While the Rep and Dems have a month and a half to select candidates, the real fun starts in June when HF picks its candidates. You see HF has a loophole...they are a non-party party. So they get to wait until after the primary.
But it should be a challenge for HF to recruit or keep candidates as the try to match their propaganda of prosperity with harsh economic realities. Will they be able to find a team to help Steve kick the can down the road? Will there be enough low-turnout parties and vegetable deliveries to prevent HF from creating a circular firing squad? Is HF facing dissent within their party that may further alienate potential candidates?
Question worth pondering as we wait for the snow to melt.
hey rich i would think HF should have no problem finding someone to run with sam and jeanie. after all they win all the time also they win big two to one or better wow. all that and no new taxes higher surpluss higher bond rating lower debt. hey did you see the job on the last three storms. WOW i guess thats why rich you have to make up lies. lies lies. the truth is the truth rich come up with some facts and then go ask them at the next meeting.
Well, if you want facts read audit reports from 2006-2008 (2009 has not been done yet). You will see that under Note 17 in the Capital Debt section our total issued debt was 31 million in 2004 35 million in 2005 37 million in 2006 39.6 million in 2007 43 million in 2008 (This does not include the 1 million borrowed for Boyer Ave fields)
The reader may also find the following information in Exhibit A-1 of each audit in 2006 our excess revenue (operating surplus) was 2.7 million and of that we spent 1.7 million in 2007 our excess revenue was 2.4 million and we spent 2.8 million in 2008 our excess was 1.7 million and we spent 2.3 million
So in 2007 and 2008, we not only spent all of our operating surplus, actually dipped into savings. _____________________ If you are referring to Rich Jacobus, I would advise you to read the Hammonton News rather than the Gazette. (I realize as HF you are obligated to read the Gazette so read both). In the Hammonton News, 2 weeks ago, Rich Jacobus rightly praised Mayor Steve DiDonato on snow removal. ____________________________________________
If you have the inside track which I doubt (maybe you just think you do), then kudos for Jeannie for running again. Her employment with Stockton and the multi-million Stockton deal may be of interest to voters. But if she truly believes in the cause, then my hat off to her. _________________ Speaking of identities, it is great the have your comments back on the blog.
hey rich i would think HF should have no problem finding someone to run with sam and jeanie. after all they win all the time also they win big two to one or better wow. all that and no new taxes higher surpluss higher bond rating lower debt. hey did you see the job on the last three storms. WOW i guess thats why rich you have to make up lies. lies lies. the truth is the truth rich come up with some facts and then go ask them at the next meeting.
I can't wait to see if Sam and Jeanie run cause they will be trashed so bad. Sam can't complete a sentence and Jeanie has a conflict with bringing Stockton to Hammonton and making the taxpayers foot the bill. Let the trashing begin. Seems as though Barberio is not happy. He f'ed up the Canoe Club voted for change orders and then voted not to pay for the change orders. How screwed up is that???? Maybe he realizes they just used him as their jackass - you know someone to blame when they screw up. LOL