In between hiring a lobbyist at taxpayer expense and jamming Stockton down our throats, I can only assume that Mayor DiDonato and his HF friends are planning a budget. While alot of towns like Mullica ( offer budget workshops where citizens can attend and comment and scrutinize, not Hammonton.
Hammonton plans its budget in secret and we hear about it at the meeting where it is voted on. Maybe open and honest government only applies to family and friends
Everything they do is top secret even how they got elected when everyone says they didn't vote for them. This town is really f'ed up but until people start complaining and challenging them they will continue this sneaky wheeling and dealing. They keep getting richer and richer and we keep getting poorer and poorer.
What is the story with the budget why won't mayor and council talk about it? What are they hiding? Can they prove that we are in good shape financially? If so why are they talking about laying off cops and making other employees take furloughs? What is the story? why won't they answer? Their actions are the opposite of their words. Why are the council meetings so short? What are they hiding????
What I can't seem to figure out is while other towns are laying off employees, why does our town need a town clerk and an assistant? Or if these are the two people running the town and calling the shots then why do we need a mayor and council? It seems as thought we have nine people doing the same job. Which means about $500,000. in taxpayer money. What is going on? Watching the last meeting they said a person who was promoted years ago just got the approval from civil service? That's odd since civil service approves within a year but this took many years to approve. I wonder if that person received an increase in pay even though their title wasn't approved? More important why did it take them so long to approve it? Is this another one of HF's sneaky don't let the public know we are promoting people?
Obviously, things here are just as bad here as they are in other towns. Everyone is laying off, or closing down one day a week in order to save $$$. I believe the council and Mayor are scrambling because their backs are up against the wall. They have to do something and soon. they are checking under couch cushions looking for spare change. They know they have to do something drastic but they are trying to get the taxpayers of America to pay for it thru federal or state dollar. They will do anything except raise taxes here. So they will continue to embarrass us by having us looking like we are a poverty area, like they did with the schools.
The fact of the matter is they have not one thought of what to do. They did a lot of talking but didn't realize what they were saying. They should have raised taxes a little bit every year like every other town. They should have done furloughs like every other town - but no Johnny D. said it would jeopardize the public's safety WTF does that mean? They should cut the salaries of the over paid do nothing employees just like every other town. They should be cutting at the top but they are just to dumb. So they hire a lobbyist to get grants that have been cut??? Dah how dumb can they get? Plus look at all the money spent at the lake and airport that no one uses again dumb move. The only problem is that they don't even learn from their mistakes because they are that dumb.
I think that our Mayor and Council should leed by example and DO NOT accept a salary, health benefits and / or pension and that goes for the solicitor too>