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Post Info TOPIC: Local Hammonton Businessman and Farmer Sam Mento III considers run for Freeholder-at-Large

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Local Hammonton Businessman and Farmer Sam Mento III considers run for Freeholder-at-Large

Sam Mento III is seriously considering  a run for Atlantic County Freeholder-at-Large in this years Novemebr elections.
Sam Mento is a local businessman in his long time family carpet business and the owner of Mento Farms a local blueberry farm.
Sam most recently ran for Atlantic County freeholder in District 5 which serves most of the western portion of Atlantic County including Hammonton. He came up short in that run against long time incumbent Jim Curcio. This was his first run for political office and had an excellent showing for a first run candidate with 44% of the vote.
If Sam does follow through with his intention to run he will be running for a seat that will represent all of Atlantic County.



Sam would be a great candidate and excellent Freeholder. He is very smart, hard working, considerate and he really cares about the people. Unlike Jim Curcio Sam is not looking for a $25,000 a year salary for working an hour a week, Sam is not looking for free health care for himself and his entire family at the cost of $15,000 and he is not looking to collect multiple pensions. All these benefits that Jim Curcio receives are paid by the unemployed, uninsured and not receiving a pension taxpayers. Sam definitely has my support and my families support. We supported him before and will continue to support him. Sam is the only man for the job!!!!!!



Always running...career candidates become career politicians.



Anonymous wrote:

Always running...career candidates become career politicians.

Hey above get your facts straight. Last year was the first year that Mento ever ran for office. It still remains a question whether he won or lost. This is Curcio's fifth term in office and he was able to secure all kinds of benefits for himself and jobs for his family. That's what you call a true career politician.....only worried about himself!




It looks like the problem is with Curcio.  But he has a few more years until he is up again. Who would Sam run against? How long has he been in office?



Anonymous wrote:

It looks like the problem is with Curcio.  But he has a few more years until he is up again. Who would Sam run against? How long has he been in office?

Curcio has always been a problem because he only cares about himself. I don't even care who Sam Mento will be running against I just want Sam to win because he is our only hope for Hammonton to get better.




I hope M&C layoff the Deputy Town Clerk and her sister tonight. They are psycho maniacs and treat customers like crap. They make so many mistakes that it's costing the town more than they are worth. What a waste of taxpayer money!



Wait a minute...I am confused.  If Curcio is the problem, how does Sam being a Freeholder accomplish anything.  Hope for Hammonton...I thought the at-large position was supposed to cast votes for the good of all of Atlantic County.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Hey above get your facts straight. Last year was the first year that Mento ever ran for office. It still remains a question whether he won or lost.


I did not know there was a question about who won or lost. 



Anonymous wrote:


Wait a minute...I am confused.  If Curcio is the problem, how does Sam being a Freeholder accomplish anything.  Hope for Hammonton...I thought the at-large position was supposed to cast votes for the good of all of Atlantic County.


Curcio does nothing for Hammonton. At least if Sam Mento is a Freeholders he will acknowledge that Hammonton exists.




It sounds like this is more about a grudge against Curcio.



Anonymous wrote:

It sounds like this is more about a grudge against Curcio.

Na it's not a grudge it's the truth. Curcio has done nothing for Hammonton. He is a taker not a giver. Mento is a giver he genuinely cares about people. Curcio genuinely cares about himself. Too many politicians are greedy and forget why they were elected. Most politicians always have their hands out and pockets open and frankly I'm sick of it. It's disgusting because people are really struggling now and most politicians could care less.




Anonymous wrote:

I hope M&C layoff the Deputy Town Clerk and her sister tonight. They are psycho maniacs and treat customers like crap. They make so many mistakes that it's costing the town more than they are worth. What a waste of taxpayer money!

they were always nice to me.  seems like someone has a hard-on for them. What is up with that?  Don't like their last names or something? What about susanne or kathy do you hate them too? sounds like a personal problem to me




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I hope M&C layoff the Deputy Town Clerk and her sister tonight. They are psycho maniacs and treat customers like crap. They make so many mistakes that it's costing the town more than they are worth. What a waste of taxpayer money!

they were always nice to me.  seems like someone has a hard-on for them. What is up with that?  Don't like their last names or something? What about susanne or kathy do you hate them too? sounds like a personal problem to me



It's not personal at all it's fact. Did you know that the town was recently audited by the state and the results were terrible with many violations...so much for a job well done by April and her sister. Like has been said they are costing us money.





Being a poor loser does not get people to vote for you in future elections. When the election is over you should shake hands (or at least call your opponent and wish them well) and see how you can help your town. Running down your opponent and town after the election will never help Hammonton.

Stop listening to your silly "advisor" ........everyone he claims to want to help never wins or worse they lose thier jobs. Election season is over, please give it a rest until next election season.



And focus on the person your actually running against.



Anonymous wrote:

Being a poor loser does not get people to vote for you in future elections. When the election is over you should shake hands (or at least call your opponent and wish them well) and see how you can help your town. Running down your opponent and town after the election will never help Hammonton.

Stop listening to your silly "advisor" ........everyone he claims to want to help never wins or worse they lose thier jobs. Election season is over, please give it a rest until next election season.

 don't think Mento is concerning himself with the past he starting the process that one would take if he or she were contemplating persuing elected office.

This could be the first time Hammonton  would have two representatives on a nine person board. 
Mento will be runnning against a Atlantic City school teacher.  I think we need less Atlantic City bosses calling the shots for the entire county. 

Hammonton and the entire county would be well represented by Sam Mento III.




Since when is a Atlantic City School Teacher a political boss?



Anonymous wrote:

Since when is a Atlantic City School Teacher a political boss?

  You know his brother the union boss.
WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER $100,000 A YEAR TEACHER ON the Free Holder board



I don't think Mento is concerning himself with the past he's starting the process that one would take if he or she were contemplating persuing elected office.

This could be the first time Hammonton  would have two representatives on a nine person board. 
Mento will be runnning against a Atlantic City school teacher.  I think we need less Atlantic City bosses calling the shots for the entire county. 

Hammonton and the entire county would be well represented by Sam Mento III.


I think Mento has a good shot against that Atlantic City guy. 



Talk about confusing

One minute people are complaining about Curcio and the next it is good to have 2 freeholders from Hammonton.

Mento supporters are acting like being from Atlantic City is bad but last year Sam ran with Atlantic City guys.

Last year, unions were great.  This year, Sam's opponent is bad because his brother is part of union.

I am confused.



Anonymous wrote:


Being a poor loser does not get people to vote for you in future elections. When the election is over you should shake hands (or at least call your opponent and wish them well) and see how you can help your town. Running down your opponent and town after the election will never help Hammonton.

Stop listening to your silly "advisor" ........everyone he claims to want to help never wins or worse they lose thier jobs. Election season is over, please give it a rest until next election season.


Who is the adviser and who lost their job? HF's winning gesture is riding by their opponents headquarters and giving everyone the middle finger. So your saying that's acceptable? No one will win against HF until the voter fraud is corrected?




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Being a poor loser does not get people to vote for you in future elections. When the election is over you should shake hands (or at least call your opponent and wish them well) and see how you can help your town. Running down your opponent and town after the election will never help Hammonton.

Stop listening to your silly "advisor" ........everyone he claims to want to help never wins or worse they lose thier jobs. Election season is over, please give it a rest until next election season.


Who is the adviser and who lost their job? HF's winning gesture is riding by their opponents headquarters and giving everyone the middle finger. So your saying that's acceptable? No one will win against HF until the voter fraud is corrected?



I think they are talking about the washed up puppet master losing his job not sure who the adviser is?????




The puppet master lost his job because the AC union boss demanded he be removed. These AC guys are no better then Craig Calloway. If you dance with the devil, you ususally get burned.

Sam learned his lesson and working with the puppet master is better than Calloway.



Sam worked with the Atlantic County Dems.  Mento never worked with the Calloways,  he enters the political arena without the big city dirty political stench.   Mitch Seim was the campaign manager. Mento just got caught up in an anti Corzine Tsunami.  
I think it would be great to have another Rep on the Freeholder Board from Hammonton. 



Anonymous wrote:

The puppet master lost his job because the AC union boss demanded he be removed. These AC guys are no better then Craig Calloway. If you dance with the devil, you ususally get burned.

Sam learned his lesson and working with the puppet master is better than Calloway.

The ashed up puppet master's relative fired him from this job. What does the AC Union boss and Craig Calloway have to do with that?? Please explain. Are you saying Steve is working with the washed up puppet master?




Good luck if you decide to run Sam.  You ran a hell of campaign for the first time.  It often takes two attempts to win elected office.



Yep, Sam got hit by the Anti-corzine wave last year and will get hit again by the anti-Obama wave this year.  He needs to give it a rest for awhile.



Anonymous wrote:


Yep, Sam got hit by the Anti-corzine wave last year and will get hit again by the anti-Obama wave this year.  He needs to give it a rest for awhile.


The average person doesn't even know who is President or Governor. If Sam is the best man for the job then people should vote for him. When the country turned on President Bush Hammonton First still got elected. How do you explain that? If Christie screws up does that mean Hammonton First won't get elected in November? Sam is a great guy and we should be honored if he was to become Freeholder.




Instead of focusing on the federal and state governments we need to focus on our local government and what's going on in our town. Will HF borrow more money to pay for Stockton, will they continue to destroy our lake park? What projects will the taxpayers fund that only benefit HF? Is the washed up puppet master still calling the shots or can Steve think on his own? What is in store for us in the next few years and when the tax increase hits will we all have to move out of Hammonton? These are the questions people should be asking since all these things will affect us as Hammontonians.



my taxes are so low i have alot of excess money to spend



Anonymous wrote:

Yep, Sam got hit by the Anti-corzine wave last year and will get hit again by the anti-Obama wave this year.  He needs to give it a rest for awhile.

Sam Mento got the lowest % of the vote out any Democrat who ran last year. Does anyone bother to check the numbers? DeMaio and Devlin, the two Atlantic City fireman received a higher % than Sam Mento.

Local Races have nothing to do with who wins. The people vote in who they feel is the best candidate. HF won all 3 seats because people like low taxes.




Anonymous wrote:

my taxes are so low i have alot of excess money to spend

 I hope you are putting it under your mattress for when we have to pay for all these stupid projects.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Yep, Sam got hit by the Anti-corzine wave last year and will get hit again by the anti-Obama wave this year.  He needs to give it a rest for awhile.

Sam Mento got the lowest % of the vote out any Democrat who ran last year. Does anyone bother to check the numbers? DeMaio and Devlin, the two Atlantic City fireman received a higher % than Sam Mento.

Local Races have nothing to do with who wins. The people vote in who they feel is the best candidate. HF won all 3 seats because people like low taxes.


Wrong stop your lies.  He had the highest% of votes of Democrats who ran for county or state office in district 5.




Anonymous wrote:

my taxes are so low i have alot of excess money to spend

 Sounds like jimmy D is out of his padded room.  Why don't you repy your family back with your extra money.



I just find it hilarious that HF can never tell the truth. The only reason why HF and Curcio won is maybe because the voting machines were tampered with??? Once a hacker always a hacker. Once a thief always a thief? Mike Tyson was a World Champion boxer he always gave the hits and never took any hits. It wasn't a punch that took him down it was his own greed, power and control that took him down. The same will happen to JD. Then the people of Hammonton will celebrate just like the people of Iraq celebrated when Saddam was hung. That kind of reputation should make JD and his family proud. Oh and by the way you are the loser not everyone else!! Get over yourself you are nothing but a nobody!



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

my taxes are so low i have alot of excess money to spend

Sounds like jimmy D is out of his padded room.  Why don't you repy your family back with your extra money.


Yeah you may have a lot of excess money to spend but so would everyone else if they stole from their families. Stop your BS and grow up you serve no purpose in this town!




The AC Press says tonight Chief of AC will be demoted and possibly replaced by a women! That's a double shot. HF would never ever appoint a woman to a high position let alone have a women tell them what to do. There ego's are too weak to have a smart woman make them look bad. I heard all the HF councilwomen only serve one term because they can only do what they are told to do including how to vote. I guess they never heard of equal rights!!!
By the way HF said we are purchasing another K-9 dog with grant money. Question: if the federal, state, and COUNTY governments are broke where is all this grant money coming from???? Didn't the COUNTY withdrawal their grant money for the Canoe Club? Isn't the COUNTY laying people off and cutting back on services? Did Councilman J. Barberio lose his county job yet?



Sam is getting close to being one of those guys who's always running for something.



Anonymous wrote:


Sam is getting close to being one of those guys who's always running for something.


You're just jealous because you can't run for anything because you're too busy running from the law. HA! Now little girl go back to your padded room!




Did anyone see the Hammonton News today? Why should any town employee have to bare the burden of financing Hammonton First's projects. We pay our taxes to receive city services not to finance the grand plans for the Donio & DiDonato empire!



Anonymous wrote:

The AC Press says tonight Chief of AC will be demoted and possibly replaced by a women! That's a double shot. HF would never ever appoint a woman to a high position let alone have a women tell them what to do. There ego's are too weak to have a smart woman make them look bad. I heard all the HF councilwomen only serve one term because they can only do what they are told to do including how to vote. I guess they never heard of equal rights!!!
By the way HF said we are purchasing another K-9 dog with grant money. Question: if the federal, state, and COUNTY governments are broke where is all this grant money coming from???? Didn't the COUNTY withdrawal their grant money for the Canoe Club? Isn't the COUNTY laying people off and cutting back on services? Did Councilman J. Barberio lose his county job yet?

yes, due to cutbacks the new K9 dog will be both female and a chihuahua..LOLOLOL
It's all good!!!!




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I hope M&C layoff the Deputy Town Clerk and her sister tonight. They are psycho maniacs and treat customers like crap. They make so many mistakes that it's costing the town more than they are worth. What a waste of taxpayer money!

they were always nice to me.  seems like someone has a hard-on for them. What is up with that?  Don't like their last names or something? What about susanne or kathy do you hate them too? sounds like a personal problem to me



It's not personal at all it's fact. Did you know that the town was recently audited by the state and the results were terrible with many violations...so much for a job well done by April and her sister. Like has been said they are costing us money.



No it is personal. Since when does April and her sister run the town? Are they in charge now?  Don't they have supervisors like Suzanne and/or the Mayor?  Duh? They are not in charge of whatever was audited so why do you say that?  Give specifics or go home.You are just spinning in circles.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I hope M&C layoff the Deputy Town Clerk and her sister tonight. They are psycho maniacs and treat customers like crap. They make so many mistakes that it's costing the town more than they are worth. What a waste of taxpayer money!

they were always nice to me.  seems like someone has a hard-on for them. What is up with that?  Don't like their last names or something? What about susanne or kathy do you hate them too? sounds like a personal problem to me



It's not personal at all it's fact. Did you know that the town was recently audited by the state and the results were terrible with many violations...so much for a job well done by April and her sister. Like has been said they are costing us money.



No it is personal. Since when does April and her sister run the town? Are they in charge now?  Don't they have supervisors like Suzanne and/or the Mayor?  Duh? They are not in charge of whatever was audited so why do you say that?  Give specifics or go home.You are just spinning in circles.



My, my you seem upset over this state audit. Example: if a cop stops a car and finds the driver to be drunk and in possession of drugs, does the Chief take the credit? No, the officer does, however it does make the Chief look good. The same goes if the town employees who run the town make a mistake. Susanne and the Mayor are never there long enough to oversee the day to day operations. Therefore if mistakes are made the clerical staff made them....so you're saying the clerical staff made the mistakes but want to blame Susanne and the Mayor for making them look bad? It just amazes me that people want the title, want the pay but when they make a mistake want to blame someone else. These two are next in line for the clerk's position - Mayor and Council better rethink that one!




So let me get this straight. The town was audited by the state and the results were not good. Now if April and her sister have nothing to do with finances then it must have been the phantom who made all these mistakes. Isn't April's sister in the finance department? So, if she has nothing to do with finances what is she doing there? Another no show job like we saw at Kessler Hospital?



RJ take your meds, stop feeling quilty, it was not your fault.



I have a hard on for the two sisters right now



Anonymous wrote:

RJ take your meds, stop feeling quilty, it was not your fault.

Boy you really don't like RJ because he speaks the truth. You're silly he's not on meds you are that's why you are so confused. You must have banged your head one too many times that's why they had to put you in the padded room. He has nothing to feel guilty about, but don't you feel guilty about throwing that single mother out of her store, using a handicapped kid for a vendetta cause your scared of a woman who is smarter than you and not afraid of you, stealing from your family, stealing airport dirt, using taxpayer money for your own benefit etc. etc. If you don't feel guilty than you probably aren't human. What do you do with all this money since you have nothing to show for it?




Is John Edwards moving into Hammonton?



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I hope M&C layoff the Deputy Town Clerk and her sister tonight. They are psycho maniacs and treat customers like crap. They make so many mistakes that it's costing the town more than they are worth. What a waste of taxpayer money!

they were always nice to me.  seems like someone has a hard-on for them. What is up with that?  Don't like their last names or something? What about susanne or kathy do you hate them too? sounds like a personal problem to me



It's not personal at all it's fact. Did you know that the town was recently audited by the state and the results were terrible with many violations...so much for a job well done by April and her sister. Like has been said they are costing us money.



No it is personal. Since when does April and her sister run the town? Are they in charge now?  Don't they have supervisors like Suzanne and/or the Mayor?  Duh? They are not in charge of whatever was audited so why do you say that?  Give specifics or go home.You are just spinning in circles.



My, my you seem upset over this state audit. Example: if a cop stops a car and finds the driver to be drunk and in possession of drugs, does the Chief take the credit? No, the officer does, however it does make the Chief look good. The same goes if the town employees who run the town make a mistake. Susanne and the Mayor are never there long enough to oversee the day to day operations. Therefore if mistakes are made the clerical staff made them....so you're saying the clerical staff made the mistakes but want to blame Susanne and the Mayor for making them look bad? It just amazes me that people want the title, want the pay but when they make a mistake want to blame someone else. These two are next in line for the clerk's position - Mayor and Council better rethink that one!



Did anyone see the AC Press today? Audit finds AC wasting 23 million, mismanagement, inefficiencies, uncalculated losses, improper city policies etc. Hammonton recently got a surprise state audit and were cited for numerous violations. Why isn't our Mayor talking about this audit? Why is everything being kept so quiet? Don't we the taxpayers have a right to know whether or not our money is being mismanaged? Why didn't the paper of record pick up on this because it's too bad to print? We the Hammonton people want to know what this audit revealed!!!!!




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I hope M&C layoff the Deputy Town Clerk and her sister tonight. They are psycho maniacs and treat customers like crap. They make so many mistakes that it's costing the town more than they are worth. What a waste of taxpayer money!

they were always nice to me.  seems like someone has a hard-on for them. What is up with that?  Don't like their last names or something? What about susanne or kathy do you hate them too? sounds like a personal problem to me



It's not personal at all it's fact. Did you know that the town was recently audited by the state and the results were terrible with many violations...so much for a job well done by April and her sister. Like has been said they are costing us money.



No it is personal. Since when does April and her sister run the town? Are they in charge now?  Don't they have supervisors like Suzanne and/or the Mayor?  Duh? They are not in charge of whatever was audited so why do you say that?  Give specifics or go home.You are just spinning in circles.



My, my you seem upset over this state audit. Example: if a cop stops a car and finds the driver to be drunk and in possession of drugs, does the Chief take the credit? No, the officer does, however it does make the Chief look good. The same goes if the town employees who run the town make a mistake. Susanne and the Mayor are never there long enough to oversee the day to day operations. Therefore if mistakes are made the clerical staff made them....so you're saying the clerical staff made the mistakes but want to blame Susanne and the Mayor for making them look bad? It just amazes me that people want the title, want the pay but when they make a mistake want to blame someone else. These two are next in line for the clerk's position - Mayor and Council better rethink that one!



Did anyone see the AC Press today? Audit finds AC wasting 23 million, mismanagement, inefficiencies, uncalculated losses, improper city policies etc. Hammonton recently got a surprise state audit and were cited for numerous violations. Why isn't our Mayor talking about this audit? Why is everything being kept so quiet? Don't we the taxpayers have a right to know whether or not our money is being mismanaged? Why didn't the paper of record pick up on this because it's too bad to print? We the Hammonton people want to know what this audit revealed!!!!!


#1: No, you are saying Susanne and the Mayor are at fault, not me. I said Audrey and April report to  a supervisor (Susanne) who then reports to the Mayor. Although I know that shi! flows downhill. Susanne (or whoever the supervisor is) is not there long enough? Really? How do you know what her job hours are? She is paid (like many other people) to do a job which includes supervising the clerical staff. They report to her. She is ultimately responsible, as they are, for any mistakes. You are saying Susanne does not do her job because she is not there long enough, not me. Please tell us where does she go?  I know you like Susanne and are only blaming Audrey and April. I don't have a problem with Susanne either.  I get that. But you are too stupid and hell bent on blaming them without realizing that they do have to report to someone. If you know all this insider information, why don't they? If the supervisor (Susanne or whomever) and the mayor (John or Steve) continue to allow these two women to make costly mistakes, then we as taxpayers should demand THEY themselves are removed from THEIR jobs because they continue to allow it, which is costing us wasted dollars.

#2:Where is all the information about Hammonton's violations? Forget AC, we don't live there. Where are you getting all this information. Please share it with us. It is too important to not share. Otherwise, you are making stuff up.



Anonymous wrote:

So let me get this straight. The town was audited by the state and the results were not good. Now if April and her sister have nothing to do with finances then it must have been the phantom who made all these mistakes. Isn't April's sister in the finance department? So, if she has nothing to do with finances what is she doing there? Another no show job like we saw at Kessler Hospital?

 April and her sister run the finance department? Have you told them. Everytime I go there they are always working.April's sister is only a clerk, so has not power idiot. Don't they give out the animal licenses and stuff like that. By the way, there were hundreds of no show jobs at Kessler because they were all at the school working part time. You know, double dipping at the state of New Jersey's expense (and our state tax dollars) has risen to an art in Hammonton.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I hope M&C layoff the Deputy Town Clerk and her sister tonight. They are psycho maniacs and treat customers like crap. They make so many mistakes that it's costing the town more than they are worth. What a waste of taxpayer money!

they were always nice to me.  seems like someone has a hard-on for them. What is up with that?  Don't like their last names or something? What about susanne or kathy do you hate them too? sounds like a personal problem to me



It's not personal at all it's fact. Did you know that the town was recently audited by the state and the results were terrible with many violations...so much for a job well done by April and her sister. Like has been said they are costing us money.



No it is personal. Since when does April and her sister run the town? Are they in charge now?  Don't they have supervisors like Suzanne and/or the Mayor?  Duh? They are not in charge of whatever was audited so why do you say that?  Give specifics or go home.You are just spinning in circles.



My, my you seem upset over this state audit. Example: if a cop stops a car and finds the driver to be drunk and in possession of drugs, does the Chief take the credit? No, the officer does, however it does make the Chief look good. The same goes if the town employees who run the town make a mistake. Susanne and the Mayor are never there long enough to oversee the day to day operations. Therefore if mistakes are made the clerical staff made them....so you're saying the clerical staff made the mistakes but want to blame Susanne and the Mayor for making them look bad? It just amazes me that people want the title, want the pay but when they make a mistake want to blame someone else. These two are next in line for the clerk's position - Mayor and Council better rethink that one!



Did anyone see the AC Press today? Audit finds AC wasting 23 million, mismanagement, inefficiencies, uncalculated losses, improper city policies etc. Hammonton recently got a surprise state audit and were cited for numerous violations. Why isn't our Mayor talking about this audit? Why is everything being kept so quiet? Don't we the taxpayers have a right to know whether or not our money is being mismanaged? Why didn't the paper of record pick up on this because it's too bad to print? We the Hammonton people want to know what this audit revealed!!!!!


#1: No, you are saying Susanne and the Mayor are at fault, not me. I said Audrey and April report to  a supervisor (Susanne) who then reports to the Mayor. Although I know that shi! flows downhill. Susanne (or whoever the supervisor is) is not there long enough? Really? How do you know what her job hours are? She is paid (like many other people) to do a job which includes supervising the clerical staff. They report to her. She is ultimately responsible, as they are, for any mistakes. You are saying Susanne does not do her job because she is not there long enough, not me. Please tell us where does she go?  I know you like Susanne and are only blaming Audrey and April. I don't have a problem with Susanne either.  I get that. But you are too stupid and hell bent on blaming them without realizing that they do have to report to someone. If you know all this insider information, why don't they? If the supervisor (Susanne or whomever) and the mayor (John or Steve) continue to allow these two women to make costly mistakes, then we as taxpayers should demand THEY themselves are removed from THEIR jobs because they continue to allow it, which is costing us wasted dollars.

#2:Where is all the information about Hammonton's violations? Forget AC, we don't live there. Where are you getting all this information. Please share it with us. It is too important to not share. Otherwise, you are making stuff up.


You are awful upset about these mistakes that April and her sister didn't make. Your saying Susanne and the Mayor are at fault, not me? Who is me? So you agree that mistakes were made? You are saying that Susanne has time to stand next to every secretary in her office and watch everything they do all day every day? How does she get her work done if she is babysitting all day? Previous posters are always talking about the federal and state gov'ts (not the county - because Jerry Barberio works for them) causing all the problems in Hammonton. It surely isn't our local gov't causing all these problems. Evidentially the state is getting fed up with all this misuse of money and all the mistakes and want to get to the bottom of it.  FYI it is up to our local officials to share this audit information with you since it is a matter of public record. Only they don't want you to know. HF will never say anything negative about the town as long as they are in office because "it's all good". However, they do blame everyone else if a problem arises.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

So let me get this straight. The town was audited by the state and the results were not good. Now if April and her sister have nothing to do with finances then it must have been the phantom who made all these mistakes. Isn't April's sister in the finance department? So, if she has nothing to do with finances what is she doing there? Another no show job like we saw at Kessler Hospital?

April and her sister run the finance department? Have you told them. Everytime I go there they are always working.April's sister is only a clerk, so has not power idiot. Don't they give out the animal licenses and stuff like that. By the way, there were hundreds of no show jobs at Kessler because they were all at the school working part time. You know, double dipping at the state of New Jersey's expense (and our state tax dollars) has risen to an art in Hammonton.


April's sister used to work in the tax office. If you haven't noticed she doesn't work in the tax office she works in the clerk's office. I've been told she is the secretary to the town's accountant. So I guess being a secretary to the town accountant you wouldn't work with figures? Does the town accountant work with figures or is that Susanne and the Mayor's job? Hey then who is watching the taxpayers money?




What's going on with the Canoe Club? Even though the weather is not the best right now I walk down the lake park and from time to time I bring my grand children so they can play. Whenever I go there I never see any activity at the Canoe Club. It's looks abandon. Does anyone know what's going on? I thought for sure this new facility would be used or should be used almost everyday. Why have a new building with such a nice view go to waste?



Anonymous wrote:

What's going on with the Canoe Club? Even though the weather is not the best right now I walk down the lake park and from time to time I bring my grand children so they can play. Whenever I go there I never see any activity at the Canoe Club. It's looks abandon. Does anyone know what's going on? I thought for sure this new facility would be used or should be used almost everyday. Why have a new building with such a nice view go to waste?

If you don't have a key for it. You're not welcome.




What's going on here? First the Stockton deal is being done behind closed doors, then talk of town employees to furlough, then a state audit with multiple violations that no one wants to take responsibility for , then no one is going to the Canoe Club? This doesn't sound good but I thought "it's all good"? Why won't the Mayor talk about these issues? Why are the taxpayers kept in the dark? Can HF please explain what's going on?



HF says they can't raise taxes because the people in Hammonton just can't afford to pay higher taxes. Soooo if they can't afford to pay their taxes how will they be able to afford to go to Stockton? After all state colleges do cost more than community colleges. Is HF double talking again?



I hear that Ingemi and Ripa will be running for council. Now that Ripa no longer works for the town she has a free and clear run. I understand they have a trump card they haven't yet played. Did anyone else hear this?



Anonymous wrote:

I hear that Ingemi and Ripa will be running for council. Now that Ripa no longer works for the town she has a free and clear run. I understand they have a trump card they haven't yet played. Did anyone else hear this?

Ingemi and Ripa will bring HF to their knees.  I also heard republican Chenzo Penza will be running with them.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

So let me get this straight. The town was audited by the state and the results were not good. Now if April and her sister have nothing to do with finances then it must have been the phantom who made all these mistakes. Isn't April's sister in the finance department? So, if she has nothing to do with finances what is she doing there? Another no show job like we saw at Kessler Hospital?

April and her sister run the finance department? Have you told them. Everytime I go there they are always working.April's sister is only a clerk, so has not power idiot. Don't they give out the animal licenses and stuff like that. By the way, there were hundreds of no show jobs at Kessler because they were all at the school working part time. You know, double dipping at the state of New Jersey's expense (and our state tax dollars) has risen to an art in Hammonton.


April's sister used to work in the tax office. If you haven't noticed she doesn't work in the tax office she works in the clerk's office. I've been told she is the secretary to the town's accountant. So I guess being a secretary to the town accountant you wouldn't work with figures? Does the town accountant work with figures or is that Susanne and the Mayor's job? Hey then who is watching the taxpayers money?


You have been told a lot about these two people. Why so interestd with all the drones that "work" there you are only interested in those 2 sisters. If she is secretary to the accountant, I would think she would work with and for the accountant. The accountant (who you will not name - only april and her sister) will be the person watching the taxpayer money, and maybe Mayor and council. I think they take turns watching the town's money .... disappear.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

So let me get this straight. The town was audited by the state and the results were not good. Now if April and her sister have nothing to do with finances then it must have been the phantom who made all these mistakes. Isn't April's sister in the finance department? So, if she has nothing to do with finances what is she doing there? Another no show job like we saw at Kessler Hospital?

April and her sister run the finance department? Have you told them. Everytime I go there they are always working.April's sister is only a clerk, so has not power idiot. Don't they give out the animal licenses and stuff like that. By the way, there were hundreds of no show jobs at Kessler because they were all at the school working part time. You know, double dipping at the state of New Jersey's expense (and our state tax dollars) has risen to an art in Hammonton.


April's sister used to work in the tax office. If you haven't noticed she doesn't work in the tax office she works in the clerk's office. I've been told she is the secretary to the town's accountant. So I guess being a secretary to the town accountant you wouldn't work with figures? Does the town accountant work with figures or is that Susanne and the Mayor's job? Hey then who is watching the taxpayers money?


You have been told a lot about these two people. Why so interestd with all the drones that "work" there you are only interested in those 2 sisters. If she is secretary to the accountant, I would think she would work with and for the accountant. The accountant (who you will not name - only april and her sister) will be the person watching the taxpayer money, and maybe Mayor and council. I think they take turns watching the town's money .... disappear.


Boy the two sisters who are making $75,000 plus don't like to be critcized




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I hope M&C layoff the Deputy Town Clerk and her sister tonight. They are psycho maniacs and treat customers like crap. They make so many mistakes that it's costing the town more than they are worth. What a waste of taxpayer money!

they were always nice to me.  seems like someone has a hard-on for them. What is up with that?  Don't like their last names or something? What about susanne or kathy do you hate them too? sounds like a personal problem to me



It's not personal at all it's fact. Did you know that the town was recently audited by the state and the results were terrible with many violations...so much for a job well done by April and her sister. Like has been said they are costing us money.



No it is personal. Since when does April and her sister run the town? Are they in charge now?  Don't they have supervisors like Suzanne and/or the Mayor?  Duh? They are not in charge of whatever was audited so why do you say that?  Give specifics or go home.You are just spinning in circles.



My, my you seem upset over this state audit. Example: if a cop stops a car and finds the driver to be drunk and in possession of drugs, does the Chief take the credit? No, the officer does, however it does make the Chief look good. The same goes if the town employees who run the town make a mistake. Susanne and the Mayor are never there long enough to oversee the day to day operations. Therefore if mistakes are made the clerical staff made them....so you're saying the clerical staff made the mistakes but want to blame Susanne and the Mayor for making them look bad? It just amazes me that people want the title, want the pay but when they make a mistake want to blame someone else. These two are next in line for the clerk's position - Mayor and Council better rethink that one!



Did anyone see the AC Press today? Audit finds AC wasting 23 million, mismanagement, inefficiencies, uncalculated losses, improper city policies etc. Hammonton recently got a surprise state audit and were cited for numerous violations. Why isn't our Mayor talking about this audit? Why is everything being kept so quiet? Don't we the taxpayers have a right to know whether or not our money is being mismanaged? Why didn't the paper of record pick up on this because it's too bad to print? We the Hammonton people want to know what this audit revealed!!!!!


#1: No, you are saying Susanne and the Mayor are at fault, not me. I said Audrey and April report to  a supervisor (Susanne) who then reports to the Mayor. Although I know that shi! flows downhill. Susanne (or whoever the supervisor is) is not there long enough? Really? How do you know what her job hours are? She is paid (like many other people) to do a job which includes supervising the clerical staff. They report to her. She is ultimately responsible, as they are, for any mistakes. You are saying Susanne does not do her job because she is not there long enough, not me. Please tell us where does she go?  I know you like Susanne and are only blaming Audrey and April. I don't have a problem with Susanne either.  I get that. But you are too stupid and hell bent on blaming them without realizing that they do have to report to someone. If you know all this insider information, why don't they? If the supervisor (Susanne or whomever) and the mayor (John or Steve) continue to allow these two women to make costly mistakes, then we as taxpayers should demand THEY themselves are removed from THEIR jobs because they continue to allow it, which is costing us wasted dollars.

#2:Where is all the information about Hammonton's violations? Forget AC, we don't live there. Where are you getting all this information. Please share it with us. It is too important to not share. Otherwise, you are making stuff up.


You are awful upset about these mistakes that April and her sister didn't make. Your saying Susanne and the Mayor are at fault, not me? Who is me? So you agree that mistakes were made? You are saying that Susanne has time to stand next to every secretary in her office and watch everything they do all day every day? How does she get her work done if she is babysitting all day? Previous posters are always talking about the federal and state gov'ts (not the county - because Jerry Barberio works for them) causing all the problems in Hammonton. It surely isn't our local gov't causing all these problems. Evidentially the state is getting fed up with all this misuse of money and all the mistakes and want to get to the bottom of it.  FYI it is up to our local officials to share this audit information with you since it is a matter of public record. Only they don't want you to know. HF will never say anything negative about the town as long as they are in office because "it's all good". However, they do blame everyone else if a problem arises.


Who's on first????
You are faulting the mayor and Susanne.  I merely stated the sisters have to report to someone who should be accountable for their actions. If the secretaries are Susanne's responsibility, then she is accouintable for them also. That is her job, right?
Haven't you ever had a job supervising people? Obviously not.

 Of course, the state and fed are getting fed up. Times are tough all over. It is about time they stop funding bulls!it Canoe Clubs and sidewalks in Hammonton with my tax dollars. I put my own sidewalk in and it was expensive. Businesses are starting to be told to put in sidewalks, except for the Main Street buddies. Our tax dollars paid for that. HF is putting twenty pounds of sh!it in a five pound bag, and that bag is really starting to leak and reek. I don't want to be around when we get hit with a massive tax increase like all those other small South Jersey towns did a few years back. Did you hear about that? It was in all the papers. Or are you just interested in April and her sister. Yeah, that is where the problem lies in Hammonton.

You, not me, are talking about mistakes. Where did you get this information? Please share with us so we can read it. It must have been somewhere in print or on the internet. Or did you overhear it at the counter at Silver Coin?  I love to sit there and just listen to everyone spill their guts.



People should not be putting the town's financials on their personal computers. While people may think their personal computers are personal - they're not! Does that answer your question?



If everything is so good then.... why is the town asking employees to furlough and why are they laying off 2 cops? Why is no one allowed to use the Canoe Club that cost us millions? Where are all the seniors? Why did the town get a surprise audit that uncovered numerous violations but no one will talk about it? Why are part time employees receiving health care benefits and other perks? WHY WHY WHY and why no answers from our elected officials who say it's all good?



Anonymous wrote:

People should not be putting the town's financials on their personal computers. While people may think their personal computers are personal - they're not! Does that answer your question?

 No it does not answer my question. Where can I read about these mistakes?  I don't listen to gossip. Where is the state report or is there on?  on blogs. 

Some people do put work on their personal computers if they are going to take that same computer home and work at home. Again, you obviously have never had a job or worked at home or worked with computers. If you did, you would know that.  What does this have to do with the two ladies who are being maligned here?  Taking work home is not a crime.  She took work home and the world is coming to an end?  Did she sell the info to the terrorists or something?  Is that what this is all about or do you have something of value to add?  Please do, otherwise you are talking nonsense and spreading more gossip.



Actually, using a personal computer for work can be illegal. Especially, if the information is confidential.  Plus, those personal computers can be seized in an investigation.



Don't worry sisters, Oddo is going down for this one.  just like Joe Pic did for town hall.  He didn't have the balls to use a sharp razor. just a butter knife that said HELP I was used and abused by HF.
It is very risky to dance with the DEVIL



What's being said on the blog must be true because HF is not defending themselves or saying otherwise and the newspaper of record is not putting it in his paper.



Has anyone seen a salt truck? I guess Councilman Rodio broke his promise once again!



Anonymous wrote:

Has anyone seen a salt truck? I guess Councilman Rodio broke his promise once again!

Deputy" doo little" Rodio refuses to let the trucks out because it will cost overtime.  I hope his decision doesn't get some one killed.




Surprise Rodio and Didonato's streets are plowed.  Thank god we didn't want them to walk 10 fett have a corinary and have an ambulance crash.



Anonymous wrote:

Surprise Rodio and Didonato's streets are plowed.  Thank god we didn't want them to walk 10 fett have a corinary and have an ambulance crash.

It seems as though all Hammonton First relatives and buddies roads got plowed. All others have to suffer because they don't support Hammonton First - what a way to run a town. Did you seniors learn yet?




Anonymous wrote:

Actually, using a personal computer for work can be illegal. Especially, if the information is confidential.  Plus, those personal computers can be seized in an investigation.

Whatever people, where are the facts? I don't care if she had naked pictures on a computer. Haven't you ever worked from home? Was she breaking a law?  Where is the information on the illegal goings on?



Since the Democrats own no property downtown, or own businesses that need water and sewer not plowing the roads after a snow storm would NEVER be tolerated. The Democrats are for the people not themselves.



Has the Canoe Club been plowed yet? Just think if these morons didn't put the Senior Center in such an isolated place they wouldn't have to do all that extra plowing! So much for saving money Huh? Speaking of out of the way places what ever happened to the restaurant at the airport? Maybe they need more fill dirt to build it.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I hear that Ingemi and Ripa will be running for council. Now that Ripa no longer works for the town she has a free and clear run. I understand they have a trump card they haven't yet played. Did anyone else hear this?

Ingemi and Ripa will bring HF to their knees.  I also heard republican Chenzo Penza will be running with them.


Why doesn't Mento run




Read the press tomorow.  It will talk about the surprise audit in Hammonton.  From what I hear Atlantic City is in better shape.  Say good bye to that triple A rating.
And, the sisters will be going down with Odddo and Zubar.  Slick Johny D got out leaving them holding the bag.



Anonymous wrote:

Read the press tomorow.  It will talk about the surprise audit in Hammonton.  From what I hear Atlantic City is in better shape.  Say good bye to that triple A rating.
And, the sisters will be going down with Odddo and Zubar.  Slick Johny D got out leaving them holding the bag.

The AC Press is actually going to print something bad about Hammonton? That's unusual, I thought HF had a in with the Press to reassure people "it's all good" in Hammonton. Will this article show we are 40 million in debt? Will the state have to come in and take over our town? Is that why the last council meeting was only 1 hour long and their faces showed a look of doom and gloom.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Read the press tomorow.  It will talk about the surprise audit in Hammonton.  From what I hear Atlantic City is in better shape.  Say good bye to that triple A rating.
And, the sisters will be going down with Odddo and Zubar.  Slick Johny D got out leaving them holding the bag.

The AC Press is actually going to print something bad about Hammonton? That's unusual, I thought HF had a in with the Press to reassure people "it's all good" in Hammonton. Will this article show we are 40 million in debt? Will the state have to come in and take over our town? Is that why the last council meeting was only 1 hour long and their faces showed a look of doom and gloom.


the guy's name was Rob something. He was at the meeting a fe months back and was mentioned by Sam. Remember when Sam started babbling because he cannot put a complete sentence together?Even DiDonato looked embarrassed. It was cringe-worthy knowing this guy was voted in, but not by me!!




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Read the press tomorow.  It will talk about the surprise audit in Hammonton.  From what I hear Atlantic City is in better shape.  Say good bye to that triple A rating.
And, the sisters will be going down with Odddo and Zubar.  Slick Johny D got out leaving them holding the bag.

The AC Press is actually going to print something bad about Hammonton? That's unusual, I thought HF had a in with the Press to reassure people "it's all good" in Hammonton. Will this article show we are 40 million in debt? Will the state have to come in and take over our town? Is that why the last council meeting was only 1 hour long and their faces showed a look of doom and gloom.


the guy's name was Rob something. He was at the meeting a fe months back and was mentioned by Sam. Remember when Sam started babbling because he cannot put a complete sentence together?Even DiDonato looked embarrassed. It was cringe-worthy knowing this guy was voted in, but not by me!!



I think you are talking about the town's CFO Rob. What did Sam say since no one can understand him, he babbles at every meeting not sure which on your talking about. What did the state find and how will that effect our town? I wonder if taxes will go up? I hope it's on the front page of the press!




HF still hasn't payed it's bills for the new town hall.  The town is being sued by many contractors.  If they pay their bills HF will have broken the bank. Now Johny D wants to start his own bank.  This smells really bad



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Read the press tomorow.  It will talk about the surprise audit in Hammonton.  From what I hear Atlantic City is in better shape.  Say good bye to that triple A rating.
And, the sisters will be going down with Odddo and Zubar.  Slick Johny D got out leaving them holding the bag.

The AC Press is actually going to print something bad about Hammonton? That's unusual, I thought HF had a in with the Press to reassure people "it's all good" in Hammonton. Will this article show we are 40 million in debt? Will the state have to come in and take over our town? Is that why the last council meeting was only 1 hour long and their faces showed a look of doom and gloom.


the guy's name was Rob something. He was at the meeting a fe months back and was mentioned by Sam. Remember when Sam started babbling because he cannot put a complete sentence together?Even DiDonato looked embarrassed. It was cringe-worthy knowing this guy was voted in, but not by me!!



I think you are talking about the town's CFO Rob. What did Sam say since no one can understand him, he babbles at every meeting not sure which on your talking about. What did the state find and how will that effect our town? I wonder if taxes will go up? I hope it's on the front page of the press!


 No, Rob was the Press guy. Sam was thanking him (maybe 2 or 3 months ago) for the article he wrote about downtown stores or some crap and he just started to ramble on and on. I wanted to get in my car and drive over there to save him from himself.  By the way, anyone miss Mr. Ed and Jimmy sparring?



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Read the press tomorow.  It will talk about the surprise audit in Hammonton.  From what I hear Atlantic City is in better shape.  Say good bye to that triple A rating.
And, the sisters will be going down with Odddo and Zubar.  Slick Johny D got out leaving them holding the bag.

The AC Press is actually going to print something bad about Hammonton? That's unusual, I thought HF had a in with the Press to reassure people "it's all good" in Hammonton. Will this article show we are 40 million in debt? Will the state have to come in and take over our town? Is that why the last council meeting was only 1 hour long and their faces showed a look of doom and gloom.


the guy's name was Rob something. He was at the meeting a fe months back and was mentioned by Sam. Remember when Sam started babbling because he cannot put a complete sentence together?Even DiDonato looked embarrassed. It was cringe-worthy knowing this guy was voted in, but not by me!!



I think you are talking about the town's CFO Rob. What did Sam say since no one can understand him, he babbles at every meeting not sure which on your talking about. What did the state find and how will that effect our town? I wonder if taxes will go up? I hope it's on the front page of the press!


No, Rob was the Press guy. Sam was thanking him (maybe 2 or 3 months ago) for the article he wrote about downtown stores or some crap and he just started to ramble on and on. I wanted to get in my car and drive over there to save him from himself.  By the way, anyone miss Mr. Ed and Jimmy sparring?


What does talking about the downtown stores have to do with the state audit? Sam has diarrhea of the mouth he needs to get that checked. Ed and Jimmy never sparred Jimmy's Hammonton First they were just playing with each other. Will anyone lose their jobs over this state audit?




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Read the press tomorow.  It will talk about the surprise audit in Hammonton.  From what I hear Atlantic City is in better shape.  Say good bye to that triple A rating.
And, the sisters will be going down with Odddo and Zubar.  Slick Johny D got out leaving them holding the bag.

The AC Press is actually going to print something bad about Hammonton? That's unusual, I thought HF had a in with the Press to reassure people "it's all good" in Hammonton. Will this article show we are 40 million in debt? Will the state have to come in and take over our town? Is that why the last council meeting was only 1 hour long and their faces showed a look of doom and gloom.


the guy's name was Rob something. He was at the meeting a fe months back and was mentioned by Sam. Remember when Sam started babbling because he cannot put a complete sentence together?Even DiDonato looked embarrassed. It was cringe-worthy knowing this guy was voted in, but not by me!!



I think you are talking about the town's CFO Rob. What did Sam say since no one can understand him, he babbles at every meeting not sure which on your talking about. What did the state find and how will that effect our town? I wonder if taxes will go up? I hope it's on the front page of the press!


No, Rob was the Press guy. Sam was thanking him (maybe 2 or 3 months ago) for the article he wrote about downtown stores or some crap and he just started to ramble on and on. I wanted to get in my car and drive over there to save him from himself.  By the way, anyone miss Mr. Ed and Jimmy sparring?


What does talking about the downtown stores have to do with the state audit? Sam has diarrhea of the mouth he needs to get that checked. Ed and Jimmy never sparred Jimmy's Hammonton First they were just playing with each other. Will anyone lose their jobs over this state audit?


Sam was thanking the guy for writing the article about downtown. I have not read nor seen any information about a state audit. I believe that was on the menu at the Silver Coin this past weekend. Atlantic City got a lot of flack, not Hammonton.




Anonymous wrote:

Read the press tomorow.  It will talk about the surprise audit in Hammonton.  From what I hear Atlantic City is in better shape.  Say good bye to that triple A rating.
And, the sisters will be going down with Odddo and Zubar.  Slick Johny D got out leaving them holding the bag.

Nothing  in the Press today.  I guess the sisters got away with it once again.            Go sisters!  Girl Power.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Read the press tomorow.  It will talk about the surprise audit in Hammonton.  From what I hear Atlantic City is in better shape.  Say good bye to that triple A rating.
And, the sisters will be going down with Odddo and Zubar.  Slick Johny D got out leaving them holding the bag.

Nothing  in the Press today.  I guess the sisters got away with it once again.            Go sisters!  Girl Power.


Interesting that you got up so early to check. Ha Ha I was just f en with the sisters and they took the bait. 




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Read the press tomorow.  It will talk about the surprise audit in Hammonton.  From what I hear Atlantic City is in better shape.  Say good bye to that triple A rating.
And, the sisters will be going down with Odddo and Zubar.  Slick Johny D got out leaving them holding the bag.

Nothing  in the Press today.  I guess the sisters got away with it once again.            Go sisters!  Girl Power.


Interesting that you got up so early to check. Ha Ha I was just f en with the sisters and they took the bait. 



Why F with them when you can get rid of them once and for all! Why is the results of this audit being kept a secret? I thought it was public information don't we have a right to know? If they are doing something illegal then they should be punished for it like every other person - no exceptions. Is it true they are being questioned by state officials? We want to hear that HF's dirty deeds are finally catching up to them. Come on don't disappoint us!




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Read the press tomorow.  It will talk about the surprise audit in Hammonton.  From what I hear Atlantic City is in better shape.  Say good bye to that triple A rating.
And, the sisters will be going down with Odddo and Zubar.  Slick Johny D got out leaving them holding the bag.

Nothing  in the Press today.  I guess the sisters got away with it once again.            Go sisters!  Girl Power.


Interesting that you got up so early to check. Ha Ha I was just f en with the sisters and they took the bait. 


 I get the paper delivered ahole. Unlike you I get my information from sources other than the grapefruit sitting on the counter at the Silver Coin.  Interesting with all the crap going on you target two females who have the least amount of power in all of Hammonton politics and Administration. Wrong last names?  Don't know if they "took the bait" as you say, I do know they are still employed, and you are still writing gossip like a teenage girl on a blog. Have a wonderful life.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Read the press tomorow.  It will talk about the surprise audit in Hammonton.  From what I hear Atlantic City is in better shape.  Say good bye to that triple A rating.
And, the sisters will be going down with Odddo and Zubar.  Slick Johny D got out leaving them holding the bag.

Nothing  in the Press today.  I guess the sisters got away with it once again.            Go sisters!  Girl Power.


Interesting that you got up so early to check. Ha Ha I was just f en with the sisters and they took the bait. 


 I get the paper delivered ahole. Unlike you I get my information from sources other than the grapefruit sitting on the counter at the Silver Coin.  Interesting with all the crap going on you target two females who have the least amount of power in all of Hammonton politics and Administration. Wrong last names?  Don't know if they "took the bait" as you say, I do know they are still employed, and you are still writing gossip like a teenage girl on a blog. Have a wonderful life.

Ha HA the two $75,000 sisters and ODDO are shaking in their boots.  I am laughin at you right now.  Thanks i have had the winter blues but I feel gtreat now.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I hear that Ingemi and Ripa will be running for council. Now that Ripa no longer works for the town she has a free and clear run. I understand they have a trump card they haven't yet played. Did anyone else hear this?

Ingemi and Ripa will bring HF to their knees.  I also heard republican Chenzo Penza will be running with them.



Mento, Ingemi and Ripa that's the ticket for 2010. They would stand up for us. Unlike the Republicans who are afraid of their own shadow. They would bring respect back to this town.





What a disgrace! Don't these people care about anyone but themselves? That is so ignorant and disrespectful! But that's what we have come to expect from HF!




I am sorry that is beneathJoe. He thinks he is too good for that position anyway. 



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Read the press tomorow.  It will talk about the surprise audit in Hammonton.  From what I hear Atlantic City is in better shape.  Say good bye to that triple A rating.
And, the sisters will be going down with Odddo and Zubar.  Slick Johny D got out leaving them holding the bag.

Nothing  in the Press today.  I guess the sisters got away with it once again.            Go sisters!  Girl Power.


Interesting that you got up so early to check. Ha Ha I was just f en with the sisters and they took the bait. 


I get the paper delivered ahole. Unlike you I get my information from sources other than the grapefruit sitting on the counter at the Silver Coin.  Interesting with all the crap going on you target two females who have the least amount of power in all of Hammonton politics and Administration. Wrong last names?  Don't know if they "took the bait" as you say, I do know they are still employed, and you are still writing gossip like a teenage girl on a blog. Have a wonderful life.

Ha HA the two $75,000 sisters and ODDO are shaking in their boots.  I am laughin at you right now.  Thanks i have had the winter blues but I feel gtreat now.



Wouldn't help your winter blues if the two sisters got laid off, KMD Builders, Vision Prperties, and the Bowling Alley went bankrupt? It would make me feel better as long as the taxpayers didn't have to bail them out. They need a taste of their own medicine!




Hammonton is an amazing town. Our school can manage their budget but the town can't. Hamilton Township was going to lay off 4 officers but instead through compromise their jobs were saved.  EHT is trying to avoid layoffs through money-saving concessions. So I ask our Mayor and Council if other towns can do it why can't Hammonton? During and economic crises did we really need a Senior Center that no one is allowed to use? Did we really need a restaurant at the airport? Did we really need to run water and sewer to the bowling alley? You would think that preserving jobs in our town would be their number one priority. Other towns raised taxes and put a hold on public projects not Hammonton we didn't raise taxes but continued to extravagantly spend money and take away peoples jobs? Makes you wonder what is really going on in Hammonton?



Anonymous wrote:

I am sorry that is beneathJoe. He thinks he is too good for that position anyway. 

Ingemi and Ripa are you kidding me!!!!  Joe's 800 votes and Robins 300 votes combined couldn't get elected in Hammonton. 




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I am sorry that is beneathJoe. He thinks he is too good for that position anyway.

Ingemi and Ripa are you kidding me!!!!  Joe's 800 votes and Robins 300 votes combined couldn't get elected in Hammonton. 



You're right people in Hammonton don't want honest, efficient government that can save the taxpayers money. They would rather have thieves that take their money and spend it on themselves and lie to the people. Yeah your right they are too smart to represent Hammonton.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I am sorry that is beneathJoe. He thinks he is too good for that position anyway.

Ingemi and Ripa are you kidding me!!!!  Joe's 800 votes and Robins 300 votes combined couldn't get elected in Hammonton. 



You're right people in Hammonton don't want honest, efficient government that can save the taxpayers money. They would rather have thieves that take their money and spend it on themselves and lie to the people. Yeah your right they are too smart to represent Hammonton.



That's because Hammonton First lied to the people once again!!! HF said Ripa threw that kid out of the park WRONG! HF said Ripa couldn't run because she worked for the town WRONG! She don't work for the town and who better to run the town than someone who was on the inside? HF said she sued the town for millions WRONG! So what lie will HF conjure up to try and trash Ripa if she runs again? HF hates Ripa because she is smarter than them and stands up to them HA HA! HF opened the door for her!




Ingemi and Ripa would be top vote getters.  Jerry V should join them to form a super ticket. 

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