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Post Info TOPIC: Hammonton First ignores the law once again.

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Hammonton First ignores the law once again.

When running a political campaign there are certain laws taht must be followed. One of them is the requirement to file campaign spending reports according to a specific schedule. The NJ Election Law Enforcement website lists the dates as follows:

General Election - November 6, 2007
29-day pre-electionOctober 9, 2007  
11-day pre-electionOctober 26, 2007  
20-day post-electionNovember 26, 2007 

As of today, 10/19, Hammonton First still has not filed the 29-day pre-election report. You may remember that last year they neglected to file their final report until it was 63 days late. They received a letter of correction from the Election Enforcement Commission. Apparently, they didn't learn their lesson, or they just don't think the laws apply to them.



This should not be allowed.

The Hammonton people should be allowed to see who is financing the Hammonton First Campaign. Why do the Republicians and Democrats have to abide by the NJ rules and not Hammonton First?

People should know if only a couple of rich supporters or in Hammonton's case a couple of rich families control a political party. Are there any penalties for being above the law in NJ?



Admin wrote:

When running a political campaign there are certain laws taht must be followed. One of them is the requirement to file campaign spending reports according to a specific schedule. The NJ Election Law Enforcement website lists the dates as follows:

General Election - November 6, 2007
29-day pre-electionOctober 9, 2007
11-day pre-electionOctober 26, 2007
20-day post-electionNovember 26, 2007

As of today, 10/19, Hammonton First still has not filed the 29-day pre-election report. You may remember that last year they neglected to file their final report until it was 63 days late. They received a letter of correction from the Election Enforcement Commission. Apparently, they didn't learn their lesson, or they just don't think the laws apply to them.

Hammonton First always sees what they can get away with no matter how illegal it is.  How can people continue to support a party that ignores the rule of law? 




Hammonton First should be held responsible to the fullest extent of the law, and they should be required to offer a full public apology for their complete disregard of the law.



Is anyone really surprised about this?  Hammonton Frist has had complete disregard for the law since their very first campaign.  It really is a disgrace and an embarrassment to Hammonton!!!



Yeah the zero tax increase and the fixing of the school. is disgraceful.  oh by the way it was ok when the few rich families controlled the dems or reps.  say it all together now zero zero zero. progress progesss progess.  in my thirty years in hammonton i have never every seen progress like this and zero taxes.  it seems that their is a lot of scared people in these blogs and angry people .  maybe try to just get along.   



Anonymous wrote:

Yeah the zero tax increase and the fixing of the school. is disgraceful. oh by the way it was ok when the few rich families controlled the dems or reps. say it all together now zero zero zero. progress progesss progess. in my thirty years in hammonton i have never every seen progress like this and zero taxes. it seems that their is a lot of scared people in these blogs and angry people . maybe try to just get along.

Everyone is for controlled spending and less taxes but what has been going on the last 2 years is selective controlled spending and more debt.  You are being fooled if you believe that "All's Good."  Hammonton First did not fix the schools.  The schools fixed the schools.




Anonymous wrote:

Yeah the zero tax increase and the fixing of the school. is disgraceful. oh by the way it was ok when the few rich families controlled the dems or reps. say it all together now zero zero zero. progress progesss progess. in my thirty years in hammonton i have never every seen progress like this and zero taxes. it seems that their is a lot of scared people in these blogs and angry people . maybe try to just get along.

Many taxpayers are scared that Hammonton First has a chance of winning.  If they win, Hammonton loses.




Something tells me that Hammonton First is going to most likely spend at least $80,000 on their campaign this year.  They are fighting for their corporations's existence.  Hopefully common sense prevails and not one of their candidates gets in.  After that our town can begin healing.


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Anonymous wrote:

Yeah the zero tax increase and the fixing of the school. is disgraceful.  oh by the way it was ok when the few rich families controlled the dems or reps.  say it all together now zero zero zero. progress progesss progess.  in my thirty years in hammonton i have never every seen progress like this and zero taxes.  it seems that their is a lot of scared people in these blogs and angry people .  maybe try to just get along.   

Hammonton First just doesn't get it. They run around screaming zero taxes but ignore the fact that the way they did it is by borrowing and spending, putting the town back at the highest level of debt in history. The Mayor keeps quoting the report for the year ending 12/31/06 and refuses to acknowledge that another 10 months have passed and the debt for this year has gone right back up to the historic levels.
They keep running around saying how they helped the school. Here they are once again taking all the credit and ignoring that the school district and board of education helped themselves. They did all the work but HF wants to take all the credit.
Progress? What progress? We got some new sidewalks.
We lost services.
We were promised a complete project at town hall, all we are getting now is just the building. Everything else is going to cost more.
We have lawsuits already filed against the town, and more coming.
Well at least we all got vegatables to make up for all the wrongdoing.



Yeah the zero tax increase and the fixing of the school. is disgraceful.  oh by the way it was ok when the few rich families controlled the dems or reps.  say it all together now zero zero zero. progress progesss progess.  in my thirty years in hammonton i have never every seen progress like this and zero taxes.  it seems that their is a lot of scared people in these blogs and angry people .  maybe try to just get along.   
So you really think that just because your taxes didn't go up, that Hammonton First should be allowed to break the law?????



"If he's a cheat at one thing, he'll cheat at anything"  from a recent international news story about a corrupt government official.... could just as well be about the mayor and his crew.

John D. and Ed W. have been proven to be habitual liars, from false claims to misinformation, they will say and do anything just to get their way!

They have wasted tens of thousands of tax dollars.  What an insult to every Hammonton taxpayer and honest citizen just because they believe that rules do not apply to their actions!



Hammonton first claimed to have a case against the Chief, and they LIED.

Hammonton First also said they would build a community center, and they LIED.

Hammonton First also said they would build town hall for less than $4.9 million with the community center, and they LIED.

Hammonton First also LIED about the asbestos coverup in town hall.  They also LIED about so called comtamination at the 11th St. site.

Hammonton First does not control the school board, so they are LYING by taking credit about no additional school taxes. 

How much money will these LIES cost us taxpayers?



Anonymous wrote:

Yeah the zero tax increase and the fixing of the school. is disgraceful.  oh by the way it was ok when the few rich families controlled the dems or reps.  say it all together now zero zero zero. progress progesss progess.  in my thirty years in hammonton i have never every seen progress like this and zero taxes.  it seems that their is a lot of scared people in these blogs and angry people .  maybe try to just get along.   

Republicans & Democrats have had a monopoly on power in America and controlled our money.  Now that they don't in Hammonton they are mad.  They need to sling mud to get back into power and get what they want.


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Posts: 1241

What mud are the Dems or Reps slinging. Just facts. For example, do you deny that Hammonton First has broken the law two years in a row now regarding the filing of campaign reports? That is what this thread is about, but you just try to change the subject when confronted by facts.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Yeah the zero tax increase and the fixing of the school. is disgraceful. oh by the way it was ok when the few rich families controlled the dems or reps. say it all together now zero zero zero. progress progesss progess. in my thirty years in hammonton i have never every seen progress like this and zero taxes. it seems that their is a lot of scared people in these blogs and angry people . maybe try to just get along.

Republicans & Democrats have had a monopoly on power in America and controlled our money. Now that they don't in Hammonton they are mad. They need to sling mud to get back into power and get what they want.


 With all the dirt that Hammonton first has created the last 2 years. Things get pretty muddy when you try to clean things up.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Yeah the zero tax increase and the fixing of the school. is disgraceful.  oh by the way it was ok when the few rich families controlled the dems or reps.  say it all together now zero zero zero. progress progesss progess.  in my thirty years in hammonton i have never every seen progress like this and zero taxes.  it seems that their is a lot of scared people in these blogs and angry people .  maybe try to just get along.   

Republicans & Democrats have had a monopoly on power in America and controlled our money.  Now that they don't in Hammonton they are mad.  They need to sling mud to get back into power and get what they want.

Having independent third parties is a terrifying thing for the Democrats and Republicans. They have to make sure they stop that or else they won't be able to control all the tax money anymore.


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Posts: 1241

Honest and legitimate third parties do not scare the Democrats at all.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Yeah the zero tax increase and the fixing of the school. is disgraceful.  oh by the way it was ok when the few rich families controlled the dems or reps.  say it all together now zero zero zero. progress progesss progess.  in my thirty years in hammonton i have never every seen progress like this and zero taxes.  it seems that their is a lot of scared people in these blogs and angry people .  maybe try to just get along.   

Republicans & Democrats have had a monopoly on power in America and controlled our money.  Now that they don't in Hammonton they are mad.  They need to sling mud to get back into power and get what they want.

Having independent third parties is a terrifying thing for the Democrats and Republicans. They have to make sure they stop that or else they won't be able to control all the tax money anymore.

There's nothing Independent about Hammonton First.  It's the elitist and worse part of the Republican Party.  The Republican Party is falling apart that's why Hammonton First broke away from the Regular Republican Party.  The problem was that the leadership of Hammonton First has misled its followers and embarrassed our fine town.



Come on jim .  yes they missed the dead lines.  do i have to bring up the back room deals made while you controlled the school board.  enough is enough . you have five people on here. ( not you) who do not want hammonton to move foward.  I belive that you agree with me.  yes the hf group has made mistakes. as have all past administrations. But there mistakes had a zero tax increase behind them.  the new and old town hall for example.  the old town hall project looks great and could not have or would not have been done without steve d
and the new town hall looks great.  now they have given all employees rasies , they got the school out of trouble.  got many stalled projects moving.  they have lowered the debt. and yes they have lowered the debt.  i don't see how the debt went up it looks lower to me .  is there room for improvement. sure .  and yes different feelings sure.


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You certainly give me a lot more credit than I deserve. You think I controlled the school board? I wish!
And yes they are late with the figures for the second time in a row. People all around town are already wondering why they are so secretive on a lot of issues. And now it appears they are trying to hide something by not following the law. Again, "open and honest government" isn't living up to their own slogan.



Anonymous wrote:

you have five people on here. ( not you) who do not want hammonton to move foward.  I belive that you agree with me. 

As someone simplying contributing a comment, I fail to see how you would know how many people visit here, post here, or opinions go one way or another.  This is a typical response of someone trying to discredit the opinions of others by creating a false air of illegitimacy.

Anonymous wrote:

 yes the hf group has made mistakes. as have all past administrations.

Here you begin to state some truth, but use a strawman argument to try to minimize its negative effect.  If HF has made mistakes, shouldn't it be the duty of other political parties to bring them to light and try to rectify those situations by taking a differing position on those issues?  I would argue that anyone brave enough to put their name on the line pointing out problems in Town should be commended.

Anonymous wrote:
 the old town hall project looks great and could not have or would not have been done without steve d and the new town hall looks great. 

Those who voted for the ordinances to move Town Hall broke several state laws.  They willingfully used illegal bid practices of fixing bids and splitting bids. By doing so they eliminated the opportunity of lower bidding contractors to do the work.  This is a disservice to every tax payer in town. The residents foot the bill for every project that goes on, and the laws set up to protect us from misuse of taxpayer dollars must be followed.  They were not followed.  It's been clearly documented last year, and even brought up to Town Council.

Anonymous wrote:
they got the school out of trouble. 

Hammonton First could tell you who started the Chicago Fires but it doesn't necesarrily make it so.   Sure, Hammonton First took credit for the school budget, but they have ZERO control or input on that budget.  Two groups are responsible for the school's position today:  The School Board and lawmakers in Trenton who gave Hammonton a few millions dollars to even out our dollars-per-student-spent.  Again, Council has ZERO to do with the School budget.

Anonymous wrote:
they have lowered the debt. and yes they have lowered the debt.  i don't see how the debt went up it looks lower to me . 
Maybe it doesn't look like the debt went up to you, but it certainly does to any accountant, auditor, or councilman telling you the real facts.  In 2006, Hammonton First controlled council started with a $4.5 million surplus.  Today, that surplus has dwindled to just over $1 million.  That's a net loss of over $3 million!  The tax rate didn't go up last year, but we spent over $3 million of surplus to run the town.  What happens next year?

On top of that, we've bonded over $5 million for Town Hall.  Now at first you might think that's a savings from the previous proposals for Town Hall.  Go look at the contract, though.  Tell me where the furniture is.  Tell me where the electrical work is.  Tell me where the plumbing work is.  Tell me where the IT wiring is.  You know where those parts of the project are?  NOWHERE! The $5.9 million Town Hall you see being built has no funds for anything INSIDE of the building beyond floors and walls.  Next year, we'll have to float another bond for who-knows-how-much to furnish a three floor municipal building, prison, police station, and court room.  We're all just dying to see what that bill will cost.

In conclusion, things aren't as rosy as they seem.



Anonymous wrote:

Come on jim .  yes they missed the dead lines.  do i have to bring up the back room deals made while you controlled the school board.  enough is enough . you have five people on here. ( not you) who do not want hammonton to move foward.  I belive that you agree with me.  yes the hf group has made mistakes. as have all past administrations. But there mistakes had a zero tax increase behind them.  the new and old town hall for example.  the old town hall project looks great and could not have or would not have been done without steve d
and the new town hall looks great.  now they have given all employees rasies , they got the school out of trouble.  got many stalled projects moving.  they have lowered the debt. and yes they have lowered the debt.  i don't see how the debt went up it looks lower to me .  is there room for improvement. sure .  and yes different feelings sure.

Watch how the Democrat candidates bash this week.  It's straight out of playbook that must be the most negative ever.



Admin wrote:

You certainly give me a lot more credit than I deserve. You think I controlled the school board? I wish!
And yes they are late with the figures for the second time in a row. People all around town are already wondering why they are so secretive on a lot of issues. And now it appears they are trying to hide something by not following the law. Again, "open and honest government" isn't living up to their own slogan.

At least the positive thing is that the taxes at the school stayed down this year.  After years of skyrocketing taxes over there, the changes are wonderful.  It is another positive thing for Hammonton.


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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

You certainly give me a lot more credit than I deserve. You think I controlled the school board? I wish!
And yes they are late with the figures for the second time in a row. People all around town are already wondering why they are so secretive on a lot of issues. And now it appears they are trying to hide something by not following the law. Again, "open and honest government" isn't living up to their own slogan.

At least the positive thing is that the taxes at the school stayed down this year.  After years of skyrocketing taxes over there, the changes are wonderful.  It is another positive thing for Hammonton.

Yes we agree on something. This is a very positive thing for the taxpayers of Hammonton. It is great that the State finally admitted that the actions they have taken over the last 6 years have put an undue burden on the taxpayers of Hammonton and they moved to correct the situation by giving Hammonton a much larger increase in funding than any other district in the state. The school board worked hard and the state attempted to correct years of improper funding and the taxpayers of Hammonton came out the winners.



Admin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:

You certainly give me a lot more credit than I deserve. You think I controlled the school board? I wish!
And yes they are late with the figures for the second time in a row. People all around town are already wondering why they are so secretive on a lot of issues. And now it appears they are trying to hide something by not following the law. Again, "open and honest government" isn't living up to their own slogan.

At least the positive thing is that the taxes at the school stayed down this year.  After years of skyrocketing taxes over there, the changes are wonderful.  It is another positive thing for Hammonton.

Yes we agree on something. This is a very positive thing for the taxpayers of Hammonton. It is great that the State finally admitted that the actions they have taken over the last 6 years have put an undue burden on the taxpayers of Hammonton and they moved to correct the situation by giving Hammonton a much larger increase in funding than any other district in the state. The school board worked hard and the state attempted to correct years of improper funding and the taxpayers of Hammonton came out the winners.

The millions of dollars in tuition that Waterford had previously been underpaying also helped tremendously.  Thank heavens that was uncovered.  Too bad it was never found previously.



How much was the fine for Hammonton First for failing to file the election reports? Will the Hammonton taxpayers have to foot the bill for Hammonton First ignoring the law?



Anonymous wrote:

How much was the fine for Hammonton First for failing to file the election reports? Will the Hammonton taxpayers have to foot the bill for Hammonton First ignoring the law?

 If there's a fine, it won't have to be paid by the town.  Hammonton First is just wanting to wait until after the election to show that they most likely spent $75K+ on the campaign.  Seeing how they are a corporation, I think any fines will be seen by them as simply expense of doing business.


Republicans want to kill Soccer Field Project

The Republicans wrote in the Hammonton News that they want to go back to their old plan for Boyer Ave and the Lake Park. They want to force the Hawks to move out of the Lake Park and don't want to add the new safe parking that has been proposed. They also don't want to add the new soccer fields at Boyer Ave for the kids. Why would they want to hurt opportunities for the kids?


RE: Hammonton First ignores the law once again.

Black topping and paving over the shade trees at the Hammonton Lake Park would be a terrible idea. One of the nicest natural parks in Hammonton with a beautiful walking track should be left alone.

The last thing we need is more paved blacktop and retention ponds with mosquito's in the name of progress.



Anonymous wrote:

The Republicans wrote in the Hammonton News that they want to go back to their old plan for Boyer Ave and the Lake Park. They want to force the Hawks to move out of the Lake Park and don't want to add the new safe parking that has been proposed. They also don't want to add the new soccer fields at Boyer Ave for the kids. Why would they want to hurt opportunities for the kids?

The Hawks do not want to be forced to move.  Also, the parking is needed for safety reasons.  This is an important project to move forward!



I would imagine that most establish volunteer groups do not like be bullied by politicans with their own agenda's. Careful thought and research should be given before making permenant changes to the limited open space and park areas in Hammonton.



The Republicans never said they wanted the Hawks to move.  They have no intentions of moving the Hawks.  They never said they wanted to stop the soccer fields at Boyer ave, they only want to make sure water and sewer are done 1st before HF makes another mistake that we have to dig up later.  These are just more HF BS spin lies in desperation.



How much is town hall going to cost us?  Is the community center still included?  Are there going to be backwards benches in front of town hall with watering flowers and over priced trees fruit trees.



The Republicans are out trying to spin the disaster they put in the Hammonton News.

1. They said they want to go back to their original "master" plan for the Lake. That plan does not allow for safe parking at the lake and calls for the Hawks to no longer play on their field. They have to find somewhere else to play.

2. They don't want to build the senior-community center even though it will be funded by grant money from the State. We pay taxes to the State, shouldn't we get some of that back?

3. The Republicans also are saying that they will take raw sewage from Mullica and Winslow. They are trying to tell people that using our sewar system will save money. Really? Who pays for the upgrades and maintainance? Who pays when the system needs to be modernized. We cannot afford to take some other town's sewage!



Anonymous wrote:

We cannot afford to take some other town's sewage!

It's sad that you'd rather spend this town into the ground then be open to ideas that actually build revenue for Hammonton taxpayers.  Our state-of-the-art sewer plant only runs at 40% capacity.  Buildout in Hammonton is nearing 90%.  We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.  

Hammonton has a resource that can be used to generate big money and keep our taxes down.  Unlike the Republicans, Hammonton First has no plan to generate revenue outside of taxing the middle class.  Republicans are open to any idea that will take the burden off of our seniors and adults, and make life better in Hammonton.



You have no idea what you are talking about.

If you provide sewer to Mullica, it will be easy for businesses to locate there.  The land is cheaper, so rather than locate in Hammonton, they will build in Mullica.

Hammonton will lose ratables and the town's taxes will increase.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

We cannot afford to take some other town's sewage!

It's sad that you'd rather spend this town into the ground then be open to ideas that actually build revenue for Hammonton taxpayers.  Our state-of-the-art sewer plant only runs at 40% capacity.  Buildout in Hammonton is nearing 90%.  We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.  

Hammonton has a resource that can be used to generate big money and keep our taxes down.  Unlike the Republicans, Hammonton First has no plan to generate revenue outside of taxing the middle class.  Republicans are open to any idea that will take the burden off of our seniors and adults, and make life better in Hammonton.

The Republicans have come up with an incredibly bad idea for a number of reasons.


  1. Even if the neighboring communities pay to hook into our system, who pays for the costs of transporting sewage from the interface point at the town border to the sewer plant? 
  2. Who pays for the maintenance caused by extra usage of pumping stations passing more sewage thru from out of town?  That's more work on the pumps and they fail over time.
  3. Who pays for the costs of maintaining the system over time?  Like it or not, excess sewage will mean excess maintenance on the sewer plant.
  4. Who pays if the State comes back with stricter environmental standards for the plant and capital improvements need to be made?  It won't be the first time we've dealt with that.
  5. Dont tell me that the town will make money on this deal.  That was the nonsense that was said to sell the extra big school to the taxpayers.

The above are just the direct costs.  There are other hidden costs over time for the taxpayers.


If this is done, Mullica will have an incredible amount of land fronting the White Horse Pike with sewer.  Business will be able to build on that land whereas it is much more difficult to do that now.  That land is less expensive than in Hammonton.  Thus, businesses will locate in Mullica to save money. 


If we lose those new businesses, we lose ratables.  If we lose ratables, taxes go up.  We need the ratables to keep taxes down.


The writer states

We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.


What about great ratables like the huge New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company offices?  Not only will that be a great help on ratables, but it also brings in good jobs.  Is that going to hurt quality of life?  They have to be kidding!  That HELPS quality of life!  What about Lowe's and Home Depot?  They will both pay big tax bills. 

Are the Republicans saying they want those projects to move to Mullica?  This isn't the first time the town has made mistakes with big offices.  Look at where the SJ Gas offices are located.  If that was moved a 1/4 mile north, Hammonton would get a big tax check each year.

The bottom line is this...

  1. This deal will ultimately cost Hammonton ratables and raise taxes.
  2. This deal will not turn the sewer into a profit center.  It will raise sewer costs.



Anonymous wrote:

The Republicans have come up with an incredibly bad idea for a number of reasons.

The writer states

We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.

What about great ratables like the huge New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company offices?  Not only will that be a great help on ratables, but it also brings in good jobs.  Is that going to hurt quality of life?  They have to be kidding!  That HELPS quality of life!  What about Lowe's and Home Depot?  They will both pay big tax bills. 

Are the Republicans saying they want those projects to move to Mullica?  This isn't the first time the town has made mistakes with big offices.  Look at where the SJ Gas offices are located.  If that was moved a 1/4 mile north, Hammonton would get a big tax check each year.

The bottom line is this...

  1. This deal will ultimately cost Hammonton ratables and raise taxes.
  2. This deal will not turn the sewer into a profit center.  It will raise sewer costs.

Why bring up NJM when they already have sewer?  That argument is null and void.  They've already been approved and the project is going forward, no thanks to Hammonton First.  It was years-long work of Republican and Democrat councilpeople.

You bring up the school.  can you say "STRAWMAN ARGUMENT?"  You are just tryign to throw topics of controversy to sway readers.  Doesn't work here, buddy boy.

Now explain to me exactly how, if we are collecting increased sewer ratables from other municipalities, how would the sewer department not create new funds for Hammonton?

Let's get one thing straight.  Since this doesn't involve Main Street or your skeleton of a Town Hall, its bad in your eyes.  The rest of Hammonton looks forward to new ideas that will get us out of the RECORD DEBT and corruption levied upon our great Town by Hammonton First's brief but unforgettable run.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

We cannot afford to take some other town's sewage!

It's sad that you'd rather spend this town into the ground then be open to ideas that actually build revenue for Hammonton taxpayers.  Our state-of-the-art sewer plant only runs at 40% capacity.  Buildout in Hammonton is nearing 90%.  We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.  

Hammonton has a resource that can be used to generate big money and keep our taxes down.  Unlike the Republicans, Hammonton First has no plan to generate revenue outside of taxing the middle class.  Republicans are open to any idea that will take the burden off of our seniors and adults, and make life better in Hammonton.

The Republicans have come up with an incredibly bad idea for a number of reasons.

  1. Even if the neighboring communities pay to hook into our system, who pays for the costs of transporting sewage from the interface point at the town border to the sewer plant? 
  2. Who pays for the maintenance caused by extra usage of pumping stations passing more sewage thru from out of town?  That's more work on the pumps and they fail over time.
  3. Who pays for the costs of maintaining the system over time?  Like it or not, excess sewage will mean excess maintenance on the sewer plant.
  4. Who pays if the State comes back with stricter environmental standards for the plant and capital improvements need to be made?  It won't be the first time we've dealt with that.
  5. Dont tell me that the town will make money on this deal.  That was the nonsense that was said to sell the extra big school to the taxpayers.

The above are just the direct costs.  There are other hidden costs over time for the taxpayers.

If this is done, Mullica will have an incredible amount of land fronting the White Horse Pike with sewer.  Business will be able to build on that land whereas it is much more difficult to do that now.  That land is less expensive than in Hammonton.  Thus, businesses will locate in Mullica to save money. 

If we lose those new businesses, we lose ratables.  If we lose ratables, taxes go up.  We need the ratables to keep taxes down.

The writer states

We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.

What about great ratables like the huge New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company offices?  Not only will that be a great help on ratables, but it also brings in good jobs.  Is that going to hurt quality of life?  They have to be kidding!  That HELPS quality of life!  What about Lowe's and Home Depot?  They will both pay big tax bills. 

Are the Republicans saying they want those projects to move to Mullica?  This isn't the first time the town has made mistakes with big offices.  Look at where the SJ Gas offices are located.  If that was moved a 1/4 mile north, Hammonton would get a big tax check each year.

The bottom line is this...

  1. This deal will ultimately cost Hammonton ratables and raise taxes.
  2. This deal will not turn the sewer into a profit center.  It will raise sewer costs.

Do the Democrats also support letting surrounding towns hook into Hammonton's sewer system?



Anonymous wrote:

You have no idea what you are talking about.

If you provide sewer to Mullica, it will be easy for businesses to locate there. The land is cheaper, so rather than locate in Hammonton, they will build in Mullica.

Hammonton will lose ratables and the town's taxes will increase.

 We've already had one long time local business close its downtown store and relocate to Mullica.  If we run sewer to Mullica then we'll create a vacuum of our businesses moving to the much available cheaper land there. 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

You have no idea what you are talking about.

If you provide sewer to Mullica, it will be easy for businesses to locate there. The land is cheaper, so rather than locate in Hammonton, they will build in Mullica.

Hammonton will lose ratables and the town's taxes will increase.

 We've already had one long time local business close its downtown store and relocate to Mullica.  If we run sewer to Mullica then we'll create a vacuum of our businesses moving to the much available cheaper land there. 

Maybe an improved business area along the WHP at Mullica's western border would be what is needed to help the WHP business area along our eastern border.  That business area of Hammonton seems to be the Land That Time Forgot.  The Mayor and his brother own business property along that area.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

You have no idea what you are talking about.

If you provide sewer to Mullica, it will be easy for businesses to locate there. The land is cheaper, so rather than locate in Hammonton, they will build in Mullica.

Hammonton will lose ratables and the town's taxes will increase.

We've already had one long time local business close its downtown store and relocate to Mullica. If we run sewer to Mullica then we'll create a vacuum of our businesses moving to the much available cheaper land there.

Maybe an improved business area along the WHP at Mullica's western border would be what is needed to help the WHP business area along our eastern border. That business area of Hammonton seems to be the Land That Time Forgot. The Mayor and his brother own business property along that area.


 Oh, I see the pattern now.




You deleted a post explaining that the Mayor told people that he is against letting neighboring towns hook in to Hammonton's sewer because it will cause Hammonton to lose ratables as businesses move to cheaper ground in Mullica.

The post also explained that the Mayor and his brother's businesses DO NOT currently have sewer service so they cannot grow much over there. It explained that even though they would benefit, they are against this because it would hurt the rest of Hammonton. They'd rather help Hammonton than help themseleves.

However, you have allowed posts trying to say lies that the mayor is benefitting.

You deleted the truth but allowed a lie to stay on the blog. It that what you want to do?


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That is not why the posts were deleted, you have now made the point in a civil way and your post will stay.

-- Edited by Admin at 13:45, 2007-10-27



the post only noted that the mayor and his brother are part of the Land That Time Forgot, you can be sure that the mayor could easily have other personal and business reasons why he does not want to support the sewer extension idea that was presented for that area

but excuse me I forgot , no one except the elitist HF crew are allowed to ask any questions or make any suggestions



The hammonton-me-first twist, is it a new pastry item, no it is just the same old spin masters at work.

 All this grand talk about the mayor worried about  _Hammonton to lose ratables as businesses move to cheaper ground in Mullica_.

Follow the real money and you can see that it is big dollar property development rights along other areas of the WHP that will be impacted if any development is allowed along the Mullica Twp. border.  The Big-Money is going to be made by land owners and property developers along the WHP from Old Forks Rd to Central Ave.

There is plenty of time in the future for property owners to cash in on their properties along the eastern edge of town.   Especially if those properties are not overly large land parcels and they currently generate good cash flow from existing business ventures.


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So when is Hammonton First going to file the election reports. The second report was due on Friday and they haven't even filed the first report yet. What are they hiding?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

We cannot afford to take some other town's sewage!

It's sad that you'd rather spend this town into the ground then be open to ideas that actually build revenue for Hammonton taxpayers.  Our state-of-the-art sewer plant only runs at 40% capacity.  Buildout in Hammonton is nearing 90%.  We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.  

Hammonton has a resource that can be used to generate big money and keep our taxes down.  Unlike the Republicans, Hammonton First has no plan to generate revenue outside of taxing the middle class.  Republicans are open to any idea that will take the burden off of our seniors and adults, and make life better in Hammonton.

The Republicans have come up with an incredibly bad idea for a number of reasons.


  1. Even if the neighboring communities pay to hook into our system, who pays for the costs of transporting sewage from the interface point at the town border to the sewer plant? 
  2. Who pays for the maintenance caused by extra usage of pumping stations passing more sewage thru from out of town?  That's more work on the pumps and they fail over time.
  3. Who pays for the costs of maintaining the system over time?  Like it or not, excess sewage will mean excess maintenance on the sewer plant.
  4. Who pays if the State comes back with stricter environmental standards for the plant and capital improvements need to be made?  It won't be the first time we've dealt with that.
  5. Dont tell me that the town will make money on this deal.  That was the nonsense that was said to sell the extra big school to the taxpayers.

The above are just the direct costs.  There are other hidden costs over time for the taxpayers.


If this is done, Mullica will have an incredible amount of land fronting the White Horse Pike with sewer.  Business will be able to build on that land whereas it is much more difficult to do that now.  That land is less expensive than in Hammonton.  Thus, businesses will locate in Mullica to save money. 


If we lose those new businesses, we lose ratables.  If we lose ratables, taxes go up.  We need the ratables to keep taxes down.


The writer states

We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.


What about great ratables like the huge New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company offices?  Not only will that be a great help on ratables, but it also brings in good jobs.  Is that going to hurt quality of life?  They have to be kidding!  That HELPS quality of life!  What about Lowe's and Home Depot?  They will both pay big tax bills. 

Are the Republicans saying they want those projects to move to Mullica?  This isn't the first time the town has made mistakes with big offices.  Look at where the SJ Gas offices are located.  If that was moved a 1/4 mile north, Hammonton would get a big tax check each year.

The bottom line is this...

  1. This deal will ultimately cost Hammonton ratables and raise taxes.
  2. This deal will not turn the sewer into a profit center.  It will raise sewer costs.

Without new ratables, the town's taxes will go up. This is the last thing that taxpayers want.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

We cannot afford to take some other town's sewage!

It's sad that you'd rather spend this town into the ground then be open to ideas that actually build revenue for Hammonton taxpayers.  Our state-of-the-art sewer plant only runs at 40% capacity.  Buildout in Hammonton is nearing 90%.  We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.  

Hammonton has a resource that can be used to generate big money and keep our taxes down.  Unlike the Republicans, Hammonton First has no plan to generate revenue outside of taxing the middle class.  Republicans are open to any idea that will take the burden off of our seniors and adults, and make life better in Hammonton.

The Republicans have come up with an incredibly bad idea for a number of reasons.

  1. Even if the neighboring communities pay to hook into our system, who pays for the costs of transporting sewage from the interface point at the town border to the sewer plant? 
  2. Who pays for the maintenance caused by extra usage of pumping stations passing more sewage thru from out of town?  That's more work on the pumps and they fail over time.
  3. Who pays for the costs of maintaining the system over time?  Like it or not, excess sewage will mean excess maintenance on the sewer plant.
  4. Who pays if the State comes back with stricter environmental standards for the plant and capital improvements need to be made?  It won't be the first time we've dealt with that.
  5. Dont tell me that the town will make money on this deal.  That was the nonsense that was said to sell the extra big school to the taxpayers.

The above are just the direct costs.  There are other hidden costs over time for the taxpayers.

If this is done, Mullica will have an incredible amount of land fronting the White Horse Pike with sewer.  Business will be able to build on that land whereas it is much more difficult to do that now.  That land is less expensive than in Hammonton.  Thus, businesses will locate in Mullica to save money. 

If we lose those new businesses, we lose ratables.  If we lose ratables, taxes go up.  We need the ratables to keep taxes down.

The writer states

We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.

What about great ratables like the huge New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company offices?  Not only will that be a great help on ratables, but it also brings in good jobs.  Is that going to hurt quality of life?  They have to be kidding!  That HELPS quality of life!  What about Lowe's and Home Depot?  They will both pay big tax bills. 

Are the Republicans saying they want those projects to move to Mullica?  This isn't the first time the town has made mistakes with big offices.  Look at where the SJ Gas offices are located.  If that was moved a 1/4 mile north, Hammonton would get a big tax check each year.

The bottom line is this...

  1. This deal will ultimately cost Hammonton ratables and raise taxes.
  2. This deal will not turn the sewer into a profit center.  It will raise sewer costs.

Without new ratables, the town's taxes will go up. This is the last thing that taxpayers want.

New Jersey Manufacturer's will provide a lot of jobs in Hammonton. The last thing that Hammonton would want to do is not have sewer capacity to bring in nice ratables like that. It's a bad idea to take raw sewage from Mullica. Don't we already have enough sewage coming in at Tuckahoe Turf Farm? HF is fighting that. Why would the Reps want to bring more sewage into town?

-- Edited by Admin at 21:39, 2007-10-27


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Posts: 1241

Let's try this again.
So when is Hammonton First going to file the election reports. The second report was due on Friday and they haven't even filed the first report yet. What are they hiding?
We keep asking, all we get is silence.



They can't file yet.  They don't know how much money they are going to need for lawyer fee's.  Here comes another black eye to Hammonton, now they are throwing dirt in the wound from last year.  The only good thing about this is this should be the end of HF once and for all.



RE: Hammonton First "open call" for candidates

From what I have heard, they think the public has forgotten any mistakes they may have made and are back on their way to winning some seats in this election. I think November will be a rude awakening for them.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

We cannot afford to take some other town's sewage!

It's sad that you'd rather spend this town into the ground then be open to ideas that actually build revenue for Hammonton taxpayers.? Our state-of-the-art sewer plant only runs at 40% capacity.? Buildout in Hammonton is nearing 90%.? We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.??

Hammonton has a resource that can be used to generate big money and keep our taxes down.? Unlike the Republicans, Hammonton First has no plan to generate revenue outside of taxing the middle class.? Republicans are open to any idea that will take the burden off of our seniors and adults, and make life better in Hammonton.

The Republicans have come up with an incredibly bad idea for a number of reasons.

  1. Even if the neighboring communities pay to hook into our system, who pays for the costs of transporting sewage from the interface point at the town border to the sewer plant??
  2. Who pays for the maintenance caused by extra usage of pumping stations?passing more sewage?thru from out of town?? That's more work on the pumps and they fail over time.
  3. Who pays for the costs of maintaining the system over time?? Like it or not, excess sewage will mean excess maintenance on the sewer plant.
  4. Who pays if the State comes back with stricter?environmental standards for the plant and capital improvements need to be made?? It won't be the first time we've dealt with that.
  5. Dont tell me that the town will make money on this deal.? That was the nonsense that was said to sell the extra big school to the taxpayers.

The above are just the direct costs.? There are other?hidden costs over time for the taxpayers.

If this is done, Mullica will have an incredible amount of land fronting the White Horse Pike with sewer.? Business will be able to build on that land whereas it is much more difficult to do that now.? That land is less expensive than in Hammonton.? Thus, businesses will locate in Mullica to save money.?

If we lose those new businesses, we lose ratables.? If we lose ratables, taxes go up.? We need the ratables to keep taxes down.

The writer states

We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.

What about great ratables like the huge New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company offices?? Not only will that be a great help on ratables, but it also brings in good jobs.? Is that going to hurt quality of life?? They have to be kidding!? That HELPS quality of life!? What about Lowe's and Home Depot?? They will both pay big tax bills.?

Are the Republicans saying they want those projects to move to Mullica?? This isn't the first time the town has made mistakes with big offices.? Look at where the SJ Gas offices are located.? If that was moved a 1/4 mile north, Hammonton would get a big tax check each year.

The bottom line is this...

  1. This deal will ultimately cost Hammonton ratables and raise taxes.
  2. This deal will not turn the sewer into a profit center.? It will raise sewer costs.

Without new ratables, the town's taxes will go up. This is the last thing that taxpayers want.

New Jersey Manufacturer's will provide a lot of jobs in Hammonton. The last thing that Hammonton would want to do is not have sewer capacity to bring in nice ratables like that. It's a bad idea to take raw sewage from Mullica. Don't we already have enough sewage coming in at Tuckahoe Turf Farm? HF is fighting that. Why would the?Reps want to bring more sewage into town?

-- Edited by Admin at 21:39, 2007-10-27

Anthony Falcone doesn't care if he gets new ratables into town. The Dems just want to take care of out of town friends and family and charge Hammontontians.


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The Democrats are not following the lead of Hammonton First in taking care of friends and family. Bringing in new ratables to ease the tax burden on the average citizen is a top priority.


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Posts: 1241

Let's try this again.
So when is Hammonton First going to file the election reports. The second report was due on Friday and they haven't even filed the first report yet. What are they hiding?
We keep asking, all we get is silence.
We keep trying to get them to answer this thread and all they do is change the subject.
So much for "open" government. They are hiding these reports for some reason. What don't they want us to see?



Admin wrote:

Let's try this again.
So when is Hammonton First going to file the election reports. The second report was due on Friday and they haven't even filed the first report yet. What are they hiding?
We keep asking, all we get is silence.
We keep trying to get them to answer this thread and all they do is change the subject.
So much for "open" government. They are hiding these reports for some reason. What don't they want us to see?

 The very fact that Hammonton First hasn't filed its campaing finance report makes me think that they are going to spend close to $100,000 on their campaign.  That $100,000 could have come in handy towards Kessler.  Why would a political party spend based on my estimates close to $250,000 (Quarter of a Million Dollars) for a position that pays NOTHING?  I guess they need more time to cook up the books or possibly they have trouble doing math.   Of course, they have trouble following the law.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

We cannot afford to take some other town's sewage!

It's sad that you'd rather spend this town into the ground then be open to ideas that actually build revenue for Hammonton taxpayers.? Our state-of-the-art sewer plant only runs at 40% capacity.? Buildout in Hammonton is nearing 90%.? We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.??

Hammonton has a resource that can be used to generate big money and keep our taxes down.? Unlike the Republicans, Hammonton First has no plan to generate revenue outside of taxing the middle class.? Republicans are open to any idea that will take the burden off of our seniors and adults, and make life better in Hammonton.

The Republicans have come up with an incredibly bad idea for a number of reasons.

  1. Even if the neighboring communities pay to hook into our system, who pays for the costs of transporting sewage from the interface point at the town border to the sewer plant??
  2. Who pays for the maintenance caused by extra usage of pumping stations?passing more sewage?thru from out of town?? That's more work on the pumps and they fail over time.
  3. Who pays for the costs of maintaining the system over time?? Like it or not, excess sewage will mean excess maintenance on the sewer plant.
  4. Who pays if the State comes back with stricter?environmental standards for the plant and capital improvements need to be made?? It won't be the first time we've dealt with that.
  5. Dont tell me that the town will make money on this deal.? That was the nonsense that was said to sell the extra big school to the taxpayers.

The above are just the direct costs.? There are other?hidden costs over time for the taxpayers.

If this is done, Mullica will have an incredible amount of land fronting the White Horse Pike with sewer.? Business will be able to build on that land whereas it is much more difficult to do that now.? That land is less expensive than in Hammonton.? Thus, businesses will locate in Mullica to save money.?

If we lose those new businesses, we lose ratables.? If we lose ratables, taxes go up.? We need the ratables to keep taxes down.

The writer states

We have excess capacity that can never be used, unless someone plans to open a giant factory in Hammonton that will hurt home values and quality of life.

What about great ratables like the huge New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company offices?? Not only will that be a great help on ratables, but it also brings in good jobs.? Is that going to hurt quality of life?? They have to be kidding!? That HELPS quality of life!? What about Lowe's and Home Depot?? They will both pay big tax bills.?

Are the Republicans saying they want those projects to move to Mullica?? This isn't the first time the town has made mistakes with big offices.? Look at where the SJ Gas offices are located.? If that was moved a 1/4 mile north, Hammonton would get a big tax check each year.

The bottom line is this...

  1. This deal will ultimately cost Hammonton ratables and raise taxes.
  2. This deal will not turn the sewer into a profit center.? It will raise sewer costs.

Without new ratables, the town's taxes will go up. This is the last thing that taxpayers want.

New Jersey Manufacturer's will provide a lot of jobs in Hammonton. The last thing that Hammonton would want to do is not have sewer capacity to bring in nice ratables like that. It's a bad idea to take raw sewage from Mullica. Don't we already have enough sewage coming in at Tuckahoe Turf Farm? HF is fighting that. Why would the?Reps want to bring more sewage into town?

-- Edited by Admin at 21:39, 2007-10-27

Anthony Falcone doesn't care if he gets new ratables into town. The Dems just want to take care of out of town friends and family and charge Hammontontians.

Why are is Anthony Falcone ducking this issue? The bottom line is that the debt went down in 2006 when HF took office and Anthony Falcone was a lame duck.


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The debt went down while Anthony Falcone was still in office. The debt has gone back up since he left office. Why won't you guys acknowledge the facts that come from your own experts. You continue to qoute a number from 12/31/06, while the Democrats are working with the most recent numbers available from Brown & Company and the Town Accountant. Why won't you even listen to the town accountant that you guys hired and then gave the largest raise of all the employees. HF gave him a 19% raise of over $7,000 in one year and you don't trust his figures?



Admin wrote:

The debt went down while Anthony Falcone was still in office. The debt has gone back up since he left office. Why won't you guys acknowledge the facts that come from your own experts. You continue to qoute a number from 12/31/06, while the Democrats are working with the most recent numbers available from Brown & Company and the Town Accountant. Why won't you even listen to the town accountant that you guys hired and then gave the largest raise of all the employees. HF gave him a 19% raise of over $7,000 in one year and you don't trust his figures?

I think we all agree the debt went down in 2006 by $570,000. 

That was HF's first year in office.  They lowered debt, increased surplus and kept taxes at zero increase.

We also agree that 2005 was the year that the debt hit it's highest amount ever.  That was Anthony Falcone's first year on council.  Like it or not, he voted for all kinds of bond ordinances.  And by the way, the new town hall had already been voted on back in 2003.  Town council just never got around to doing anything to get it done, as the Democrats poiinted out in one of their campaign ads which got Falcone elected.

In 2006, Falcone voted for some strange things, but HF's 5-2 majority voted him down.

This year, the Mayor has explained that the debt will go down again.  The reason is simple, each year part of the tax revenue goes to paying principal.  If town council is careful, at the end of each year the debt goes down due to that principal.  So by the end of 2007, you'll see that debt has gone down again under HF.  The goal is to keep doing that and watch carefully new projects so that over time we slowly chip away all the debt that Anthony Falcone voted to build up.

You really should not have made this a campaign issue.  It's one of HF's strong points. 

If you want to bash HF, go back to the general bashing without specific reasons or any logic at all.  I can't explain why, but that is the one area where your team seems to be most effective.  Nice song.  I remember it when I was younger.


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Our Net Debt as of 12/31/06 is $18,277,321.37
Increases in that Net Debt from Note 21 are as follows:
    General Capital Fund - Trash Truck              $247,000
    General Capital Fund - Firefighting Gear        $  4,744
    General Capital Fund Various capital Imp.   $632,700
    Boyer Avenue additional funding                       $76,000
Decreases in the Net Debt represent Bond and Loan Payments in 2007 of $450,005.32
As of Today(9/27) the Estimated Net Debt as of Dec. 31, 2007 would be $18,787,760.05

These figures are already a month old, but you see they already include the payment against the principal that you mention.



Looks like you missed calculating in some of the other notes as well as the $2.5M that South Jersey Gas has paid the town.


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These figures were provided by the Town of Hammonton, so I don't know what notes could have been missed, unless you are trying to say that the accountant you just gave a $7,000 raise to doesn't do his job well. I happen to believe him.

And the money from SJ Gas is to compensate the town for having to move it's new well plans to a different location. Are you now telling us we are not using the money for what it is truly needed for and plan to use it for other purposes?



Jim, you say your calculations at the end of 2007 show the town debt will be $18,787,760.05. As of the end of 2005 the debt was $18,847,438.

So even if you use your numbers, the debt had decreased by Hammonton First.  Now remember you didn't factor in the $2.5M that SJ Gas is paying the town.

It's all good!

It's really nice we have had
  • No tax increase 2 consecutive years
  • Lowered the total debt
  • Took a deficit and turned it into a $1,538,122 surplus
  • Repaved 10 Roads - 6 of them town roads, 4 state & county roads
  • Water & Sewer infrastructure replaced on 8 roads
  • Town Hall underway Relocated Original Town Hall to Park
  • Downtown Streetscaping, and sidewalks completed
  • New Soccer home with 8 soccer fields completed
  • Design and permitting underway for community center, amphitheater, parking at the lake; and additional soccer, baseball, hockey and walking trails at Boyer Ave.
  • Upgraded TV and Web, to provide a new open government format



I don't TRUST any figures from Hammonton First anymore.  They lied about the $5.9M.  How can we trust them with figures from a multi million dollar project when they can't even file their campaign finance reports on time.  Either they're hiding something or they can't add.  NOT ONE SINGLE HF supporter or the HF council candidate that I've talked to wants to say why they refuse to  make it public.  Does any HF supporter know why their party is hiding information that should be public? Is that honest, open government?



Anonymous wrote:

Jim, you say your calculations at the end of 2007 show the town debt will be $18,787,760.05. As of the end of 2005 the debt was $18,847,438.

So even if you use your numbers, the debt had decreased by Hammonton First.  Now remember you didn't factor in the $2.5M that SJ Gas is paying the town.

It's all good!

It's really nice we have had

  • No tax increase 2 consecutive years
  • Lowered the total debt
  • Took a deficit and turned it into a $1,538,122 surplus
  • Repaved 10 Roads - 6 of them town roads, 4 state & county roads
  • Water & Sewer infrastructure replaced on 8 roads
  • Town Hall underway Relocated Original Town Hall to Park
  • Downtown Streetscaping, and sidewalks completed
  • New Soccer home with 8 soccer fields completed
  • Design and permitting underway for community center, amphitheater, parking at the lake; and additional soccer, baseball, hockey and walking trails at Boyer Ave.
  • Upgraded TV and Web, to provide a new open government format

The nice thing is that both the independent auditor and Jim MacLane's numbers agree that town debt went down during HF's time in office.  Isn't it much better to agree than fight?  It's all good.



Anonymous wrote:

The nice thing is that both the independent auditor and Jim MacLane's numbers agree that town debt went down during HF's time in office.  Isn't it much better to agree than fight?  It's all good.

Who's fighting???  Hammonton First continues to ignore the law and do as they please.  What's the positive spin on that?  Isn't it right to agree that Hammonton First has brought much embarrassment to Hammonton in the last 2 years. Can't we all agree that this must be stopped for the Good of ALL Hammontonians. Then indeed, We can say "It's all Good- Hammonton First is no more!"



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Jim, you say your calculations at the end of 2007 show the town debt will be $18,787,760.05. As of the end of 2005 the debt was $18,847,438.

So even if you use your numbers, the debt had decreased by Hammonton First.  Now remember you didn't factor in the $2.5M that SJ Gas is paying the town.

It's all good!

It's really nice we have had

  • No tax increase 2 consecutive years
  • Lowered the total debt
  • Took a deficit and turned it into a $1,538,122 surplus
  • Repaved 10 Roads - 6 of them town roads, 4 state & county roads
  • Water & Sewer infrastructure replaced on 8 roads
  • Town Hall underway Relocated Original Town Hall to Park
  • Downtown Streetscaping, and sidewalks completed
  • New Soccer home with 8 soccer fields completed
  • Design and permitting underway for community center, amphitheater, parking at the lake; and additional soccer, baseball, hockey and walking trails at Boyer Ave.
  • Upgraded TV and Web, to provide a new open government format

The nice thing is that both the independent auditor and Jim MacLane's numbers agree that town debt went down during HF's time in office.  Isn't it much better to agree than fight?  It's all good.

The best thing of all is that the Boyer Ave project will be done such that there doesn't even need to be long term funding from the town.  It'll be a wonderful rec facility.


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That's a heck of a statement, care to back that up with facts?



Admin wrote:

That's a heck of a statement, care to back that up with facts?

The Mayor already announced some of the town's land at the industrial park where the old roller hockey rink will be sold once a new one is build at Boyer Avenue.

By bringing in a new ratable in the industrial park, the town uses the property as it was originally intended.  It gets a new ratable that will pay taxes for the future.  And the funds received from the land pays off the money for the new fields at Boyer Ave.

It's all good.  Everybody wins.


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That is actually a good possibility. Have we done any research as to the value of that land? Have we done an appraisal so we can put some concrete numbers to the plan? That will give us a real idea of what we can afford.



Admin wrote:

That is actually a good possibility. Have we done any research as to the value of that land? Have we done an appraisal so we can put some concrete numbers to the plan? That will give us a real idea of what we can afford.

There is about 17 acres over there.  The nice thing is that it can be sold in chunks and not only pay for Boyer Ave, but also have extra left over to pay off some more debt.

The other nice advantage is that when you take that ground and use if for ratables, the town gets continuing yearly tax revenue whereas right now it gets zero.  That revenue helps both the school and town.


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Secrets are sometimes meant to be shared, here are a few that are going around the town. Whether they be true or not, time will tell.

First, my question is where did all the top soil at the airport disappear to? Rumor has that the three D's might have the answer to this one. This matter should be and maybe is being investigated, which might have something to do with the three D's being told to get an attorney.

Secondly, it has been said in the Atlantic City Press that Mr. Barberio has been a life long resident of hammonton......LIE LIE LIE...as far as I know he has only been a resident for less two years. Why would they put this in the paper, maybe to trick the people of the town to cast there votes for him.

My third and final question is what did the BIG D do with 4.5 million dollars surplus that was left from the previos administration?

This town should be represented by honest and just people. Not slime, that lie and decieve the people they are supposed to representing. Maybe our Mayor and Council should stop focusing on their own selfish desires and think about what the people of this town want and need.



Anonymous wrote:

Secrets are sometimes meant to be shared, here are a few that are going around the town. Whether they be true or not, time will tell.

First, my question is where did all the top soil at the airport disappear to? Rumor has that the three D's might have the answer to this one. This matter should be and maybe is being investigated, which might have something to do with the three D's being told to get an attorney.

Secondly, it has been said in the Atlantic City Press that Mr. Barberio has been a life long resident of hammonton......LIE LIE LIE...as far as I know he has only been a resident for less two years. Why would they put this in the paper, maybe to trick the people of the town to cast there votes for him.

My third and final question is what did the BIG D do with 4.5 million dollars surplus that was left from the previos administration?

This town should be represented by honest and just people. Not slime, that lie and decieve the people they are supposed to representing. Maybe our Mayor and Council should stop focusing on their own selfish desires and think about what the people of this town want and need.

Where did the top soil at the airport go? How about, where did the contaminated millings on 11th St. come from? Who gave permission for a local business to put them there?? Why don't you ask Mayor DiDonato? He knows.

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