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Post Info TOPIC: "Unity" Rally a bust

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Posts: 1241
"Unity" Rally a bust

The Mayor held a "unity" rally at Rocco's Townhouse for all Town employees. Apparently only a small percentage of the employees attended.


RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

small number is right, maybe 10 or less, the front office girls and a couple of new hire employees, thats all,  and some of them may have felt pressured to go



You don't invite people on a Wednesday for something on Thursday.    If he wants to see unity let him see how many town employees unite come November and vote out his entourage.  



The mayor took them drinking during work hours?

What were they uniting about?



Now that's funny and why would he expect the employees to be there when he's after all of them.    You get what you give.



Teflon John  came up with a great idea for more grandstanding and B$ ...   supply town workers with free drinks at a local bar !!!

He called it the Mayor's Unity Hour,  ....  way too funny for words.If it was the Mayor's Unity Minute it would still be a waste of 60 seconds.Yes thank you Teflon John    I will have a shot of whiskey with Kool-Aid chaser, but make it fast,  don't have much time to waste on your nonsense



yea OK find me a town hall employee that is over worked and under paid .  gym class and hot dogs don't count.



There were about 25 people there. That isn't bad for getting people to volunteer time.



Anonymous wrote:

There were about 25 people there. That isn't bad for getting people to volunteer time.

 From what I heard there were only about 10 people there. All of the Town Clerks office except for April and then only a couple of others from any other departments.



Anonymous wrote:

There were about 25 people there. That isn't bad for getting people to volunteer time.

25 employees  -  Are you nuts!   It must have been the HF B$ smoke and mirrors distorting your vision

And what is this about people to volunteer ??
It was a free open bar !!!

Paid for by the silver spoon Mayor   aka Teflon John



Anonymous wrote:

There were about 25 people there. That isn't bad for getting people to volunteer time.

There must have been a lot more since so many people are posting they spoke with someone who was there!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

There were about 25 people there. That isn't bad for getting people to volunteer time.

There must have been a lot more since so many people are posting they spoke with someone who was there!

Tell me again how I get to  volunteer ?? for the  free open bar !!!

Paid for by the silver spoon Mayor   aka Teflon John



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

There were about 25 people there. That isn't bad for getting people to volunteer time.

There must have been a lot more since so many people are posting they spoke with someone who was there!

So many people are posting they talked to someone who was there that maybe there were a lot more than 25 people attending.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
"Unity" Rally a bust

Don't forget the place was still open for regular business, so people other than the 10 town employees were there and witnessed it.


RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

There were about 25 people there. That isn't bad for getting people to volunteer time.

There must have been a lot more since so many people are posting they spoke with someone who was there!

So many people are posting they talked to someone who was there that maybe there were a lot more than 25 people attending.

You can repeat this post 10 more times and then try and tell the public there was 250 employees there if you thing everyone is just that dumb.

Teflon John  came up with a great idea for more grandstanding and B$ ...   supply town workers with free drinks at a local bar !!!

He called it the Mayor's Unity Hour,  ....  way too funny.

If it was the Mayor's Unity Minute it would still be a waste of 60 seconds.

Tell me again how about all of the volunteers ?? for the  free open bar !!!
Paid for by the silver spoon Mayor  -----------  aka Teflon John



You keep posting in all the pretty colors how you talked to people who were there to"prove" nobody showed up. You also keep posting how you wish you were invited. Seems you are pretty jealous.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

There were about 25 people there. That isn't bad for getting people to volunteer time.

There must have been a lot more since so many people are posting they spoke with someone who was there!


So many people are posting they talked to someone who was there that maybe there were a lot more than 25 people attending.


Well in that case then there were 300 people then. 



Let's face it. The very fact that this thread was started shows the Democrats are scared of this sort of thing and are concerned it happened. The fact that so many people posted that they counted heads tells you that a nice number of people attended.



Anonymous wrote:

Let's face it. The very fact that this thread was started shows the Democrats are scared of this sort of thing and are concerned it happened. The fact that so many people posted that they counted heads tells you that a nice number of people attended.

 You can spin it any way you want. The fact remains that the Mayor tried a politically motivated stunt to give the appearance that the Town employees were all "united" with HF and it backfired. Only about 10 showed up, and some of them felt they "had to".



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Let's face it. The very fact that this thread was started shows the Democrats are scared of this sort of thing and are concerned it happened. The fact that so many people posted that they counted heads tells you that a nice number of people attended.

 You can spin it any way you want. The fact remains that the Mayor tried a politically motivated stunt to give the appearance that the Town employees were all "united" with HF and it backfired. Only about 10 showed up, and some of them felt they "had to".

who needs top spin? if you know how many people ent, you must have been worried enough to go!

by the way, don't the democrats ever post anything that they have done? if you look at this website, the only thngs they are claiming o do is sue a local police ofiicer and gve out gypsy moth traps tha don't work.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Let's face it. The very fact that this thread was started shows the Democrats are scared of this sort of thing and are concerned it happened. The fact that so many people posted that they counted heads tells you that a nice number of people attended.

 You can spin it any way you want. The fact remains that the Mayor tried a politically motivated stunt to give the appearance that the Town employees were all "united" with HF and it backfired. Only about 10 showed up, and some of them felt they "had to".

who needs top spin? if you know how many people ent, you must have been worried enough to go!

by the way, don't the democrats ever post anything that they have done? if you look at this website, the only thngs they are claiming o do is sue a local police ofiicer and gve out gypsy moth traps tha don't work.

I don't see the Republicans or Hammonton First posting anything at all.  The Democrats seem to be the only ones not afraid to lay things out for discussion.  Last year when everyone was talking about discount cards, the Democrats were talking about Public Safety, Hammonton Lake, and Town Services.  How do Firsters feel about the increasing negative perception held by more and more people each day about them?  They spin and spin but no one is being fooled by it.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Let's face it. The very fact that this thread was started shows the Democrats are scared of this sort of thing and are concerned it happened. The fact that so many people posted that they counted heads tells you that a nice number of people attended.

 You can spin it any way you want. The fact remains that the Mayor tried a politically motivated stunt to give the appearance that the Town employees were all "united" with HF and it backfired. Only about 10 showed up, and some of them felt they "had to".

who needs top spin? if you know how many people ent, you must have been worried enough to go!

by the way, don't the democrats ever post anything that they have done? if you look at this website, the only thngs they are claiming o do is sue a local police ofiicer and gve out gypsy moth traps tha don't work.

The Democrats will do something. They will raise taxes.



I talked to people who where there.....
Not only was there a small turnout, but the waitress were bickering because no one wanted to wait on the HF crew!!!!!!

It is a good thing that they will be gone in Nov!!

I won't be fooled again!



Anonymous wrote:

I talked to people who where there.....
Not only was there a small turnout, but the waitress were bickering because no one wanted to wait on the HF crew!!!!!!

It is a good thing that they will be gone in Nov!!

I won't be fooled again!

I just can't stand serving some Firsters when they come to my business.  They act like they're more important then my other customers. 




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I talked to people who where there.....
Not only was there a small turnout, but the waitress were bickering because no one wanted to wait on the HF crew!!!!!!

It is a good thing that they will be gone in Nov!!

I won't be fooled again!

I just can't stand serving some Firsters when they come to my business.  They act like they're more important then my other customers. 


If that is the case, why don't you post a sign saying HF people are not welcome in your business.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I talked to people who where there.....
Not only was there a small turnout, but the waitress were bickering because no one wanted to wait on the HF crew!!!!!!

It is a good thing that they will be gone in Nov!!

I won't be fooled again!

I just can't stand serving some Firsters when they come to my business. They act like they're more important then my other customers.



If that is the case, why don't you post a sign saying HF people are not welcome in your business.


 I welcome all people to my business and hold no vendettas against anyone.  I merely stated by observation.  I hope one day once again everyone can shake hands and just get along.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I talked to people who where there.....
Not only was there a small turnout, but the waitress were bickering because no one wanted to wait on the HF crew!!!!!!

It is a good thing that they will be gone in Nov!!

I won't be fooled again!

I just can't stand serving some Firsters when they come to my business. They act like they're more important then my other customers.



If that is the case, why don't you post a sign saying HF people are not welcome in your business.


 I welcome all people to my business and hold no vendettas against anyone.  I merely stated by observation.  I hope one day once again everyone can shake hands and just get along.

You stated you can't stand serving HF supporters. If you are going to bash them, just let them know so they won't come to your business anymore. I am sure no Firster wants to offend you by buying your products so just let them know and they'll go to a different business.

As for your bashing the Mayor when he tries to promote unity, it sure seems like he stick his hand up to shake and the blog spit at it.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
"Unity" Rally a bust

All this blog did was report the facts surrounding the event.


RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

It just shows that the Mayor and the rest of his party have absolutetly no idea how much they have alienated most of the people who work for the Town and most of the people who live here.



It sure sounds like the Democrats are against having people in Hammonton work together to help the town. It's a shame because that is a big reason why they never get anything done. The Mayor has been able to accomplish a lot by working with so many groups.

This was a nice event and the employees said they were going to invite even more people for the next one. This will ring positive progres again!


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
"Unity" Rally a bust

The Democrats in Hammonton have been standing up for and working with the majority of Hammontonians.


RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

Anonymous wrote:

This was a nice event and the employees said they were going to invite even more people for the next one.

 What's the difference? They were all invited to this one. Do you think loyalty is going to be bought by a few shrimp and some drinks?



Admin wrote:

The Democrats in Hammonton have been standing up for and working with the majority of Hammontonians.

The Mayor is working to unite ALL Hammontonians. The Democrats are bashing him for this because the don't want Hammonton united. The want a "majority." What exactly is that? If 49.99 percent aren't united, no problem?


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
"Unity" Rally a bust



RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

Let's face it.  The Democrats started this whole thread to trash the Mayor.  They say they want unity, but when the Mayor had about 25 town employees out for a get together, rather than working to expand upon it the Democrats trashed it.  I wonder what the next bashing thread will be from the Democrats.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
"Unity" Rally a bust

What is wrong with you???? Just like all the other lies you have started in this Town, you just can't stop yourself.


RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

Anonymous wrote:

Let's face it.  The Democrats started this whole thread to trash the Mayor.  They say they want unity, but when the Mayor had about 25 town employees out for a get together, rather than working to expand upon it the Democrats trashed it.  I wonder what the next bashing thread will be from the Democrats.

Hey keep dreaming.... because come the Nov. election,  that is all you will have to show for all of your money and arrogance.  The silver spoon prince john will need to learm to play nice with others.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Let's face it.  The Democrats started this whole thread to trash the Mayor.  They say they want unity, but when the Mayor had about 25 town employees out for a get together, rather than working to expand upon it the Democrats trashed it.  I wonder what the next bashing thread will be from the Democrats.

Hey keep dreaming.... because come the Nov. election,  that is all you will have to show for all of your money and arrogance.  The silver spoon prince john will need to learm to play nice with others.

The Mayor has a unity meeting and 25 town employees come.  Who is better at uniting the town... the Mayor or the guy who wrote the above?



Ok enough.... the mayor has a unity dinner with the town employees. These people who work 35 hour weeks, have the 20k benefit packages with no co-pay... and wait for it... get to buy whatever they want, whenever they want it.

How about a unity dinner for some of the real volunteers ? People who actually donate their time.

And if one more person tells me how good a man Lance is I will explode. Sure hes a nice man... but hes GETTING PAID. 30 YEARS OF GETTING PAID.



Unity, hmmm?   I think the mayor is trying , but the dems and reps just keep bashing.  The town employees are good people but keep in mind,
low work load,
no supervision,
every day is a holiday,
20 k a year in bennies,
and yes high wages. 
so yes support  them.
The dems and reps have done nothing for years. So just say yes And Thank you to John he is getting it done.  Everyone does not have to agree with him, But you all must agree that thing are getting done!



Anonymous wrote:

Unity, hmmm? I think the mayor is trying , but the dems and reps just keep bashing. The town employees are good people but keep in mind,
low work load,
no supervision,
every day is a holiday,
20 k a year in bennies,
and yes high wages.
so yes support them.
The dems and reps have done nothing for years. So just say yes And Thank you to John he is getting it done. Everyone does not have to agree with him, But you all must agree that thing are getting done!

 Hammonton was a great town before Hammonton First was created.  I'm sick and tired of Hammonton First saying that before them Hammonton was the Pits.  They bash all those who served on Council whether they were Republican or Democrat.  Yet some of their own have brought great embarrassment to Hammonton.  A lot things in this town are cyclical.  Hammonton has its highs and lows.  I think Hammonton First came to power at an opportune time when things were stagnant and just begin to start.  They in turn used the opportunity to say they caused ALL THE GOOD and NONE OF THE BAD.   I'm not fooled by someone who wants to take all the credit but does not give credit to what was done right by the people before them.  That type of person is in denial of what they do wrong.



Anonymous wrote:

Unity, hmmm?   I think the mayor is trying , but the dems and reps just keep bashing.... Everyone does not have to agree with him, But you all must agree that thing are getting done!

I think most of Hammonton would share your sentiments. However, a very few people... the leaders of the R's and D's... feel threatened so they organize these sites to bash the mayor. Just look at the title... "Unity Rally a bust." It doesn't say "25 people showed up, but here are some new ideas on how even more will join next time." It just bashes. That says a lot. The author of the blog title had zero interest in uniting the town.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
"Unity" Rally a bust

As the author of this blog and speaking for the Democratic Club of Hammonton, we are all interested in un iting Hammonton. However, we have a different vision for Hammonton than you do. We want a united Hammonton that encompasses all 41 square miles of our Town, not just the 3 blocks downtown. And I'm sorry you think just reporting the facts, that only about 10 employees showed up for the unity rally, is bashing. We were only relaying the facts.
Don't get fooled again!
Mike Ammirato, Anthony Falcone, and Robin Ripa for Hammonton Town Council!!!


RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

Admin wrote:

As the author of this blog and speaking for the Democratic Club of Hammonton, we are all interested in un iting Hammonton. However, we have a different vision for Hammonton than you do. We want a united Hammonton that encompasses all 41 square miles of our Town, not just the 3 blocks downtown. And I'm sorry you think just reporting the facts, that only about 10 employees showed up for the unity rally, is bashing. We were only relaying the facts.
Don't get fooled again!
Mike Ammirato, Anthony Falcone, and Robin Ripa for Hammonton Town Council!!!

You just made the previous point. Your focus is on bashing the Mayor, not uniting Hammonton. You have no positive advice on how to improve things. You don't want to tell the people the truth at all.

If you told the truth, you would have to point out that the Mayor's home is not downtown but rather on the extreme southeastern corner of town. You would have explain that his office is on the western edge of Hammonton. Then you'd have to say that he just created jobs by building the Raspberry Run shopping area... on the far south side of town.

Oh yes, you could "critize" the Mayor by telling everyone he donated the use of a downtown storefront to the Hospital when they couldn't pay. You could also attack him by saying he did indeed fix up a storefront on Bellevue Ave which HE TOLD EVERYONE HE WAS BUYING BEFORE he was elected. He told everyone during the campaign he would try to quote "fix up downtown one store at a time."

So the question becomes, exactly what SPECIFICALLY have your candidates done to help Hammonton? What do they SPECIFICALLY propose to do if elected? Do you even have any ideas? Everyone can walk around Hammonton and see the Mayor's results. They can also see no tax increase. What do you intend to do?



Well said !!! can't we all just get along.  Yes hf did come about at the  right time but they have got things done and are not affraid to take chances.  and yes they have made several big mistakes.  I think that all in all hammonton is better off with them then without them.   Jim come up with a plan that does not include bashing. same thing for the reps.  what would you do if elected. 


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
"Unity" Rally a bust

You keep talking about us bashing when all we are doing is defending ourselves against the unwarranted attacks against our candidates and our party. We are not bashing the Mayor for the unity rally. We just pointed out that only 10 people showed up and we believe that portrays the prevailing attitude in Hammonton right now. We need to reunite Hammonton and we are offering a group of candidates who can do just that.
We have put out a lot of our plans. There is a lot of info on our website with more to come. It is very early in the campaign and more will come. We want to reduce the Town's debt which is at an all time high. We want a comprehensive road and infrastructure program to address ALL of Hammonton. We want to reduce are dependance on bonding as a way to get things done so we don't strap our children with unmanageable debt. We need to evealuate our total public safety program and find the proper funding method. Support both youth and adult sports programs. Hold the line on taxes.
These are some of our promises to the people of Hammonton.


RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

As the author of this blog and speaking for the Democratic Club of Hammonton, we are all interested in un iting Hammonton. However, we have a different vision for Hammonton than you do. We want a united Hammonton that encompasses all 41 square miles of our Town, not just the 3 blocks downtown. And I'm sorry you think just reporting the facts, that only about 10 employees showed up for the unity rally, is bashing. We were only relaying the facts.
Don't get fooled again!
Mike Ammirato, Anthony Falcone, and Robin Ripa for Hammonton Town Council!!!

You just made the previous point. Your focus is on bashing the Mayor, not uniting Hammonton. You have no positive advice on how to improve things. You don't want to tell the people the truth at all.

If you told the truth, you would have to point out that the Mayor's home is not downtown but rather on the extreme southeastern corner of town. You would have explain that his office is on the western edge of Hammonton. Then you'd have to say that he just created jobs by building the Raspberry Run shopping area... on the far south side of town.

Oh yes, you could "critize" the Mayor by telling everyone he donated the use of a downtown storefront to the Hospital when they couldn't pay. You could also attack him by saying he did indeed fix up a storefront on Bellevue Ave which HE TOLD EVERYONE HE WAS BUYING BEFORE he was elected. He told everyone during the campaign he would try to quote "fix up downtown one store at a time."

So the question becomes, exactly what SPECIFICALLY have your candidates done to help Hammonton? What do they SPECIFICALLY propose to do if elected? Do you even have any ideas? Everyone can walk around Hammonton and see the Mayor's results. They can also see no tax increase. What do you intend to do?

The amazing thing is that if you talk to the Democrats like I did at the chicken barbeque, they really don't know why they are running. They just go right into bashing HF. They don't really seem to know what they stand for. If you push them a bit, they just list the things that HF already has done... just like Jim MacLane did on the previous post... and say that they will do that too. Why switch to the Democrats if they don't have new and better ideas? I already know HF knows how to keep taxes down and finish road and sidewalk projects. I can see them myself.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
"Unity" Rally a bust

You keep talking about us bashing when all we are doing is defending ourselves against the unwarranted attacks against our candidates and our party. We are not bashing. We need to reunite Hammonton and we are offering a group of candidates who can do just that.

We have put out a lot of our plans. There is a lot of info on our website with more to come. It is very early in the campaign and more will come. We want to reduce the Town's debt which is at an all time high. We want a comprehensive road and infrastructure program to address ALL of Hammonton. We want to reduce are dependance on bonding as a way to get things done so we don't strap our children with unmanageable debt. We need to evealuate our total public safety program and find the proper funding method. Support both youth and adult sports programs. Hold the line on taxes.
These are some of our promises to the people of Hammonton.


RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

As the author of this blog and speaking for the Democratic Club of Hammonton, we are all interested in un iting Hammonton. However, we have a different vision for Hammonton than you do. We want a united Hammonton that encompasses all 41 square miles of our Town, not just the 3 blocks downtown. And I'm sorry you think just reporting the facts, that only about 10 employees showed up for the unity rally, is bashing. We were only relaying the facts.
Don't get fooled again!
Mike Ammirato, Anthony Falcone, and Robin Ripa for Hammonton Town Council!!!

You just made the previous point. Your focus is on bashing the Mayor, not uniting Hammonton. You have no positive advice on how to improve things. You don't want to tell the people the truth at all.

If you told the truth, you would have to point out that the Mayor's home is not downtown but rather on the extreme southeastern corner of town. You would have explain that his office is on the western edge of Hammonton. Then you'd have to say that he just created jobs by building the Raspberry Run shopping area... on the far south side of town.

Oh yes, you could "critize" the Mayor by telling everyone he donated the use of a downtown storefront to the Hospital when they couldn't pay. You could also attack him by saying he did indeed fix up a storefront on Bellevue Ave which HE TOLD EVERYONE HE WAS BUYING BEFORE he was elected. He told everyone during the campaign he would try to quote "fix up downtown one store at a time."

So the question becomes, exactly what SPECIFICALLY have your candidates done to help Hammonton? What do they SPECIFICALLY propose to do if elected? Do you even have any ideas? Everyone can walk around Hammonton and see the Mayor's results. They can also see no tax increase. What do you intend to do?

The amazing thing is that if you talk to the Democrats like I did at the chicken barbeque, they really don't know why they are running. They just go right into bashing HF. They don't really seem to know what they stand for. If you push them a bit, they just list the things that HF already has done... just like Jim MacLane did on the previous post... and say that they will do that too. Why switch to the Democrats if they don't have new and better ideas? I already know HF knows how to keep taxes down and finish road and sidewalk projects. I can see them myself.

I would challenge the Democrats to stop posting bashing threads such as "Unity Rally A Bust." MacLane was not there. Rather than bash the Mayor and the 25 people who attended, do something constructive. Come up with good ideas of how the next session can have even more people!



What is going on with the bad Hammonton First math???  Where do you get 25 people.  I was there for the entire "Happy Hour."  No more than 15 people were present.

Can't you people count????



Ok enough.... the mayor has a unity dinner with the town employees. These people who work 35 hour weeks, have the 20k benefit packages with no co-pay... and wait for it... get to buy whatever they want, whenever they want it.

How about a unity dinner for some of the real volunteers ? People who actually donate their time.

And if one more person tells me how good a man Lance is I will explode. Sure hes a nice man... but hes GETTING PAID. 30 YEARS OF GETTING PAID.

What's the matter?  Are you the only in Hammonton allowed to get paid???  What is wrong with hard working people making a living wage?



You keep talking about us bashing when all we are doing is defending ourselves against the unwarranted attacks against our candidates and our party. We are not bashing the Mayor for the unity rally. We just pointed out that only 10 people showed up and we believe that portrays the prevailing attitude in Hammonton right now. We need to reunite Hammonton and we are offering a group of candidates who can do just that.
We have put out a lot of our plans. There is a lot of info on our website with more to come. It is very early in the campaign and more will come. We want to reduce the Town's debt which is at an all time high. We want a comprehensive road and infrastructure program to address ALL of Hammonton. We want to reduce are dependance on bonding as a way to get things done so we don't strap our children with unmanageable debt. We need to evealuate our total public safety program and find the proper funding method. Support both youth and adult sports programs. Hold the line on taxes.
These are some of our promises to the people of Hammonton.

It looks like the Dems have a good agenda, while the Firsters are busy drinking at Rocco's....all 10 of them!



At least the Mayor is trying. in the words of JFK Don't ask what hammonton can do for you but what can you do for Hammonton.  (in other words what have the dems done? )


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
"Unity" Rally a bust

It's what the Dems will do when elected!!!!!!!!!!!!!


RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

As the author of this blog and speaking for the Democratic Club of Hammonton, we are all interested in un iting Hammonton. However, we have a different vision for Hammonton than you do. We want a united Hammonton that encompasses all 41 square miles of our Town, not just the 3 blocks downtown. And I'm sorry you think just reporting the facts, that only about 10 employees showed up for the unity rally, is bashing. We were only relaying the facts.
Don't get fooled again!
Mike Ammirato, Anthony Falcone, and Robin Ripa for Hammonton Town Council!!!

You just made the previous point. Your focus is on bashing the Mayor, not uniting Hammonton. You have no positive advice on how to improve things. You don't want to tell the people the truth at all.

If you told the truth, you would have to point out that the Mayor's home is not downtown but rather on the extreme southeastern corner of town. You would have explain that his office is on the western edge of Hammonton. Then you'd have to say that he just created jobs by building the Raspberry Run shopping area... on the far south side of town.

Oh yes, you could "critize" the Mayor by telling everyone he donated the use of a downtown storefront to the Hospital when they couldn't pay. You could also attack him by saying he did indeed fix up a storefront on Bellevue Ave which HE TOLD EVERYONE HE WAS BUYING BEFORE he was elected. He told everyone during the campaign he would try to quote "fix up downtown one store at a time."

So the question becomes, exactly what SPECIFICALLY have your candidates done to help Hammonton? What do they SPECIFICALLY propose to do if elected? Do you even have any ideas? Everyone can walk around Hammonton and see the Mayor's results. They can also see no tax increase. What do you intend to do?

The amazing thing is that if you talk to the Democrats like I did at the chicken barbeque, they really don't know why they are running. They just go right into bashing HF. They don't really seem to know what they stand for. If you push them a bit, they just list the things that HF already has done... just like Jim MacLane did on the previous post... and say that they will do that too. Why switch to the Democrats if they don't have new and better ideas? I already know HF knows how to keep taxes down and finish road and sidewalk projects. I can see them myself.

I would challenge the Democrats to stop posting bashing threads such as "Unity Rally A Bust." MacLane was not there. Rather than bash the Mayor and the 25 people who attended, do something constructive. Come up with good ideas of how the next session can have even more people!

How about the Dems post a thread with their ideas about what they'd like to see the Mayor do for the next unity meeting?



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

As the author of this blog and speaking for the Democratic Club of Hammonton, we are all interested in un iting Hammonton. However, we have a different vision for Hammonton than you do. We want a united Hammonton that encompasses all 41 square miles of our Town, not just the 3 blocks downtown. And I'm sorry you think just reporting the facts, that only about 10 employees showed up for the unity rally, is bashing. We were only relaying the facts.
Don't get fooled again!
Mike Ammirato, Anthony Falcone, and Robin Ripa for Hammonton Town Council!!!

You just made the previous point. Your focus is on bashing the Mayor, not uniting Hammonton. You have no positive advice on how to improve things. You don't want to tell the people the truth at all.

If you told the truth, you would have to point out that the Mayor's home is not downtown but rather on the extreme southeastern corner of town. You would have explain that his office is on the western edge of Hammonton. Then you'd have to say that he just created jobs by building the Raspberry Run shopping area... on the far south side of town.

Oh yes, you could "critize" the Mayor by telling everyone he donated the use of a downtown storefront to the Hospital when they couldn't pay. You could also attack him by saying he did indeed fix up a storefront on Bellevue Ave which HE TOLD EVERYONE HE WAS BUYING BEFORE he was elected. He told everyone during the campaign he would try to quote "fix up downtown one store at a time."

So the question becomes, exactly what SPECIFICALLY have your candidates done to help Hammonton? What do they SPECIFICALLY propose to do if elected? Do you even have any ideas? Everyone can walk around Hammonton and see the Mayor's results. They can also see no tax increase. What do you intend to do?

The amazing thing is that if you talk to the Democrats like I did at the chicken barbeque, they really don't know why they are running. They just go right into bashing HF. They don't really seem to know what they stand for. If you push them a bit, they just list the things that HF already has done... just like Jim MacLane did on the previous post... and say that they will do that too. Why switch to the Democrats if they don't have new and better ideas? I already know HF knows how to keep taxes down and finish road and sidewalk projects. I can see them myself.

I would challenge the Democrats to stop posting bashing threads such as "Unity Rally A Bust." MacLane was not there. Rather than bash the Mayor and the 25 people who attended, do something constructive. Come up with good ideas of how the next session can have even more people!

How about the Dems post a thread with their ideas about what they'd like to see the Mayor do for the next unity meeting?


 Abolish Hammonton First.  It's tearing our town apart.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

As the author of this blog and speaking for the Democratic Club of Hammonton, we are all interested in un iting Hammonton. However, we have a different vision for Hammonton than you do. We want a united Hammonton that encompasses all 41 square miles of our Town, not just the 3 blocks downtown. And I'm sorry you think just reporting the facts, that only about 10 employees showed up for the unity rally, is bashing. We were only relaying the facts.
Don't get fooled again!
Mike Ammirato, Anthony Falcone, and Robin Ripa for Hammonton Town Council!!!

You just made the previous point. Your focus is on bashing the Mayor, not uniting Hammonton. You have no positive advice on how to improve things. You don't want to tell the people the truth at all.

If you told the truth, you would have to point out that the Mayor's home is not downtown but rather on the extreme southeastern corner of town. You would have explain that his office is on the western edge of Hammonton. Then you'd have to say that he just created jobs by building the Raspberry Run shopping area... on the far south side of town.

Oh yes, you could "critize" the Mayor by telling everyone he donated the use of a downtown storefront to the Hospital when they couldn't pay. You could also attack him by saying he did indeed fix up a storefront on Bellevue Ave which HE TOLD EVERYONE HE WAS BUYING BEFORE he was elected. He told everyone during the campaign he would try to quote "fix up downtown one store at a time."

So the question becomes, exactly what SPECIFICALLY have your candidates done to help Hammonton? What do they SPECIFICALLY propose to do if elected? Do you even have any ideas? Everyone can walk around Hammonton and see the Mayor's results. They can also see no tax increase. What do you intend to do?

The amazing thing is that if you talk to the Democrats like I did at the chicken barbeque, they really don't know why they are running. They just go right into bashing HF. They don't really seem to know what they stand for. If you push them a bit, they just list the things that HF already has done... just like Jim MacLane did on the previous post... and say that they will do that too. Why switch to the Democrats if they don't have new and better ideas? I already know HF knows how to keep taxes down and finish road and sidewalk projects. I can see them myself.

I would challenge the Democrats to stop posting bashing threads such as "Unity Rally A Bust." MacLane was not there. Rather than bash the Mayor and the 25 people who attended, do something constructive. Come up with good ideas of how the next session can have even more people!

How about the Dems post a thread with their ideas about what they'd like to see the Mayor do for the next unity meeting?

 Abolish Hammonton First.  It's tearing our town apart.

I would hope the Democratic Party's position is not to violate the First Amendment and outlaw an organization.  If people think that more folks would attend the Mayor's next meeting for unity, it would be nice if they made positive suggestions.



It is sad, very sad. That all the dems can come up with is abolish the competion.  good luck in november. 


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
"Unity" Rally a bust

Thanks for your good wishes!


RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

Anonymous wrote:

It is sad, very sad. That all the dems can come up with is abolish the competion.  good luck in november. 

Pretty much sums it up... the Dems have zero interest in real unity.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
"Unity" Rally a bust

The Dems have been the leaders in this community for creating unity. WE stood up for public safety. WE stood up for the Chief. WE stood up against the hazardous town hall move involving asbestos. We stand with the people of this Town who didn't want the KKK coming to Town. WE stand with the Town employees whose morale is at an all time low. WE stand with the volunteers of this Town who have been ridiculed and discarded. WE stand with the highway dept. which has been understaffed for the last 2 years but still works extra hard to get the job done. WE stand with the people of this community who wanted to swim in our lake 1 1/2 years ago. WE stand with the police dept, the Chief and the Captain who needed their rules and regulations updated the way they wrote them, not the way Mayor and Council wanted them written. WE stand with the Fire dept whose budget was cut. WE stand with the residents of this Town whose properties were devastated by gypsy moths. WE stand with the people of this community who want to know why the promise of an all included Town Hall project can not be delivered. WE stand with all 41 square miles of this Town, not just 3 blocks.


RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

Hammonton First has been the most polarizing administration in council in my lifetime.  It is disgusting that people on here say that the Dems do not stand for unity.  The Dems have been doing nothing but trying to unify this town so that the voices on council represent all residents, not just a fortunate few.



Why should the Dems come up with ideas for the Mayor's next "Unity Dinner" if this was such a huge success? After all hundreds of town workers showed up to support the Mayor. Right? Why do you keep asking what plans the Dems have is it because you are scared they will out smart you or do you just want to steal their ideas and make them yours? After all anything good is done by HF anything bad is done by someone else.



Why should the Dems come up with ideas for the Mayor's next "Unity Dinner" if this was such a huge success? After all hundreds of town workers showed up to support the Mayor. Right? Why do you keep asking what plans the Dems have is it because you are scared they will out smart you or do you just want to steal their ideas and make them yours? After all anything good is done by HF anything bad is done by someone else.
...After all, a total of 10 workers, including their families, showed up for "Unity Day!"  Go Hammonton First!!!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

As the author of this blog and speaking for the Democratic Club of Hammonton, we are all interested in un iting Hammonton. However, we have a different vision for Hammonton than you do. We want a united Hammonton that encompasses all 41 square miles of our Town, not just the 3 blocks downtown. And I'm sorry you think just reporting the facts, that only about 10 employees showed up for the unity rally, is bashing. We were only relaying the facts.
Don't get fooled again!
Mike Ammirato, Anthony Falcone, and Robin Ripa for Hammonton Town Council!!!

You just made the previous point. Your focus is on bashing the Mayor, not uniting Hammonton. You have no positive advice on how to improve things. You don't want to tell the people the truth at all.

If you told the truth, you would have to point out that the Mayor's home is not downtown but rather on the extreme southeastern corner of town. You would have explain that his office is on the western edge of Hammonton. Then you'd have to say that he just created jobs by building the Raspberry Run shopping area... on the far south side of town.

Oh yes, you could "critize" the Mayor by telling everyone he donated the use of a downtown storefront to the Hospital when they couldn't pay. You could also attack him by saying he did indeed fix up a storefront on Bellevue Ave which HE TOLD EVERYONE HE WAS BUYING BEFORE he was elected. He told everyone during the campaign he would try to quote "fix up downtown one store at a time."

So the question becomes, exactly what SPECIFICALLY have your candidates done to help Hammonton? What do they SPECIFICALLY propose to do if elected? Do you even have any ideas? Everyone can walk around Hammonton and see the Mayor's results. They can also see no tax increase. What do you intend to do?

The amazing thing is that if you talk to the Democrats like I did at the chicken barbeque, they really don't know why they are running. They just go right into bashing HF. They don't really seem to know what they stand for. If you push them a bit, they just list the things that HF already has done... just like Jim MacLane did on the previous post... and say that they will do that too. Why switch to the Democrats if they don't have new and better ideas? I already know HF knows how to keep taxes down and finish road and sidewalk projects. I can see them myself.

I would challenge the Democrats to stop posting bashing threads such as "Unity Rally A Bust." MacLane was not there. Rather than bash the Mayor and the 25 people who attended, do something constructive. Come up with good ideas of how the next session can have even more people!

How about the Dems post a thread with their ideas about what they'd like to see the Mayor do for the next unity meeting?

The funny thing is that it is becoming obvious that the Democrats are terrified that people actually went to the mayor's meeting. The Chief stopped by and had a few drinks.



Do the Democrats have any specific things that would like to accomplish to campaign on other than bashing?


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
"Unity" Rally a bust

Asked and answered many times.


RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

Why does a unity rally have to include alcohol?  It doesn't make me feel safe that people stopped by to have a few drinks. How many people were worried about their alcohol level when they left?  Besides the alcohol tab what did he "unite"?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

As the author of this blog and speaking for the Democratic Club of Hammonton, we are all interested in un iting Hammonton. However, we have a different vision for Hammonton than you do. We want a united Hammonton that encompasses all 41 square miles of our Town, not just the 3 blocks downtown. And I'm sorry you think just reporting the facts, that only about 10 employees showed up for the unity rally, is bashing. We were only relaying the facts.
Don't get fooled again!
Mike Ammirato, Anthony Falcone, and Robin Ripa for Hammonton Town Council!!!

You just made the previous point. Your focus is on bashing the Mayor, not uniting Hammonton. You have no positive advice on how to improve things. You don't want to tell the people the truth at all.

If you told the truth, you would have to point out that the Mayor's home is not downtown but rather on the extreme southeastern corner of town. You would have explain that his office is on the western edge of Hammonton. Then you'd have to say that he just created jobs by building the Raspberry Run shopping area... on the far south side of town.

Oh yes, you could "critize" the Mayor by telling everyone he donated the use of a downtown storefront to the Hospital when they couldn't pay. You could also attack him by saying he did indeed fix up a storefront on Bellevue Ave which HE TOLD EVERYONE HE WAS BUYING BEFORE he was elected. He told everyone during the campaign he would try to quote "fix up downtown one store at a time."

So the question becomes, exactly what SPECIFICALLY have your candidates done to help Hammonton? What do they SPECIFICALLY propose to do if elected? Do you even have any ideas? Everyone can walk around Hammonton and see the Mayor's results. They can also see no tax increase. What do you intend to do?

The amazing thing is that if you talk to the Democrats like I did at the chicken barbeque, they really don't know why they are running. They just go right into bashing HF. They don't really seem to know what they stand for. If you push them a bit, they just list the things that HF already has done... just like Jim MacLane did on the previous post... and say that they will do that too. Why switch to the Democrats if they don't have new and better ideas? I already know HF knows how to keep taxes down and finish road and sidewalk projects. I can see them myself.

I would challenge the Democrats to stop posting bashing threads such as "Unity Rally A Bust." MacLane was not there. Rather than bash the Mayor and the 25 people who attended, do something constructive. Come up with good ideas of how the next session can have even more people!

How about the Dems post a thread with their ideas about what they'd like to see the Mayor do for the next unity meeting?

The funny thing is that it is becoming obvious that the Democrats are terrified that people actually went to the mayor's meeting. The Chief stopped by and had a few drinks.

Since the Chief stopped by for a drink, I guess it was okay from a public safety perspective. I understand the Chief is still upset with Republican councilman Rocky Colasurdo.



Wouldn't you be????



Anonymous wrote:

Wouldn't you be????

I guess you are right. If Rocky can help the Republicans just pick up one seat then he can get his way and the Chief will be gone. If the chief is smart he won't that.



Anonymous wrote:

It just shows that the Mayor and the rest of his party have absolutetly no idea how much they have alienated most of the people who work for the Town and most of the people who live here.

Great oxymoron  -  Mayor's Unity hour 

Super idea - town employees get an invitation for free drinks at a local bar. 
The real trouble is that the mayor's definition of  unity  is  "Convincing everyone else to agree with him!"



Anonymous wrote:

It is sad, very sad. That all the dems can come up with is abolish the competion. good luck in november.

 From what I hear regularly, it seems certain people want to abolish the Republican and Democratic parties.  The problem is that they are not really about serving the people.  Hammonton voters are now realizing what has been happening the last few years.



Anonymous wrote:

Why should the Dems come up with ideas for the Mayor's next "Unity Dinner" if this was such a huge success? After all hundreds of town workers showed up to support the Mayor. Right? Why do you keep asking what plans the Dems have is it because you are scared they will out smart you or do you just want to steal their ideas and make them yours? After all anything good is done by HF anything bad is done by someone else.

The ideas that the Democrats have are what every working class taxpayers wants for a better Hammonton. We've let the rich elite dictate us too long. We need people who will represent ALL of Hammonton and not be afraid to speak up. 




Anonymous wrote:
If Rocky can help the Republicans just pick up one seat then he can get his way and the Chief will be gone. If the chief is smart he won't that.

The Republicans sure took Rocky Colasurdo back quickly.  I guess they were happy with how Rocky managed the Chief.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
If Rocky can help the Republicans just pick up one seat then he can get his way and the Chief will be gone. If the chief is smart he won't that.

The Republicans sure took Rocky Colasurdo back quickly.  I guess they were happy with how Rocky managed the Chief.

Not all the Republicans took him back, I think you are missing some facts.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
If Rocky can help the Republicans just pick up one seat then he can get his way and the Chief will be gone. If the chief is smart he won't that.

The Republicans sure took Rocky Colasurdo back quickly.  I guess they were happy with how Rocky managed the Chief.

Not all the Republicans took him back, I think you are missing some facts.

Rocky was playing the drums and whooping it up with the Republican Club at their campaign rally.


Status: Offline
Posts: 4
"Unity" Rally a bust

Even though I don't agree with the Mayor's politics, I may have gone to the rally, if it hadn't been posted only one day prior to the event.


RE: "Unity" Rally a bust

There will be townwide UNITY on Election Day in November.  Only then will our town truly have unity once we truly have our town back.



No more Hammonton First after November!!!!!1

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