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Post Info TOPIC: Hammonton Democrats announce "Fix the Roads" Program

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Posts: 1241
Hammonton Democrats announce "Fix the Roads" Program

As you ride around Hammonton, Im sure you have felt the jolt from the many potholes and rough roads that presently exist throughout are Town. As the Democratic Candidates have been knocking on peoples doors, one of the main topics the citizens want to discuss is the repair of our roads in Hammonton. In response to this growing problem, the Hammonton Democratic Party has unveiled its Fix the Roads Program.  The Democrats are encouraging residents to email the campaign with a list of the roads that residents think are in most need of repair.   Once elected, the Democrats will use the consolidated list as a guide for their proposed Capital Improvement Fund.  The Capital Improvement Fund provides a way of allocating revenue for the repair of roads without increasing the towns already large debt.


Both the Hammonton First and the Regular Republican parties are trying to take credit for the recent road improvements.  What that they fail to tell residents is that theses roads are state and county roads.  The town was not responsible for the repairs, stated Town Council Candidate Anthony Falcone.  Our elected officials have failed to repair municipal roads.  These are the roads for which the town is actually responsible, stated Candidate Robin Ripa.  Our Fix the Roads program is another way that Democrats are showing their dedication to the entire Town of Hammonton, not just a few blocks, added Candidate Mike Ammirato.


Residents are asked to send their list of the roads that they think should be repaired to FixtheRoads@hammontondems.com .

This program will include preventive maintenance of all roads, "life extending" repairs on needed roads, and reconstruction of the worst roads. It will obviously take some time to fully implement a program of this scope, but once in place it can be a program that repeats itself when needed and never allows roads to fall into such disrepair.

Funding will come form a variety of sources to include grants, movement of wasteful dollars in other areas of the budget, and increased tax revenue from controlled town growth.


RE: Hammonton Democrats announce "Fix the Roads" Program

All I've heard is how great the roads are.  The same roads are being done again and again.  I'm not fortunate to live on a county or state road.  I've lived in Hammonton for 50 years and my road has only been done once.  We need a real program to fix the roads for all 42 square miles of Hammonton.  Fix the Roads!!!



Anonymous wrote:

All I've heard is how great the roads are.  The same roads are being done again and again.  I'm not fortunate to live on a county or state road.  I've lived in Hammonton for 50 years and my road has only been done once.  We need a real program to fix the roads for all 42 square miles of Hammonton.  Fix the Roads!!!

I believe that is what they said their intentions are to fix the local roads owned by the Town of Hammonton.  



So once again where does the money come from to fix the roads.  The admin knows what it costs to repave a small road . it is expensive.  most of the money from the growth in ratables has to go for employee health care and raises.  Once again good plan but no way to implement it. And by the way Hammont is 44 square miles. 


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241
Hammonton Democrats announce "Fix the Roads" Program

This program will include preventive maintenance of all roads, "life extending" repairs on needed roads, and reconstruction of the worst roads. It will obviously take some time to fully implement a program of this scope, but once in place it can be a program that repeats itself when needed and never allows roads to fall into such disrepair.

Funding will come form a variety of sources to include grants, movement of wasteful dollars in other areas of the budget, and increased tax revenue from controlled town growth.


RE: Hammonton Democrats announce "Fix the Roads" Program

Anonymous wrote:

So once again where does the money come from to fix the roads.  The admin knows what it costs to repave a small road . it is expensive.  most of the money from the growth in ratables has to go for employee health care and raises.  Once again good plan but no way to implement it. And by the way Hammont is 44 square miles. 

Great point!  This is why Hammonton First and their wealthy landowner friends pushed so hard to keep Town Hall on Central.  Then they bought up the delapidated storefronts that rotted under Main Street's watch for eight years.  Now their properties are worth more and the state and county have to pave their roads for them!

I love how they screwed over the little guy so they can profit big time!  Way to go Hammonton First.

If you Dems were smart you'd shut your mouths and maybe next year we'll throw some salt down when it snows in your neighborhood.  Keep rocking the juke box and we'll continue to ignore the rest of the town for the nest two years!




I disagree you fault the people who own downtown buildings.  I think they are doing a fine job of dressing up the down town but to say they are making big profits is false . look again my friend. these people are puting in up starts   and new downtown shops.  the people renting these shops are getting a reduced rent. to help make hammonton better for all.  go check the rent at trians or k and h and then call and see hat the starbucks is paying.  check your facts. That is the problem with blogs alot  of all talks and no actions.  and buy the way the reps said they put the plan in place for down town years ago.  so maybe the hf people should not take credit for the paving and sidwalks but they shore get the crap about it.   so to say that they are screwing you. maybe you better leave town.  hey they are not right on all the issues but on downtown they have done a great job. oh and buy the way i just got my mortage escrow statement. and my payment went down do to lower taxes.  that has never happened before.



Such naďveté!   I don't know whether to laugh or cry.



Anonymous wrote:

So once again where does the money come from to fix the roads. The admin knows what it costs to repave a small road . it is expensive. most of the money from the growth in ratables has to go for employee health care and raises. Once again good plan but no way to implement it. And by the way Hammont is 44 square miles.

If you're going to correct me please do so with facts.  My reference is the 2000 U.S. Census.

Hammonton's total square miles is 41.47 square miles to be exact. THANK YOU. All GOOD PLANS can be implemented with real leadership. There have been years of excuses of why things CAN"T get done. I'm voting for people who believe things CAN get done.  We need controlled spending while actually receiving the services we're paying for.



Anonymous wrote:

I disagree you fault the people who own downtown buildings. I think they are doing a fine job of dressing up the down town but to say they are making big profits is false . look again my friend. these people are puting in up starts and new downtown shops. the people renting these shops are getting a reduced rent. to help make hammonton better for all. go check the rent at trians or k and h and then call and see hat the starbucks is paying. check your facts. That is the problem with blogs alot of all talks and no actions. and buy the way the reps said they put the plan in place for down town years ago. so maybe the hf people should not take credit for the paving and sidwalks but they shore get the crap about it. so to say that they are screwing you. maybe you better leave town. hey they are not right on all the issues but on downtown they have done a great job. oh and buy the way i just got my mortage escrow statement. and my payment went down do to lower taxes. that has never happened before.

 How dare you be so arrogant and say if people don't like that they should leave town.  It's that type of arrogance that has hurt Hammonton and has embarrased Hammonton the last 2 years.  This town was great BEFORE HAMMONTON FIRST and WILL CONTINUE TO BE GREAT once Hammonton First is defeated AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.  No party should be advocating that people MOVE OUT if they don't like it. Is that Hammonton First's stance if you don't like the way the RICH ELITE walking over the working class family then  you're party truly is doomed.



democrat candidates should go to the debate and speak out we won't get fooled again



the hammonton-me-first debate fraud

What a desperate 11th hour act by the hammonton-me-first gang.


They know that need stunts like this just to get some attention from the general public.

 They might as well just hold a hammonton-me-first prayer vigil.



Anonymous wrote:

democrat candidates should go to the debate and speak out we won't get fooled again

Anyone that attends a Hammonton First function is asking "To Be Fooled Again." 



Why don't the Dems and Reps debate if they feel the public will like their ideas? Hammonton First is saying they are willing to debate. What is their to bash? If you want to debate HF, debate them. If you don't want to debate, then tell the public why you don't want to debate.



Anonymous wrote:

the hammonton-me-first debate fraud

What a desperate 11th hour act by the hammonton-me-first gang.


They know that need stunts like this just to get some attention from the general public.

 They might as well just hold a hammonton-me-first prayer vigil.




Anonymous wrote:

Why don't the Dems and Reps debate if they feel the public will like their ideas? Hammonton First is saying they are willing to debate. What is their to bash? If you want to debate HF, debate them. If you don't want to debate, then tell the public why you don't want to debate.

Hammonton First will NEVER agree to terms agreed by both Republicans and Democrats.  Hammonton First candidates don't want to be asked questions about the the problems plaguing their party and embarrassing our town.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Why don't the Dems and Reps debate if they feel the public will like their ideas? Hammonton First is saying they are willing to debate. What is their to bash? If you want to debate HF, debate them. If you don't want to debate, then tell the public why you don't want to debate.

Hammonton First will NEVER agree to terms agreed by both Republicans and Democrats.  Hammonton First candidates don't want to be asked questions about the the problems plaguing their party and embarrassing our town.

If Ed Wuillerman was involved it wouldn't be a debate.   It would be a diatribe for him and a long nap for the rest of us.    Petrongolo would stand there with that deer caught in the headlights look on her face.     And the other guy could be in the room and no one would notice because no one knows who he is.     The people of Hammonton could careless about a debate we just want Hammonton First gone.   



dems and reps sure are scared of a debate  
i wonder if they got the postcards and also saw the youtube presentation from hf



Anonymous wrote:

dems and reps sure are scared of a debate
i wonder if they got the postcards and also saw the youtube presentation from hf

 "Democracy in Action- A Beautiful Thing"  What a bunch of bull!  There's nothing Democratic about Hammonton First.



Nice video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HWmc3IzqfU



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I disagree you fault the people who own downtown buildings. I think they are doing a fine job of dressing up the down town but to say they are making big profits is false . look again my friend. these people are puting in up starts and new downtown shops. the people renting these shops are getting a reduced rent. to help make hammonton better for all. go check the rent at trians or k and h and then call and see hat the starbucks is paying. check your facts. That is the problem with blogs alot of all talks and no actions. and buy the way the reps said they put the plan in place for down town years ago. so maybe the hf people should not take credit for the paving and sidwalks but they shore get the crap about it. so to say that they are screwing you. maybe you better leave town. hey they are not right on all the issues but on downtown they have done a great job. oh and buy the way i just got my mortage escrow statement. and my payment went down do to lower taxes. that has never happened before.

 How dare you be so arrogant and say if people don't like that they should leave town.  It's that type of arrogance that has hurt Hammonton and has embarrased Hammonton the last 2 years.  This town was great BEFORE HAMMONTON FIRST and WILL CONTINUE TO BE GREAT once Hammonton First is defeated AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.  No party should be advocating that people MOVE OUT if they don't like it. Is that Hammonton First's stance if you don't like the way the RICH ELITE walking over the working class family then  you're party truly is doomed.

The downtown. It's all you hear about from HF.  What is down town. I've lived in this town for over 30 years. The only reason I go down is to go to the bank and Bellevue Drug. On the rare occaision I buy a card, I prefer to go to Mainline. It's more convenient being next to Shop Rite and I wouldn't give a Donio owned business one red cent of my money. The downtown looks the same it did before HF's regin of terror. The only thing that's changed is the sidewalks and they're just sidewalks. The new backward benches and the trashcans, that are so small they're always overflowing, were a waste of taxpayer dollars, regardless of wether or not they came from any grant. But then again, without trashcans and benches Barberio wouldn't have a campaign platform. 



Anonymous wrote:

Nice video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HWmc3IzqfU

 What an eerie laugh they have?  Is that the way they laugh on the way to the bank?  They laugh at the phrase "Democracy in Action." 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Nice video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HWmc3IzqfU

 What an eerie laugh they have?  Is that the way they laugh on the way to the bank?  They laugh at the phrase "Democracy in Action." 

I think everyone should watch the video to see about HF.



No Thanks, I saw the movie Titanic, I already know how it ends!



Anonymous wrote:

No Thanks, I saw the movie Titanic, I already know how it ends!

 LOL, remember when they wanted us to "Catch The Wave." 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Nice video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HWmc3IzqfU

 What an eerie laugh they have?  Is that the way they laugh on the way to the bank?  They laugh at the phrase "Democracy in Action." 

I think everyone should watch the video to see about HF.

HF filmed last night's meeting also. None of the other candidates showed up.



Of course none of the other candidates showed up, they weren't invited. It was a debate of ideas. This was just another misleading play on words put out by Hammonton First to try and fool the public. They stiil think the public will fall for this type of word play.



Hammonton First's event was very informative. They answered all the questions from the audience. They also explained how upcoming projects were taking shape. The senior community center will really look nice with wonderful parking. I don't know why the other candidates did not come. I guess they don't have any ideas.



Anonymous wrote:

Hammonton First's event was very informative. They answered all the questions from the audience. They also explained how upcoming projects were taking shape. The senior community center will really look nice with wonderful parking. I don't know why the other candidates did not come. I guess they don't have any ideas.

You either a liar or a moron.  NO OTHER CANDIDATES WAS INVITED.  This is just more HF lies.



It wouldn't have mattered if they did show up, there were only about 2 dozen people there anyway.



Anonymous wrote:

Hammonton First's event was very informative to the 25 people who showed up. They answered both questions from the audience. They also explained how upcoming projects were taking shape on the drawing board but will never actually be built because we have no money to do them. The senior community center will really look nice with wonderful parking that will never be approved because of the wetlands at the lake park. I know why the other candidates did not come, they know better than to buy into the misrepresentations made by the Firsters.




Keep telling yourself that no one showed up at the HF event.  The American Legion was packed.  What is nicer is that everyone will be able to see the event as it was taped to put on their web site.



Anonymous wrote:

Keep telling yourself that no one showed up at the HF event. The American Legion was packed. What is nicer is that everyone will be able to see the event as it was taped to put on their web site.

 The American Legion only holds about 30 people packed.



Funny how the video on the Hammonton First website shows there are a heck of a lot more than 30 people there.



Anonymous wrote:

Funny how the video on the Hammonton First website shows there are a heck of a lot more than 30 people there.

Out of the 30 people there, it looked like 13 of them were Sam Rodio running around yelling "3 more seats".  I think there were more Conners for Senate signs out on Egg Harbor Rd than there were HF family members inside.



You know what? Maybe it's best for everyone to go to the Hammonton First website and see the video themselves and make their own decisions.



Anonymous wrote:

You know what? Maybe it's best for everyone to go to the Hammonton First website and see the video themselves and make their own decisions.

We've all seen it.  If not 30 maybe 35 then. Are you happy?  You're not supposed to count SR more than once.  Videos are deceiving, objects appear larger then they are.

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