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Post Info TOPIC: COUNTY begins repaving 3rd today

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COUNTY begins repaving 3rd today

We wanted to make sure the credit goes where the credit is due. The COUNTY began the milling and paving work on 3rd Street today. It is being done by the COUNTY, with COUNTY funds, under the direction of Dennis Levinson and the COUNTY freeholder Board. Hopefully no one else tries to take credit for this project, although I don't think any group in this Town would take credit for something someone else did or started...do you?
From what we understand the roadway will be milled and repaved from Fairview Avenue to Ranere Avenue.

-- Edited by Admin at 12:43, 2007-07-23



It's great that the Republicans had Jimmy Curcio elected rather than Democrat Anthony Falcone. If Falcone were elected, none of this woud have been done.


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What in the world do you base a stupid comment like that on???
Anthony has always served this Town well in his capacity as a Councilman and would have worked even harder than Jim Curcio as a freeholder to make sure Hammonton got it's fair share of county projects. Both Jim and Anthony are good men who do well for Hammonton, but Anthony would have been more visible and worked harder for Hammonton.



I am voting for Denny Levinson in November over the loser the Democats are runing against him. Even the local Dem Club realizes Denny is doing a great job. Democrats have n chance at the County Exec seat.


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Denny has done a commendable job as County Executive, but it's time for new blood and a man who will do an even better job for all the residents of Atlantic County. Elect Jim McGettigan as County Executive!!!!



Admin wrote:

Denny has done a commendable job as County Executive, but it's time for new blood and a man who will do an even better job for all the residents of Atlantic County. Elect Jim McGettigan as County Executive!!!!

It's stupid to change when we all agree the man with the experience is doing the job.  Even the Democrats accept Denny Levinson is doing great.  Stick with the winner and vote for Levinson!


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No one said he is doing great, we said he has done a commendable job. If you want a great job done, then you need to vote for Jim McGettigan!!!!



Admin wrote:

No one said he is doing great, we said he has done a commendable job. If you want a great job done, then you need to vote for Jim McGettigan!!!!

Yeah because McGettigan will work with the Callaways.... oh wait, they are in jail.  I guess not.



Thank you Jimmy Curcio and Denny Levinson and the rest of the Republicans. This is progress away from HF main street.


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Thank You Alisa Cooper, Frank Giordano, Joe Kelly, Lawton Nelson and the entire Freeholder Board. This is progress away from HF Main Street.



Okay, Okay, as long as we all understand and agree upon that HF is the next thing that is going to be paved over.  Everybody knows what to do come November.


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Posts: 1241




Admin wrote:

Thank You Alisa Cooper, Frank Giordano, Joe Kelly, Lawton Nelson and the entire Freeholder Board. This is progress away from HF Main Street.

Why do the Democrat & Republican Clubs both hate merchants on Main Street? There have been projects taking care of Central Avenue, the new soccer fields, a tremendous amount of grant money at the airport, the new water project being paid for by over $2M coming from SJ Gas. Bo the Democrats and Republican Clubs oversaw years of stagnation in Hammonton. Now they just sit and complain. I guess they must really feel jealous knowing they weren't ever able to complete projects.



Anonymous wrote:
Bo(th) the Democrats and Republican Clubs oversaw years of stagnation in Hammonton. Now they just sit and complain. I guess they must really feel jealous knowing they weren't ever able to complete projects.

10 dollars to whoever can tell me who was the President of Main Street for the last 6 years or so.  Here's a hint, he bought up a ton of buildings after he allowed them to be ran into the ground.



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Thank You Alisa Cooper, Frank Giordano, Joe Kelly, Lawton Nelson and the entire Freeholder Board. This is progress away from HF Main Street.

Why do the Democrat & Republican Clubs both hate merchants on Main Street? There have been projects taking care of Central Avenue, the new soccer fields, a tremendous amount of grant money at the airport, the new water project being paid for by over $2M coming from SJ Gas. Both the Democrats and Republican Clubs oversaw years of stagnation in Hammonton. Now they just sit and complain. I guess they must really feel jealous knowing they weren't ever able to complete projects.

The Republicans run around town trying to tell everyone they have done something.  They can't finish anything.  Bertino and Vitalo spend all their time now trying to stop progress.

Pajic will be no better.  Just another person to try to do nothing at all!



Anonymous wrote:
10 dollars to whoever can tell me who was the President of Main Street for the last 6 years or so.  Here's a hint, he bought up a ton of buildings after he allowed them to be ran into the ground.

10 dollars to whoever can tell me how many businesses went under while that man ran Main Street.  And how many of them he bought up afterwards.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

Thank You Alisa Cooper, Frank Giordano, Joe Kelly, Lawton Nelson and the entire Freeholder Board. This is progress away from HF Main Street.

Why do the Democrat & Republican Clubs both hate merchants on Main Street? There have been projects taking care of Central Avenue, the new soccer fields, a tremendous amount of grant money at the airport, the new water project being paid for by over $2M coming from SJ Gas. Both the Democrats and Republican Clubs oversaw years of stagnation in Hammonton. Now they just sit and complain. I guess they must really feel jealous knowing they weren't ever able to complete projects.

The Republicans run around town trying to tell everyone they have done something.  They can't finish anything.  Bertino and Vitalo spend all their time now trying to stop progress.

Pajic will be no better.  Just another person to try to do nothing at all!

It's amazing how hard the Republicans are trying to stop every project.  I guess they realize everyone is asking what the heck they were doing all those years when they had 7-0 and 6-1 majorities.  Here's the answer:  nothing.



Anonymous wrote:

I guess they realize everyone is asking what the heck they were doing all those years when they had 7-0 and 6-1 majorities. 

They won over 22 million dollars in county, state, and federal grants for the great town of Hammonton.

Now that's results!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
10 dollars to whoever can tell me who was the President of Main Street for the last 6 years or so.  Here's a hint, he bought up a ton of buildings after he allowed them to be ran into the ground.

10 dollars to whoever can tell me how many businesses went under while that man ran Main Street.  And how many of them he bought up afterwards.

Oh I know , I know,  it begins with a D -  he was one of the puppet masters of the HF party right!!!!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I guess they realize everyone is asking what the heck they were doing all those years when they had 7-0 and 6-1 majorities. 

They won over 22 million dollars in county, state, and federal grants for the great town of Hammonton.

Now that's results!

What did the Republican idiots complete with the money?  Just about nothing.  They run around town now saying "oh we did that, we did that."  In reality they finished nothing,



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I guess they realize everyone is asking what the heck they were doing all those years when they had 7-0 and 6-1 majorities. 

They won over 22 million dollars in county, state, and federal grants for the great town of Hammonton.

Now that's results!

What did the Republican idiots complete with the money?  Just about nothing.  They run around town now saying "oh we did that, we did that."  In reality they finished nothing,

Lets not tell the public that it was the HF inter-circle of power and influence that worked secertly behind their black curtain lies to hold up the approvals needed for the downtown project.  I guess they needed time to buy more property downtown.  Oh didn't the Mayor just buy property downtown right before the work started.  I guess he wanted  to get one of the of the free water and sewer connections.  Thanks HF



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I guess they realize everyone is asking what the heck they were doing all those years when they had 7-0 and 6-1 majorities.

They won over 22 million dollars in county, state, and federal grants for the great town of Hammonton.

Now that's results!

What did the Republican idiots complete with the money? Just about nothing. They run around town now saying "oh we did that, we did that." In reality they finished nothing,

Lets not tell the public that it was the HF inter-circle of power and influence that worked secertly behind their black curtain lies to hold up the approvals needed for the downtown project. I guess they needed time to buy more property downtown. Oh didn't the Mayor just buy property downtown right before the work started. I guess he wanted to get one of the of the free water and sewer connections. Thanks HF


 I guess from now on NO TAXPAYER in Hammonton should have to pay for getting water and sewer connections.  FAIR IS FAIR. I remember Hammonton First campaigning about FOR THE PEOPLE.  Well this person wants to sign up for the Hammonton First FREE WATER AND SEWER HOOKUP Program.



The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans.  If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them!  They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!



Anonymous wrote:

The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans.  If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them!  They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!

Man, Bertino never gets anything done anyway.  Even when he tries to get involved with something, he screws it up!


Hammonton NEWS prints the facts of the new town hall

From this week's paper...

Inspection gives Town Hall work a thumbs up

Staff Writer

HAMMONTON -- Work is progressing as planned on Town Hall, according to details of a recent inspection at the site on Vine Street and Central Avenue. In a letter dated July 20, Lamont H. Czar, the project's structural engineer, detailed his inspection of the building two days earlier as well as several concrete and field inspection reports from Craig Testing Laboratories. "Based on my inspection last week and review of the submittals, the work to date appears to be satisfactory and generally conforms with both the design concept and the requirements of the plans and specifications," said Czar in in his letter to project architect Harry S. Harper. "Therefore, the contractor should proceed with the installation of the concrete topping as specified." Architect Joseph Piccari, who works for Harper, said the team felt the report was needed. "This needed to be addressed before the progress was made in pouring the concrete," said Piccari. The concrete work began Tuesday, with the layers of the bottom floor being poured. Crews from Dolan Construction were expected to finish the remaining floors of the three-story building later in the week, Piccari said. "Through the week, weather permitting, we will follow through -- first floor, second floor," Piccari said. "The actual steel framing will also be lifted to each floor where they will be needed. Over the next few months you will see a significant amount of work being done. We're excited about it." Meanwhile, Police Chief Frank Ingemi voiced his concern over the size, or more likely the lack of it, for a proposed garage for a department emergency command vehicle. The vehicle, which would be used in extreme police emergencies such as hostage incidents, is slated to be housed in a secure area at the building. "I personally don't believe it's going to work," Ingemi said. "I don't think there's going to be enough room for us to do what we wanted to do there. We'll wait and see what happens but I think there's going to be a problem." Steve DiDonato, who chairs the project's Building Committee, said the size of the vehicle, which is nearly 8-feet-wide and 23-feet-long was taken into consideration when the area, called a sally port, was designed. "I think it's going to be fine. I don't think you can back up at 30 or 40 miles per hour," said DiDonato who admitted it would take some maneuvering on the driver's part to back it in. "It'll make it out of there." "The building, the bay will house the vehicle," added Piccari.


RE: COUNTY begins repaving 3rd today

Anonymous wrote:

The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans.  If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them!  They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!

Why is that HF wants to get credit for the downtown road and sidewalk work but when a taxpayers asks why are we giving free water and sewer hookups to downtown landowners they go around and blame Republicans. 

I was made to believe that Hammonton First was responsible for all of the work happening downtown.  I would expect any town councilmember could have made a motion to not provide this freebie to downtown landowners.   Looks like their enough blame to go around.  Does anyone on council believe in being fiscally conservative? Why are we giving downtown landowners freebies? 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans.  If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them!  They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!

Why is that HF wants to get credit for the downtown road and sidewalk work but when a taxpayers asks why are we giving free water and sewer hookups to downtown landowners they go around and blame Republicans. 

I was made to believe that Hammonton First was responsible for all of the work happening downtown.  I would expect any town councilmember could have made a motion to not provide this freebie to downtown landowners.   Looks like their enough blame to go around.  Does anyone on council believe in being fiscally conservative? Why are we giving downtown landowners freebies? 

Jimmy Bertino explained in a council meeting that the reason he had approved replacing the existing water and sewer hookups using the grant money was that if they weren't replaced, we'd probably have to go back in a few years and tear up the new concrete without grant money.

Since the local property taxes wouldn't be needed to do the work up front, it made more sense to do it right the first time.

HF agreed with Bertino as did Anthony Falcone when he was on council.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans.  If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them!  They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!

Why is that HF wants to get credit for the downtown road and sidewalk work but when a taxpayers asks why are we giving free water and sewer hookups to downtown landowners they go around and blame Republicans. 

I was made to believe that Hammonton First was responsible for all of the work happening downtown.  I would expect any town councilmember could have made a motion to not provide this freebie to downtown landowners.   Looks like their enough blame to go around.  Does anyone on council believe in being fiscally conservative? Why are we giving downtown landowners freebies? 

Jimmy Bertino explained in a council meeting that the reason he had approved replacing the existing water and sewer hookups using the grant money was that if they weren't replaced, we'd probably have to go back in a few years and tear up the new concrete without grant money.

Since the local property taxes wouldn't be needed to do the work up front, it made more sense to do it right the first time.

HF agreed with Bertino as did Anthony Falcone when he was on council.

Does that mean it's still right then to give freebies to downtown landowners?  That grant money should be used for the benefit of all Hammontonians.  When is town council going to give me free water and sewer hookups?  My cousin has a business, can he get his water and sewer done for free as well?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans.  If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them!  They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!

Why is that HF wants to get credit for the downtown road and sidewalk work but when a taxpayers asks why are we giving free water and sewer hookups to downtown landowners they go around and blame Republicans. 

I was made to believe that Hammonton First was responsible for all of the work happening downtown.  I would expect any town councilmember could have made a motion to not provide this freebie to downtown landowners.   Looks like their enough blame to go around.  Does anyone on council believe in being fiscally conservative? Why are we giving downtown landowners freebies? 

Jimmy Bertino explained in a council meeting that the reason he had approved replacing the existing water and sewer hookups using the grant money was that if they weren't replaced, we'd probably have to go back in a few years and tear up the new concrete without grant money.

Since the local property taxes wouldn't be needed to do the work up front, it made more sense to do it right the first time.

HF agreed with Bertino as did Anthony Falcone when he was on council.

Does that mean it's still right then to give freebies to downtown landowners?  That grant money should be used for the benefit of all Hammontonians.  When is town council going to give me free water and sewer hookups?  My cousin has a business, can he get his water and sewer done for free as well?

You're so naive.  Of course it's o.k. to give freebies to downtown owners.  That's why Hammonton First was created for in the first place to take care of their own only.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans.  If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them!  They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!

Why is that HF wants to get credit for the downtown road and sidewalk work but when a taxpayers asks why are we giving free water and sewer hookups to downtown landowners they go around and blame Republicans. 

I was made to believe that Hammonton First was responsible for all of the work happening downtown.  I would expect any town councilmember could have made a motion to not provide this freebie to downtown landowners.   Looks like their enough blame to go around.  Does anyone on council believe in being fiscally conservative? Why are we giving downtown landowners freebies? 

Jimmy Bertino explained in a council meeting that the reason he had approved replacing the existing water and sewer hookups using the grant money was that if they weren't replaced, we'd probably have to go back in a few years and tear up the new concrete without grant money.

Since the local property taxes wouldn't be needed to do the work up front, it made more sense to do it right the first time.

HF agreed with Bertino as did Anthony Falcone when he was on council.

Does that mean it's still right then to give freebies to downtown landowners?  That grant money should be used for the benefit of all Hammontonians.  When is town council going to give me free water and sewer hookups?  My cousin has a business, can he get his water and sewer done for free as well?

You have to use the grant money for the sidewalks.  It benefits everyone since the town does the job right the first time and doesn't have to go back again and redo it.

However, if you think that it was a bad idea to save people money, don't vote for Anthony Falcone this year since he voted to do this!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans.  If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them!  They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!

Why is that HF wants to get credit for the downtown road and sidewalk work but when a taxpayers asks why are we giving free water and sewer hookups to downtown landowners they go around and blame Republicans. 

I was made to believe that Hammonton First was responsible for all of the work happening downtown.  I would expect any town councilmember could have made a motion to not provide this freebie to downtown landowners.   Looks like their enough blame to go around.  Does anyone on council believe in being fiscally conservative? Why are we giving downtown landowners freebies? 

Jimmy Bertino explained in a council meeting that the reason he had approved replacing the existing water and sewer hookups using the grant money was that if they weren't replaced, we'd probably have to go back in a few years and tear up the new concrete without grant money.

Since the local property taxes wouldn't be needed to do the work up front, it made more sense to do it right the first time.

HF agreed with Bertino as did Anthony Falcone when he was on council.

Does that mean it's still right then to give freebies to downtown landowners?  That grant money should be used for the benefit of all Hammontonians.  When is town council going to give me free water and sewer hookups?  My cousin has a business, can he get his water and sewer done for free as well?

You have to use the grant money for the sidewalks.  It benefits everyone since the town does the job right the first time and doesn't have to go back again and redo it.

However, if you think that it was a bad idea to save people money, don't vote for Anthony Falcone this year since he voted to do this!

More B$ and mis-information from the HF con artists, how about the town just apply an assessments against each of the private property owners downtown for the value of the free water and sewer connections, then give them a number of years to pay or until the property is sold to a new owner, it is just that easy, but no the Mayor and the D-boys need a taxpayer handout, it is so shameful!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans.  If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them!  They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!

Why is that HF wants to get credit for the downtown road and sidewalk work but when a taxpayers asks why are we giving free water and sewer hookups to downtown landowners they go around and blame Republicans. 

I was made to believe that Hammonton First was responsible for all of the work happening downtown.  I would expect any town councilmember could have made a motion to not provide this freebie to downtown landowners.   Looks like their enough blame to go around.  Does anyone on council believe in being fiscally conservative? Why are we giving downtown landowners freebies? 

Jimmy Bertino explained in a council meeting that the reason he had approved replacing the existing water and sewer hookups using the grant money was that if they weren't replaced, we'd probably have to go back in a few years and tear up the new concrete without grant money.

Since the local property taxes wouldn't be needed to do the work up front, it made more sense to do it right the first time.

HF agreed with Bertino as did Anthony Falcone when he was on council.

Does that mean it's still right then to give freebies to downtown landowners?  That grant money should be used for the benefit of all Hammontonians.  When is town council going to give me free water and sewer hookups?  My cousin has a business, can he get his water and sewer done for free as well?

You have to use the grant money for the sidewalks.  It benefits everyone since the town does the job right the first time and doesn't have to go back again and redo it.

However, if you think that it was a bad idea to save people money, don't vote for Anthony Falcone this year since he voted to do this!

Actually, Falcone is a loser.  There are a lot more reasons people shouldn't vote for him!


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Posts: 1241

Anthony Falcone has always been a very dedicated member of council. The main problem was that he was only one voice in the sea. That is why we need a more balanced council so that all of the voices of Hammonton are heard.



Anonymous wrote:


You have to use the grant money for the sidewalks. It benefits everyone since the town does the job right the first time and doesn't have to go back again and redo it.

However, if you think that it was a bad idea to save people money, don't vote for Anthony Falcone this year since he voted to do this!


Just think what more couuld have been done with the grant money if the downtown property owners had to pay THEIR FAIR SHARE JUST LIKE ALL OTHER TAXPAYERS.  I say it's wrong for everyone who approved this before and who are letting this happen now.  Taxpayers who don't have water and sewer will remember this well when they get told that they have to pay to connect.




hea jimmy b wrote the grant ask him .  You complain when they change other grants but it would  be OK to change this one .   



Anonymous wrote:

hea jimmy b wrote the grant ask him . You complain when they change other grants but it would be OK to change this one .

 First of all grants should be used for the benefit of all Hammontonians not just an elite few.  The fact that you mention that previous grants have been changed shows that anyone on council could have made the recommendation for a change and have the downtown landowners PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.  We taxpayers are sick and tired of politicians giving favors to their friends and families.  This time it's being done obviously in everyone's faces.  We've got a way to go before the town hall is completely done as well.  All I see benefiting from this our downtown landowners.  Don't get me wrong I think it's great to get tax breaks and save taxpayers money but it seems to me that only CERTAIN TAXPAYERS are benefiting from this.  All this is going on while certain Firsters are being land left and right downtown.  It's FOR THE PROPERTY, NOT THE PEOPLE.



The grant was for downtown sidewalks.  The project was setup to use the money as the State intended.  I'm sure the two-faced hypocrites who keep bashing that project would want it no other way.



Anonymous wrote:


The grant was for downtown sidewalks. The project was setup to use the money as the State intended. I'm sure the two-faced hypocrites who keep bashing that project would want it no other way.


 So your telling me that any homeowner who lives on a State or County Road can get Free Water and Sewer Hookups from now on.  Cool sign me up.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The grant was for downtown sidewalks. The project was setup to use the money as the State intended. I'm sure the two-faced hypocrites who keep bashing that project would want it no other way.

 So your telling me that any homeowner who lives on a State or County Road can get Free Water and Sewer Hookups from now on.  Cool sign me up.

Jimmy Bertino really screwed this one up!



The puppet masters and their puppets need to understand that -- they can only fool some of the people some of the time --- 

Free sewer and water hookups for downtown property owners such as the Mayor and the D-boys  are a good thing for the town taxpayers , what is in your Kool-Aid , just the same  B$ and mis-information from the HF con artists
how about the town just apply an assessments against each of the private property owners downtown for the value of the free water and sewer connections, then give them a number of years to pay or until the property is sold to a new owner, it is just that easy, but no the Mayor and the D-boys need a taxpayer handout, it is so shameful!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The grant was for downtown sidewalks. The project was setup to use the money as the State intended. I'm sure the two-faced hypocrites who keep bashing that project would want it no other way.

 So your telling me that any homeowner who lives on a State or County Road can get Free Water and Sewer Hookups from now on.  Cool sign me up.

Jimmy Bertino really screwed this one up!

This was done all with grant money. Noone in Hammonton is complaining except one plumber on the Democrat side who didn't get the contract and is whining now.



Anonymous wrote:

The puppet masters and their puppets need to understand that -- they can only fool some of the people some of the time ---

Free sewer and water hookups for downtown property owners such as the Mayor and the D-boys are a good thing for the town taxpayers , what is in your Kool-Aid , just the same B$ and mis-information from the HF con artists

how about the town just apply an assessments against each of the private property owners downtown for the value of the free water and sewer connections, then give them a number of years to pay or until the property is sold to a new owner, it is just that easy, but no the Mayor and the D-boys need a taxpayer handout, it is so shameful!

 Makes perfect sense for Town Council to apply assessments against each "private" property owner.  All that people are asking is that mayor, the D-boys and everyone else pay their fair share.  Are we going to provide this free service to any other roads? I just don't see how anyone sees this as fair.  Why can't they pay their fair share?  I'm all for downtown revitalization but come on now this just further proves that the Hammonton First Corporation is more for the Profits then for the People. 



Anonymous wrote:

The grant was for downtown sidewalks.  The project was setup to use the money as the State intended.  I'm sure the two-faced hypocrites who keep bashing that project would want it no other way.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The grant was for downtown sidewalks.  The project was setup to use the money as the State intended.  I'm sure the two-faced hypocrites who keep bashing that project would want it no other way.


We wish you Firsters would just tell the truth, stop trying to get away with things that everyone obviously sees as wrong and end your vendettas.   You guys just don't understand that you're causing your own demise.  Stop defending those in your party who are acting on their vendettas and feel that they can do whatever they want because no one wants to speak up or are afraid to.



 I guess from now on NO TAXPAYER in Hammonton should have to pay for getting water and sewer connections.  FAIR IS FAIR. I remember Hammonton First campaigning about FOR THE PEOPLE.  Well this person wants to sign up for the Hammonton First FREE WATER AND SEWER HOOKUP Program.

I could use a free sidewalk, too!!!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans.  If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them!  They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!

Why is that HF wants to get credit for the downtown road and sidewalk work but when a taxpayers asks why are we giving free water and sewer hookups to downtown landowners they go around and blame Republicans. 

I was made to believe that Hammonton First was responsible for all of the work happening downtown.  I would expect any town councilmember could have made a motion to not provide this freebie to downtown landowners.   Looks like their enough blame to go around.  Does anyone on council believe in being fiscally conservative? Why are we giving downtown landowners freebies? 

Jimmy Bertino explained in a council meeting that the reason he had approved replacing the existing water and sewer hookups using the grant money was that if they weren't replaced, we'd probably have to go back in a few years and tear up the new concrete without grant money.

Since the local property taxes wouldn't be needed to do the work up front, it made more sense to do it right the first time.

HF agreed with Bertino as did Anthony Falcone when he was on council.





Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans. If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them! They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!

Why is that HF wants to get credit for the downtown road and sidewalk work but when a taxpayers asks why are we giving free water and sewer hookups to downtown landowners they go around and blame Republicans.

I was made to believe that Hammonton First was responsible for all of the work happening downtown. I would expect any town councilmember could have made a motion to not provide this freebie to downtown landowners. Looks like their enough blame to go around. Does anyone on council believe in being fiscally conservative? Why are we giving downtown landowners freebies?

Jimmy Bertino explained in a council meeting that the reason he had approved replacing the existing water and sewer hookups using the grant money was that if they weren't replaced, we'd probably have to go back in a few years and tear up the new concrete without grant money.

Since the local property taxes wouldn't be needed to do the work up front, it made more sense to do it right the first time.

HF agreed with Bertino as did Anthony Falcone when he was on council.





 Hey, as far as I'm concerned everyone voted for this.  It's still wrong and not fair.  You can't deny that to the rest of us to had to PAY to connect our water and sewer think it's not fair.  Plus I have to pay for my own sidewalks.  My neighbor got a fined or got notice for his sidewalks.  Should his fine be waived.



Anonymous wrote:

The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans.  If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them!  They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!

Jimmy Bertino explained in a council meeting that the reason he had approved replacing the existing water and sewer hookups using the grant money was that if they weren't replaced, we'd probably have to go back in a few years and tear up the new concrete without grant money.

Since the local property taxes wouldn't be needed to do the work up front, it made more sense to do it right the first time.

HF agreed with Bertino as did Anthony Falcone when he was on council.

Here is a case where HF worked with the wishes of both the Democrats and Republicans in a united decision.  Still the Democrats want to bash.  If they think it was such a bad idea, they should ask Anthony Falcone why he voted the way he did!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The puppet masters and their puppets need to understand that -- they can only fool some of the people some of the time ---

Free sewer and water hookups for downtown property owners such as the Mayor and the D-boys are a good thing for the town taxpayers , what is in your Kool-Aid , just the same B$ and mis-information from the HF con artists

how about the town just apply an assessments against each of the private property owners downtown for the value of the free water and sewer connections, then give them a number of years to pay or until the property is sold to a new owner, it is just that easy, but no the Mayor and the D-boys need a taxpayer handout, it is so shameful!

 Makes perfect sense for Town Council to apply assessments against each "private" property owner.  All that people are asking is that mayor, the D-boys and everyone else pay their fair share.  Are we going to provide this free service to any other roads? I just don't see how anyone sees this as fair.  Why can't they pay their fair share?  I'm all for downtown revitalization but come on now this just further proves that the Hammonton First Corporation is more for the Profits then for the People. 

clear and simple



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans.  If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them!  They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!

Jimmy Bertino explained in a council meeting that the reason he had approved replacing the existing water and sewer hookups using the grant money was that if they weren't replaced, we'd probably have to go back in a few years and tear up the new concrete without grant money.

Since the local property taxes wouldn't be needed to do the work up front, it made more sense to do it right the first time.

HF agreed with Bertino as did Anthony Falcone when he was on council.

Here is a case where HF worked with the wishes of both the Democrats and Republicans in a united decision.  Still the Democrats want to bash.  If they think it was such a bad idea, they should ask Anthony Falcone why he voted the way he did!

The Dems must be terrified by HF.  Even now that the Republicans have the majority of the votes on council by a margin of 4-3, the Democrats still seem to fear HF.  I guess it must be hard for the Dems, having lost so many elections in the last decade.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The decision on free hook up fees downtown was made by Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans. If you have a problem with it, you definately should take it up with them! They were too stupid to get the job done yet they were giving things away!

Jimmy Bertino explained in a council meeting that the reason he had approved replacing the existing water and sewer hookups using the grant money was that if they weren't replaced, we'd probably have to go back in a few years and tear up the new concrete without grant money.

Since the local property taxes wouldn't be needed to do the work up front, it made more sense to do it right the first time.

HF agreed with Bertino as did Anthony Falcone when he was on council.

Here is a case where HF worked with the wishes of both the Democrats and Republicans in a united decision. Still the Democrats want to bash. If they think it was such a bad idea, they should ask Anthony Falcone why he voted the way he did!

The Dems must be terrified by HF. Even now that the Republicans have the majority of the votes on council by a margin of 4-3, the Democrats still seem to fear HF. I guess it must be hard for the Dems, having lost so many elections in the last decade.


 I'm an independent and I'm terrified of Hammonton First.  I voted for them 2 years ago and of course didn't vote for them last year.  I'm afraid that they might still manage to draw in 1200-1500 votes.  I think our town needs balance. This time I'm voting Democrat.


Hammonton NEWS: "We applaud Mayor John DiDonato, the dedicated volunteers and committee chairpersons..."

Anonymous wrote:

From this week's paper...

Inspection gives Town Hall work a thumbs up

Staff Writer

HAMMONTON -- Work is progressing as planned on Town Hall, according to details of a recent inspection at the site on Vine Street and Central Avenue. In a letter dated July 20, Lamont H. Czar, the project's structural engineer, detailed his inspection of the building two days earlier as well as several concrete and field inspection reports from Craig Testing Laboratories. "Based on my inspection last week and review of the submittals, the work to date appears to be satisfactory and generally conforms with both the design concept and the requirements of the plans and specifications," said Czar in in his letter to project architect Harry S. Harper. "Therefore, the contractor should proceed with the installation of the concrete topping as specified." Architect Joseph Piccari, who works for Harper, said the team felt the report was needed. "This needed to be addressed before the progress was made in pouring the concrete," said Piccari. The concrete work began Tuesday, with the layers of the bottom floor being poured. Crews from Dolan Construction were expected to finish the remaining floors of the three-story building later in the week, Piccari said. "Through the week, weather permitting, we will follow through -- first floor, second floor," Piccari said. "The actual steel framing will also be lifted to each floor where they will be needed. Over the next few months you will see a significant amount of work being done. We're excited about it." Meanwhile, Police Chief Frank Ingemi voiced his concern over the size, or more likely the lack of it, for a proposed garage for a department emergency command vehicle. The vehicle, which would be used in extreme police emergencies such as hostage incidents, is slated to be housed in a secure area at the building. "I personally don't believe it's going to work," Ingemi said. "I don't think there's going to be enough room for us to do what we wanted to do there. We'll wait and see what happens but I think there's going to be a problem." Steve DiDonato, who chairs the project's Building Committee, said the size of the vehicle, which is nearly 8-feet-wide and 23-feet-long was taken into consideration when the area, called a sally port, was designed. "I think it's going to be fine. I don't think you can back up at 30 or 40 miles per hour," said DiDonato who admitted it would take some maneuvering on the driver's part to back it in. "It'll make it out of there." "The building, the bay will house the vehicle," added Piccari.

Chat on recreation a benefit for town


Some great ideas, suggestions and questions were brought up this week during the latest Chat with the Mayor.

It's clear that recreation is an important topic for many people in our community. And town officials want your input.

Town leaders made presentations on a variety of projects that are in the works or in a conceptual stage.

At the top of the list were: the lake cleanup, expanded parking at the lake park, a community/senior center along the lake's shore and new fields at the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site.

Residents made great suggestions -- like creating a skateboard park for teens.

And they asked some tough questions: Will a parking expansion at the lake account for existing trees? Will rescue vehicles be able to access the lake park should an emergency arise? Will the Clean-Flo system clean the lake's floor as well as the water?

We applaud Mayor John DiDonato, the dedicated volunteers and committee chairpersons who presented the plans to the public and stayed on hand to answer questions. Keeping the community informed of projects in the works is a key to their success. We are sure most residents appreciate these efforts being made by our town leaders.

We would like to offer a few of our own suggestions on some of the topics brought up at the Chat:

First and foremost, water and sewer lines should be priority No. 1 for the fields at Boyer Avenue. With hundreds of soccer players -- many who are elementary school children -- scheduled to take the field come September, town officials should work overtime to try to get bathroom/concession facilities set up sooner rather than later. Stalling on this will likely prompt major complaints from parents, many of whom are probably less than thrilled about the temporary portable toilet quick fix. Get signs up for Boyer Avenue facility pronto. Talk to most people, and they don't know that the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site exists let alone how to get to it. Town officials need to get the word out: Post directions on the town's Web site and on Local Channel 13. Install signs along the proper roadways. Soccer season is just around the corner. The town needs to inform people now to prevent mass confusion come opening day of soccer season. Save some of the trees at the lake. We fully support the town's plan to renovate the parking lot at the lake. However, trees are a hot issue here in Hammonton. The town should try to save some of the decades-old trees that will need to come down to make room for more parking spaces. Clearly, safety is an issue here, but history should be as well. The trees are a part of the park's charm. We're sure Mayor and Town Council will take this into consideration before moving forward with the renovations. Do you have a suggestion for the town's recreation plans? If so, e-mail Mayor John DiDonato at johndidonato@townofhammonton.org

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