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Post Info TOPIC: HF trying to close Chief's hearing!!!

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HF trying to close Chief's hearing!!!

It was reported today that the Mayor and Councilman Colasurdo are trying to use some technical clause to keep the public out of the hearing for Chief Ingemi scheduled for Monday morning at 10 am. The hearing is set for Town Hall on Monday and if it goes till Tuesday it will move to the firehouse on the White Horse Pike because the courtroom is used for regular court on Tuesday. According to NJ law and the Town of Hammonton handbook the Chief has the right to have his hearing open to the public. Why is HF trying to deny the Chief his rights? Is this the open government that we were promised? What are they trying to hide? What are they so worried about? As soon as more information is available it will be posted on the Hammonton Democratic website.

A phone vote was taken of the Mayor & Council today. Mr Bertino was unavailable because he was attending the Chamber of Commerce forum. The remaining Republican members voted to have the hearing open to the public. The HF representatives, as I am sure you can guess, all voted for closed session. The first question that leaps to mind is, how could the Mayor and Councilman Colasurdo vote on this issue since they are the ones who brought the charges against the Chief? They have recused from every vote concerning this issue so far, and rightfully so. Now they decide to vote when it takes away the rights of the Chief. It is obvious that if the vote was retaken without them and when Mr Bertino was available, the hearing would be open. So with that realization, they changed the stance they have maintained for every vote so far and voted. I am sure this will be the first issue the judge will have to rule on Monday morning.

Why not go to the Town of Hammonton website and send an email to every Council member demanding the hearing to be in open session. Leave a voice mail for each member also.
I just checked the website and it has not been updated with the new council members yet, I'm sure it would have been done if HF had won.
Try these emails for the new members.  jerry.vitalo@hammontongop.com  
and  anthony.marino@hammontongop.com

Here is a link to the document signed by Mayor DiDonato and Councilman Colasurdo where in the first paragraph it advises the Chief of his right to have the offenses discussed in a public hearing. Click Here

-- Edited by Admin at 09:31, 2007-02-09



Admin wrote:

It was reported today that the Mayor and Councilman Colasurdo are trying to use some technical clause to keep the public out of the hearing for Chief Ingemi scheduled for Monday morning at 10 am. The hearing is set for Town Hall on Monday and if it goes till Tuesday it will move to the firehouse on the White Horse Pike because the courtroom is used for regular court on Tuesday. According to NJ law and the Town of Hammonton handbook the Chief has the right to have his hearing open to the public. Why is HF trying to deny the Chief his rights? Is this the open government that we were promised? What are they trying to hide? What are they so worried about? As soon as more information is available it will be posted on the Hammonton Democratic website.

A phone vote was taken of the Mayor & Council today. Mr Bertino was unavailable because he was attending the Chamber of Commerce forum. The remaining Republican members voted to have the hearing open to the public. The HF representatives, as I am sure you can guess, all voted for closed session. The first question that leaps to mind is, how could the Mayor and Councilman Colasurdo vote on this issue since they are the ones who brought the charges against the Chief? They have recused from every vote concerning this issue so far, and rightfully so. Now they decide to vote when it takes away the rights of the Chief. It is obvious that if the vote was retaken without them and when Mr Bertino was available, the hearing would be open. So with that realization, they changed the stance they have maintained for every vote so far and voted. I am sure this will be the first issue the judge will have to rule on Monday morning.

Why not go to the Town of Hammonton website and send an email to every Council member demanding the hearing to be in open session. Leave a voice mail for each member also.
I just checked the website and it has not been updated with the new council members yet, I'm sure it would have been done if HF had won.
Try these emails for the new members. jerry.vitalo@hammontongop.com
and anthony.marino@hammontongop.com

-- Edited by Admin at 22:23, 2007-02-08

 The arrogrance that HF displays that cost them the election still won't go away.  If they wanted the public to know the real truth about what happened then they would open it to the public.  It seems to me is that all they want to destroy the chief not to have "open government."  Shame on HF for voting UNANIMOUS on this.  I used to blame only the mayor and RC on this.  Now I blame the entire HF corporation.



The admin knows, if he had a clue as a school board member, that personnel matters are closed session items.  The Chief's attorney originally requested open session, maybe now he wants it closed.  Council cannot force it to be an open session.

-- Edited by Admin at 08:24, 2007-02-09

-- Edited by Admin at 08:23, 2007-02-09


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As a member of the school board I DO KNOW. The employee had the right to have his hearing in open session. The Board had no say in this choice. I know for a fact that the Chief wants it in open session and the council is denying him his rights.
In the notice given to the Chief advising him of the charges filed against him it says:
"YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Hammonton, New Jersey will meet in special executive session on November 9, 2006 at 7:oo pm to consider your dismissal from the department and/or other disciplinary measures and penalties in lieu of dismissal, as are warranted by the character of the offenses listed below. Because your employment rights may be adversely affected, you may request that the offenses listed below be discussed in a public hearing. Should you desire public discussion of these offenses, you must prepare and present an appropriate request in writing."

I will try and scan this and post it later so that you know it is presented here word for word. It is clear that they informed him of his right to have the hearing in open session and now they want to deny him that right.



Where is this recall petition that was supposed to go around???  We need to do something about the HF arrogance.

They are a disgrace.  Open government my ass!!!!!



The letter Jim MacLane posted is a letter written which can only be provided to the employee, Frank Ingemi. So clearly, MacLane had to receive that letter from Ingemi or someone Ingemi gave the letter to.

The letter clearly states that the meeting wll be n closed session unless Ingemi requests an open session in writing.

If Ingemi had requested in writing, then why not have MacLane post that letter?

Since Ingemi apparently did not request this in public, it has to be in open session. If he wants it in public session, write down the request and provide it to Mayor and Council!


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I have not asked the Chief for a copy of that letter so I do not have a copy of it to post.



Here is a hint---- the Chief never sent a letter because he doesn't want an open session. If he wants an open session he can put it in writing. All this post represents is political bashing.


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The Chief wants the hearing in open session,

HAMMONTON -- The disciplinary hearing for Police Chief Frank Ingemi has been rescheduled for Feb. 12.

Louis M. Barbone of Atlantic City is seeking the dismissal of the charges, which were filed Oct. 12 against the veteran law enforcement officer. Ingemi, 57, has served as police chief since 1999.

Retired Judge Richard Williams will oversee the Feb. 12 hearing, which will be held in open session, the chief said Thursday.

The hearing was previously scheduled for Jan. 15.

Williams is expected to rule on Barbone's motion at the upcoming hearing, which will be held in Town Hall council chambers.

Mayor John DiDonato and Councilman Rock Colasurdo signed the charges against Ingemi.

The complaint indicates that Ingemi allegedly violated sections of the town's police ordinance including willful disobedience of orders; making threats and other improper influence in official and political matters; official misconduct and conduct unbecoming an officer.

Ingemi has since filed suit against the town seeking to recoup his legal fees if he is vindicated in the matter.

Originally published January 24, 2007

So not only are you calling me a liar, you are also calling the Hammonton News reporter a liar. Now who's bashing??????



Even he Catholic Church wrote last week about the Hammonton News misleading the public. The bottom line is the Cheif clearly liked to TAK to reporters.

If he wants an open session meeting he has to PUT IT IN WRITING. His attorney knows the difference.



It’s obvious they got the request from the Chief because if they didn’t they wouldn’t need this vote. They just never thought he would request a public hearing.



Here s another hint--- there was no vote. This never happened.



Looks like again the Republicans fed this blog bad information.



Anonymous wrote:

Looks like again the Republicans fed this blog bad information.

 :juggle:  <---Don't drop the ball now!



The Catholioc Church has been misleading the public for two thousand years.  They are pros at it.



This Hammonton First party is the biggest bunch of political scumbags I have ever seen.  I thought the Bush cronies were bad.  What a bunch of sneaky bastards!!!



I'm sick and tired of HF coverups.  This has been a embarrassment for the whole Town of Hammonton.  The public wants answers, they want to see the truth and hear the truth. 



You're right.  The public wants an "open government" like HF promised.  I guess that why it was no surprise when they were swept in November.



He is gaurenteed an open public trial.

Why can't we hold Hammonton First responsible for these illegal acts?

Even going back to the illegal cover-up of asbestos.  Why arn't they held accountable for all the illegal crap they've tried to pull???

If it wan't for the Democrats, they would be getting away with it all, too.  The spinless Republicans won't do anything about it.


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The vote itself has to be called into question. According to the NJ Sunshine law, any official action taken by the governing body must give the public 48 hours notice before such action is taken and that action must be taken in a public session so that the public has input into the decision. The only exception to this law is for emergency situations. These charges were filed in October and they have had all of that time to have this discussion, therefore this is not an emergent situation. This phone vote is illegal.



Can the public press charges against the mayor?  You know our prosecuter will never do it.


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Yes, individuals can file charges.
Click here
to see NJ Stautes addressing the Sunshine Law.



So, not only is it illeagal for them to close the hearing, it is also illeagal for them to vote and conduct business on public matters this way too.



Just for a bit of a reality check, personnel matters have to be in closed session unless the Chief requests it in writing.  Since he did not request it in writing, it can't be in open session.

The Chief is entitled to his own reasons for not putting his request in writing and keeping it in closed session.  He does not have to explain them.


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You obviously have not been reading the blogs the last two days, we already discussed that. If the Chief did not request the hearing in open session in writing, there would be no need for the vote that was taken. If the request was not written, it would be in closed session. But since there was a vote, then it would have been in response to the Chief's written request. However, it is still an illegal vote.



There was no vote.  This is all being made up.

If there was a letter from the Chief, post it.

If there was a vote, have the Republicans who you say voted no stand up and say it.



If this were true, why are the Republicans who were supposedly involved in the vote not saying anything?



This is actually pretty simple to resolve. Scan the chiefs letter on to this website if there was one. Also have Anthony Marino & Jerry Vitalo reply stating if there was a vote.



Admin wrote:

It was reported today that the Mayor and Councilman Colasurdo are trying to use some technical clause to keep the public out of the hearing for Chief Ingemi scheduled for Monday morning at 10 am. The hearing is set for Town Hall on Monday and if it goes till Tuesday it will move to the firehouse on the White Horse Pike because the courtroom is used for regular court on Tuesday. According to NJ law and the Town of Hammonton handbook the Chief has the right to have his hearing open to the public. Why is HF trying to deny the Chief his rights? Is this the open government that we were promised? What are they trying to hide? What are they so worried about? As soon as more information is available it will be posted on the Hammonton Democratic website.

A phone vote was taken of the Mayor & Council today. Mr Bertino was unavailable because he was attending the Chamber of Commerce forum. The remaining Republican members voted to have the hearing open to the public. The HF representatives, as I am sure you can guess, all voted for closed session. The first question that leaps to mind is, how could the Mayor and Councilman Colasurdo vote on this issue since they are the ones who brought the charges against the Chief? They have recused from every vote concerning this issue so far, and rightfully so. Now they decide to vote when it takes away the rights of the Chief. It is obvious that if the vote was retaken without them and when Mr Bertino was available, the hearing would be open. So with that realization, they changed the stance they have maintained for every vote so far and voted. I am sure this will be the first issue the judge will have to rule on Monday morning.

Why not go to the Town of Hammonton website and send an email to every Council member demanding the hearing to be in open session. Leave a voice mail for each member also.
I just checked the website and it has not been updated with the new council members yet, I'm sure it would have been done if HF had won.
Try these emails for the new members.  jerry.vitalo@hammontongop.com  
and  anthony.marino@hammontongop.com

Here is a link to the document signed by Mayor DiDonato and Councilman Colasurdo where in the first paragraph it advises the Chief of his right to have the offenses discussed in a public hearing. Click Here

-- Edited by Admin at 09:31, 2007-02-09


This is claiming that (a) there was a vote, (b) the writer knows who voted, and (c) the Chief put a request for an open meeting in writing. If that were true, why not post the Chiefs letter along with statements by the Republican councilman who voted on an open session?



Admin wrote:

As a member of the school board I DO KNOW. The employee had the right to have his hearing in open session. The Board had no say in this choice. I know for a fact that the Chief wants it in open session and the council is denying him his rights.
In the notice given to the Chief advising him of the charges filed against him it says:
"YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Hammonton, New Jersey will meet in special executive session on November 9, 2006 at 7:oo pm to consider your dismissal from the department and/or other disciplinary measures and penalties in lieu of dismissal, as are warranted by the character of the offenses listed below. Because your employment rights may be adversely affected, you may request that the offenses listed below be discussed in a public hearing. Should you desire public discussion of these offenses, you must prepare and present an appropriate request in writing."

I will try and scan this and post it later so that you know it is presented here word for word. It is clear that they informed him of his right to have the hearing in open session and now they want to deny him that right.


Why not just post the Chiefs letter? This letter from council was also a closed session item but the Chief apparently gave it out. So posting the Chiefs request, if he made one, for an open session should be no big deal.



Admin wrote:

The Chief wants the hearing in open session,

HAMMONTON -- The disciplinary hearing for Police Chief Frank Ingemi has been rescheduled for Feb. 12.

Louis M. Barbone of Atlantic City is seeking the dismissal of the charges, which were filed Oct. 12 against the veteran law enforcement officer. Ingemi, 57, has served as police chief since 1999.

Retired Judge Richard Williams will oversee the Feb. 12 hearing, which will be held in open session, the chief said Thursday.

The hearing was previously scheduled for Jan. 15.

Williams is expected to rule on Barbone's motion at the upcoming hearing, which will be held in Town Hall council chambers.

Mayor John DiDonato and Councilman Rock Colasurdo signed the charges against Ingemi.

The complaint indicates that Ingemi allegedly violated sections of the town's police ordinance including willful disobedience of orders; making threats and other improper influence in official and political matters; official misconduct and conduct unbecoming an officer.

Ingemi has since filed suit against the town seeking to recoup his legal fees if he is vindicated in the matter.

Originally published January 24, 2007

So not only are you calling me a liar, you are also calling the Hammonton News reporter a liar. Now who's bashing??????


Since the Town did not release this information, it had to come from someone on the Chiefs side. That is fine, it is his decision. But if he wants an open session he should submit a letter requesting an open session.



One thing you have to admit, this blog has passed the MyHammonton blog in terms of readership. MyHammonton seems to have relegated itself to just quoting this blog.


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I have not asked the Chief for a copy of his letter so I don't have one to post. The Republicans HAVE admitted there was a vote. And yes it should be no big deal to have it in open session, but Mayor and Council are taking the position that it must be agreeable to both sides and THEY don't want it open, even thought the letter to him said it was his choice. Looks like they are running scared.



If the Chief asked for this to be in open session, then the his data would be subject to OPRA (Open Public Records Act). He hasn't done that. That is okay, it is his right. It is no different than invoking their 5th Amendment rights. They don't have to explain why. But the fact is that no letter was submitted.

Also, no Republican councilperson has publicly stated there was a vote. If there was one, why don't they say so?

Are you really sure they will back up this story?


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Just ask them, I'm sure they'll tell you.
There is no time to do an OPRA and it doesn't matter anyway, the whole town read in the newspaper that the chief wants it open.



Here is a thought. Did anybody get an email back from the addresses posted for the Republican councilman? Post that. Of course, you would have to post the complete email with both sender and receiver information to be credible. You should ask both party's permission first. Also, ask the Chief to give you a copy of his letter if there was one.



Admin wrote:

Just ask them, I'm sure they'll tell you.
There is no time to do an OPRA and it doesn't matter anyway, the whole town read in the newspaper that the chief wants it open.


I just realized what is going on. Barbone is a pretty good attorney!

1. By leaking this matter to the Hammonton News, he can selectively make what he wants public. The rest he can hold back. Since it is an employee matter, the town can't say anything.

2. Then, he tells everyone when the meeting is. He can SAY anything to the Hammonton News. The meeting still has to be in closed session since until he puts it in WRITING to the town then they can't open the meeting.

That is a pretty good strategy. HF gets bashed for the closed session when in reality it was the Chiefs choice. The risk for him of an open session is that it changes from an employee matter to opening him up to potential criminal charges. So Barbone has found a way to get his cake and eat it too. Pretty good strategy.



Try these emails to get an official statement from the Republicans if that is what you want.






Anonymous wrote:

One thing you have to admit, this blog has passed the MyHammonton blog in terms of readership. MyHammonton seems to have relegated itself to just quoting this blog.


One thing that would completely finish off the Republican blog and have it taken over by the Dem blog was a feature this blog used to have that folks could even begin their own threads. This blog clearly has way more people reading it now.



The Republicans have a blog?  MyHammonton is not a political party's website.



Here is an idea for a new blog thread....

Jerry Vitalo ordered the highway department to do some illegal digging at the Lake in violation of State Division of Environmental Protection rules. He also authorized the purchase of materials without a proper quote. He received two quotes from companies owned by the same person and claims to have another "verbal" quote. The Town Clerk had to explain that councilpeople cannot start bid processes on their own and there is no such thing as a "verbal" quote.



I didn't realize you opened the truck stop this early.

Here's a tip for  you.   Parks and Rec DOES NOT need Council authorization to spend money. 


Go back to bed Lurch.



Anonymous wrote:

I didn't realize you opened the truck stop this early.

Here's a tip for  you.   Parks and Rec DOES NOT need Council authorization to spend money. 


Go back to bed Lurch.


You have no clue. Of course they need council authorization. They also need to follow State laws. Finally, they need to work withing their budget.

I realize Democrats like to tax and spend and Jerry Vitalo is no better, but spending wildly causes tax increases.



Why did Jerry Vitalo violate State Law? Does he think he is above the regulations of the State's Department of Environmental Protection?



Lets get back to the point, children. 
Why is Hammonton First engaging in illegal maneuvers to close the chief’s hearing????



Can't you read? It was already uncovered that the Town cannot have an open session without the Chief's permission IN WRITING.

The Chief did not his permission in writing. If it was is open session because then it changes from a confidential employee matter to one where potential criminal charges can be filed.

Also, there was no vote. No one can substantiate the facts. If one of the Republicans would, please post thier email affidavit saying so.

The Republican emails are as follows:




Jimmy Bertino is smart enough to pretend he wasn't at the so called meeting.



Anonymous wrote:

Here is an idea for a new blog thread....

Jerry Vitalo ordered the highway department to do some illegal digging at the Lake in violation of State Division of Environmental Protection rules. He also authorized the purchase of materials without a proper quote. He received two quotes from companies owned by the same person and claims to have another "verbal" quote. The Town Clerk had to explain that councilpeople cannot start bid processes on their own and there is no such thing as a "verbal" quote.


Is this all just a coverup to protect Jerry Vitalo?



You have to hand it to the Republicans. They are really sneaky.

The Republicans make up stories then leak them to Jim MacLane to post on this blog. Jim is gullible, so he does it. Then the MyHammonton.com quotes the Democrats so they can blame it on MacLane if there is a problem later. The Republicans never actually publicly back up MacLane, so he takes the fall if there is a problem.

Look at this elaborate coverup of Jerry Vitalo's illegal activities. I also hear that he demanded the Town Hall contractor use Chick's Block to buy the bricks because he could get kickbacks from Chick's!



Anonymous wrote:

Here is an idea for a new blog thread....

Jerry Vitalo ordered the highway department to do some illegal digging at the Lake in violation of State Division of Environmental Protection rules. He also authorized the purchase of materials without a proper quote. He received two quotes from companies owned by the same person and claims to have another "verbal" quote. The Town Clerk had to explain that councilpeople cannot start bid processes on their own and there is no such thing as a "verbal" quote.


This is true. Anthony Marino went nuts when he heard about it because Jerry went around him!



Typical Hammonton First coverup style. 
1) Lie and say it never happened.
2) Change the subject to divert people's attention away from them.
3) Attack you political opponents for payback.

It looks like you took that out of the Bush playbook.

Sneaky Firsters!  Shame on you!



1. Drive down to the Lake and SEE what Jerry Vitalo did! Since the Town is stuck paying, it will be discussed on TV at the next meeting!

2. Ask the Town Hall contractor if Jerry Vitalo demanded Chick's Blocks so there could be kickbacks.

3. Ask Jim MacLane to post the data to back up his claim that the Chief put his decision for an open hearing IN WRITING.

MacLane has consistently posted inaccurate information on this blog!



So let's go over the facts:

1)Mayor and Rocky charge the chief.
2)Town gives Chief option of open hearing.  Chief chooses open hearing.
3)Brian Howell allows Mayor and Rocky to vote to close hearing.  Hammonton First wins vote 4-3 against Republicans.
4)Hammonton First lackies reply to story with mish mosh about Jerry Vitalo cleaning up Hammonton Lake.

Now why should I ever vote for one of those jokers again?



Anonymous wrote:

1. Drive down to the Lake and SEE what Jerry Vitalo did! Since the Town is stuck paying, it will be discussed on TV at the next meeting!

2. Ask the Town Hall contractor if Jerry Vitalo demanded Chick's Blocks so there could be kickbacks.

3. Ask Jim MacLane to post the data to back up his claim that the Chief put his decision for an open hearing IN WRITING.

MacLane has consistently posted inaccurate information on this blog!

So while  a man's life and career are at stake becuase of the Mayor and Rocky, you want to talk about beach sand?

You're a sick, sad human being.  I feel bad for you.


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Since we can't provide the absolute proof you want and you are unwilling to take our word for it, you can't tell me that you didn't know that the Chief wanted this hearing in open session, or do you not believe BOTH newspapers either. But you are willing to put a man and his family's future on the line over a technicality. Why would that be, that you are looking for any possible reason to hide this from the public. That scared???? That worried???? Afraid you won't have the control you normally have??? Can't pull the puppet strings if it's open???



The Chief can still have this in open session.  He just needs to state that in writing as required by law.  Can't he write?



I am hearing a lot of talk at the diner about this Vitalo issue. Looks like Jerry really screwed up this time. It was only a few weeks ago that he was bashing Joe Giralo regarding the school bus drivers. Giralo runs that department and he was HOT about it!

Also, I hear good things are coming from the school. It looks like the have finally gotten their finances in order and will need almost no tax increase this year!

-- Edited by Admin at 14:56, 2007-02-11



Can't you find anything better to do with your life other than lie and spread roumors?



There seems to be some confusion.

Tomorrow's session is open to the public at 10AM in council chambers.

It will also be televised live on Channel 13 provided the Chief has no objections.


RE: HF trying to close Chief\'s hearing!!!

Everybody remain calm. There was no lying. This was all a simple misunderstanding.

The meeting is open to the public and like all meetings, it will be televised. However, the Chief has the right to have this in closed session.

One of the Republican councilpeople seems to have gotten confused when this was explained to him, which seems to have started this whole mess.

Anyway, for those who would like to attend, it is 10AM at town hall tomorrow. Watch Channel 13 at home. Of course, this is subject to change it the Chief objects.


RE: HF trying to close Chief's hearing!!!

I don't remember reading anything about this story associated with Republicans.  In fact, I just checked their website and it has nothing about the Chief on it.



Can someone pressing charges be able to control the venue and its degree of openness? I think that is very unfair that the mayor and RC took a last minute phone vote to not allow it be open to the public.  They shouldn't have a vote.  They are the ones who are pressing the charges.  Does anyone else see this as wrong??? 



There was no vote.

The meeting is open to the public. It will be held at 10AM in council chambers.

Also, it will be televised on Channel 13 unless the Chief objects.


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I just spoke with the Chief and he has not been informed of this change. But he did tell me that if the offer is really out there for the meeting to be open and televised, he has absolutely no problem with either one. He has made it known since the charges were filed that he wanted it in open session, his lawyer Mr. Barbone asked in writing for it to be open, and he has not changed his stance on this. We will see tomorrow if it is in fact open and on Channel 13, if it is not, we know it is HF denying him his rights.



WOW.  All this time, it was Hammonton First who was lying.  Once again, MacLane is the only one doing his homework and reporting the facts, while the Firsters lie, lie, and lie.



Good Job, Jim!!!!!!!!



We the Jury find HF: Guilty of all Counts. That's what a jury would say if HF were brought up on charges.  This Chiefgate was their way of hoping people would forget about the failure in politics called HF.  What they exposed was their tyranny and how they are about vendettas and control.



Anonymous wrote:

There was no vote.

The meeting is open to the public. It will be held at 10AM in council chambers.

Also, it will be televised on Channel 13 unless the Chief objects.

 Man, more spin by HF.  First of all I don't think this "EVENT" was going to be televised but I assure you this.  The chief I'm sure would want it televised and recorded for all to see.  He's a good man and you are bent on destroying him. I should hope that it truly is open to the public. 



Well after all of Jim MacLane's spin, today is the day. Channel 40, NBC, the Hammonton News and the Hammonton Gazette will all be there. Now the judge will decide.


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I received a phone call at 7 am this morning and the latest is that the hearing will be OPEN. Scheduled for 10 am at Town Hall, let's see how this plays out.


Jim MacLane is a liar...

As usual Jim MacLane was lying about the whole thing.
Just like he and Bobby Cap. did with the school construction.


What Happened?

If the Chief was so innocent, why didn't the judge just dismiss the case in the first 1/2 hour?

I mean, if he was so lilly-white pure, this case certainly wouldn't continue over the next 2 or 3 weeks, would it?

According to official testimony, the Chief might be under investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office and maybe even the State Attorney General's Office. This is serious stuff.

I wonder why the Dems haven't mentioned this on this website anywhere? 

-- Edited by Admin at 07:51, 2007-02-13


RE: HF trying to close Chief's hearing!!!

how come Rock and the Mayor are not being investigated for the criminal attempt to cover up asbestos and granting the OK for a non-liscensed contractor to remove it and dump it somewhere else?

That seems much more serious than the cheif not wearing a uniform to town council meetings.



They are really showing their deperation after loosing some ground to the Republicans.

I can't wait until November when these cowards are all extinguished.



Isn't it interesting that The Gazette very quickly tried to investigate when Councilman Colasurdo indicated there may be an investigation by the federal government for the Chief, but they have totally ignored the federal investigations that are ongoing against Hammonton First and their actions in office.



Rather than shout at each other, why don't the whole bunch of you act rational?

1. We have all of these posts screaming about an illegal vote and even the Republicans who were quoted say there was no vote... and I asked. That is probably why none of them joined in the bashing here.

2. We have people screaming at each other about the school. Of course there have been many, many, many financial problems since the new school was built. Anyone who doesn't know that has been living under a rock. Yes, there were ethics charges filed by Mayor Ingemi's administration. Hopefully the school's financial problems are over now with the new business administrator and school finance committee working to fix it. We will all see with the upcoming budget.

Maybe rather than making things up, it would be better if everyone spoke in terms of facts and tried to be reasonable.


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1. That is not true, the Republicans do admit there was a vote, I asked.
2. Yes there have been many financila problems at the school, but none of them have to do with the new high school being built. That has been the only stable part of the budget. It is the lack of funding from the state which has caused some (and only some) of the problems we and every other district in the state have had to face. The rest of the financial problems were created by very poor hires done by the present Board.






Admin wrote:

1. That is not true, the Republicans do admit there was a vote, I asked.
2. Yes there have been many financila problems at the school, but none of them have to do with the new high school being built. That has been the only stable part of the budget. It is the lack of funding from the state which has caused some (and only some) of the problems we and every other district in the state have had to face. The rest of the financial problems were created by very poor hires done by the present Board.


Jim, you have to be logical. The Republicans are telling the rest of us that there was no vote. Also, the hearing was open, not closed was claimed.


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Posts: 1241

I personally have talked to the Republicans and there was in fact  a phone vote of the Council members to have the hearing closed. Our Town solicitor made the calls himself.



Jim, maybe the problem is that Vincenzo Penza told you the town was going to close the meeting right after the following occured. Go to (deleted - copyrighted material).

-- Edited by Admin at 12:23, 2007-02-16



Anonymous wrote:

Jim, maybe the problem is that Vincenzo Penza told you the town was going to close the meeting right after the following occured. (deleted - copyrighted material)

 Who keeps a video file or picture of another man?  Dude you are creeping us out with your obsession over Vincenzo.  What grade are you in?

-- Edited by Admin at 12:25, 2007-02-16



That's really odd that a grown man would have videos of another man. Creeepy!

Anyway, I have to say Vincenzo is pretty friggin' cool.  He's obviously a rollerblader, well coordinated, and a good sense of humor!

Rock on Vinny!

Message to the guy who posted the video:  why are you so infatuated with another man?



God Bless Chief Ingemi and God Bless the Town of Hammonton. This soon will pass.

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