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Post Info TOPIC: 2 Republican Councilman want to redo Reagan Plaza

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2 Republican Councilman want to redo Reagan Plaza

Councilmen Vitalo and Marino are proposing to redo Reagan Plaza located at the corner of Bellevue Avenue and Ronald Reagan Drive (Central Avenue) which was just redone with taxpayers dollars during the recent round of sidewalk improvements on Bellevue Avenue. They unveiled their plans in the offices of the Hammonton Gazette and it was reported in this week's edition. The work that was done has made this a very attractive area and a fitting tribute to the events that took place in 1984. We see no reason to expend additional taxpayer dollars to redo a project that was just completed, especially when there are much better uses for taxpayer dollars in our Town.To quote the Gazette, "It simply seems nonsensical to us to change what the community just built with taxpayer-funded dollars."
The Hammonton Democrats agree with the Gazette when they say, "There are many other areas of our town that require fixing, and other issues that require funds and attention."

Click here to read the Gazette editorial.

As with every story, there seems to be another side to this story. A report has appeared on the Hammonton News website concerning this subject:

Public invited to discuss changes to Reagan Rock area

Staff Writer

Local residents and business owners will have a chance to give their input about changes to The Reagan Rock area at a meeting on at 7 p.m. Feb. 26 at the Casciano Coffee Bar and Sweetery at 212 Bellevue Ave.

Citizens are being encouraged to the meeting attend to discuss possible landscape design and other improvements to the monument erected in commemoration of President Ronald Reagans visit on Sept. 19, 1984.

The nearly five-foot high boulder sits just yards away from where Reagan delivered an address at the corner of Bellevue and Central avenues before an estimated 30,000 people.

Although the monument has been a fixture in town since its creation in 1987, Republican Councilman Anthony Marino noted that thousands of people pass through downtown Hammonton each day along Bellevue Avenue, passing by the stone monument without realizing its significance.

We want to draw peoples eye to it more, said Marino. We want to get the publics input and come up with a couple ideas.

Republican Councilman Jerry Vitalo reiterated that the proposed plan is still in its infancy.

This is about Ronald Reagan. This will better the town of Hammonton, said Councilman Jerry Vitalo, a mason who already pledged to donate the labor for the project. Vitalo has already proposed using a more decorative stone around the monument.

We want something decorative, he said. We would come up with some kind of a blueprint plan by talking to people.

Casciano owner Linda Cashan, who is also president of MainStreet Hammonton, said she is hosting the meeting in order to help facilitate public input into the matter.

Cashan noted the monument area is used during the year for various MainStreet events such as the successful Cruisin MainStreet night, as well as during the end-of-year holiday activities.

For more information, call Marino at 567-4300.

New picture added 2/20 taken from the Hammonton News.

-- Edited by Admin at 09:35, 2008-02-20


RE: 2 Republican Councilman want to re-spend taxpayers money

These two are a waste. One gets free benefits and also wants low income housing and sits on no committees. Now they want to waste our money on the Reagan rock. To tell you, these two must have rocks in their head. I think they are wrong with this idea,just like the rest of their failed ideas. They are a joke, please Hammonton cut them loose. There are many more important issues facing Hammonton, lets' start with all the broken sidewalks and streets that are busted up, and these two loose cannons want to fix something thats' not broken. The only thing broken is them.Go to the next council meeting and tell them they need to go, they are out of touch, with the community.Beam Me UP Scotti.



These two just don't get it!!! What a waste of taxpayer money. First we pay family health benefits for a part time councilman, Vitalo, and we also pay for a buyout for another part time councilman, Marino. Then these two, after costing us all that money, want to redo something that we the taxpayers just paid to have redone.
They are so clueless. They vote all year with HF and kiss their butts, only to get discarded once they weren't needed anymore. Now they go in to kiss the butts of the Gazette and get tossed aside by them too. Not too bright, are they?



no tax payer money is being used for this.  the gazette has grossly misled the public.  marino and vitalo just want to fix the lights, flowers, and some of the masonry.  jerry is donating his time and resources, and there's a fundraiser in town to pay for anything else.

if you guys like broken lights and dead flowers, so be it.  personally i like the idea of reagan rock being done correctly.

the dems should know better than to listen to the gazzette



I'm going to the meeting.... I want to ask Marino why he isn't a police officer anymore.



Anonymous wrote:

no tax payer money is being used for this.  the gazette has grossly misled the public.  marino and vitalo just want to fix the lights, flowers, and some of the masonry.  jerry is donating his time and resources, and there's a fundraiser in town to pay for anything else.

if you guys like broken lights and dead flowers, so be it.  personally i like the idea of reagan rock being done correctly.

the dems should know better than to listen to the gazzette

Get real, have a fundraiser,the gazette is correct this is a joke.We don't need those two to fix anything.Why would their handler do the talking for them.They are out of control, when there are so many problems in Hammonton what the hell are we worried about a rock for? If this is what these two duds think elected service is all about get real. Why didn't Bertino jump in on the idea, he knows this is bad.Wait until everyone sees the look on his(Bertino)
face at the next council meeting with the two jokers.

Wait until you see the next council meeting, spinzo, has had an entire month to pratice with Jerry, maybe he won't use such big words this time, because his puppets get messed up on them. We should go ask him to give a defination
of some of the words he usede last time.

Bertino must think they are nuts. 



Isn't this a function of Main Street? We don't need them putting their two cents into this. Go to council, ask them to resign. Lets put people there who care about more than a rock.The problems are real with tax increases and a bush recession and these two are worried about this. They make me sick.



These two "butt" heads have to go.What crazy thing will they propose next? I think that the Gazette is dead on with is one. This needs to stop what a misuse of our tax dollars. why hasn't Bertino said anything. Just because Jerry didn't get a committee he now runs around finding things that aren't broken. What a waste of a council seat.Republicans wise up , dump this looser now, before it's to late? If this is so great why isn't on the GOP website? Jerry has no record of accomplishment, this is sad.Why didn't the Hammonton News print anything about this?They must even think these two are a joke.  


RE: 2 Republican Councilman want to redo Reagan Plaza

that's real ggod everyone else on council is working to fix problems.  Jerry and anthony want to fix the lights at the rock.  boy spinzo droped the ball on this one.  but then again what would you expect.( spinie is NFT)



When your handler knows nothing about Hammonton... that's what you get.

What a terrible idea. And what a terrible way to promote canidates.

Can someone from the GOP just tell these three that they have to go. Seriously every GOP insider you talk to... the people who are actually from Hammonton and actually call the shots...bury these idiots every chance they get.

So give them the old heave ho !!!



Anonymous wrote:

that's real ggod everyone else on council is working to fix problems.  Jerry and anthony want to fix the lights at the rock.  boy spinzo droped the ball on this one.  but then again what would you expect.( spinie is NFT)

what's spinzo mean?  and what does spinie is NFT mean? 



with the  people the d's and r's have been running.  hfis the clear choice.  strong leadership tough decsions.  zero taxes



Anonymous wrote:

with the  people the d's and r's have been running.  hfis the clear choice.  strong leadership tough decsions.  zero taxes

tough decisions is right:

1)should we illegally dump asbestos? YES!
2)should the mayor appoint his brother to the planning board?  YES
3)should we report campaign finances according to law?  NO!



Why would anybody want to tear up brand new sidewalks that the town just put in? Why pay for the same thing twice? No wonder the Republicans keep demanding HF spend more money when HF wants to go for zero tax increases. They just don't have any common sense. Bertino has been on council 10 years. That's enough.



I'm starting to wonder about Bertino. He should have gotten the freeholder nod instead of Tom Who??? Mayor of Where??? Is that in Atlantic County Ballasteri

He should have gotten out while the getting was good.



The county Republicans don't want Jimmy Bertino for freeholder. Whose idea do you think this whole Reagan Rock joke is? Bertino is supposed to be the leader of his party with all the experience. If so, then this must be his idea. Or maybe the Republicans locally don't think he knows what he's doing anymore.

Why would taxpayers pay to tear up brand new concrete?



When will this maddness stop? The pictures of this clearly show that there is nothing wrong with this site.This is not only bad timing but in poor taste. The town has a paid main street director and if he doesn't see a problem with it why should these two. Maybe we can get a cut out of Reagan and place him there too.This issue has NO traction. Could someone please tell me whose idea this was? Because it clearly makes no sense to fix this rock that is not broken.
The public wants to know why. Jerry go to the next council meeting, and please don't make such a fool of yourse'f. And please don't create a committee on the Reagan Rock.



Anonymous wrote:

Why would taxpayers pay to tear up brand new concrete?

Why would the mayor take advantage of tax loopholes to rip off the town to the tune of over $100,00?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Why would taxpayers pay to tear up brand new concrete?

Why would the mayor take advantage of tax loopholes to rip off the town to the tune of over $100,00?

Simply put, because your republicans put the ordiance in plce about ten years ago to attract business to the town. So are you now against business's? or just the people who own them? get a life.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Why would taxpayers pay to tear up brand new concrete?

Why would the mayor take advantage of tax loopholes to rip off the town to the tune of over $100,00?

Simply put, because your republicans put the ordiance in plce about ten years ago to attract business to the town. So are you now against business's? or just the people who own them? get a life.

Are you saying Mayor DiDonato took advantage of a tax incentive set up for businesses outside of Hammonton to move here?  Mayor DiDonato is not a business from out of town.  He's had local businesses for years.  So, basically he's just taking advantage of incentives put in place to bring new business.  What a sheister!  He should answer for that.  How come he paid he taxes so late?  Everyone else needs to pay them on time.



You make no sense, why don't you go hide under your Reagan Rock. Your arguement is weak at best.Attracting new business in Hammonton has always been a goal of anyone who has served our local government.Where did the ordinance say it wasn't open for Hammonton people? It didn't. Your are probably one of the two people in Hammonton that believe that jerry Vitalo is really doing a good job on council.The business / construction of a new building is new, you must not understand the principle behind it all.I hope that someday soon you will see the light, but think that will be impossible best you my friend are stuck under the Reagan Rock.Please get over it, if not seek help.



Anonymous wrote:

You make no sense, why don't you go hide under your Reagan Rock. Your arguement is weak at best.Attracting new business in Hammonton has always been a goal of anyone who has served our local government.Where did the ordinance say it wasn't open for Hammonton people? It didn't. Your are probably one of the two people in Hammonton that believe that jerry Vitalo is really doing a good job on council.The business / construction of a new building is new, you must not understand the principle behind it all.I hope that someday soon you will see the light, but think that will be impossible best you my friend are stuck under the Reagan Rock.Please get over it, if not seek help.

So you think Mayor DiDonato should pocket over a hundred thousand dollars of taxpayer money(by not paying his fair share, its going in his pocket)? how come the zoning board had to vote in raspberry run and not the planning board?

as for jerry, he did a great job with the fireworks last year, even though past sponsors like KMD Construction refused to donate any money to it.



The only thing to go up in smoke this year will be Jerry Vitalo, the Republicans need to dump this clown and do it now. The problem with political jokes is, I've seen to many get elected. Vitalo is the biggest joke ever to hit the town.



Anonymous wrote:

The only thing to go up in smoke this year will be Jerry Vitalo, the Republicans need to dump this clown and do it now. The problem with political jokes is, I've seen to many get elected. Vitalo is the biggest joke ever to hit the town.

Hey I got a political joke for you:

Hammonton First Headquarters
Knock Knock

Who's there?

Attorney General!



Anonymous wrote:

Why would anybody want to tear up brand new sidewalks that the town just put in? Why pay for the same thing twice? No wonder the Republicans keep demanding HF spend more money when HF wants to go for zero tax increases. They just don't have any common sense. Bertino has been on council 10 years. That's enough.

Jimmy Bertino is supposed to be the leader of the Republicans. Is this idea how he shows his leadership? He can't even organize his party? I think it's time for Jimmy to go.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Why would anybody want to tear up brand new sidewalks that the town just put in? Why pay for the same thing twice? No wonder the Republicans keep demanding HF spend more money when HF wants to go for zero tax increases. They just don't have any common sense. Bertino has been on council 10 years. That's enough.

Jimmy Bertino is supposed to be the leader of the Republicans. Is this idea how he shows his leadership? He can't even organize his party? I think it's time for Jimmy to go.

The Republicans with Jimmy's leadership have served this town well. Jimmy, Jerry, and Anthony didn't use tax loopholes to rip the town off to the tune of over $100,000. I guess us lowly residents will have to make up that money so Hammonton First's shopping centers are built.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Why would anybody want to tear up brand new sidewalks that the town just put in? Why pay for the same thing twice? No wonder the Republicans keep demanding HF spend more money when HF wants to go for zero tax increases. They just don't have any common sense. Bertino has been on council 10 years. That's enough.

Jimmy Bertino is supposed to be the leader of the Republicans. Is this idea how he shows his leadership? He can't even organize his party? I think it's time for Jimmy to go.

The Republicans with Jimmy's leadership have served this town well. Jimmy, Jerry, and Anthony didn't use tax loopholes to rip the town off to the tune of over $100,000. I guess us lowly residents will have to make up that money so Hammonton First's shopping centers are built.

Hey Anonymous,

Don't forget that the Republicans didn't get free sewer hookups to their properties on Bellevue Ave. I know for a fact Anthony had to pay for his sewer hookup to his home. He believes in paying for what he gets.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Why would taxpayers pay to tear up brand new concrete?

Why would the mayor take advantage of tax loopholes to rip off the town to the tune of over $100,00?

Simply put, because your republicans put the ordiance in plce about ten years ago to attract business to the town. So are you now against business's? or just the people who own them? get a life.

Why would the town want to encourage new ratables! We should tell anyone who wants to build commercial properties to build in other towns! We don't need ratables! We don't need to keep taxes down! We have Jimmy Bertino. He's done nothing for years except help raise taxes. Why stop now?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Why would taxpayers pay to tear up brand new concrete?

Why would the mayor take advantage of tax loopholes to rip off the town to the tune of over $100,00?

Simply put, because your republicans put the ordiance in plce about ten years ago to attract business to the town. So are you now against business's? or just the people who own them? get a life.

Why would the town want to encourage new ratables! We should tell anyone who wants to build commercial properties to build in other towns! We don't need ratables! We don't need to keep taxes down! We have Jimmy Bertino. He's done nothing for years except help raise taxes. Why stop now?

Where in the ordinance does it say "to help Hammonton's Mayors get over $100,000 in tax breaks?"


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Posts: 1241

Let it go! The Mayor did nothing wrong, in fact he brought new ratables to our town and we will see the benefits of those ratables phased in over a 5 year period.



Admin wrote:

Let it go! The Mayor did nothing wrong, in fact he brought new ratables to our town and we will see the benefits of those ratables phased in over a 5 year period.

So, no problem blasting Jerry up and down town, but criticizing the Mayor's decision to snatch up $100,000 in tax rebates is OK?



you guys tried your lies. it did not work . so now you bash away .  the tax breaks where given to the new store owners.  so go ahead and bash away.  it just makes yo look like a jerry . 



Anonymous wrote:

you guys tried your lies. it did not work . so now you bash away .  the tax breaks where given to the new store owners.  so go ahead and bash away.  it just makes yo look like a jerry . 

so why is it given to the Mayor then, and not the store owner? I know why, becuase the store owner IS the mayor. The business owner, they are just renting from the owner. See, even though you may think most of us Hammontonians are backyard rednecks, we're not that dumb.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

you guys tried your lies. it did not work . so now you bash away .  the tax breaks where given to the new store owners.  so go ahead and bash away.  it just makes yo look like a jerry . 

so why is it given to the Mayor then, and not the store owner? I know why, becuase the store owner IS the mayor. The business owner, they are just renting from the owner. See, even though you may think most of us Hammontonians are backyard rednecks, we're not that dumb.

Actually, you made a mistake. About 10 years ago, the Republicans voted in a tax abatement program that is actually fairly common in towns all over the State. To attract new commercial ratables, the tax rate is set to 20% for the first year, 40% the second, and so forth until year five is 100%.

Commercial leases are done in segments. The tenant pays a rental fee per square foot, their share of the overall tax bill (again per sq ft) and finally the common area mtce. By reducing the taxes, the savings goes to the tenant which helps them when their business is starting.


Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans pushing this issue hard

MyHammonton.com's blog has a new thread showing coming out in favor of this project. They show a picture which has a little arrow pointing to what appears to be a scratch in the rock. It is nice to see Jimmy Bertino prioritizing his team on the really important projects!


RE: 2 Republican Councilman want to redo Reagan Plaza

These two have to go, and just maybe they can take "spinzo" with them. Why do you defend Jerry as if he really ever done anything. If fireworks are his biggest accomplishment you are a joke.The only thing he can truly take credit for is the fish kill, this was all him.In fact, the credit he deserves is for cleaning the lake of it's fish.Plus he take benefits in family style, and has done nothing but to hurt our town. Let's face it this guys IQ is about the size of his shirt, and that,s being generous. The brains of a fruit fly are more like it. Nobody is bashing him, spinzo, just pointing out the facts.(the person who responses to this is spinzo, just incase you don't know who you are, because no one else in Hammonton thinks this guy belongs on council, but YOU)



I have a few questions for Spinzo, Vitalo and marino.

1. Why isn't marino a cop anymore ???

2. Why does 3 people's tax bill fit the cost of Viatalo's health benefits.

3. Is Spinchenzo really from hammonton??? Was he a Hammonton resident when Regan came? Oh thats right, he was @ his special school with the beautiful people.

Talk about a sinking ship. These three guys should take a step back and get some knowldge from the guys who know how to get republicans elected.


Is this the best idea the Jimmy Bertino can come up with?

Isn't there anything else Jimmy Bertino thinks is a good idea for the town? He's supposed to be the leader of the Republicans. Maybe the Republican leadership needs to change to turn the situation around.


RE: 2 Republican Councilman want to redo Reagan Plaza

Call the Winslow Twp Police Chief or Marino himself he you have what it takes & find out! There is nothing to hide.



Yea, impeach the mayor that's his idea! Bertino for mayor...



Anonymous wrote:

Isn't there anything else Jimmy Bertino thinks is a good idea for the town? He's supposed to be the leader of the Republicans. Maybe the Republican leadership needs to change to turn the situation around.

In over a decade of being in office, can anybody name anything Jimmy Bertino COMPLETED?



He completed his campaign finance report!idea



Why would these two even thing about doing something with the Reagan Rock? I have gone by there at least 75 times this past weekend alone and can't see anything wrong with it.The only thing that needs upgrading are these two that call themselves council people.Why has Vitalo done nothing but cause trouble since he no longer has a committee? What wil next weeks council meeting bring? What can we expect from Jerry? more of the same? Has his handler praticed with him? Should we be making extra popcorn? Will he tell us about his dirty underware are will he talk about his spedo again , or will his handler talk about his greatest accomplishment fireworks? Or will we here about how big his heart is? What has he done since taking a council seat over one year ago? Most newly elected people are full of energy early on and accomplish something, but Jerry has no history of getting anything done, so republicans wake up, get rid of this dud now.The time is now for change, most for you will agree once you all see his performance next monday. Turn in early you won't want to miss this mess.



I was just in the dinner, and overheard an older lady at the next table saying just how bad Vitalo is as a councilperson.It was sad,she was upset with the job he has failed to do during his tenure on council.She went on to say she hoped that people from out of town were not able to see his actions on tv because people would think less of Hammonton.She went on to say that in her entire life he was perhaps the worst she had ever seen in council. We ,she said, as Hammontonians deserve more than that. His chances of re-election are fading fast, because even the seniors think he is an embarassment. I hope the republicans are looking elsewhere for candidates.It's time  for a change. 



Anonymous wrote:

I was just in the dinner, and overheard an older lady at the next table saying just how bad Vitalo is as a councilperson.It was sad,she was upset with the job he has failed to do during his tenure on council.She went on to say she hoped that people from out of town were not able to see his actions on tv because people would think less of Hammonton.She went on to say that in her entire life he was perhaps the worst she had ever seen in council. We ,she said, as Hammontonians deserve more than that. His chances of re-election are fading fast, because even the seniors think he is an embarassment. I hope the republicans are looking elsewhere for candidates.It's time  for a change. 

That's funny. I was at a diner as well this morning, and there were several people eating a light breakfast. They were talking about how they wish they could change their votes. They had voted for Hammonton First last year, and they said they now are feeling what a big mistake it was. They said they are tired of seeing our town as the laughing stock of New Jersey. One guy even threw up in his mouth when someone else said the Mayor might run for reelection.



yeah, your a good case.  the people where at the diner because thaks to hf. They now have enough etra money to go out and support the local economy.  zero taxes across the board. 



Anonymous wrote:

yeah, your a good case. the people where at the diner because thaks to hf. They now have enough etra money to go out and support the local economy. zero taxes across the board.

 Yeah that's right. No one in Hammonton could ever afford to go out to eat until Hammonton First came along. We couldn't even start our cars because we didn't have enough money for gas.

You guys from the Hammonton First cult will take credit for anything won't you?

All praise Hammonton First!!!!! Our saviors!!!



Guidelines have been developed by the American Family Foundation (AFF) [16] that the group suggests be used for making a provisional judgment as to whether a particular group might be a "political cult" rather than simply an ideological sect that uses flamboyantly extreme rhetoric and/or elicits a high level of voluntary commitment from its core members.

  1. The group is preoccupied with making money and often elevates money-making duties above the group's ostensible ideological or religious goals. In a political cult, this would include excessive fund raising, especially by illegal means such as electoral campaign-finance fraud.
  2. The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations). In a political context, this would apply to cult-of-personality dictators, as well as other political leaders who strive for a position of authority free from oversight.
  3. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members' participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group. In a political context, this could include criminal activities, including unprovoked violence against opponents.
  4. The group has an us-versus-them mentality that causes hostility towards, and/or conflict with, political opponents and the wider society to an irrational degree that usually undermines the cult's ostensible goals. Although non-cults, including mainstream political parties, also frequently encourage us-versus-them thinking, in the political cult it is carried to an extreme in which the entire world outside the cult is regarded either as the enemy or as pawns to be manipulated in the fight against the enemy; in turn, critics of the cult and other opponents are demonized in a manner that brooks no questioning from the cult's cadre.
  5. The group not only requires members to adhere to particular doctrines or a particular "line" (a feature of many non-cultic groups as well) but also strongly discourages or even bans any questioning or criticism of the behavior or instructions of the group's leadership, and often harshly punishes any members who persist in criticism even if such members are loyal to the "line."
  6. The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law. In the context of a political cult, this could be compared in some respects to Stalin's cult of personality or Nazism's Fuhrerprinzip.



Anonymous wrote:

Guidelines have been developed by the American Family Foundation (AFF) [16] that the group suggests be used for making a provisional judgment as to whether a particular group might be a "political cult" rather than simply an ideological sect that uses flamboyantly extreme rhetoric and/or elicits a high level of voluntary commitment from its core members.

  1. The group is preoccupied with making money and often elevates money-making duties above the group's ostensible ideological or religious goals. In a political cult, this would include excessive fund raising, especially by illegal means such as electoral campaign-finance fraud.
  2. The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations). In a political context, this would apply to cult-of-personality dictators, as well as other political leaders who strive for a position of authority free from oversight.
  3. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members' participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group. In a political context, this could include criminal activities, including unprovoked violence against opponents.
  4. The group has an us-versus-them mentality that causes hostility towards, and/or conflict with, political opponents and the wider society to an irrational degree that usually undermines the cult's ostensible goals. Although non-cults, including mainstream political parties, also frequently encourage us-versus-them thinking, in the political cult it is carried to an extreme in which the entire world outside the cult is regarded either as the enemy or as pawns to be manipulated in the fight against the enemy; in turn, critics of the cult and other opponents are demonized in a manner that brooks no questioning from the cult's cadre.
  5. The group not only requires members to adhere to particular doctrines or a particular "line" (a feature of many non-cultic groups as well) but also strongly discourages or even bans any questioning or criticism of the behavior or instructions of the group's leadership, and often harshly punishes any members who persist in criticism even if such members are loyal to the "line."
  6. The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law. In the context of a political cult, this could be compared in some respects to Stalin's cult of personality or Nazism's Fuhrerprinzip.

Of course, HF is a cult.  They have their own mantra "It's All Good."  They say that repeatedly.  Cults generally disobey tax laws and regulations on finances of their organization (i.e. campaign finance reports).  My mayor did say he hoped people like John Travolta fly into Hammonton Airport.



Jerry is really worried about Reagan rock. Earlier today he was seen talking to the rock. He became very agitated when the rock would not answer him. He went and told Anthony how mad he was and Anthony responded, "You dummy, of course the rock didn't answer you, rocks hibernate in the winter!"



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Isn't there anything else Jimmy Bertino thinks is a good idea for the town? He's supposed to be the leader of the Republicans. Maybe the Republican leadership needs to change to turn the situation around.

In over a decade of being in office, can anybody name anything Jimmy Bertino COMPLETED?




Anonymous wrote:

Jerry is really worried about Reagan rock. Earlier today he was seen talking to the rock. He became very agitated when the rock would not answer him. He went and told Anthony how mad he was and Anthony responded, "You dummy, of course the rock didn't answer you, rocks hibernate in the winter!"

Come on now,thats' Jerry's pet rock.Him and the rock communicate very well together.It was cold last night and I saw Jerry placing straw around it so it could keep warm.
The problem is their handler has rocks in his head. Jerry if the rock really answers you it someone hiding behind it just making you think its' talking.
Read this weeks Hammonton News Jerry said all this fixing of the rock is for Ronald Reagan, Jerry I guess you talked to him about this too. Fact of the matter is 24 years have past since that rock was put there and trust me it hasn't changed one bit, so why the big deal? Is this the most important issue in Hammonton ? If you were to take a poll this wouldn't even be an issue.Why don 't you talk about taxes,roads, ratables,going green (and Jerry thats not the green paint you got at Chesters the other day)and countless other issues. Your handler brags that your biggest accomplishment is fireworks, now thats' something to hang your hat on.Spinzo is taking you down the wrong path,this rock will not help you win any election, because 25% of the voting public could care nor did the ever about Ronald Reagan.He now is history just like you and your handler.

For heavens' sake they haven't even made that big of a deal about the plymouth rock, when your done screwing this one up,Jerry, maybe you can head up to the plymouth rock and do free mason work there, that would be good. Please you are making a complete fool of yourself. Only your handler will tell you how great your doing, use that town insurance,while you still have it and get out from spinzos' butt while you can still can.If he wants the light bulb fixed on the rock, please fix it, but at last check it was lite, because everyone saw Jerry in deep conversation there. 



The new editor of the Hammonton News doesn't get it either. He says, "...the significance of the site is lost on many of those who travel through downtown. There's a movement under way to change that."
On the same page of his own newspaper, Anthony Marino clairifies what he wants to do with Reagan rock. He says he wants to add decorative rock around the rock and flagpole, put a vandal proof lighting fixture on the rock, and put in a sprinkler to water the flowers. How will any of that bring it more to the attention of people driving through town?
Why tear up the brand new concrete to put in new block and sprinklers. As a Town we gave away serwer hookups so that we wouldn't have to tear up the sidewalks for a long time and now these two want to do just that. If they want to change the light to a more secure fixture, no one would have a problem with that, but that is certainly not a news story.
Jerry and Anthony,  leave it alone. It looks great now. If you were so concerned you should have voiced your opinion when the sidewalks were being done. Now it's too late. Second guessing after the fact shows your true worth to us on Council....zilch!



Anonymous wrote:

The new editor of the Hammonton News doesn't get it either. He says, "...the significance of the site is lost on many of those who travel through downtown. There's a movement under way to change that."
On the same page of his own newspaper, Anthony Marino clairifies what he wants to do with Reagan rock. He says he wants to add decorative rock around the rock and flagpole, put a vandal proof lighting fixture on the rock, and put in a sprinkler to water the flowers. How will any of that bring it more to the attention of people driving through town?
Why tear up the brand new concrete to put in new block and sprinklers. As a Town we gave away serwer hookups so that we wouldn't have to tear up the sidewalks for a long time and now these two want to do just that. If they want to change the light to a more secure fixture, no one would have a problem with that, but that is certainly not a news story.
Jerry and Anthony,  leave it alone. It looks great now. If you were so concerned you should have voiced your opinion when the sidewalks were being done. Now it's too late. Second guessing after the fact shows your true worth to us on Council....zilch!

Didn't council approve removing trees from downtown to add other new trees?



Anonymous wrote:

If you were so concerned you should have voiced your opinion when the sidewalks were being done.

Funny you should mention that. As I understand, several meetings were held with the Mayor and ARH about Reagan Rock. Specifically, it was said to NOT redo the concrete around it, and Jerry would donate the work for free, so they could set up sprinklers.

But of course, Mayor Knows Best!, and he went and spent money we don't have yet to do repairs to Reagan Rock that look HORRIBLE.

Standard fare for this town.

Hey look! They put vinyl siding on the Town Hall. What happened to the succo? MAYOR KNOWS BEST!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

If you were so concerned you should have voiced your opinion when the sidewalks were being done.

Funny you should mention that. As I understand, several meetings were held with the Mayor and ARH about Reagan Rock. Specifically, it was said to NOT redo the concrete around it, and Jerry would donate the work for free, so they could set up sprinklers.

But of course, Mayor Knows Best!, and he went and spent money we don't have yet to do repairs to Reagan Rock that look HORRIBLE.

Standard fare for this town.

Hey look! They put vinyl siding on the Town Hall. What happened to the succo? MAYOR KNOWS BEST!

Hey Spinzo, there is much more to life than your Reagan Rock. The only people that will come to the meeting are those who will tell you to leave it alone. Could it be that some people know what Jerry's work is like and are not even interested in it for free? It's always for free, no benefits included? Is he on council for us or to remind everyone hes' a mason and looking for work? Leave the rock alone, you are making a fool out of this town.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

If you were so concerned you should have voiced your opinion when the sidewalks were being done.


Funny you should mention that. As I understand, several meetings were held with the Mayor and ARH about Reagan Rock. Specifically, it was said to NOT redo the concrete around it, and Jerry would donate the work for free, so they could set up sprinklers.

But of course, Mayor Knows Best!, and he went and spent money we don't have yet to do repairs to Reagan Rock that look HORRIBLE.

Standard fare for this town.

Hey look! They put vinyl siding on the Town Hall. What happened to the succo? MAYOR KNOWS BEST!


 What a bunch of bull. This all could have been coordinated very easily while the sidewalks were being put in and if any meetings like this took place it would have happened then.

And it is only YOUR opinion that the rock looks horrible. Most people think it looks just fine.

This back pedaling now to cover up for a wasteful proposal isn't working, we can all see through it. Jerry and Anthony thought they had an idea to get their picture in the paper and make everyone think they were wonderful again, but it didn't work. The plan backfired and now they look like baphoons.



Hammonton Republicans are stuck between a ROCK and a hard place (Hammonton First Town council).  Vote Democrat, they're not afraid to speak up for Hammonton.  How many times did we hear Marino say that he wants to work with Hammonton First. Looks like Hammonton First doesn't want to work with anyone.



This is bad, first Jerry wants to fix the reagan rock when there is nothing wrong with it. Next he wants to bring and supports low-income housing to Hammonton.He bas been collecting over 20,000.00 in salary and health benefits. The question is how much worse can it get. It is truly out of control.The towns people are laughing out loud and his handler "the great Spinzo" tells him he is wonderful.Jerry has got to realize his goose is cooked. By listening to the "great Spinzo" Jerrys' popularity has gone from 25% down to -100%. The only person in Hammonton that wants the rock fixed is Spinzo, he must have thought that it would gain his limp candidates some votes.Secondly the town of Hammonton does not support low- income housing. Third, the taxpayers have had enough of paying for Jerrys' health insurance.After reading the paper yesterday, it not only Jerry thats' covered its' a family plan, oh boy.How much can the good people of hammonton take. 

And hey whats' with this Spinzo, why does he use Jerry to do his bidding? The Republicans need to wake up and throw the pair of them out.With any luck the Hammonton GOP does not even nominate this guy. Brace yourself Hammonton Spinzo has praticed with Jerry for an entire month, lets' see how his student does next Monday. Maybe we can all see that Spinzo and his student Jerry ARE NOT SMARTER THAN A 5th Grader.  






We need people on Town Council to speak out for ALL the People of Hammonton.  We've been fooled again.  This time we do have Councilmen speaking out alright but they're speaking out for a ROCK.  MUAC should be brought back but neither Republicans have been able to do anything about that in the last 14 months since they've been in office. A DEMOCRAT would have had on Town Council on DAY 1 not DAY 400+.



Anonymous wrote:


Jimmy Bertino and the Republicans are focusing on the important issues in Hammonton.

HF is wasting their time keeping taxes down.

Jimmy Bertino is focused on Reagan Rock, MUAC, stopping the Fire Department from charging insurance companies, and the website.



Instead of informing the town about the new fire ordinance, Vitalo was talking to his rock. This is all bad, nothing good here.



The mayor's brother just scored another 30,000 dollars for his bloated Town Hall project.  is that vinyl siding on the building?  What is this, one of his condos?

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