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Post Info TOPIC: Hammonton News reports NJM project back on track

RE: Hammonton News reports NJM project back on track

It's great to see the current town government attracting ratables into our town. Let's face it, Democrats don't attract businesses. Last year Jose Diaz ran around telling everyone how much he hated corporations. That certainly doesn't attract businesses.


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One of the major components of our platform both last year and this year is attracting commercial ratables to ease the burden on the Hammonton taxpayer. We need to do this while still staying in control of our growth. And Mr. Diaz certainly never said any such thing.



Admin wrote:

One of the major components of our platform both last year and this year is attracting commercial ratables to ease the burden on the Hammonton taxpayer. We need to do this while still staying in control of our growth. And Mr. Diaz certainly never said any such thing.

What specificly will the Democrats do to attract ratables? Do you have a specific plan are is this all BS?



The current government looks like they are getting the job done. Why would anybody waste time voting for Democrats who have no specific plans to do anything?


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Hammonton has been stagnant for a long time. We have been building residential homes like crazy, which is hurting the taxpayers by raising the school taxes. We need to work with other governmental agencies, associations, etc, real estate companies, county and state officials, and business organizations to attract commerce to Hammonton and to find out what impeovements we can make to make Hammonton more inviting to commerce. We have an empty industrial park and many other areas we can place business without hurting the rural feel of our community. We will also work with the Democratic majority in Trenton for programs, grants and loans to aid us in these objectives.



It is nice to see another new commercial ratable. In addition to NJ Manufacturer's, Lowe's is coming to town. Starbuck's is soon to open. There is a new strip mall in town. The Hammonton News talked about lots of great progress again this week.

-- Edited by Admin at 08:13, 2007-07-05



Whatever happened to Home Depot?

We need a Target and some other stores to shop in.    Who wants to go to Mays Landing all the time when you can go right to your own back yard.



New Jersey Manufacturer's is a great business for Mayor and Council to have brought to Hammonton. It's a lot of good paying private industry jobs. It's also nice to see that Lowe's is coming to town as is Starbucks. These are great results.


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This weeks Hammonton news presents a story that puts the New Jersey Manufacturer's Insurance project is back on track. Click here to read story.
The Hammonton Democrats are happy to see this project moving forward and encourage our elected officials to push hard to overcome any future obstacles. Part of our platform is the importance of attracting new commercial ratables to Hammonton to ease the burden on the Hammonton taxpayer. When elected, our team will continue the push for more of this type of ratable for our Town.



I just dreove through Raspberry Run.  Why is there no fire lane in front of the building?  Also, there doesn't seem to be any protection from cars driving through the store fronts, like what happened over at Kelly Corner years ago.  There doesn't seem to be any way to access the back of the building.  What if there was a fire there?  How would the fire trucks get in there?  Was this building built to code?  I'm confused.



Anonymous wrote:

I just dreove through Raspberry Run. Why is there no fire lane in front of the building? Also, there doesn't seem to be any protection from cars driving through the store fronts, like what happened over at Kelly Corner years ago. There doesn't seem to be any way to access the back of the building. What if there was a fire there? How would the fire trucks get in there? Was this building built to code? I'm confused.

 Looks like Hammonton Karate is giving up on doing business downtown as well.  Technically it's the same landlord but I thought it was nice to have this business downtown.  More families downtown means more shoppers.



Admin wrote:

This weeks Hammonton news presents a story that puts the New Jersey Manufacturer's Insurance project is back on track. Click here to read story.
The Hammonton Democrats are happy to see this project moving forward and encourage our elected officials to push hard to overcome any future obstacles. Part of our platform is the importance of attracting new commercial ratables to Hammonton to ease the burden on the Hammonton taxpayer. When elected, our team will continue the push for more of this type of ratable for our Town.

I believe that Anthony Ingemi and the Republican lead council were in power when New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance first proposed their building to the town. Lets give credit where credit is due. The biggest reason for the insurance company's slow start was the purchasing of property from the christmas tree guy. He held up the company for a long time.



Anonymous wrote:

New Jersey Manufacturer's is a great business for Mayor and Council to have brought to Hammonton. It's a lot of good paying private industry jobs. It's also nice to see that Lowe's is coming to town as is Starbucks. These are great results.

This is really great. These are well paying jobs that don't rely on taxpayer's money.


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Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

New Jersey Manufacturer's is a great business for Mayor and Council to have brought to Hammonton. It's a lot of good paying private industry jobs. It's also nice to see that Lowe's is coming to town as is Starbucks. These are great results.

This is really great. These are well paying jobs that don't rely on taxpayer's money.

You obviously are not informed. In the Hammonton News this week and official from NJM is quoted,

"Our immediate plan would not be to increase our employee count at the time the building opens, just take existing staff and transfer them to the new building," Breslin said.
No new jobs.
While we will not see any new jobs from this project, we will see a new ratable that will help the local taxpayer. That is why the Democrats are asking the Council to work on resolving any remaining obstacles that remain for this project. The Democrats have had bringing new ratables to Town as part of their platform for several years. It is nice to bring this ratable in, but much more has to be done.



Jimmy Bertino said today he was going to have a campaign rally at Veteran's Park. Is he getting the proper insurance? Is he going to clean the Historic Town Hall after he uses it? Our taxes have to pay for trash removal, extra police, etc for their campaign rally? They just disgaced themselves politizing the Veteran's Parade. I won't get fooled again!



Anonymous wrote:

Jimmy Bertino said today he was going to have a campaign rally at Veteran's Park. Is he getting the proper insurance? Is he going to clean the Historic Town Hall after he uses it? Our taxes have to pay for trash removal, extra police, etc for their campaign rally? They just disgaced themselves politizing the Veteran's Parade. I won't get fooled again!

Yes, veterans park is not to be used for jazz fests and public events.  It is only for Hammonton First to move buildings to that are in their way.
How dare the Republicans do something for the entertainment of the residents of this Town.



Anonymous wrote:

Jimmy Bertino said today he was going to have a campaign rally at Veteran's Park. Is he getting the proper insurance? Is he going to clean the Historic Town Hall after he uses it? Our taxes have to pay for trash removal, extra police, etc for their campaign rally? They just disgaced themselves politizing the Veteran's Parade. I won't get fooled again!




Anonymous wrote:

Jimmy Bertino said today he was going to have a campaign rally at Veteran's Park. Is he getting the proper insurance? Is he going to clean the Historic Town Hall after he uses it? Our taxes have to pay for trash removal, extra police, etc for their campaign rally? They just disgaced themselves politizing the Veteran's Parade. I won't get fooled again!

Didn't the Republicans say that building couldn't be moved with grant money? That wasn't true. It didn't cost the tow one re dcent.

Didn't the Republicans s say the bulding was unsafe with asbestos? It doesn't look like they think that way now.

After all this, now the are having a party there. I think that is great. It reminds everyone just how nice thqat building now is that Hammonton First moved.



Anonymous wrote:

Didn't the Republicans say that building couldn't be moved with grant money? That wasn't true. It didn't cost the tow one re dcent.

Didn't the Republicans s say the bulding was unsafe with asbestos? It doesn't look like they think that way now.

After all this, now the are having a party there. I think that is great. It reminds everyone just how nice thqat building now is that Hammonton First moved.

No, no, and no.


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Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Didn't the Republicans say that building couldn't be moved with grant money? That wasn't true. It didn't cost the town one red cent. - No, but it has been brought to light that the grant that was used was supposed to be used for a community center, guess that's another campaign promise of HF that won't come true.

Didn't the Republicans s say the building was unsafe with asbestos? It doesn't look like they think that way now. -That was brought to light by the Democrats and thankfully because it was made public HF was forced to clean up the asbestos properly and according to the law.

After all this, now the are having a party there. I think that is great. We do too, we should have more events like this and it is great to see something being done somewhere other than the lake. Great move by the GOP. 

-- Edited by Admin at 09:34, 2007-07-10



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Didn't the Republicans say that building couldn't be moved with grant money? That wasn't true. It didn't cost the tow one re dcent.

Didn't the Republicans s say the bulding was unsafe with asbestos? It doesn't look like they think that way now.

After all this, now the are having a party there. I think that is great. It reminds everyone just how nice thqat building now is that Hammonton First moved.

No, no, and no.

Jimmy Bertino was the person who tried to stop the building daying the grant money couldn't be used. The Federal Government said no problem and HF got the job done without and propert tax being used.

It ws actually the Dems came up with the nonsense asbestos story. The State came out, tested, and saw there was no issue and allowed the building to move.

It sure is a nice site for a party!


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Anonymous wrote:

Jimmy Bertino was the person who tried to stop the building daying the grant money couldn't be used. The Federal Government said no problem and HF got the job done without and propert tax being used. - Let's tell the truth. Jimmy Bertino was the one who wrote the grant and knows for a fact that is was to be used for a new community center. Just because the feds said it was alright to use the money to move a building doesn't mean that Hammonton First lived up to their campaign promise!

It ws actually the Dems came up with the nonsense asbestos story. The State came out, tested, and saw there was no issue and allowed the building to move. - Not true, the state came out and saw that there was a problem and did not allow the building to move until the asbestos was cleaned up, which the Mayor authorized to have done without council voting on the expenditure.

It sure is a nice site for a party!



Admin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Jimmy Bertino was the person who tried to stop the building daying the grant money couldn't be used. The Federal Government said no problem and HF got the job done without and propert tax being used.

It ws actually the Dems came up with the nonsense asbestos story. The State came out, tested, and saw there was no issue and allowed the building to move.

It sure is a nice site for a party!

Town hall underway, bids less than $5.9M, historic bldg is beautiful and now town is getting more grant money for other stuff.  No tax increases, school is fixed.  Why waste time bashing since everything is going so nice?


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Town hall underway, bids less than $5.9M, - but let's not forget that the entire project was supposed to come in at $5.9 and all we are getting is just the building for that price. 

historic bldg is beautiful - agreed 

and now town is getting more grant money for other stuff. - $50,000 for Main Street doesn't even pay Dr. Woods salary.

No tax increases, - agreed
school is fixed. - long way to go to be fixed, but definitely on the right track.

  Why waste time bashing since everything is going so nice? - agreed, let's just discuss issues instead of the Hammonton First camp bashing the Democratic candidates.



Gee, who started each year the town paying the Main Street Revitalization Corporation?  Oh yes, it was voted in by Republicans and Democrats long before Hammonton First existed.  Is the Democratic platform now to eliminate downtown revitalization?


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No, revitilization is very important to Hammonton, but needs to be looked at all over Hammonton and not just downtown. And the Dems are concerned over the return on our investment. Can the same or better results come from the multitude of energetic volunteers we have here in Hammonton?



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Jimmy Bertino was the person who tried to stop the building daying the grant money couldn't be used. The Federal Government said no problem and HF got the job done without and propert tax being used.

It ws actually the Dems came up with the nonsense asbestos story. The State came out, tested, and saw there was no issue and allowed the building to move.

It sure is a nice site for a party!

Town hall underway, bids less than $5.9M, historic bldg is beautiful and now town is getting more grant money for other stuff.  No tax increases, school is fixed.  Why waste time bashing since everything is going so nice?

No tax increases in town and a new town hall is going up.  When the school was built, taxes went thru the roof.  Sure seems like the town hall job is being run better than the school was.


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Why are you so unwilling to accept the truth that the school taxes were the result of the state not following its own laws and not supporting the schools all throughout the state with the proper funding? Is it because the truth doesn't support your bashing and so you only keep repeating your lies? And the jury is still out on the town hall project! Remember the project is to include the Town Hall, site work, landscaping, drainage, furniture, demolition of old town hall, new community center...everything for $5.9 million. We have already spent $5.9 million just on the building and it isn't even built yet. Click on the ad below if you need to be reminded of the HF campaign promise.



Result of the new school was skyrocketing taxes and leasing like crazy. Town hall is moving along nicely with no tax increases. Bids were under $5.9M, historic bldg was moved wih free grant money. It's really a pretty bldg.


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The new school has not caused any tax increases. As a matter of fact, the school board was able to reduce the tax rate for the referendum because of favorable refinancing, so it is costing you even less in taxes than was originally anticipated. And the board continues to lease when neccessary just like the Town is bonding everything like crazy. This Town has never been in so much debt as we are right now. Our children will be paying for our debt, what a legacy we will leave.
It has already been reported that there is less than $20,000 left in the bonding for the Town Hall and that is just for the building. And it isn't built yet, it's too early to say it will come in on budget. And you conveniently keep forgetting the rest of the things that are supposed to be included in that $5.9 million.



Do you really expect people to believe school taxes went down with the new school being built? You have to be kidding!


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Don't take my word for it, call the Town Clerk, call the school district, call the county tax dept. They will tell you. It's a shame you don't know what you vote on each year. You voted on a decrease in the referendum tax rate this year when you voted on the school budget.



Anonymous wrote:

Do you really expect people to believe school taxes went down with the new school being built? You have to be kidding!

True or False? HF said that they would build the Town Hall, a community center and move the old town hall for $5.9M. That's what they campaigned on. True or False. Plain and simple. 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Do you really expect people to believe school taxes went down with the new school being built? You have to be kidding!

True or False? HF said that they would build the Town Hall, a community center and move the old town hall for $5.9M. That's what they campaigned on. True or False. Plain and simple. 

I'll answer for him .  TRUE.

post script:  did they do it?  NO!



Republicans Loretta Rehmann and Joe Giralo are trying to cover up the fact there is asbestos on the school addition being done now. Giralo is in charge of tghe construction. This is a public safety issue. Children are involved!


RE: Hammonton News reports NJM project back on track

If I recall... BOE member DiDonato is on the building comittee at school. I think he also attends the const. meetings for addition just like he is overseeing the town hall project. Every month he is lauded for his ability to manage a building project.... what's going on here ?



Anonymous wrote:

If I recall... BOE member DiDonato is on the building comittee at school. I think he also attends the const. meetings for addition just like he is overseeing the town hall project. Every month he is lauded for his ability to manage a building project.... what's going on here ?

This issue was brought up in the public session of the Board several meetings ago. A change order was approved in the public session authorizing a certified asbestos removal firm to take care of and clean up this situation. The asbestos was part of the floor tiles which is common in buildings constructed around that time. Everything was done in the proper fashion in the public session and all has been cleaned up. There was never a public safety issue because things were done in the proper fashion and no children are in that building at this time. The area was sealed while it was being cleaned so as not to spread to any other areas. Hammonton First can take a lesson from how this was handled because it was done in the proper fashion, in the open session of the meeting, with a certified frim, keeping the public safety in mind at all times. Unlike the Historic Town Hall move which was ignored by Council until the state came in and made them clean it up the proper way. They tried to hide it in a public meeting by just calling it debris. That is where there was a cover up and a deliberate act to put the public in jeopardy.

Congratulations to the Hammonton Board of Education for discovering this issue and handling it the right way. Hammonton First should take a lesson from the Board.
Better yet the public has been taught a lesson about Hammonton First and will solve that problem in November.




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To the best of my knowledge, there was a change order voted on in public which stated the need for a change. I have heard that the entire board was aware of it and voted on it. There is no cover up, the only cover ups that take place in Hammonton are lead by Hammonton First . There were no children in the building and everything was handled properly, more than the town can say for what the LIARS of Hammonton First .Plus I didn't know that Loretta was a Republican.Why is the Town budget just about broke? Why do we need trees that cost 585.00 in change order, I hear there is something up with that., truth is that's not the true cost of the trees, so the real coverup is with Hammonton First. There is a group that is looking into that, please stay tuned.



Has anyone priced trees lately? These trees do not cost this much at any garden center or retailer I have been to. I think it is interesting that these trees are being supplied by a relative of a local eye doctor who is a big Hammonton First supporter!!! It sounds like just another case of Hammonton First taking care of it's own at the expense of the local taxpayers.


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Why does the leader of HF spread such lies ? Why do we cover up the trees? Why do we go around the Tree Comission? Why do the benches face the wrong way? Why after a 100 years does the bus have to make people walk further, the answer is easy it's all for one person . Remember for the politics not the people, the new Hammonton First slogan. Say on thing and do another, it"s their way.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

If I recall... BOE member DiDonato is on the building comittee at school. I think he also attends the const. meetings for addition just like he is overseeing the town hall project. Every month he is lauded for his ability to manage a building project.... what's going on here ?

This issue was brought up in the public session of the Board several meetings ago. A change order was approved in the public session authorizing a certified asbestos removal firm to take care of and clean up this situation. The asbestos was part of the floor tiles which is common in buildings constructed around that time. Everything was done in the proper fashion in the public session and all has been cleaned up. There was never a public safety issue because things were done in the proper fashion and no children are in that building at this time. The area was sealed while it was being cleaned so as not to spread to any other areas. Hammonton First can take a lesson from how this was handled because it was done in the proper fashion, in the open session of the meeting, with a certified frim, keeping the public safety in mind at all times. Unlike the Historic Town Hall move which was ignored by Council until the state came in and made them clean it up the proper way. They tried to hide it in a public meeting by just calling it debris. That is where there was a cover up and a deliberate act to put the public in jeopardy.

Congratulations to the Hammonton Board of Education for discovering this issue and handling it the right way. Hammonton First should take a lesson from the Board.
Better yet the public has been taught a lesson about Hammonton First and will solve that problem in November.



Why was the post removed which pointed out that the same person oversaw to the State's satisfaction both the asbestos removal at the school and town hall? Let's face it, everyone is going to know that the Dems were just bashing for political gain. It is no different than their lawsuit over peppers. The gave out traps, what's the diffeerence? Nothing! The Dems just want to bash thngs in our town every chance they get.


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Anonymous wrote:

Why was the post removed which pointed out that the same person oversaw to the State's satisfaction both the asbestos removal at the school and town hall? Let's face it, everyone is going to know that the Dems were just bashing for political gain. It is no different than their lawsuit over peppers. The gave out traps, what's the diffeerence? Nothing! The Dems just want to bash thngs in our town every chance they get.

It wasn't deleted because of the mention that Steve DiDonato oversees both projects. It was because of your baseless accusation that the Democrats are bashing. You have no way of knowing who posted those comments because they are anonymous. I have not commented on this subject at all because I do not have all the info and I, unlike you, like to know the facts before I comment. I am gathering more info and may comment, but not to bash, only to discuss the issues.
And there was never any lawsuit over peppers. Again a lie by you to try and discredit the Dems.
The Dems are talking issues and raising questions. The questions we are being asked by the citizens of this Town. If excercising our freedom of speech rights and asking questions we feel are important bother you, then maybe you need to ask yourself why. Are things being hidden, was the campaign promise of "open government" a lie? If this is truly an "open government", then questions must be allowed so that the citizens can get all the facts and understand the actions of their representatives on council.


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Let's face it , if DiDonato did it it was done right, if Giralo and Rehmann did it was done wrong so why do you continue to bash? let's talk about the tree's for the down town. Why don"t you come clean? Why is everything with you so twisted, many know your the one that does things wrong. Soon you will be exposed.The problem is you judge others in how you judge yourselfor those around you.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

If I recall... BOE member DiDonato is on the building comittee at school. I think he also attends the const. meetings for addition just like he is overseeing the town hall project. Every month he is lauded for his ability to manage a building project.... what's going on here ?

This issue was brought up in the public session of the Board several meetings ago. A change order was approved in the public session authorizing a certified asbestos removal firm to take care of and clean up this situation. The asbestos was part of the floor tiles which is common in buildings constructed around that time. Everything was done in the proper fashion in the public session and all has been cleaned up. There was never a public safety issue because things were done in the proper fashion and no children are in that building at this time. The area was sealed while it was being cleaned so as not to spread to any other areas. Hammonton First can take a lesson from how this was handled because it was done in the proper fashion, in the open session of the meeting, with a certified frim, keeping the public safety in mind at all times. Unlike the Historic Town Hall move which was ignored by Council until the state came in and made them clean it up the proper way. They tried to hide it in a public meeting by just calling it debris. That is where there was a cover up and a deliberate act to put the public in jeopardy.

Congratulations to the Hammonton Board of Education for discovering this issue and handling it the right way. Hammonton First should take a lesson from the Board.
Better yet the public has been taught a lesson about Hammonton First and will solve that problem in November.

Just as long as no one opens their big mouth and blame asbestos on the KKK.  We don't need that again.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

If I recall... BOE member DiDonato is on the building comittee at school. I think he also attends the const. meetings for addition just like he is overseeing the town hall project. Every month he is lauded for his ability to manage a building project.... what's going on here ?

This issue was brought up in the public session of the Board several meetings ago. A change order was approved in the public session authorizing a certified asbestos removal firm to take care of and clean up this situation. The asbestos was part of the floor tiles which is common in buildings constructed around that time. Everything was done in the proper fashion in the public session and all has been cleaned up. There was never a public safety issue because things were done in the proper fashion and no children are in that building at this time. The area was sealed while it was being cleaned so as not to spread to any other areas. Hammonton First can take a lesson from how this was handled because it was done in the proper fashion, in the open session of the meeting, with a certified frim, keeping the public safety in mind at all times. Unlike the Historic Town Hall move which was ignored by Council until the state came in and made them clean it up the proper way. They tried to hide it in a public meeting by just calling it debris. That is where there was a cover up and a deliberate act to put the public in jeopardy.

Congratulations to the Hammonton Board of Education for discovering this issue and handling it the right way. Hammonton First should take a lesson from the Board.
Better yet the public has been taught a lesson about Hammonton First and will solve that problem in November.

Just as long as no one opens their big mouth and blame asbestos on the KKK.  We don't need that again.

Everything is okay withthe KKK. Rocky works with the Republicans now so this isn't anything that can be used to bash HF anymore.



What ever happened to the minor league baseball stadium coming to Hammonton?  Was it for the Hammonton Blueberries?  It would be great to have a stadium down town.



Anonymous wrote:

What ever happened to the minor league baseball stadium coming to Hammonton? Was it for the Hammonton Blueberries? It would be great to have a stadium down town.

 Then this town would truely show it's Italian heritage. We can make a replica of the Colloseum and hold sporting events there.  The first people we should throw in with the Lions are Town Council.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Then this town would truely show it's Italian heritage. We can make a replica of the Colloseum and hold sporting events there. The first people we should throw in with the Lions are Town Council.


 I just hope the new Town Hall doesn't become the Leaning Tower of Pisa.



Anonymous wrote:

It's great to see the current town government attracting ratables into our town. Let's face it, Democrats don't attract businesses. Last year Jose Diaz ran around telling everyone how much he hated corporations. That certainly doesn't attract businesses.

Did the Democrats ever figure out what specific things they would do if elected? Over the last 10-15 years they almost never won, but they were involved in a lot of lawsuits. Maybe that can be the campaign motto: "Democrats: Got Lawyers?"


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Lot of Lawsuits???? Charges were filed for the bribery that ocurred two years ago in the election, and that's it. What other suits are you falsely tying to the party for you own political motives. If you can't get the facts straight, you just continue to show why the people you support shouldn't be representing the people of this Town, because they can't do it accurately.



HF gave away a bag with some vegtables in it and the Democrats filed bribery charges. The judge threw case out. The charges were a joke that never had a chance.

This year, Democrats give away gypsy moth traps. They admit they are doing it to get votes. Aren't they being two-faced? Or maybe it doesn't count since the traps don't work anyway.


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Again, you are misinformed! The charges had nothing to do with the vegatables. The charges were filed over the claim that HF would give out Senior citizen discount cards, BUT only if they were elected. Sounds like a bribe to me. Unfortunately, the judge assigned to the case was supposed to run a probable cause hearing and instead ran a mini-trial. HF had their whole team there along with their attorney. The Dems were told they didn't need to bring their witnesses or their attorney because it was only a probable cause hearing, and therefore Mr. Brigandi was blindsided and left without the representation and evidence needed for a trial. Sounds a little fishy doesn't it?

The traps are in response to a need in the community, and we acknowledge that providing a much needed service to the Town that the current council fell short on their responsibilities and failed to do , did bring us some good public relations.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

It's great to see the current town government attracting ratables into our town. Let's face it, Democrats don't attract businesses. Last year Jose Diaz ran around telling everyone how much he hated corporations. That certainly doesn't attract businesses.

Jose' never said anything like that.  He talked more on the lines of public safety and services. 






Anonymous wrote:

HF gave away a bag with some vegtables in it and the Democrats filed bribery charges. The judge threw case out. The charges were a joke that never had a chance.

This year, Democrats give away gypsy moth traps. They admit they are doing it to get votes. Aren't they being two-faced? Or maybe it doesn't count since the traps don't work anyway.

The Democrats feel they were "blind-sided" in the HF case because the judge decided to listen to actual laws and testimony instead of running a kangaroo court. The nerve of that judge!


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The judge disregarded the laws and ran a trial instead of a hearing. Testimony is not supposed to be conducted at a probable cause hearing, but it was allowed at this one. Why were the Dems told they didn't need their lawyer but HF had a full defense team. Do you want us to go into the past relationship of the judge to the biggest supporters of HF? That's another interesting twist that I'm sure the public would like to know.



Admin wrote:

Testimony is not supposed to be conducted at a probable cause hearing, but it was allowed at this one.

We wouldn't want the Judge to know the facts, now would we? By the way, speaking of Democratic candidates and also lawsuits, how is the Robin Ripa lawsuit against town employees making out. Will actual testimony be allowed in that one?



Since the Republicans have a 4-3 majority on council, why can't they get anything done? Why would we want to give them even more votes in November to do nothing?


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The judge is supposed to hear testimony at a trial, not a probable cause hearing.
A probable cause hearing is to determine if a trial is to take place, it is only to hear the cause for brining the charges, not the defense.



Admin wrote:

The judge is supposed to hear testimony at a trial, not a probable cause hearing.
A probable cause hearing is to determine if a trial is to take place, it is only to hear the cause for brining the charges, not the defense.

You seem to know a lot. I guess it is because the Dems have been involved with lawyers so much. I feel that a judge would want evidence before charging someone, but I guess you feel that is not needed. It seems that not asking for evidence is the kind of thing that is done in a Communist nation.

I would certainly hope that Police Captain Jones gets to rely on evidence with the lawsuit Robin Ripa filed.


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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

You seem to know a lot. I guess it is because the Dems have been involved with lawyers so much. I feel that a judge would want evidence before charging someone, but I guess you feel that is not needed. It seems that not asking for evidence is the kind of thing that is done in a Communist nation.

I would certainly hope that Police Captain Jones gets to rely on evidence with the lawsuit Robin Ripa filed.

You answered your own question, at a hearing the evidence is what is supposed to be presented, not a whole trial. So thank you for making my point for me. And I thought you didn't understand.
If Capt. Jones did nothing wrong, then he has nothing to worry about. All of the defendents at every trial get to rely on evidence. That's how it works.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

HF gave away a bag with some vegtables in it and the Democrats filed bribery charges. The judge threw case out. The charges were a joke that never had a chance.

This year, Democrats give away gypsy moth traps. They admit they are doing it to get votes. Aren't they being two-faced? Or maybe it doesn't count since the traps don't work anyway.

The Democrats feel they were "blind-sided" in the HF case because the judge decided to listen to actual laws and testimony instead of running a kangaroo court. The nerve of that judge!

The Dems weren't blind sided. The judge did his job, heard the evidence, and threw out the charges because they were a joke. I hope the law protects Captain Jones' rights in the same way.


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Posts: 1241

You are entitled to your opinion. And I hope the law protects Captain Jones' rights, all the defendents rights and Ms. Ripa's rights. It is up to the courts and not us. This case has nothong to do with this campaign. This is an employee who felt they were wronged standing up for themself. Hopefully our justice system protects evryones rights.

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