This week's headlines: Town Council: No tax increase
Notice the Gazette did not state in the first headline: School Board: No Tax Increase, even though school board specifically took a tax increase off the table.
Once again the Gazette has given the impression of pettiness towards the school board by not giving proper credit in its headlines. And of course, the the Town Council is made out to be heroes.
It is surprising that HF has to raise all that money to win elections. Since the Gazette provides them with what amounts to free advertising 52 weeks a year.
The Gazette had certainly earned its nickname: The Hammonton First Gazette. Instead of paper of record, it is the paper of bias.
Maybe this is all a misunderstanding that could be cleared up if the Gazette stops charging the town for legal advertisments and writes an article about how we only have a 3.8 million dollar surplus according to the Town Accountant since it was the Gazette that reported last year that we have an $11 million surplus.
This week's headlines: Town Council: No tax increase
Notice the Gazette did not state in the first headline: School Board: No Tax Increase, even though school board specifically took a tax increase off the table.
Once again the Gazette has given the impression of pettiness towards the school board by not giving proper credit in its headlines. And of course, the the Town Council is made out to be heroes.
It is surprising that HF has to raise all that money to win elections. Since the Gazette provides them with what amounts to free advertising 52 weeks a year.
The Gazette had certainly earned its nickname: The Hammonton First Gazette. Instead of paper of record, it is the paper of bias.
Maybe this is all a misunderstanding that could be cleared up if the Gazette stops charging the town for legal advertisments and writes an article about how we only have a 3.8 million dollar surplus according to the Town Accountant since it was the Gazette that reported last year that we have an $11 million surplus.
The lies printed in that paper is costing Hammonton Millions. They glorify HF councilmembers as gods who do no wrong.
OMG, you are kidding me. We refer to it as the GAG ZETTE, and I don't even read it. I think everybody should boycott buying it and placing ads in it. See if he gets the message. Kudos to the Hammonton News for covering stories that the GAG ZETTE doesn't. Maybe the editor is going to run for council, he would fit it perfectly since stealing and lying runs in the family.