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Post Info TOPIC: Channel 13 goes back in time!

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Posts: 1241
Channel 13 goes back in time!

There have been many Town events filmed and shown on Channel 13 over the last year. It has been a positive step forward seeing more and more Town events shown on Channel 13. But this weekend that all changed. For some reason the Channel was showing events from 7 and 10 months ago. Friday and Saturday are listed as Hammonton Spotlight, but this week instead of all the recent events we were shown the moving of the Historic Town Hall from last September and the Groundbreaking for the new Town Hall from December. The Mt. Carmel procession was filmed, why wasn't that shown? If that wasn't ready for airing, why not play the Red, White and Blueberry festival. Instead Hammonton First is obviously using the Town Channel for their own commercials. We don't want to see Channel 13 taking a step backwards. We need to see more recent events on this Channel. We don't need to see the moving of a building using misappropriated funds or a self promoting ground breaking where the Democratic council member wasn't even informed about the event.
Let's stop Hammonton First from using the Town owned Channel for their own benefit and let the recent events be Broadcast for all to see.



Ok so let's get this straight.... We're taping all these events, planning, zoning, council, Red White and Blue, 16th of July.... but we're going to take all of them off... in favor of the stupid town hall move & the ground breaking.  Let's put old news on as opposed to new stuff.

That's real nice.... The Mayor & this thought police better realize that Channel 13 is a community informatin channel... not the propaganda ministry...

VIVA LA REVOLUCTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Posts: 1

Well at least we still get to see the Sunday Mayor-a-Thon.

Hey look at me I'm on TV !!!  What a clown in a 25 year old football jersey - the showboating never ends.



Ok so let's get this straight.... We're taping all these events, planning, zoning, council, Red White and Blue, 16th of July.... but we're going to take all of them off... in favor of the stupid town hall move & the ground breaking.  Let's put old news on as opposed to new stuff.I think we all know that Hammonton First is not concerned with anything except promoting their own agenda.  Thank God this will all be over in November!!!!



Let's hope they show the Grand Opening of the stores at the Mayor's Raspberry Run complex.  Our mayor sure has gotten alot of work done on the areas surrounding his new properties.  he paved himself new sidewalks, got the roads paved around his developments, and even got the town and county to allow him to build rasberry run without any of the fire and safety codes the rest of us have to abide by.  Isn't our Mayor and Hammonton First wonderful!



If we are going to televise old stuff, let's give credit where credit is due. We should show the meeting where Jimmy Curcio put Anhony Falcone in his place when the Dems tried a sleezy political stunt.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

Another stupid comment. You have just shown your true colors once again. You think that standing up for the safety of the public is unimportant. Only promoting your third party is important to you. The Democrats stood up and brought to light a very dangerous situation at the old town hall site that Hammonton First was going to overlook, just to get the building moved on their timeframe. Thankfully, once the Democrats brought the dangers to light, the State of NJ stepped in and forced Hammonton First to clean up the situation and make the site safe for the public.
And click here to see who put who in their place!!!



Yeah... Curcio... that idiot. He comes to a meeting in Hammonton only

A. When he's nearing re-election


B. to Call out Anthony Falcone

Real productive. Do something for me !! Please. DO SOMETHING. 

The whole crew of them, still capitolzing on the father's political influence. The apple fell really far from the tree with this crew....



Why would they start showing Hammonton 1st videos from 10 months ago instead of the Mt Carmel procession? Are they ashamed of their Italian heritage. This is the Town with the largest Italian population in America and we have been holding this procession for 132 years. And yet they refuse to honor our Town's ancestry and tradition just so they can show their own infommercial on the community access channel. They have turned their backs on the community, in November we will turn our backs on them!



Anonymous wrote:

Yeah... Curcio... that idiot. He comes to a meeting in Hammonton only

A. When he's nearing re-election


B. to Call out Anthony Falcone

Real productive. Do something for me !! Please. DO SOMETHING. 

The whole crew of them, still capitolzing on the father's political influence. The apple fell really far from the tree with this crew....

Curcio is doing a much better job than Falcone would have done!  He's also going to try to get his cousin Mike Torrissi elected.



Watching the meeting on tv .  I think it is clear we need to combine water and sewer into one. and close the rescue squad down



Anonymous wrote:

Watching the meeting on tv .  I think it is clear we need to combine water and sewer into one. and close the rescue squad down

I like how much Channel 13 has improved.  It used to be the sound quality was terrible and we couldn't hear anything.  Now every meeting in town is televised.  Even the AC Press complimented Hammonton.



Anonymous wrote:

If we are going to televise old stuff, let's give credit where credit is due. We should show the meeting where Jimmy Curcio put Anhony Falcone in his place when the Dems tried a sleezy political stunt.

It was a political stunt yes but it was Curcio who was doing it. Even the mayor knew that Curcio was going to come up and attack Curcio.  He didn't stop CURCIO from his tirades.  Town Council was not the place for Curcio to attack Falcone.  Let's give credit where it was due:  It was Curcio pulling off a political stunt.  It almost cost him the election.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Watching the meeting on tv .  I think it is clear we need to combine water and sewer into one. and close the rescue squad down

I like how much Channel 13 has improved.  It used to be the sound quality was terrible and we couldn't hear anything.  Now every meeting in town is televised.  Even the AC Press complimented Hammonton.

I liked Channel 2 better. I enjoyed watching HF propoganda. Now Channel 13 might show more and more of the old town hall move.  Cool, keeping it real!



So another council meeting and another night of the same bull$hit andpropaganda from the HF party members.
What about the Mayor's great relationship with the Chief of the Police Department.  The Chief had to make his report to the Town Council in the public session along with the citizen complaints about frogs and Lowes.  Makes you wonder why the Mayor makes a big show of supporting the Police Chief one week and then there is no follow up!

And let us not forget the Mayor's attack of the Police Departments Emergency Response Team vehicle.  The Mayor called it a 'converted lunch truck".  He then questioned that it was not a "certified vehicle" suggesting that it was therefore unacceptable.  All of this because the Chief asked the Mayor's brother to confirm that the vehicle could be safely driven in and out of the new town hall building as planned.
Note to the Mayor - the vehicle was built and donated, at no cost to taxpayers,  by a local family owned and operated business.  This family business builds some of the best quality specialty vehicles of various types used all over the world by government and military agencies along with organizations involved in worldwide disaster relief efforts.  I guess that because you cannot take credit for the work or tax dollar savings here then it is not of any value.  You should be ashamed of yourself! 



Anonymous wrote:
And let us not forget the Mayor's attack of the Police Departments Emergency Response Team vehicle.  The Mayor called it a 'converted lunch truck".  He then questioned that it was not a "certified vehicle" suggesting that it was therefore unacceptable.  All of this because the Chief asked the Mayor's brother to confirm that the vehicle could be safely driven in and out of the new town hall building as planned.
Note to the Mayor - the vehicle was built and donated, at no cost to taxpayers,  by a local family owned and operated business.  This family business builds some of the best quality specialty vehicles of various types used all over the world by government and military agencies along with organizations involved in worldwide disaster relief efforts.  I guess that because you cannot take credit for the work or tax dollar savings here then it is not of any value.  You should be ashamed of yourself! 

Is this true?  Councilman DiDonato should be ashamed of himself.  How dare he continue to urinate on every helpful family in town that doesn't brand themselves with the Hammonton First logo.  Step down Mr. DiDonato, you are an embarassment to every upstanding resident of this town. STEP DOWN!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Watching the meeting on tv .  I think it is clear we need to combine water and sewer into one. and close the rescue squad down

I like how much Channel 13 has improved.  It used to be the sound quality was terrible and we couldn't hear anything.  Now every meeting in town is televised.  Even the AC Press complimented Hammonton.

This is another case of nothing ever getting done in the past and now it is fixed.  What the heck did the Republicans do for all those years?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
And let us not forget the Mayor's attack of the Police Departments Emergency Response Team vehicle.  The Mayor called it a 'converted lunch truck".  He then questioned that it was not a "certified vehicle" suggesting that it was therefore unacceptable.  All of this because the Chief asked the Mayor's brother to confirm that the vehicle could be safely driven in and out of the new town hall building as planned.
Note to the Mayor - the vehicle was built and donated, at no cost to taxpayers,  by a local family owned and operated business.  This family business builds some of the best quality specialty vehicles of various types used all over the world by government and military agencies along with organizations involved in worldwide disaster relief efforts.  I guess that because you cannot take credit for the work or tax dollar savings here then it is not of any value.  You should be ashamed of yourself! 

Is this true?  Councilman DiDonato should be ashamed of himself.  How dare he continue to urinate on every helpful family in town that doesn't brand themselves with the Hammonton First logo.  Step down Mr. DiDonato, you are an embarassment to every upstanding resident of this town. STEP DOWN!

It is true and it was on TV!

Don't hold don't hold your breath waiting for an apology or resignation - because he is Teflon John.

He will just ignore it and expect everyone to forget that it ever happened.  Remember that little thing with him and the bogus charges that he filled against the Chief of Police.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Watching the meeting on tv .  I think it is clear we need to combine water and sewer into one. and close the rescue squad down

I like how much Channel 13 has improved.  It used to be the sound quality was terrible and we couldn't hear anything.  Now every meeting in town is televised.  Even the AC Press complimented Hammonton.

This is another case of nothing ever getting done in the past and now it is fixed.  What the heck did the Republicans do for all those years?

Let's take side bets on how long it will take the Republicans to come up with some idea for a positive project for town.  By the way, their idea to build another Plymouth Place at the Brewery doesn't count.



Anonymous wrote:
Let's take side bets on how long it will take the Republicans to come up with some idea for a positive project for town.  By the way, their idea to build another Plymouth Place at the Brewery doesn't count.

Republican Projects:
-road pavings
-new town hall
-clean flo

Hammonton First Projects:
-show the "Mayor's Minute" on Channel 13
-sue the Chief



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
And let us not forget the Mayor's attack of the Police Departments Emergency Response Team vehicle.  The Mayor called it a 'converted lunch truck".  He then questioned that it was not a "certified vehicle" suggesting that it was therefore unacceptable.  All of this because the Chief asked the Mayor's brother to confirm that the vehicle could be safely driven in and out of the new town hall building as planned.
Note to the Mayor - the vehicle was built and donated, at no cost to taxpayers,  by a local family owned and operated business.  This family business builds some of the best quality specialty vehicles of various types used all over the world by government and military agencies along with organizations involved in worldwide disaster relief efforts.  I guess that because you cannot take credit for the work or tax dollar savings here then it is not of any value.  You should be ashamed of yourself! 

Is this true?  Councilman DiDonato should be ashamed of himself.  How dare he continue to urinate on every helpful family in town that doesn't brand themselves with the Hammonton First logo.  Step down Mr. DiDonato, you are an embarassment to every upstanding resident of this town. STEP DOWN!

It is true and it was on TV!

Don't hold don't hold your breath waiting for an apology or resignation - because he is Teflon John.

He will just ignore it and expect everyone to forget that it ever happened.  Remember that little thing with him and the bogus charges that he filled against the Chief of Police.

Let's take side bets on how long it will take Teflon John to come up with some idea for more grandstanding and B$.

Oh by the way, that would be tomorrow afternoon.  His idea is to supply town workers with free drinks at a local bar.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Let's take side bets on how long it will take the Republicans to come up with some idea for a positive project for town.  By the way, their idea to build another Plymouth Place at the Brewery doesn't count.

Republican Projects:
-road pavings
-new town hall
-clean flo

Hammonton First Projects:
-show the "Mayor's Minute" on Channel 13
-sue the Chief

This is really funny.  The Republicans want to take credit for the new town hall.  After years of voting for it everywhere but Central & Vine and getting nothing done, they want to take credit. 

Road paving.  Again nothing done until HF showed up.

Sidewalks.  Jimmy Bertino couldn't pave a thimble.

Clean-Flo.  Nothing done until HF showed up.

It must suck to be Mike Pajic and Don Berenato.  Their campaign has to make stories up to pretend they have a clue.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
This is really funny.  The Republicans want to take credit for the new town hall.  After years of voting for it everywhere but Central & Vine and getting nothing done, they want to take credit. 

Road paving.  Again nothing done until HF showed up.

Sidewalks.  Jimmy Bertino couldn't pave a thimble.

Clean-Flo.  Nothing done until HF showed up.

It must suck to be Mike Pajic and Don Berenato.  Their campaign has to make stories up to pretend they have a clue.

The water in Winslow must be tainted with truth-erasing agents!

The 5-2 Hammonton First majority of 2006 VOTED DOWN CLEAN FLO and laughed it off!

The 2007 Council led by Jerry, Anthony, and Jimmy voted it in and got it done.  Now the tests are coming back and the lake is clean.  Thank you guys!



Clean-Flo. Nothing done until HF showed up.


Are you kidding me? It was HF that VOTED NO on Clean-Flo.  The Democrats campaigned on using Clean-Flo last year.  They had tons of information on this website about it.  The councilpersons in favor of Clean-Flo 2 years ago were Bertino, Falcone and Jeannie Lewis( before she defected).  Hammonton First all voted NO.




Anonymous wrote:
The Republicans want to take credit for the new town hall.  After years of voting for it everywhere but Central & Vine and getting nothing done, they want to take credit. 

Road paving.  Again nothing done until HF showed up.

Sidewalks.  Jimmy Bertino couldn't pave a thimble.

Clean-Flo.  Nothing done until HF showed up.

It must suck to be Mike Pajic and Don Berenato.  Their campaign has to make stories up to pretend they have a clue.

The Republicans can't win on facts so they have to make things up. 

Also, I am disgusted by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans trying to attack free sewer repairs downtown WHEN THE REPUBLICANS WERE THE ONES WHO DECIDED ON THAT WHEN IT WAS SIX OF THEM AND ANTHONY FALCONE ON COUNCIL!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
And let us not forget the Mayor's attack of the Police Departments Emergency Response Team vehicle.  The Mayor called it a 'converted lunch truck".  He then questioned that it was not a "certified vehicle" suggesting that it was therefore unacceptable.  All of this because the Chief asked the Mayor's brother to confirm that the vehicle could be safely driven in and out of the new town hall building as planned.
Note to the Mayor - the vehicle was built and donated, at no cost to taxpayers,  by a local family owned and operated business.  This family business builds some of the best quality specialty vehicles of various types used all over the world by government and military agencies along with organizations involved in worldwide disaster relief efforts.  I guess that because you cannot take credit for the work or tax dollar savings here then it is not of any value.  You should be ashamed of yourself! 

Is this true?  Councilman DiDonato should be ashamed of himself.  How dare he continue to urinate on every helpful family in town that doesn't brand themselves with the Hammonton First logo.  Step down Mr. DiDonato, you are an embarassment to every upstanding resident of this town. STEP DOWN!

It is true and it was on TV!

Don't hold don't hold your breath waiting for an apology or resignation - because he is Teflon John.

He will just ignore it and expect everyone to forget that it ever happened.  Remember that little thing with him and the bogus charges that he filled against the Chief of Police.

Let's take side bets on how long it will take Teflon John to come up with some idea for more grandstanding and B$.

Oh by the way, that would be tomorrow afternoon.  His idea is to supply town workers with free drinks at a local bar.

Yes thank you John, I will have a shot of whiskey with Kool-Aid chaser



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
The Republicans want to take credit for the new town hall.  After years of voting for it everywhere but Central & Vine and getting nothing done, they want to take credit. 

Road paving.  Again nothing done until HF showed up.

Sidewalks.  Jimmy Bertino couldn't pave a thimble.

Clean-Flo.  Nothing done until HF showed up.

It must suck to be Mike Pajic and Don Berenato.  Their campaign has to make stories up to pretend they have a clue.

The Republicans can't win on facts so they have to make things up. 

Also, I am disgusted by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans trying to attack free sewer repairs downtown WHEN THE REPUBLICANS WERE THE ONES WHO DECIDED ON THAT WHEN IT WAS SIX OF THEM AND ANTHONY FALCONE ON COUNCIL!

We don't need facts! Just make up more bashing! Pour it on!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
And let us not forget the Mayor's attack of the Police Departments Emergency Response Team vehicle.  The Mayor called it a 'converted lunch truck".  He then questioned that it was not a "certified vehicle" suggesting that it was therefore unacceptable.  All of this because the Chief asked the Mayor's brother to confirm that the vehicle could be safely driven in and out of the new town hall building as planned.
Note to the Mayor - the vehicle was built and donated, at no cost to taxpayers,  by a local family owned and operated business.  This family business builds some of the best quality specialty vehicles of various types used all over the world by government and military agencies along with organizations involved in worldwide disaster relief efforts.  I guess that because you cannot take credit for the work or tax dollar savings here then it is not of any value.  You should be ashamed of yourself! 

Is this true?  Councilman DiDonato should be ashamed of himself.  How dare he continue to urinate on every helpful family in town that doesn't brand themselves with the Hammonton First logo.  Step down Mr. DiDonato, you are an embarassment to every upstanding resident of this town. STEP DOWN!

It is true and it was on TV!

Don't hold don't hold your breath waiting for an apology or resignation - because he is Teflon John.

He will just ignore it and expect everyone to forget that it ever happened.  Remember that little thing with him and the bogus charges that he filled against the Chief of Police.

Let's take side bets on how long it will take Teflon John to come up with some idea for more grandstanding and B$.

Oh by the way, that would be tomorrow afternoon.  His idea is to supply town workers with free drinks at a local bar.

Yes thank you John, I will have a shot of whiskey with Kool-Aid chaser

I hear he is calling it the Mayor's Unity Hour, that is too funny for words.

If it was the Mayor's Unity Minute it would still be a waste of 60 seconds.
Lets have that free drink fast.



I'd be willing to bet that this whole thing is a setup. There will be cops waiting for the employees and they will arrest them for drinking and driving.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
The Republicans want to take credit for the new town hall.  After years of voting for it everywhere but Central & Vine and getting nothing done, they want to take credit. 

Road paving.  Again nothing done until HF showed up.

Sidewalks.  Jimmy Bertino couldn't pave a thimble.

Clean-Flo.  Nothing done until HF showed up.

It must suck to be Mike Pajic and Don Berenato.  Their campaign has to make stories up to pretend they have a clue.

The Republicans can't win on facts so they have to make things up. 

Also, I am disgusted by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans trying to attack free sewer repairs downtown WHEN THE REPUBLICANS WERE THE ONES WHO DECIDED ON THAT WHEN IT WAS SIX OF THEM AND ANTHONY FALCONE ON COUNCIL!

We don't need facts! Just make up more bashing! Pour it on!

The above posts are really "pouring it on!"



Anonymous wrote:

I hear he is calling it the Mayor's Unity Hour, that is too funny for words.

If it was the Mayor's Unity Minute it would still be a waste of 60 seconds.
Lets have that free drink fast.

This town is further divided than it has ever been in its history. 

 Unity- Who's he trying to fool.  We won't be fooled again.  If the mayor wants unity then he should give credit where it is due and keep his party in line with their vendettas.



How can he do that when he is the one with the most vendettas?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
The Republicans want to take credit for the new town hall.  After years of voting for it everywhere but Central & Vine and getting nothing done, they want to take credit. 

Road paving.  Again nothing done until HF showed up.

Sidewalks.  Jimmy Bertino couldn't pave a thimble.

Clean-Flo.  Nothing done until HF showed up.

It must suck to be Mike Pajic and Don Berenato.  Their campaign has to make stories up to pretend they have a clue.

The Republicans can't win on facts so they have to make things up. 

Also, I am disgusted by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans trying to attack free sewer repairs downtown WHEN THE REPUBLICANS WERE THE ONES WHO DECIDED ON THAT WHEN IT WAS SIX OF THEM AND ANTHONY FALCONE ON COUNCIL!

We don't need facts! Just make up more bashing! Pour it on!

The above posts are really "pouring it on!"


RE: Channel 13 goes back in time!

Anonymous wrote:

If we are going to televise old stuff, let's give credit where credit is due. We should show the meeting where Jimmy Curcio put Anhony Falcone in his place when the Dems tried a sleezy political stunt.

I would like to see this on TV again.  At least it is on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UWE0MCt_oA.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
And let us not forget the Mayor's attack of the Police Departments Emergency Response Team vehicle.  The Mayor called it a 'converted lunch truck".  He then questioned that it was not a "certified vehicle" suggesting that it was therefore unacceptable.  All of this because the Chief asked the Mayor's brother to confirm that the vehicle could be safely driven in and out of the new town hall building as planned.
Note to the Mayor - the vehicle was built and donated, at no cost to taxpayers,  by a local family owned and operated business.  This family business builds some of the best quality specialty vehicles of various types used all over the world by government and military agencies along with organizations involved in worldwide disaster relief efforts.  I guess that because you cannot take credit for the work or tax dollar savings here then it is not of any value.  You should be ashamed of yourself! 

Is this true?  Councilman DiDonato should be ashamed of himself.  How dare he continue to urinate on every helpful family in town that doesn't brand themselves with the Hammonton First logo.  Step down Mr. DiDonato, you are an embarassment to every upstanding resident of this town. STEP DOWN!

It is true and it was on TV!

Don't hold don't hold your breath waiting for an apology or resignation - because he is Teflon John.

He will just ignore it and expect everyone to forget that it ever happened.  Remember that little thing with him and the bogus charges that he filled against the Chief of Police.

Let's take side bets on how long it will take Teflon John to come up with some idea for more grandstanding and B$.

Oh by the way, that would be tomorrow afternoon.  His idea is to supply town workers with free drinks at a local bar.

Yes thank you John, I will have a shot of whiskey with Kool-Aid chaser

I hear he is calling it the Mayor's Unity Hour, that is too funny for words.

If it was the Mayor's Unity Minute it would still be a waste of 60 seconds.
Lets have that free drink fast.

So Funny! It should be a crime.

Note to Teflon John - If you don't know what you are talking about,  just shut-up



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

If we are going to televise old stuff, let's give credit where credit is due. We should show the meeting where Jimmy Curcio put Anhony Falcone in his place when the Dems tried a sleezy political stunt.

I would like to see this on TV again.  At least it is on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UWE0MCt_oA.

Very funny.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

If we are going to televise old stuff, let's give credit where credit is due. We should show the meeting where Jimmy Curcio put Anhony Falcone in his place when the Dems tried a sleezy political stunt.

I would like to see this on TV again. At least it is on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UWE0MCt_oA.

Very funny.


 That was not the appropriate place for Curcio to counter Falcone.  Campaigning should not be held in Town Council.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

Are you sure? The Mayor does it at every single meeting.



Admin wrote:

Are you sure? The Mayor does it at every single meeting.

Teflon John the $hit doesn't stick to him but he still leaves a big mess to clean up



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

If we are going to televise old stuff, let's give credit where credit is due. We should show the meeting where Jimmy Curcio put Anhony Falcone in his place when the Dems tried a sleezy political stunt.

I would like to see this on TV again. At least it is on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UWE0MCt_oA.

Very funny.

 That was not the appropriate place for Curcio to counter Falcone.  Campaigning should not be held in Town Council.

If the Democrats do something wrong, they don't like anyone to speak out.



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Are you sure? The Mayor does it at every single meeting.

Teflon John the $hit doesn't stick to him but he still leaves a big mess to clean up

If the HF inter-circle of power and influence  do something wrong, they don't like anyone to speak out.... and they will come after you.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

If we are going to televise old stuff, let's give credit where credit is due. We should show the meeting where Jimmy Curcio put Anhony Falcone in his place when the Dems tried a sleezy political stunt.

I would like to see this on TV again. At least it is on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UWE0MCt_oA.

Very funny.

 That was not the appropriate place for Curcio to counter Falcone.  Campaigning should not be held in Town Council.

If the Democrats do something wrong, they don't like anyone to speak out.

Anthony Falcone should never have pulled the stunt he tried to pull with Jimmy Curcio.  It turned out there was no legal merit to Falcone's charges and it was all dropped.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

There are a lot of people who still have a different opinion than you on that one, but the only opinion that matters was the courts and they decided in Curcio's favor. That's OK, Anthony did what he believed in and still believes to be right. That doesn't give Jim Curcio the right to disrupt a Town Council meeting in the fashion he chose to use and then campaign for the cameras on our Public Access Channel.



Admin wrote:

There are a lot of people who still have a different opinion than you on that one, but the only opinion that matters was the courts and they decided in Curcio's favor. That's OK, Anthony did what he believed in and still believes to be right. That doesn't give Jim Curcio the right to disrupt a Town Council meeting in the fashion he chose to use and then campaign for the cameras on our Public Access Channel.

It is clear now that the Mayor is only in favor of open government if he can control the opening.   That is not a good sign of things to come.



Admin wrote:

There are a lot of people who still have a different opinion than you on that one, but the only opinion that matters was the courts and they decided in Curcio's favor. That's OK, Anthony did what he believed in and still believes to be right. That doesn't give Jim Curcio the right to disrupt a Town Council meeting in the fashion he chose to use and then campaign for the cameras on our Public Access Channel.

Curcio won so I guess the voters didn't like what Anthony Falcone had to say.



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

There are a lot of people who still have a different opinion than you on that one, but the only opinion that matters was the courts and they decided in Curcio's favor. That's OK, Anthony did what he believed in and still believes to be right. That doesn't give Jim Curcio the right to disrupt a Town Council meeting in the fashion he chose to use and then campaign for the cameras on our Public Access Channel.

Curcio won so I guess the voters didn't like what Anthony Falcone had to say.

I won't be so brash if I were you, Anthony Falcone received many votes in the County race and it spoke well of his record of public service.  Just in case you can't remember that far back with your selective memory , you will get a little reminder in November.



I would like to know Anthony Falcone's position on the Robin Ripa lawsuit.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

If we are going to televise old stuff, let's give credit where credit is due. We should show the meeting where Jimmy Curcio put Anhony Falcone in his place when the Dems tried a sleezy political stunt.

I would like to see this on TV again. At least it is on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UWE0MCt_oA.

Very funny.

That was not the appropriate place for Curcio to counter Falcone. Campaigning should not be held in Town Council.

If the Democrats do something wrong, they don't like anyone to speak out.


 This country is about your rights to speak up.  I think Curcio has the right too but he was WRONG to do it in Town Council.  That's not a place for campaigning.  Those cameras are for us taxpayers to see the regular business and agenda.  It is not to be used as a forum to promote one's campaign. The mayor knew very well in advance that Curcio was going to attack a councilman during that night's Town Council meeting.  It was obvious that this was preplanned when the mayor did not act to stop Curcio right away. 



Anonymous wrote:

I would like to know Anthony Falcone's position on the Robin Ripa lawsuit.

I think this is a question the candidate should answer.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I would like to know Anthony Falcone's position on the Robin Ripa lawsuit.

I think this is a question the candidate should answer.

Are you asking should Robin have less rights than any other citizen?   Everyone deserves a good work environment.  That's what's at issue here. 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I would like to know Anthony Falcone's position on the Robin Ripa lawsuit.

I think this is a question the candidate should answer.

Is Falcone going to answer? Or maybe does his sience mean he is in favor of the Ripa lawsuit?



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

There are a lot of people who still have a different opinion than you on that one, but the only opinion that matters was the courts and they decided in Curcio's favor. That's OK, Anthony did what he believed in and still believes to be right. That doesn't give Jim Curcio the right to disrupt a Town Council meeting in the fashion he chose to use and then campaign for the cameras on our Public Access Channel.

It is clear now that the Mayor is only in favor of open government if he can control the opening.   That is not a good sign of things to come.

Teflon John the dirt doesn't stick to him but he leaves a big mess to blame on someone else!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I would like to know Anthony Falcone's position on the Robin Ripa lawsuit.

I think this is a question the candidate should answer.

Is Falcone going to answer? Or maybe does his sience mean he is in favor of the Ripa lawsuit?

The Admin answered for Falcone on another thread. It was worded mealy-mouthed but it looks like the Democrats are united on supporting the lawsuit.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
And let us not forget the Mayor's attack of the Police Departments Emergency Response Team vehicle.  The Mayor called it a 'converted lunch truck".  He then questioned that it was not a "certified vehicle" suggesting that it was therefore unacceptable.  All of this because the Chief asked the Mayor's brother to confirm that the vehicle could be safely driven in and out of the new town hall building as planned.
Note to the Mayor - the vehicle was built and donated, at no cost to taxpayers,  by a local family owned and operated business.  This family business builds some of the best quality specialty vehicles of various types used all over the world by government and military agencies along with organizations involved in worldwide disaster relief efforts.  I guess that because you cannot take credit for the work or tax dollar savings here then it is not of any value.  You should be ashamed of yourself! 

Is this true?  Councilman DiDonato should be ashamed of himself.  How dare he continue to urinate on every helpful family in town that doesn't brand themselves with the Hammonton First logo.  Step down Mr. DiDonato, you are an embarassment to every upstanding resident of this town. STEP DOWN!

Teflon John the dirt doesn't stick to him but he still leaves a big mess to clean up



Anonymous wrote:
And let us not forget the Mayor's attack of the Police Departments Emergency Response Team vehicle.  The Mayor called it a 'converted lunch truck".  He then questioned that it was not a "certified vehicle" suggesting that it was therefore unacceptable. 

It turns out the State of NJ decided this vehicle was not certified to hold the weapons the Chief wanted in it.  Also, the town's insurance didn't allow this.  It is a good thing the Mayor was on top of this to know that this wasn't a certified vehicle to safely handle the weapons.

Looks like the Mayor did a good job helping with public safety!



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:
And let us not forget the Mayor's attack of the Police Departments Emergency Response Team vehicle. The Mayor called it a 'converted lunch truck". He then questioned that it was not a "certified vehicle" suggesting that it was therefore unacceptable.

It turns out the State of NJ decided this vehicle was not certified to hold the weapons the Chief wanted in it. Also, the town's insurance didn't allow this. It is a good thing the Mayor was on top of this to know that this wasn't a certified vehicle to safely handle the weapons.

Looks like the Mayor did a good job helping with public safety!


 Oh does that mean the mayor is going to donate the police an Emergency Response vehicle to replace the one the police got.  That would truly help out our town on public safety.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
And let us not forget the Mayor's attack of the Police Departments Emergency Response Team vehicle.  The Mayor called it a 'converted lunch truck".  He then questioned that it was not a "certified vehicle" suggesting that it was therefore unacceptable. 

It turns out the State of NJ decided this vehicle was not certified to hold the weapons the Chief wanted in it.  Also, the town's insurance didn't allow this.  It is a good thing the Mayor was on top of this to know that this wasn't a certified vehicle to safely handle the weapons.

Looks like the Mayor did a good job helping with public safety!

The Chief must have known you can't keep M-16's safely in a lunch truck.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
And let us not forget the Mayor's attack of the Police Departments Emergency Response Team vehicle. The Mayor called it a 'converted lunch truck". He then questioned that it was not a "certified vehicle" suggesting that it was therefore unacceptable.

It turns out the State of NJ decided this vehicle was not certified to hold the weapons the Chief wanted in it. Also, the town's insurance didn't allow this. It is a good thing the Mayor was on top of this to know that this wasn't a certified vehicle to safely handle the weapons.

Looks like the Mayor did a good job helping with public safety!

The Chief must have known you can't keep M-16's safely in a lunch truck.


 What a load of crap. Do you Firster's really believe that we are stupid enough to fall for your bullsxxt? Cops can transport any weapons they need to any location in any vehicle available to them. Are you now saying that because we don't have a particular vehicle, our police force can not bring weapons to a crime scene or a hostage situation? Are you now saying that the police can only walk around with peashooters and slingshots? Any police force in the state that does not have a certain vehicle can not defend themselves?

What bull!!! The only concern the state would have is that whatever vehicle the department decides to use is secure when not in use. Right now the vehicle is secured in a special area in the highway garage. After the new town hall is built, it will be secured in the sally port (even though it will not be able to get in there, but that's another story).

The state does not certify vehicles and this is nothing but a cover up for the Mayor's mis-statement at the council meeting. He spoke before having all of the information and now you guys are trying to cover for him.

You have proven once again how stupid you think the people of Hammonton are. Well we got a lot smarter last November and we will be even smarter this November!

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