Well, I think we found the most honest person in all of this wheeling and dealing in the upcoming Stockton Satellite Campus Fiasco. The Dean of Arts at Stockton admits that the satellite campus may or may not be successful. Here is his quote from the Hammonton Gazette.
"I believe this agreement will impact the Noyes in Hammonton in a positive way. If the College satellite campus takes off, then it would be great to have part of it include an art gallery. This will add to both the campus and the town, and so it will be mutually beneficial. It is hoped that courses both in Performing and Visual Arts might be carried on in conjunction with the newly refurbished Eagle Theater and the Noyes, Gregg said.
Note the use of the word If. Maybe he was just being subdued or maybe Professor Gregg realizes that there is risk in any endeavor. The only problem is the taxpayers of Hammonton are assuming all of the risk.
By the way, the Stockton plan is already changing. In 2008, the reason for the campus was teacher education (that was probably to get the school board to fork over cash). In 2009, it was for seniors to take a class (that was probably to get their votes in an election year). Now, it is for the arts.
So I can think of three reasons: 1) HF is really running around with their hair of fire and don't know whay they are doing; 2) HF has a more than casual relationship with the truth; 3) the master-plan is to have elderly teachers doing ballet (this may actually be interesting to see).
Let's see Stockton coming to Hammonton - it has nothing to do with higher education for teachers so that we can pay teachers more money. It's not about letting senior citizens taking classes to keep them occupied the Canoe Club was suppose to offer a wide variety of classes for free for the seniors or maybe HF just said that to get their votes. It's not about the arts in our community we are not and Ivy League town we are a farm community! I'll tell you what it's about - increasing the property value for the people who own buildings down town. I wonder who owns all those buildings downtown? This just can't be another project that only benefits HF could it?? If Stockton came to Hammonton it would be the dumbest move they ever made and their reputation will be tarnished for making such a careless investment
I think that Stockton is beginning to realize that they are being duped by HF. Maybe the recent scandal with one of HF's lead donors has made Stockton rethink their association with HF especially since some of their staff regularly praise HF in the HG. Stockton's success is depended on full public support not the support of a few downtown landowners. It is Greed that might kill Stockton from having success in Hammonton.
What most people don't understand it that colleges are like a business. The cost of books is the biggest joke. Most new books cost $100. or more and used ones aren't much cheaper. What makes me laugh is every semester they change the books so that you can't sell them back or give them to someone else to use. It's the biggest rip off and no one ever questions these colleges and how badly they are over charging students. That's why people are getting so upset because it is such a obvious rip off. The best is when a professor tells you to buy the book and after the return date tells you you won't be needing the book!
When Stockton comes to Hammonton and burdens the taxpayers with the expense of their building etc. I sincerely hope that the struggling taxpayers will write letters to their state representatives to encourage the state to cut back their funding to Stockton since they carelessly take advantage of the struggling taxpayers of Hammonton for no apparent reason other than to help the rich in our town get richer. This is not the purpose of college campuses or grant money funded by tax dollars.