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Post Info TOPIC: Hammonton First's Real Reason for Cutting Police

Hammonton First's Real Reason for Cutting Police

Let's see, the police agree to give HF the money to assist in balancing the budget shortfall (note:we have a 3.4 million surplus). The money is given in the form of no overtime for 2010, 0 % raise for 2010 and the deal is good for this year. So, if all they wanted was money, how come the money is not enough? If they were concerned about the safety of the town and to the officers themselves, the deal should be signed. Perhaps the vendetta continues against the current Chief, the baton has sort of passed from one brother to the next, what else could be the motive? You were given what you need, but you want more.



I loved how the PBA guy hit the nail right on the head:

The Town used the surplus each year for the past several years to offset tax increases.

You see Hammonton was never in great shape.  The piggies were just breaking into the piggy bank!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why can't Mayor "Open and Honest Government" Steve DiDonato, Mr. "I don't pay my taxes" Pullia, and "Curveball" Rodio just admit that HF has run the town into the ground?

How many more days until HF gets voted out?  Maybe if the voters send a strong enough message, Steve and his pals will resign.



Just Say No To RODIO in 2010



Why don't we just start a cue and over throw our suck ass government in Hammonton? Let's run them and their supporters out of this town NOW!!!!!!!!


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Anonymous wrote:

Why don't we just start a cue and over throw our suck ass government in Hammonton? Let's run them and their supporters out of this town NOW!!!!!!!!

I think you mean coup.


Recall Steve


Someone should start the process for recalling the Mayor.  The town can't survive 3 more years of this.



Admin wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Why don't we just start a cue and over throw our suck ass government in Hammonton? Let's run them and their supporters out of this town NOW!!!!!!!!

I think you mean coup.







HF has it in for the police dept. First they drum up false charges against the Chief which cost the taxpayers over $100,000. Then they changed the logo on the police cars to be blueberries which made them look like pansies riding around with freakin blueberries on the sides of their cars which again cost taxpayers thousands. Then they denied a sick police officer sick time which cost the taxpayers thousands in legal fees. Then didnt they layoff a police dept. secretary last year? Not sure if she has an attorney. They just keep harassing the police dept. and wont let up until they destroy it so I say instead of pissing away all of this freakin taxpayer money on attorneys because you are trying to accomplish a hateful deed and will not succeed use this money to pay the salaries of the officers you dumb *******s! Vendettas will only cause you more grief so stop wasting our money!!!!!!!!! Oh and get a life!



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Why don't we just start a cue and over throw our suck ass government in Hammonton? Let's run them and their supporters out of this town NOW!!!!!!!!

I think you mean coup.





 i think you mean "oops"

I think people better start selling their homes now because once that tax increase hits, it is going to be a whopper.



Instead of cutting police why don't they cut their calorie intake? Then maybe they won't be so mean and nasty.



Anonymous wrote:

Instead of cutting police why don't they cut their calorie intake? Then maybe they won't be so mean and nasty.

How about this, Steve, Jerry and Mickey eat less, and Sam stop being the 2 face that he is and picking on town volunteers. And Gribbon stop sitting there like he really knows whats going on. Oh on don't forget Jean, I don't have anything to say unless the puppet masterr tells her so. 



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Instead of cutting police why don't they cut their calorie intake? Then maybe they won't be so mean and nasty.

How about this, Steve, Jerry and Mickey eat less, and Sam stop being the 2 face that he is and picking on town volunteers. And Gribbon stop sitting there like he really knows whats going on. Oh on don't forget Jean, I don't have anything to say unless the puppet masterr tells her so.


Sounds good but I have one better....why don't Jerry and Jeannie resign from their county and state jobs funded by taxpayers to show how much they really care about the struggling taxpayers of Hammonton? Why don't Mayor and Council give up their entire salary paid to them from the town again to show much they care about the struggling taxpayers of Hammonton. Like the Gayzette said everyone needs to sacrifice and volunteer!!! Let's see if they will listen to one of their masters.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Instead of cutting police why don't they cut their calorie intake? Then maybe they won't be so mean and nasty.

How about this, Steve, Jerry and Mickey eat less, and Sam stop being the 2 face that he is and picking on town volunteers. And Gribbon stop sitting there like he really knows whats going on. Oh on don't forget Jean, I don't have anything to say unless the puppet masterr tells her so.


Sounds good but I have one better....why don't Jerry and Jeannie resign from their county and state jobs funded by taxpayers to show how much they really care about the struggling taxpayers of Hammonton? Why don't Mayor and Council give up their entire salary paid to them from the town again to show much they care about the struggling taxpayers of Hammonton. Like the Gayzette said everyone needs to sacrifice and volunteer!!! Let's see if they will listen to one of their masters.


We all need to make sacrifice. I'm going to sacrifice and not buy the HG anymore.  I'll just use the paper bags from the grocery store to cover the bottom of my birdcages from now on. 




We need to give Mayor and Council an enema so we can get rid of that bunch of waste! HA HA They can use the same kind as they use for horses so they don't loose the bottle. LOL LOL LOL - You have to admit this is a good one!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Instead of cutting police why don't they cut their calorie intake? Then maybe they won't be so mean and nasty.

How about this, Steve, Jerry and Mickey eat less, and Sam stop being the 2 face that he is and picking on town volunteers. And Gribbon stop sitting there like he really knows whats going on. Oh on don't forget Jean, I don't have anything to say unless the puppet masterr tells her so.


Sounds good but I have one better....why don't Jerry and Jeannie resign from their county and state jobs funded by taxpayers to show how much they really care about the struggling taxpayers of Hammonton? Why don't Mayor and Council give up their entire salary paid to them from the town again to show much they care about the struggling taxpayers of Hammonton. Like the Gayzette said everyone needs to sacrifice and volunteer!!! Let's see if they will listen to one of their masters.


We all need to make sacrifice. I'm going to sacrifice and not buy the HG anymore.  I'll just use the paper bags from the grocery store to cover the bottom of my birdcages from now on. 


Typical immature people with their comments !!  Why don't you people stick to the facts (if that is what you want to call them !!) and stop the personal attacks !!  I'm sure all of you are in "perfect physical condition" ; just don't look in the mirror !!!  Oh, that's right, you can't look in the mirror and not be disgusted by what you see !


Watching Every Move.


The real reason the town has to lay off so many officers is Mickey hasn't paid his taxes yet. Hey mickey do ya think you will find time this year to pay your taxes? Or are you to busy cashing your check as a councilman. They should withhold your  council paychecks until you pay your taxes. Or are you to busy figuring out who else you can screw over around town. How about the insurance, isn't that a conflict? How about family in the PD and you sit in on contracts. yes its all good for them. Don't worry Mickey you'll be 1 and done.



Watching Every Move. wrote:

The real reason the town has to lay off so many officers is Mickey hasn't paid his taxes yet. Hey mickey do ya think you will find time this year to pay your taxes? Or are you to busy cashing your check as a councilman. They should withhold your  council paychecks until you pay your taxes. Or are you to busy figuring out who else you can screw over around town. How about the insurance, isn't that a conflict? How about family in the PD and you sit in on contracts. yes its all good for them. Don't worry Mickey you'll be 1 and done.

Oh I just love the above post. True true true! Wasn't it him and his family that screwed the entire town when they ran Kessler into the ground because of their greed? Maybe he can do the same for the Town since we are almost bankrupt anyway. Funny how he doesn't pay his bills but expects everyone else to pay theirs! It's all about taking and never giving that's how he makes his money. He has a lot of conflicts as a councilman but notice he doesn't recues himself. He has always been ****y and arrogant nothing new.




Anonymous wrote:

Watching Every Move. wrote:

The real reason the town has to lay off so many officers is Mickey hasn't paid his taxes yet. Hey mickey do ya think you will find time this year to pay your taxes? Or are you to busy cashing your check as a councilman. They should withhold your  council paychecks until you pay your taxes. Or are you to busy figuring out who else you can screw over around town. How about the insurance, isn't that a conflict? How about family in the PD and you sit in on contracts. yes its all good for them. Don't worry Mickey you'll be 1 and done.

Oh I just love the above post. True true true! Wasn't it him and his family that screwed the entire town when they ran Kessler into the ground because of their greed? Maybe he can do the same for the Town since we are almost bankrupt anyway. Funny how he doesn't pay his bills but expects everyone else to pay theirs! It's all about taking and never giving that's how he makes his money. He has a lot of conflicts as a councilman but notice he doesn't recues himself. He has always been ****y and arrogant nothing new.


I just don't get it how someone how someone can get elected who is in delinquent in his debts.  Our country, state, and town are in debt because we elect people who can't balance their own checkbooks or pay someone to do it for them.   If it were a Republican or Democrat who was delinquent the HG would be all over it and put it in bold as its Top Headline with a lengthy editorial by the publisher.



I think the people in Hammonton all know the Gayzette never prints the truth. It's not a newspaper because it doesn't report the news it's only his/her personal opinion of people. He/she hates the people that won't tolerate his/her crap. He/she is very sensitive can dish it out but can't take it.

Falcone Now


Mickey, you have spit in the faces of the hard working people of Hammonton. Why don't you pay your taxes? Do you think you are special? How do you sit on council and have so many conflicts? You should really do the right thing pay your taxes. You do know many people are talking about you all over town. If you paid your taxes they probably wouldn't have to lay off so many employees? Yes Mickey its all good, maybe for you. We are all wondering just why a certain tabloid hasn't written about this yet? Thats right its the wrong party, we don't smear them. I hope that Falcone exposes all the HFers for what they are. 



Falcone Now wrote:

Mickey, you have spit in the faces of the hard working people of Hammonton. Why don't you pay your taxes? Do you think you are special? How do you sit on council and have so many conflicts? You should really do the right thing pay your taxes. You do know many people are talking about you all over town. If you paid your taxes they probably wouldn't have to lay off so many employees? Yes Mickey its all good, maybe for you. We are all wondering just why a certain tabloid hasn't written about this yet? Thats right its the wrong party, we don't smear them. I hope that Falcone exposes all the HFers for what they are.

The Firsters have a lot of skeletons in their closets - lots and lots! Rich peoples motto: take from the poor to give to the rich so the rich can get richer! You think the Gayzette would at least talk about all the new spring fashions that we can purchase downtown. Has anyone seen those stupid signs with arrows showing people where the downtown shopping district is?? How desperate are they? Why not just hire people to stand on every street corner with maps and free blueberries maybe that will encourage people to shop downtown. NOT! Because of HF, I would rather travel 50 miles and pay triple then to shop downtown.




Falcone Now wrote:

Mickey, you have spit in the faces of the hard working people of Hammonton. Why don't you pay your taxes? Do you think you are special? How do you sit on council and have so many conflicts? You should really do the right thing pay your taxes. You do know many people are talking about you all over town. If you paid your taxes they probably wouldn't have to lay off so many employees? Yes Mickey its all good, maybe for you. We are all wondering just why a certain tabloid hasn't written about this yet? Thats right its the wrong party, we don't smear them. I hope that Falcone exposes all the HFers for what they are. 

Mickey, I was just thinking May 1st is coming and taxes are due. So do ya think you can find town hall and pay your taxes? .




Mickey, to pay your taxes , the window is located on the second floor of the new town hall. Up the steps from where you go for council meetings. I'm sure you know where its located. If not just ask I'm sure one of the workers about to be laid off could/would be more than willing to assist you.



Anonymous wrote:

Mickey, to pay your taxes , the window is located on the second floor of the new town hall. Up the steps from where you go for council meetings. I'm sure you know where its located. If not just ask I'm sure one of the workers about to be laid off could/would be more than willing to assist you.

Uh Mickey if I were you I would use the elevator because if you use the steps and put weight on the handrail you might break it and with money being so tight the taxpayers can't afford to fix it and we sure can't afford for the town's insurance to go up even though you are desperate for money! HA! Mickey and Sam go away you are evil and greedy u too Steve - ya know what all of Mayor and Council needS to go away. You want the town you live and grew up in to be the best it has ever been? THEN RESIGN ALL OF YOU AND GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM!



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Howdy, this has been an excellent informative article! I definitely appreciate all of your wisdom. Thanks alot .

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