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Post Info TOPIC: It may be time to examine all options for our local rescue squad

RE: It may be time to examine all options for our local rescue squad

Do the Democrats have a specific plan? Probably not. Lots of talk, no action.


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Of course we do not have specifics. We all need to thoroughly research all of the options available to us in order to make an informed decision.



Admin wrote:

Of course we do not have specifics. We all need to thoroughly research all of the options available to us in order to make an informed decision.

How can anybody be expected to vote for the Democrats? They have no idea what to do. They were lost when they wasted millions of the taxpayers dollars at the school. Now they want to tell everyone they have a campaign platform of public safety. When asked what they would do, they say they have no specific ideas. What a waste of time. No wonder Hammonton traditionally votes Republican.


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Posts: 1241

The plan is to do things right instead of rushing into things without a proper plan like you are proposing. Thorough research must be done to explore ALL options and find out which one is right for Hammonton. And I mean ALL of Hammonton, not just the rich, elite and relatives.


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Posts: 1241

Local papers are reporting cutbacks at our Rescue Squad. It is time for our elected officials to seriously look at all options open to our Town in providing the best service to the people of Hammonton. Click here for Hammonton News story. The current squad may be the best option, but we will never know unless we do a thorough review of all options. Public Safety has always been one of the most important issues on the Hammonton Democrats platform and now is the time to insure the safety of all the residents of Hammonton.



The Democrats have no plan. Just like when they rushed to build a $40 million school and went millions over budget and raised taxes, they want to complain but have no idea what to do next. It is a good thing the current council already has worked with the Fire Department to handle this. The Fire Department is doing a great job for the town. The Rescue Squad is a business that has customers in other towns than Hammonton. The Chief already explained that the Police Department gives them free dispatch service for towns outside Hammonton. The Fire Department can handle the job.


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Posts: 1241

First of all the school was built under the direction of the school board which is a non-political organization. Even so, there were a majority of Republicans on the school board. And the school DID NOT go over budget, if it did YOU would be paying more in taxes than you are.
If the Council is exploring an option with the Fire Dept. that is a good thing. There are a lot of excellent dedicated people in that Dept. who can offer a lot of assistance. However, we as officials have a responsibility to explore ALL options before any discussion and decisions can be made. Hopefully this council doesn't rush into this situation with a half thought out solution that will end up costing us way more than they promise. Not unlike another project underway now.



Anonymous wrote:

The Democrats have no plan. Just like when they rushed to build a $40 million school and went millions over budget and raised taxes, they want to complain but have no idea what to do next. It is a good thing the current council already has worked with the Fire Department to handle this. The Fire Department is doing a great job for the town. The Rescue Squad is a business that has customers in other towns than Hammonton. The Chief already explained that the Police Department gives them free dispatch service for towns outside Hammonton. The Fire Department can handle the job.

 That is not true! The Hammonton Fire Department has not been contacted about anything to do with the rescue squad.



That is a lie .  the fire dept. and the mayor and council have had several meetings about the squad.  and what the fire dept. can do to help. 



You are misinformed. There are no discussions with the Fire Department about the Rescue Squad.



I beg to differ....  the rescue squad is going by way of Kessler hospital.... I just hope that they get out in front of the problem early enough.


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That certainly is one of the better options out there. Let's make sure we do our due dilegence to insure we are going with the best possible solution for the people of Hammonton.



Looks like people agree our Mayor and Council have the right idea on this issue. No need to waste taxpayer's dollars.


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You just don't see it. First you say the Mayor and Council is talking with the Fire Dept., and that's not rue. Now someone off the cuff mention's something about Kessler and you are ready to pack up and think everything is OK. While we agree, Kessler is certainly a solution worth exploring, we still think that ALL options need to be thoroughly explored to insure we can look at the BEST option for our Town.

I get the impression that whatever we say you will attack just because that is your goal on this blog. You are not interested in discussing real issues or solutions, you are only interested in bashing the Dems and applauding your candidates. Come back when you are ready for real discussion. The Democrats are ready for bi-partisan discussions to put the best plans into action for the people of Hammonton. We are ready to do the work neccessary to find those options.
AMMIRATO, FALCONE, and RIPA for Hammonton Town Council.



Maria Falcone wrote an interesting letter in the paper. She spoke out against Jerry Vitalo forcing the Independence Day celebration to be July 4th. The fireworks Vitalo organized were terrible. What did he do with all the money that was donated? What did the money buy?

Also, having the Republican candidates lead the parade was terrible. Why wasn't Robin Ripa even invited? She organized many veteran's events. This is another example of Jimmy Curcio's bad ideas. He's pushing hard to get his cousin Torrissi elected.



Anonymous wrote:

Maria Falcone wrote an interesting letter in the paper. She spoke out against Jerry Vitalo forcing the Independence Day celebration to be July 4th. The fireworks Vitalo organized were terrible. What did he do with all the money that was donated? What did the money buy?

Also, having the Republican candidates lead the parade was terrible. Why wasn't Robin Ripa even invited? She organized many veteran's events. This is another example of Jimmy Curcio's bad ideas. He's pushing hard to get his cousin Torrissi elected.

  Wow, that post covers attacking all 3 parties in one post.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Maria Falcone wrote an interesting letter in the paper. She spoke out against Jerry Vitalo forcing the Independence Day celebration to be July 4th. The fireworks Vitalo organized were terrible. What did he do with all the money that was donated? What did the money buy?

Also, having the Republican candidates lead the parade was terrible. Why wasn't Robin Ripa even invited? She organized many veteran's events. This is another example of Jimmy Curcio's bad ideas. He's pushing hard to get his cousin Torrissi elected.

  Wow, that post covers attacking all 3 parties in one post.

Maria Falcone spoke out against Jerry Vitalo making the fireworks be July 1st. We won't get fooled again!



Rescue Squad .  is a billing machine.  that should go bye bye ! the day of the volunteer is over.  The men who where the squad are gone.  This is just like buying salt for the highway dept. or something for the police or street sweeping, etc.  the lowest bid gets the job.  Yes they must be qualified.   No the current squad is not the lowest bid and no they are not the most qualified. 



Anonymous wrote:
Maria Falcone spoke out against Jerry Vitalo making the fireworks be July 1st. We won't get fooled again!

Remember folks, Independence Day is about making sure we have fireworks on July 4th. It isn't about celebrating the birth of the United States and our cessation from Britain's taxing tyranny.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:
Maria Falcone spoke out against Jerry Vitalo making the fireworks be July 1st. We won't get fooled again!

Remember folks, Independence Day is about making sure we have fireworks on July 4th. It isn't about celebrating the birth of the United States and our cessation from Britain's taxing tyranny.


 You just made Maria's point for her. Those events are to be celebrated on July 4th. Not whatever day is more convenient for the councilman.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:
Maria Falcone spoke out against Jerry Vitalo making the fireworks be July 1st. We won't get fooled again!

Remember folks, Independence Day is about making sure we have fireworks on July 4th. It isn't about celebrating the birth of the United States and our cessation from Britain's taxing tyranny.


 You just made Maria's point for her. Those events are to be celebrated on July 4th. Not whatever day is more convenient for the councilman.

Maybe Jerry Vitalo doesn't know what day the 4th of July falls on. Remember a few years ago when the Republicans moved the date of Halloween? I won't get fooled again!



Remember how Hammonton First said we'd get a town hall,community center, lake pavilion, and parking for $5.9 million.  Guess they lied to us.


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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

Remember how Hammonton First said we'd get a town hall,community center, lake pavilion, and parking for $5.9 million.  Guess they lied to us.

Here's the ad from their campaign!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Maria Falcone spoke out against Jerry Vitalo making the fireworks be July 1st. We won't get fooled again!

Remember folks, Independence Day is about making sure we have fireworks on July 4th. It isn't about celebrating the birth of the United States and our cessation from Britain's taxing tyranny.

 You just made Maria's point for her. Those events are to be celebrated on July 4th. Not whatever day is more convenient for the councilman.

Maybe Jerry Vitalo doesn't know what day the 4th of July falls on. Remember a few years ago when the Republicans moved the date of Halloween? I won't get fooled again!

It was good to read the paper and see Maria Falcone speaking out against Jerry Vitalo.

-- Edited by Admin at 10:19, 2007-07-10



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Maria Falcone spoke out against Jerry Vitalo making the fireworks be July 1st. We won't get fooled again!

Remember folks, Independence Day is about making sure we have fireworks on July 4th. It isn't about celebrating the birth of the United States and our cessation from Britain's taxing tyranny.

 You just made Maria's point for her. Those events are to be celebrated on July 4th. Not whatever day is more convenient for the councilman.

Maybe Jerry Vitalo doesn't know what day the 4th of July falls on. Remember a few years ago when the Republicans moved the date of Halloween? I won't get fooled again!

It was good to read the paper and see Maria Falcone speaking out against Jerry Vitalo.

-- Edited by Admin at 10:19, 2007-07-10

Maria Falcone will do a great job running the 4th of July event next year.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Maria Falcone spoke out against Jerry Vitalo making the fireworks be July 1st. We won't get fooled again!

Remember folks, Independence Day is about making sure we have fireworks on July 4th. It isn't about celebrating the birth of the United States and our cessation from Britain's taxing tyranny.

 You just made Maria's point for her. Those events are to be celebrated on July 4th. Not whatever day is more convenient for the councilman.

Maybe Jerry Vitalo doesn't know what day the 4th of July falls on. Remember a few years ago when the Republicans moved the date of Halloween? I won't get fooled again!

It was good to read the paper and see Maria Falcone speaking out against Jerry Vitalo.

-- Edited by Admin at 10:19, 2007-07-10

Maria Falcone will do a great job running the 4th of July event next year.

Anybody would be better than Mike Pajic. He is a loser.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Maria Falcone spoke out against Jerry Vitalo making the fireworks be July 1st. We won't get fooled again!

Remember folks, Independence Day is about making sure we have fireworks on July 4th. It isn't about celebrating the birth of the United States and our cessation from Britain's taxing tyranny.

You just made Maria's point for her. Those events are to be celebrated on July 4th. Not whatever day is more convenient for the councilman.

Maybe Jerry Vitalo doesn't know what day the 4th of July falls on. Remember a few years ago when the Republicans moved the date of Halloween? I won't get fooled again!

It was good to read the paper and see Maria Falcone speaking out against Jerry Vitalo.

-- Edited by Admin at 10:19, 2007-07-10

Maria Falcone will do a great job running the 4th of July event next year.


Anybody would be better than Mike Pajic. He is a loser.


 Oh, oh the HF Torrissi camp again trying to make the Dems look bad.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Maria Falcone spoke out against Jerry Vitalo making the fireworks be July 1st. We won't get fooled again!

Remember folks, Independence Day is about making sure we have fireworks on July 4th. It isn't about celebrating the birth of the United States and our cessation from Britain's taxing tyranny.

You just made Maria's point for her. Those events are to be celebrated on July 4th. Not whatever day is more convenient for the councilman.

Maybe Jerry Vitalo doesn't know what day the 4th of July falls on. Remember a few years ago when the Republicans moved the date of Halloween? I won't get fooled again!

It was good to read the paper and see Maria Falcone speaking out against Jerry Vitalo.

-- Edited by Admin at 10:19, 2007-07-10

Maria Falcone will do a great job running the 4th of July event next year.


Anybody would be better than Mike Pajic. He is a loser.


 Oh, oh the HF Torrissi camp again trying to make the Dems look bad.




The Republicans are desparate. First Curcio has their candidates look stupid marching in the parade and cutting the Democrats out of it. Now Pajic, Berenato and Torrissi want to acknowledge how nice of a building the historic town hall is by having a jazz concert with Rocky Colosurdo. Have the Republicans promised Rocky Colosurdo anything?


Status: Offline
Posts: 14

I heard the only thing Rock promised is a ton of votes for the Republicans because HF kicked him out. I heard he will work hard to put an end to HF. The Republicans cannot promise anything, they aren't in control. Also heard that many others are leaving the ranks of HF because the don't like the deal. Go Democrats, Go Republicans, put an end to the -----'s



The Boss wrote:

I heard the only thing Rock promised is a ton of votes for the Republicans because HF kicked him out. I heard he will work hard to put an end to HF. The Republicans cannot promise anything, they aren't in control.

Actually, with Rocky the Republcans now have a 4-3 majority of council. They aren't effective because they are too stupid to be able to count. Adding to 7 is almost impossible for Jerry Vitalo. And actually doing something... well Jimmy Bertino never did anything before so why start now?



Anonymous wrote:


How many times are you going to say "I WONT GET FOOLED AGAIN"? Mr T says you sound like a damn fool, fool!

-- Edited by Admin at 14:28, 2007-07-11



Anonymous wrote:

The Boss wrote:

I heard the only thing Rock promised is a ton of votes for the Republicans because HF kicked him out. I heard he will work hard to put an end to HF. The Republicans cannot promise anything, they aren't in control.

Actually, with Rocky the Republcans now have a 4-3 majority of council. They aren't effective because they are too stupid to be able to count. Adding to 7 is almost impossible for Jerry Vitalo. And actually doing something... well Jimmy Bertino never did anything before so why start now?

The Republicans are completey useless. When did Bertino ever finish anything? They have a 4-3 majority and still get nothing done!



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


The Boss wrote:

I heard the only thing Rock promised is a ton of votes for the Republicans because HF kicked him out. I heard he will work hard to put an end to HF. The Republicans cannot promise anything, they aren't in control.


Actually, with Rocky the Republcans now have a 4-3 majority of council. They aren't effective because they are too stupid to be able to count. Adding to 7 is almost impossible for Jerry Vitalo. And actually doing something... well Jimmy Bertino never did anything before so why start now?


The Republicans are completey useless. When did Bertino ever finish anything? They have a 4-3 majority and still get nothing done!


 Come on now he's finished some stuff.   I saw him finish up a Sausage and Pepper sandwich yesterday.



Anonymous wrote:


The Boss wrote:

I heard the only thing Rock promised is a ton of votes for the Republicans because HF kicked him out. I heard he will work hard to put an end to HF. The Republicans cannot promise anything, they aren't in control.


Actually, with Rocky the Republcans now have a 4-3 majority of council. They aren't effective because they are too stupid to be able to count. Adding to 7 is almost impossible for Jerry Vitalo. And actually doing something... well Jimmy Bertino never did anything before so why start now?


 The latest rumor is that Roccky has been accepted back into the Hammonton First fold.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


The Boss wrote:

I heard the only thing Rock promised is a ton of votes for the Republicans because HF kicked him out. I heard he will work hard to put an end to HF. The Republicans cannot promise anything, they aren't in control.


Actually, with Rocky the Republcans now have a 4-3 majority of council. They aren't effective because they are too stupid to be able to count. Adding to 7 is almost impossible for Jerry Vitalo. And actually doing something... well Jimmy Bertino never did anything before so why start now?


 The latest rumor is that Roccky has been accepted back into the Hammonton First fold.

A Fister must be starting that rumor. Rocky is solidly Republican. He's one of the leaders of the jazz concert and will be a strong leader of the Republican Club for many years.



This just in:  Rocky is joining the Dems and starting his own tree farm!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


The Boss wrote:

I heard the only thing Rock promised is a ton of votes for the Republicans because HF kicked him out. I heard he will work hard to put an end to HF. The Republicans cannot promise anything, they aren't in control.


Actually, with Rocky the Republcans now have a 4-3 majority of council. They aren't effective because they are too stupid to be able to count. Adding to 7 is almost impossible for Jerry Vitalo. And actually doing something... well Jimmy Bertino never did anything before so why start now?


 The latest rumor is that Roccky has been accepted back into the Hammonton First fold.

A Fister must be starting that rumor. Rocky is solidly Republican. He's one of the leaders of the jazz concert and will be a strong leader of the Republican Club for many years.

The Republicans are already doing nothing with a 4-3 majority. If the Republicans win, have they promised Rocky who will be their solictor?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The Boss wrote:

I heard the only thing Rock promised is a ton of votes for the Republicans because HF kicked him out. I heard he will work hard to put an end to HF. The Republicans cannot promise anything, they aren't in control.

Actually, with Rocky the Republcans now have a 4-3 majority of council. They aren't effective because they are too stupid to be able to count. Adding to 7 is almost impossible for Jerry Vitalo. And actually doing something... well Jimmy Bertino never did anything before so why start now?

 The latest rumor is that Roccky has been accepted back into the Hammonton First fold.

A Fister must be starting that rumor. Rocky is solidly Republican. He's one of the leaders of the jazz concert and will be a strong leader of the Republican Club for many years.

The Republicans are already doing nothing with a 4-3 majority. If the Republicans win, have they promised Rocky who will be their solictor?

Hey, as long as the Repub's. don't pick the integrity challenged Frank Oliva for solicitor, who cares !!!



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The Boss wrote:

I heard the only thing Rock promised is a ton of votes for the Republicans because HF kicked him out. I heard he will work hard to put an end to HF. The Republicans cannot promise anything, they aren't in control.

Actually, with Rocky the Republcans now have a 4-3 majority of council. They aren't effective because they are too stupid to be able to count. Adding to 7 is almost impossible for Jerry Vitalo. And actually doing something... well Jimmy Bertino never did anything before so why start now?

The latest rumor is that Roccky has been accepted back into the Hammonton First fold.

A Fister must be starting that rumor. Rocky is solidly Republican. He's one of the leaders of the jazz concert and will be a strong leader of the Republican Club for many years.

The Republicans are already doing nothing with a 4-3 majority. If the Republicans win, have they promised Rocky who will be their solictor?

Hey, as long as the Repub's. don't pick the integrity challenged Frank Oliva for solicitor, who cares !!!


 Is that why Town Council kept the current solicitor...because NO ONE CARES. NO ONE CARES So they gave him MORE MONEY then he asked for. NO CARES. YEP THAT SUMS IT UP. This time We Won't Get Fooled Again!



With Rocky Colasurdo and Jimmy Curcio working together to control the Republican Club, I would imagine they will pick the next solicitor if the Republicans win. Would Rocky back Frank Olivo? Or would he pick his daughter?



Is Rock's daughter really an attorney?



Anonymous wrote:

Is Rock's daughter really an attorney?


The thanxfornothing.com website headed by K. Cody of Hammonton New Jersey is the latest attempt at making a quick buck by selling a "political" deck of cards. The serious problem with this latest arrival on the scene of political paraphernalia was picked up by Bryant Jordan news editor for the Marine Corps Times in Springfield, Virginia: "The "Unwanted" deck is the creation of two active-duty Marine officers, and what's dangerous is that the Marine Corps is winking at their sale and distribution.


Looks like making a Quick Buck runs in the family.  Solicitors now don't need to make a quick buck. They get an automatic increase even if they don't ask for one.

Was the increase in the solicitor's salary this year done to cushion the blow if Rocky's daughter is "granted" the solicitor position?  Since Council had no problem giving more money, you'd figure they'd have no problem giving more money next year.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Is Rock's daughter really an attorney?

Was the increase in the solicitor's salary this year done to cushion the blow if Rocky's daughter is "granted" the solicitor position?  Since Council had no problem giving more money, you'd figure they'd have no problem giving more money next year.

Republican Councilmen Bertino, Marino, and Vitalo voted AGAINST giving Brian Howell a $10,000 raise.  Hammonton First voted for it.  Your republican councilmen are standing up for the taxpayers.  Hammonton First stood up for themselves.



Anonymous wrote:

With Rocky Colasurdo and Jimmy Curcio working together to control the Republican Club, I would imagine they will pick the next solicitor if the Republicans win. Would Rocky back Frank Olivo? Or would he pick his daughter?

Watch how fast the dump DiMattreo if they win. His goose is cooked!



Anonymous wrote:

Watch how fast the dump DiMattreo if they win. His goose is cooked!

aww a little sore loser who cant stand that frank dimatteo and his team knocked Hammonton First out of the box last year, and will do it again this year.

You must be one of the losers that left the Republican Club becuase noone would vote for you to be President.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Watch how fast the dump DiMattreo if they win. His goose is cooked!

It will be interesting to watch the dynamic at the upcoming jazz concert. Rocky will clearly be the center of attention. DiMatteo doesn't have te same relationships as Rocky and Curcio with the County Republicans. Curcio made his power move with the Veteran4 Parade. It blew up in his face but now with Rocky backing him maybe he can recopver It looks like it's time for a changing of the guard!



Anonymous wrote:

It will be interesting to watch the dynamic at the upcoming jazz concert. Rocky will clearly be the center of attention. DiMatteo doesn't have te same relationships as Rocky and Curcio with the County Republicans. Curcio made his power move with the Veteran4 Parade. It blew up in his face but now with Rocky backing him maybe he can recopver It looks like it's time for a changing of the guard!

Hey remember when all those guys left the Republican party to start Hammonton First?  Let's see how they fared:

Billy Olivo: retired from public service
Jeanne Lewis: lost re-election, retired from public service (didn't even get appointed to a board!)
Rocky Colasurdo:  loses battle with Chief, retiring from public office, quit Hammonton First
Jerry Barberio: running for election under indepedent banner now, currenly polling as low vote-getter
Ed Wuillerman: forced to quit his Pinelands Seat, wanted to retire from public office but muscled into running for reelection by Hammonton First supporters.

The political graveyard is filling up fast with ex-Republicans who defected from the party!



I hear Frank DiMatteo is mad as hell about Rocky becoming the new leader of the Republican Party. People are trying to post that Rocky is politically dead. I guess DiMatteo doesn't realize he's getting the boot. Jimmy Curcio's said he's disgusted with DiMatteo and his cronies also.



Anonymous wrote:

I hear Frank DiMatteo is mad as hell about Rocky becoming the new leader of the Republican Party. People are trying to post that Rocky is politically dead. I guess DiMatteo doesn't realize he's getting the boot. Jimmy Curcio's said he's disgusted with DiMatteo and his cronies also.

Must be the voices in your head that you hear. 

So how long until LoBiondo cuts off his ties with his big supporting family in Hammonton, the Donios?  I hear LoBiondo received a large package in the mail this week showing all the things the two brothers have been writing and saying about him on the blogs for the last year.  Rumor from Atlantic County was that becuase hammonton first caused so much negative publicity for the Republicans in the county, that LoBiondo has agreed to sever ties with the dynamic(but hefty) duo.



Anonymous wrote:
Must be the voices in your head that you hear. 

So how long until LoBiondo cuts off his ties with his big supporting family in Hammonton, the Donios?  I hear LoBiondo received a large package in the mail this week showing all the things the two brothers have been writing and saying about him on the blogs for the last year.  Rumor from Atlantic County was that becuase hammonton first caused so much negative publicity for the Republicans in the county, that LoBiondo has agreed to sever ties with the dynamic(but hefty) duo.

Now that's just silly.



Sounds lke the DiMaatteo forces are running scared. Must not be fun geting pushed aside.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Must be the voices in your head that you hear. 

So how long until LoBiondo cuts off his ties with his big supporting family in Hammonton, the Donios?  I hear LoBiondo received a large package in the mail this week showing all the things the two brothers have been writing and saying about him on the blogs for the last year.  Rumor from Atlantic County was that becuase hammonton first caused so much negative publicity for the Republicans in the county, that LoBiondo has agreed to sever ties with the dynamic(but hefty) duo.

Now that's just silly.

HF is screwed, do they think LoBiondo will actaully support them against Jimmy Curcio's cousin Mike Torrissi?  The Republicans in the county are going to need every vote from Hammonton that they can get to balance the far east and playing both sides in Hammonton is no longer an option.  Any association with HF is suicide. The county Republicans know their future in Hammonton and it does not include an independent 3rd party, because that is all they ever were.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Must be the voices in your head that you hear.

So how long until LoBiondo cuts off his ties with his big supporting family in Hammonton, the Donios? I hear LoBiondo received a large package in the mail this week showing all the things the two brothers have been writing and saying about him on the blogs for the last year. Rumor from Atlantic County was that becuase hammonton first caused so much negative publicity for the Republicans in the county, that LoBiondo has agreed to sever ties with the dynamic(but hefty) duo.

Now that's just silly.

HF is screwed, do they think LoBiondo will actaully support them against Jimmy Curcio's cousin Mike Torrissi? The Republicans in the county are going to need every vote from Hammonton that they can get to balance the far east and playing both sides in Hammonton is no longer an option. Any association with HF is suicide. The county Republicans know their future in Hammonton and it does not include an independent 3rd party, because that is all they ever were.


 I like the idea of 3rd parties to some extent.  I guess that's why many were fooled into voting for Hammonton First before.   Hammonton First though was nothing more though than a corporation.  They even didn't want to disclose their campaign spending.  Their motto should have been "For the Corporation, Screw the People."



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Must be the voices in your head that you hear. 

So how long until LoBiondo cuts off his ties with his big supporting family in Hammonton, the Donios?  I hear LoBiondo received a large package in the mail this week showing all the things the two brothers have been writing and saying about him on the blogs for the last year.  Rumor from Atlantic County was that becuase hammonton first caused so much negative publicity for the Republicans in the county, that LoBiondo has agreed to sever ties with the dynamic(but hefty) duo.

Now that's just silly.

HF is screwed, do they think LoBiondo will actaully support them against Jimmy Curcio's cousin Mike Torrissi?  The Republicans in the county are going to need every vote from Hammonton that they can get to balance the far east and playing both sides in Hammonton is no longer an option.  Any association with HF is suicide. The county Republicans know their future in Hammonton and it does not include an independent 3rd party, because that is all they ever were.

This is a big election for the Republicans. LoBiondo will support Jimmy Curcio's cousin Mike Torrissi and his runnng mates.

Right now LoBiondo is stuck helping Hammonton get a lot of grant money because HF is in power. The federal government just announced they are repavng most of Bellevue Ave. They County is giving Hammonton over $2M to pave Central Avenue.

LoBiondo has to do this sort of stuff to keep the Hammonton votes for his reelection. If he can kick HF out, then LoBiondo can help get that grant money to Vineland instead of Hammonton.



Anonymous wrote:
LoBiondo has to do this sort of stuff to keep the Hammonton votes for his reelection. If he can kick HF out, then LoBiondo can help get that grant money to Vineland instead of Hammonton.

The logic you present is more flawed than the Town Hall plan.  In your theory, LoBiondo only needs votes from Hammonton while HF has councilpeople.  That's foolish. LoBiondo needs Hammonton votes regardless of who is in power.  And by the way, why don't you add up the grant money given to Hammonton in the last two years vs. the two previous years.  Guess what?  Hammonton is off by MILLIONS of dollars in grant money vs 2004 and 2005.

I know facts and reality really hurt your HF campaign, but we have to tell them here since you've corrupted every other medium of communication.



Why would the federal government announce they are paving Bellevue Avenue when that is a State road? And it can't be paved yet because the Town still has to do the infrastructure repairs from Fourth to Egg Harbor Road. This is another project they have been putting off even though they know the sewer pipes are collapsing as we speak.



Anonymous wrote:

Why would the federal government announce they are paving Bellevue Avenue when that is a State road? And it can't be paved yet because the Town still has to do the infrastructure repairs from Fourth to Egg Harbor Road. This is another project they have been putting off even though they know the sewer pipes are collapsing as we speak.

It really is amazing how lfew projects the Repuiblicans ever completed. Things have gotten to the point infrastructure is collapsing. I guess it's good somone is working on all these projects now.



Of course we do not have specifics. We all need to thoroughly research all of the options available to us in order to make an informed decision.
You gotta give the Dems credit for this.........for the past few years, the only party to "thoroughly research all of the options available to us in order to make an informed decision" would be the Democrats.

Hammonton First only makes decisions based on their own interests and wealth, while the Republicans can't make up their mind on anything!!!!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Must be the voices in your head that you hear. 

So how long until LoBiondo cuts off his ties with his big supporting family in Hammonton, the Donios?  I hear LoBiondo received a large package in the mail this week showing all the things the two brothers have been writing and saying about him on the blogs for the last year.  Rumor from Atlantic County was that becuase hammonton first caused so much negative publicity for the Republicans in the county, that LoBiondo has agreed to sever ties with the dynamic(but hefty) duo.

Now that's just silly.

HF is screwed, do they think LoBiondo will actaully support them against Jimmy Curcio's cousin Mike Torrissi?  The Republicans in the county are going to need every vote from Hammonton that they can get to balance the far east and playing both sides in Hammonton is no longer an option.  Any association with HF is suicide. The county Republicans know their future in Hammonton and it does not include an independent 3rd party, because that is all they ever were.

This is a big election for the Republicans. LoBiondo will support Jimmy Curcio's cousin Mike Torrissi and his runnng mates.

Right now LoBiondo is stuck helping Hammonton get a lot of grant money because HF is in power. The federal government just announced they are repavng most of Bellevue Ave. They County is giving Hammonton over $2M to pave Central Avenue.

LoBiondo has to do this sort of stuff to keep the Hammonton votes for his reelection. If he can kick HF out, then LoBiondo can help get that grant money to Vineland instead of Hammonton.

Hammonton has sure been getting a lot of grants lately with the historic town hall move, Central Ave repaving, Bellevue Ave repaving, the airport, new sidewalks...


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Posts: 1241

Hammonton has sure been getting a lot of grants lately with the historic town hall move, Central Ave repaving, Bellevue Ave repaving, the airport, new sidewalks...

The Historic Town Hall move was done with misappropriated federal funds that were supposed to be used for a new community center.

Central Avenue is getting paved by the County because it is their road and their responsibility to do it. It is not a grant to the Town, it is simply the County doing work on their own road.

Bellevue Avenue is a State Road and the same situation as the County road. That is assuming that this project is getting done. There has been no announcement that we have heard even acknowledging that this road is scheduled to be done.

The airport is being done by federal grants that were in the works from the previous council. A lot of the credit goes to the then Republican Councilman Chiafolo and Airport Administrator Andy Kondrach.

The sidewalks are partially funded by grants obtained by the previous council.



Anonymous wrote:

The Boss wrote:

I heard the only thing Rock promised is a ton of votes for the Republicans because HF kicked him out. I heard he will work hard to put an end to HF. The Republicans cannot promise anything, they aren't in control.

Actually, with Rocky the Republcans now have a 4-3 majority of council. They aren't effective because they are too stupid to be able to count. Adding to 7 is almost impossible for Jerry Vitalo. And actually doing something... well Jimmy Bertino never did anything before so why start now?

The previous poster is right.  The Republicans haven't been able to get anything done for years!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Must be the voices in your head that you hear. 

So how long until LoBiondo cuts off his ties with his big supporting family in Hammonton, the Donios?  I hear LoBiondo received a large package in the mail this week showing all the things the two brothers have been writing and saying about him on the blogs for the last year.  Rumor from Atlantic County was that becuase hammonton first caused so much negative publicity for the Republicans in the county, that LoBiondo has agreed to sever ties with the dynamic(but hefty) duo.

Now that's just silly.

HF is screwed, do they think LoBiondo will actaully support them against Jimmy Curcio's cousin Mike Torrissi?  The Republicans in the county are going to need every vote from Hammonton that they can get to balance the far east and playing both sides in Hammonton is no longer an option.  Any association with HF is suicide. The county Republicans know their future in Hammonton and it does not include an independent 3rd party, because that is all they ever were.

This is a big election for the Republicans. LoBiondo will support Jimmy Curcio's cousin Mike Torrissi and his runnng mates.

Right now LoBiondo is stuck helping Hammonton get a lot of grant money because HF is in power. The federal government just announced they are repavng most of Bellevue Ave. They County is giving Hammonton over $2M to pave Central Avenue.

LoBiondo has to do this sort of stuff to keep the Hammonton votes for his reelection. If he can kick HF out, then LoBiondo can help get that grant money to Vineland instead of Hammonton.

Hammonton has sure been getting a lot of grants lately with the historic town hall move, Central Ave repaving, Bellevue Ave repaving, the airport, new sidewalks...

Let me point out just one problem with each project that occured and if no one spoke out then it would have been done wrong, endangered the public, or cost us taxpayers more money.  Historic Town Hall: Asbestos, KKK, shame and ridicule to our town, Bellevue Ave: wrong size pipes, no cost to downtown owners while the average Joe would have had to shell out money if it were done in front of our business or home, Central Ave:  they're not extending the sidewalks to the hospital, Airport: now that we're going to be a 24 hour airport now Hammonton residents near the airport will hear planes non-stop.  The best sign of the progress our town has made is the benches downtown.  I think it's fitting they put them on backwards just like some of their thinking.



Too bad the Democrats didn't research the new school before some of their members wasted millions of dollars, leased millions more, and sold the middle school for almost nothing.



Anonymous wrote:

Too bad the Democrats didn't research the new school before some of their members wasted millions of dollars, leased millions more, and sold the middle school for almost nothing.

 We have an excellent school but people like you bash our schools regularly.  When I am at sporting events and at school plays, many parents from out of town tell me how beautiful and how wonderful our schools look.  Our children's education is not money wasted. 



Anonymous wrote:

I hear Frank DiMatteo is mad as hell about Rocky becoming the new leader of the Republican Party. People are trying to post that Rocky is politically dead. I guess DiMatteo doesn't realize he's getting the boot. Jimmy Curcio's said he's disgusted with DiMatteo and his cronies also.

Rocky's jazz concert is coming soon.

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