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Post Info TOPIC: Letter from Democratic candidate Russ Rodjinske

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Letter from Democratic candidate Russ Rodjinske

As many of your readers know, the Hammonton Democratic Club has chosen me to be a part of their 2008 Campaign Team. I truly am truly grateful for this opportunity to be a candidate for Town Council.  I also am excited to run with such dedicated individuals as my team mates, Michael Perrotta and Jim MacLane.
I also want to thank my wife, Kimberlee, and my two children.  They have stood behind me for so many years.  And now, they stand behind me as we begin this journey into public life.
I wanted to take this time to explain to you why a guy named Rodjinske is running to be a member of the Town Council of the most ItalianTown in the United States.  This town has given me a lot.  I have always felt safe walking around Hammonton.  I have shared laughs with my friends and neighbors.  I have enjoyed watching my children participate in youth sports.  Basically, I never felt like I lived in a zip code; I felt like I was part of a community.
Now, I feel it is time for me to give something back to Hammonton.  I like seeing the cosmetic improvements to the down-town.  I do not complain when my taxes do not rise.  These things are good.  They give us satisfaction.  But we need to start thinking about the future.  This is the reason why our 2008 platform is called the Promise of the Future.
I recently read that Hammonton has a 7.2% unemployment rate, much higher than surrounding towns.  This high unemployment rate makes Hammonton a far less attractive place to live and places our future in jeopardy.  We can have all the wine bars and coffee shops in the world but people need jobs to afford those luxuries.  The jobs to which I refer are not low-paying service jobs but rather jobs that allow a person to raise a family.
Providing people with high-paying jobs is something with which I have experience.  As a Council Representative for the New Jersey Council of Carpenters, I have worked to transition individuals into a career of which they can be proud.  Some of the programs in which I worked include: the Apprentice Program, the Youth Transition to Work Program and the Helmets to Hard Hats Program.  I am especially proud of the Helmets to Hard Hats Program, where we helped transition soldiers into civilian careers.  With your support, I will bring this experience and insight to the Town Council.
I look forward to this campaign.  My running mates and I plan to run a positive campaign in which we discuss the issues that affect ordinary Hammontonians.  We hope to run this campaign the way we will serve the town: building people up not tearing people down.  To my opponents, I wish you the best of luck and hope we can work together to assure there is one winner in November: the Town of Hammonton!
I invite everyone to come to the Womens Civics Club on May 7 at 7 pm for a Meet the Candidates Wine and Cheese Reception.  It will be opportunity to share your ideas with myself, Jim and Michael.  I look forward to meeting you.

Russ Rodjinske

-- Edited by Admin at 20:51, 2008-04-17



Great...it is about time we have a guy willing to cut the salaries of the overpaid state and local government workers. NJ budhets are all out of whack because of high salaries.

Salaries must be lowered, pensions must be reduced, working hours must be increased, retirement ages will be forced to increase.

If you know a state or government worker who is retired before age 60 ...we will be paying benefits for them for another 20 - 30 years.


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Posts: 35

I don't see how you connect what this guy said and what you are saying. Please explain.

Way to be negative Hammonton First! Bashing the Chief, bashing the Dems.

I thought the Mayor bragged how he keeps it positive all the time.



Great...it is about time we have a guy willing to cut the salaries of the overpaid state and local government workers. NJ budhets are all out of whack because of high salaries.

Salaries must be lowered, pensions must be reduced, working hours must be increased, retirement ages will be forced to increase.

If you know a state or government worker who is retired before age 60 ...we will be paying benefits for them for another 20 - 30 years.

Yes, sure.  Those greedy state workers making $40,000.00 are nuts.  They should be making minimum wage and happy they are getting that.  They really have a lot of gaul expecting health care - just because every civilized country in the world has healthcare for their workers doesn't meen NJ state workers should expect it.  And pensions???  Really.....Why should anyone expect to retire after spending 30-40 years of their lives working for us?

And once we take away healthcare, pensions, and reduce their salary, we will have to stop them from collecting medicaide, welfare, and food stamps.  And then they will actually expect free and reduced lunches for their children, so we will have to end that too.

I just don't understand why these people can't live of the money their parents gave them, like I do.  Why do these people actually expect to earn a living wage and support their children?  They are so selfish and greedy.  I just hope they don't raise taxes or I might not be able to tow my boat with my Hummer to the vacation home every weekend this summer.



The Democrats will stand up for the unions and get the employees big raises.  Jim McLane already has a proven record of getting big raises for the teachers.  Now he will take the experience he learned while on the school board and perform that same task at town hall.  The Democrats will make sure to take care of the government employees as well as hire more police and more highway department workers.



The Democrats will stand up for the unions and get the employees big raises.  Jim McLane already has a proven record of getting big raises for the teachers.  Now he will take the experience he learned while on the school board and perform that same task at town hall.  The Democrats will make sure to take care of the government employees as well as hire more police and more highway department workers.
Why do you hate teachers and police officers so much?  Why do you feel that you are the only one in Hammonton who deserves to make money?

Teachers are like most professionals - you get what you pay for.  The raise that was granted to Hammonton teachers while Mr. MacLane was on school board still did not put the teachers' earnings up into the "average" category.  My oldest will be entering the Hammonton Public Schools next year, and I don't know about you, but I sure want an intelligent, competent professional leading that classroom.  There are many school districts that surround Hammonton that pay much more and treat their teachers much better like Eastern, Lenape, Voorhees, EHT, Mainland, etc.  It would be a real shame and a huge disservice to our children to have the best and brightest teachers leave Hammonton for these surrounding school districts.  Hammonton needs to stay competitive with these school districts so our children have a fair chance in today's uncertain economy (which was destroyed by a Republican administration).  I'm not ever sure why you are bring up school board topics, that election was last week.

One of the biggest challenges our small town faces under the growth we are experiencing is our public safety.  I really like how the Democrats are the only party that really addresses the issues.  The Firsters want to do away with our police force, the Republicans do what they always do - ignore the problem and hope it goes away. 

Talk to any of Hammonton's finest - we have a real problem on our hands.  We have a population explosion in the summer with all of the migrant workers.  With only three patrolmen, the police force does not have enough man power to respond to two calls at the same time.  You need to have at least two officers respond to calls of domestic violence, robberies, fights, serious accidents, etc.  With only 1 officer left to patrol the other 42 square miles of Hammonton, what would happen if something serious went down in our little paradise??  I sure wouldn't want my grandma to get a beating at Wal-Mart at the same time two officers are trying to hold back a wife-beater across town!


I really like how the Democrats keep the public informed on these topics and I love how they are the only party to address the real issues our town is facing while people like you have the same solution to all problems.cuts, layoffs, end programs and services.  Our current police force cannot sustain any cuts or layoffs so it is time for arrogant Firsters like yourself to come up with a better solution if you can.  In the meanwhile, Ill throw my support behind Perotta, MacLane and Rodjinske, the only team in Hammonton to address the serious issues facing our town!



I'm sick and tired of Republicans ruining Hammonton.  Hammonton First or Regular Republicans. They're all the same.  Anti-Police, Anti-Schools, Anti-Healtcare.  They're even anti-Veteran with all the cuts made to the VA during Republican administrations. 



If state, local and county workers are only getting paid an average of $40,000 per year the state would not be broke. Please do not exaggerate how little the poor government employee makes in one year. These are now the jobs everyone wants in the state because of the good salaries and best healthcare and pension benefits package.

Maybe everyone can work for the government and get paid the highest wage, have the best healthcare and a good pension with alot of days off and an early retirement.

We will see in NJ. I really do not see anyone rushing to the private sector leaving the public sector. Unless you are talking about someone who retires between 45 - 50 and gets a private job while collecting the benefits from the government job. But I say more power to the person who can double dip and fill their own pockets with taxpayer money.

Afterall, it is for the children or they want to give back to the community through public service.



The Dems understand the needs of unions and will be very helpful for the town employees.  The school teachers always got better raises than the town employees.



How can you give raises when the state aid has been cut because the NJ Budget is 3 billion in the hole.

I would only give a raise when the money is there......Federal, State and Local budgets should be balanced without having to pass debt onto futures generations.



The Chief has said taxes need to increase.  The Democrats will work with him to raise taxes.  People haved to stop complaining about taxes going up.  That nonsense is what got HF elected.



Anonymous wrote:


The Chief has said taxes need to increase. The Democrats will work with him to raise taxes. People haved to stop complaining about taxes going up. That nonsense is what got HF elected.


 People should question tax increases but people are easily fooled into forgetting about increase debt.  The town has the highest debt in its history.  That fact is something HF hopes people don't find out that Hammonton is at its highest debt in its history and we're digging more and more into debt that's why they are slashing services so that they can say 0 Tax increases when in fact the debt is just being passed onto our kids.  "It' All Good Now" but our kids will have to pay tomorrow.



Why is it that you people all want to bow down to the police chief. Is he the only municipal department??

Maybe if they didn't have a sweetheart sick time deal, and knew how to keep their own shop in order they would not have these problems.



Anonymous wrote:

Why is it that you people all want to bow down to the police chief. Is he the only municipal department??

Maybe if they didn't have a sweetheart sick time deal, and knew how to keep their own shop in order they would not have these problems.

The only bowing down are those who don't question all the wrong doing by HF the last 3 years especially in regards to follow campaign finance laws.



well said at 3million in budget you would think he can keep the house in order. 



Here's a novel idea... write more traffic tickets. Thats what theese other towns do. Setup Speed Traps...



You can't - because you'll only get the people speeding you are supposed to "use discreation with" according to Hammonton Supreme Puba.



I like what I see.  3 College Educated Men wanting to serve their community.  There aren't too many bright people on council right now. 



Anonymous wrote:

The Chief has said taxes need to increase. The Democrats will work with him to raise taxes. People haved to stop complaining about taxes going up. That nonsense is what got HF elected.

The Democrats cannot take credit for pushing this. The Republicans are taking a leadership role in the fight to raises taxes for more hiring. Vitalo, Marino, and Bertino are out in front on this one.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The Chief has said taxes need to increase. The Democrats will work with him to raise taxes. People haved to stop complaining about taxes going up. That nonsense is what got HF elected.

The Democrats cannot take credit for pushing this. The Republicans are taking a leadership role in the fight to raises taxes for more hiring. Vitalo, Marino, and Bertino are out in front on this one.

To get Hammonton back for the People of Hammonton, we have to get a G.R.I.P. of things.  We need to get rid of ALL INCUMBENTS in Town Council this year and next year.  Get Rid of all 7 of them.



Let me guess are you a democratic candidate this year? How about getting rid of CORZINE, the state democratic senators and the state democratic assembly people.



So what's the plan to get rid of all seven of them?   We're stuck for another year with them aren't we?     Another year of lies and vendettas.   This is so sad.   Whatever happened to our nice quiet little town.   What ever happened to you mind your business and we'll mind ours.   Whatever happened to treating others with respect.     So sad.



Anonymous wrote:

Let me guess are you a democratic candidate this year? How about getting rid of CORZINE, the state democratic senators and the state democratic assembly people.

I say get rid of all Incumbents Democrat, Republican or Hammonton First. I'm a true independent voter- I don't vote foolishly. I didn't vote for any Bush or Clinton in the past or will in the future so I can't be blamed for the last twenty years. The last President I voted for who won was Reagan and before that was Kennedy. I didn't vote for any of these fools on Town Council. So don't try to pin me to one party. So far I like all 3 Dems, we'll see who Hammonton First will name. Of course it would be very bad for Hammonton if Hammonton First had total control. They seem to have total control anyway with 3 Republicans on council anyway. The only way to defeat Hammonton First is to not only to ensure they don't win any seats but to actually have people on council that will challenge them when they are wrong. The mayor has easily walked over the 3 Republicans.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Let me guess are you a democratic candidate this year? How about getting rid of CORZINE, the state democratic senators and the state democratic assembly people.

I say get rid of all Incumbents Democrat, Republican or Hammonton First. I'm a true independent voter- I don't vote foolishly. I didn't vote for any Bush or Clinton in the past or will in the future so I can't be blamed for the last twenty years. The last President I voted for who won was Reagan and before that was Kennedy. I didn't vote for any of these fools on Town Council. So don't try to pin me to one party. So far I like all 3 Dems, we'll see who Hammonton First will name. Of course it would be very bad for Hammonton if Hammonton First had total control. They seem to have total control anyway with 3 Republicans on council anyway. The only way to defeat Hammonton First is to not only to ensure they don't win any seats but to actually have people on council that will challenge them when they are wrong. The mayor has easily walked over the 3 Republicans.


 P.S. The last governor I voted for who won was Whitman and that was definitely a big mistake.



Here's a novel idea... write more traffic tickets. Thats what theese other towns do. Setup Speed Traps...
As a father and a homeowner, I would love to see more traffic violations as a revenue for our town, however, I called the police department last year complaining about the school kids racing up and down my street.  I asked them to set up a speed trap, even for 1 day.

I was told that there are not enough patrolmen in Hammonton to enforce these traffic violations.

If only the chief got his way, and we got a few more patrolmen, they would pay for themselves by enforcing our traffic laws, and by making our town a safer place for our children.

Vote Democrat......everyone else wants to cut our police department....we can't afford it!



Let me guess are you a democratic candidate this year? How about getting rid of CORZINE, the state democratic senators and the state democratic assembly people.
Considering that Whitman, a REPUBLICAN, left NJ with $5 BILLION in debt, I see Corzine as a solution, and not the problem.  (before you say it, I agree that McGreevey didn't help.)

THe problem is that when times are good, people think they are rich and vote Republican until they realize they need a democrat to fix everything for the working class.  Well right now, the working class needs a voice in Hammonton - vote Democrat.



I got an idea. Why don't we have the Hammonton Police Dept. write everyone in the town of Hammonton 3 tickets each at about a cost of $150.00 per ticket.

That will generate $450.00 per person times 10000 people in the town of Hammonton. That will yield another 4.5 million to spend annually so we will have plenty of money for more cops.

The leftover money could be spent for the school district, building more prisons for the people who cannot pay the tickets......What do ya think?  



Anonymous wrote:

I got an idea. Why don't we have the Hammonton Police Dept. write everyone in the town of Hammonton 3 tickets each at about a cost of $150.00 per ticket.

That will generate $450.00 per person times 10000 people in the town of Hammonton. That will yield another 4.5 million to spend annually so we will have plenty of money for more cops.

The leftover money could be spent for the school district, building more prisons for the people who cannot pay the tickets......What do ya think?  

I think the Hammonton Police should start off with people who have an HF bumper sticker.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The Chief has said taxes need to increase. The Democrats will work with him to raise taxes. People haved to stop complaining about taxes going up. That nonsense is what got HF elected.

The Democrats cannot take credit for pushing this. The Republicans are taking a leadership role in the fight to raises taxes for more hiring. Vitalo, Marino, and Bertino are out in front on this one.

maclane helped the teachers when he was on school board with nice raises
the Chief explained taxes need to go up to hire more government employees
the Democrats will raise the taxes to do that



As a former police officer as stated in the news I believe Marino will fight hard to hire more police officers. He is behind the chief 100%. Townspeople have no idea what it like to run a police department. Marino is well spoken in this area. He is the only republican I will vote for this year. He fights for the working people. He doesnt have a business, is not rich, speaks the truth. People should really talk to him if they want answers. I called his house about a issue and he was very sincere.



Anonymous wrote:


As a former police officer as stated in the news I believe Marino will fight hard to hire more police officers. He is behind the chief 100%. Townspeople have no idea what it like to run a police department. Marino is well spoken in this area. He is the only republican I will vote for this year. He fights for the working people. He doesnt have a business, is not rich, speaks the truth. People should really talk to him if they want answers. I called his house about a issue and he was very sincere.


Dude, He traded in his badge so that he can work on a train.  The only thing he knows about is what time the train pulls into Hammonton.



how many tickets do the cops right a year ? a month? etc.  they could right a fortune in cell phone tickets.  



Its my favorite thing ever when Marino references his experience as a police officer. 

What a joke.

I know tons of cops who leave mid carrear to drive a train.



The only Republicans I am voting for this year are Bertino, Marino and Vitalo. The rest of my votes are going Perrotta, McCain and Rodginski.



Anonymous wrote:

Its my favorite thing ever when Marino references his experience as a police officer. 

What a joke.

I know tons of cops who leave mid carrear to drive a train.

It is time to dump the Republicans and make a change.  Vitalo, Marino and Bertino have to go.

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