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Post Info TOPIC: Hammonton Democrats host "Meet the Candidates" wine and cheese event.

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Hammonton Democrats host "Meet the Candidates" wine and cheese event.

Unity, experience and commitment were on display as the Hammonton Democrats officially unveiled their 2008 Promise of the Future campaign last Wednesday at the Womens Civic Club.  The Hammonton Democratic Party hosted a Wine and Cheese Reception to provide the public the opportunity the meet the 2008 Democratic ticket.


Candidates, Club officers and high-ranking Democrats discussed the 2008 campaign with a crowd filled with Democrats, Republicans and Independents of all ages.  Sam Mento, Club President, talked about the historic significance of the 2008 election in Hammonton. Based on the Feb. 5 presidential primary, Hammonton now has more Democrats than Republicans. 


Candidate Jim MacLane first talked about how the community of Hammonton welcomed him when he moved to the Town many years ago.  He talked about the many accomplishments of the Hammonton Democratic Party in recent years. Specifically, MacLane cited that the Democrats successfully lobbied the Town Council to address the Gypsy Moth problem and to implement a debt reduction plan. 


However, MacLane feels the biggest problem facing the Council is partisan bickering.  He recalled a time when, despite party affiliation and disagreements, the Council was able to work together.  MacLane stated that the Democrats will provide tri-partisan leadership and unite the Town.


Candidate Michael Perrotta talked about the values of hard work and perseverance that he learned from his immigrant father.  Perrotta talked about what he feels is a critical function of the Town Council.  The Council must reach out to all citizens of Hammonton, regardless of status or race.  He cited the good works of the local churches in addressing the growing homeless problem in Hammonton and how the Town Council must assist this endeavor.


Although Russ Rodjinske could not attend due to a death in the family, Anthony Falcone spoke in his place.  Falcone talked about the deterioration of basic services in the Town.  Falcone expressed the need to restore the MUAC and the Shade Tree Commission as the Democrats have promised.


The local election was not the only topic of discussion.  Guest speaker Michael Maitland from Senator Frank Lautenbergs office spoke of the Senators re-election campaign and his contributions to the town of Hammonton.  Senator Lautenberg has been instrumental in providing funds for revitalizing the down-town.  He helped with the creation of the South Jersey Economic Zone to help bring jobs to South Jersey. 


Currently, Senator Lautenberg is working with Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana to increase aid to NJ farmers.  NJ farmers receive less than one-percent of federal farm assistance. Under Senator Lautenbergs plan, this amount would increase significantly.


The speakers reminded the audience that a Democratic Victory is close.  But to cross the finish line, everyone must be committed.  Only through the efforts of every concerned citizen can the Democrats give Hammonton a government as good as its people.  Quoting Democratic elder statesmen, Anthony Demarco (who was in attendance), Anthony Falcone declared, You gotta work!


If you want to learn how you can be part of the Promise of the Future, come to the next Democratic Club meeting held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Hammonton Library. You can also visit the Hammonton Democrats website, www.hammontondems.org.





I am no fan of FRANK LAUTENBURG....He has never set foot in Hammonton, NJ in his 30 Years in the SENATE. FRANK LAUTENBURG STINKS!!!!!

VOTE for Hammonton...SUPPORT ROB ANDREWS...Our CAMDEN neighbor. I am disappointed that that Frank Lautenburg campaign staffer had the guts to show he face in Hammonton looking for votes when he has never set foot in Hammonton in all of his years in office.



Jerry has to go, he has the brains of a fruit fly, what has he done on council? the answer is easy nothing he has sucked up a salary and benefits, just great. He is clueless and may not even know when he looses the election.The Democrats have a chance if Obama is not the candidate. If Obama is the candidate the Democrats will lose like Carter did in Hammonton in 1980. The Republicans will gain most of the votes but, Jerry will still lose. It would take every Republican in the country to win for Jerry to even have a prayer. Our words to Jerry, enjoy it now, your days are numbered.


It's all good

On May 5th , 2008, The New Town Hall finally opened. Everyone: employees, residents, and town officials should be proud of the new 27,000 square foot facility.
It was a long time coming. Some council members spent their days off to help employees move into the new building. The smiles on everyones' faces spoke volumes. It is another bright spot in Hammonton's future. This is also an example of what happens when you put personal differences aside and work for the will of the people. This is just one of many accomplishments that can be achieved when council works together.

As Republicans, we look forward to working on future projects that will continue to enhance our community and make it an even better place to live.
After all, there is no place like Hammonton.

Councilman Anthony Marino


RE: Hammonton Democrats host "Meet the Candidates" wine and cheese event.

Enough with the wine & cheese parties for the no show Frank Lautenburg. How about a beef & beer fundraiser and inviting Rob Andrews. The party should formally endorse the blue collar workers and Robert Andrews.



Anonymous wrote:

On May 5th , 2008, The New Town Hall finally opened. Everyone: employees, residents, and town officials should be proud of the new 27,000 square foot facility.
It was a long time coming. Some council members spent their days off to help employees move into the new building. The smiles on everyones' faces spoke volumes. It is another bright spot in Hammonton's future. This is also an example of what happens when you put personal differences aside and work for the will of the people. This is just one of many accomplishments that can be achieved when council works together.

As Republicans, we look forward to working on future projects that will continue to enhance our community and make it an even better place to live.
After all, there is no place like Hammonton.

Councilman Anthony Marino

I knew it!!!  Marino posts on the Democrats website.  It's good to see that the Democratic Clubs website is the site most Hammonton voters go to for news and information.



marino is fliping parties or what. i thought the reps where againest the new town hall.



I am also supporting Rob Andrews over Frank Lautenburg. I can see Frank Lautenburg not wanting to come to a campaign event in Hammonton but what is his excuse for not being in Hammonton in the last 24 years?

Please support Dennis Munoz over Jim McGettigan for Atlantic County Sheriff in the Primary. The sheriff's department morale is at an all time low with McGettigan always looking to pass the buck onto local police departments. He is not helping the people of Atlantic County or Hammonton by running down and de-valuing the front line sheriff's officiers. The sheriff office in the past aided and supplemented the local police when needed. McGettigan fills his pocket with a big salary while receiving a large pension at the expense of the safety of the taxpaying public.

SUPPORT MUNOZ for SHERIFF!!!! The men and women in the sheriff's office deserve better as does the taxpaying public.



Anonymous wrote:

marino is fliping parties or what. i thought the reps where againest the new town hall.

I hope Marino realizes that Hammonton First is going to make him look bad for when he was in charge of the highway department.  Now that Wuillermin is in charge of it, he won't stop to use "big words" that'll hurt Marino's campaign this year.  Wuillermin has made very direct statements that the highway garage has been mismanaged in the last several years. 


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

Enough with the wine & cheese parties for the no show Frank Lautenburg. How about a beef & beer fundraiser and inviting Rob Andrews. The party should formally endorse the blue collar workers and Robert Andrews.

Both Lautenberg and Andrews were invited to attend our event. Andrews office apoplogized for a mixup.



Anonymous wrote:

marino is fliping parties or what. i thought the reps where againest the new town hall.

It's hard to say that it will cost $15-20 million anymore when everyone now knows it didn't cost that much.  Now that it's all good some of the Republicans are singing a different tune.



Many Republicans and Democrats wanted the town hall in the downtown location. Why do you have to be so political? I was unsure of the parking spaces myself but keeping the town hall downtown was what the majority of the Hammonton people wanted.

Hammonton First came into existence because some council members ignored what people wanted i.e., a town hall downtown at a reasonable price. I thought I would never say it but Rocky Colasurdo should get alot of credit for helping with the downtown area without having to fill his own pockets up with cash like other downtown property owners are doing.

Let's move on to fixing the roads that have been ignored outside the downtown area. For example, Lakeshore Drive.



Anonymous wrote:

Many Republicans and Democrats wanted the town hall in the downtown location. Why do you have to be so political? I was unsure of the parking spaces myself but keeping the town hall downtown was what the majority of the Hammonton people wanted.

Hammonton First came into existence because some council members ignored what people wanted i.e., a town hall downtown at a reasonable price. I thought I would never say it but Rocky Colasurdo should get alot of credit for helping with the downtown area without having to fill his own pockets up with cash like other downtown property owners are doing.

Let's move on to fixing the roads that have been ignored outside the downtown area. For example, Lakeshore Drive.

 Lakeshore Drive?  Try Grape St above 10mph.  But  yes, Hammonton's non-downtown streets are long ignored.  I guess you and I are out of luck since we don't live on county roads.



Marino is and always will be a Republican go inside his house. Marino fans realize how the other two parties feel but he is a republican he wont switch even though the republican president is a ... He votes not of his party but for the good of hammonton that's why those two butt heads!



Anonymous wrote:

Marino is and always will be a Republican go inside his house. Marino fans realize how the other two parties feel but he is a republican he wont switch even though the republican president is a ... He votes not of his party but for the good of hammonton that's why those two butt heads!

Jim Bertino has caused the problems of the Republican Party.  Anthony Marino is a true Republican.  He knows that Bertino is wrong so he is doing what he thinks is right.



Anonymous wrote:

Marino is and always will be a Republican go inside his house. Marino fans realize how the other two parties feel but he is a republican he wont switch even though the republican president is a ... He votes not of his party but for the good of hammonton that's why those two butt heads!

 Ronald Reagan would never cave into Hammonton First and that's the fact Jack.  "Marino fans??"  What is this NASCAR?  Marino just proves that Hammonton First and Republicans are One in the Same.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Marino is and always will be a Republican go inside his house. Marino fans realize how the other two parties feel but he is a republican he wont switch even though the republican president is a ... He votes not of his party but for the good of hammonton that's why those two butt heads!

 Ronald Reagan would never cave into Hammonton First and that's the fact Jack.  "Marino fans??"  What is this NASCAR?  Marino just proves that Hammonton First and Republicans are One in the Same.

Bertino is a clown and he's just trashing Anthony Marino because he knows he can't beat Anthony with a positive campaign.



Hammonton First, Regular Republicans & Democrats are one in the same each decision they make is for a better Hammonton we all live in this community lets work together! Forget parties vote the people who you believe have the ability to run this town!!!!! I'm voting for 2 democrats & Marino too.



I agree I am voting for Vitalo, Bertino & Marino. Hammonton First does not have any candidates to run this year.



Anonymous wrote:

Hammonton First, Regular Republicans & Democrats are one in the same each decision they make is for a better Hammonton we all live in this community lets work together! Forget parties vote the people who you believe have the ability to run this town!!!!! I'm voting for 2 democrats & Marino too.

People used to think that way.  They used to think that Regular Republicans and Democrats make decisions for a better Hammonton but a few years ago several Republicans broke away from their party and formed Hammonton First.  They've done some good but done some very bad things.  They took only credit for the good.  I agree that people should vote for who they believe have the ability to run this town. But today people are gullible into voting for people just because they gave them vegetables or some senior discount card.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

marino is fliping parties or what. i thought the reps where againest the new town hall.

I hope Marino realizes that Hammonton First is going to make him look bad for when he was in charge of the highway department.  Now that Wuillermin is in charge of it, he won't stop to use "big words" that'll hurt Marino's campaign this year.  Wuillermin has made very direct statements that the highway garage has been mismanaged in the last several years. 

What mismanagement? That's what DiDonato, Wuillermin, Oddo and the rest of HF wants everybody to believe. They've done everything they can to harass Lance out of his job, because he won't kiss their asses. It was Lance's idea to overhall the trash pick up system, long before HF came along. It's Lance's idea to have the town, eventually, manage it's own recycling program. The roads are clear after very rain or snow storm. He's the only department head that does any actual work. Ask Louie Rodio  what he does when there's a leak down at the lake. Does he handle it himself? No. Does he call the Water Superintendent? No. He calls Lance. When HF takes highway department workers to do unlicensed and non-state contracted electrical and plumbing work in the new town hall, who's out collecting all the brush off the roads from the most recent storm? It's Lance. Gee, I thought using unlicensed and non-state contracted workers on municipal projectes is what some municipal employees get suspended for, Ms. Oddo? What's going to happen when someone reports this to the JIF?



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

marino is fliping parties or what. i thought the reps where againest the new town hall.

I hope Marino realizes that Hammonton First is going to make him look bad for when he was in charge of the highway department. Now that Wuillermin is in charge of it, he won't stop to use "big words" that'll hurt Marino's campaign this year. Wuillermin has made very direct statements that the highway garage has been mismanaged in the last several years.

What mismanagement? That's what DiDonato, Wuillermin, Oddo and the rest of HF wants everybody to believe. They've done everything they can to harass Lance out of his job, because he won't kiss their asses. It was Lance's idea to overhall the trash pick up system, long before HF came along. It's Lance's idea to have the town, eventually, manage it's own recycling program. The roads are clear after very rain or snow storm. He's the only department head that does any actual work. Ask Louie Rodio what he does when there's a leak down at the lake. Does he handle it himself? No. Does he call the Water Superintendent? No. He calls Lance. When HF takes highway department workers to do unlicensed and non-state contracted electrical and plumbing work in the new town hall, who's out collecting all the brush off the roads from the most recent storm? It's Lance. Gee, I thought using unlicensed and non-state contracted workers on municipal projectes is what some municipal employees get suspended for, Ms. Oddo? What's going to happen when someone reports this to the JIF?


I know very well HF wants us to think that.  The highway garage works very hard. 



Anonymous wrote:

Hammonton First, Regular Republicans & Democrats are one in the same each decision they make is for a better Hammonton we all live in this community lets work together! Forget parties vote the people who you believe have the ability to run this town!!!!! I'm voting for 2 democrats & Marino too.

The new town hall looks great. There was a big turnout last night with a lot of people from all three parties.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Hammonton First, Regular Republicans & Democrats are one in the same each decision they make is for a better Hammonton we all live in this community lets work together! Forget parties vote the people who you believe have the ability to run this town!!!!! I'm voting for 2 democrats & Marino too.


The new town hall looks great. There was a big turnout last night with a lot of people from all three parties.


 You mean two parties and one corporation.



zero tax increases
more surplus in the town savings
lower debt
new town hall
restored historical town hall
new downtown sidewalks
many streets repaved
even school finances okay
it's all good



Is Atlantic County holding any events to support South Jersey's Rob Andrews over Frank Lautenburg? It would be great to have a US Senator from South Jersey. I also have 2 questions?

1) Are independents allowed to vote for Rob Andrews over Frank Lautenburg in the Democratic primary on June 3, 2008?

2) I see some Andrews signs in Hammonton, where can I get them to put out?


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

Is Atlantic County holding any events to support South Jersey's Rob Andrews over Frank Lautenburg? It would be great to have a US Senator from South Jersey. I also have 2 questions?

1) Are independents allowed to vote for Rob Andrews over Frank Lautenburg in the Democratic primary on June 3, 2008?

2) I see some Andrews signs in Hammonton, where can I get them to put out?

Yes, Independents are allowed to vote for Andrews in the Primary, however, your voter registration will be changed to Democrat.

To get a sign for Andrews you can request one by clicking here.

The Hammonton Democrats are attempting to get a supply of his signs and will announce when they are available on our website. www.hammontondems.com

Lautenberg supporter's can request his supplies by clicking here.

If we can get a supply of his signs we will also make them available on our website.

-- Edited by Admin at 09:16, 2008-05-24



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

On May 5th , 2008, The New Town Hall finally opened. Everyone: employees, residents, and town officials should be proud of the new 27,000 square foot facility.
It was a long time coming. Some council members spent their days off to help employees move into the new building. The smiles on everyones' faces spoke volumes. It is another bright spot in Hammonton's future. This is also an example of what happens when you put personal differences aside and work for the will of the people. This is just one of many accomplishments that can be achieved when council works together.

As Republicans, we look forward to working on future projects that will continue to enhance our community and make it an even better place to live.
After all, there is no place like Hammonton.

Councilman Anthony Marino

I knew it!!!  Marino posts on the Democrats website.  It's good to see that the Democratic Clubs website is the site most Hammonton voters go to for news and information.

This is the year for the Democrats to whip the Republicans.  That party is fighting again with the younger members versus DiMatteo and his cronies. With an idiot like Jerry Vitalo running, it will be easy to knock them out of office.



who are the hammonton first patsies, i mean, candidates?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

On May 5th , 2008, The New Town Hall finally opened. Everyone: employees, residents, and town officials should be proud of the new 27,000 square foot facility.
It was a long time coming. Some council members spent their days off to help employees move into the new building. The smiles on everyones' faces spoke volumes. It is another bright spot in Hammonton's future. This is also an example of what happens when you put personal differences aside and work for the will of the people. This is just one of many accomplishments that can be achieved when council works together.

As Republicans, we look forward to working on future projects that will continue to enhance our community and make it an even better place to live.
After all, there is no place like Hammonton.

Councilman Anthony Marino

I knew it!!!  Marino posts on the Democrats website.  It's good to see that the Democratic Clubs website is the site most Hammonton voters go to for news and information.

This is the year for the Democrats to whip the Republicans.  That party is fighting again with the younger members versus DiMatteo and his cronies. With an idiot like Jerry Vitalo running, it will be easy to knock them out of office.

The Republicans are useless.  Jimmy Bertino pushed for a tax increase this year.  Gas is $4 a gallon.  How can anybody afford Bertino's taxes?  He grabs cash for health insurance buyouts paid for by the taxpayers and then raises our taxes.  Time for a change!

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