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Post Info TOPIC: Hammonton First Newsletter shows that downtown benches are unsafe

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Hammonton First Newsletter shows that downtown benches are unsafe

We know the benches are sort of an old issue, but public safety is never old.
A recent copy of the Hammonton First newsletter stated:

DOWNTOWN BENCHES HELP PUBLIC SAFETYBenches Facing Stores Instead of Street Are Safer for All

All across the country, downtowns are finding that facing benches away from the street

and toward the stores are safer. According to the website www.greatstreets.org, Benches

are best placed at the outside of the sidewalk, facing inward toward storefronts. Parents

find that children are not as likely to run out into the street with the benches facing

toward the stores. Loiterers, drug dealers and criminals are not able to hang out on

benches that face toward the stores, because they are not able to look out for police cars

pulling up behind them. Hammontons benches were paid for with Federal grant money.

When you check out the website they refer to, you find out that they left out an important part of the statement. The website states:

Benches are best placed at the outside of the sidewalk, facing inward toward storefronts - but only when on-street parking is provided as a means for buffering the bench from traffic. Where travel lanes are adjacent to the curb, benches should be located on the inside of the sidewalk, facing out.

Since people only park downtown when the stores are open, that means the buffer only exists from 9am to 5pm. The rest of the time (nearly 2/3 of the day) the buffer is gone and therefore the benches are unsafe.

What are your thoughts?



They'll use any excuse so they don't have to deal with those of us who don't have their pedigree.



I mean... dont buy the benches with seats on either side with hte back in the center. That would have been too easy ?



Admin wrote:

We know the benches are sort of an old issue, but public safety is never old.
A recent copy of the Hammonton First newsletter stated:

DOWNTOWN BENCHES HELP PUBLIC SAFETYBenches Facing Stores Instead of Street Are Safer for All

All across the country, downtowns are finding that facing benches away from the street

and toward the stores are safer. According to the website www.greatstreets.org, Benches

are best placed at the outside of the sidewalk, facing inward toward storefronts. Parents

find that children are not as likely to run out into the street with the benches facing

toward the stores. Loiterers, drug dealers and criminals are not able to hang out on

benches that face toward the stores, because they are not able to look out for police cars

pulling up behind them. Hammontons benches were paid for with Federal grant money.

When you check out the website they refer to, you find out that they left out an important part of the statement. The website states:

Benches are best placed at the outside of the sidewalk, facing inward toward storefronts - but only when on-street parking is provided as a means for buffering the bench from traffic. Where travel lanes are adjacent to the curb, benches should be located on the inside of the sidewalk, facing out.

Since people only park downtown when the stores are open, that means the buffer only exists from 9am to 5pm. The rest of the time (nearly 2/3 of the day) the buffer is gone and therefore the benches are unsafe.

What are your thoughts?


 That is funny that Hammonton First in their newsletter reference a website that states that the benches should face the street if there isn't a buffer.  Did they even read what the website recommended?



A good point from another posting:

This should be an easy problem to fix.  The Republicans are in control now, they should fix this.

But the Reps won't do anything.  They never do.


Hammonton NEWS discusses successful historic town hall move and grand opening

It was a nice article in the Hammonton NEWS.  Things are going well with all this free grant money!



RE: Hammonton First Newsletter shows that downtown benches are unsafe

Anonymous wrote:


It was a nice article in the Hammonton NEWS. Things are going well with all this free grant money!



 This grant money was applied for by the Republicans several years ago and was awarded to the Town to construct a new Town Community Center. Instead, the present council redirected this money to the moving of this old town hall. This certainly is not a "community" center. So now we have to start back at square one for a community center. Sounds like they misdirected these funds just to try and fool the public into believing they are keeping their campaign promises.



Anonymous wrote:

It was a nice article in the Hammonton NEWS.  Things are going well with all this free grant money!


It is amazing how people want to bash even when the Hammonton News points out how well things went with this.


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It's amazing how people ignore the truth,especially when it goes against their self promotion.
Just because the Hammonton News didn't go into the facts surrounding the finances, we can all ignore it.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

It was a nice article in the Hammonton NEWS. Things are going well with all this free grant money!


It is amazing how people want to bash even when the Hammonton News points out how well things went with this.


 There's no such thing as free money in government.  That money comes from our taxes.  Whether it comes from property  taxes, state taxes, or income taxes.  Many times politicians waste OUR MONEY on pork projects.   OUR MONEY should be used for what it was intended.  I don't think many people in the organizations mentioned by the mayor are happy with what's going on now that they all the know the truth of what happened.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

It was a nice article in the Hammonton NEWS.  Things are going well with all this free grant money!


It is amazing how people want to bash even when the Hammonton News points out how well things went with this.

The Hammonton News prints lies all the time. Now they are writing that Hammonton First did a good job. That paper has no credibility at all.



The AC Press has shown the Republican County Executive Denny Levinson is a liar.  See http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/campaign/story/7499155p-7395700c.html.  Vote Democrat!



The Firsters are really strecthing on this one.  I guess they know they will be finished in November.

Where is our Community Center?



Anonymous wrote:

The AC Press has shown the Republican County Executive Denny Levinson is a liar.  See http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/campaign/story/7499155p-7395700c.html.  Vote Democrat!




RE: Hammonton First Newsletter shows that downtown benches are unsafe

Anonymous wrote:

The Firsters are really strecthing on this one. I guess they know they will be finished in November.

Where is our Community Center?

 Yeah! Where is the Community Center which was part of the $5.9M Hammonton First promised to get elected.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The Firsters are really strecthing on this one. I guess they know they will be finished in November.

Where is our Community Center?

 Yeah! Where is the Community Center which was part of the $5.9M Hammonton First promised to get elected.

It will be at the lake.  It is going to be built with more of the grant money that has been flowing so nicely into town.  It sure will look nice out there next to the remodeled ball fields.



From what the Mayor said the center at the lake will be a Senior center. We were promised a full fledged community center by Hammonton First, now we see it's just another lie.
And the Mayor said that the center will only be built if we get grant money, I guess if we don't get grant money it will not be built. We were told the community center was part of the $5.9 million. Guess that was a lie too.




It will be at the lake. It is going to be built with more of the grant money that has been flowing so nicely into town. It sure will look nice out there next to the remodeled ball fields.


What grant money are you claiming now? The sidewalk grants were obtained years ago by previous administrations. The Historic Town Hall grant was misapprpriated from the grant Jimmy Bertino got for building a new Community center. The roads that are being done are being paid for by the county and state who own the roads, that's not a grant. The only grant received this year that I can recall was for Mainstreet Hammonton to do a study but the grant doesn't even pay for the coordinators salary.




all I know is taxes went down. two years in a row. and they helped the school through a tough time.  oh and yes services went up as did raises in year two.  so every employee got a raise both years.  how can you top that. 



Anonymous wrote:

all I know is taxes went down. two years in a row. and they helped the school through a tough time.  oh and yes services went up as did raises in year two.  so every employee got a raise both years.  how can you top that. 

Well you can start by telling the truth of the whole story at least every once in a while.

For the last 2 years town department budgets were cut below actual funding needed to support their correct operating level.  This type of budgeting will only cause higher taxes when departments have to spend more later to deal with higher operating costs for neglected repairs and general up keep.  The town needed to provide for funding for the school system and raided other town reserves to buy land the taxpayers already owned.  There was no increase in services the last 2 years and some were cut.  And again no, town employees did not all get raises for the 2 year period.  4 months were cut from the raises of most employees for the period.



Anonymous wrote:

all I know is taxes went down. two years in a row. and they helped the school through a tough time.  oh and yes services went up as did raises in year two.  so every employee got a raise both years.  how can you top that. 

These facts speak volumes.  Finally Waterford is paying their fair share for tuition to our schools, things around town are getting fixed, and the taxes aren't going up. 

Considering the D



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

all I know is taxes went down. two years in a row. and they helped the school through a tough time.  oh and yes services went up as did raises in year two.  so every employee got a raise both years.  how can you top that. 

These facts speak volumes.  Finally Waterford is paying their fair share for tuition to our schools, things around town are getting fixed, and the taxes aren't going up. 

Considering the Democrats have been bashing everything, including the hospital in a thread they put up last week but had to pull off because everyone saw how bad they were getting, maybe they should focus on positive things.


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Last weeks thread about the hospital did not give any opinions at all. The Democrats fully support having a hospital here in Hammonton. The thread was stopped because of the bashing of the Firsters who relentlessly put down all of the opinions that were expressed. The Firsters were the negative ones who don't want people putting the truth out there for the public to make up their own minds and the Firsters are the ones who constantly bash anyone who asks questions.
The Democrats are not afraid of the truth. We are the ones who want to discuss issues and want to ask questions and you are constantly bashing us for participating in democracy.



oh boy they lost four months.  at over 60k i think that's ok all dept. our top heavy and over paid. what services where cut? again what services where cut ? progress means to move foward


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Posts: 1241

*Hammonton Lake closed for the season for 2 extra years
*MUAC Eliminated
*Code enforcement officer fired and duties added to other employees
*Hiring freeze
*Fired all part timers in the Highway Dept. 
*Eliminated funding for the Town July 4th celebration
*Turns away grants for Senior citizens from the CDBG
*Eliminated Street Sweeping
*Eliminated funding for the Senior Citizen club Christmas party
*Cut funding for the Fire Department
*Paid $1.2 million for school property we already owned
*Paid $500,000 for a pumping station we already owned
*Reduced number of parking spaces at new Town Hall
*Eliminated Community Center from Town Hall Funds
*Took grant money intended for Community Center to move Historic Town Hall
*Reduced public works services to town leaving waste sitting on curbs for weeks
*Eliminated all funding for shade tree leaving dead and dying trees all over town causing public safety hazard
*Stopped all road improvement projects, just now finishing those started by previous administrations



Anonymous wrote:

oh boy they lost four months. at over 60k i think that's ok all dept. our top heavy and over paid.

 Most of the town employees don't make that kind of money. And the ones who do are paid that because they have been here for many, many years giving dedicated service to our town. Are you saying that these employees should be fired so we can hire younger people with no experience in order to save money? That will end up costing a lot more in the long run. We get a great bang for the buck here in Hammonton, you should be grateful.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

oh boy they lost four months. at over 60k i think that's ok all dept. our top heavy and over paid.

 Most of the town employees don't make that kind of money. And the ones who do are paid that because they have been here for many, many years giving dedicated service to our town. Are you saying that these employees should be fired so we can hire younger people with no experience in order to save money? That will end up costing a lot more in the long run. We get a great bang for the buck here in Hammonton, you should be grateful.

Those lost four months mean a lot to those living check to check.   Not to mention most after many years of service had to have one weeks pay held from them as if they were a new hire.    Another ridiculous measure taken by the brain trust Town Administrator and Company who can't figure out that is a measure to take with new hires and hourly employees not salaried employees.    A year salary is simply to be divided by 26 pays period because that salary is to be distributed in one years time not some in 2007 and some in 2008.   Again, someone doing a job they aren't qualified to do but think they know more than the rest.    These are the same two that made that special counsel meeting last night to award what they call a bid (incomplete bid in my opinion) look like a three ring circus.   Hammonton First has run this town into the ground but having people like that at the time is making it worse for the town employees that are doing a thankless job.



a thankless job is only what you make of it!  I must say you are reaching running this town into the ground . What a joke .  Let try to get along and move on.  the dems and reps have yet to set a platform.  Facts do not lie. people lie. zero taxes increased services.  raises, new cop cars new water dept trucks. ( i guess the old one looked out of place in the blueberry field) .  new trash truck, new rec fileds.  again facts don't lie , people lie.



It's hard to make something of your job when you aren't appreciated.   You are just a number to these people.    

As for police cars, fire trucks, most I'm sure were purchased with grant monies so don't toot Hammonton Firsts horn.   Hammonton First is over; you've ruined your familes good names and reputations in manys eyes.

Vote Democrats.



Anonymous wrote:

a thankless job is only what you make of it!  I must say you are reaching running this town into the ground . What a joke .  Let try to get along and move on.  the dems and reps have yet to set a platform.  Facts do not lie. people lie. zero taxes increased services.  raises, new cop cars new water dept trucks. ( i guess the old one looked out of place in the blueberry field) .  new trash truck, new rec fileds.  again facts don't lie , people lie.

It would be nice for the Republicans and Democrats to say something positive about the specific projects they would like to complete if elected.  It would also be nice for them to discuss how they propose to keep the lid on costs, because that is the only way to keep taxes down.

But for now, it is easier for them to bash.  They had their chance to do a construction project with the school, and we all see what happened to school taxes there.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

a thankless job is only what you make of it!  I must say you are reaching running this town into the ground . What a joke .  Let try to get along and move on.  the dems and reps have yet to set a platform.  Facts do not lie. people lie. zero taxes increased services.  raises, new cop cars new water dept trucks. ( i guess the old one looked out of place in the blueberry field) .  new trash truck, new rec fileds.  again facts don't lie , people lie.

It would be nice for the Republicans and Democrats to say something positive about the specific projects they would like to complete if elected.  It would also be nice for them to discuss how they propose to keep the lid on costs, because that is the only way to keep taxes down.

But for now, it is easier for them to bash.  They had their chance to do a construction project with the school, and we all see what happened to school taxes there.

Hey Hammonton First when are you going to fix the Grand Canyon on my road.  I live near downtown maybe just not close enough to your properties.






Anonymous wrote:


I think the hospital is important too but quite frankly the problem is within.



Anonymous wrote:


Gee you  must be fun around patients if you work at Kessler.  Not exactly good bedside manners if you're trying to encourage people to consider going to Kessler again.




We live in a capitalist society.  The small town of Hammonton cannot save a hosipital.  Investors can.  A board of director can.  A small municipality cannot.

Saving the hospital is important.  I hope Hammonton has a hospital in town until the end of time.  The truth is that the Republicans in congress are making it harder and harder for working class people to have insurance.  When the non insured get sick, they go to the ER, and they never pay the bill.  This has caused many hospitals to close.  If you want to save the hospital, vote for a Democratic president who will save healthcare.  Saving healthcare in this nation is the only way to save small hospitals like Kessler.  Dennis Kucinich's healthcare plan would save Kessler.  Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, and John McCain will end all chances for Kessler to survive.  The Republican's view of "Healthcare only for the rich" has forced many small town hospitals all over the country to close.



Anonymous wrote:

The truth is that the Republicans in congress are making it harder and harder for working class people to have insurance. 

The Democrats don't seem to want to put forth specific plans to help anything in town.  They just want to bash away at the Republicans.


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Impatient as hell aren't you?



The Democrats don't seem to want to put forth specific plans to help anything in town.  They just want to bash away at the Republicans.

If you would only listen to the Democratic platform, you would know that the Dems are the only political party in town to actually have a plan.

The Dems were talking about public saftey while the Repubs and the Firsters were bashing each other on a senior citizen discount card.

The Dems had a plan for controled development last year, while the Repubs and Fristers wanted to develop ever piece of land in Hammonton.

The Firsters were spending money left and right for their own personal agenda while the Dems were talking about saving the taxpayers money....and the Repubs did nothing, no surprise there!


Democrats and Republicans are want to tax and spend!

People are seeing how nice the whole town is looking with improvements everywhere and no tax increases. This election is simple. Do we vote for Hammonton First and continue to have improvements or do we vote for the Republicans and listen to the Republicans Jimmy Bertino talk but do nothing?


RE: Hammonton First Newsletter shows that downtown benches are unsafe

What a choice you give, voting for the do nothing Republicans or the Hammonton First Republicans, no difference. We need to bring in the people who have been doing the most for us the past year. They supported the Chief, they spoke out about public safety, they got the police rules & regulations approved without the improper committee assignments wanted by Hammonton First. They supplied us with gypsy moth traps. They support the fire department funding. They supported Lance Schiernbeck. They support the citizens of Hammonton.



People are seeing how nice the whole town is looking with improvements everywhere and no tax increases. This election is simple. Do we vote for Hammonton First and continue to have improvements or do we vote for the Republicans and listen to the Republicans Jimmy Bertino talk but do nothing?

People are seeing how nice the whole town is looking with improvements everywhere and no tax increases. This election is simple. Do we vote for Hammonton First and continue to have improvements or do we vote for the Republicans and listen to the Republicans Jimmy Bertino talk but do nothing?



Anonymous wrote:

People are seeing how nice the whole town is looking with improvements everywhere and no tax increases. This election is simple. Do we vote for Hammonton First and continue to have improvements or do we vote for the Republicans and listen to the Republicans Jimmy Bertino talk but do nothing?

 Neither, people won't be fooled again. 



Anonymous wrote:

People are seeing how nice the whole town is looking with improvements everywhere and no tax increases. This election is simple. Do we vote for Hammonton First and continue to have improvements or do we vote for the Republicans and listen to the Republicans Jimmy Bertino talk but do nothing?

People are seeing how nice the whole town is looking with improvements everywhere and no tax increases. This election is simple. Do we vote for Hammonton First and continue to have improvements or do we vote for the Republicans and listen to the Republicans Jimmy Bertino talk but do nothing?

You sound like a broken record.   We want to fix Hammonton not continue to break it like it has since Hammonton First spawned.  I'm just the average taxpayer but I can easily see through all this Firster Propoganda of taking credit for something that Hammontonians do.  This town has many great organizations whose good actions are being disrespected by the mayor and Hammonton First taking credit for it.  The arrogance to think that things are better because of some politician.  Now that's having a god complex.  I do recall Hammonton First losing.  You'd think they won all 3 with all the Bull they've been saying of how they are uniting Hammonton when in fact they have divided us and since their loss our town has improved.




We are seeing people comment each week on who nice the whole town is looking. No tax increases are also popular. The old style political parties can keep bashing, but let's face it, they are just upset that everyone keeps asking them why they were never able to get anything done.



Anonymous wrote:

We are seeing people comment each week on who nice the whole town is looking. No tax increases are also popular. The old style political parties can keep bashing, but let's face it, they are just upset that everyone keeps asking them why they were never able to get anything done.

The only people that are commenting on how nice the town is looking are the Firster's who are just doing a whole lot of self promotion.
Most people want to know why only the three blocks downtown have had any work done by the town since Hammonton First got in. Is it because they owned and have since bought up the rest of all the properties downtown and are now using the taxpayers funds to increase the value of their properties????
They have taken credit for all kinds of work that they have nothing to do with.
Egg Harbor Road, the county had to threaten us with pulling the money and we finally got that project going. That was inaction by the Regular Republicans for years and Hammonton First just implemented the plan that was already in place.
Central Avenue - see above for the same reasons.
Downtown Bellevue Avenue - paved by the State.
Downtown sidewalks - another project put together by the Regular Republicans and sat on for years. The Hammonton First Republicans just implemented the plan already in place.
Town Hall - a selfish move to put a shoebox on a postage stamp sized lot. They want it there to increase their property values no matter how out of place it is. It was their only campaign promise, to do the whole project for $5.9 million, and now they have broken that promise because all we are getting for that money is just the building. Everything else they promised is going to cost more.
And finally, you guys need to stop being such cry babies. If anyone asks a question, you claim it is bashing. Well sorry guys, that's how democracy in America works. We are allowed to ask questions. We are allowed to participate in our government. We are allowed to express our opinions. In the littl country of Hammonton Firstopia, maybe you follow the puppet master blindly, but in the rest of Hammonton, the strings have been cut.




We are seeing people comment each week on who nice the whole town is looking. No tax increases are also popular. The old style political parties can keep bashing, but let's face it, they are just upset that everyone keeps asking them why they were never able to get anything done.
The town looks like hell!  Ever ride down grape street to have the pot-holes swallow your car?  Ever see how terrible the sidewalks are around town when the Hammonton First business owners get new ones for free?  Ever see the ghetto along Passmore?  See the drugs being sold a block away from town hall? 

Hammonton First only cares about the two blocks that Jim Donio and the Mayor owns.  That's it!



Where are the tax cuts that the Republicans promised????



Anonymous wrote:

We are seeing people comment each week on who nice the whole town is looking. No tax increases are also popular. The old style political parties can keep bashing, but let's face it, they are just upset that everyone keeps asking them why they were never able to get anything done.

Oh now it's the whole town looking nice, I thought Hammonton First was only taking credit for downtown.  Come to my street and tell me how nice it looks. 



Former Republican Mayor Ingemi's family comes out against new soccer fields and against new commercial ratables


It's NOT all good in Hammonton. The town is on the wrong path in terms of both the plans for Boyer Avenue as well as development in general. The 2003-2007 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is the report upon which Mayor and Council are basing their claims of a need for more recreation facilities. However, after reading the SCORP, I feel there are issues with regard to our planning process as well as the actual need for additional recreation fields. All of these issues are specifically cited in the report.

First and foremost, the idea that Hammonton must increase its recreation space is not a requirement since the SCORP gives only guidelines. They are not mandatory. This allows towns to make determinations based on their specific needs.

Second, plans and grants for open-space recreation must move through the Environmental Commission since this board has statutory authority to act as Municipal Advocate in this area (SCORP p. 39); the Mayor's Action team has no jurisdiction. Third, school recreational facilities can be taken into account in determining the amount of open-space recreation available; such cooperation is encouraged by the state (SCORP, p.38). Our school district certainly does not lack recreational fields.

Additionally, certain areas of Pinelands, state land (Wharton Forest) and non-developable land such as farms that have sold their development credits are not considered when determining the need for recreational fields (SCORP, p. 49). Finally, the state considers Atlantic County to have a low intensity of need for recreational land (SCORP, p.89).

So when we consider these issues, should we really spend money to create more recreational fields? This is not to say we should not preserve open space. However, to expand Boyer Avenue, we actually would be destroying woods. Therefore, we will have no net increase in open space. Additionally, for a government, that encourages developing every square inch of land in Hammonton (Raspberry Run, Lowe's), the current open space policy seems schizophrenic at best and hypocritical at worst. This leads me to my second problem, unchecked development. If you want Hammonton to look like Washington Township, then you can stop reading here.

It seems that developments like Lowe's, Raspberry Run and Starbucks are being hailed as progress. However, there are first some environmental concerns to include taxing our aquifer (think water restrictions) and decreasing wildlife habitats (think critters rummaging through your garbage). Then, there are economic costs.

New development requires increased services. There will be a need for more police and highway department personnel as well as more water and sewer services. If housing is developed, there is an additional burden on our schools. Now, the Town Council will say this is of no concern since we get jobs and increased revenue. These are not the type of jobs about which the town should brag. As for more tax revenue, there are long-term implications.

Hammonton does not have the population to support Lowe's as well as local hardware stores, roadside stands and local flooring businesses. Nor will it be able to support 13 coffee establishments. (This is the number of places there will be to get coffee in our town by the end of the year). There is already a surplus of office space in Hammonton along the White Horse Pike.

Eventually, some of these businesses will fail. Such foreclosures will cause a further drop in property values. Such a drop will lower citizens' assets and lower property tax revenues when the property is sold. The Wall Street Journal is reporting this downward spiral already affecting many states. We are actually encouraging this decline in Hammonton with our planning policies.

What needs to happen is for our elected officials, of all political stripes, to make a commitment to good governance instead of politics and personal gain. They need to ask themselves one question. Are these headline-making ideas really helping everyone or are they just helping the lucky few?

Joseph Ingemi



RE: Hammonton First Newsletter shows that downtown benches are unsafe

Anonymous wrote:


It's NOT all good in Hammonton. The town is on the wrong path in terms of both the plans for Boyer Avenue as well as development in general. The 2003-2007 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is the report upon which Mayor and Council are basing their claims of a need for more recreation facilities. However, after reading the SCORP, I feel there are issues with regard to our planning process as well as the actual need for additional recreation fields. All of these issues are specifically cited in the report.

First and foremost, the idea that Hammonton must increase its recreation space is not a requirement since the SCORP gives only guidelines. They are not mandatory. This allows towns to make determinations based on their specific needs.

Second, plans and grants for open-space recreation must move through the Environmental Commission since this board has statutory authority to act as Municipal Advocate in this area (SCORP p. 39); the Mayor's Action team has no jurisdiction. Third, school recreational facilities can be taken into account in determining the amount of open-space recreation available; such cooperation is encouraged by the state (SCORP, p.38). Our school district certainly does not lack recreational fields.

Additionally, certain areas of Pinelands, state land (Wharton Forest) and non-developable land such as farms that have sold their development credits are not considered when determining the need for recreational fields (SCORP, p. 49). Finally, the state considers Atlantic County to have a low intensity of need for recreational land (SCORP, p.89).

So when we consider these issues, should we really spend money to create more recreational fields? This is not to say we should not preserve open space. However, to expand Boyer Avenue, we actually would be destroying woods. Therefore, we will have no net increase in open space. Additionally, for a government, that encourages developing every square inch of land in Hammonton (Raspberry Run, Lowe's), the current open space policy seems schizophrenic at best and hypocritical at worst. This leads me to my second problem, unchecked development. If you want Hammonton to look like Washington Township, then you can stop reading here.

It seems that developments like Lowe's, Raspberry Run and Starbucks are being hailed as progress. However, there are first some environmental concerns to include taxing our aquifer (think water restrictions) and decreasing wildlife habitats (think critters rummaging through your garbage). Then, there are economic costs.

New development requires increased services. There will be a need for more police and highway department personnel as well as more water and sewer services. If housing is developed, there is an additional burden on our schools. Now, the Town Council will say this is of no concern since we get jobs and increased revenue. These are not the type of jobs about which the town should brag. As for more tax revenue, there are long-term implications.

Hammonton does not have the population to support Lowe's as well as local hardware stores, roadside stands and local flooring businesses. Nor will it be able to support 13 coffee establishments. (This is the number of places there will be to get coffee in our town by the end of the year). There is already a surplus of office space in Hammonton along the White Horse Pike.

Eventually, some of these businesses will fail. Such foreclosures will cause a further drop in property values. Such a drop will lower citizens' assets and lower property tax revenues when the property is sold. The Wall Street Journal is reporting this downward spiral already affecting many states. We are actually encouraging this decline in Hammonton with our planning policies.

What needs to happen is for our elected officials, of all political stripes, to make a commitment to good governance instead of politics and personal gain. They need to ask themselves one question. Are these headline-making ideas really helping everyone or are they just helping the lucky few?

Joseph Ingemi


The soccer fields are a wonderful addition to this town and I can see the need to expand them already and the kids love soccer around here.    The kids need more safe and controlled places to play.    These are all good things for our children.  

Furthermore, I'm sick of going out of town to do my shopping and want to see our White Horse Pike Develop.    What's wrong with more businesses coming here and basing themselves on the White Horse Pike.   The center of town should be used for niche shops.    And what's wrong with coffee bars.   I'd rather see those then bars with drunks hanging off their porches at all hours.    While I don't like Hammonton First or their tactics, I still want to see future Mayors and Councilpersons move this town forward.   

This is a great town to live in besides all that is going on politically and I welcome new faces to come and build a home, raise a family and enjoy it with us.   



Ingemi's letter to the editor shows why the Jimmy Bertino Republicans did nothing for years to fix the lake or new soccer fields.  They didn't want them.  They also showed they don't want any progress and that's why Bertino and the Republicans sat on their butts and did nothing.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

We are seeing people comment each week on who nice the whole town is looking. No tax increases are also popular. The old style political parties can keep bashing, but let's face it, they are just upset that everyone keeps asking them why they were never able to get anything done.

Oh now it's the whole town looking nice, I thought Hammonton First was only taking credit for downtown. Come to my street and tell me how nice it looks.



 Good post, my sentiments exactly.  We're supposed to believe that "IT's ALL GOOD."  The only "GOOD" thing I got out of Hammonton First was some rotten vegetables.  Makes "GOOD" fertilizer.  Things are not "ALL GOOD."  Things need to get "BETTER."



Anonymous wrote:

Ingemi's letter to the editor shows why the Jimmy Bertino Republicans did nothing for years to fix the lake or new soccer fields.  They didn't want them.  They also showed they don't want any progress and that's why Bertino and the Republicans sat on their butts and did nothing.

I guess the Republicans are a nice choice if you want to stop the town from cleaning up the ball fields at the lake and stop the town from installing safe parking.



I feel as if I have sold my soul.  I can't believe I voted for Hammonton First last year.  Thank God, I was in the minority.  I didn't want to vote Republican though.  I now see that the Democrats are the best choice for Hammonton.



Anonymous wrote:


It's NOT all good in Hammonton. The town is on the wrong path in terms of both the plans for Boyer Avenue as well as development in general. The 2003-2007 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is the report upon which Mayor and Council are basing their claims of a need for more recreation facilities. However, after reading the SCORP, I feel there are issues with regard to our planning process as well as the actual need for additional recreation fields. All of these issues are specifically cited in the report.

First and foremost, the idea that Hammonton must increase its recreation space is not a requirement since the SCORP gives only guidelines. They are not mandatory. This allows towns to make determinations based on their specific needs.

Second, plans and grants for open-space recreation must move through the Environmental Commission since this board has statutory authority to act as Municipal Advocate in this area (SCORP p. 39); the Mayor's Action team has no jurisdiction. Third, school recreational facilities can be taken into account in determining the amount of open-space recreation available; such cooperation is encouraged by the state (SCORP, p.38). Our school district certainly does not lack recreational fields.

Additionally, certain areas of Pinelands, state land (Wharton Forest) and non-developable land such as farms that have sold their development credits are not considered when determining the need for recreational fields (SCORP, p. 49). Finally, the state considers Atlantic County to have a low intensity of need for recreational land (SCORP, p.89).

So when we consider these issues, should we really spend money to create more recreational fields? This is not to say we should not preserve open space. However, to expand Boyer Avenue, we actually would be destroying woods. Therefore, we will have no net increase in open space. Additionally, for a government, that encourages developing every square inch of land in Hammonton (Raspberry Run, Lowe's), the current open space policy seems schizophrenic at best and hypocritical at worst. This leads me to my second problem, unchecked development. If you want Hammonton to look like Washington Township, then you can stop reading here.

It seems that developments like Lowe's, Raspberry Run and Starbucks are being hailed as progress. However, there are first some environmental concerns to include taxing our aquifer (think water restrictions) and decreasing wildlife habitats (think critters rummaging through your garbage). Then, there are economic costs.

New development requires increased services. There will be a need for more police and highway department personnel as well as more water and sewer services. If housing is developed, there is an additional burden on our schools. Now, the Town Council will say this is of no concern since we get jobs and increased revenue. These are not the type of jobs about which the town should brag. As for more tax revenue, there are long-term implications.

Hammonton does not have the population to support Lowe's as well as local hardware stores, roadside stands and local flooring businesses. Nor will it be able to support 13 coffee establishments. (This is the number of places there will be to get coffee in our town by the end of the year). There is already a surplus of office space in Hammonton along the White Horse Pike.

Eventually, some of these businesses will fail. Such foreclosures will cause a further drop in property values. Such a drop will lower citizens' assets and lower property tax revenues when the property is sold. The Wall Street Journal is reporting this downward spiral already affecting many states. We are actually encouraging this decline in Hammonton with our planning policies.

What needs to happen is for our elected officials, of all political stripes, to make a commitment to good governance instead of politics and personal gain. They need to ask themselves one question. Are these headline-making ideas really helping everyone or are they just helping the lucky few?

Joseph Ingemi


It's ridiculous for the Republicans to say their is a surplus of office space on the White Horse Pike and the town shouldn't allow more to be built.  What is wrong with more ratables to keep taxes down?  The Republicans just want to stop any businesses from coming to Hammonton and they want to raise our taxes.



Good point.  This is why last year's Democratic team of Diaz, Glorioso, and Santone talked about "Controlled Development!"

The Dems were talking about this a year ago while the Republicans and the Firsters were making senior discount cards.

Why won't the Firsters and Republicans address these issues?  What is their stance?  Why won't they tell us what their solution is?

I'll never be fooled again!



I really liked Joe Cacia's comments in the paper.  Things really are turning around in town and moving forward now that some new people are involved.  Of course, the old line people want to bash, but everyone can see it's just sour grapes.  I also like that my tax bill didn't go up.  Before, it went thru the roof every year.



Anonymous wrote:

I really liked Joe Cacia's comments in the paper. Things really are turning around in town and moving forward now that some new people are involved. Of course, the old line people want to bash, but everyone can see it's just sour grapes. I also like that my tax bill didn't go up. Before, it went thru the roof every year.

 I like that my tax bill didn't go up but I know what really is happening and what the consequences are for the way services have been cut. It'll hurt us more in the long run.



Anonymous wrote:

I really liked Joe Cacia's comments in the paper.  Things really are turning around in town and moving forward now that some new people are involved.  Of course, the old line people want to bash, but everyone can see it's just sour grapes.  I also like that my tax bill didn't go up.  Before, it went thru the roof every year.

The new auditors report shows Hammonton lowered it's debt and increased the surplus all without raising taxes.  This is fantastic!



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I really liked Joe Cacia's comments in the paper. Things really are turning around in town and moving forward now that some new people are involved. Of course, the old line people want to bash, but everyone can see it's just sour grapes. I also like that my tax bill didn't go up. Before, it went thru the roof every year.

The new auditors report shows Hammonton lowered it's debt and increased the surplus all without raising taxes. This is fantastic!



If you look into Computation of Overlapping Debt and Ratio of Debt Service Expenditures for Long Term Debt to Total General Government Expenditures,

you'll see how the reduction in services will force future increase in taxes when the ignored backlog has to be addressed and done.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I really liked Joe Cacia's comments in the paper.  Things really are turning around in town and moving forward now that some new people are involved.  Of course, the old line people want to bash, but everyone can see it's just sour grapes.  I also like that my tax bill didn't go up.  Before, it went thru the roof every year.

The new auditors report shows Hammonton lowered it's debt and increased the surplus all without raising taxes.  This is fantastic!

The town is definately in better financial shape now.  HF came into a situation where the school was broke and demanding huge tax increases each year.  The town was broke and nothing was getting done on projects.

Now the school is in great shape, the town has a lot of new projects underway, and we have more savings and less debt that before HF started.  They've done a really great job.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The town is definately in better financial shape now.  HF came into a situation where the school was broke and demanding huge tax increases each year.  The town was broke and nothing was getting done on projects.

Now the school is in great shape, the town has a lot of new projects underway, and we have more savings and less debt that before HF started.  They've done a really great job.

The biggest problem is that you think HF had anything to do with the school. The state throws an extra $2.5 million to our district acknowledging the problems they caused by not funding schools properly and you think you saved the schools.
And what savings, you have raided the water and sewer budgets to supplement the town budget which means we will be paying more in taxes for the water and sewer, you borrow money for absolutetly every project you do and we now have the highest debt this town has ever seen. Our interest payments alone are a huge burden on our taxpayers, especially the senior citizens. And we will be paying for your actions for a long time.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I really liked Joe Cacia's comments in the paper.  Things really are turning around in town and moving forward now that some new people are involved.  Of course, the old line people want to bash, but everyone can see it's just sour grapes.  I also like that my tax bill didn't go up.  Before, it went thru the roof every year.

The new auditors report shows Hammonton lowered it's debt and increased the surplus all without raising taxes.  This is fantastic!

The town is definately in better financial shape now.  HF came into a situation where the school was broke and demanding huge tax increases each year.  The town was broke and nothing was getting done on projects.

Now the school is in great shape, the town has a lot of new projects underway, and we have more savings and less debt that before HF started.  They've done a really great job.

I am certainly glad that Waterford is now paying it's fair share so that Hammonton's taxpayers don't have to have school tax increases.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

Yes, and it was the new Business Administrator that fixed the problems and found the backcharges to bring Waterford to the proper level.



The power of telling a lie well.

From the Hammonton First game playbook,
The Big Lie, first coined by Adolf Hitler in his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf,was made famous by Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister for the Third Reich. The idea was simple enough: Tell a whopper (the larger the better) often enough and most people will come to accept it as the truth. During World War II, the predecessor of the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services, described how the Germans used the Big Lie: "[They] never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I really liked Joe Cacia's comments in the paper.  Things really are turning around in town and moving forward now that some new people are involved.  Of course, the old line people want to bash, but everyone can see it's just sour grapes.  I also like that my tax bill didn't go up.  Before, it went thru the roof every year.

The new auditors report shows Hammonton lowered it's debt and increased the surplus all without raising taxes.  This is fantastic!

The town is definately in better financial shape now.  HF came into a situation where the school was broke and demanding huge tax increases each year.  The town was broke and nothing was getting done on projects.

Now the school is in great shape, the town has a lot of new projects underway, and we have more savings and less debt that before HF started.  They've done a really great job.

The school is in great shape because of the dedicated staff in our schools not because of any politician no matter what party.  It's that type of arrogance that led to your party's demise.  Keep it up, people have had enough of your parties lies and taken credit for what others do.



The town is definately in better financial shape now.  HF came into a situation where the school was broke and demanding huge tax increases each year.  The town was broke and nothing was getting done on projects.

Now the school is in great shape, the town has a lot of new projects underway, and we have more savings and less debt that before HF started.  They've done a really great job.

Anyone with a half-brain in town knows this town is in trouble because of these ultra-rich republicans that call themselves Hammonton First.  It is very similiar to those ultra-rich republicans in the White House.  They screw the working family, make themselves richer, and lie to us every step of the way.  The working class has been screwed far too hard and far too long, and Hammonton is a working class town that will regain control of council.

Don't be fooled again!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I really liked Joe Cacia's comments in the paper.  Things really are turning around in town and moving forward now that some new people are involved.  Of course, the old line people want to bash, but everyone can see it's just sour grapes.  I also like that my tax bill didn't go up.  Before, it went thru the roof every year.

The new auditors report shows Hammonton lowered it's debt and increased the surplus all without raising taxes.  This is fantastic!

The town is definately in better financial shape now.  HF came into a situation where the school was broke and demanding huge tax increases each year.  The town was broke and nothing was getting done on projects.

Now the school is in great shape, the town has a lot of new projects underway, and we have more savings and less debt that before HF started.  They've done a really great job.

I am certainly glad that Waterford is now paying it's fair share so that Hammonton's taxpayers don't have to have school tax increases.

I see we even have lower debt and increased surplus.  Fantastic!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I really liked Joe Cacia's comments in the paper.  Things really are turning around in town and moving forward now that some new people are involved.  Of course, the old line people want to bash, but everyone can see it's just sour grapes.  I also like that my tax bill didn't go up.  Before, it went thru the roof every year.

The new auditors report shows Hammonton lowered it's debt and increased the surplus all without raising taxes.  This is fantastic!

The town is definately in better financial shape now.  HF came into a situation where the school was broke and demanding huge tax increases each year.  The town was broke and nothing was getting done on projects.

Now the school is in great shape, the town has a lot of new projects underway, and we have more savings and less debt that before HF started.  They've done a really great job.

I am certainly glad that Waterford is now paying it's fair share so that Hammonton's taxpayers don't have to have school tax increases.

I see we even have lower debt and increased surplus.  Fantastic!

You're living in a dream world thinking that "All's Good!"  You have been fooled.  We won't get Fooled Again.  ONLY THE DEMOCRATS ARE ASKING QUESTIONS and making sure the average taxpayers isn't getting screwed.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I really liked Joe Cacia's comments in the paper.  Things really are turning around in town and moving forward now that some new people are involved.  Of course, the old line people want to bash, but everyone can see it's just sour grapes.  I also like that my tax bill didn't go up.  Before, it went thru the roof every year.

The new auditors report shows Hammonton lowered it's debt and increased the surplus all without raising taxes.  This is fantastic!

The town is definately in better financial shape now.  HF came into a situation where the school was broke and demanding huge tax increases each year.  The town was broke and nothing was getting done on projects.

Now the school is in great shape, the town has a lot of new projects underway, and we have more savings and less debt that before HF started.  They've done a really great job.

I am certainly glad that Waterford is now paying it's fair share so that Hammonton's taxpayers don't have to have school tax increases.

I see we even have lower debt and increased surplus.  Fantastic!

It's a good thing Anthony Falcone isn't in office.  In 2005, the year before HF came to office, he voted to borrow over $6 million.  What did we get for that?  There weren't any project completed.  Where did the money go?


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

The money you are asking about is for the town hall. Some may agree with you that we are getting nothing for that money.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I really liked Joe Cacia's comments in the paper.  Things really are turning around in town and moving forward now that some new people are involved.  Of course, the old line people want to bash, but everyone can see it's just sour grapes.  I also like that my tax bill didn't go up.  Before, it went thru the roof every year.

The new auditors report shows Hammonton lowered it's debt and increased the surplus all without raising taxes.  This is fantastic!

The town is definately in better financial shape now.  HF came into a situation where the school was broke and demanding huge tax increases each year.  The town was broke and nothing was getting done on projects.

Now the school is in great shape, the town has a lot of new projects underway, and we have more savings and less debt that before HF started.  They've done a really great job.

I am certainly glad that Waterford is now paying it's fair share so that Hammonton's taxpayers don't have to have school tax increases.

I see we even have lower debt and increased surplus.  Fantastic!

It's a good thing Anthony Falcone isn't in office.  In 2005, the year before HF came to office, he voted to borrow over $6 million.  What did we get for that?  There weren't any project completed.  Where did the money go?

Falcone voted for all that money in 2005, the year before Hammonton First got into office.  The Dems claimed the spent it on town hall?  The town hall didn't even break ground until 2007.  Where did all the money go?


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

The bond was approved for the 11th street site and then put on hold when HF took office.



Admin wrote:

The bond was approved for the 11th street site and then put on hold when HF took office.

I think we can all agree that when Hammonton First came to office, they eliminated a lot of the problems Anthony Falcone had been causing.



Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:

The bond was approved for the 11th street site and then put on hold when HF took office.

I think we can all agree that when Hammonton First came to office, they eliminated a lot of the problems Anthony Falcone had been causing.


 I think we can all agree that when Hammonton First lost last year, that things have just started to get better.  Thank God, we almost have our town back.



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

The bond was approved for the 11th street site and then put on hold when HF took office.

I think we can all agree that when Hammonton First came to office, they eliminated a lot of the problems Anthony Falcone had been causing.

Can anybody list any bond that Anthony Falcone voted against spending money on?  I would love to be able to look it up.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

The bond was approved for the 11th street site and then put on hold when HF took office.

I think we can all agree that when Hammonton First came to office, they eliminated a lot of the problems Anthony Falcone had been causing.

Can anybody list any bond that Anthony Falcone voted against spending money on? I would love to be able to look it up.


Oh, A Bond Aficionado.  I didn't watch Casino Royale. Daniel Craig was a Bond that I didn't want to spend money on.  I did purchase a Gold Bond for my itchy feet.  Now that's a good bond to protect "My equipment."  I don't have high regards for Barry Bonds.    Since  you mentioned how you love to look things up.  You should google Julia Bond.  Now that's a bond no man would go against.

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