the town too? Talk about a family affair.


yes april must be rolling in dough because no one would check to make sure she isn't, they would just let her walk out the door with a giant paycheck, right? I surprised it fits in her handbag (LOL).  That makes sense. Why don't you run to the school webpage and look at December 17 meeting minutes to see the salary that was approved for a woman who is a "helper" at the middle school, then look at January's minutes to see the salary that was approved for another "helper" at the middle school. You know who, the one whose daddy is on the board and his sister is a teacher and his mom works at town hall where daddy used to work. And we won't even mention the new kitchen they got for free  (and I think someone owns a kitchen company???) How come no one has a problem with them and all the money the town has given them. Or all the other families that overrun the school system in both Hammonton and Folsom? 



I think that's the point that is trying to be made here. The people who make huge salaries and do nothing and refuse to follow policy are the ones who  keep their jobs and continue to get big raises and more benfits. While the people who work, follow the rules and get paid very little never get raises and get very little benefits. Where's the logic in all this? For some odd reason the town and the school punish the people who actually work. I'm sure the one you are referring to above also gets that $7,000. insurance buy out but why? I guess it's a reward for doing nothing. Like mother like daughter, like father like son????? How much do these useless helpers make?




Sounds to me that if you want a high paying job in this town you have to know someone, be lazy, corrupt and greedy and you will do just fine. Good qualifications and hard work will get you nowhere.



Anonymous wrote:

Sounds to me that if you want a high paying job in this town you have to know someone, be lazy, corrupt and greedy and you will do just fine. Good qualifications and hard work will get you nowhere.

Since Steve wants an open government...Why doesn't the paper of record print all the politicians, school workers and town workers salaries and let the people decide what these people should or shouldn't receive. Also article in press about tuition for colleges going higher and most people are looking towards county colleges because they are cheaper. Why should kids start out at a 4 year college when so many college graduates can't find a job. Nonetheless Steve talks about educating our kids but at double the price taxpayers pay for Stockton to come here then we have to pay high tuition fees to attend. Bottom line Steve is doing nothing to create jobs in our town if fact they want businesses to close off the beat and path of downtown so he can build more houses.




I hope M&C layoff the Deputy Town Clerk and her sister tonight. They are psycho maniacs and treat customers like crap. They make so many mistakes that it's costing the town more than they are worth. What a waste of taxpayer money!


Status: Offline
Posts: 29

if you want totalk about disrepect and getting paid a high salary jod that he does not even have a degree for it would have to be the Chief!  Lg. salary short hours always is on the go in police car until recently(easter to get in and out of) threatens young children and as long as he thinks you have money than you have a friend unless you need something in return. Tell me in that room in ur basement that has metal for walls and ceilings how many of those guns or more like an arsenal are registered.



gravesact wrote:

if you want totalk about disrepect and getting paid a high salary jod that he does not even have a degree for it would have to be the Chief!  Lg. salary short hours always is on the go in police car until recently(easter to get in and out of) threatens young children and as long as he thinks you have money than you have a friend unless you need something in return. Tell me in that room in ur basement that has metal for walls and ceilings how many of those guns or more like an arsenal are registered.

Why didn't they talk about the furloughs or layoffs at tonight's meeting? I guess they don't want the public to know. Why wasn't the Town Clerk there cause they don't want to have to pay her extra?




Everyone keeps talking about putting their house up for sale before the big tax increase hits. I lived in Hammonton all my life and at my age I don't want to have to move but I guess if the tax increase is going to be that bad I won't have a choice. I feel like I'm living in a third world country too much chaos and only getting worse.

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