Re-read the HF by-laws....what a great and interesting read ( I hope that the people that actually are members read this document. It brings up some interesting points that to a casual observer run counter to the ideas of cooperation and openness.
The first thing is:
How can Brian Howell serve as solicitor of the Town and yet have his office as the official, legal address of Hammonton First? Section 2. Principal Office
. The principal office of the
Corporation of the State of New Jersey shall be Law Office
of Brian G. Howell, P.O. Box 679, 231 Bellvue Avenue,
located in the town of Hammonton, County of Atlantic and
State of New Jersey.
Doesn't this give the appearance of partisanship is what is supposed to be the non-partisan office of Solicitor.
Second, if someone runs for office not as HF they are no longer considered members.
Any member of the Corporation shall be deemed to haveresigned if he or she is a candidate for local officerepresenting any political group other that Hammonton First
in a local partisan election.
This would make sense for a standard political party, ie, Dem or Rep. But Hammonton First is supposed to be a group that brings different political parties together. I guess you have to first give up your allegiance to your party. Plus, their purpose is: - to support those candidates for public office possessing
the experience, vision, energy and integrity capable of
providing the people of Hammonton, New Jersey with a costefficient,
open and honest government of which they can be
So according HF, an individual can never possess experience, vision, and integrity if they run as Republican or Democrat.What a way to create divisions in the Town and turn people off from serving. So according HF, an individual can never possess experience, vision, and integrity if they run as Republican or Democrat.What a way to create divisions in the Town and turn people off from serving.
Hammonton First always contradicts themselves in the same sentence. They have no political experience or experience in municipal government. It's amazing how this group with absolutely no experience got elected. Now you know why our town is in such bad shape and getting worst.
I thought it was a laugh when Tracy Petrongolo announceds loudly that she's a Republican when in fact to run for HF you have to leave your party and change your affiliation.