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Post Info TOPIC: A story only HF could write...
Toxic Avenger

A story only HF could write...


Well, it seems that HF are not quite the managers they think they are and one can argue that there incompetitence is costing us money.

Now, HF will spin this as being the guardians against the terrible, terrible idea of COAH.  But let's look at this closely. 

First, this is age-restricted housing so it does not burden the school system.  Plus, with 12 empty stores in our downtown and of those filled, 3 are second hand stores and another is a flea market (berlin auction anyone?), it is hard to see how some lower income seniors will hurt our "prestigious" downtown.

Second, if HF is so against this project, why did they re-hire the solicitor and give him a raise.  Obviously, the initial law suit was lost while he was solicitor.

Third, why has another project been reviewed and discussed in secret.  I laughed when Brian Howell advised Council not to speak.  Why start speaking openly on something now?

Fourth, I wonder how Steve feels being on the receiving end of a can kicked down the road, especially, when his brother did the kicking.  He should think about that as he puts together our budget in the shadows.

Whether you are for or against this project.  One thing is certain...another mismanaged project by HF to add to the Town Hall and the Canoe Club and Lake. 


I remember when the Dems voted for Plymouth Place

We were told there would be no impact on the school system with Plymouth Place.

Toxic Avenger

RE: A story only HF could write...

Again you assume, I speak for the Dems or that I even care what the Democrats have done or continue to do.  I may have been a supporter of HF at one time or maybe I am a big supporter of the Republicans.  

In response to what you said, since this is senior housing, I tend to think that they will not be going to any of our schools unless they have been held back for about 50 years.  But to the point you made if HF were open with the public maybe we could have learned what the whole plan is about and make a sound judgment. 

But again, everything is done in the shadows and now we have more law suits and court costs to deal with.  Well, at least, Brian Howell is able to charge hours.



Anonymous wrote:

We were told there would be no impact on the school system with Plymouth Place.

 What were you told when KMD or Poretta or Continisio put up all those 4 and 5 bedrooms house?  Oh, that's right, they don't go before the board.

They don't want senior housing unless they build it, rent it, own it or control it.  End of discussion.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

We were told there would be no impact on the school system with Plymouth Place.

What were you told when KMD or Poretta or Continisio put up all those 4 and 5 bedrooms house?  Oh, that's right, they don't go before the board.

They don't want senior housing unless they build it, rent it, own it or control it.  End of discussion.


Very well said! You hit the nail right on the head! It's not about what's good for our town or the people in it. It's all about what is good for them and what will make them more money at any cost to us. Hasn't this been proven with what happened with Kessler? It's happening again with our town. GREED GREED and more GREED. They are addicted to money. That's why they were so desperate to get reelected! It's just a shame the voters in Hammonton can be so easily be manipulated.




Anonymous wrote:

We were told there would be no impact on the school system with Plymouth Place.

Please stop this project. This low income housing is not what Hammonton needs because it will ruin our schools and overstress our police. COAH will be changed because Chris Chistie knows forced low income housing is ruining towns.

Tell John Bee to sell his snake oil in North Jersey. The last thing Hammonton needs is a know-it-all from North Jersey who only wants to make money from our town. I never agree with Hammonton First but they are right stopping this used car salesman.


Toxic Avenger


Well, I can't see how seniors in the town will burden our school and police.  But the public will never be sure because we will have only yours and HF's propaganda to go on.  Everything is secret. 

Funny...you never mention how a college campus may overburden our police.  I also guess that you will fight any potential cuts to the police department in this year's budget because you are concerned about overburdening police especially if we have to cut an officer from the force to pay for the lobbyist.

You accuse John Bee of selling snake oil.  You should check out who owns some questionable property on 2nd St.  I think you will find a prominent HF appointee.  One standard for HF and one for everyone else.

Toxic Avenger

The proposal

Here is the original proposal.  It also can be viewed at http://www.tapash.net/pr02.htm

The National Institute for Brownfields Redevelopment (NIBR) and Tapash have undertaken redevelopment of three contiguous derelict sites called the Cooperative, Modern and Aggressive Buildings in Hammonton, New Jersey. This supports the recent HUD initiative to redevelop Brownfield sites according to the directive by the HUD Secretary. In this HFMA finance application at this time, we present plans to redevelop the Cooperative, Modern and Aggressive properties along with the small contiguous including the Woodward property into three adjacent Senior Citizen Care Facilities. We have the support of the NJ Small Cities Program, the Mayor and Council of Hammonton, the Chamber of Commerce, the Planning Board, Atlantic County Executive and State and County elected officials (see Appendix: Letters of Support).


These Senior Citizen Facilities will provide a continuum of care

Independent Living Apartments for Senior Citizens able to care for themselves; Day Care Center to allow seniors that need basic care and a socially supportive setting to continue to live in their own homes or with their working families; Assisted Living Facility (ALF). We are developing a 60 to 120 bed Assisted Living Facility for seniors that need 24-hour nursing and specialist supervision.We want to start a New Industry for Hammonton to replace the now defunct Clothing Industry- Senior Citizen Care - bringing over 75 local jobs and tax dollars to replace the contribution of clothing manufacture lost in the 1960s. The Senior Citizens will support the professionals and restaurants on Bellview Avenue as well as food and linen service providers and retailers throughout the Town.


The Facility will result in Better Health for the Seniors of Hammonton.

The Synergy developed between the Independent Living Apartments, the Senior Day Care and the Assisted Living Facility should promote interest, reaching needy Seniors. There are a significant number of Shut-Ins in the community depressed or frail Seniors who have difficulty leaving their homes. These Seniors could greatly benefit from the socialization and medical supervision offered by the Senior Day-Care. Atlantic County is interested in supporting the project.

We are committed to maintaining and improving the character of the neighborhood

by retaining the old trees and enhancing the quiet residential character of the neighborhood.


There is an opportunity to develop a new City Park in the West End section of Town:

We have the support of City Council to close West End Avenue to through traffic, to develop an inner city park adjacent to the Modern and Cooperative Buildings with parking under the mature trees on West End Avenue. West End Avenue, adjacent to the Modern and Cooperative Buildings, is a very quiet residential street that would be landscaped to form the basis of an inner city park.

Skilled Nursing is available in Town. The program will benefit the Financial Stability of

Kessler Hospital in that most Seniors attracted to the facility will at one time need their skilled nursing.




The Plan was developed with support and encouragement from all members of the Hammonton Council; the Mayor of Hammonton; Anthony Barresi, Chairman of the Planning Board; Joe Pantalone, Hammonton Committee for Economic Development; Sam Pignotelli, Chairman, Chamber of Commerce; John Woods, of the Main Street Program: Roger Hoeh, Administrator, Small Cities Program and Lauren Moore, NJ Dept. of Commerce. The Plan was developed by John Bee, President of NIBR, with Marilyn Goldsmith, a Registered Nurse, Health-Care Administrator and MBA from the Wharton School of Business; Peter Poretta, Architect and MBA; Ralph Duffield, Project Manager; Jim Donnelly, President of Senior Care; Lou Maffa, CFO & Warren Gager, CEO of Kessler Hospital with Robert Buckman, Attorney with Archer Greiner.


We have made significant progress to date:


Acquired Options and Closed on the Major PropertiesConducted Title Searches and Appraisals according to HUD GuidelinesCompleted an Environmental Audit. Removed Underground Tanks and AsbestosDeveloped a Business PlanEnlisted the Support of the Town of Hammonton in taking the steps necessary to create a Redevelopment ZoneBased on this Plan, the Town obtained Grant Money from State Agencies to demolish the Aggressive Building and form a Redevelopment Zone.Obtained the Endorsement of the County Executive, State and County Elected Officials.Commissioned a Feasibility Study by an Independent Health-Care Consulting FirmCompleted a Competitive Marketing Study of services offered by Care Facilities Developed Engineering and Architectural DrawingsDeveloped Accurate Construction Costs and a 4-year Operating and Staffing Budget that was factored into the Feasibility Study.
bulletWe can look for support from Atlantic County. NIBR has obtained assurances from Atlantic County Executive and Atlantic County Intergenerational Services that they will support the project. We are exploring the feasibility of providing direct services from Atlantic County to the facility residents and possibly providing space for County programs at the facility, including their nutrition program.
bulletNear completion of the Demolition of the Modern Building.
We have obtained endorsements from Frank Lobiondo, Congressman; Atlantic County Executive, Dennis Levinson; Kirk Connover, Chairman, Atlantic County Freeholders; the Greater Hammonton Chamber of Commerce; the Hammonton Main Street Program; Senator Leonard Connors District 9; Assemblymen Christopher Connors & Jeffrey Moran; ; Senator Martha Bark; James Curcio (Freeholder); & Kenneth LeFevre, State Assemblyman 2nd District.


NIBR is excited about the prospect of developing this Seniors Project with the Town.

The project will replace three derelict and economically blighted warehouses called the Cooperative, Modern and Aggressive Buildings in Hammonton with a modern Senior Center with an Assisted Living Facility, Senior Daycare and Independent Living Apartments.

We will complete the Feasibility & Financial studies

needed for the HFMA application. We will require an initial $3.2 to build and start up the first phase the first two wings of independent living apartments on the Cooperative property and a total of $15.2 million to underwrite the financing of the remainder of the project construction and start-up. 

We have presented the plan that was based upon various assurances from Town Officials at numerous meetings with all the Council. We have received the support of the Hammonton Town Council members for this worthy effort that will help to revitalize the downtown area and this neighborhood while providing local Seniors with the care they need in the 21st Century, and in doing so will create a legacy of caring.

In reliance of the understanding NIBR had with the Council, NIBR has made a significant commitment to this project.

The investment to date by NIBR is $678,000 for the purchase of properties and options and Engineering, Architectural, Business Plans, Feasibility Reports and Legal Fees. The estimated project cost for professionals and land is $1,099,095



This effort has the potential to turn around a blighted neighborhood into a viable Center for Excellence for Senior Citizen Care.

According to the feasibility study by KA Associates of Cranbury for the assisted living facility, the project makes enough money to cover operating cost after the first 11 months of start-up. After 14 months the facility will pay the operating costs and the mortgage.


K.A believes that there is a sufficient demand for a 120-bed Assisted Living Facility (ALF) in Hammonton, New Jersey.

NIBR will build the facility in phases and operate the facility. The Location of Hammonton on the Atlantic City Expressway and Main Rail Line midway between Philadelphia and Atlantic City will attract Seniors from a wide area.



RE: A story only HF could write...

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

We were told there would be no impact on the school system with Plymouth Place.

Please stop this project. This low income housing is not what Hammonton needs because it will ruin our schools and overstress our police. COAH will be changed because Chris Chistie knows forced low income housing is ruining towns.

Tell John Bee to sell his snake oil in North Jersey. The last thing Hammonton needs is a know-it-all from North Jersey who only wants to make money from our town. I never agree with Hammonton First but they are right stopping this used car salesman.


Plymouth Place certainly did not work out in Hammonton's favor.


Toxic Avenger


This is such typical HF.  They twist the story.  They are scaring people with the idea of Plymouth Place in order to win their point and cover up their incompetence. 

This is exacty the same thing the Gazette and the people that became HF did when the Town got approved to make the area around the train station a transit village, a source of funding.  In fear that it would mean the Town Hall not being on Vine, they said it was a transient village, some sort of reception area for vagrants.

Now, without presenting the public with the whole story, they are going and saying that  this senior housing will be Plymouth Place.  

I would like to hear the whole story...is the proposed project what was presented in the press release I posted on this sight? Why does HF object?  An assisted living facility or senior housing is NOT Plymouth place so it seems that the idea of senior housing is against HF's elite image. 



OK now I'm totally confused! First HF gives out veggies bags to seniors to get their vote then they spend almost 2 million dollars of taxpayer money to build a senior center down the lake that the seniors will not use, now they want to deprive seniors affordable housing? It seems as though they only like the seniors before and election then after they forget about them. Town Hall couldn't be built on 11th st. because they came up with every excuse under the sun. Yet, HF said to put a skate park where kids play next to train tracks and a college campus. All's HF does is lie and make up stories that benefit their needs and their pockets. The people in this town are so uninformed they don't know what to believe. HF keeps everything a secret because they don't want the truth exposed they want to put their own twist on things. Tell me HF how does Stockton benefit seniors or any taxpayer for that matter. I hope your Stockton project fails and bankrupts this town then it will make Stockton look really bad but that's what they deserve!!!!! We need to have a community meeting without HF and bring the media here and the press and lets get the truth. Why can't we chanllenge Stockton to come here and talk to us since HF won't???????



Toxic Avenger wrote:

This is such typical HF.  They twist the story.  They are scaring people with the idea of Plymouth Place in order to win their point and cover up their incompetence. 

Or just maybe the people of Hammonton don't think that Plymouth Place was such a great idea.  When the Dems voted that one in, we were told it was going to be a good deal.



Anonymous wrote:


Toxic Avenger wrote:

This is such typical HF.  They twist the story.  They are scaring people with the idea of Plymouth Place in order to win their point and cover up their incompetence.

Or just maybe the people of Hammonton don't think that Plymouth Place was such a great idea.  When the Dems voted that one in, we were told it was going to be a good deal.


What the hell is wrong with you people????
You know as well as everyone else in Hammonton that both Republicans and Democrats voted for Plymouth Place and in fact the council was majority Republican. The Planning Board was also Republican majority and Republican led and several of those people are now Hammonton First.
Stop the lying and finger pointing. It is so unproductive and turns people off to your party. All three parties have been guilty of it. Hammonton First stays very positive with their campaigns and press releases, etc. but they are the worst attackers on the blogs.




Your right HF does stay very positive because it's all good. They don't want the people to know the truth because the truth is bad. Who are they fooling? I guess all the snow was good, the earthquakes around the world are good, the Presidents health care reform is good, spending foolishly and borrowing money to keep spending is good, drugs in our school is good.....get the point? Why can't HF just be honest? When is Mayor Steve gonna stop kicking the can and tell us about the proposed budget for the town? We want to see it on channel 9 all other politicians talk about it to the public why can't he????? We know it's not all good so stop lying to yourself and everyone else!!



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Toxic Avenger wrote:

This is such typical HF.  They twist the story.  They are scaring people with the idea of Plymouth Place in order to win their point and cover up their incompetence.

Or just maybe the people of Hammonton don't think that Plymouth Place was such a great idea.  When the Dems voted that one in, we were told it was going to be a good deal.


What the hell is wrong with you people????
You know as well as everyone else in Hammonton that both Republicans and Democrats voted for Plymouth Place and in fact the council was majority Republican. The Planning Board was also Republican majority and Republican led and several of those people are now Hammonton First.
Stop the lying and finger pointing. It is so unproductive and turns people off to your party. All three parties have been guilty of it. Hammonton First stays very positive with their campaigns and press releases, etc. but they are the worst attackers on the blogs.



Plymouth Place I thought was state mandated? Whether it was or wasn't it has been a problem. However it has also become a problem for taxpayers when the sewer moratorium was lifted and the builders in this town KMD and his partner Continisio etc. went crazy building housing developments and houses on every little tini tiny piece of property. Which means, more trash, more water usage, more sewer usage, more traffic, more accidents, more town employees, more cops and lets not forget bigger schools, more teachers and administrators etc. So lets see who made all the money here and who is still paying for their greed? You guessed it the builders made the money and the taxpayers are still paying.




Why does the government have to be involved in everything? If senior housing is needed, let private industry build it. These government subsidy programs always benefit the politically coneected builder of the project (in this case, John Bee) and rarely help the local community.

I would rather have local builders develop Hammonton with local control and oversight. Look at the mess left by the bankrupt developer on Old Forks road. Poor design and drainage followed by a bankruptcy. The money was quickly pocketed by the developer and Hammonton is left holding the bag.

The senior residents of our town deserve better.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Toxic Avenger wrote:

This is such typical HF.  They twist the story.  They are scaring people with the idea of Plymouth Place in order to win their point and cover up their incompetence.

Or just maybe the people of Hammonton don't think that Plymouth Place was such a great idea.  When the Dems voted that one in, we were told it was going to be a good deal.


What the hell is wrong with you people????
You know as well as everyone else in Hammonton that both Republicans and Democrats voted for Plymouth Place and in fact the council was majority Republican. The Planning Board was also Republican majority and Republican led and several of those people are now Hammonton First.
Stop the lying and finger pointing. It is so unproductive and turns people off to your party. All three parties have been guilty of it. Hammonton First stays very positive with their campaigns and press releases, etc. but they are the worst attackers on the blogs.



Plymouth Place I thought was state mandated? Whether it was or wasn't it has been a problem. However it has also become a problem for taxpayers when the sewer moratorium was lifted and the builders in this town KMD and his partner Continisio etc. went crazy building housing developments and houses on every little tini tiny piece of property. Which means, more trash, more water usage, more sewer usage, more traffic, more accidents, more town employees, more cops and lets not forget bigger schools, more teachers and administrators etc. So lets see who made all the money here and who is still paying for their greed? You guessed it the builders made the money and the taxpayers are still paying.


You know, it must be me but I live near Plymouth Place and there is not too much going on there that I know of. Why don't I read more of this in the local papers? Maybe because nothing happens? I read about our buddies with the drugs on their farms and blowing up houses on Washington Street and things like that but nothing about this place. Why is that? Is someone protecting someone who lives there?


Toxic Avenger


I am laughing at the comment that we should let local developers handle things as if they are not politically connected.  Hmmm...

Let's have Steve DiDonato, the Mayor's company, KMD build the senior housing.  He can probably give a discount since he also appointed himself to the planning board.

George Mortellite, the John DiDonato's "economic advocate", can help with site selection.  He has great timing.  Hammonton rejected Lowe's but approved his bringing ACE Hardware to town.  Kessler closed in the morning and he had a meeting with Atlanticare in the afternoon and now they are building on his property.

John DiDonato can help with financing since he will now be on the board of a new bank.

If they plan on using the area around West End Grill, keep it historic looking.  Afterall, Hometown Heritage owns property on 12th street right next to Fiesta Mexicana and near Mazzeo studio. That is Jim Donio's family's real estate company.

ML Ruberton can provide home insurance..that is Mickey Pullia's company. 

The Gazettte can run the advertising...it is also Donio-owned.

No way are our local real estate people politically connected. Ha Ha! 

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