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Post Info TOPIC: Clinton is the Hammonton Democratic Choice

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Clinton is the Hammonton Democratic Choice

In yesterday's Presidential Primary, Hillary Clinton took 69% of the votes here in Hammonton while Barack Obama was only able to get 27% of the vote.

It is also very interesting that The breakdown of Democratic and Republican voters was almost dead even here in Hammonton with a 26.2% overall turnout. The turnout for the State of New Jersey was 35%.

Click here to see full results.

-- Edited by Admin at 12:44, 2008-02-06

-- Edited by Admin at 15:19, 2008-02-06



Maybe you can take Vitalo.



Anonymous wrote:

Maybe you can take Vitalo.

Could it be the Republicans stayed home because they thought Vitalo was on the ticket??????????????????????????????????



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Maybe you can take Vitalo.

Could it be the Republicans stayed home because they thought Vitalo was on the ticket??????????????????????????????????

No, more than likely voters feared that Jerry Barberio might be there and his obesity would be too imposing.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Maybe you can take Vitalo.

Could it be the Republicans stayed home because they thought Vitalo was on the ticket??????????????????????????????????

Bertino and the Republicans are dumping Vitalo and Marino. If they refuse to go quietly, there will be a primary run.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Maybe you can take Vitalo.

Could it be the Republicans stayed home because they thought Vitalo was on the ticket??????????????????????????????????

Bertino and the Republicans are dumping Vitalo and Marino. If they refuse to go quietly, there will be a primary run.

Are you sure that's correct? As I understand it, the mayor's brothers have abandoned the party, most of their money backers are running for the hills, and several businesspeople associated with hammonton first have already committed themselves to Republican fundraisers later in the year.

Looks like Hammonton First is being left alone to the two brothers.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Maybe you can take Vitalo.

Could it be the Republicans stayed home because they thought Vitalo was on the ticket??????????????????????????????????

Bertino and the Republicans are dumping Vitalo and Marino. If they refuse to go quietly, there will be a primary run.

It certainly will be intereresting watching their reactions over the next few months. With Bertino sitting between the two of them, they will be fascinating, "Must See TV." Everyone should make sure to watch!



What's up with this COAH stuff ? What is the town to do ? Why did the Mayor give this to Jerry? What does he know about COAH ? Is this the direction that Hammonton wants to go.



Anonymous wrote:

What's up with this COAH stuff ? What is the town to do ? Why did the Mayor give this to Jerry? What does he know about COAH ? Is this the direction that Hammonton wants to go.

It's important to note that the Mayor has proven time and time again he is unable to lead the town, so he's forced to pass the buck to other people. By giving COAH responsibility to Jerry Vitalo, he thought he would make a food of Jerry. But Jerry is no fool. He's already been in contact with The Planning Board, The State of NJ, COAH representatives, business groups that fight COAH, and local residents.

Jerry will do his job. Just like last year when they tried to make a fool of him by putting him in charge of the July 4th celebration and pullling all his friends' doantions that usually pay for them. Jerry went out and raised NEW money and it was a success.

Sure, you can make fun of Jerry Vitalo. But he's no fool, and he's proved those saying so wrong again and again.



The town surely knows that Jerry is up for the challenge. He will do the job and get it complete just like he has with so many other things. This is a dangerous task because it's not what anyone wants to hear about, but I'm sure that Jerry is up for it................Go Jerry...........................



now who's lying. hf has had three elections two big wins and a loss by eight votes. The  fact is if they did not go after the chef they win all three elections. but hey it is only february,  you can spin for the next 9 months while they get things done. 



Anonymous wrote:

now who's lying. hf has had three elections two big wins and a loss by eight votes. The  fact is if they did not go after the chef they win all three elections. but hey it is only february,  you can spin for the next 9 months while they get things done. 

yes, get things done like the Mayor continuing to appoint family members to important positions around town.  Who else will Mayor DiDonato appoint in his family to boards and chairs in Hammonton?

How long will his brother Steve DiDonato, a major developer in Hammonton, stay on the PLanning Board deciding if other developers can work in Hammonton or not?  Will he give other developers a free ride, or only those playing ball with the Mayor?

What a disgrace!  It's time for the Mayor and his appointed family to STEP DOWN.  Stop disgracing rule of law, and go home!  Hammonton doesn't want your family running OUR town any longer.




It's called total control. It's all good, and they said so. and that's a FACT.Zero taxes for now.And if you think that's  good ,then wake up, the screwing is about to come.Enjoy those veggies you got, hope you saved them because when they're done with us that's all you may have to eat.I can't wait for my next load of veggies this year. Maybe they can have a zero for a 4th year. It's all smoke and mirrors, problem is we are the ones getting smoked. "they are paving our way to hell".



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

now who's lying. hf has had three elections two big wins and a loss by eight votes. The  fact is if they did not go after the chef they win all three elections. but hey it is only february,  you can spin for the next 9 months while they get things done. 

yes, get things done like the Mayor continuing to appoint family members to important positions around town.  Who else will Mayor DiDonato appoint in his family to boards and chairs in Hammonton?

How long will his brother Steve DiDonato, a major developer in Hammonton, stay on the PLanning Board deciding if other developers can work in Hammonton or not?  Will he give other developers a free ride, or only those playing ball with the Mayor?

What a disgrace!  It's time for the Mayor and his appointed family to STEP DOWN.  Stop disgracing rule of law, and go home!  Hammonton doesn't want your family running OUR town any longer.


your post is a digrace, as are you. 
and just to be blunt the town people have spoken they voted for hf.  Please don't be such a a hole in your posts. 


Status: Offline
Posts: 6

To the prevouse person, you seem upset by the accusation that the Mayor's behavior is disgraceful. Well, his appointment of family members does not reflect well on small town politics. It perpetuates stereotypes and turns people off from the system. The fact that his brother is a developer just makes matters worse. I think the Mayor has to realize the perceptions he creates with his actions. I agree that either Steve or the Mayor need to step down. We cannot have both.

The excuse is that things have always been that way. Well, HF was elected to do things differently. What a let down!

Finally, 51% of the town voted against HF in 2007. A majority said NO to Mayor DiDonato. He should think about that when he makes the decisions that are not well thought out.



Hammonton is tired of all this nepotism. The Mayor needs to be impeached.



It's time for Jerry to give up the health benefits. It's time for the GOP to dump this guy we know there are better candidates out there. Dump him now. Can't wait to see the February meeting, it will be Jerry at his best. By then the town will have thousands of low income housing units. Thanks jerry. 



Anonymous wrote:

It's time for Jerry to give up the health benefits. It's time for the GOP to dump this guy we know there are better candidates out there. Dump him now. Can't wait to see the February meeting, it will be Jerry at his best. By then the town will have thousands of low income housing units. Thanks jerry. 

Thanks Jerry?  Why don't you ask the mayor why he decided not to show up to an arbitration meeting  a month ago to settle a COAH lawsuit.  Oh I know why, he was too busy attending a grand opening function for a downtown coffee shop. 

What's more imporant?  Attending a meeting to settle a COAH lawsuit that could force low income housing into Hammonton, or cutting a ribbon in front of another Bellevue Ave. cafe?  The mayor answered that one when he snubbed the meeting.  Now the cards are all in favor of the plantiff, and once again Hammonto will be stuck with more low income housing.

This mayor has failed Hammonton time and time and time again.  What a disgrace.  But let's blame Jerry becuase he's not afraid to take responsibility and run with it.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

It's time for Jerry to give up the health benefits. It's time for the GOP to dump this guy we know there are better candidates out there. Dump him now. Can't wait to see the February meeting, it will be Jerry at his best. By then the town will have thousands of low income housing units. Thanks jerry. 

Thanks Jerry?  Why don't you ask the mayor why he decided not to show up to an arbitration meeting  a month ago to settle a COAH lawsuit.  Oh I know why, he was too busy attending a grand opening function for a downtown coffee shop. 

What's more imporant?  Attending a meeting to settle a COAH lawsuit that could force low income housing into Hammonton, or cutting a ribbon in front of another Bellevue Ave. cafe?  The mayor answered that one when he snubbed the meeting.  Now the cards are all in favor of the plantiff, and once again Hammonto will be stuck with more low income housing.

This mayor has failed Hammonton time and time and time again.  What a disgrace.  But let's blame Jerry becuase he's not afraid to take responsibility and run with it.

Jerry, you think he's so great, thanks to him we will have more low income housing than we can afford.The town should be afraid when he runs with something, at least Marino was smart enough to so NO to coah. Jerry has a record that is bar-none,nadda ,nothing, zero,zilch, ....you always defend this guy how can you when he is perhaps going to hold the record for the worst councilperson that Hammonton has ever had, now that's something.Tell the people what he has done? Oh you can't because he hasn't done anything.

The local republicans need to get him off the ticket now so they have a fighting chance in November.Also what does he know about coah? and why would he support it? Hammonton needs to get away from coah, but jerry is sucking us in.Please follow this closely, last week Jerry said on TV , it has taken lawyers years to understand coah, but he's up to speed in only 10 days. We all need to be scared.Get ready Hammonton,we can see it now, low income housing , compliments of Jerry, only one in New Jersey that understands coah.all this from a so- called councilperson who talks about dirty underware and other stupid things at a council meeting. "Jerry must GO" 



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

It's time for Jerry to give up the health benefits. It's time for the GOP to dump this guy we know there are better candidates out there. Dump him now. Can't wait to see the February meeting, it will be Jerry at his best. By then the town will have thousands of low income housing units. Thanks jerry. 

Thanks Jerry?  Why don't you ask the mayor why he decided not to show up to an arbitration meeting  a month ago to settle a COAH lawsuit.  Oh I know why, he was too busy attending a grand opening function for a downtown coffee shop. 

What's more imporant?  Attending a meeting to settle a COAH lawsuit that could force low income housing into Hammonton, or cutting a ribbon in front of another Bellevue Ave. cafe?  The mayor answered that one when he snubbed the meeting.  Now the cards are all in favor of the plantiff, and once again Hammonto will be stuck with more low income housing.

This mayor has failed Hammonton time and time and time again.  What a disgrace.  But let's blame Jerry becuase he's not afraid to take responsibility and run with it.

Please explain just what Jerry has taken responsibility for? What has he run with? Why has he done nothing on council? The Mayor doesn't have to be at everything that's why there are lawyers.How do you know the cards are one way or another? You really make plenty of points that are really not points.What did Jerry do for recreation? Nothing .What did Jerry do with the opening of the Lake? Nothing.( said he was going to put on a speedo)What did he have to do with the fish kill in the Lake? Plenty.What did Jerry do on council for the 1st year he was there? Nothing.What did Jerry do when it came to health benefits? Took Them.What will Jerry do with the Reagan Rock? Nothing it was just a press release.What will happen with Jerry in the June Primary? He will be gone..................Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!And the real question is when Jerry runs with something, does he know just where hes' running to?



In fairness to Jerry Vitalo, he's only been on council for a year. What has Jimmy Bertino done in his 11 years on council?



Hey everybody, look how scared they are of little Jerry Vitalo!  They've been blasting him here for a week now every chance they can get.  How bad off are the Republicans' opponents that they are targeting Jerry Vitalo, the biggest hearted man on Council?



Anonymous wrote:

In fairness to Jerry Vitalo, he's only been on council for a year. What has Jimmy Bertino done in his 11 years on council?

Can anybody name any project Jimmy Bertino COMPLETED since he's been on council? There is no sense in everybody worrying about the brand new sidewalks at Reagan Rock getting torn up. Bertino talks and talks but does nothing.



Anonymous wrote:

Hey everybody, look how scared they are of little Jerry Vitalo!  They've been blasting him here for a week now every chance they can get.  How bad off are the Republicans' opponents that they are targeting Jerry Vitalo, the biggest hearted man on Council?

I would agree that jerry has the biggest heart,but only if he had a brain.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Hey everybody, look how scared they are of little Jerry Vitalo!  They've been blasting him here for a week now every chance they can get.  How bad off are the Republicans' opponents that they are targeting Jerry Vitalo, the biggest hearted man on Council?

I would agree that jerry has the biggest heart,but only if he had a brain.

Good Point, infact the truth.What will Jerry do next? Lets' see we have talked about spedos, dirty underware as well as other stupid things, what will be his next item? Wake up Hammonton its' time for a change, and if anyone thinks this guy has any prayer in the June primary, you are probably all alone.Time is now for the old "your out of here Jerry." Republicans step up and tell him he has to go. New bumper sticker "bye-bye Jerry"  



Some of the brightest, most talented, and most educated people have run for Town Council and never won. Hammontonians get what they deserve- Idiots who are only in it for themselves or are clueless.



Anonymous wrote:

Some of the brightest, most talented, and most educated people have run for Town Council and never won. Hammontonians get what they deserve- Idiots who are only in it for themselves or are clueless.

If clueless wins the JERRY should be the all time high vote getter.Yeah.

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