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Post Info TOPIC: Mayor takes "chat" out of "Chat with the Mayor"

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Mayor takes "chat" out of "Chat with the Mayor"

In the 2/20 Atlantic City Press a story appears explaing that the February Chat with the Mayor will be a television show touting the accomplishments of the past year.

Hammonton mayor turning monthly chat into television program

By TIMOTHY PUKO Staff Writer, (609) 272-7275
(Published: February 20, 2007)

HAMMONTON — February's Chat with the Mayor will actually be a television show starring the mayor.

Instead of a town hall meeting, Mayor John DiDonato will present this month's Chat with the Mayor program as a one-hour television show Sunday on Channel 13. The mayor and a volunteer camera crew have spent the past week visiting several town project sites and will broadcast on-location interviews with residents and town workers.

“It kind of was fitting to show all the projects that were completed this year,” DiDonato said. “People can sit in their homes and go from project to project … without leaving their living rooms.”

Because there was no January chat, this month's program will present a recap of all the projects started in the town during 2006. It will begin with a state-of-the-town address explaining the town's budget, DiDonato said.

December's chat became a virtual pep rally for financially troubled Kessler Memorial Hospital. A near-capacity crowd filled the council chambers in Town Hall for that meeting Dec. 4.

“We felt that a lot of people are busy and it's hard for them to get out to something like that,” the mayor said. “So we figured, let's take it out on the road to show the projects we've done this year, but also get to talk to people about those projects.”

Town residents with questions for the broadcast can leave a voice mail for the mayor at 567-4300, ext. 400, or send an e-mail to johndidonato@
. The town will be taping the final segments today and Wednesday at the town's historical society building and a couple street projects, including one on Packard Street, DiDonato said.

The program will replay Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. A webcast version will also be available on the town Web site, www.townofhammonton.org.

One can only wonder when there are a lot of questions being raised about many issues in our Town, why this program has changed to a no question format.


RE: Mayor takes "chat" out of "Chat with the Mayor"

I guess the Mayor is too afraid that the public will ask questions about "Chiefgate" so the "open" government has shut down till the heat is off. Little do they realize theyhave turned up the heat themselves and it won't be off till November when they are voted out of office.



I think the Town's TV Channel 13 is great. I really enjoy seeing all of the programming, it keeps me informed.

I'm looking forward to seeing the Mayor on Sunday. I'm going to the Hammonton First Meeting at the American Legion Hall on Sunday night at 7:00pm to watch it.



Anonymous wrote:

I think the Town's TV Channel 13 is great. I really enjoy seeing all of the programming, it keeps me informed.

I'm looking forward to seeing the Mayor on Sunday. I'm going to the Hammonton First Meeting at the American Legion Hall on Sunday night at 7:00pm to watch it.

People who are allowed to think for themselves don't need to congregate and be told what to think.  Surely you can watch at home and be able to think for yourself.  We need to restore having 2 council meetings a month. That's open government not another HF informercial.  I hope this doesn't cost the taxpayers anything.  I hope that the mayor credits the volunteers of Hammonton and the respective parties for the postivive work instead of taking credit for everything and no credit for the asbestos coverup, chiefgate, and the KKK.  There are many answers HF refuse to address publically.


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We believe that is why there is no "Chat" this month because then the Mayor would have to answer a lot of questions that have to do with the topics you just mentioned. It is rumored that there is much dissention among the HF party over these issues. It is rumored the Mayor visited the farm of a councilman to voice his displeasure over the lack of support concerning the hearings from anyone in HF. Noticably absent from the hearings are the largest contributors to the HF campaign. They accounted for 37% of the total spending for the last election, but have they jumped ship in light of all the negative publicity and dissention in the party?


RE: Mayor takes "chat" out of "Chat with the Mayor"

Hey Jim,
You know what is not rumored?

The fact that you and your boss, Bob Capoferri ruined the schools.
You were an idiot when you were on the School Board and you are still an idiot.

Didn't you bankrupt the Jamesway when you were the Assistant Night Manager too?

-- Edited by Admin at 14:41, 2007-02-23


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RE: Mayor takes "chat" out of "Chat with the Mayor"

You continue to get more ridiculous as time goes on. I worked for Jamesway 24 years ago and there was no such position as Asst Night Mgr. Also, I was happily married at the time and lived in Mays Landing. There is absolutely no truth to your accusations and I continually ask you to stop attacking me.



So, you admit that the rumor about you and Bob Capoferri ruining the School is true then, right?


RE: Mayor takes "chat" out of "Chat with the Mayor"

Hey, I just came across this funny link. It looks like the local Republican campaign manager, Vinspinzo Penza. He gets hit in the head by a lightpost. Maybe that's why he is always "acting out" around town. Check it out.

-- Edited by Admin at 20:22, 2007-02-22


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RE: Mayor takes "chat" out of "Chat with the Mayor"

Anonymous wrote:

So, you admit that the rumor about you and Bob Capoferri ruining the School is true then, right?

No, It's just that I have answered you a million times on that one and you have never listened before, so why try again. It's like talking to a wall.


RE: Mayor takes "chat" out of "Chat with the Mayor"

Anonymous wrote:

It is rumored that Jim, while he was the Assistant Night Manager of the Jamesway began dating one of his employees and then eventually got her pregnant.

 I think it's disgraceful to stoop so low to not only try to ruin someones reputation but also insult his family by associating his family name with the KKK.  Grow up, the KKK is bad for Hammonton.  NO thanks to the entire HF organization for that.  Not one single HF councilperson or party member has expressed disgust over RC for bringing the KKK to Hammonton.  If you want to bash someone for the KKK look towards your party.  

-- Edited by Admin at 14:43, 2007-02-23


RE: Mayor takes "chat" out of "Chat with the Mayor"

Congratulations to the Democrats that are running for Town Council this year.

Democrats for Town Council:
Jim MacLane
Jose Diaz
Pat Cassario

I just heard this information from a very high-ranking Democratic official and it is really greeat news!


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As usual your information is as good as your politics, you are 100% wrong.



It's Official!

According to the Hammonton Democratic Website and Democratic Campaign manager, Jim MacLane - Jose Diaz is NOT running for Town Council this year. I guess the Democrats decided they have had enough losers and are actually trying to get at least one person elected this year.

As you will recall, the Hammonton Democrats, lead by Jim MacLane and his boss - Bob Capoferri, cut a back-room deal with the local Republicans to back all three Republican candidates. However, they forgot to mention this to their three Democratic Candidates: Jose Diaz, Tom Santone and Ralph Glorioso.

It's a shame that the local Democrats turned on their own candidates. It just goes to show you what type of animals Jim MacLane and his "Klan" is.

(By "Klan" I mean the group of people he hangs out with and nothing more.)


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First of all, it is obvious what you mean in your derogatory remarks. You deliberately spelled it to demean myself and my family. I have done nothing to you and yet you berate me. If you meant it any other way you would have written "clan".
Your allegation that a backroom deal was cut is absurd to everyone but you. We all worked very hard on last year's campaign and were disappointed by the outcome, but after reflection we were happy that 3 unknowns did as well as they did.
As for Jose, he would be the first one to tell you that there is an old political addage, you don't run 2 years in a row. He is perfectly happy to serve this year as Chairman of the Shade Tree Commission and gain some more knowledge and experience and possibly try another run sometime in the future.
We unlike you put a lot of thought into what we do because we are out to serve the people of Hammonton and their best interests, unlike you and your party who are in it only for your own best interest.



It's Official:

Jim MacLane has announced on the Democratic Website that Jose Diaz is NOT running for Town Council on the Democratic Slate this year. The rumor is that he's running on the Republican Ticket with Ralph Morano and Russell Clark!


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Boy, and I didn't give you enough credit, you figured it out. Congratulations!



It's Official!

According to Democratic Campaign Manager, Jim MacLane, the official Joint Republican-Democratic Ticket for Town Council this year will be as follows:

Russell Clark
Jose Diaz
Ralph Morano

Thank you Jim MacLane, for confirming that the Democratic Club has officially shut down and merged with the Republican Club.


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This takes in Hammonton First too because they also have agreed to merge so that we will only have one ticket. See they really do care. :confused:

Oops, I slipped into the same fantasy world that you live in all the time, but I'm back now.
Just wait like everyone else, once we decide who will run for the Hammonton Democrats we will let you know.

You Friend Jim



Soon we'll find out who the Democrats have on their ticket.  I can't wait.  I've heard that HF is running all 3 incumbents. Everything is just rumor for now on who each party is running. I've known Jose for many years and know that it will be his decision whether or not he runs.  I trust he will do what he thinks is best for him, his party and the town of Hammonton.  He might be a newbie to politics but a refreshing face in Hammonton politics.



The hearing for the Chief certainly had a mixed group of people. Sam Siligato even showed up. He's out on bail pending an appeal of his murder trial.



Jimmy Bertino against giving police raises!!!!!!

Jimmy Bertino has been working to gather support to stop the Mayor from giving raises to the police. He is against them. He will attack the Mayor at the 2/26 meeting. For Police who want their raise, they need their supporters to stop Bertino!!!!!!!!!!



That's right, I heard that Bertino was trying to con Vitalo into cutting the police officer's salaries. These men put their lives on the line to keep our Town safe.

It's rumored that Bertino and Vitalo are working to hurt the police department and the safety of everyone in town.



Someone just called me and told me the same thing.

They said Bertino and Vitalo are sneaking around trying to cut the Police Officers pay.

The local republicans are against the police and will not stop until they cut their pay.



People should have voted Democrat.



Anonymous wrote:

Someone just called me and told me the same thing.

They said Bertino and Vitalo are sneaking around trying to cut the Police Officers pay.

The local republicans are against the police and will not stop until they cut their pay.


BERTINO IS GOING TO COME OUT AGAINST GIVING RAISES TO THE POLICE. Bertino is also against raises for any women in town hall.

We need to get a big turnout to the town council support our fine police officers and the raise the mayor is giving them. Citizens should come dressed in blue shirts to support the police contract. Police should be there in uniform to show their solidarity.



Anonymous wrote:

That's right, I heard that Bertino was trying to con Vitalo into cutting the police officer's salaries. These men put their lives on the line to keep our Town safe.

It's rumored that Bertino and Vitalo are working to hurt the police department and the safety of everyone in town.


Bertino is against our Police Department!

The agreement between the Mayor and the Police is fair. The Police get a 3.5 percent raise but also have t gve back 5 percent of their health benefits. This is hardly a big give away.

Bertino wants to cut the Police Department's pay! We all need to support the men in blue!



If take the money that Prince John and Rock are wasting to charge the chief with these rediculous charges, we probabally could afford to give the police foce a nice raise, like they deserve.



Anonymous wrote:

Jimmy Bertino against giving police raises!!!!!!

Jimmy Bertino has been working to gather support to stop the Mayor from giving raises to the police. He is against them. He will attack the Mayor at the 2/26 meeting. For Police who want their raise, they need their supporters to stop Bertino!!!!!!!!!!


Why is Bertino trying to stop our Police Department raises? What does he have against law enforcement? This is a fair raise. It is 3.5% per year with a 5% insurance give back. Why does he think the Police Department deserves less than that?

We have to stop Bertino! Everyone needs to go to the meeting Monday dressed in blue to support the Police Department's raise!



I am watching the Chat with the Mayor (HF political campaign) show. It's about halfway throught the show and every project, besides the Town Hall, that has been mentioned has been started by previous administrations but the Mayor is taking credit for every one of these projects. This is nothing but a grandstand by HF hoping to try and get back some of the support they have lost. When is the equal time going to be given to the Republicans and Democrats?



Anonymous wrote:

Someone just called me and told me the same thing.

They said Bertino and Vitalo are sneaking around trying to cut the Police Officers pay.

The local republicans are against the police and will not stop until they cut their pay.


The Chat with the Mayor showed a segment with the new Police computers demonstrated by Sgt Ruggeri. Why is Bertino against the Department?


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If you missed last nights "Chat with the Mayor" you can view it here:




Why do Bertino and Vitalo hate the cops so much?

I can't believe they don't want to settle the police contract and give those brave men what they deserve.

What do my fellow Democrats think about what those scummy local republicans are doing to our fine police officers?


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We have seen no indication from Mr. Bertino or any Republican of any problems or concerns with the police department. There has been no statement from them regarding the contract that I am aware of. I will be watching closely at tonight's Town Council meeting to see if there is any substance to your allegations or if this is more of the same rhetoric we have been hearing on the blogs?



Which scummy Republicans are you talking about, the Regular Republicans or the Hammonton First Republicans?



There you go again: Bertino and Vitalo are out to get the police. They hate the cops. They want to cut their salaries.

The local police keep our town safe. I think it is pathetic that Bertino and Vitalo are against them.


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Mayor takes "chat" out of "Chat with the Mayor"

Where do you get that from???????????


RE: Mayor takes "chat" out of "Chat with the Mayor"

Admin wrote:

If you missed last nights "Chat with the Mayor" you can view it here:



There is so much progress in our Town!



Hammonton First has been busy.  It takes a lot of time to charge the Chief with phony allegations, hide asbestos, blame the KKK for it, and make TV shows.

By the way, why does the Historical Building still look like crap?  When do they plan on finishing that?



Admin wrote:

If you missed last nights "Chat with the Mayor" you can view it here:



Thanks for the link. This was an interesting presentation.

What is this about Jimmy Bertino wanting to cut the police pay? The Mayor offered a fair raise of 3.5% per year with a 5% co-pay for health insurance. Why is Jimmy against the police getting a raise?


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Mayor takes "chat" out of "Chat with the Mayor"

Only ONE personkeeps saying that, but when asked where the info comes from they won't answer. I think it's just someone throwing darts and seeing what sticks.


RE: Mayor takes "chat" out of "Chat with the Mayor"

I always thought Bertino was for the cops, but now I'm hearing different. I catch Jimmy Bertino in lies all the time. He's on TV saying one thing and then out in Town saying something totally different. Me and my buddies were talking about how Jimmy likes to try to make you believe he's in this for us. But we all know he's in it for himself.

Lining his pockets with that 6 Grand he took. He's always scheming to try to get something for himself.



Jerry Vitalo and Jimmy Bertino are trying to shut down the town hall project! They voted no to completing the historic bldg in time for the Memorial Day Parade.

Vitalo wants to go to contractor mtgs to stop work. He is against the whole project!



Anonymous wrote:

Jerry Vitalo and Jimmy Bertino are trying to shut down the town hall project! They voted no to completing the historic bldg in time for the Memorial Day Parade.

Vitalo wants to go to contractor mtgs to stop work. He is against the whole project!

 We've already seen so many mistakes by HF. I think everyone needs to keep a close eye on them. They already messed up with the old town hall with all the asbestos coverup and not hiring qualifed contractors.  They've already dug a hole in the wrong place for the new town hall.  Now we see Steve D. asking for more money, more money.  Let's just let HF continue getting away with their lies. All this tv mayor's chat is the mayors way of not having to answer questions from the public. His administration has made Hammonton the laughing stock of South Jersey. He's trying to clean the negative legacy HF has in Hammonton. They came in storming with arrogance and are now facing their demise. All this is just brainwashing the public not believe everything they hear and not ask questions.  Everyone who dares ask the mayor a question he doesn't like will be deemed a Nay-Sayer. 



Anonymous wrote:

Jerry Vitalo and Jimmy Bertino are trying to shut down the town hall project! They voted no to completing the historic bldg in time for the Memorial Day Parade.

Vitalo wants to go to contractor mtgs to stop work. He is against the whole project!


No wonder the Republicans couldn't get Town Hall built for 7 years!!!!



Anonymous wrote:
No wonder the Republicans couldn't get Town Hall built for 7 years!!!!


I got a question for you. Who the hell cares beyond the people working in Town Hall? I've driven by Town Hall for years, and go in a few times a year to pay my taxes. Doesn't seem like anything is wrong to me. Building looks kinda nice, actually. I understand the police need new offices, but is that really a whole town hall's worth?

So really, if it took the Republicans 20 years to build Town Hall, I would be happy either way. Becuase as it is right now, my taxes are going to go up for this thing.

One more thing, what was the big deal about building it on Vine Street? Other than maybe it benefitting the business owners over there, what's the big deal?



One more thing, what was the big deal about building it on Vine Street? Other than maybe it benefitting the business owners over there, what's the big deal

That was the only reason for building a new town hall on Vine Street.  There will now be less parking, more congestion, and no room for growth for the rest of us taxpayers.

Not only is Hammonton First building a town hall on Central and Vine to benefit the local businesses, but they are also providing those businesses with new sidewalks, new water and sewer mains with no cost to them.  It will only cost us taxpayers.

The "Me First" Party must go!!!!!!!!!!



An historic election took place where the public decided to put the Town Hall on Central & Vine. Not only was it where they wanted it, the project saves millions over the 11th Street site.

As for the downtown sidewalks, grants are being used to pay the bills.

It is a shame some people just bash when there is so much positive going on in our town. If you hate it so much, why not just move?



As for the downtown sidewalks, grants are being used to pay the bills.
Can I get some of that grant money so I can have a new sidewalk too??? 
I'm sure my sewer lines are old, where can I apply for a few new one like Donio will get on his new store???

the project saves millions over the 11th Street site.
You still haven't been able to show how this saves money?????
I guess we can only wait to see how much over budget the current site will be.
I think the Republican plan was realisticly priced, while the Hammonton First plan of $4.9 million is a fantasy.  Time will tell.



Anonymous wrote:

An historic election took place where the public decided to put the Town Hall on Central & Vine. Not only was it where they wanted it, the project saves millions over the 11th Street site.

As for the downtown sidewalks, grants are being used to pay the bills.

It is a shame some people just bash when there is so much positive going on in our town. If you hate it so much, why not just move?

I think that's the HF plan.  Move out the Middle Class, they have no say.  So yes we know HF plan is if you don't like it -move out.  This our town too though and we're taking it Back.


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