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Post Info TOPIC: Hammonton First continues Town Hall propaganda

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Hammonton First continues Town Hall propaganda

In the 5/9 Hammonton News the mayor confirmed that the $5.9 million bond is only going to cover the construction of the Town Hall. Below you will see a campaign advertisement showing the promise made to the taxpayers of Hammonton. The "entire" project would come in at this price. It is really looking like 11th Street would have been cheaper.
Click here to see more information.
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Republicans should make a statement and vote for Sanjaya.  Having a primary shows that there still is a lot of infighting going on.  That's the reason HF was spawned.



Vote for Torrissi! He is from a loyal Republican Party family. His cousin, Jimmy Curcio, is 100 percent behind him.



Did MacLane ever post how much it cost to build the school? Why would anybody trust his accounting of construction costs after that mess? Vote Republican!


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I've answered you on numerous occassions but you are too dense to get it. It cost $33.8 million which is exactly what was budgeted and it openned on time. What the hell does that have to do with the new town hall anyway. I am not using my numbers, I am using Hammonton First's own numbers. ARH put out the numbers for the 11th Street site and Hammonton First made their prediction for the Vine & Central site. I could make guesses as to what the final cost might be, but I haven't done that. I am presenting facts, that is obviously why you don't get it. You don't understand facts. You distribute lies and hope people believe it. Well, it doesn't work anymore. People know what you and your cronies are all about.



A Montana cowboy was overseeing his herd in a remote mountainous Pasture when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced out of a dust cloud towards him. The driver, a young man in a Brioni suit, Gucci shoes, Ray Ban sunglasses and YSL tie, leans out the window and asks the cowboy, "If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will You give me a calf?"

The cowboy looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, "Sure, Why not?"

The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects it to his Singular RAZR V3 cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite navigation system to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo.

The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports
it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany. Within seconds, he receives an email on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed and the data stored.

He then accesses a MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel
spreadsheet with email on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a response. Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet printer and finally turns to the cowboy and says, "You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves."

"That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves," says the cowboy.

He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on amused as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car.

Then the cowboy says to the young man, "Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?"

The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, "Okay, Why not?"

"You're a Democratic Congressman," says the cowboy. "You no doubt work with the likes of Hillary Clinton and similar ones like her.

"Wow! That's correct," says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?"

"No guessing required," answered the cowboy. "You showed up here even though nobody called you;.... you want to get paid for an answer I already knew,.... to a question I never asked. You tried to show me how much smarter than me you are;.... and you don't know a thing about cows... this is a herd of sheep.

Now give me back my dog.



NOW that's just funny HAHA . But also true... 



Looks like the facts of the school cost overruns are starting to come out.  See http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=87450&p=3&topicID=11635359



grow up children. 
Don't be mad that the Democrats keep exposing the Hammonton First lies.  Maybe if they were truthful, the Dems would have to keep posting the truth.

As for the Republicans, they haven't done a damn thing in this town in years, and in the National scene, they have done nothing but screw up everything.

Time for some Democratic leadership!



oh yes let's thank the dems
can you say low income housing and the need for more police .  Barbra .
what did the dems do they where in power for a few years
alls the dem and reps did was waste taxpayer money  and do nothing  at least the 1sters have stoped the tax increases. 


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Always judging based on the past, not willing to look at the possibilities and the future.
When you walk around with your eyes closed, you tend to bump into things and not see opportunities that are right in front of you. Open your eyes. The Democrats offer the best opportunities for the future of Hammonton.



The Democrats are consistent losers who brought us Plymouth Place.


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Anonymous wrote:

The Democrats are consistent losers who brought us Plymouth Place.

Read the post above yours!!!



Anonymous wrote:

oh yes let's thank the dems
can you say low income housing and the need for more police .  Barbra .
what did the dems do they where in power for a few years
alls the dem and reps did was waste taxpayer money  and do nothing  at least the 1sters have stoped the tax increases. 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

oh yes let's thank the dems
can you say low income housing and the need for more police .  Barbra .
what did the dems do they where in power for a few years
alls the dem and reps did was waste taxpayer money  and do nothing  at least the 1sters have stoped the tax increases. 

On paper it shows no tax increases. What we are doing is postponing the burden to our children, the future taxpayers with the stunts HF council is pulling.  Hammonton is 41 square miles, yet we are dumping millions into just one square mile.



Anonymous wrote:

oh yes let's thank the dems
can you say low income housing and the need for more police .  Barbra .
what did the dems do they where in power for a few years
alls the dem and reps did was waste taxpayer money  and do nothing  at least the 1sters have stoped the tax increases. 

The Dems want to spend like crazy.  If they get in the taxes will go thru the roof like what had been happening at the school.



You mean the Hammonton First party is the one who is spending like crazy. They promised us a new Town Hall, a new Community center, demolition of the old Town Hall, moving of the Historic Town Hall, furnishing, parking and landscaping all for $5.9 million. Now they are just building the building for that price, all the rest will be extra. Plus, take a look at the municipal parking lot down the stree next to Schenk's. There are survey marks on the ground where Schenk's will be expanding and eliminating that parking lot because council is moving to buy the business behind the new town hall. Their ad said that no businesses will be relocated or bought and now they are spending an additional $1,000,000.00 to buy this properety. WHY????



Anonymous wrote:

oh yes let's thank the dems
can you say low income housing and the need for more police .  Barbra .
what did the dems do they where in power for a few years
alls the dem and reps did was waste taxpayer money  and do nothing  at least the 1sters have stoped the tax increases. 

Coulf you imagine how high the taxes wll go if the three losers the Democrats are running get into office? They will spend our money like crazy and tax us just like Hillary Clinton would.



Can't wait until those winners the Democrats are running get into office. They will thoroughly review the entire budget to cut waste and move dollars to the neccessary projects for our Town.
Just think if the Republicans get any more on Council. We will get more do nothing years like we saw for the last 7. And they will continue to rubber stamp all of the Hammonton First projects like they do now.
Just think if the Hammonton Firsters get in, more contracts to relatives and projects to benefit the properties they own, just like they are doing now.



Anonymous wrote:

Can't wait until those winners the Democrats are running get into office. They will thoroughly review the entire budget to cut waste and move dollars to the neccessary projects for our Town.
Just think if the Republicans get any more on Council. We will get more do nothing years like we saw for the last 7. And they will continue to rubber stamp all of the Hammonton First projects like they do now.
Just think if the Hammonton Firsters get in, more contracts to relatives and projects to benefit the properties they own, just like they are doing now.

This is really funny.  Who will be in charge, Ammirrato?  Will he use the same financial skills that led him to bankruptcy?


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He will use the same financial knowledge he used in his own business. He took on a business and then made the smart move to get everything under control. He then grew his business over the next 5 years to a valuable profit making company that he was then able to sell at a profit.
Are you saying that this is not the proper steps some businesses should take?
Donald Trump has done the same thing many times.
And I certainly hope you are not saying that this the wrong option for a business to take, because then you are bashing the hospital!!!! I'm sure the people you outwardly support at the hospital would love to hear that you think they are lousy business people who you do not trust and they shouldn't be in charge.



The Democrats don't have a clue how to manage money. The Republicans exposed Anthony Falcone as having a do-nothing patonage job with the State. Mike Amirrato went broke. Robin Ripa is looking to take town money. The three of the are the least qualified ticket in years. Mike Torrissi is so much better f a choice it isn't even close.



Anonymous wrote:

The Democrats don't have a clue how to manage money. The Republicans exposed Anthony Falcone as having a do-nothing patonage job with the State. Mike Amirrato went broke. Robin Ripa is looking to take town money. The three of the are the least qualified ticket in years. Mike Torrissi is so much better f a choice it isn't even close.

The Republicans were proven WRONG. The person who alleged that Anthony was not qualified has since been proven to have had a political agenda, all of his accusations against Anthony are proven to be wrong, and that person was no longer works in NJ. Anthony is still in his job and his bosses successor is very happy with the job Anthony does.

Mike Ammirato did not go broke, he took on a failing business, took the steps neccessary to make it solvent, ran that business for another 6 years and now has sold that business for a profit. Sounds like a guy who knows haow to handle money to me.

Robin Ripa is looking to correct the deplorable working conditions in Town Hall created by the arrogance of the HF Council. It is no secret that the morale of the town hall employees has never been lower. Thankfully, Robin is the one who has the courage to stand up to these people and refuse to let it continue. This is the type of person we need representing us on council.

Atleast the Dems won't stoop to attacking Torrissi to try and win. They are sticking to the issues and not attacking individuals.

-- Edited by Admin at 15:03, 2007-05-29


Republican Press Release regarding Anthony Falcone

To read a copy of the Republican Press Release fighting patronage that was released during the Curcio vs. Falcone campaign, please read the below:


Release Date: October 25, 2006


RELEASE: Immediate, CONTACT: Atlantic County
Oct. 25, 2006 Republican Hdqs.

Atlantic County Republican chairman Keith A. Davis today called on Democrat Freeholder Alisa Cooper to stand by her professed opposition to political patronage in government by recommending that Freeholder candidate Anthony Falcone withdraw his candidacy because he secured his state job through political pressure.

Cooper leveled her accusations of patronage in county government earlier this year but was unable to produce a shred of evidence that it existed, Davis said.  Falcone, on the other hand, was publicly identified by the Democrat state administration for which he worked as someone whose employment was secured through pressure exerted by the office of former Gov. McGreevey --- a textbook case of the kind of patronage Cooper says she finds so offensive.

Davis said that in May of 2005, former Department of Corrections Commissioner Devon Brown told the Assembly Budget Committee that he was forced to accept 14 individuals as department employees because of pressure brought on him by the Governor's office.

Brown publicly identified Falcone was one of the gang of 14, Davis said. At the time, Falcone was director of the Division of Community Programs at a salary of nearly $90,000 per year.

In her comments, Cooper said that patronage appointments should be identified and let the chips fall where they may, Davis said. Well, the chips have fallen and they have fallen on Falcone. What say you now, Alisa?

It's time for Cooper to stand up for what she said she believed in and call for Falcone's withdrawal from the race, Davis said. "Anything less is hypocrisy of the worst kind.

The chairman pointed out that Falcone's patronage appointment was not revealed as part of any partisan agenda, but, in fact, came directly from the Democrat Administration of which he was a part.

Davis added that Falcone receives some $90,000 a year in state salary; $7,500 per year as a councilman in Hammonton, and is seeking a seat on the Board of Freeholders which pays $20,000 a year.

Falcone wants to triple dip and get three taxpayer paychecks totaling over $117,000 a year, Davis said.


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Hammonton First continues Town Hall propaganda

Still doesn't change the fact that the guy who brought these charges forward no longer works in NJ and there are indications that he did have political motives. The Republicans of Atlantic County didn't present the whole story and you are following right in their footsteps.
Anthony survived the whole investigation, his current bosses are thrilled with his work. The cream rose to the top and deserves to serve on Hammonton Town Council once again.

-- Edited by Admin at 15:01, 2007-05-29



Anonymous wrote:

To read a copy of the Republican Press Release fighting patronage that was released during the Curcio vs. Falcone campaign, please read the below:


Release Date: October 25, 2006


RELEASE: Immediate, CONTACT: Atlantic County
Oct. 25, 2006 Republican Hdqs.

Atlantic County Republican chairman Keith A. Davis today called on Democrat Freeholder Alisa Cooper to stand by her professed opposition to political patronage in government by recommending that Freeholder candidate Anthony Falcone withdraw his candidacy because he secured his state job through political pressure.

Cooper leveled her accusations of patronage in county government earlier this year but was unable to produce a shred of evidence that it existed, Davis said.  Falcone, on the other hand, was publicly identified by the Democrat state administration for which he worked as someone whose employment was secured through pressure exerted by the office of former Gov. McGreevey --- a textbook case of the kind of patronage Cooper says she finds so offensive.

Davis said that in May of 2005, former Department of Corrections Commissioner Devon Brown told the Assembly Budget Committee that he was forced to accept 14 individuals as department employees because of pressure brought on him by the Governor's office.

Brown publicly identified Falcone was one of the gang of 14, Davis said. At the time, Falcone was director of the Division of Community Programs at a salary of nearly $90,000 per year.

In her comments, Cooper said that patronage appointments should be identified and let the chips fall where they may, Davis said. Well, the chips have fallen and they have fallen on Falcone. What say you now, Alisa?

It's time for Cooper to stand up for what she said she believed in and call for Falcone's withdrawal from the race, Davis said. "Anything less is hypocrisy of the worst kind.

The chairman pointed out that Falcone's patronage appointment was not revealed as part of any partisan agenda, but, in fact, came directly from the Democrat Administration of which he was a part.

Davis added that Falcone receives some $90,000 a year in state salary; $7,500 per year as a councilman in Hammonton, and is seeking a seat on the Board of Freeholders which pays $20,000 a year.

Falcone wants to triple dip and get three taxpayer paychecks totaling over $117,000 a year, Davis said.

The Democrats are trying to trash former Department of Corrections Commissioner Devon Brown, for bringing this issue up.  In reality, he is still working in the same field.  You can view his background at http://doc.dc.gov/doc/cwp/view,a,3,q,491508.asp where is it posted by the government.

As you can see, quote "Mr. Brown gained national recognition for his innovative works at New Jerseys correctional system, which included a restorative justice initiative through which offenders are encouraged to atone for the harm they caused society by giving back to the communities they have violated; the introduction of a series of inmate educational initiatives - among them the Stock Market Game and educational television; a nationally acclaimed anti-crime campaign, (the "BE SMART - CHOOSE FREEDOM" program) aimed at discouraging those at risk from becoming criminal offenders; the creation of an offender search engine to the department's Web site; and a host of institutional security enhancements, including the conversion of an entire, once-problematic facility into one of relative calm by using behavior management techniques."

Mr. Brown is from Maryland, which probably explains his desire to move back to the area he grew up.


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Nothing stated on that website or quoted by you here changes what happened here in NJ.



Admin wrote:

Nothing stated on that website or quoted by you here changes what happened here in NJ.

You have posted no credible data at all to trash the reputation of a person who has received so many honors.  You have just bashed.  Try to post facts, not the usual nonsense you put up.

You have no answer for the patronage.  And Mr. Brown's record, posted at http://doc.dc.gov/doc/cwp/view,a,3,q,491508.asp, is impecable.


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Nothing stated on that website or quoted by you here changes what happened here in NJ.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

To read a copy of the Republican Press Release fighting patronage that was released during the Curcio vs. Falcone campaign, please read the below:


Release Date: October 25, 2006


RELEASE: Immediate, CONTACT: Atlantic County
Oct. 25, 2006 Republican Hdqs.

Atlantic County Republican chairman Keith A. Davis today called on Democrat Freeholder Alisa Cooper to stand by her professed opposition to political patronage in government by recommending that Freeholder candidate Anthony Falcone withdraw his candidacy because he secured his state job through political pressure.

Cooper leveled her accusations of patronage in county government earlier this year but was unable to produce a shred of evidence that it existed, Davis said.  Falcone, on the other hand, was publicly identified by the Democrat state administration for which he worked as someone whose employment was secured through pressure exerted by the office of former Gov. McGreevey --- a textbook case of the kind of patronage Cooper says she finds so offensive.

Davis said that in May of 2005, former Department of Corrections Commissioner Devon Brown told the Assembly Budget Committee that he was forced to accept 14 individuals as department employees because of pressure brought on him by the Governor's office.

Brown publicly identified Falcone was one of the gang of 14, Davis said. At the time, Falcone was director of the Division of Community Programs at a salary of nearly $90,000 per year.

In her comments, Cooper said that patronage appointments should be identified and let the chips fall where they may, Davis said. Well, the chips have fallen and they have fallen on Falcone. What say you now, Alisa?

It's time for Cooper to stand up for what she said she believed in and call for Falcone's withdrawal from the race, Davis said. "Anything less is hypocrisy of the worst kind.

The chairman pointed out that Falcone's patronage appointment was not revealed as part of any partisan agenda, but, in fact, came directly from the Democrat Administration of which he was a part.

Davis added that Falcone receives some $90,000 a year in state salary; $7,500 per year as a councilman in Hammonton, and is seeking a seat on the Board of Freeholders which pays $20,000 a year.

Falcone wants to triple dip and get three taxpayer paychecks totaling over $117,000 a year, Davis said.

The Democrats are trying to trash former Department of Corrections Commissioner Devon Brown, for bringing this issue up.  In reality, he is still working in the same field.  You can view his background at http://doc.dc.gov/doc/cwp/view,a,3,q,491508.asp where is it posted by the government.

As you can see, quote "Mr. Brown gained national recognition for his innovative works at New Jerseys correctional system, which included a restorative justice initiative through which offenders are encouraged to atone for the harm they caused society by giving back to the communities they have violated; the introduction of a series of inmate educational initiatives - among them the Stock Market Game and educational television; a nationally acclaimed anti-crime campaign, (the "BE SMART - CHOOSE FREEDOM" program) aimed at discouraging those at risk from becoming criminal offenders; the creation of an offender search engine to the department's Web site; and a host of institutional security enhancements, including the conversion of an entire, once-problematic facility into one of relative calm by using behavior management techniques."

Mr. Brown is from Maryland, which probably explains his desire to move back to the area he grew up.

The Democrats can't even point to a website to show any substance to their attack on Devon Brown.  They are angry because he and the Republicans exposed the situation above.  But they have no facts.


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Posts: 1241
RE: Hammonton First continues Town Hall propaganda

Admin wrote:

Still doesn't change the fact that the guy who brought these charges forward no longer works in NJ and there are indications that he did have political motives. The Republicans of Atlantic County didn't present the whole story and you are following right in their footsteps.
Anthony survived the whole investigation, his current bosses are thrilled with his work. The cream rose to the top and deserves to serve on Hammonton Town Council once again.

Nothing stated on that website or quoted by you here changes what happened here in NJ.



It looks like the Democrats are afraid of hearing about former Department of Corrections head Devon Brown's comments about Anthony Falcone's alledged patronage job which the Republican Party highlighted and can be read above. 

The Washington Post wrote about Mr. Brown getting an offer to go back to his native Maryland to be closer to a position at the District of Columbia Department of Corrections.  Mr. Brown's bio, highlighting his impeccable credentials, is at http://doc.dc.gov/doc/cwp/view,a,3,q,491508.asp.  The story of Mr. Brown being attracted to the new position is on the Washington Post's website.

The Democrats are trying to say Mr. Brown was fired.  This is not true as you can see in the article.  Of course, the Democrats cannot show a shread of evidence to back up their statements.  Possibly they wanted Mr. Brown fired because he fought corruption and patronage.


RE: Hammonton First continues Town Hall propaganda

I have read the article you link to several times and it doesn't say anything about why he left NJ. It seems strange how he served for such a short time. He complained about a lot of people under him but he is gone and they are still here. Says a lot I think.



Yes, looking at his credentials it says Democrat corruption is strong in New Jersey.

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