Well, it seems like HF has not been forthcoming with the truth on Stockton.
1. At the August 2009 Council meeting, John DiDonato was unsure about what the project entailed on Stockton. He just kept saying that Stockton was supportive and we would try to get more grant funding for Stockton.
2. In an Oct 7, AC Press Article, Brian Howell said there were no plans to borrow for the project.
3. At the January Council meeting, Brian Howell outlined plan where Hammonton using federal funds along with Stockton would buy the building. Hammonton would refurbish it and charge Stockton rent to pay for the refurbishment plus profit. Then, the building would eventually be turned over to Stockton. Mayor Steve added that Hammonton would finance.
4. Now according to the Gazette, one of the reasons for the lobbyist is the help with Stockton.
"Some of the projects the town is looking to fund through federal grant dollars include road and airport improvements, water and sewer projects such as Pine and Oak Road, the Stockton College partnership and funding for the police department, according to DiDonato"
So, we can take 2 lessons from this fiasco: -We are moving forward with a project without any funding plan. -We are already paying for Stockton with Brian Howell's fees and the lobbyist fees.
The egos of HF are writing checks on behalf of the taxpayers.
Too bad the Gazette is so biased for Stockton. They should be asking more questions and get some of the info that is being kept secret by HF. The Gazette should not have a problem wit this..they were very good at getting closed session information from the school board.
Since when is the town allowed to charge rent? They aren't it's illegal. Weren't they having all kinds of problems with how to handle the money at the Canoe Club. HF just can't get it through their thick heads that you can't run the town like you run a private business. That's why everything is so F'ed up!!!
Turn up the heat people, this is our best chance to push for the truth! The HG won't publish the truth. No one will dare say it in public out of fear of vendetta.