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Post Info TOPIC: Apparently the rumors about town hall are true

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Apparently the rumors about town hall are true

Today's Hammonton News included a front page story about some of the problems with the New Town Hall.

Article published Aug 13, 2008
Town Hall sally port at center of dispute

Staff Writer

HAMMONTON -- The sally port at the new Hammonton Town hall will get a test run this week to see if emergency vehicles can properly enter and exit the area that is used for secure prisoner transfers, Hammonton Police Chief Frank Ingemi said Tuesday.

The test comes after concerns were expressed at Town Hall that the port is too narrow to be used.

"We're going to see what happens. They'll give it a try (today) or maybe Thursday," Ingemi said. He declined further comment

The sally port is at building's southeastern corner with its entrance within several feet of three jail cells at the police department area on the first floor.

Councilman Jerry Vitalo said it is essential that the sally port work properly.

"The purpose of a sally port is to unload prisoners in a safe, secure area away from public view. When I get notification from the chief of police that this function cannot be fulfilled -- he has to unload prisoners back outside -- I get concerned," Vitalo said.

If the sally port doesn't work, it will add more fuel to the fire burning over problems at the new hall, which opened in May after nearly 16 months of construction.

Employees and visitors to the new building at Central Avenue and Vine Street have experienced everything from water leaks and air conditioning shut-offs to elevator malfunctions.

Some days have seen sewage odors waft through the three-story building.

Elevator service was unavailable one recent afternoon, forcing many senior citizens to begrudgingly take the stairs to the second-floor tax office to pay their bills. Earlier this year, Ingemi got trapped in the malfunctioning elevator for some time.

The project's $5.9 million price tag has even been called into question in recent weeks.

Councilman Jim Bertino and Mayor John DiDonato also got into a debate on the overall cost of the project.

"We have a few items to complete. ....(We'll have) a full accounting at the end of the project," Mayor DiDonato said.

Vitalo and the chairman of the hall's building committee, Steve DiDonato, also verbally sparred during a meeting earlier this year after Vitalo complained of problems at the building after a power outage on June 9. The building was without power for about 45 minutes, according to Vitalo. Calls to the 911 line were automatically forwarded to nearby Buena Vista Township during the outage, Ingemi said.

"I'm thrilled we have a new town hall, but we have a lot of issues here that have to be answered. You buy a new car you want it to run right, I want this new town hall to run right," Vitalo said.

Several town employees asked about conditions at the building declined comment.

The council's next meeting will be at the new hall at 7 p.m. Aug. 25.



I'd just like to get a post in before one of the Firster cronies come here and mock Councilmen Vitalo for trying to get the problems fixed at Town Hall, so it can run propertly.

Cue the idiots!



I for one didn't care where the Town Hall was built but this whole #$@#S project was a blunder from Day 1.   Hammonton First was a 1 issue party and they blew it.  The problem though is does the average taxpayer know that or have they given up on politics because of all the negativity caused by Hammonton First.



It seems that the Republicans have only just begun to speak up.  Too little to late.  The Dems have been speaking up for All Hammontonians from Day 1 on the Town Hall project.  The Reps kept quiet and won by a landslide.  Then there was a year of nothing productive by the Republicans, leading to a landslide by Hammonton First.  You just can't vote for the same 3 guys who have been there for the last 2 years while Hammonton First go unchallenged and the taxpayers get ignored.



Jerry Vitalo has never fixed one single thing when it comes to the town hall. Most of his reports are just stories. Why doesn't he talk about health benefits or this do nothing record on the council. He complains every meeting about something that is far from ths truth.Him and Marino had their noses so far up the firsters buts that the will be a life time getting the brown off. In fact several still think they are buddies if the firsters. Jerry you will look bad at the council meeting on August 25th, because once again their is nothing wrong with the town hall.You have never proved any of it. Maybe you should pay more attention to other things, like how you pour concrete that is pitched the wrong way.

-- Edited by Admin at 07:45, 2008-08-14



Anonymous wrote:

Jerry Vitalo has never fixed one single thing when it comes to the town hall.

Let's see.  Steve D. demands that they run wires NOW NOW NOW or Vitalo was stopping progress.  Jerry votes that the Town should wait a week while our professionals access the situation.  Jerry is blasted by Steve DiDonato.  In the end, it would be over a month until work would begin on those wires.  So Steve lied or manipulated, and tried to paint Jerry as a jerk for trying to do it right the first time.

Power dies at Town Hall and 911 goes down.  Turns out the generators weren't hooked up.  Jerry states that its important that we get things right at Town Hall.  BOOM!  Stevie DiDonato is back at Town Council to chastize Jerry for demanding things are done right.  One week later, the elevator breaks, the sewer backs up, and the roof leaks.  ON top of all that, the sally port is too small, after Steve DiDonato was WARNED by the police chief and Jerry Vitalo that it was too small to be used.  Jerry wanted it fixed before it was built.  Steve DiDonato LASHED OUT at Jerry again for trying to do it right.

What happens then?  Jerry demands we get the things fixed.  Now the Firsters are ready to send Steve DiDonato again to LASH OUT out Councilman Vitalo for demanding our tax dollars are spent correctly.

This is not Hammonton.  This is Steve DiDonato's giant construction project.  So leave it alone Jerry.  You keep thinking you are representing the town, when in fact its just a sandbox for the DiDonatos.

Some people in this town have become a disgrace to public affairs.  I'm embarassed to show my face at a public meeting anymore.



Anonymous wrote:

Why doesn't he talk about health benefits or this do nothing record on the council.

Jerry doesn't get benefits from the Town, jackass.

Do nothing record?  Thanks to Jerry the Lake is cleaned.  When it was left up to Jeanne Lewis and her Hammonton First cronies, the Lake cleanup program was stopped before it ever began.

Jerry worked to get Town Hall finished.  He's the only Councilman on the Town Hall Committee.  What's funny though, is when Jerry brings up issues with the building, so things could be finished properly, and instead of getting it done, bully brothers Steve D. and the Mayor just attack him and try to make an ass out of him for standing up for the taxpayers.

This isn't Hammonton. This is DiDonato's backyard.  Stop meddling in their affairs!



Jim; I know this is a open blog ,but the above post are lies and you kow it.  First of all the landslide win for the reps was by a 8 vote margin.  That is not a lnadslide.

Second for the power outage the computer guy said he put the equipment in that room on his own and never told the buliding people , yes that would be steve.  they room that was not hooked up to the generator was a closet.  So it's safe to say that jerry thinks the closets should have back up power.  why so he kind hide in it. 

Clean flo jerry please jerry thinks clean flo is a sport drink .  the hf people did the clean flo they put the project on hold to make sure it would work and to make sure the town could pay for it.  I call that spending wise.  jerry had nothing to do with it.

the new town hall looks great, and yes it has a few bugs,   but they will get worked out.  next week the people from italy will be in town.  so let's try not to make asses of the whole town. maybe we can send jerry on a vacation . haha.

thankfully the people of the town know the truth and jerry will be gone in novemeber. 



Anonymous wrote:

Jim; I know this is a open blog ,but the above post are lies and you kow it.  First of all the landslide win for the reps was by a 8 vote margin.  That is not a lnadslide.

Second for the power outage the computer guy said he put the equipment in that room on his own and never told the buliding people , yes that would be steve.  they room that was not hooked up to the generator was a closet.  So it's safe to say that jerry thinks the closets should have back up power.  why so he kind hide in it. 

Clean flo jerry please jerry thinks clean flo is a sport drink .  the hf people did the clean flo they put the project on hold to make sure it would work and to make sure the town could pay for it.  I call that spending wise.  jerry had nothing to do with it.

the new town hall looks great, and yes it has a few bugs,   but they will get worked out.  next week the people from italy will be in town.  so let's try not to make asses of the whole town. maybe we can send jerry on a vacation . haha.

thankfully the people of the town know the truth and jerry will be gone in novemeber. 

Great idea to send Jerry on vacation.Point is hes' been on one for years he just din't even know it. This so called councilman is a waste of a seat. Steve has done nothing wrong, I agree with the above poster. Now get over it.

What happened in Las Vegas?



I for one am tired of hearing about people like Jerry Vitalo trying to fix Town Hall.  This town elected John DiDonato Mayor.  He's the victor, so if he wants to appoint his brother to run the planning board, he should be able to.  Let's face it, the rich guys have some big projects to do around town, and they can get them done quicker and with less oversight if they are actually in charge of the oversight committees!

It's just like MUAC.  Why do those Republican and Democrat jerks keep trying to bring back public oversight. Don't they understand its a heck of alot easier for guys like the Mayor and his brother to get things done when they are approved in a back office instead of in front of  a TV camera.

I can't wait for the next Council meeting for Hammonton First to blast Jerry Vitalo for wanting to address potential issues with Town Hall.

I'm voting for all three Hammonton Firsters to make sure all their friends and family members get all the appointed positions in town!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Jim; I know this is a open blog ,but the above post are lies and you kow it.  First of all the landslide win for the reps was by a 8 vote margin.  That is not a lnadslide.

Second for the power outage the computer guy said he put the equipment in that room on his own and never told the buliding people , yes that would be steve.  they room that was not hooked up to the generator was a closet.  So it's safe to say that jerry thinks the closets should have back up power.  why so he kind hide in it. 

Clean flo jerry please jerry thinks clean flo is a sport drink .  the hf people did the clean flo they put the project on hold to make sure it would work and to make sure the town could pay for it.  I call that spending wise.  jerry had nothing to do with it.

the new town hall looks great, and yes it has a few bugs,   but they will get worked out.  next week the people from italy will be in town.  so let's try not to make asses of the whole town. maybe we can send jerry on a vacation . haha.

thankfully the people of the town know the truth and jerry will be gone in novemeber. 

Great idea to send Jerry on vacation.Point is hes' been on one for years he just din't even know it. This so called councilman is a waste of a seat. Steve has done nothing wrong, I agree with the above poster. Now get over it.

What happened in Las Vegas?

Time to get rid of the incumbents.  The Republicans have hurt us.  We need the Democats.



Anonymous wrote:


I for one am tired of hearing about people like Jerry Vitalo trying to fix Town Hall.  This town elected John DiDonato Mayor.  He's the victor, so if he wants to appoint his brother to run the planning board, he should be able to.  Let's face it, the rich guys have some big projects to do around town, and they can get them done quicker and with less oversight if they are actually in charge of the oversight committees!

It's just like MUAC.  Why do those Republican and Democrat jerks keep trying to bring back public oversight. Don't they understand its a heck of alot easier for guys like the Mayor and his brother to get things done when they are approved in a back office instead of in front of  a TV camera.

I can't wait for the next Council meeting for Hammonton First to blast Jerry Vitalo for wanting to address potential issues with Town Hall.

I'm voting for all three Hammonton Firsters to make sure all their friends and family members get all the appointed positions in town!


Are you trying to make Jerry look good?  Even Republicans are blasting Jerry from everything from Parks and Rec, Town Hall Committee, Shade Tree, Gypsy Moth, Rent Control.  He digs a bigger hole for himself the longer he speaks.  




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I for one am tired of hearing about people like Jerry Vitalo trying to fix Town Hall.  This town elected John DiDonato Mayor.  He's the victor, so if he wants to appoint his brother to run the planning board, he should be able to.  Let's face it, the rich guys have some big projects to do around town, and they can get them done quicker and with less oversight if they are actually in charge of the oversight committees!

It's just like MUAC.  Why do those Republican and Democrat jerks keep trying to bring back public oversight. Don't they understand its a heck of alot easier for guys like the Mayor and his brother to get things done when they are approved in a back office instead of in front of  a TV camera.

I can't wait for the next Council meeting for Hammonton First to blast Jerry Vitalo for wanting to address potential issues with Town Hall.

I'm voting for all three Hammonton Firsters to make sure all their friends and family members get all the appointed positions in town!

Are you trying to make Jerry look good?  Even Republicans are blasting Jerry from everything from Parks and Rec, Town Hall Committee, Shade Tree, Gypsy Moth, Rent Control.  He digs a bigger hole for himself the longer he speaks.  

you sound very disgruntled.  you must be jealous that a "regular guy" like Jerry can get elected to Council in Hammonton and lead effectively.  What are you stuck at that makes you so jealous?



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I for one am tired of hearing about people like Jerry Vitalo trying to fix Town Hall.  This town elected John DiDonato Mayor.  He's the victor, so if he wants to appoint his brother to run the planning board, he should be able to.  Let's face it, the rich guys have some big projects to do around town, and they can get them done quicker and with less oversight if they are actually in charge of the oversight committees!

It's just like MUAC.  Why do those Republican and Democrat jerks keep trying to bring back public oversight. Don't they understand its a heck of alot easier for guys like the Mayor and his brother to get things done when they are approved in a back office instead of in front of  a TV camera.

I can't wait for the next Council meeting for Hammonton First to blast Jerry Vitalo for wanting to address potential issues with Town Hall.

I'm voting for all three Hammonton Firsters to make sure all their friends and family members get all the appointed positions in town!

Are you trying to make Jerry look good?  Even Republicans are blasting Jerry from everything from Parks and Rec, Town Hall Committee, Shade Tree, Gypsy Moth, Rent Control.  He digs a bigger hole for himself the longer he speaks.  

you sound very disgruntled.  you must be jealous that a "regular guy" like Jerry can get elected to Council in Hammonton and lead effectively.  What are you stuck at that makes you so jealous?


 Ahhhh.... Yes, I'm very disgruntled but why would anyone be jealous of Jerry.  Sure, Jerry is a regular guy that was what was great about having someone like him on council.  But, we gave him a chance and now it's time for him to go.  We need a regular guy who can actually stand up to Hammonton First.  He wasn't very effective at it.



jerry one by 8 votes, only because of the attack on the chief.  If hf id not go after the chief, jerry would still be saying mass over his mortor mixer. 

to say jerry leads is a reach at best. the guy needs a map to find the rest room. anywho it bye bye time for him.



Anonymous wrote:

jerry one by 8 votes, only because of the attack on the chief.  If hf id not go after the chief, jerry would still be saying mass over his mortor mixer. 

to say jerry leads is a reach at best. the guy needs a map to find the rest room. anywho it bye bye time for him.

nice grammar, jackass.

Jerry won,  not "one."

Also, its mortar, not "mortor."

You don't need Stockton to come to Hammonton, you need to get the School Board to let you back in 2nd grade.



Anonymous wrote:

jerry one by 8 votes, only because of the attack on the chief.  If hf id not go after the chief, jerry would still be saying mass over his mortor mixer. 

to say jerry leads is a reach at best. the guy needs a map to find the rest room. anywho it bye bye time for him.

attackon the chief?  What did the Russians invade the old town hall or something?  What is this, "Red Dawn?"



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

jerry one by 8 votes, only because of the attack on the chief.  If hf id not go after the chief, jerry would still be saying mass over his mortor mixer. 

to say jerry leads is a reach at best. the guy needs a map to find the rest room. anywho it bye bye time for him.

nice grammar, jackass.

Jerry won,  not "one."

Also, its mortar, not "mortor."

You don't need Stockton to come to Hammonton, you need to get the School Board to let you back in 2nd grade.


The main reason people correct others for spelling on online forums is because they can't counter or disprove what's been said. 
Remember Jerry barely won having "no experience" on Council in 2006.  Do you really think he's going to win with his "experience" on Council in 2008?




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

jerry one by 8 votes, only because of the attack on the chief.  If hf id not go after the chief, jerry would still be saying mass over his mortor mixer. 

to say jerry leads is a reach at best. the guy needs a map to find the rest room. anywho it bye bye time for him.

attackon the chief?  What did the Russians invade the old town hall or something?  What is this, "Red Dawn?"


Wolverines!!!  We need to get over this Red Dawn in Hammonton.  We need to vote Blue.  Vote Democrat.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

jerry one by 8 votes, only because of the attack on the chief.  If hf id not go after the chief, jerry would still be saying mass over his mortor mixer. 

to say jerry leads is a reach at best. the guy needs a map to find the rest room. anywho it bye bye time for him.

nice grammar, jackass.

Jerry won,  not "one."

Also, its mortar, not "mortor."

You don't need Stockton to come to Hammonton, you need to get the School Board to let you back in 2nd grade.

The main reason people correct others for spelling on online forums is because they can't counter or disprove what's been said. 
Remember Jerry barely won having "no experience" on Council in 2006.  Do you really think he's going to win with his "experience" on Council in 2008?

Actually, when I'm reading the thoughts and spellings of a known moron, there is no need to address his assinine commentary.

But since you tossed it out there, let's take a swing at this.

Jerry, that's Councilman Vitalo to you pal, has done more for this town in two years than the three HF candidates combined have done in the last 8 years.  First off, Sam Rodio has done ZERO for Hammonton.  He's voted NO on the zoning board to almost every reasonable application from small middle class families, but voted YES to every major application by HF's friends' companies.  Jeanne was a failure at leadership in her last year, unable to get her own party to clean up the then-filthy lake.  And Gibbons, well, is he even a resident of Jersey yet?



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

jerry one by 8 votes, only because of the attack on the chief.  If hf id not go after the chief, jerry would still be saying mass over his mortor mixer. 

to say jerry leads is a reach at best. the guy needs a map to find the rest room. anywho it bye bye time for him.

nice grammar, jackass.

Jerry won,  not "one."

Also, its mortar, not "mortor."

You don't need Stockton to come to Hammonton, you need to get the School Board to let you back in 2nd grade.

The main reason people correct others for spelling on online forums is because they can't counter or disprove what's been said. 
Remember Jerry barely won having "no experience" on Council in 2006.  Do you really think he's going to win with his "experience" on Council in 2008?

Actually, when I'm reading the thoughts and spellings of a known moron, there is no need to address his assinine commentary.

But since you tossed it out there, let's take a swing at this.

Jerry, that's Councilman Vitalo to you pal, has done more for this town in two years than the three HF candidates combined have done in the last 8 years.  First off, Sam Rodio has done ZERO for Hammonton.  He's voted NO on the zoning board to almost every reasonable application from small middle class families, but voted YES to every major application by HF's friends' companies.  Jeanne was a failure at leadership in her last year, unable to get her own party to clean up the then-filthy lake.  And Gibbons, well, is he even a resident of Jersey yet?


I'd like to hear someone other than Jerry or his immediate family say that.  I don't see any statements like that on the Hammonton GOP website.  "Jerry has done more in 2 years than the Hammonton First candidates have done in the last 8 years."  Yes, Gibbons is a town resident.  He will get at least 500 more votes than Vitalo.  This won't be a dramatic finish like the 2006 election.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

jerry one by 8 votes, only because of the attack on the chief.  If hf id not go after the chief, jerry would still be saying mass over his mortor mixer. 

to say jerry leads is a reach at best. the guy needs a map to find the rest room. anywho it bye bye time for him.

nice grammar, jackass.

Jerry won,  not "one."

Also, its mortar, not "mortor."

You don't need Stockton to come to Hammonton, you need to get the School Board to let you back in 2nd grade.


You know how to spell mortar.   How about correcting these words: Seament, Concreet, Dumass.




Anonymous wrote:
I'd like to hear someone other than Jerry or his immediate family say that.  I don't see any statements like that on the Hammonton GOP website.  "Jerry has done more in 2 years than the Hammonton First candidates have done in the last 8 years."  Yes, Gibbons is a town resident.  He will get at least 500 more votes than Vitalo.  This won't be a dramatic finish like the 2006 election.

So at what point will hammonton first actually allow the public to know who gribbens works for?  why are they so secretive about his job?  how much does gibblons have to with regional Obama campaigns?  Is he doing double work for Obama and running for town council?

Better yet, what is his "tireless volunteerism" that is touted on the hammonton first website? 

I'm sure he's a great guy.  Well, I can't be sure, but I'll assume so for argument's sake.  But that still doesn't explain all the mixed messages HF gives out about Gibbans.  Are they using him as a patsy to try to catapult Sam Rodio into office?  They have spent countless hours promoting their 5th place finisher from '06, but only spend ten words on Gebbons.

Doesn't make sense to me.  At least the Republican Party stands behind Councilman Vitalo and the other two.



Since we're talking about one of the greatest 80's films ever I'll jump in...

Johnnie D would def. be the sellout mayor who answers to the Russians....

For sure.

Although the rest of Hammonton First would end up fighting the Cubans since their anti minorties.



jerry, Has done alot . Please.  The only thing jerry does a lot of is complain like a little kid. But he never has any facts only false statements. just like on this blog.  Jerry hates HF so much he just starts trouble and has nothing to back it up.    Nov will tell the truth hf wil win again on thier record of no new taxes.  anyway byebye jerry, thanks for the fun times. 


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Posts: 35

But municipal taxes (not school or county taxes) went up half a cent...not alot but taxes still increased plus tree removal is now the responsibility of residents. So what is this about a no new tax record?



Anonymous wrote:

jerry, Has done alot . Please.  The only thing jerry does a lot of is complain like a little kid. But he never has any facts only false statements. just like on this blog.  Jerry hates HF so much he just starts trouble and has nothing to back it up.    Nov will tell the truth hf wil win again on thier record of no new taxes.  anyway byebye jerry, thanks for the fun times. 

funny, jerry approved both budgets with no tax increases.  what did sam rodio or gibribbins approve?



Voice of the People wrote:

But municipal taxes (not school or county taxes) went up half a cent...not alot but taxes still increased plus tree removal is now the responsibility of residents. So what is this about a no new tax record?

The municipal tax went up but Council is saying Zero Increase.  With all the cuts in services you'd think our taxes would go down not up.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

jerry, Has done alot . Please.  The only thing jerry does a lot of is complain like a little kid. But he never has any facts only false statements. just like on this blog.  Jerry hates HF so much he just starts trouble and has nothing to back it up.    Nov will tell the truth hf wil win again on thier record of no new taxes.  anyway byebye jerry, thanks for the fun times. 

funny, jerry approved both budgets with no tax increases.  what did sam rodio or gibribbins approve?


Stop ducking the question. What has Jerry really done?  He apologizes way too many times from his mistakes on council. He makes Hammonton First look very good just about everytime he speaks.  You can just see Bertino and Marino shake their heads in disbelief during council meetings.




Anonymous wrote:
Stop ducking the question. What has Jerry really done?  He apologizes way too many times from his mistakes on council. He makes Hammonton First look very good just about everytime he speaks.  You can just see Bertino and Marino shake their heads in disbelief during council meetings.

I understand that its really hard to see reality with all those Firsters jamming things up your ***, but try to let this soak in:



So, now that the has sunk in, what exactly is the reason people should vote for the three Hammonton First candidates and not the Republicans who have worked so hard in the last two years for this town?



WOW , jerry really did all that. you got nothing!!!!. legislated.  good big word . I guess the spelling class helped.  now look it up. Jerry dosen't have a clue.  First you say he stood up to HF . Now you say he voted with them for two years. You have to wonder . bye bye . 



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:
Stop ducking the question. What has Jerry really done?  He apologizes way too many times from his mistakes on council. He makes Hammonton First look very good just about everytime he speaks.  You can just see Bertino and Marino shake their heads in disbelief during council meetings.

I understand that its really hard to see reality with all those Firsters jamming things up your ***, but try to let this soak in:



So, now that the has sunk in, what exactly is the reason people should vote for the three Hammonton First candidates and not the Republicans who have worked so hard in the last two years for this town?


Because they will work harder and do more then Jerry ever can.




Anonymous wrote:

Because they will work harder and do more then Jerry ever can.

Will they work harder next year than HF did this year to take away residents' services, like leaf pickup and bulky waste day?

WIll they work hard to make sure the senior community center is built all the way out on the Hammonton Lake, where it will be inconvenient for Hammonton's many senior citizens?

Will they work hard to keep taking away government oversight committees like they took away MUAC two years ago?

How would Sam Rodio, Jeanne Lewis, and Dom Glibbons vote on those issues?



The only thing that Jery Vitalo ever did on the Zoning Board was to look for work. The guy is a jackass, with no clue of how government truly works. The fact is many Republicans are not going to support Jerry Vitalo because he is a ass. Just wait until the public sees the lawns with only Bertino for council. So don't say that people are supporting Jerry Vitalo or the "Hot Head" Marino. Hammonton need to cut the two "Stooges" of Marino and Vitalo loose, they are one in the same a waste.

Truly what happened in Las Vegas? oh please do tell.



Republicans and the town are very happy with Marino, Bertino and Vitalo. This appears to be the best ticket to win all 3 seats this election. The Democrats have Anthony Falcone but Jim McClane and Mike Porrotta are new to politics. The Hammonton First ticket of Lewis, Rodio and Crezenzo already lost the last election to Bertino, Marino and Vitalo.

It may be a close race but I am happy with the incumbents: Bertino, Marino and Vitalo. Anthony Falcone may grab a seat for the Dems or Lewis may grab a seat for Hammonton First.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

I am not new to politics.
I have been an active volunteer and vocal community activist for many years. I have been involved with many town decisions by bringing many important issues to the table at the government committee level, Town Council meetings, and the local newspapers. I have spoken at many Town Council meetings and personally with all of the members of our government. I have worked with many offices in Town government in obtaining information neccessary in making decisions. I attend Town Council meetings and various committee meetings to remain an informed citizen.
I have a great deal of knowledge of the workings of our government from my experience on the school board. Even though we try and keep politics out of the school board, it still works in much the same way and my past experience has served me well. I worked bery hard on the committees I served and chaired and always tried to bring the opinions of all sides to the table before decisions were made. I have continued to attend meetings because I care about the people of this Town and the children the school district serves.I speak with the people of this Town because I find everyone's input invaluable when representing them in our government.
I have a lot of experience in government and I always gather inpout from a very diverse group of Hammonton citizens from the different organizations I belong to and the different people I meet and speak with all the time.

Mike Perrotta also brings an informed voice to Hammonton government. In his community service and in his work he speaks to a great number of Hammontonians and will brring even more input to the table.
You must remember, Jimmy Bertino and Anthony Falcone were NEW to politics at one point, but they both have been great servants to the people of Hammonton. New voices are nothing to be feared, they are to be embraced. New voices wake government up and make the people who serve start thinking again.



Trust me key Republicans are NOT supporting Vitalo, he is a waste. There may be a few Republicans supporting Marino but believe me they the people I have heard from are NOT supporting Vitalo, just ask the Republicans when you see them. They want him gone not only from council, but from the club. Imagine this joker is telling people how he's going to run for mayor, what a jack-ass.



Anonymous wrote:

Trust me key Republicans are NOT supporting Vitalo, he is a waste. There may be a few Republicans supporting Marino but believe me they the people I have heard from are NOT supporting Vitalo, just ask the Republicans when you see them. They want him gone not only from council, but from the club. Imagine this joker is telling people how he's going to run for mayor, what a jack-ass.

Boy you really are sore you got kicked out of the Republican Club, huh?  It must burn you to see an everyday guy like Jerry win an election, work for the town, and be complimented by the vast majority.  And there you were, thinking you can weasel your way back and forth between political parties, and you'd hav a shot at being something special. But all you are is a miserable, crotchity, jealous has-been.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Trust me key Republicans are NOT supporting Vitalo, he is a waste. There may be a few Republicans supporting Marino but believe me they the people I have heard from are NOT supporting Vitalo, just ask the Republicans when you see them. They want him gone not only from council, but from the club. Imagine this joker is telling people how he's going to run for mayor, what a jack-ass.

Boy you really are sore you got kicked out of the Republican Club, huh?  It must burn you to see an everyday guy like Jerry win an election, work for the town, and be complimented by the vast majority.  And there you were, thinking you can weasel your way back and forth between political parties, and you'd hav a shot at being something special. But all you are is a miserable, crotchity, jealous has-been.

I was very happy to see Jerry win and Hammonton First not get a seat.  Let's be serious though.  It's not just about beating Hammonton First, it's about getting someone in who can get things done.  Marino and Vitalo got burnt by Hammonton First.  Maybe Marino has a chance but now way can anyone say Vitalo has a chance.  Gibbons will get more votes than Vitalo and he's an unknown.



Anonymous wrote:

Republicans and the town are very happy with Marino, Bertino and Vitalo. This appears to be the best ticket to win all 3 seats this election. The Democrats have Anthony Falcone but Jim McClane and Mike Porrotta are new to politics. The Hammonton First ticket of Lewis, Rodio and Crezenzo already lost the last election to Bertino, Marino and Vitalo.

It may be a close race but I am happy with the incumbents: Bertino, Marino and Vitalo. Anthony Falcone may grab a seat for the Dems or Lewis may grab a seat for Hammonton First.

Ummm, Marino and Vitalo were first timers.  They blew it.  It was a great moment when they defeated Hammonton First but they've let the town down.  They tried but were ineffective.



Anonymous wrote:
Ummm, Marino and Vitalo were first timers.  They blew it.  It was a great moment when they defeated Hammonton First but they've let the town down.  They tried but were ineffective.

ANd how exactly did they blow it jealous-boy?  Did they blow it by passing two budgets without tax increases?

Did they blow it by standing up to Hammonton First when they tried to take away bulky trash pickup?

Did they blow it when they cleaned up the Lake that HF forgot, or when they got the new trash system running that HF wanted to abandon?

Did they blow it when they stuck up for residents rights?

Did they blow it when they fought to bring back MUAC, which HF took away?

Or maybe its just that you're so jealous of two guys who don't have a million in the bank, or don't pander to you, that have been so successful working for every taxpayer in town?



It's time for change.  We need some leadership in government, from the top down, who can actually think for themselves and question the system.


The Republicans had their chance.  The rich Republicans, aka Hammonton First, had their chance too.  They are both disappointing.


The only choice left is to vote straight Democrat in November.  MacLane, Falcone, and Perotta are all brilliant people with experience being leaders. 



It's time for change.  We need some leadership in government, from the top down, who can actually think for themselves and question the system.
The Republicans had their chance.  The rich Republicans, aka Hammonton First, had their chance too.  They are both disappointing.
The only choice left is to vote straight Democrat in November.  MacLane, Falcone, and Perotta are all brilliant people with experience being leaders. 
Agreed.  We also cannot allow town council to continue putting the best interest of just a few people ahead of the best interests of our town.

HF and the Republicans must go.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Ummm, Marino and Vitalo were first timers.  They blew it.  It was a great moment when they defeated Hammonton First but they've let the town down.  They tried but were ineffective.

ANd how exactly did they blow it jealous-boy?  Did they blow it by passing two budgets without tax increases?

Did they blow it by standing up to Hammonton First when they tried to take away bulky trash pickup?

Did they blow it when they cleaned up the Lake that HF forgot, or when they got the new trash system running that HF wanted to abandon?

Did they blow it when they stuck up for residents rights?

Did they blow it when they fought to bring back MUAC, which HF took away?

Or maybe its just that you're so jealous of two guys who don't have a million in the bank, or don't pander to you, that have been so successful working for every taxpayer in town?

Why the hell would anyone be jealous?  Get over yourself.  I'm a taxpayer and was not impressed at all by the Republicans these last 2 years.  There have been many people who have run before who are from the middle class but did not win when they ran.  I strongly don't think that Marino and Vitalo should be reelected.  It's nothing personal against them.  It's only personal because it's about me and the future of my family.  It seems the only reason to vote for Bertino, Marino and Vitalo is because they said yes on two occassions with Hammonton First.  Anybody can say yes and no.  We need people who are going to TAKE ACTION.



Just like Bush is known for Bushism.  Jerry is known for many Jerryisms.  Who the heck is advising Jerry? 



Anonymous wrote:

Why the hell would anyone be jealous?  Get over yourself.  I'm a taxpayer and was not impressed at all by the Republicans these last 2 years.  There have been many people who have run before who are from the middle class but did not win when they ran.  I strongly don't think that Marino and Vitalo should be reelected.  It's nothing personal against them.  It's only personal because it's about me and the future of my family.  It seems the only reason to vote for Bertino, Marino and Vitalo is because they said yes on two occassions with Hammonton First.  Anybody can say yes and no.  We need people who are going to TAKE ACTION.

So, youre the type of person that WANTS taxes raised!?  Democrats, take head of people like this.  They go around screaming the sky is falling.  They talk in closed circles and think they know the lay of the land.  If Democrats want to win, they will have to follow the lead of Republicans and Hammonton First, who kept taxes at 0 for two years in a row.

Guys like this joker actually are UNHAPPY when they have no tax hikes, AND their services remain.  AMAZING THE IDIOTS THAT GET A CHANCE TO VOTE.


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Posts: 35

Taxes went up half a cent and services were cut. Good Job, Hammonton First. Promises Kept?



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Why the hell would anyone be jealous?  Get over yourself.  I'm a taxpayer and was not impressed at all by the Republicans these last 2 years.  There have been many people who have run before who are from the middle class but did not win when they ran.  I strongly don't think that Marino and Vitalo should be reelected.  It's nothing personal against them.  It's only personal because it's about me and the future of my family.  It seems the only reason to vote for Bertino, Marino and Vitalo is because they said yes on two occassions with Hammonton First.  Anybody can say yes and no.  We need people who are going to TAKE ACTION.

So, youre the type of person that WANTS taxes raised!?  Democrats, take head of people like this.  They go around screaming the sky is falling.  They talk in closed circles and think they know the lay of the land.  If Democrats want to win, they will have to follow the lead of Republicans and Hammonton First, who kept taxes at 0 for two years in a row.

Guys like this joker actually are UNHAPPY when they have no tax hikes, AND their services remain.  AMAZING THE IDIOTS THAT GET A CHANCE TO VOTE.


 No one wants taxes raised. Services and committees were cut.  Rent Control Gone,  Shade Tree Gone, MUAC Gone.  All this happened under Bertino, Marino and Vitalo's watch.  They GAVE UP on these issues.  Why should I vote for them when they GAVE UP.



Anonymous wrote:

 No one wants taxes raised. Services and committees were cut.  Rent Control Gone,  Shade Tree Gone, MUAC Gone.  All this happened under Bertino, Marino and Vitalo's watch.  They GAVE UP on these issues.  Why should I vote for them when they GAVE UP.

Legit question.  Here's your answer:

You already know where the Republicans Stand on these issues:

-They voted to keep Rent Control.
-They voted to keep the Shade Tree Commission
-They are the ones who wrote up new legislation, lobbied heavily, and voted to bring back MUAC.

So the never gave up on any of those issues.  They are a minority on Council, and cannot get a majority till the 2009 elections.  Reelecting them will ensure they will keep fighting for these issues, and restore them if the votes are there on Council.  Electing anyone else means you would not have a united party on these issues, and possibly elect people who may always vote against any or all of those issues.

So there you have it.  That doesn't matter though, becuase the smartass with the original comment just wants to knock on Councilmen Vitalo and Marino.  Jealousy is all it is.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

 No one wants taxes raised. Services and committees were cut.  Rent Control Gone,  Shade Tree Gone, MUAC Gone.  All this happened under Bertino, Marino and Vitalo's watch.  They GAVE UP on these issues.  Why should I vote for them when they GAVE UP.

Legit question.  Here's your answer:

You already know where the Republicans Stand on these issues:

-They voted to keep Rent Control.
-They voted to keep the Shade Tree Commission
-They are the ones who wrote up new legislation, lobbied heavily, and voted to bring back MUAC.

So the never gave up on any of those issues.  They are a minority on Council, and cannot get a majority till the 2009 elections.  Reelecting them will ensure they will keep fighting for these issues, and restore them if the votes are there on Council.  Electing anyone else means you would not have a united party on these issues, and possibly elect people who may always vote against any or all of those issues.

So there you have it.  That doesn't matter though, becuase the smartass with the original comment just wants to knock on Councilmen Vitalo and Marino.  Jealousy is all it is.


 Yeah Right.  People are jealous of Marino and Vitalo but not jealous of Bertino.  Your answer is to vote for people who can't articulate a good argument against the things that Hammonton First are doing to hurt Hammonton.  We'll see what they say the next weeks coming up to the election especially what they say to the press. 



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Jerry Vitalo has never fixed one single thing when it comes to the town hall.

Let's see.  Steve D. demands that they run wires NOW NOW NOW or Vitalo was stopping progress.  Jerry votes that the Town should wait a week while our professionals access the situation.  Jerry is blasted by Steve DiDonato.  In the end, it would be over a month until work would begin on those wires.  So Steve lied or manipulated, and tried to paint Jerry as a jerk for trying to do it right the first time.

Power dies at Town Hall and 911 goes down.  Turns out the generators weren't hooked up.  Jerry states that its important that we get things right at Town Hall.  BOOM!  Stevie DiDonato is back at Town Council to chastize Jerry for demanding things are done right.  One week later, the elevator breaks, the sewer backs up, and the roof leaks.  ON top of all that, the sally port is too small, after Steve DiDonato was WARNED by the police chief and Jerry Vitalo that it was too small to be used.  Jerry wanted it fixed before it was built.  Steve DiDonato LASHED OUT at Jerry again for trying to do it right.

What happens then?  Jerry demands we get the things fixed.  Now the Firsters are ready to send Steve DiDonato again to LASH OUT out Councilman Vitalo for demanding our tax dollars are spent correctly.

This is not Hammonton.  This is Steve DiDonato's giant construction project.  So leave it alone Jerry.  You keep thinking you are representing the town, when in fact its just a sandbox for the DiDonatos.

Some people in this town have become a disgrace to public affairs.  I'm embarassed to show my face at a public meeting anymore.


I'm embarrassed too but I would never give up.  You need to keep strong when you see Town Council doing something wrong.  No matter if they're Republican or Hammonton First.  If what they're doing is bad for Hammonton then a Councilman should not only speak up but take action.  Sadly we've seen neither many times.




If the rumors at town hall are apparently true why isn't there any information about this on the Republican website.  Jerry is the biggest spreader of these rumors on how the town hall was made wrong and in the wrong spot.  Why aren't the Republicans promoting this.  Jerry is the weakest link and the Republicans aren't praising him enough. 



  • Anonymous wrote:

If the rumors at town hall are apparently true why isn't there any information about this on the Republican website.  Jerry is the biggest spreader of these rumors on how the town hall was made wrong and in the wrong spot.  Why aren't the Republicans promoting this.  Jerry is the weakest link and the Republicans aren't praising him enough. 

jerry is the biggest horses-ass councilman the town has ever seen. There is nothing wrong with town hall just lies that jerry makes up.

What happened in Las Vegas



Anonymous wrote:

  • Anonymous wrote:

If the rumors at town hall are apparently true why isn't there any information about this on the Republican website.  Jerry is the biggest spreader of these rumors on how the town hall was made wrong and in the wrong spot.  Why aren't the Republicans promoting this.  Jerry is the weakest link and the Republicans aren't praising him enough. 

jerry is the biggest horses-ass councilman the town has ever seen. There is nothing wrong with town hall just lies that jerry makes up.

What happened in Las Vegas

Why don't you tell us "What happened in Vegas?"

Did Gibbrans get arrested out there or something?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

  • Anonymous wrote:

If the rumors at town hall are apparently true why isn't there any information about this on the Republican website.  Jerry is the biggest spreader of these rumors on how the town hall was made wrong and in the wrong spot.  Why aren't the Republicans promoting this.  Jerry is the weakest link and the Republicans aren't praising him enough. 

jerry is the biggest horses-ass councilman the town has ever seen. There is nothing wrong with town hall just lies that jerry makes up.

What happened in Las Vegas

Why don't you tell us "What happened in Vegas?"

Did Gibbrans get arrested out there or something?

Your close you just got the party wrong.....



Anonymous wrote:

The only thing that Jery Vitalo ever did on the Zoning Board was to look for work. The guy is a jackass, with no clue of how government truly works. The fact is many Republicans are not going to support Jerry Vitalo because he is a ass. Just wait until the public sees the lawns with only Bertino for council. So don't say that people are supporting Jerry Vitalo or the "Hot Head" Marino. Hammonton need to cut the two "Stooges" of Marino and Vitalo loose, they are one in the same a waste.

Truly what happened in Las Vegas? oh please do tell.

Why do you say Marino is a hot head? He only shakes his head.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

The only thing that Jery Vitalo ever did on the Zoning Board was to look for work. The guy is a jackass, with no clue of how government truly works. The fact is many Republicans are not going to support Jerry Vitalo because he is a ass. Just wait until the public sees the lawns with only Bertino for council. So don't say that people are supporting Jerry Vitalo or the "Hot Head" Marino. Hammonton need to cut the two "Stooges" of Marino and Vitalo loose, they are one in the same a waste.

Truly what happened in Las Vegas? oh please do tell.

Why do you say Marino is a hot head? He only shakes his head.


He does shake his head a lot doesn't he?  Whenever he does that, I shout at the t.v. screen and say "Well say something" 




Anonymous wrote:

Why do you say Marino is a hot head? He only shakes his head.

He does shake his head a lot doesn't he?  Whenever he does that, I shout at the t.v. screen and say "Well say something" 

You know who was shaking hid head?  Sam Rodio, when Jerry beat him by over 130 votes in 2006.

Jeanne wasn't so upset, she was used to be let down by Hammonton First, after they tossed our her plan to clean up Hammonton Lake.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Why do you say Marino is a hot head? He only shakes his head.

He does shake his head a lot doesn't he?  Whenever he does that, I shout at the t.v. screen and say "Well say something" 

You know who was shaking hid head?  Sam Rodio, when Jerry beat him by over 130 votes in 2006.

Jeanne wasn't so upset, she was used to be let down by Hammonton First, after they tossed our her plan to clean up Hammonton Lake.


I remember that year.  Rodio looked like he was going to blow up.  Crescenzo was stunned and worn down. I actually felt sorry for him.  Lewis, Diaz, Santone, and Glorio were gracious in defeat. 




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
You know who was shaking hid head?  Sam Rodio, when Jerry beat him by over 130 votes in 2006.

Jeanne wasn't so upset, she was used to be let down by Hammonton First, after they tossed our her plan to clean up Hammonton Lake.

I remember that year.  Rodio looked like he was going to blow up.  Crescenzo was stunned and worn down. I actually felt sorry for him.  Lewis, Diaz, Santone, and Glorio were gracious in defeat. 

That whole day Sam Rodio was running around taunting the other candidates, asking them to come over to the HF headquarters for lobster and champagne.  I heard Steve DiDonato even bet a bunch of republicans dinner that they were going to lose! 

What's Sam Rodio thinking by running again.  Does he want to be a two-time loser for Hammonton First?  Doesn't he know Hammonton doesn't want him on Council?  I can understand Jeanne running, though.  She was a Republican, but she's used to being dumped on now after being scammed by Hammonton First.  They threw her to the wolves, and I hear this year they couldn't find anyone else to run besides Sam Rodio, so they got Jeanne and that lawyer guy to be on their ticket.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
You know who was shaking hid head?  Sam Rodio, when Jerry beat him by over 130 votes in 2006.

Jeanne wasn't so upset, she was used to be let down by Hammonton First, after they tossed our her plan to clean up Hammonton Lake.

I remember that year.  Rodio looked like he was going to blow up.  Crescenzo was stunned and worn down. I actually felt sorry for him.  Lewis, Diaz, Santone, and Glorio were gracious in defeat. 

That whole day Sam Rodio was running around taunting the other candidates, asking them to come over to the HF headquarters for lobster and champagne.  I heard Steve DiDonato even bet a bunch of republicans dinner that they were going to lose! 

What's Sam Rodio thinking by running again.  Does he want to be a two-time loser for Hammonton First?  Doesn't he know Hammonton doesn't want him on Council?  I can understand Jeanne running, though.  She was a Republican, but she's used to being dumped on now after being scammed by Hammonton First.  They threw her to the wolves, and I hear this year they couldn't find anyone else to run besides Sam Rodio, so they got Jeanne and that lawyer guy to be on their ticket.


 I remember that.  Some Firsters were also thanking the Democratic candidates for putting out flags to remind people to vote.  They thought they had the election locked.


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Things will sure become interesting this upcoming election. Dollars more: Inches short. We'll see how things "settle" with the sally port. We should have more "concrete" answers.



Can we get a recall vote to remove jerry from the ticket?  FYI, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.  It used to be funny to watch him, but I can't stomach this idiot anymore.  Maybe Jerry can be the new fire chief?

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