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Post Info TOPIC: Chat with the Mayor, August 6th, 7pm

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Chat with the Mayor, August 6th, 7pm

This is a great opportunity for all Hammontonians to be heard on recreational issues or any other issue you would like to discuss with the Mayor. It is imperative that we plan out the next steps Hammonton needs to take. This meeting is a positive step in allowing the voices of the people of Hammonton to be heard. Attend the meeting and be heard. Or if you have an idea and can't attend or do not want to speak at this meeting, email you ideas to us at chatwiththemayor@hammontondems.org and we will present your ideas at this event.



Admin wrote:

This is a great opportunity for all Hammontonians to be heard on recreational issues or any other issue you would like to discuss with the Mayor. It is imperative that we plan out the next steps Hammonton needs to take. This meeting is a positive step in allowing the voices of the people of Hammonton to be heard. Attend the meeting and be heard. Or if you have an idea and can't attend or do not want to speak at this meeting, email you ideas to us at chatwiththemayor@hammontondems.org and we will present your ideas at this event.

This is a great opportunity for the Democrats to make positive suggestions on his push for unity in Hammonton.



Ask him why his building doesn't have a fire lane.



OK then after the chat the dems will post " Chat with the mayor a bust" . Come on Jim come up with a plan.  What's it going to be!  The problem is that you jump on the bandwagon and then jump right back off.  The truth is that zero tax increases and everone"yes everyone " got nice big fat raises.  PLus a monumental amount of road work being done .  plus the water dept got a new truck  to go to wawa in, and a diging machine. 


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Thank goodness not everyone in this Town has such a negative attitude before anything even starts.

Don't worry everyone, we'll still make this Chat with the Mayor a positive event with good input to help set the direction you the people want the Town to go in. We don't need to listen to the naysayers who can do nothing but bash the Democrats who are trying to do a good thing.

Don't forget, if you want us to bring up a a subject at the Chat with the Mayor, email us the info at chatwiththemayor@hammontondems.org

-- Edited by Admin at 12:18, 2007-08-02



The Republicans must not have had a problem with the Chief trial since they are happy to have Rocky Colasurdo in their party.



Maybe someone can ask the Mayor , What his policy is on the use of  town owned cars and trucks for personal rerasons.  and kids in them . ? 



Anonymous wrote:

Maybe someone can ask the Mayor , What his policy is on the use of  town owned cars and trucks for personal rerasons.  and kids in them . ? 

Are you saying the Chief is allowing police to abuse the use of their police cars when they go home with them? First Robin Ripa files a lawsuit that the police depatment is a hostile working environment and now this?



Police cars should be the only town vechicles with car seats right ????? We're right behind Atlantic City. What a joke. Look at the lake partk every night where your tax $$$ are parked.



I never saw a off duty cop in his car.  but i have seen the water dept trucks at a lot of strange places.  blueberry farms. and homes on broadway.  also i do see the fire dept.  at the lake park with kids in a car seat every night.   I thought the town policy said no to this .



Anonymous wrote:

Police cars should be the only town vechicles with car seats right ????? We're right behind Atlantic City. What a joke. Look at the lake partk every night where your tax $$$ are parked.


Police cars have car seats in them not for personal use but because if you must transport someone with a child and/or just the child, you have to have a car seat in there. There is an officer at the police station that is certified to install car seats properly. As for other departments transporting their children - NO WAY!!!



Anonymous wrote:

I never saw a off duty cop in his car.  but i have seen the water dept trucks at a lot of strange places.  blueberry farms. and homes on broadway.  also i do see the fire dept.  at the lake park with kids in a car seat every night.   I thought the town policy said no to this .

This is shaping up to be an interesting campaign year. First the Robin Ripa lawsuit.. now are the Democrats attacking town employees? Maybe that is why they were so against town unity?


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Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I never saw a off duty cop in his car.  but i have seen the water dept trucks at a lot of strange places.  blueberry farms. and homes on broadway.  also i do see the fire dept.  at the lake park with kids in a car seat every night.   I thought the town policy said no to this .

This is shaping up to be an interesting campaign year. First the Robin Ripa lawsuit.. now are the Democrats attacking town employees? Maybe that is why they were so against town unity?

Those comments are not coming from the Democrats. Should I be as irresponsible as you and point the finger of blame where I think it would benefit us politically???? That is what you are doing by falsely accusing the Dems of making those statements. You always accuse us of bashing but it is obviously you who bashes with your lies.
As for the statements, I believe they are coming from people who have legitimate questions about the use of Town owned vehicles. But no conclusions can be drawn until investigations are done and the current rules are applied. Some people seem to want to try and convict on the blogs and that is not how things work in America and not even in the Country of Hammonton.



Anonymous wrote:

OK then after the chat the dems will post " Chat with the mayor a bust" . Come on Jim come up with a plan.  What's it going to be!  The problem is that you jump on the bandwagon and then jump right back off.  The truth is that zero tax increases and everone"yes everyone " got nice big fat raises.  PLus a monumental amount of road work being done .  plus the water dept got a new truck  to go to wawa in, and a diging machine. 

Of course "Chat with the Mayor" will be declared a bust by this blog. Right after that the admin will post he is not the person who is bashing. The bashing is obviously done by the admin's evil twin who stole his password.


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Must be nice to have such a positive and rosy outlook on everything all the time.



I hope that the mayor will not be using the town television station to promote the political campaigns of the HF candidates by way of time spent highlighting certain issues or other even more direct means.  Can you say...  Equal-time rule ...  boys and girls, sure you can.



Anonymous wrote:

I hope that the mayor will not be using the town television station to promote the political campaigns of the HF candidates by way of time spent highlighting certain issues or other even more direct means.  Can you say...  Equal-time rule ...  boys and girls, sure you can.

It's nice to see how predictable you bashers are. You can set your clock to it. I hear the judge did not allow Rich Jacobus' to go forward. That was probably predictable also.


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It's nice to see how predictable you are too. You spread your lies and hope they catch on and people believe it. The case is going on. The case is going into a mediation phase and if the two sides can not come together on a mutually agreed solution, the case will go to trial.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I hope that the mayor will not be using the town television station to promote the political campaigns of the HF candidates by way of time spent highlighting certain issues or other even more direct means.  Can you say...  Equal-time rule ...  boys and girls, sure you can.

It's nice to see how predictable you bashers are. You can set your clock to it. I hear the judge did not allow Rich Jacobus' to go forward. That was probably predictable also.

Since you mentioned it  ....

Let me tell you about "predictable" ....

It is clear that the mayor and his Hammonton First party are only in favor of open government if they can control the opening.

If questioned directly on an issue they respond with an attack of the individuals or issue involved ,  instead of dealing directly with the question placed to them.

There are many examples of this such as recent Town Council meeing  when the Police Chief questioned if the Police Special Services Van would fit in the new town hall building as planned.  The mayor responded by questioning the quality of the van and suggesting that the van was not suitable for police use. 

Now here we have a prime example the question on the issue was simply about  fair use of the town television station by the mayor .... the reply is to attack the person asking the question.  Talk about  "predictable" .... this is how it works here in Hammonton Frist Country boys and girls!



will this be televised?


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Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

OK then after the chat the dems will post " Chat with the mayor a bust" . Come on Jim come up with a plan.  What's it going to be!  The problem is that you jump on the bandwagon and then jump right back off.  The truth is that zero tax increases and everone"yes everyone " got nice big fat raises.  PLus a monumental amount of road work being done .  plus the water dept got a new truck  to go to wawa in, and a diging machine. 

Of course "Chat with the Mayor" will be declared a bust by this blog. Right after that the admin will post he is not the person who is bashing. The bashing is obviously done by the admin's evil twin who stole his password.

It's time for you guys and your whole party to stop the negative campaigning. YOU are the ones bashing. YOU are the ones spreading lies. This thread was started with only positive comments, let me remind you what was said:

"This is a great opportunity for all Hammontonians to be heard on recreational issues or any other issue you would like to discuss with the Mayor. It is imperative that we plan out the next steps Hammonton needs to take. This meeting is a positive step in allowing the voices of the people of Hammonton to be heard. Attend the meeting and be heard. Or if you have an idea and can't attend or do not want to speak at this meeting, email you ideas to us at chatwiththemayor@hammontondems.org and we will present your ideas at this event."

We can not control what others say on this blog. We can't even control if you post negative comments and blame them on us, but we have been very positive this campaign only addressing issues and not the opposing candidates.



Look at the titles of your posts. It's constat bashing. The Democrats keep publicizing lawsuits that the legal system throws out before they get to trial. Here is a thought. Rather than run candidates who have consitently lost elections, try getting candidates who the public already hasn't demnstrated they won't vote for.


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The titles generally discuss issues and report things that happenned. If you want to read only fluff things about HF and stories with selective quotes to make the stories sound the way the writer wants them to, then just read the Gazette.
As for our candidates, Anthony Falcone has won and served many times on Town Council. Mike Ammirato missed getting elected by less than 20 votes and Robin is a first time candidate. Get your facts straight. And by the way, I guess your comments about the candidates isn't bashing? People in glass houses....



Anonymous wrote:

Look at the titles of your posts. It's constat bashing. The Democrats keep publicizing lawsuits that the legal system throws out before they get to trial. Here is a thought. Rather than run candidates who have consitently lost elections, try getting candidates who the public already hasn't demnstrated they won't vote for.

 There were many good things said about the Democratic candidates last year and great excitement about this years candidates.  There are many Democrats eager to contribute to making Hammonton better.  From a pool of seven candidates the Democrats worked together to select 3.  The Democrats are stronger this year that's why the Democratic ticket are the most talked about candidates.



Anonymous wrote:

I hope that the mayor will not be using the town television station to promote the political campaigns of the HF candidates by way of time spent highlighting certain issues or other even more direct means.  Can you say...  Equal-time rule ...  boys and girls, sure you can.

Propaganda, noun"The systematic propagation of information or ideas by an interested party, esp. in a tendentious way in order to encourage or instill a particular attitude or response. Also, the ideas, doctrines, etc., disseminated thus; the vehicle of such propagation." (from Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., 1989)



I sure hope the Mayor or someone will do something about the use of town cars.  ON weekends and at night.



Anonymous wrote:
Propaganda, noun"The systematic propagation of information or ideas by an interested party, esp. in a tendentious way in order to encourage or instill a particular attitude or response. Also, the ideas, doctrines, etc., disseminated thus; the vehicle of such propagation." (from Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., 1989)

Oh, so that is what the people bashing HF are trying to do by attacking their every move.



Jim . what would your clubs answer be.  is it ok to use town owned cars as a   2nd vehicle . 



Anonymous wrote:

Look at the titles of your posts. It's constat bashing. The Democrats keep publicizing lawsuits that the legal system throws out before they get to trial. Here is a thought. Rather than run candidates who have consitently lost elections, try getting candidates who the public already hasn't demnstrated they won't vote for.

 Gee I could have sworn Hammonton First lost the last election too.  I guess this guy thinks his party's candidates are losers too who the public have demonstrated they won't vote for.  It's funny how those who criticize people here for bashing are the worst at it and the most disrespectful. 


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Overall this seems to have been a productive meeting. A lot of information given and several good suggestions made, including skateboarding in the plans and safety concerns with the parks. Now we all need to get a closer look at these plans so that we can offer suggestions.



I just saw the 600k super gigantic transformer robot rescue truck at wendys.....

What is that all about ???? They cant take an ambulance or their bronco ???

And before someone says "their a private business.." last I checked my tax $$$$$ goes to them, for gasoline specifically. so what the hell ?

Meanwhile, and what is the deal with town employees leaving cars running while their inside somwhere. i thought the state passed an anti idling law.



Anonymous wrote:

I just saw the 600k super gigantic transformer robot rescue truck at wendys.....

What is that all about ???? They cant take an ambulance or their bronco ???

And before someone says "their a private business.." last I checked my tax $$$$$ goes to them, for gasoline specifically. so what the hell ?

Meanwhile, and what is the deal with town employees leaving cars running while their inside somwhere. i thought the state passed an anti idling law.

 I would hope that if you see wrongdoing or have any questions that you would address this to Town Council.  Town Council has had the philosoply the last 2 years of Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil.  Speak up Hammonton, Town Council needs to know that the People of Hammonton have questions that need answers.


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In reference to town employees leaving their cars idling, as for the police if they have a K9 in the car it has to be left on to keep the dog cool. As for others I cannot speak.


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As for town cars at the lake park, some people are there to watch their children practice sports. While there, they can be called away at a moments notice for an emergency which they must get to quickly. It does not make sense for them to have to use their personal vehicles to drive back home to get their emergency vehicles which contains all their equipment. These men are giving up time with their families to make sure you are safe and make sure your property is as intact as possible, so stop all your whining. Because I guarantee that the first time you need them and they have a slow response time because they had to run home first to get their emergency vehicle you will be the first one saying " What took you so long?".



True B9 but is it allowed in the town code book ? NO!
is it covered by the jiff insurance ? NO !
so why does it happen .


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I haven't seen the town code book, but I assume you have. Could you please post the rules regarding the use of emergency vehicles that are on call 24/7.



Anonymous wrote:

True B9 but is it allowed in the town code book ? NO!
is it covered by the jiff insurance ? NO !
so why does it happen .

 Why wouldn't it be in the code book? If they are on call then why wouldn't they be on call in a town vehicle.

Why wouldn't JIF cover it? They are on call for the Town.

I believe this has all been discussed before.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I just saw the 600k super gigantic transformer robot rescue truck at wendys.....

What is that all about ???? They cant take an ambulance or their bronco ???

And before someone says "their a private business.." last I checked my tax $$$$$ goes to them, for gasoline specifically. so what the hell ?

Meanwhile, and what is the deal with town employees leaving cars running while their inside somwhere. i thought the state passed an anti idling law.

 I would hope that if you see wrongdoing or have any questions that you would address this to Town Council.  Town Council has had the philosoply the last 2 years of Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil.  Speak up Hammonton, Town Council needs to know that the People of Hammonton have questions that need answers.

Council recently disiplined one person.  If town employees are misusing vehicles I would think they would take action.  But people have to come forward if this is happening.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I just saw the 600k super gigantic transformer robot rescue truck at wendys.....

What is that all about ???? They cant take an ambulance or their bronco ???

And before someone says "their a private business.." last I checked my tax $$$$$ goes to them, for gasoline specifically. so what the hell ?

Meanwhile, and what is the deal with town employees leaving cars running while their inside somwhere. i thought the state passed an anti idling law.

I would hope that if you see wrongdoing or have any questions that you would address this to Town Council. Town Council has had the philosoply the last 2 years of Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil. Speak up Hammonton, Town Council needs to know that the People of Hammonton have questions that need answers.

Council recently disiplined one person. If town employees are misusing vehicles I would think they would take action. But people have to come forward if this is happening.


 If something is wrong people should come forward but in this town there are many who are anti-town employees, anti teacher, anti police.  They are only pro-ME.  ME -Money for the Elite.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I just saw the 600k super gigantic transformer robot rescue truck at wendys.....

What is that all about ???? They cant take an ambulance or their bronco ???

And before someone says "their a private business.." last I checked my tax $$$$$ goes to them, for gasoline specifically. so what the hell ?

Meanwhile, and what is the deal with town employees leaving cars running while their inside somwhere. i thought the state passed an anti idling law.

I would hope that if you see wrongdoing or have any questions that you would address this to Town Council. Town Council has had the philosoply the last 2 years of Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil. Speak up Hammonton, Town Council needs to know that the People of Hammonton have questions that need answers.

Council recently disiplined one person. If town employees are misusing vehicles I would think they would take action. But people have to come forward if this is happening.

 If something is wrong people should come forward but in this town there are many who are anti-town employees, anti teacher, anti police.  They are only pro-ME.  ME -Money for the Elite.

What does that have to do with improper use of town vehicles?  If these people making claims are being truthful, they should say what they saw in public.  If they are not, then their silence will speak loudly.  Where does that translate into your bashing town residents?



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I just saw the 600k super gigantic transformer robot rescue truck at wendys.....

What is that all about ???? They cant take an ambulance or their bronco ???

And before someone says "their a private business.." last I checked my tax $$$$$ goes to them, for gasoline specifically. so what the hell ?

Meanwhile, and what is the deal with town employees leaving cars running while their inside somwhere. i thought the state passed an anti idling law.

I would hope that if you see wrongdoing or have any questions that you would address this to Town Council. Town Council has had the philosoply the last 2 years of Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil. Speak up Hammonton, Town Council needs to know that the People of Hammonton have questions that need answers.

Council recently disiplined one person. If town employees are misusing vehicles I would think they would take action. But people have to come forward if this is happening.

If something is wrong people should come forward but in this town there are many who are anti-town employees, anti teacher, anti police. They are only pro-ME. ME -Money for the Elite.

What does that have to do with improper use of town vehicles? If these people making claims are being truthful, they should say what they saw in public. If they are not, then their silence will speak loudly. Where does that translate into your bashing town residents?


 My bashing??? I'm saying if there is improper use it should be reported. There are some though who are anti-town employees, anti-police, and anti-teachers no matter what they do.



OK your on call .  What the h  l are you going to do when you get thier with your infent kids in the car. that can not be safe.  let's not forget the other misusers out there.  Just for the record the only thing i am anti is anti law suits. so shoot me for trying to aviod one.  these guys fly when called.  If a acident should happen , all the lawsuits so far would be nothing. 



I liked watching the mayor.  I thought the ideas were very good.  But I didn't understand why that young lady was against the skateboard park and why she said it would not work?  Was that the young woman who is suing the police?  Why was she and that older man so negative?  The man was complaining he had a plan for the past 5 years when he was a councilman.  If he did, why did he not do something?


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Posts: 1241

The only person that said anything negative about the skateboard park was the woman who asked that a skateboard park be considered, and what she was concerned with was putting a skateboard park on the outskirts of town in a secluded area where there won't be much traffic or supervision.
As for you other question, there is no lawsuit against the police, so I don't know who you mean.
No one was being negative from what I saw. If you read the local papers even thet said the meeting was full of good constructive discussion.
The man you are talking about wasn't a councilman, he serves on the planning board and he was just wondering why the plans had changed so much over the last 5 years. Dave Cella gave him a very good explanation.
People should not be afraid to ask questions, but it's people like you, who watch for anything negative that can be said and then bash them, who make the average citizen afraid to say anything because they don't want to be ridiculed.
From what I could see the Mayor appreciated the frank and open discussion, you should too.



Anonymous wrote:

I liked watching the mayor.  I thought the ideas were very good.  But I didn't understand why that young lady was against the skateboard park and why she said it would not work?  Was that the young woman who is suing the police?  Why was she and that older man so negative?  The man was complaining he had a plan for the past 5 years when he was a councilman.  If he did, why did he not do something?

I just heard the Mayor's "Downtown Advocate" pulled Hammonton out of a county run grant program to help senior citizens repair their houses with federal grant funds.  If its true, why did he do that?



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I liked watching the mayor. I thought the ideas were very good. But I didn't understand why that young lady was against the skateboard park and why she said it would not work? Was that the young woman who is suing the police? Why was she and that older man so negative? The man was complaining he had a plan for the past 5 years when he was a councilman. If he did, why did he not do something?

I just heard the Mayor's "Downtown Advocate" pulled Hammonton out of a county run grant program to help senior citizens repair their houses with federal grant funds. If its true, why did he do that?


I think that happened several months ago.  That's not recent. 




Anonymous wrote:

I liked watching the mayor.  I thought the ideas were very good.  But I didn't understand why that young lady was against the skateboard park and why she said it would not work?  Was that the young woman who is suing the police?  Why was she and that older man so negative?  The man was complaining he had a plan for the past 5 years when he was a councilman.  If he did, why did he not do something?

Robin Ripa and Frank DiMatteo were putting on a real show.  Frank wanted to make sure to tell everyone that for years the Republicans did nothing with the Lake Park but they had drawn pretty pictures.  Also, it's funny that Robin is there telling people it won't work and then it's on the Dems website as a positive.  It really will look strange as people see it on the TV.


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Posts: 1241

When did Robin ever say it won't work?



That's the problem with these Hammonton First people. They just want the whole town to be their little puppets and not ask questions. If someone dare ask a question, they accuse them of bashing. The only thing you are supposed to do is voice your praise and adoration of the Mayor and his party.



I guess everyone gets to watch TV and see with their own eyes.


Hammonton NEWS: We applaud Mayor John DiDonato, the dedicated volunteers and committee chairpersons...

Chat on recreation a benefit for town


Some great ideas, suggestions and questions were brought up this week during the latest Chat with the Mayor.

It's clear that recreation is an important topic for many people in our community. And town officials want your input.

Town leaders made presentations on a variety of projects that are in the works or in a conceptual stage.

At the top of the list were: the lake cleanup, expanded parking at the lake park, a community/senior center along the lake's shore and new fields at the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site.

Residents made great suggestions -- like creating a skateboard park for teens.

And they asked some tough questions: Will a parking expansion at the lake account for existing trees? Will rescue vehicles be able to access the lake park should an emergency arise? Will the Clean-Flo system clean the lake's floor as well as the water?

We applaud Mayor John DiDonato, the dedicated volunteers and committee chairpersons who presented the plans to the public and stayed on hand to answer questions. Keeping the community informed of projects in the works is a key to their success. We are sure most residents appreciate these efforts being made by our town leaders.

We would like to offer a few of our own suggestions on some of the topics brought up at the Chat:

First and foremost, water and sewer lines should be priority No. 1 for the fields at Boyer Avenue. With hundreds of soccer players -- many who are elementary school children -- scheduled to take the field come September, town officials should work overtime to try to get bathroom/concession facilities set up sooner rather than later. Stalling on this will likely prompt major complaints from parents, many of whom are probably less than thrilled about the temporary portable toilet quick fix. Get signs up for Boyer Avenue facility pronto. Talk to most people, and they don't know that the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site exists let alone how to get to it. Town officials need to get the word out: Post directions on the town's Web site and on Local Channel 13. Install signs along the proper roadways. Soccer season is just around the corner. The town needs to inform people now to prevent mass confusion come opening day of soccer season. Save some of the trees at the lake. We fully support the town's plan to renovate the parking lot at the lake. However, trees are a hot issue here in Hammonton. The town should try to save some of the decades-old trees that will need to come down to make room for more parking spaces. Clearly, safety is an issue here, but history should be as well. The trees are a part of the park's charm. We're sure Mayor and Town Council will take this into consideration before moving forward with the renovations. Do you have a suggestion for the town's recreation plans? If so, e-mail Mayor John DiDonato at johndidonato@townofhammonton.org


RE: Chat with the Mayor, August 6th, 7pm

good post



Anonymous wrote:

good post

Please tell me, did the Mayor display the photo of Gabrielle Campione at the town meeting? And did he also say that her death united the town? Please tell me that I heard wrong !!!  Please tell me that the mayor did not use the death of a teenager to promote himself !!! Please tell me that he didn't stoop to such a low level of morality !!! Please tell me !!!



Anonymous wrote:

Chat on recreation a benefit for town


Some great ideas, suggestions and questions were brought up this week during the latest Chat with the Mayor.

It's clear that recreation is an important topic for many people in our community. And town officials want your input.

Town leaders made presentations on a variety of projects that are in the works or in a conceptual stage.

At the top of the list were: the lake cleanup, expanded parking at the lake park, a community/senior center along the lake's shore and new fields at the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site.

Residents made great suggestions -- like creating a skateboard park for teens.

And they asked some tough questions: Will a parking expansion at the lake account for existing trees? Will rescue vehicles be able to access the lake park should an emergency arise? Will the Clean-Flo system clean the lake's floor as well as the water?

We applaud Mayor John DiDonato, the dedicated volunteers and committee chairpersons who presented the plans to the public and stayed on hand to answer questions. Keeping the community informed of projects in the works is a key to their success. We are sure most residents appreciate these efforts being made by our town leaders.

We would like to offer a few of our own suggestions on some of the topics brought up at the Chat:

First and foremost, water and sewer lines should be priority No. 1 for the fields at Boyer Avenue. With hundreds of soccer players -- many who are elementary school children -- scheduled to take the field come September, town officials should work overtime to try to get bathroom/concession facilities set up sooner rather than later. Stalling on this will likely prompt major complaints from parents, many of whom are probably less than thrilled about the temporary portable toilet quick fix. Get signs up for Boyer Avenue facility pronto. Talk to most people, and they don't know that the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site exists let alone how to get to it. Town officials need to get the word out: Post directions on the town's Web site and on Local Channel 13. Install signs along the proper roadways. Soccer season is just around the corner. The town needs to inform people now to prevent mass confusion come opening day of soccer season. Save some of the trees at the lake. We fully support the town's plan to renovate the parking lot at the lake. However, trees are a hot issue here in Hammonton. The town should try to save some of the decades-old trees that will need to come down to make room for more parking spaces. Clearly, safety is an issue here, but history should be as well. The trees are a part of the park's charm. We're sure Mayor and Town Council will take this into consideration before moving forward with the renovations. Do you have a suggestion for the town's recreation plans? If so, e-mail Mayor John DiDonato at johndidonato@townofhammonton.org

I think that parking at the lake is very important.  Right now, it's very dangerous there.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

good post

Please tell me, did the Mayor display the photo of Gabrielle Campione at the town meeting? And did he also say that her death united the town? Please tell me that I heard wrong !!!  Please tell me that the mayor did not use the death of a teenager to promote himself !!! Please tell me that he didn't stoop to such a low level of morality !!! Please tell me !!!

is this guy telling the truth? did the mayor actually do this?



It's horrible that the bashers are stooping to this level.  It's one thing to be frustrated that the townspeople really like the plans for recreation and it was applauded in both papers.  It is another thing that these horrible posts are going up.  It just goes to show how much these bashers want to tear down the town of Hammonton.



Anonymous wrote:


It's horrible that the bashers are stooping to this level. It's one thing to be frustrated that the townspeople really like the plans for recreation and it was applauded in both papers. It is another thing that these horrible posts are going up. It just goes to show how much these bashers want to tear down the town of Hammonton.


 Horrible is not speaking up of the GOOD and the BAD.   If you can't handle what people post here or are afraid to hear differing points of views then you really don't want OPEN GOVERNMENT.



First and foremost, water and sewer lines should be priority No. 1 for the fields at Boyer Avenue. With hundreds of soccer players -- many who are elementary school children -- scheduled to take the field come September, town officials should work overtime to try to get bathroom/concession facilities set up sooner rather than later. Stalling on this will likely prompt major complaints from parents, many of whom are probably less than thrilled about the temporary portable toilet quick fix. Get signs up for Boyer Avenue facility pronto. Talk to most people, and they don't know that the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site exists let alone how to get to it. Town officials need to get the word out: Post directions on the town's Web site and on Local Channel 13. Install signs along the proper roadways. Soccer season is just around the corner. The town needs to inform people now to prevent mass confusion come opening day of soccer season. Save some of the trees at the lake. We fully support the town's plan to renovate the parking lot at the lake. However, trees are a hot issue here in Hammonton. The town should try to save some of the decades-old trees that will need to come down to make room for more parking spaces. Clearly, safety is an issue here, but history should be as well. The trees are a part of the park's charm. We're sure Mayor and Town Council will take this into consideration before moving forward with the renovations. Do you have a suggestion for the town's recreation plans? If so, e-mail Mayor John DiDonato at johndidonato@townofhammonton.org
Well said.  I agree.




I'm a little late to "Chat" with the Mayor about this, but the parking situation on Central in front of the Town Hall and post office is out of hand, and I just need to vent.

Just yesterday, there were police cars parked along the street, a car parked directly in front of a "no parking" sign in front of town hall, a car parked in front of the fire hydrant by the funeral home, and traffic was crazy.  As you try to maneuver along that suicide triangle there, it is impossible to see any traffic coming because of all of the illegally parked cars.  It is just a ticking time bomb.  Sooner or later there will be an accident and someone will get hurt.

When St. Joes goes back in session, that area will be a complete mess with all the kids zooming around, especially the wrong way down
Peach Street

Why isn't anything getting done about this?  This is a clear public safety matter.



Anonymous wrote:


I'm a little late to "Chat" with the Mayor about this, but the parking situation on Central in front of the Town Hall and post office is out of hand, and I just need to vent.

Just yesterday, there were police cars parked along the street, a car parked directly in front of a "no parking" sign in front of town hall, a car parked in front of the fire hydrant by the funeral home, and traffic was crazy. As you try to maneuver along that suicide triangle there, it is impossible to see any traffic coming because of all of the illegally parked cars. It is just a ticking time bomb. Sooner or later there will be an accident and someone will get hurt.

When St. Joes goes back in session, that area will be a complete mess with all the kids zooming around, especially the wrong way down
Peach Street

Why isn't anything getting done about this? This is a clear public safety matter.


 How can anything be done about it when the current administration is deliberately making things worse. They insisted on keeping the Town Hall as part of that suicide triangle so that it (in their opinion) would keep up the values of all the properties they own there. They are building a larger Town Hall on a postage stamp and it will have LESS parking than the old Town Hall had. That will make more cars park out on the street. But they don't care about that. All they care about is their own profits. Just remember their campaign slogan. For the Profits, not the people.


RE: Hammonton NEWS: We applaud Mayor John DiDonato, the dedicated volunteers and committee chairpersons...

Anonymous wrote:

Chat on recreation a benefit for town


Some great ideas, suggestions and questions were brought up this week during the latest Chat with the Mayor.

It's clear that recreation is an important topic for many people in our community. And town officials want your input.

Town leaders made presentations on a variety of projects that are in the works or in a conceptual stage.

At the top of the list were: the lake cleanup, expanded parking at the lake park, a community/senior center along the lake's shore and new fields at the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site.

Residents made great suggestions -- like creating a skateboard park for teens.

And they asked some tough questions: Will a parking expansion at the lake account for existing trees? Will rescue vehicles be able to access the lake park should an emergency arise? Will the Clean-Flo system clean the lake's floor as well as the water?

We applaud Mayor John DiDonato, the dedicated volunteers and committee chairpersons who presented the plans to the public and stayed on hand to answer questions. Keeping the community informed of projects in the works is a key to their success. We are sure most residents appreciate these efforts being made by our town leaders.

We would like to offer a few of our own suggestions on some of the topics brought up at the Chat:

First and foremost, water and sewer lines should be priority No. 1 for the fields at Boyer Avenue. With hundreds of soccer players -- many who are elementary school children -- scheduled to take the field come September, town officials should work overtime to try to get bathroom/concession facilities set up sooner rather than later. Stalling on this will likely prompt major complaints from parents, many of whom are probably less than thrilled about the temporary portable toilet quick fix. Get signs up for Boyer Avenue facility pronto. Talk to most people, and they don't know that the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site exists let alone how to get to it. Town officials need to get the word out: Post directions on the town's Web site and on Local Channel 13. Install signs along the proper roadways. Soccer season is just around the corner. The town needs to inform people now to prevent mass confusion come opening day of soccer season. Save some of the trees at the lake. We fully support the town's plan to renovate the parking lot at the lake. However, trees are a hot issue here in Hammonton. The town should try to save some of the decades-old trees that will need to come down to make room for more parking spaces. Clearly, safety is an issue here, but history should be as well. The trees are a part of the park's charm. We're sure Mayor and Town Council will take this into consideration before moving forward with the renovations. Do you have a suggestion for the town's recreation plans? If so, e-mail Mayor John DiDonato at johndidonato@townofhammonton.org

Poor bashers. Nobody believes their lies anymore. By the way, shouldn't the Democrats update their picture of the town hall? If you ride by you can see even more progress!


RE: Chat with the Mayor, August 6th, 7pm

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Chat on recreation a benefit for town


Some great ideas, suggestions and questions were brought up this week during the latest Chat with the Mayor.

It's clear that recreation is an important topic for many people in our community. And town officials want your input.

Town leaders made presentations on a variety of projects that are in the works or in a conceptual stage.

At the top of the list were: the lake cleanup, expanded parking at the lake park, a community/senior center along the lake's shore and new fields at the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site.

Residents made great suggestions -- like creating a skateboard park for teens.

And they asked some tough questions: Will a parking expansion at the lake account for existing trees? Will rescue vehicles be able to access the lake park should an emergency arise? Will the Clean-Flo system clean the lake's floor as well as the water?

We applaud Mayor John DiDonato, the dedicated volunteers and committee chairpersons who presented the plans to the public and stayed on hand to answer questions. Keeping the community informed of projects in the works is a key to their success. We are sure most residents appreciate these efforts being made by our town leaders.

We would like to offer a few of our own suggestions on some of the topics brought up at the Chat:

First and foremost, water and sewer lines should be priority No. 1 for the fields at Boyer Avenue. With hundreds of soccer players -- many who are elementary school children -- scheduled to take the field come September, town officials should work overtime to try to get bathroom/concession facilities set up sooner rather than later. Stalling on this will likely prompt major complaints from parents, many of whom are probably less than thrilled about the temporary portable toilet quick fix. Get signs up for Boyer Avenue facility pronto. Talk to most people, and they don't know that the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site exists let alone how to get to it. Town officials need to get the word out: Post directions on the town's Web site and on Local Channel 13. Install signs along the proper roadways. Soccer season is just around the corner. The town needs to inform people now to prevent mass confusion come opening day of soccer season. Save some of the trees at the lake. We fully support the town's plan to renovate the parking lot at the lake. However, trees are a hot issue here in Hammonton. The town should try to save some of the decades-old trees that will need to come down to make room for more parking spaces. Clearly, safety is an issue here, but history should be as well. The trees are a part of the park's charm. We're sure Mayor and Town Council will take this into consideration before moving forward with the renovations. Do you have a suggestion for the town's recreation plans? If so, e-mail Mayor John DiDonato at johndidonato@townofhammonton.org


Poor bashers. Nobody believes their lies anymore. By the way, shouldn't the Democrats update their picture of the town hall? If you ride by you can see even more progress!


 I want a picture of the final bill.  Will it be $7M, $9M, $11M or more.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Chat on recreation a benefit for town


Some great ideas, suggestions and questions were brought up this week during the latest Chat with the Mayor.

It's clear that recreation is an important topic for many people in our community. And town officials want your input.

Town leaders made presentations on a variety of projects that are in the works or in a conceptual stage.

At the top of the list were: the lake cleanup, expanded parking at the lake park, a community/senior center along the lake's shore and new fields at the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site.

Residents made great suggestions -- like creating a skateboard park for teens.

And they asked some tough questions: Will a parking expansion at the lake account for existing trees? Will rescue vehicles be able to access the lake park should an emergency arise? Will the Clean-Flo system clean the lake's floor as well as the water?

We applaud Mayor John DiDonato, the dedicated volunteers and committee chairpersons who presented the plans to the public and stayed on hand to answer questions. Keeping the community informed of projects in the works is a key to their success. We are sure most residents appreciate these efforts being made by our town leaders.

We would like to offer a few of our own suggestions on some of the topics brought up at the Chat:

First and foremost, water and sewer lines should be priority No. 1 for the fields at Boyer Avenue. With hundreds of soccer players -- many who are elementary school children -- scheduled to take the field come September, town officials should work overtime to try to get bathroom/concession facilities set up sooner rather than later. Stalling on this will likely prompt major complaints from parents, many of whom are probably less than thrilled about the temporary portable toilet quick fix. Get signs up for Boyer Avenue facility pronto. Talk to most people, and they don't know that the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site exists let alone how to get to it. Town officials need to get the word out: Post directions on the town's Web site and on Local Channel 13. Install signs along the proper roadways. Soccer season is just around the corner. The town needs to inform people now to prevent mass confusion come opening day of soccer season. Save some of the trees at the lake. We fully support the town's plan to renovate the parking lot at the lake. However, trees are a hot issue here in Hammonton. The town should try to save some of the decades-old trees that will need to come down to make room for more parking spaces. Clearly, safety is an issue here, but history should be as well. The trees are a part of the park's charm. We're sure Mayor and Town Council will take this into consideration before moving forward with the renovations. Do you have a suggestion for the town's recreation plans? If so, e-mail Mayor John DiDonato at johndidonato@townofhammonton.org

Poor bashers. Nobody believes their lies anymore. By the way, shouldn't the Democrats update their picture of the town hall? If you ride by you can see even more progress!

 I want a picture of the final bill.  Will it be $7M, $9M, $11M or more.

Thank heavens that the town hall project isn't being run the way the school project was run.  Even with all the bashers looking at everything, all the quality tests are coming up fine and the bills are well documented.

With the school, the roof leaks, the gym floors have been damaged, the heating and air conditioning don't work right.  What a mess.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

Yes, Thank heavens!! It sounds like the town hall project is being run exactly the same way the school project was run. With thorough inspections and watchful eyes making sure everything is being done correctly. Just like the school project where the quality tests all came up fine and the bills were all well documented. That is what we demand of our officials and from what they are presenting to us, it is being done. Let's hope they don't become complacent and believe there aren't going to be any problems, that's when things can go really wrong. I don't know of any building project that doesn't have a punch list of things to be corrected after the project is done. That is simply how things go in building projects, and if these guys convince themselves that there will not be things that need to be corrected after the building is done, that's when we will have real problems. We the public know that nothing is done 100% right the first time. You guys need to open your minds to that reality so you don't cause bigger problems down the road.



You call a bad roof and no heat and a/c punch list items wow!  I hope the town hall dosen't have the two mikes at 20k each.


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Posts: 1241

The whole roof wasn't bad, some areas leaked. That is typical of flat roof installations. It doesn't take much water to do damage to a wooden gym floor. If the punch list items about the roof had been corrected in a timely manner, the problem would not have gotten so big.
The boiler problem was never addressed properly. Other school districts are very happy with the same unit we have.
And don't start lies about mikes costing that much, you are deliberately trying to start false rumors again. Show one bit of proof!!!!
At least the trees planted around the school didn't cost $585 each!!!!!



I think the trees where leased


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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

I think the trees where leased

Just like the $4,744 for the purchase of turnout gear for the fire department, $9,500 for the Apron & Fuel  improvements at the airport, $11,400 for airport maintenance equipment. We couldn't come up with small amounts like this instead of adding it to the huge amount of debt this town is now in? The current administration is financing evedrything we do to present the town with zero tax increases, while drving up the Town debt to an all time high. Our kids will be paying for this debt for a very long time.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Chat on recreation a benefit for town


Some great ideas, suggestions and questions were brought up this week during the latest Chat with the Mayor.

It's clear that recreation is an important topic for many people in our community. And town officials want your input.

Town leaders made presentations on a variety of projects that are in the works or in a conceptual stage.

At the top of the list were: the lake cleanup, expanded parking at the lake park, a community/senior center along the lake's shore and new fields at the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site.

Residents made great suggestions -- like creating a skateboard park for teens.

And they asked some tough questions: Will a parking expansion at the lake account for existing trees? Will rescue vehicles be able to access the lake park should an emergency arise? Will the Clean-Flo system clean the lake's floor as well as the water?

We applaud Mayor John DiDonato, the dedicated volunteers and committee chairpersons who presented the plans to the public and stayed on hand to answer questions. Keeping the community informed of projects in the works is a key to their success. We are sure most residents appreciate these efforts being made by our town leaders.

We would like to offer a few of our own suggestions on some of the topics brought up at the Chat:

First and foremost, water and sewer lines should be priority No. 1 for the fields at Boyer Avenue. With hundreds of soccer players -- many who are elementary school children -- scheduled to take the field come September, town officials should work overtime to try to get bathroom/concession facilities set up sooner rather than later. Stalling on this will likely prompt major complaints from parents, many of whom are probably less than thrilled about the temporary portable toilet quick fix. Get signs up for Boyer Avenue facility pronto. Talk to most people, and they don't know that the Boyer Avenue/Seventh Street site exists let alone how to get to it. Town officials need to get the word out: Post directions on the town's Web site and on Local Channel 13. Install signs along the proper roadways. Soccer season is just around the corner. The town needs to inform people now to prevent mass confusion come opening day of soccer season. Save some of the trees at the lake. We fully support the town's plan to renovate the parking lot at the lake. However, trees are a hot issue here in Hammonton. The town should try to save some of the decades-old trees that will need to come down to make room for more parking spaces. Clearly, safety is an issue here, but history should be as well. The trees are a part of the park's charm. We're sure Mayor and Town Council will take this into consideration before moving forward with the renovations. Do you have a suggestion for the town's recreation plans? If so, e-mail Mayor John DiDonato at johndidonato@townofhammonton.org

Poor bashers. Nobody believes their lies anymore. By the way, shouldn't the Democrats update their picture of the town hall? If you ride by you can see even more progress!

 I want a picture of the final bill.  Will it be $7M, $9M, $11M or more.

Thank heavens that the town hall project isn't being run the way the school project was run.  Even with all the bashers looking at everything, all the quality tests are coming up fine and the bills are well documented.

With the school, the roof leaks, the gym floors have been damaged, the heating and air conditioning don't work right.  What a mess.

Your calling me a basher when I posted my feelings and views. You on the other hand like to bash school board members and our school system.  Is that your idea of unity.  I merely asked will the town hall come out to $7M or more.  If it comes out to the $5.9M as promised along with the total costs for the recreation center (now changed to a senior recreation center) and the moving of the town hall combined then fine.  But I voted for Hammonton First because they PROMISED that if I vote for them the town hall, the recreation center, and moving the town hall will come to just $5.9M.  Now the story has changed to $5.9M at Central and Vine.  So I will reiterate that I want to see the final bill.  Will it be $7M, $9M, or $11M or is the building being done on the cheap. 
So call me a basher all you want when I'm merely asking questions.  You're the one bashing and trying to continue to further ruin our town's reputation and give a bad name to those who care enough to ask questions.



It is amazing that these bashers still won't accept that the contractor bid about $5.2 million and is doing a quality job.  The inspections are all showing this are fine.  People can drive by and see how things are going with the steel up, the floors being put in, etc.  Still they are saying if it doesn't cost more it is bad quality.  The amazing thing is that when the school had a leaky roof, has thousands of dollars of damage to gym floors and a bad HVAC system they said everything was okay.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Mayor and Town Council of the
Town of Hammonton hereby award the contract for the construction of the new
municipal complex to Dolan Mechanical in the total amount of $5,450,000.00.

This is the award made by Town Council for the building.
There is also the architect and project management fees along with numerous other costs associated with the building.

Also, if you remember, back in May the Mayor had already said there was only a little more than $25,000 left in the bond for the building.

People are concerned and asking questions.
Is that OK with you or do questions scare you?



Anonymous wrote:

It is amazing that these bashers still won't accept that the contractor bid about $5.2 million and is doing a quality job.  The inspections are all showing this are fine.  People can drive by and see how things are going with the steel up, the floors being put in, etc.  Still they are saying if it doesn't cost more it is bad quality.  The amazing thing is that when the school had a leaky roof, has thousands of dollars of damage to gym floors and a bad HVAC system they said everything was okay.

I won't accept anything or be quick to pat anyone on the back until all is done no matter what the cost.  Whether it costs $5, 6 or 7M.  The new town has got to be done and last for 50-60 years +.  Plain and simple.  Why is that some people don't like TAXPAYERS to ask questions?  This whole thing of the town hall being built on Central and Vine was because someone asked WHY are we building it on 11th Street.  I'm not questioning WHY.  I'm asking how much is it going to cost me?  The Colasurdo Compromise promised a quality building and that's what I want to make sure we get.  This town hall belongs to ALL TAXPAYERS not just the HF Corporation.  I'm not privy to the information given in your secret meetings.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

It is amazing that these bashers still won't accept that the contractor bid about $5.2 million and is doing a quality job.  The inspections are all showing this are fine.  People can drive by and see how things are going with the steel up, the floors being put in, etc.  Still they are saying if it doesn't cost more it is bad quality.  The amazing thing is that when the school had a leaky roof, has thousands of dollars of damage to gym floors and a bad HVAC system they said everything was okay.

I won't accept anything or be quick to pat anyone on the back until all is done no matter what the cost.  Whether it costs $5, 6 or 7M.  The new town has got to be done and last for 50-60 years +.  Plain and simple.  Why is that some people don't like TAXPAYERS to ask questions?  This whole thing of the town hall being built on Central and Vine was because someone asked WHY are we building it on 11th Street.  I'm not questioning WHY.  I'm asking how much is it going to cost me?  The Colasurdo Compromise promised a quality building and that's what I want to make sure we get.  This town hall belongs to ALL TAXPAYERS not just the HF Corporation.  I'm not privy to the information given in your secret meetings.

Sorry, I don't agree with this guy who says that it doesn't matter what the cost. Maybe he has forgotten the promise by Hammonton First, that the new town hall would be built completely for $ 5.9 million. They built their whole campaign on that promise. I'm sorry, but it does matter to me !!
By the way, what is this that I hear that the foundation is cracking on the new town hall ?? because of settlement of the ground.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

It is amazing that these bashers still won't accept that the contractor bid about $5.2 million and is doing a quality job. The inspections are all showing this are fine. People can drive by and see how things are going with the steel up, the floors being put in, etc. Still they are saying if it doesn't cost more it is bad quality. The amazing thing is that when the school had a leaky roof, has thousands of dollars of damage to gym floors and a bad HVAC system they said everything was okay.

I won't accept anything or be quick to pat anyone on the back until all is done no matter what the cost. Whether it costs $5, 6 or 7M. The new town has got to be done and last for 50-60 years +. Plain and simple. Why is that some people don't like TAXPAYERS to ask questions? This whole thing of the town hall being built on Central and Vine was because someone asked WHY are we building it on 11th Street. I'm not questioning WHY. I'm asking how much is it going to cost me? The Colasurdo Compromise promised a quality building and that's what I want to make sure we get. This town hall belongs to ALL TAXPAYERS not just the HF Corporation. I'm not privy to the information given in your secret meetings.

Sorry, I don't agree with this guy who says that it doesn't matter what the cost. Maybe he has forgotten the promise by Hammonton First, that the new town hall would be built completely for $ 5.9 million. They built their whole campaign on that promise. I'm sorry, but it does matter to me !!
By the way, what is this that I hear that the foundation is cracking on the new town hall ?? because of settlement of the ground.


 When I said that I won't accept anything or be quick to pat anyone on the back until all is done no matter what the cost.  I meant that even if the building comes out to less than $5.9  or not that I will also judge the project on the quality of the building and whether or not it is the building we were promised.  Some are posting how the project is going great and don't want people to ask questions. So I say don't be so quick to pat yourselves on the back when the job isn't done yet.  I wasn't saying the cost doesn't matter.  What I was saying no matter what the cost is that it's got to be done right.  I do so remember the Hammonton First Promise of $5.9M for the town hall, the move of the old town hall and the recreation center all in one package price.  They are hoping that we forget that they said that.

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