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Post Info TOPIC: Misinformation being spread about Ripa defense

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Misinformation being spread about Ripa defense

There is a small group of individuals who are intent on spreading false information to the residents of Hammonton concerning the defense launched by Robin Ripa concerning the alledged improper actions by officials of our Town alledged false information by other people. It is their intent to gather votes for their political party by spreading false information.
First, they continue to state that the Hammonton Police Department is named in this action.
Absolutely not true. The defendents are Gabriel Donio, Town of Hammonton, Hammonton Gazette, Hammonton First, William Olivo, Angela Costigan, Anthony DeStasio, Jeanne Sparacino-Lewis, Rock Colasurdo, and Capt. Robert Jones. No where is the Police Department mentioned.

They also fail to acknowledge the alledged complaints in this action.
-Councilman Colasurdo advising her that what had happenned to her was because she was a member of the Republican party and it would not have happenned if she belonged to Hammonton First.
-Denial of a justified promotion
-Creation of a hostile work environment
-Denial of her right to free speech to defend herself against false accusation in the media
-False accusations of dishonesty and theft
-False statements by several Town officials about the occurrences at the 2005 July 4th event
-Several threats of "punishment" and remarks detrimental to her reputation by several council members at public meetings
-a "Wanted" poster with a likeness of Ms. Ripa with devil horns posted in the Police Dept.
-Derogatory comments by the Police Capt towards Ms. Ripa on several occasions
-Accusations of Ms. Ripa sending herself flowers and their intent to find her a sperm donor
-Physical abuse by a co-worker

If this had happenned to you wife, or sister, or mother, would you turn your head and ignore it??

Should someone who intends on representing our Town on Council turn their head and ignore this type of behavior, just because it might be the easier course, or do you expect your representatives on council to make sure the laws are being followed?

Robin Ripa is ready to stand up to the illegal acts that took place and will stand up for all the people of Hammonton. This is the type of person we need representing us on Council right now. We need to stop the arrogance. Our elected officials have shown many times that they believe they are above the law. We can not allow this to continue.

Read the facts for yourself. Click here to read the entire action being taken by Robin Ripa and see the poster displayed in the Police Dept. and then ask yourself what you would do if faced with this kind of situation. Ms Ripa is the victim of illegal acts and is simply defending herself in the only manner available to her. Our Town officials need to be held responsible for putting our Town in this awful situation.

-- Edited by Admin at 12:01, 2007-07-18



After reading the documents it seems to me that this whole thing could have been avoided if Mary Lucca could have just followed the rules and sold something else, and if Hammonton First didn't try and turn the Town's 4th of July celebration into a political event with their balloons and campaign brochures.



I would never tolerate anything like what happened to Ms. Ripa to happen to my wife.  That WANTED poster shows that work environment is a hostile one.  I hope they find out who made the poster.  Someone did that on taxpayer time on town property.  I would expect that all town employees are treated fairly and are respected so that they can better serve me the taxpayer.  I'm totally disgusted by the way Ms. Ripa was treated.  Things like this are not tolerated where I work.  If someone made a poster like that ---they'd be FIRED.



Go Robin! It's about time someone stood up to these Firsters. They put us at risk with the asbestos, they refused to support our Chief, they reduced the budget at the fire department, the morale of the Town employees is at an all time low, they are spending all the Town's money fixing up their properties downtown while the rest of the Town falls apart. They are the ones who broke the law, Robin is standing up to them.



Anonymous wrote:

I would never tolerate anything like what happened to Ms. Ripa to happen to my wife.  That WANTED poster shows that work environment is a hostile one.  I hope they find out who made the poster.  Someone did that on taxpayer time on town property.  I would expect that all town employees are treated fairly and are respected so that they can better serve me the taxpayer.  I'm totally disgusted by the way Ms. Ripa was treated.  Things like this are not tolerated where I work.  If someone made a poster like that ---they'd be FIRED.

The Chief runs the police department and where the alleged poster was put up, again allegedly by another department employee. Are you saying the Chief and that employee(s) should be fired?


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Posts: 1241

Are you saying that you have knowledge that the Chief saw the poster? How would you know that?



Admin wrote:

Are you saying that you have knowledge that the Chief saw the poster? How would you know that?

Robin's lawsuit alleges this poster was put up in a place the employees could easily see. Are you saying that the Chief doesn't know what is posted in his department?



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I would never tolerate anything like what happened to Ms. Ripa to happen to my wife. That WANTED poster shows that work environment is a hostile one. I hope they find out who made the poster. Someone did that on taxpayer time on town property. I would expect that all town employees are treated fairly and are respected so that they can better serve me the taxpayer. I'm totally disgusted by the way Ms. Ripa was treated. Things like this are not tolerated where I work. If someone made a poster like that ---they'd be FIRED.


The Chief runs the police department and where the alleged poster was put up, again allegedly by another department employee. Are you saying the Chief and that employee(s) should be fired?


NO, I'm saying that in my work place that wouldn't have happened. 



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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Are you saying that you have knowledge that the Chief saw the poster? How would you know that?

Robin's lawsuit alleges this poster was put up in a place the employees could easily see. Are you saying that the Chief doesn't know what is posted in his department?

So You are saying that the Chief inspects all of the Police Dept every single day, and it is impossible that it might have been taken down before he saw it.



Anonymous wrote:



Robin's lawsuit alleges this poster was put up in a place the employees could easily see. Are you saying that the Chief doesn't know what is posted in his department?


 Here we go again. Must be another Firster going after the Chief again. He isn't mentioned at all, but they are trying to turn it on him. Don't they ever give up. They obviously don't learn from their mistakes.



Why do the Democrats keep posting new threads about this lawsuit? Are they so stupid they don't realize that the town employees are now against them? If they want this to be a private issue and not an issue of a candidate for office suing town employees, why do they keep advertising it?


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We are not advertising it, we are responding to the misinformation that is being disseminated by a few. We have been a very open party, not hiding any information from the public. And we want to continue to do that.
You don't give the Town employees very much credit do you? They are a amart group of people, and from those we have spoken with, they realize that the ones who are causing this situation are the ones who also deprived them all of any raise for a year. They realize that Robin is the victim of the arrogance of the current administration. They respect the fact that she is standing up for herself and for them. They are grateful that she isn't like a lot of others who have turned and looked the other way. They are grateful that she is strong enough and has enough conviction and fortitude to stand up against the wrongs done by some of the Town officials. They know that they wouldn't want to vote for someone who would look the other way for political gain.



It looks like the Democrats have learned from the mistakes of HF. If you mislead the public, you lose all support. We won't get fooled again!



Anonymous wrote:

Why do the Democrats keep posting new threads about this lawsuit? Are they so stupid they don't realize that the town employees are now against them? If they want this to be a private issue and not an issue of a candidate for office suing town employees, why do they keep advertising it?

I know Captain Jones and he is a nice man. It seems these Democrats are advertizing this for political gain. How dumb. The town employees are now against them. No wonder they lose every election.

In the last ten years there have been three seats per year for council. That's thirty chances to win a seat. How many have the Democrats won? One or two. What a joke.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Why do the Democrats keep posting new threads about this lawsuit? Are they so stupid they don't realize that the town employees are now against them? If they want this to be a private issue and not an issue of a candidate for office suing town employees, why do they keep advertising it?

I know Captain Jones and he is a nice man. It seems these Democrats are advertizing this for political gain. How dumb. The town employees are now against them. No wonder they lose every election.

In the last ten years there have been three seats per year for council. That's thirty chances to win a seat. How many have the Democrats won? One or two. What a joke.

It'll be another year of 0 for 3!


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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

I know Captain Jones and he is a nice man. It seems these Democrats are advertizing this for political gain. How dumb. The town employees are now against them. No wonder they lose every election.

In the last ten years there have been three seats per year for council. That's thirty chances to win a seat. How many have the Democrats won? One or two. What a joke.

You just don't get it do you? We are not advertising it, we are putting the truth out there. We know you and your party are afraid of the truth, but the Democrats are not. This issue has nothing to do with the campaign, but we will not allow a few from your party run around town spreading false information. Why are you so afraid of people reading the truth. Why don't you want the people to read the allegations and make up their minds for themselves. They can read the whole document themselves by clicking here. Because maybe you realize that Robin is the victim here and that people will hold the town officials accountable for their actions. Your constant complaining on this issue only highlights how worried it makes you.

As for the number of seats won, if you go back ten years you will see that is when the Democrats had good representation on council and things were getting done in this Town. Then when council became all Republican, as it is now, everything seemed to screech to a halt and did so for 7 years. It's time to bring balance back to council. Everyone that we speak to in Town agrees that there needs to be a balance of representation in our government. The past is over and you seem to be very worried about the present, and rightfully so.



Admin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I know Captain Jones and he is a nice man. It seems these Democrats are advertizing this for political gain. How dumb. The town employees are now against them. No wonder they lose every election.

In the last ten years there have been three seats per year for council. That's thirty chances to win a seat. How many have the Democrats won? One or two. What a joke.

You just don't get it do you? We are not advertising it, we are putting the truth out there. We know you and your party are afraid of the truth, but the Democrats are not. This issue has nothing to do with the campaign, but we will not allow a few from your party run around town spreading false information. Why are you so afraid of people reading the truth. Why don't you want the people to read the allegations and make up their minds for themselves. They can read the whole document themselves by clicking here. Because maybe you realize that Robin is the victim here and that people will hold the town officials accountable for their actions. Your constant complaining on this issue only highlights how worried it makes you.

As for the number of seats won, if you go back ten years you will see that is when the Democrats had good representation on council and things were getting done in this Town. Then when council became all Republican, as it is now, everything seemed to screech to a halt and did so for 7 years. It's time to bring balance back to council. Everyone that we speak to in Town agrees that there needs to be a balance of representation in our government. The past is over and you seem to be very worried about the present, and rightfully so.



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Posts: 1241

The Hammonton Democrats support the entire Hammonton Police Department!!!!



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Then when council became all Republican, as it is now, everything seemed to screech to a halt and did so for 7 years.

I am tired of this website bashing town employees, Republicans, etc. Why don't the Dems announce something positive about what specificially they will do if elected?


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

There you go again. Do you think the only way you can win is to spread lies. We have not bashed the Town employees and we have a right to voice our opinion about the last 7 years in Town.
If you want to know what we intend to do, there is a lot of information on our website and more to come. Have a little patience, we haven't heard a thing out of your camp yet.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:


Then when council became all Republican, as it is now, everything seemed to screech to a halt and did so for 7 years.


I am tired of this website bashing town employees, Republicans, etc. Why don't the Dems announce something positive about what specificially they will do if elected?


 You're the basher.  No one has posted anything against town employees.  Just about every single bash against Republicans have been by Hammonton First posters.  Just like most posts against the Democrats are by Hammonton First posters.  Hammonton First sees the end of their "corporation" is near.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Then when council became all Republican, as it is now, everything seemed to screech to a halt and did so for 7 years.

I am tired of this website bashing town employees, Republicans, etc. Why don't the Dems announce something positive about what specificially they will do if elected?

The Democrats don't have any plans at all. They just nash the Republicans as you can see above. By the way, the steel is going up nicely at town hall. There is a nice picture on the Democrats website. I drove by the bldg tody. Boy it is going up fast!



Anonymous wrote:
The Democrats don't have any plans at all. They just nash the Republicans as you can see above. By the way, the steel is going up nicely at town hall. There is a nice picture on the Democrats website. I drove by the bldg tody. Boy it is going up fast!

So when will Mayor DiDonato admit to the taxpayers of Hammonton that the $5.9 million price tag was a lie?  Shoot, even the building by itself was over 6.2 million.  And they totally renegged on the rest of the promises.  What a legacy Hammonton First has left in Hammonton.  Oh well, they had their chance.



Anonymous wrote:

The Democrats don't have any plans at all. They just nash the Republicans as you can see above. By the way, the steel is going up nicely at town hall. There is a nice picture on the Democrats website. I drove by the bldg tody. Boy it is going up fast!

Hammonton First sure had plans.  Remember when they had a coordinated plan to run a smear campaign against Republicans so they could privatize trash pickup?  How did that work out for Hammonton First?  What a shame the taxpayers of Hammonton had to be held hostage by this little extremist group for two years.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:


Then when council became all Republican, as it is now, everything seemed to screech to a halt and did so for 7 years.


I am tired of this website bashing town employees, Republicans, etc. Why don't the Dems announce something positive about what specificially they will do if elected?


The Democrats don't have any plans at all. They just nash the Republicans as you can see above. By the way, the steel is going up nicely at town hall. There is a nice picture on the Democrats website. I drove by the bldg tody. Boy it is going up fast!


The only thing going fast is the further demise of Hammonton First.  We all know we were fooled by the Town Hall plans. It will look nothing like the picture they had in their campaign ads.  This building is supposed to last 60+ years not 20.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Then when council became all Republican, as it is now, everything seemed to screech to a halt and did so for 7 years.

I am tired of this website bashing town employees, Republicans, etc. Why don't the Dems announce something positive about what specificially they will do if elected?

The Democrats don't have any plans at all. They just nash the Republicans as you can see above. By the way, the steel is going up nicely at town hall. There is a nice picture on the Democrats website. I drove by the bldg tody. Boy it is going up fast!

Seems like a lot of progress on the town hall. The Democrats picture shows a lot of action and when you go to the job site itself you see they've moved along even further. Maybe Jim MacLane can post pictures of the progress every couple of weeks.

Also, the historic town hall bldg really looks nice also.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Then when council became all Republican, as it is now, everything seemed to screech to a halt and did so for 7 years.

I am tired of this website bashing town employees, Republicans, etc. Why don't the Dems announce something positive about what specificially they will do if elected?

The Democrats don't have any plans at all. They just nash the Republicans as you can see above. By the way, the steel is going up nicely at town hall. There is a nice picture on the Democrats website. I drove by the bldg tody. Boy it is going up fast!

Seems like a lot of progress on the town hall. The Democrats picture shows a lot of action and when you go to the job site itself you see they've moved along even further. Maybe Jim MacLane can post pictures of the progress every couple of weeks.

Also, the historic town hall bldg really looks nice also.

Oh yes, the new sidewalks are also very nice. Also, the new soccer fields are looking great. Maybe the Democrats can post pictures of all of these locations of such nice changes!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Then when council became all Republican, as it is now, everything seemed to screech to a halt and did so for 7 years.

I am tired of this website bashing town employees, Republicans, etc. Why don't the Dems announce something positive about what specificially they will do if elected?

The Democrats don't have any plans at all. They just nash the Republicans as you can see above. By the way, the steel is going up nicely at town hall. There is a nice picture on the Democrats website. I drove by the bldg tody. Boy it is going up fast!

Seems like a lot of progress on the town hall. The Democrats picture shows a lot of action and when you go to the job site itself you see they've moved along even further. Maybe Jim MacLane can post pictures of the progress every couple of weeks.

Also, the historic town hall bldg really looks nice also.

Oh yes, the new sidewalks are also very nice. Also, the new soccer fields are looking great. Maybe the Democrats can post pictures of all of these locations of such nice changes!

Hey genius the money for the sidewalks was appropriated four years ago.  I guess HF will take credit for that too.  I will give them credit for thetrees that cost six hundred dollars a piece, and the eighty thousand dollars in change orders so the tax payers can pick up the bill for Prince Jonn and Lord Donio's properties on Down Town "Mainstreet".  How many properties has Prince John aquired on "Mainstreet" since in office? How many more people will Lord Donio force out of town? I miss buying office suppies at Tappers.



Hammonton First keeps patting themselves on the back yet still think that they are fooling everyone into thinking they are the reason for the things that are going well yet when things go wrong..they deny it.  This town hall will look NOTHING like the plan they told everyone.  We were misled about the old town hall and the community recreation center.  Just build the town hall already and DO IT RIGHT.  Now I here they're are possibly not using real brick again all around but it's just a facade.  I thought they promised the building would be all brick. What exactly are we paying for? What are we getting? 



All the new rojects around town are looking great It is nice to se the Democrats showing nice pictures of the steel going up. I know a lot of people would love too see them continue that and update it each week as the bldg progresses.



Anonymous wrote:

All the new rojects around town are looking great It is nice to se the Democrats showing nice pictures of the steel going up. I know a lot of people would love too see them continue that and update it each week as the bldg progresses.

 It's too bad Hammonton First didn't think of showing pictures themselves. Good Job Democrats.



Anonymous wrote:

All the new rojects around town are looking great It is nice to se the Democrats showing nice pictures of the steel going up. I know a lot of people would love too see them continue that and update it each week as the bldg progresses.

 I find this website to be very informative too.  Just look at all the news and information that people can read about.  I wish our Town website and even our local media was as informative.  I know a lot of people would love to see this site continue so that we can be better informed and not be fooled again. 



This is all sorts of crazy.....
The Democrats were the only political party to support the police department last year.  Hammonton First wanted to dismantle them, while the Republicans stayed silent.  The Democrats were always the frist party to speak in support of the police department, fire department, and public saftey.

I give kudos to Robin Ripa for standing up to the Regime in council.  Hammonton needs some one like her to stand up to the nonsense going on in council!  She has more backbone than anyone in any other political party.  Hammonton First are Snakes, the Republicans are cowards.  It is time for some real backbone on council to represent the real Hammontonians, that is why my family is voting straight Democrat this year!!!!!!



It is great to see Robin standing up to  Gabe Donio andthe Hammonton First Gazzette.  It sure has been a tough month for the momma Donio.  Her daughter in law's card store is failing, her nephew illegally dumped aspestoses from town hall in one of her trash dumpsters, and her son Gabe and is rag news paper are being sued.  Don't worry about moma bear she has a big purse and that old bird knows how to take a punch.



You're absolutely right!!!

I can't wait until November so I can vote straight Democrat.  This town, and this country has been on the wrong track for too long!!!!!!!!!!



Misinformation being spread about Ripa defense
Isn't that what Gabe does best?....spread Misinformation!!!!!!



Anonymous wrote:

You're absolutely right!!!

I can't wait until November so I can vote straight Democrat.  This town, and this country has been on the wrong track for too long!!!!!!!!!!

Don't waste your time.  The Dems always lose.  They are even saying positive things about Denny Levinson since they know he's going to stomp McGettigan for County Executive.


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Posts: 1241

You can't even accept a compliment like a man. You have to bash us even if we say Denny Levinson has done an OK job. That's OK, people see through your ploys. Denny has been OK but Jim McGettigan is what Atlantic County needs right now to take us even farther.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

You're absolutely right!!!

I can't wait until November so I can vote straight Democrat. This town, and this country has been on the wrong track for too long!!!!!!!!!!

Don't waste your time. The Dems always lose. They are even saying positive things about Denny Levinson since they know he's going to stomp McGettigan for County Executive.


 You are so worried about the Democrats wiping your entire ticket out that you don't even make sense in what you are saying.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Then when council became all Republican, as it is now, everything seemed to screech to a halt and did so for 7 years.

I am tired of this website bashing town employees, Republicans, etc. Why don't the Dems announce something positive about what specificially they will do if elected?

The Democrats don't have any plans at all. They just nash the Republicans as you can see above. By the way, the steel is going up nicely at town hall. There is a nice picture on the Democrats website. I drove by the bldg tody. Boy it is going up fast!

Seems like a lot of progress on the town hall. The Democrats picture shows a lot of action and when you go to the job site itself you see they've moved along even further. Maybe Jim MacLane can post pictures of the progress every couple of weeks.

Also, the historic town hall bldg really looks nice also.

Oh yes, the new sidewalks are also very nice. Also, the new soccer fields are looking great. Maybe the Democrats can post pictures of all of these locations of such nice changes!

I like that we can see council meetings on TV now without all the background noise that used to be on the broadcast.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

All the new rojects around town are looking great It is nice to se the Democrats showing nice pictures of the steel going up. I know a lot of people would love too see them continue that and update it each week as the bldg progresses.

 I find this website to be very informative too.  Just look at all the news and information that people can read about.  I wish our Town website and even our local media was as informative.  I know a lot of people would love to see this site continue so that we can be better informed and not be fooled again. 

There are some dark forces that don't want the public to speak or be truly informed about what is going on in Hammonton.  I commend the Democrats for not being afraid to speak up against what is wrong and not afraid to compliment those who are doing a good job no matter what their party affiliation is.  The problem is that things could still be better.  I feel strongly that we should have balance in Town Council.  We didn't have balance with HF in power.  Information is very powerful in the hands of voters.  This time the voters of Hammonton won't get fooled again. 



Anonymous wrote:

You're absolutely right!!!

I can't wait until November so I can vote straight Democrat.  This town, and this country has been on the wrong track for too long!!!!!!!!!!

Republicans are morons who are running this country into the ground.  We should have an IQ test to see who scores higher... Bush, Vitalo, or Pajic.



Anonymous wrote:
Republicans are morons who are running this country into the ground.  We should have an IQ test to see who scores higher... Bush, Vitalo, or Pajic.

I wonder if it was Steve DiDonato, the mayor, or Ed Wuillerman who decided to put the side door of the new Town Hall just 5 feet away from the curb.  I feel bad for the employees who will have to risk life and limb just to enter and exit the building.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Republicans are morons who are running this country into the ground.  We should have an IQ test to see who scores higher... Bush, Vitalo, or Pajic.

I wonder if it was Steve DiDonato, the mayor, or Ed Wuillerman who decided to put the side door of the new Town Hall just 5 feet away from the curb.  I feel bad for the employees who will have to risk life and limb just to enter and exit the building.

I think you made the point... Republicans just want to stop projects and make up stupid items to try to do just that. 

Citizens should go and measure the width of the sidewalk and then the extra distance to the side door.  Give you a hint Republicans.  There are 12 inches in a foot and 3 feet in a yard. 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Republicans are morons who are running this country into the ground.  We should have an IQ test to see who scores higher... Bush, Vitalo, or Pajic.

I wonder if it was Steve DiDonato, the mayor, or Ed Wuillerman who decided to put the side door of the new Town Hall just 5 feet away from the curb.  I feel bad for the employees who will have to risk life and limb just to enter and exit the building.

I think you made the point... Republicans just want to stop projects and make up stupid items to try to do just that. 

Citizens should go and measure the width of the sidewalk and then the extra distance to the side door.  Give you a hint Republicans.  There are 12 inches in a foot and 3 feet in a yard. 

5 feet or whatever you say, but the entire building is still nothing but 10 pounds of $hit in a 5 pound bag!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Republicans are morons who are running this country into the ground.  We should have an IQ test to see who scores higher... Bush, Vitalo, or Pajic.

I wonder if it was Steve DiDonato, the mayor, or Ed Wuillerman who decided to put the side door of the new Town Hall just 5 feet away from the curb.  I feel bad for the employees who will have to risk life and limb just to enter and exit the building.

I think you made the point... Republicans just want to stop projects and make up stupid items to try to do just that. 

Citizens should go and measure the width of the sidewalk and then the extra distance to the side door.  Give you a hint Republicans.  There are 12 inches in a foot and 3 feet in a yard. 

Wait a second...   Shouldn't they be building the Town Hall according to the rules and regulations set forth in Hammonton for sound building policy?  As I understand it, everyone private resident who builds in town must stick to town code.  Did they not stick to town code with the new town hall?



You knew the answer to that question before you asked it, didn't you.....



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Republicans are morons who are running this country into the ground.  We should have an IQ test to see who scores higher... Bush, Vitalo, or Pajic.

I wonder if it was Steve DiDonato, the mayor, or Ed Wuillerman who decided to put the side door of the new Town Hall just 5 feet away from the curb.  I feel bad for the employees who will have to risk life and limb just to enter and exit the building.

I think you made the point... Republicans just want to stop projects and make up stupid items to try to do just that. 

Citizens should go and measure the width of the sidewalk and then the extra distance to the side door.  Give you a hint Republicans.  There are 12 inches in a foot and 3 feet in a yard. 

Wait a second...   Shouldn't they be building the Town Hall according to the rules and regulations set forth in Hammonton for sound building policy?  As I understand it, everyone private resident who builds in town must stick to town code.  Did they not stick to town code with the new town hall?

The new town hall is built to code.  Of course, asking Jerry Vitalo building questions is always an adventure.  He's being ordered by the Republicans to try to stop the project any way possible because the progress is making his party look bad.  Looks like he has failed again with this stupidity about five feet.  Anybody can measure just the sidewalk and see that it is a LIE.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Republicans are morons who are running this country into the ground.  We should have an IQ test to see who scores higher... Bush, Vitalo, or Pajic.

I wonder if it was Steve DiDonato, the mayor, or Ed Wuillerman who decided to put the side door of the new Town Hall just 5 feet away from the curb.  I feel bad for the employees who will have to risk life and limb just to enter and exit the building.

I think you made the point... Republicans just want to stop projects and make up stupid items to try to do just that. 

Citizens should go and measure the width of the sidewalk and then the extra distance to the side door.  Give you a hint Republicans.  There are 12 inches in a foot and 3 feet in a yard. 

Wait a second...   Shouldn't they be building the Town Hall according to the rules and regulations set forth in Hammonton for sound building policy?  As I understand it, everyone private resident who builds in town must stick to town code.  Did they not stick to town code with the new town hall?

Remember this is Hammonton and the HammontonFirst Council Corporation  does whatever they please with your tax dollars. 

Can you say free sewer and water connections for private property owners downtown, can you say lets buy trees for downtown and not consult with the Town's Shade Tree Committee and while we are at it lets grossly over-pay for the trees just because we can - we will just cut some town department's budget to make up for the wasteful spending,  the list goes on and on. 

Rules are only for common people not the high and migthy HF inter-circle of power and influence.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Republicans are morons who are running this country into the ground.  We should have an IQ test to see who scores higher... Bush, Vitalo, or Pajic.

I wonder if it was Steve DiDonato, the mayor, or Ed Wuillerman who decided to put the side door of the new Town Hall just 5 feet away from the curb.  I feel bad for the employees who will have to risk life and limb just to enter and exit the building.

I think you made the point... Republicans just want to stop projects and make up stupid items to try to do just that. 

Citizens should go and measure the width of the sidewalk and then the extra distance to the side door.  Give you a hint Republicans.  There are 12 inches in a foot and 3 feet in a yard. 

Wait a second...   Shouldn't they be building the Town Hall according to the rules and regulations set forth in Hammonton for sound building policy?  As I understand it, everyone private resident who builds in town must stick to town code.  Did they not stick to town code with the new town hall?

The new town hall is built to code.  Of course, asking Jerry Vitalo building questions is always an adventure.  He's being ordered by the Republicans to try to stop the project any way possible because the progress is making his party look bad.  Looks like he has failed again with this stupidity about five feet.  Anybody can measure just the sidewalk and see that it is a LIE.

Why worry about facts?  The important thing here is that folks can bash without having any idea of what is going on.  Kind of like the line from Pink Floyd... "we don't need no information." 

People don't need to measure the sidewalk and see that it is way over 5 feet wide.  We have plenty of whack jobs to tell us differently!



Remember there are Facts and there are HF Facts! Remember that!

Hammonton is great place to live, work and go to school because of HF and only because of HF.  Hammonton was nothing before Jan. 1, 2006 and don't you forget that - or else!



Anonymous wrote:
The new town hall is built to code.  Of course, asking Jerry Vitalo building questions is always an adventure.  He's being ordered by the Republicans to try to stop the project any way possible because the progress is making his party look bad.  Looks like he has failed again with this stupidity about five feet.  Anybody can measure just the sidewalk and see that it is a LIE.

Okay there, Bob the Buildier...  tell us just how many feet are between the door and the sidewalk? 

While you're at it, break out the plans for the town hall and tell us how many on-site parking spots there are (remember to discount the spots for police and handicapped).  As for the rest of it, who cares.

Don't worry, your precious town hall is going up.  Noone really gives a rat's behind anymore about it except for those inside of it.  Hammontonians cared about the workers comfort and the policemen's safety. That's taken care of now, so you get to build the building completely out of spec and code for the town of hammonton. 



Anonymous wrote:

Misinformation being spread about Ripa defense
Isn't that what Gabe does best?....spread Misinformation!!!!!!

 Actually that's the 2nd thing he does best.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Republicans are morons who are running this country into the ground.  We should have an IQ test to see who scores higher... Bush, Vitalo, or Pajic.

I wonder if it was Steve DiDonato, the mayor, or Ed Wuillerman who decided to put the side door of the new Town Hall just 5 feet away from the curb.  I feel bad for the employees who will have to risk life and limb just to enter and exit the building.

I think you made the point... Republicans just want to stop projects and make up stupid items to try to do just that. 

Citizens should go and measure the width of the sidewalk and then the extra distance to the side door.  Give you a hint Republicans.  There are 12 inches in a foot and 3 feet in a yard. 

5 feet or whatever you say, but the entire building is still nothing but 10 pounds of $hit in a 5 pound bag!

I think you make the point perfectly.  It doesn't matter that the building is built to code.  The important thing is for the bashers to make things up and draw stupid analogies like Jerry Vitalo did to try to bash.  Jerry had to go to the contractor and apologize, but others can continue the bashing!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Republicans are morons who are running this country into the ground.  We should have an IQ test to see who scores higher... Bush, Vitalo, or Pajic.

I wonder if it was Steve DiDonato, the mayor, or Ed Wuillerman who decided to put the side door of the new Town Hall just 5 feet away from the curb.  I feel bad for the employees who will have to risk life and limb just to enter and exit the building.

I think you made the point... Republicans just want to stop projects and make up stupid items to try to do just that. 

Citizens should go and measure the width of the sidewalk and then the extra distance to the side door.  Give you a hint Republicans.  There are 12 inches in a foot and 3 feet in a yard. 

5 feet or whatever you say, but the entire building is still nothing but 10 pounds of $hit in a 5 pound bag!

I think you make the point perfectly.  It doesn't matter that the building is built to code.  The important thing is for the bashers to make things up and draw stupid analogies like Jerry Vitalo did to try to bash.  Jerry had to go to the contractor and apologize, but others can continue the bashing!

The town hall project is so easy to "bash" or make comments about.  The whole idea was poorly planned from the moment RC put it on a napkin.  It's too early to give praises and there wouldn't be much comments if things were done right to begin with.  So yes there will be people making comments.  Why? Because that's our taxpayer money building that town hall.  I would be making the same comments to any contractor working on my house. If I think he's doing something wrong, I won't wait until the job is done.  I'll make sure he's doing it right.


Hammonton NEWS: Town Hall work gets a thumbs up

The Hammonton News reported today that "Inspection gives Town Hall work a thumbs up"

Please see the article at http://www.thehammontonnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070725/NEWS01/707250307/1002


RE: Misinformation being spread about Ripa defense

Anonymous wrote:

The Hammonton News reported today that "Inspection gives Town Hall work a thumbs up"

Please see the article at http://www.thehammontonnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070725/NEWS01/707250307/1002

The important thing is whether or not the Town Hall gets a thumb up when it's done. So far Town Council is brushing off the chief's concerns about the sally port.  They only hand gestures some are getting is a hand in their face "Talk to the hand" while the taxpayers are just getting the middle finger if they ask questions.


Hammonton NEWS: Town Hall work gets a thumbs up

Anonymous wrote:

The Hammonton News reported today that "Inspection gives Town Hall work a thumbs up"

Please see the article at http://www.thehammontonnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070725/NEWS01/707250307/1002

This must be heartbreaking to the bashers.  After building a new school that has a roof that already leaks and did tens of thousands of dollars to the gym floor, the new town hall is progressing nicely.

The new school had construction that the Business Admin called "crap" in the paper.  The new town hall is passing inspections each week.


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Posts: 1241
RE: Misinformation being spread about Ripa defense

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The Hammonton News reported today that "Inspection gives Town Hall work a thumbs up"

Please see the article at http://www.thehammontonnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070725/NEWS01/707250307/1002

This must be heartbreaking to the bashers.  After building a new school that has a roof that already leaks and did tens of thousands of dollars to the gym floor, the new town hall is progressing nicely.

The new school had construction that the Business Admin called "crap" in the paper.  The new town hall is passing inspections each week.

See, you got it wrong again. The business administrator never called it crap in the paper. The paper took an excerpt from a letter that was written in such a way to get the architect moving quicker in addressing some of the issues that often arise in building projects. You certainly know how these types of things are said to get a reaction from someone, you have been doing the same thing on the blogs for a long time now. 
And as for the floors in the gym, the roof should have been addressed long before it became such a problem. If it wasn't done 100% correctly in the beginning, the Board should have reacted before it became a larger problem. In construction, not everything is done 100% correctlly the first time, just ask Steve DiDonato, I'm sure he will admit that in his company things have to be fixed for a variety of different reasons. It's not that it is a bad company, it's just the nature of the business. 
And by the way, the school passed all of the inspections throughout the building process too. 



Admin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The Hammonton News reported today that "Inspection gives Town Hall work a thumbs up"

Please see the article at http://www.thehammontonnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070725/NEWS01/707250307/1002

This must be heartbreaking to the bashers.  After building a new school that has a roof that already leaks and did tens of thousands of dollars to the gym floor, the new town hall is progressing nicely.

The new school had construction that the Business Admin called "crap" in the paper.  The new town hall is passing inspections each week.

See, you got it wrong again. The business administrator never called it crap in the paper. The paper took an excerpt from a letter that was written in such a way to get the architect moving quicker in addressing some of the issues that often arise in building projects. You certainly know how these types of things are said to get a reaction from someone, you have been doing the same thing on the blogs for a long time now. 
And as for the floors in the gym, the roof should have been addressed long before it became such a problem. If it wasn't done 100% correctly in the beginning, the Board should have reacted before it became a larger problem. In construction, not everything is done 100% correctlly the first time, just ask Steve DiDonato, I'm sure he will admit that in his company things have to be fixed for a variety of different reasons. It's not that it is a bad company, it's just the nature of the business. 
And by the way, the school passed all of the inspections throughout the building process too. 

If I had a house that had a roof that leaked when it was almost new I would be pretty mad.  Watching the Democrats attack the town hall construction job while trying to defend the school construction job at the same time is a joke.  What hypocrites.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

You just made my point for me. The few problems that were identified were the exact reason Mr. Cuneo wrote that letter to the architect and worded it the way he did, to get the outstanding problems corrected.
The flat roof on the gym is a different animal than a house roof, but I agree, with the new building there should not have been a problem and the Board should have been mad. But apparently they let the problem go until it got to the proportions that caused the damage to the gym floor. No project is ever done 100% correctly and this was no exception, but proper follow-up needs to be done.






An officer in full uniform struggling to get a prisoner out of he back seat will never be able to use the sally port.    Are we prepared for the workers comp cost going up with all the injuries that are going to occur and/or the overtime that's going to be paid when someone is out on leave because it's a poor design that should be corrected now or removed altogether.



What happened to Capt Jones?



Anonymous wrote:


The pressure Captain Jones must be under is terrible, being sued by Robin Ripa.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


The pressure Captain Jones must be under is terrible, being sued by Robin Ripa.


 That's not a good sign. If he is so worried that it is having an effect on his health, then there must be merit to the charges against him. If he did nothing wrong he would not have anything to worry about and he would not be feeling pressure. If he is feeling so much pressure that it put him out of work, then he must be really worried.



Way to spread rumors!   He's had minor surgery that has nothing to do with Robin or her whatever you want to call it.    GET WELL SOON BOB!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


The pressure Captain Jones must be under is terrible, being sued by Robin Ripa.

 That's not a good sign. If he is so worried that it is having an effect on his health, then there must be merit to the charges against him. If he did nothing wrong he would not have anything to worry about and he would not be feeling pressure. If he is feeling so much pressure that it put him out of work, then he must be really worried.

Captain Jones is a good man.  Why are you bashing him?



Capt. Jones is kissing Hammonton First's ass and doing all he can to stab the Chief in the back so that he can get promoted to Chief.



Anonymous wrote:

Capt. Jones is kissing Hammonton First's ass and doing all he can to stab the Chief in the back so that he can get promoted to Chief.

So are you saying that the reason for this lawsuit is a political attack on our Captain?  That would be horrible!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Capt. Jones is kissing Hammonton First's ass and doing all he can to stab the Chief in the back so that he can get promoted to Chief.

So are you saying that the reason for this lawsuit is a political attack on our Captain?  That would be horrible!

I'm not saying that at all. As a matter of fact, after I read the lawsuit, I see nothing political about it at all. If the things in the lawsuit are true, then there was obvious harassment of Robin Ripa that can not go on in our Town hall.



Do you see a pattern here , you either play by HF puppet rules or they will come after you.... Ripa , Chief , Lance 

Just connect the dots....  I am sure Lance knows...

HF puppets came in and made not secert of wanting Lance to "retire"

HF puppets made a lot of noise about contracting out the trash pickup

HF puppets found out that the town does the trash pickup work for much less  than any contractor would charge

HF puppets put the squeeze #1 on Lance by making the Highway Dept work under staffed , making it very difficult to operate on a day to day basis

HF puppets put the squeeze #2 on Lance by making the Highway Dept work under funded again making it very difficult to operate on a day to day basis

HF puppets put the squeeze #3 on Lance by making purchasing paperwork a slow and difficult process, an item as little as $1.00  needs 2 pieces ofpaperwork completed and processed at town hall before buying the item , again making day to day operations more difficult for Lance

HF puppets suspend Lance on a minor purchasing procedures failure , what a surprise , when they could not break him with squeezes 1 & 2  they get him on a minor paperwork issue

So how long do you think before the town will be seeing another lawsuit because of the HF puppets ?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Capt. Jones is kissing Hammonton First's ass and doing all he can to stab the Chief in the back so that he can get promoted to Chief.

So are you saying that the reason for this lawsuit is a political attack on our Captain?  That would be horrible!

This lawsuit should be dropped.  Let's face it, posting the document on this website blew up on the Democrats.  They lost votes.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Capt. Jones is kissing Hammonton First's ass and doing all he can to stab the Chief in the back so that he can get promoted to Chief.

So are you saying that the reason for this lawsuit is a political attack on our Captain?  That would be horrible!

This lawsuit should be dropped.  Let's face it, posting the document on this website blew up on the Democrats.  They lost votes.

This lawsuit should be dropped.  Let's face it the Hammonton First puppets cannot take the embarrassment of another public court hearing!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Capt. Jones is kissing Hammonton First's ass and doing all he can to stab the Chief in the back so that he can get promoted to Chief.

So are you saying that the reason for this lawsuit is a political attack on our Captain?  That would be horrible!

This lawsuit should be dropped.  Let's face it, posting the document on this website blew up on the Democrats.  They lost votes.

This lawsuit should be dropped.  Let's face it the Hammonton First puppets cannot take the embarrassment of another public court hearing!

What does this lawsuit have to do with Hammonton First?   Hammonton First didn't cause this lawsuit.  This all started over with two catty woman with thin skin and escalated from there.    This lawsuit is frivilous at best and it is a waste of taxpayers money.   



Anonymous wrote: What does this lawsuit have to do with Hammonton First?   Hammonton First didn't cause this lawsuit.  This all started over with two catty woman with thin skin and escalated from there.    This lawsuit is frivilous at best and it is a waste of taxpayers money.   

If it is so frivolous, why is HF so worried about it? They are bashing and putting false information on this blog to try and help themselves.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Capt. Jones is kissing Hammonton First's ass and doing all he can to stab the Chief in the back so that he can get promoted to Chief.

So are you saying that the reason for this lawsuit is a political attack on our Captain?  That would be horrible!

This lawsuit should be dropped.  Let's face it, posting the document on this website blew up on the Democrats.  They lost votes.

If the Democrats want to sue Hammonton First, then go ahead and do that.  But that isn't what this lawsuit does.  It names a wonderful police captain, other town employees, the taxpayers thru the Town of Hammonton, 25 "unknown" people, other businesses, etc. 

If it was done for political gain, it turned out to be a disaster in that regard.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

The Democrats have sued no one! You keep missing the point. This was not a political move by anyone. This was done by a town employee who allegedly was being harassed and is defending themselves. It started with the Chief, went to Robin, and now moved to Lance. Who's Next...???



Anonymous wrote:



This lawsuit should be dropped. Let's face it, posting the document on this website blew up on the Democrats. They lost votes.

To the contrary, the fact that the Democrats are being so open about this shows they have nothing to hide.  Posting it was the right thing to do so that people can see the obvious wrongs going on.  If more people read what Robin Ripa went through then they'd say it was wrong for that to have happened to her. 



Captain Jones is a good man. I think the allegations being made on the Democrats' website will be proven false.



Anonymous wrote:

Captain Jones is a good man. I think the allegations being made on the Democrats' website will be proven false.

I agree Captain Jones is a good man and a good leader in our police department.   



Anonymous wrote:

Captain Jones is a good man. I think the allegations being made on the Democrats' website will be proven false.

 The allegations that he's good will be proven false in time. 



Captain Jones is a good man. I think the allegations being made on the Democrats' website will be proven false.


I agree Captain Jones is a good man and a good leader in our police department.   

I just read the complaint.  If it is true, Mr. Jones' actions would hardly constitute being a "good leader."  He should be ashamed of himself.



Anonymous wrote:

I just read the complaint.  If it is true, Mr. Jones' actions would hardly constitute being a "good leader."  He should be ashamed of himself.

Bobby Jones is a good guy. I do not believe who would do any of this stuff. I think it is wrong for the Democrats to post this on their website.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

The Hammonton News posted this and so did we. Many people wanted to know what this is all about, and as more people read it, more people are questioning what is going on in our government.
It sounds like you are afraid of what is said in the document and you want to hide it from the public.



Admin wrote:

The Hammonton News posted this and so did we. Many people wanted to know what this is all about, and as more people read it, more people are questioning what is going on in our government.
It sounds like you are afraid of what is said in the document and you want to hide it from the public.

You are wrong. The Democrats should have had the common sense to help support our Police Captain and let the courts decide rather than advertizing it on their website.

You should apologize to Captain Jones!


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

We are not advertising anything. We are allowing the public to read the document. "Open Government"....you are very selective with that concept.

You should apologize to the people of Hammonton for trying to keep this information hidden from them.



Admin wrote:

We are not advertising anything. We are allowing the public to read the document. "Open Government"....you are very selective with that concept.

You should apologize to the people of Hammonton for trying to keep this information hidden from them.

Support Captain Jones!!!!!!!!!


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

Support all the people of Hammonton!!! Bring a truly open government back to Hammonton. Vote Ammirato, Falcone and Ripa!!!



Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:

The Hammonton News posted this and so did we. Many people wanted to know what this is all about, and as more people read it, more people are questioning what is going on in our government.
It sounds like you are afraid of what is said in the document and you want to hide it from the public.


You are wrong. The Democrats should have had the common sense to help support our Police Captain and let the courts decide rather than advertizing it on their website.

You should apologize to Captain Jones!


There are those who would easily ask why the Democrats don't address the misinformation being put out about the lawsuit.  All this website has done is put out public information.  People who read the exact wording of the lawsuit can make their own decisions.  There's nothing to hide here.  Doesn't the public have a right to know what's going on?




Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

The Hammonton News posted this and so did we. Many people wanted to know what this is all about, and as more people read it, more people are questioning what is going on in our government.
It sounds like you are afraid of what is said in the document and you want to hide it from the public.

You are wrong. The Democrats should have had the common sense to help support our Police Captain and let the courts decide rather than advertizing it on their website.

You should apologize to Captain Jones!

Bobby Jones has done a great job as police captain. He is a dedicated cop and should be respected. The Democrats should have displayed a little common sense if they claim to support public safety.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:

The Hammonton News posted this and so did we. Many people wanted to know what this is all about, and as more people read it, more people are questioning what is going on in our government.
It sounds like you are afraid of what is said in the document and you want to hide it from the public.


You are wrong. The Democrats should have had the common sense to help support our Police Captain and let the courts decide rather than advertizing it on their website.

You should apologize to Captain Jones!


Bobby Jones has done a great job as police captain. He is a dedicated cop and should be respected. The Democrats should have displayed a little common sense if they claim to support public safety.


 The Democrats are strong about public safety in Hammonton are also known for people's rights.  It is every American's right  have a right to a non-hostile work environment.  Discrimination on on basis of race, ancestry, place of origin, creed, sex, age, marital or family status, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or handicap is unacceptable.  The question was asked about Robin Ripa and this website just made available PUBLIC- OPEN information.  I wish Hammonton First was just as open with questions asked about them.  Some may see this is a good move or bad move being open to questions and comments and criticism.  I think if you truly want OPEN GOVERNMENT you have not be afraid to speak up and disclose information.  The Democrats spoke up last year and will continue to speak up this year.



I think if you truly want OPEN GOVERNMENT you have not be afraid to speak up and disclose information.  The Democrats spoke up last year and will continue to speak up this year.

Support Open Government!  Support Democrats!
Why does eveyone want to hide the unfair treatment of town employees?



The only thing we can do with this is just inform the public about the facts of the case, and let the judge sort it out....just like the Chief trial. 

I can never understand why people get so disgusted when you discuss something negative about our government.  It's kind of like the Republicans in Washington saying you are un-patriotic for not supporting Bush's war in Iraq.  Well if the troops are really fighting for our freedom (even though they are not) then I am free to say that Bush is an idiot and we should no be in Iraq.

It is just like being able to intelligently discuss our dissatisfaction with our current local government.  We have facts that we discuss and we make a decision based on those facts, even if the facts are unpleasant in nature.   Yes, some Hammonton First supporters are named in Ms. Ripas lawsuit.  That is a fact, so please dont call me a basher for stating facts.  Yes, Captain Jones is named in that same lawsuit.  That does not mean that I do not support the police department.  That would be ludicrous.  It is no secret that the Democrats have been speaking publicly in support of our public safety, our police department, and our fire department for years now, while the Republicans and Hammonton Firsters were fighting over discount cards; again, I am not bashing just noticing facts.
And yes, it is no secret that the Hammonton First administration has really worked hard to promote their downtown agenda.  But, who stands to profit from that agenda?  Again, it is no secret.  It is a fact, and I am not a basher when I say that representatives and supporters of the Hammonton First Corporation have benefited and profited greatly from their Main Street agenda while most of us are paying for it.  You might notice how much of the downtown property has been purchased by members and supporters of their party.  Again, I am not bashing, just publishing known fact.
Not one representative of the local Democratic Club is here to bash.  As you see time and time again, the Admin displays local news and true facts, and leaves the discussion up to us, the local taxpayers.  And just like national politics, I dont think I ever remember seeing Hammonton so politically divided.  Why does open government only apply to what Hammonton First wants us to believe? 

As the 10 people in Rocco's said the other day, "Cheers to Open Government!"





RE: Misinformation being spread about Ripa defense

Support the right to work in a harrassment free environment!






Anonymous wrote:


Support Town Employees.  NO more Vendettas and Harrassmet.  All Town Employees should work in a non-hostile respectable environment.  I think the idea of unity is a good first step towards repairing the low morale in Town Hall. It's been a rough 2 years.  I think the mayor is finally getting the message, especially after losing to his charges against the Chief.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Support Town Employees.  NO more Vendettas and Harrassmet.  All Town Employees should work in a non-hostile respectable environment.  I think the idea of unity is a good first step towards repairing the low morale in Town Hall. It's been a rough 2 years.  I think the mayor is finally getting the message, especially after losing to his charges against the Chief.

if  not ,  he  will  in November

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