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Post Info TOPIC: Hammonton Fire Dept Blood Drive a HUGE success.

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Hammonton Fire Dept Blood Drive a HUGE success.

The Hammonton Fire Dept called on our community for support of a fellow firefighter who recently received a heart transplant. A blood drive was set up for this past Friday at Fire House #2. The goal was to collect 60 pints of blood. Hammonton came through like the great community it is and the blood drive collected over 130 pints of blood. It just goes to show what a wonderful community we live in. We come together when we need to and support our fellow Hammontonians.



Admin wrote:

The Hammonton Fire Dept called on our community for support of a fellow firefighter who recently received a heart transplant. A blood drive was set up for this past Friday at Fire House #2. The goal was to collect 60 pints of blood. Hammonton came through like the great community it is and the blood drive collected over 130 pints of blood. It just goes to show what a wonderful community we live in. We come together when we need to and support our fellow Hammontonians.

I coudn't agree more. While obviously everyone hopes this blood is never needed, unfortunately accidents and medical issues happen somewhere every day and every drop plus much more is needed.

it is great to see what a great town this is with a lot of people chipping in to make all the wonderful changes happen all over Hammonton. We are becoming one of the most desireable communities in South Jersey.



Anonymous wrote:
it is great to see what a great town this is with a lot of people chipping in to make all the wonderful changes happen all over Hammonton. We are becoming one of the most desireable communities in South Jersey.

Yeah, if only we could get just ONE more Dollar Store in Hammonton, we'd be set.  Oh wait, they're advertising one on the south end of 54 in Hammonton.



Why would you bash such a worthwhile event? You are like Rich Jacobus and his never ending Letters to the Editor, constantly attacking Hammonton. This was a wonderful event and it will greatly help patients at local hospitals.

lf you hate Hammonton so much maybe you and Rich Jacobus should just leave. The rest of the townspeople are too busy helping make this the best town in the area.



What an *******... who spoofs the Fire Department blood drive with a post about a dollor store.




Anonymous wrote:
lf you hate Hammonton so much maybe you and Rich Jacobus should just leave. The rest of the townspeople are too busy helping make this the best town in the area.

Yeah, its so wonderful that the Starbucks needs to install a drive through. A drive through at Starbucks!  I guess the only people with enough class to get a latte know better than to get out of their car.  Only in Hammonton, folks, only in Hammonton.



Anonymous wrote:

Why would you bash such a worthwhile event? You are like Rich Jacobus and his never ending Letters to the Editor, constantly attacking Hammonton. This was a wonderful event and it will greatly help patients at local hospitals.

lf you hate Hammonton so much maybe you and Rich Jacobus should just leave. The rest of the townspeople are too busy helping make this the best town in the area.

It is really a shame that some of these people attack a blood drive.  It was a worthy event and everyone involved should be complimented.  Hammonton truly is a great place.



You people should find a "life" insead of always bashing this town!!! How you IGNORANT people can take a worthwile cause & "trash" it because of your ignorance infuriates me!!! If you don't like the town that you live in, then MOVE THE HELL OUT !!!! or do somethng worthwile, like present answers to problems rather then continue to make problems. 



Anonymous wrote:
It is really a shame that some of these people attack a blood drive.  It was a worthy event and everyone involved should be complimented.  Hammonton truly is a great place.

Where did someone attack the blood drive?  I don't see any negative comments about the blood drive.



Anonymous wrote:

You people should find a "life" insead of always bashing this town!!! How you IGNORANT people can take a worthwile cause & "trash" it because of your ignorance infuriates me!!! If you don't like the town that you live in, then MOVE THE HELL OUT !!!! or do somethng worthwile, like present answers to problems rather then continue to make problems. 

You are 100% right. People want to bash everything that goes on in Hammonton. We have so many nice things. Our school is getting better all the time. The Town is really looking nice. We have had no tax increase. New stores are being built. It is time to see the nice things we have.



Anonymous wrote:
You are 100% right. People want to bash everything that goes on in Hammonton. We have so many nice things. Our school is getting better all the time. The Town is really looking nice. We have had no tax increase. New stores are being built. It is time to see the nice things we have.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
You are 100% right. People want to bash everything that goes on in Hammonton. We have so many nice things. Our school is getting better all the time. The Town is really looking nice. We have had no tax increase. New stores are being built. It is time to see the nice things we have.


Boy you need a valium. Aren't you at least happy with Democrats suing the police department employees?



Anonymous wrote:

Boy you need a valium. Aren't you at least happy with Democrats suing the police department employees?

I see what you did there.  You changed a single person to an entire party.  Nice work.  Maytag is looking for employees, their spin cycle needs improvement.


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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

Boy you need a valium. Aren't you at least happy with Democrats suing the police department employees?

You can't make any point without lying, can you? You know the Democrats aren't suing anyone. But unless you tell your little lies and then cowardly run behind your mother's skirt, you can't say anything at all, can you?



Ok enough of this crap. This thread is supposed to be about the Fire Department doing something good for one of it's own.

Here's a thought... why don't you people who sit home and blog all night do something constructive.  The Fire Department accepts applications every Wednesday night on the WHP or Front St.

If you've got the balls to do some real good in your community instead of being a 1/2 ass gadfly come out and do something.

I'm sick of you people..... But for what it's worth... The Ripa lawsuit torpedo's the entire Dem ticket.



Anonymous wrote:

Ok enough of this crap. This thread is supposed to be about the Fire Department doing something good for one of it's own.

Here's a thought... why don't you people who sit home and blog all night do something constructive.  The Fire Department accepts applications every Wednesday night on the WHP or Front St.

If you've got the balls to do some real good in your community instead of being a 1/2 ass gadfly come out and do something.

I'm sick of you people..... But for what it's worth... The Ripa lawsuit torpedo's the entire Dem ticket.

You're doing the same thing as the other commenters!  You'd better go join the Fire Company now too.


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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

Ok enough of this crap. This thread is supposed to be about the Fire Department doing something good for one of it's own.

Here's a thought... why don't you people who sit home and blog all night do something constructive.  The Fire Department accepts applications every Wednesday night on the WHP or Front St.

If you've got the balls to do some real good in your community instead of being a 1/2 ass gadfly come out and do something.

I'm sick of you people..... But for what it's worth... The Ripa lawsuit torpedo's the entire Dem ticket.

First, why would a lawsuit filed by one individual affect the entire ticket? Does that mean you don't make your decisions based on the merits of each individual? Do you only vote blindly by party lines? You have more responsibility with your vote than that, please take your responsiblility seriously.

Second, All three of the Democratic candidates are the right people to get our government back on course.
Would you vote for someone who is suing the town?
Absolutely! She knows first hand what it's like to be the victim of an out-of-control city administration. With her on council this crap will stop and the people will come first, not political cronies and personal agendas.



Admin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Ok enough of this crap. This thread is supposed to be about the Fire Department doing something good for one of it's own.

Here's a thought... why don't you people who sit home and blog all night do something constructive.  The Fire Department accepts applications every Wednesday night on the WHP or Front St.

If you've got the balls to do some real good in your community instead of being a 1/2 ass gadfly come out and do something.

I'm sick of you people..... But for what it's worth... The Ripa lawsuit torpedo's the entire Dem ticket.

First, why would a lawsuit filed by one individual affect the entire ticket? Does that mean you don't make your decisions based on the merits of each individual? Do you only vote blindly by party lines? You have more responsibility with your vote than that, please take your responsiblility seriously.

Second, All three of the Democratic candidates are the right people to get our government back on course.
Would you vote for someone who is suing the town?
Absolutely! She knows first hand what it's like to be the victim of an out-of-control city administration. With her on council this crap will stop and the people will come first, not political cronies and personal agendas.

Now the Democrats are complaining about a very vaild point from a support of the Fire Department? Also, they are backing their own candidiate in suing fellow workers at the Police Department? SUPPORT OUR CAPTAIN! This lawsuit will cost taxpayers lots of money.


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Posts: 1241

Don't be fooloish, the response has nothing to do with the Fire Dept. It is in response to the last line that says, "But for what it's worth... The Ripa lawsuit torpedo's the entire Dem ticket."
And still you don't get it and want to spread lies to the public, that's OK because the public will not support a party that has a group of liars representing it. There is NO suit against the Police Department. One person at the Department is named in the suit for acts he alledgedly
committed against a subordinate. If these allegations are true, is that the type of actions you want from your town officials. Would you want someone who plans to represent you on council to look the other way and allow these things to go on, or do you want your town officials to act responsibly and within the boundries of the law and your representatives on council to make sure the officials in our government act properly and within the law. Don't blame the person who is standing up against corruption in our government, blames the ones engaged in corruption and illegal acts. We need this crap to stop! We need a government where the people come first, not relatives and political contributors. We need a government that works within the law and isn't engaged in personal agendas.



Anonymous wrote:
Now the Democrats are complaining about a very vaild point from a support of the Fire Department? Also, they are backing their own candidiate in suing fellow workers at the Police Department? SUPPORT OUR CAPTAIN! This lawsuit will cost taxpayers lots of money.

Is it true that a bunch of our local police ended up in the Hospital the other night becuase of orders that they had to remove Mexicans from downtown?  Who on Council is ordering this to happen and putting our boys in blue in danger when they are already understaffed?



Admin wrote:

Don't be fooloish, the response has nothing to do with the Fire Dept. It is in response to the last line that says, "But for what it's worth... The Ripa lawsuit torpedo's the entire Dem ticket."
And still you don't get it and want to spread lies to the public, that's OK because the public will not support a party that has a group of liars representing it. There is NO suit against the Police Department. One person at the Department is named in the suit for acts he alledgedly
committed against a subordinate. If these allegations are true, is that the type of actions you want from your town officials. Would you want someone who plans to represent you on council to look the other way and allow these things to go on, or do you want your town officials to act responsibly and within the boundries of the law and your representatives on council to make sure the officials in our government act properly and within the law. Don't blame the person who is standing up against corruption in our government, blames the ones engaged in corruption and illegal acts. We need this crap to stop! We need a government where the people come first, not relatives and political contributors. We need a government that works within the law and isn't engaged in personal agendas.

The lawsuit names the Town due to the allegations Robin Ripa makes against fellow police department employees. She is asking for taxpayer's dollars to be paid to her.


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Posts: 1241

So you are condoning the actions of the people named in the suit. You agree that they should act this way. You agree that this is the way the employees of the Town of Hammonton should be treated. You agree that a volunteer who put together a wonderful event for our community should be ridiculed and berated because they care about this community and are willing to give of their time. You would want your wife, your sister, your mother to be treated this way at their place of work. You think that someone who wants to represent the citizens of Hammonton on Town Council should also turn their head and look the other way when things like this occur in our Town. What kind of representation is that?

Again, why do you blame the victim of these illegal acts for the damage to the Town? Put the blame where the blame belongs! The perpetrators of these illegal acts have put the Town in jeopardy. It is up to the courts now, and if any of these people are found guilty of this type of corruption, they should be held responsible for their crimes. They have a resonsibility to our Town, it's citizens and the taxpayers. They are the ones to blame, they will cost the Town because of their illegal actions.



Democrat Council Candidate Robin Ripa is suing the Town of Hammonton (and thus asking for money from all the taxpayers of Hammonton). Her allegations include actions she claims were taken by fellow police department personnel. She characterized working in the Police Department as a "hostile work environment."

Below is the NBC News item regarding Robin Ripa's incident with the little 11 year old boy with a medical problem.

Do you feel this is right? Do you feel Chief Frank Ingemi's Police Department is a "hostile work environment?" The Democrats seem to have made the conclusion and want the taxpayers to compensate Ms. Ripa. What do you as a taxpayer think?


Lemonade Stand Standoff
(KYW) HAMMONTON, N.J. An Atlantic County 11-year-old boy who has Aspergers Syndrome was forced to shut down his lemonade stand. CBS 3s Cydney Long reports he was selling the juice at a festival, when the organizers shut him down.

Tyler Lucca was trying to raise money for a digital technology summer camp trip to Seattle.

It was his grandmothers secret blueberry lemonade blend that 11-year-old Tyler Lucca, who suffers from an illness similar to autism, was selling at a Fourth of July festival at Hammonton Lake Park.

Its the blueberry capital of the world, said Tyler, adding, They make the best blueberries here, so it tastes really good.

But the event organizer, Robin Ripa, a Parks and Recreation volunteer, who is also a police department secretary, shut his stand down.

There was this other guy selling lemonade, but he was all the way, like, we couldn't even see his stand through the trees, said Tyler.

She said I told you before and I'm telling you again. If I come back in five minutes and your signs not down, will be with two police officers by her side, described Tylers grandmother, Mary Lucca.

Is her behavior atrocious? In my opinion, absolutely, said Bill Olivo.

Councilman Bill Olivo says he and his colleagues will look into the lemonade incident.
Its a shame that we dont know whether its going to be reversible for him, said Olivo, adding, Its an unfortunate situation and I think if theres any abuse of power on Ripas part, we'll have to deal with that on council.

Robin Ripa, who is hiring an attorney, did not return CBS 3s phone calls, but expressed her opinion in the Hammonton News. She wrote Tyler's grandmother signed up for the event late and that other vendors were already selling lemonade. She stated the Lucca's need to sell something else.

To him, I think he viewed what he was doing as wrong, said Tylers grandmother.

Previous successful lemonade stands helped Tyler raise enough money for him to attend his technology camp in Seattle, Washington.


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Posts: 1241
RE: Hammonton Fire Dept Blood Drive a HUGE success.

The Democrats have not made a judgement on the work environment at the Police Department. We have not taken a stance on the suit at all. All we have said is that it is the right of every American to take the steps neccessary to insure they have a safe and comfortable working place. Unfortunately, the only recourse open in our judicial system is an action such as this. We have said that if these allegations are true, then the ones who are guilty of these illegal acts should bear the blame for damaging the Town and should be held accountable for their actions. Also, we have said that one man does not make up the entire Police Dept. here in Hammonton. Only one person from the Police Dept. is named in the suit and the courts will decide if he is guilty or not. It is not our place to act as judge and jury, especially since none of us were there as these actions were taking place. That is why we have the judicial system and now it is out of our hands and in theirs. Forcing people to make up their minds before hearing both sides as you are proposing is not how things are done here in America or in the Town of Hammonton. 

Everyone should read the entire document and then decide if they would want these types of actions to occur in their government. What if this was your sister, or mother, or wife? Would you want someone who wants to represent you on Town Council to turn their head the other way because it would be "politically" convenient to do so. Robin is standing up as the victim in this case. If the actions she alledges are true, those resonsible should bear the blame and be held accountable.

Be informed, Click here and read the entire document and ask yourself, what would you do if you or someone you love was being treated in this manner. 



Admin wrote:

The Democrats have not made a judgement on the work environment at the Police Department. We have not taken a stance on the suit at all. All we have said is that it is the right of every American to take the steps neccessary to insure they have a safe and comfortable working place. Unfortunately, the only recourse open in our judicial system is an action such as this. We have said that if these allegations are true, then the ones who are guilty of these illegal acts should bear the blame for damaging the Town and should be held accountable for their actions. Also, we have said that one man does not make up the entire Police Dept. here in Hammonton. Only one person from the Police Dept. is named in the suit and the courts will decide if he is guilty or not. It is not our place to act as judge and jury, especially since none of us were there as these actions were taking place. That is why we have the judicial system and now it is out of our hands and in theirs. Forcing people to make up their minds before hearing both sides as you are proposing is not how things are done here in America or in the Town of Hammonton. 

Everyone should read the entire document and then decide if they would want these types of actions to occur in their government. What if this was your sister, or mother, or wife? Would you want someone who wants to represent you on Town Council to turn their head the other way because it would be "politically" convenient to do so. Robin is standing up as the victim in this case. If the actions she alledges are true, those resonsible should bear the blame and be held accountable.

Be informed, Click here and read the entire document and ask yourself, what would you do if you or someone you love was being treated in this manner. 

If Robin Ripa thought the Police Department was a hostile working environment and her fellow employees were abusing her, why didn't she speak to Chief Frank Ingemi and formally bring this issue up? Why did she have to resort to suing?


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

How do we know she didn't. We don't know any more than you do and Robin has been advised by her attorney not to discuss this issue as have the other parties in this action. In America we are innocent until proven guilty and no one should make any type of judgement until they have heard all sides. That is how our judicial system works and you should wait to hear all sides.



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

The Democrats have not made a judgement on the work environment at the Police Department. We have not taken a stance on the suit at all. All we have said is that it is the right of every American to take the steps neccessary to insure they have a safe and comfortable working place. Unfortunately, the only recourse open in our judicial system is an action such as this. We have said that if these allegations are true, then the ones who are guilty of these illegal acts should bear the blame for damaging the Town and should be held accountable for their actions. Also, we have said that one man does not make up the entire Police Dept. here in Hammonton. Only one person from the Police Dept. is named in the suit and the courts will decide if he is guilty or not. It is not our place to act as judge and jury, especially since none of us were there as these actions were taking place. That is why we have the judicial system and now it is out of our hands and in theirs. Forcing people to make up their minds before hearing both sides as you are proposing is not how things are done here in America or in the Town of Hammonton. 

Everyone should read the entire document and then decide if they would want these types of actions to occur in their government. What if this was your sister, or mother, or wife? Would you want someone who wants to represent you on Town Council to turn their head the other way because it would be "politically" convenient to do so. Robin is standing up as the victim in this case. If the actions she alledges are true, those resonsible should bear the blame and be held accountable.

Be informed, Click here and read the entire document and ask yourself, what would you do if you or someone you love was being treated in this manner. 

If Robin Ripa thought the Police Department was a hostile working environment and her fellow employees were abusing her, why didn't she speak to Chief Frank Ingemi and formally bring this issue up? Why did she have to resort to suing?

If Ripa went to the Chief then Ingemi would have been obligated to tell Council and also address the issue. This all could come down to Ingemi's word versus Ripa's.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

You people should find a "life" insead of always bashing this town!!! How you IGNORANT people can take a worthwile cause & "trash" it because of your ignorance infuriates me!!! If you don't like the town that you live in, then MOVE THE HELL OUT !!!! or do somethng worthwile, like present answers to problems rather then continue to make problems. 

You are 100% right. People want to bash everything that goes on in Hammonton. We have so many nice things. Our school is getting better all the time. The Town is really looking nice. We have had no tax increase. New stores are being built. It is time to see the nice things we have.

I think we should support all worth causes in Hammonton.  Why most everything be politicized?  I think we should have blood drives regularly in Hammonton especially for our bravest and finest.  It's too bad some organizations have boycotted other fine Hammonton charity events. 



Anonymous wrote:

Democrat Council Candidate Robin Ripa is suing the Town of Hammonton (and thus asking for money from all the taxpayers of Hammonton). Her allegations include actions she claims were taken by fellow police department personnel. She characterized working in the Police Department as a "hostile work environment."

Below is the NBC News item regarding Robin Ripa's incident with the little 11 year old boy with a medical problem.

Do you feel this is right? Do you feel Chief Frank Ingemi's Police Department is a "hostile work environment?" The Democrats seem to have made the conclusion and want the taxpayers to compensate Ms. Ripa. What do you as a taxpayer think?


Lemonade Stand Standoff
(KYW) HAMMONTON, N.J. An Atlantic County 11-year-old boy who has Aspergers Syndrome was forced to shut down his lemonade stand. CBS 3s Cydney Long reports he was selling the juice at a festival, when the organizers shut him down.

Tyler Lucca was trying to raise money for a digital technology summer camp trip to Seattle.

It was his grandmothers secret blueberry lemonade blend that 11-year-old Tyler Lucca, who suffers from an illness similar to autism, was selling at a Fourth of July festival at Hammonton Lake Park.

Its the blueberry capital of the world, said Tyler, adding, They make the best blueberries here, so it tastes really good.

But the event organizer, Robin Ripa, a Parks and Recreation volunteer, who is also a police department secretary, shut his stand down.

There was this other guy selling lemonade, but he was all the way, like, we couldn't even see his stand through the trees, said Tyler.

She said I told you before and I'm telling you again. If I come back in five minutes and your signs not down, will be with two police officers by her side, described Tylers grandmother, Mary Lucca.

Is her behavior atrocious? In my opinion, absolutely, said Bill Olivo.

Councilman Bill Olivo says he and his colleagues will look into the lemonade incident.
Its a shame that we dont know whether its going to be reversible for him, said Olivo, adding, Its an unfortunate situation and I think if theres any abuse of power on Ripas part, we'll have to deal with that on council.

Robin Ripa, who is hiring an attorney, did not return CBS 3s phone calls, but expressed her opinion in the Hammonton News. She wrote Tyler's grandmother signed up for the event late and that other vendors were already selling lemonade. She stated the Lucca's need to sell something else.

To him, I think he viewed what he was doing as wrong, said Tylers grandmother.

Previous successful lemonade stands helped Tyler raise enough money for him to attend his technology camp in Seattle, Washington.

Does anyone know how much money Robin Ripa is demanding that the taxpayers of Hammonton pay her?



Anonymous wrote:

Does anyone know how much money Robin Ripa is demanding that the taxpayers of Hammonton pay her?

Why do you ask a question when you don't really care about the answer?  Sounds like you have a lot of hostility against Robin Ripa or anyone that speaks up for their rights.

-- Edited by Admin at 08:35, 2007-06-22



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Now the Democrats are complaining about a very vaild point from a support of the Fire Department? Also, they are backing their own candidiate in suing fellow workers at the Police Department? SUPPORT OUR CAPTAIN! This lawsuit will cost taxpayers lots of money.

Is it true that a bunch of our local police ended up in the Hospital the other night becuase of orders that they had to remove Mexicans from downtown?  Who on Council is ordering this to happen and putting our boys in blue in danger when they are already understaffed?

Remember when HF wanted to cut the police force and many of them made negative comments about the police salaries. Imagine if only 1 officer was available for that incident.  



Thanks to all who donated.  God Bless.



Anonymous wrote:

Thanks to all who donated.  God Bless.

It was really nice to see that the goal of 60 pints was doubled and blood was being donated until late at night.  It is a tribute to just how nice Hammonton is.  People we may never know will greatly benefit from the blood collected in Hammonton.

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