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Post Info TOPIC: The results are in! UPDATED 6/11

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The results are in! UPDATED 6/11

Results are in
The Republican Primary Winners are
X  Michael Pajic  319
X  Dominic Berenato   249
X  Michael Torrissi  243

Maria Ricca finished with 233 votes.

Today My Hammonton website reports:
Maria Ricca has pulled within 5 votes of 3rd place Torrissi after absentee ballots were counted. With provisional ballots remaining, no clear winner can be called yet. Heres the new numbers after absentee ballots are counted:Michael Pajic - 321Domenic Berenato - 252Michael Torrissi - 248Maria Ricca - 243We are told 11 provisional ballots remain to be counted.

-- Edited by Admin at 14:22, 2007-06-11


RE: The results are in!

It's not over yet.  20 absentee votes means this race is still wide open!



Maria Ricca is not eliminated yet she is only behind 10 votes.

I would wait a few days to confirm the 2 and 3 seats.


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Good point, let's hope it doesn't take another two weeks to get the final results.



Maria Ricca turned her back on the Democratic Party and to work with the Republicans. Now that she's lost we don't want her back. She couldn't even beat a Curcio.



It looks like HF successfully affected the Republican Primary.  Admin on the other web site is spending more time justifying the math in the primary then the math on the town hall construction.  There is such a enormous spread between Pajic and the rest of the candidates.  Either HF played spoiler or the Republicans aren't really united having such a wides spread.  Republican party leaders are going to have a tough time convincing anyone that HF didn't play a factor in the primary.  Looks like the 4 way race just caused further division in the Republican party. HF couldn't be happier.



Anonymous wrote:

It looks like HF successfully affected the Republican Primary. Admin on the other web site is spending more time justifying the math in the primary then the math on the town hall construction. There is such a enormous spread between Pajic and the rest of the candidates. Either HF played spoiler or the Republicans aren't really united having such a wides spread. Republican party leaders are going to have a tough time convincing anyone that HF didn't play a factor in the primary. Looks like the 4 way race just caused further division in the Republican party. HF couldn't be happier.

 Actually the could be "happier" in November with a win but that would be bad for Hammonton.  Let's not get fooled again.



Anonymous wrote:

Maria Ricca is not eliminated yet she is only behind 10 votes.

I would wait a few days to confirm the 2 and 3 seats.

This is interesting. With all the absentee ballots, the Republicans don't really know for sure who their slate is other than Pajic.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Maria Ricca is not eliminated yet she is only behind 10 votes.

I would wait a few days to confirm the 2 and 3 seats.

This is interesting. With all the absentee ballots, the Republicans don't really know for sure who their slate is other than Pajic.

The Republicans worst nightmare would be to be stuck with Maria Ricca on their ticket.  They don't want a slumlord running with them.  She was a Democrat and is a traitor.  We don't want her back.  Good bye, slumlord!



Has the Hammonton Gazette lost all credilbility? The last couple of weeks it has missed reporting on the most important stories in Town. They missed the Ripa lawsuit, the Frank Donio threat charges, the DWI school bus driver, and the primary election results. The "Paper of Record" has become the paper of no news. The only things they print anymore are the things they think make HF look good. Even the cartoon this week is a free HF ad.



Anonymous wrote:

Has the Hammonton Gazette lost all credilbility? The last couple of weeks it has missed reporting on the most important stories in Town. They missed the Ripa lawsuit, the Frank Donio threat charges, the DWI school bus driver, and the primary election results. The "Paper of Record" has become the paper of no news. The only things they print anymore are the things they think make HF look good. Even the cartoon this week is a free HF ad.

THE HG endorses HF candidates even before they are even announced.  Just look at the "unbalanced" profiles they provide.  You always see a picture of the HF candidates with their articles.   Republicans and Democratic candidates I think are purposedly not pictured in the paper.  The HG just wants to be a platform to provide face recognition to the HF candidates.



Just look at the only picture he had in last week for the Memorial Day celebration and parade. Since when is Ed Wuillermin the symbol of Memorial Day. He was the only HF candidate walking in the parade and so it was the only picture that was put in the paper.



Have the absentee ballots been countd yet in the Republican Primary? Does anyone have the final vote count?


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The last information I received is that the absentee ballots were counted and the gap between Torrissi and Ricca is down to 6 votes. The provisional ballots still had to be counted and there were 12 of them in Hammonton.



Admin wrote:

The last information I received is that the absentee ballots were counted and the gap between Torrissi and Ricca is down to 6 votes. The provisional ballots still had to be counted and there were 12 of them in Hammonton.

Wow. It's really down to a photo finish!



Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:

The last information I received is that the absentee ballots were counted and the gap between Torrissi and Ricca is down to 6 votes. The provisional ballots still had to be counted and there were 12 of them in Hammonton.


Wow. It's really down to a photo finish!


No matter the outcome of the photo finish, we're getting an ugly picture.




This was a big blunder by the Republican Party.  There reason HF was formed was because of infighting and power struggles.  Now we have more Republicans fighting over who won in the primary.  This was a big mistake.  HF I bet is loving this.


Hammonton News reports Democrats dumping Ripa

Is there any truth behind this week's Hammonton News story that quotes Keith Gazzara, nephew to former Democratic Mayor Charles Gazzara, that respected Democrats have asked him to replace Robin Ripa on the ticket?



Anonymous wrote:

Is there any truth behind this week's Hammonton News story that quotes Keith Gazzara, nephew to former Democratic Mayor Charles Gazzara, that respected Democrats have asked him to replace Robin Ripa on the ticket?

In the Hammonton News article, Jim MacLane explained they've already ordered the signs with Ripa's name on them. I guess that must means they may feel it is too late and they can't get rid of her.


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The results are in!

The signs were ordered last week, we weren't stuck because of it. We ordered them because it was the next thing we planned for our campaign and n othing about our campaign has changed. As explained in the article, we did sit down to see if Robin needed to make any changes. She did not and that was the end of the subject. If you also read the article it says, "Gazzara said he was not approached by the club's leadership but by a person he declined to name but one "who had the ear of the Democrats."" That person acted solely on their own and is not even a member of our club. The question did not come from the Democratic Club!!!!
We have not waivered. We picked our ticket and we are proud of it. Ammirato, Falcone, and Ripa for Town Council 2007.



I heard people at the meeting discussing dumping Ripa felt it was a rough one. There are definately some Democrats who are unhappy with the whole affair.


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Well, YOU HEARD WRONG! Ammirato, Falcone, and Ripa for Town Council 2007.

-- Edited by Admin at 21:23, 2007-06-10



Admin wrote:

The signs were ordered last week, we weren't stuck because of it. We ordered them because it was the next thing we planned for our campaign and n othing about our campaign has changed. As explained in the article, we did sit down to see if Robin needed to make any changes. She did not and that was the end of the subject. If you also read the article it says, "Gazzara said he was not approached by the club's leadership but by a person he declined to name but one "who had the ear of the Democrats."" That person acted solely on their own and is not even a member of our club. The question did not come from the Democratic Club!!!!
We have not waivered. We picked our ticket and we are proud of it. Ammirato, Falcone, and Ripa for Town Council 2007.

The signs were already purchased. No sense switching now, it isn't like the Democrats have a chance to beat Pajic.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Is there any truth behind this week's Hammonton News story that quotes Keith Gazzara, nephew to former Democratic Mayor Charles Gazzara, that respected Democrats have asked him to replace Robin Ripa on the ticket?

In the Hammonton News article, Jim MacLane explained they've already ordered the signs with Ripa's name on them. I guess that must means they may feel it is too late and they can't get rid of her.

i think the gazzara family is voting for torrissi anyway, i saw a torrissi sign on one of their lawns. 



I've seen Firsters with Torrissi signs.  I know they're Firsters.  I'm just afraid we've been duped.  Torrissi is just going to do the same thing as Jeannie Lewis and "convert" to HF.


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The results are in! UPDATED 6/11

Today My Hammonton website reports:
Maria Ricca has pulled within 5 votes of 3rd place Torrissi after absentee ballots were counted. With provisional ballots remaining, no clear winner can be called yet. Heres the new numbers after absentee ballots are counted:

Michael Pajic - 321
Domenic Berenato - 252
Michael Torrissi - 248
Maria Ricca - 243

We are told 11 provisional ballots remain to be counted.

This means if Torrissi gets no votes on the provisional ballots, Ricca only needs 6 to win.
If Torrissi gets 1 vote Ricca needs 7
If Torrissi gets 2 votes Ricca needs 8
If Torrissi gets 3 votes Ricca Needs 9
If Torrissi gets 4 votes Ricca needs 10
If Torrissi gets 5 votes Ricca needs 11
If Torrissi gets 6 he wins

-- Edited by Admin at 14:27, 2007-06-11



Thanks for the math explanation, it would have been hard to figure without it.



What if TORRISSI gets 7 votes??


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See, You did need the explanation! I just didn't explain it far enough for you. LOL


RE: The results are in!

Anonymous wrote:

I've seen Firsters with Torrissi signs.  I know they're Firsters.  I'm just afraid we've been duped.  Torrissi is just going to do the same thing as Jeannie Lewis and "convert" to HF.

torrissi wants nothing to do with hf. why would he even consider joining them? the hf campaign is the worst run in hammonton, lets attack one of the most popular people in town right before an election.  this only demonstartes how ignorant, arrogant and stupid the firsters are.  i don't think torrissi would ever forgive them for what they did to ingemi and neither should anyone else in this town.


RE: The results are in! UPDATED 6/11

The Hammontonian has it official.


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The Hammontonian website is reporting the following as official results

Michael Pajic - 323
Domenic Berenato - 256
Michael Torrissi - 250
Maria Ricca - 243



Anonymous wrote:

Is there any truth behind this week's Hammonton News story that quotes Keith Gazzara, nephew to former Democratic Mayor Charles Gazzara, that respected Democrats have asked him to replace Robin Ripa on the ticket?

Have the Gazzara family also become Firsters? Why are they telling this to the Hammonton News?



Sounds like more HF BS - let's get people to think Torrissi will jump ship so his party won't support him.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I've seen Firsters with Torrissi signs.  I know they're Firsters.  I'm just afraid we've been duped.  Torrissi is just going to do the same thing as Jeannie Lewis and "convert" to HF.

torrissi wants nothing to do with hf. why would he even consider joining them? the hf campaign is the worst run in hammonton, lets attack one of the most popular people in town right before an election.  this only demonstartes how ignorant, arrogant and stupid the firsters are.  i don't think torrissi would ever forgive them for what they did to ingemi and neither should anyone else in this town.

Hf wants people to think Torrissi is with them so they don't vote for him. They know he will be a stong candidate and hard to beat in Nov.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I've seen Firsters with Torrissi signs. I know they're Firsters. I'm just afraid we've been duped. Torrissi is just going to do the same thing as Jeannie Lewis and "convert" to HF.

torrissi wants nothing to do with hf. why would he even consider joining them? the hf campaign is the worst run in hammonton, lets attack one of the most popular people in town right before an election. this only demonstartes how ignorant, arrogant and stupid the firsters are. i don't think torrissi would ever forgive them for what they did to ingemi and neither should anyone else in this town.


 If he has any close ties to Curcio then he can swing to HF just like he did.  If he's against HF, he should be more vocal about it.  I haven't heard anything from him.  I know Pajic, Berenato and Ricca are vocal against HF.



Anonymous wrote:

Yes, Torrissi will fight a hard campaign and speak out against government waste just as his cousin did in the last election versus Anthony Falcone.

Curcio wishes we would forget the "No Dump" in Mullica fiasco in which he represented the guy who wanted to bring in the Trash Train.


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Posts: 1241

When will you get tired of posting the nonsensical crap put out by the Atlantic County Republicans last year. It has already been tested before a senate committee and was proven wrong. Proof is in the puding. Mr. Falcone still serves in his position today, with distinction. Mr. Brown had to leave NJ to go back to DC where he still had connections. This has been answered a multitude of times here and you still continue to post it. It will not remain here. If you find something new you would like to discuss, we will listen, but until then keep your one track mind to yourself.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I've seen Firsters with Torrissi signs. I know they're Firsters. I'm just afraid we've been duped. Torrissi is just going to do the same thing as Jeannie Lewis and "convert" to HF.

torrissi wants nothing to do with hf. why would he even consider joining them? the hf campaign is the worst run in hammonton, lets attack one of the most popular people in town right before an election. this only demonstartes how ignorant, arrogant and stupid the firsters are. i don't think torrissi would ever forgive them for what they did to ingemi and neither should anyone else in this town.

 If he has any close ties to Curcio then he can swing to HF just like he did.  If he's against HF, he should be more vocal about it.  I haven't heard anything from him.  I know Pajic, Berenato and Ricca are vocal against HF.

This is a good point.  Pajic has come out with Letters to the Editor blasting HF and he won his election.  Torrissi should endorse Pajic's campaign to prove he is not a Firster like his cousin Jimmy Curcio.



Conspiracy Theories?There are two competing theories out there.One  Torrisi is a Hammonton First'er.Two is that Hammonton First rigged the primary.Answer.  If Hammonton First rigged the primary, then they didn't do a good job at it as Mike Torrisi almost lost and they wouldn't have gotten their guy in.Second, if Torrisi was a Hammonton First'er he should have been the top vote getter as he would have had support by the Rep. and HF and in theory, conspiracy theory that is, Maria Ricca the losest vote getter would have won.Maybe, Just Maybe, People just voted how they wanted too and there wasn't any conspiracy.  Now what fun is that. 



Anonymous wrote:

Conspiracy Theories?There are two competing theories out there.One Torrisi is a Hammonton First'er.Two is that Hammonton First rigged the primary.Answer. If Hammonton First rigged the primary, then they didn't do a good job at it as Mike Torrisi almost lost and they wouldn't have gotten their guy in.Second, if Torrisi was a Hammonton First'er he should have been the top vote getter as he would have had support by the Rep. and HF and in theory, conspiracy theory that is, Maria Ricca the losest vote getter would have won.Maybe, Just Maybe, People just voted how they wanted too and there wasn't any conspiracy. Now what fun is that.

 Maybe then people voted for the Worst Candidate then.  Pajic is the Sanjaya of the Republican Party.  The Best Candiate Ricca was the last person HF wanted to see on Council. Looks HF did affect the election.



Anonymous wrote:

Conspiracy Theories?There are two competing theories out there.One Torrisi is a Hammonton First'er.Two is that Hammonton First rigged the primary.Answer. If Hammonton First rigged the primary, then they didn't do a good job at it as Mike Torrisi almost lost and they wouldn't have gotten their guy in.Second, if Torrisi was a Hammonton First'er he should have been the top vote getter as he would have had support by the Rep. and HF and in theory, conspiracy theory that is, Maria Ricca the losest vote getter would have won.Maybe, Just Maybe, People just voted how they wanted too and there wasn't any conspiracy. Now what fun is that.

Nice try, you haven't disproved anything.  Have you ever heard of Bullet votes?? HF all voted for Torrissi ONLY most likely.  Heck with all the infighting, I wouldn't be surprised if family members only voted for their own family member.




Anonymous wrote:

Conspiracy Theories?There are two competing theories out there.One Torrisi is a Hammonton First'er.Two is that Hammonton First rigged the primary.Answer. If Hammonton First rigged the primary, then they didn't do a good job at it as Mike Torrisi almost lost and they wouldn't have gotten their guy in.Second, if Torrisi was a Hammonton First'er he should have been the top vote getter as he would have had support by the Rep. and HF and in theory, conspiracy theory that is, Maria Ricca the losest vote getter would have won.Maybe, Just Maybe, People just voted how they wanted too and there wasn't any conspiracy. Now what fun is that.

 Another theory is that since Torrissi has close ties to Curcio that he will use the Republican slot to get onto council and then afterwards switch to HF just like other past Repubulican councilpersons have.  Olivo, Lewis, Who's next. 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Conspiracy Theories?There are two competing theories out there.One Torrisi is a Hammonton First'er.Two is that Hammonton First rigged the primary.Answer. If Hammonton First rigged the primary, then they didn't do a good job at it as Mike Torrisi almost lost and they wouldn't have gotten their guy in.Second, if Torrisi was a Hammonton First'er he should have been the top vote getter as he would have had support by the Rep. and HF and in theory, conspiracy theory that is, Maria Ricca the losest vote getter would have won.Maybe, Just Maybe, People just voted how they wanted too and there wasn't any conspiracy. Now what fun is that.

 Maybe then people voted for the Worst Candidate then.  Pajic is the Sanjaya of the Republican Party.  The Best Candiate Ricca was the last person HF wanted to see on Council. Looks HF did affect the election.

Pajic is not Sanjaya. He easily won the primary and is the leader of the ticket. The Democrats thought they could get an easy win if Ricca was on the ticket. I heard Democrats talking that since she is a slumlord she would be easy to beat. The Democrats cannot win in November. MacLane will probably cut a deal to throw his candidates under the bus like he did to Diaz last year.


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Unlike you the Democrats are running a positive campaign and not attacking individuals. We are discussing issues and will not hesitate to speak out as we have done for quite a while now, but we are not bringing personalities into this as YOU are.

And I stand by the candidates just as I did last year. You're baseless accusations of deals being made is just ludicrous and not worth comment.


-- Edited by Admin at 09:50, 2007-06-13



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Yes, Torrissi will fight a hard campaign and speak out against government waste just as his cousin did in the last election versus Anthony Falcone.

Curcio wishes we would forget the "No Dump" in Mullica fiasco in which he represented the guy who wanted to bring in the Trash Train.

Falcone probably should address the whole patronage issue he has. The candidates should speak for themselves.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Yes, Torrissi will fight a hard campaign and speak out against government waste just as his cousin did in the last election versus Anthony Falcone.

Curcio wishes we would forget the "No Dump" in Mullica fiasco in which he represented the guy who wanted to bring in the Trash Train.


Falcone probably should address the whole patronage issue he has. The candidates should speak for themselves.


You should address your own personal issues instead of trying to tear our town apart. That's why some people don't run for office in Hammonton. No matter how many times they prove themselves right, People like you don't want to hear it. Yet when someone from your own party is accused of doing even worse things and get proven that they were wrong. You don't ask about it, you don't write about it, you don't comment about it. I won't get fooled again. I'm voting Democrat. I know I won't sway you because I don't think you care about making things better for the middle class in Hammonton.



Admin wrote:

When will you get tired of posting the nonsensical crap put out by the Atlantic County Republicans last year. It has already been tested before a senate committee and was proven wrong. Proof is in the puding. Mr. Falcone still serves in his position today, with distinction. Mr. Brown had to leave NJ to go back to DC where he still had connections. This has been answered a multitude of times here and you still continue to post it. It will not remain here. If you find something new you would like to discuss, we will listen, but until then keep your one track mind to yourself.

Stop bashing the Republicans! Stick to your own campaign!


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I'm not bashing the Republicans as a whole, but I am bashing the nonsense they put out last year in trying to BASH Mr. Falcone who had already been through a review on the subject they were trying to use and came out with flying colors. We are talking issues and everyone else is bashing the Dems individually.

Why not practice what you preach!!!



Admin wrote:

I'm not bashing the Republicans as a whole, but I am bashing the nonsense they put out last year in trying to BASH Mr. Falcone who had already been through a review on the subject they were trying to use and came out with flying colors. We are talking issues and everyone else is bashing the Dems individually.

Why not practice what you preach!!!

The Republicans didn't put nonsense out last year. They came out against patronage. We don't need government employees around just because they know somebody.


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It was nonsense! It was proven by a senate committee review that Mr Falcone was fully qualified and worked hard to get his position. Acting Gov. Dick Codey told Mr. Brown, either prove your allegations or leave the department. Mr. Brown is gone and Mr. Falcone is still in his position doing a great job. It's a shame people like you make judgements without know all the facts. You must be a regular reader of the Town tabloid, that's how they present things.



Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:

I'm not bashing the Republicans as a whole, but I am bashing the nonsense they put out last year in trying to BASH Mr. Falcone who had already been through a review on the subject they were trying to use and came out with flying colors. We are talking issues and everyone else is bashing the Dems individually.

Why not practice what you preach!!!


The Republicans didn't put nonsense out last year. They came out against patronage. We don't need government employees around just because they know somebody.


I guess it was nonsense to vocally support the chief before, during and after the Chief's case.  Democrats have being speaking out about public safety last year while everyone was talking about discount cards for things that already were discounted.  I think the discount cards were nice, just like I think the moth traps are nice.  Let's keep focus of making sure that we have our town back.  HF would love nothing more than to make Republicans and Democrats attack each other.  It didn't happen last year and HF lost and it hasn't and won't happen this year from what I can tell from people I know in both parties.  Many in Hammonton want to restore fair and a balance in representation on council.




The Democrats have no chance. This is a Republican town. The Dems might as well do like last year, compliment the Republicans and throw their candidates out. Now with the Dem candidate suing town employees and taxpayers, they are even less likely to win.


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Why do you insist on trying to make this suit political? This is an emplyee standing up for her rights as an employee and demanding to be treated fairly. If these allegations are true, then shouldn't you hold the perpetrators to blame rather than the victim. No, I guess not, that wouldn't fit in you political plans and you wouldn't be able to BASH a Democrat, which is all you seem to want to do. This has nothing to do with the campaign, but you don't care because you know that you can't discuss issues. The Democrats are not bringin personalities into this, we are running a positive campaign. You on the other hand are being vial and viscious and insulting the good names of the Democratic candidates.



Admin wrote:

Why do you insist on trying to make this suit political? This is an emplyee standing up for her rights as an employee and demanding to be treated fairly. If these allegations are true, then shouldn't you hold the perpetrators to blame rather than the victim. No, I guess not, that wouldn't fit in you political plans and you wouldn't be able to BASH a Democrat, which is all you seem to want to do. This has nothing to do with the campaign, but you don't care because you know that you can't discuss issues. The Democrats are not bringin personalities into this, we are running a positive campaign. You on the other hand are being vial and viscious and insulting the good names of the Democratic candidates.

You have to be kidding. YOU broke the story on the Democratic website. YOU posted the lawsuit document. YOUR CANDIDATE took the document to the Hammonton News for publication. YOU have been cheerleading for her over and over ON THE DEMOCRAT WEBSITE. YOUR CANDIDATE named fellow police department personnel in her lawsuit.

This whole idea blew up in your face. Do you really think her fellow police department personnel are going to vote for your party? You have attacked their Captain.

Members of YOUR OWN PARTY have told you to kick Ripa off the ticket. YOUR OWN PARTY is bailing on you.

Grow up. Drop the parlor stunt and try to run a campaign based on what positive projects you are going to do for the Townspeople.


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WE broke the story, WE posted the document because WE have always been upfront and honest with the people and wanted that to continue. WE did not bring it to the Hammonton News, they got a copy the same way we did, by submitting an OPRA request to the Town.

NOONE from our party wanted to kick Robin off the ticket!

And WE are the ones talking issues. One of the other parties is the one that keeps bringing this up. As far as we are concerned it needs not be discussed anymore. It won't even see a courtroom for at least 2 years. We are defending her because OTHERS keep bringing it up. When that stops WE will stop.



Admin wrote:

WE broke the story, WE posted the document because WE have always been upfront and honest with the people and wanted that to continue. WE did not bring it to the Hammonton News, they got a copy the same way we did, by submitting an OPRA request to the Town.

NOONE from our party wanted to kick Robin off the ticket!

And WE are the ones talking issues. One of the other parties is the one that keeps bringing this up. As far as we are concerned it needs not be discussed anymore. It won't even see a courtroom for at least 2 years. We are defending her because OTHERS keep bringing it up. When that stops WE will stop.

YOU are the one with the "Massive Lawsuit" nonsense on your website. YOU are the one advertising it. YOU are the ones who have this blowing up in your face. And yes, YOUR people are the ones who left the meeting and have gone all over town saying how mad they are at this whole thing. Stick your head in the sand if you want, but you are losing votes.


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Where does it say "Massive lawsuit"?
Other than originally posting it, when have we even brought it up except to respond to you and your nonsense?
And I know who was at the "meeting" and they are NOT running around town being mad.
Keep throwing your darts but the people of Hammonton can see through your bashing.
AMMIRATO, FALCONE, AND RIPA for Hammonton Town Council!!!!!



Admin wrote:

Where does it say "Massive lawsuit"?
Other than originally posting it, when have we even brought it up except to respond to you and your nonsense?
And I know who was at the "meeting" and they are NOT running around town being mad.
Keep throwing your darts but the people of Hammonton can see through your bashing.
AMMIRATO, FALCONE, AND RIPA for Hammonton Town Council!!!!!

The term "massive lawsuit" is a direct quote from your own post. Now that you have admited their was indeed a meeting, maybe you should ask yourself how so many people know what happened and who was upset.


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We never denied a meeting, we have had many. No one at the meeting was upset, they had questions, but who wouldn't? Our website never used the term "massive". Let's move on to the issues.


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I stand corrected, back on May 17 I used the term "massive" once.

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