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Post Info TOPIC: Message from Hammonton Democratic Club President

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Message from Hammonton Democratic Club President


Last Wednesday, as the President of the Hammonton Democratic Club, I had the opportunity to participate in an on-line debate with high-ranking representatives of the other two parties. I would like to thank Tom Ricca for hosting the debate. Tom does a great public service for the people of Hammonton by bringing democracy right into their living rooms.

I also would like to thank the other two party representatives. They did their organizations proud and I am honored to have shared the stage with them. For those who have not seen it, I recommend viewing the debate on Hammonton TV (Click Here to Watch the Debate) . There is no better way of casting an informed vote than by hearing where the political parties stand on the future of Hammonton.

I had many concerns that I was able to share with the other parties and with the viewing audience. While Hammonton has seen the loss of established businesses such as Starbucks, Baskets by Inferras, the Dollar Store and Central Pizza, the Town Council has cut Town Services, run over-budget on the Town Hall, raised taxes half a cent and wants to give $1.5 million of taxpayer dollars to Stockton. Unless the current trend is reversed, Hammonton residents will see higher taxes, more debt and a greater economic downturn.

I also had many questions as well. Can individuals believe in the idea of grass-roots politics yet support a political organization that receives over 60% of its contributions from one family? Does two years of residence give a person enough knowledge to represent Hammonton? Are minimum wage service jobs the only type of jobs that our children should expect in the town in the future? Why have certain groups become obsessed with making us Haddonfield when Hammonton has always been a great place to call home?

The Hammonton Democrats are proud of this Town and her citizens. Falcone, MacLane and Perrotta want to restore fiscal sanity to Hammonton. Local government sponsored development initiatives such as the Little Italy Project take funds from taxpayers and redistribute them to select property holders. The Hammonton Democrats feel that redevelopment is the function of the private sector. If taxes must be collected, then the revenue should provide services to all taxpayers.

We also must bring high paying private sector jobs to the people of Hammonton. We must reform the tax abatement program by closing loopholes that cost the Town and prevent better jobs. We must work with the McGuire-Ft. Dix-Lakehurst Megabase in Burlington County and the FAA in Egg Harbor Township to make Hammonton a high-tech corridor. Finally, we must leverage our transportation assets such as the Airport, the Train Station and major roads to attract global firms.

I still have many concerns though. Our opponents talked about being agents of change. Change does not always mean progress. There was a lot of talk of other people moving into Hammonton to help us. I believe that this community always has and always will welcome newcomers. But are our opponents implying that Hammontonians lack the capacity to solve their own problems? Do they mean that we need the right people? or the proper people? or the beautiful people?

These questions are a huge concern for me, the Hammonton Democrats and I imagine a vast majority of Hammontonians. I hope that these concerns will be addressed during the course of the campaign through more debates. It is imperative for all three parties to make clear to the public their competing visions for the future of Hammonton. Instead of giving out goodies and trinkets, it is far more important that the candidates present their ideas for public scrutiny. Hammonton deserves no less.

Sam Mento III

Hammonton Democratic Club

-- Edited by Admin at 21:10, 2008-08-13



Admin wrote:


Last Wednesday, as the President of the Hammonton Democratic Club, I had the opportunity to participate in an on-line debate with high-ranking representatives of the other two parties. I would like to thank Tom Ricca for hosting the debate. Tom does a great public service for the people of Hammonton by bringing democracy right into their living rooms.

I also would like to thank the other two party representatives. They did their organizations proud and I am honored to have shared the stage with them. For those who have not seen it, I recommend viewing the debate on Hammonton TV (Click Here to Watch the Debate) . There is no better way of casting an informed vote than by hearing where the political parties stand on the future of Hammonton.

I had many concerns that I was able to share with the other parties and with the viewing audience. While Hammonton has seen the loss of established businesses such as Starbucks, Baskets by Inferras, the Dollar Store and Central Pizza, the Town Council has cut Town Services, run over-budget on the Town Hall, raised taxes half a cent and wants to give $1.5 million of taxpayer dollars to Stockton. Unless the current trend is reversed, Hammonton residents will see higher taxes, more debt and a greater economic downturn.

I also had many questions as well. Can individuals believe in the idea of grass-roots politics yet support a political organization that receives over 60% of its contributions from one family? Does two years of residence give a person enough knowledge to represent Hammonton? Are minimum wage service jobs the only type of jobs that our children should expect in the town in the future? Why have certain groups become obsessed with making us Haddonfield when Hammonton has always been a great place to call home?

The Hammonton Democrats are proud of this Town and her citizens. Falcone, MacLane and Perrotta want to restore fiscal sanity to Hammonton. Local government sponsored development initiatives such as the Little Italy Project take funds from taxpayers and redistribute them to select property holders. The Hammonton Democrats feel that redevelopment is the function of the private sector. If taxes must be collected, then the revenue should provide services to all taxpayers.

We also must bring high paying private sector jobs to the people of Hammonton. We must reform the tax abatement program by closing loopholes that cost the Town and prevent better jobs. We must work with the McGuire-Ft. Dix-Lakehurst Megabase in Burlington County and the FAA in Egg Harbor Township to make Hammonton a high-tech corridor. Finally, we must leverage our transportation assets such as the Airport, the Train Station and major roads to attract global firms.

I still have many concerns though. Our opponents talked about being agents of change. Change does not always mean progress. There was a lot of talk of other people moving into Hammonton to help us. I believe that this community always has and always will welcome newcomers. But are our opponents implying that Hammontonians lack the capacity to solve their own problems? Do they mean that we need the right people? or the proper people? or the beautiful people?

These questions are a huge concern for me, the Hammonton Democrats and I imagine a vast majority of Hammontonians. I hope that these concerns will be addressed during the course of the campaign through more debates. It is imperative for all three parties to make clear to the public their competing visions for the future of Hammonton. Instead of giving out goodies and trinkets, it is far more important that the candidates present their ideas for public scrutiny. Hammonton deserves no less.

Sam Mento III

Hammonton Democratic Club

-- Edited by Admin at 21:10, 2008-08-13


 I think that video is "Must See" by all Hammontonians.  Good Job to all 3 who participated but  WOW, if only more people listen to what the Dems have to offer. 



Time to get rid of the incumbents.  The Republicans have hurt us.  We need the Democats.


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Posts: 35

Check out the new Firster Slogans. Includes are the parts they don't want you to hear:
1. Be First. Vote First. (Or the Property Task Force will cite you)
2. Keeping it Real (Except for our budget estimates)
3. Love where you live (especially if it is Haddonfield)
4. Moving Forward (Off a Cliff)
5. Seeing is Believing (like the sight of backed up toiletsin Town Hall)
6. Wheel in Motion (as they come off)
7. Getting the job done (except if the job is tree removal, then you're on your own)
8. Keep the ball rolling (again ,off a cliff)
9. Making a difference (by making our lives worse)
10. Ready, willing and able (to buy an election)
11. Smooth sailing (like the Titanic)
12. Working Together (to help our contributors)



Anonymous wrote:


Time to get rid of the incumbents.  The Republicans have hurt us.  We need the Democats.


Hammonton would be so much better if people do that the next 2 elections.  People are so easily fooled.  They don't really pay attention to what is really happening.




yes we need the dems, high taxes and higher paying jobs for all town employees. 



Anonymous wrote:

yes we need the dems, high taxes and higher paying jobs for all town employees. 

 You obviously haven't heard the New Hammonton Democrats.  The club has new young members and new leadership.  They have a lot of great ideas.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

yes we need the dems, high taxes and higher paying jobs for all town employees. 

It seems like that is the only defense they have. They are trying to use old sterotypes and stick them to the current slate of candidates. The public is sick and tired of the negative campaigning and attacks that these people use.
All the people have to do is read the Democratic platform to see that the statements they are throwing out are all wrong. The Hammonton Democrats are all about the "Promise for the Future" with a A Platform for:
Open, Limited Government
Fiscal Responsibility
Strong Management



Sam did an excellent job on that interview, and I love his letter.  I'm also really looking foward to seeing the dem candidates talk about the issues. 

I think this year is the year for the Democrats, from the White House down to that over budget town hall on Central.



At work today, some people were talking about the Democrats.  I liked the enthusiasm people have with this ticket.  It's time for Hammonton to get real effective representation. It's not just good enough to beat Hammonton First. It's important to elect people who won't so easily fold.  I really was disappointed with Bertino, Marino and Vitalo.  They make Hammonton First look very good.



The talk around town today was that Jerry has been replaced on the Republican ticket. This is great news, because he has offered nothing while he has been on council. His handler tells everyone he is there for the common man, what is all that about. Then we hear all he's done for town hall. But most important is that Spinzo the Great has agreeed to a debate ran by council, what is up with that. First up council should  not be sponsoring NO debate. But word is Spinzo the great has agreed to this. The town will get one great big laugh as Jerry will once again self destruct. This time he will really show the good people of Hammonton just how little he really understands. If Spinzo was going to run anytype of campaign he would have already exposed one of the hF candidates for never having voted in a hammonton election. But all that will be exposed is jerry and just what a zero he is. The Republicans have run a poor campaign thus far...".Spinzo and Jerry perfect together." Going  going ...gone the pair of them.



Anonymous wrote:

The talk around town today was that Jerry has been replaced on the Republican ticket. This is great news, because he has offered nothing while he has been on council. His handler tells everyone he is there for the common man, what is all that about. Then we hear all he's done for town hall. But most important is that Spinzo the Great has agreeed to a debate ran by council, what is up with that. First up council should  not be sponsoring NO debate. But word is Spinzo the great has agreed to this. The town will get one great big laugh as Jerry will once again self destruct. This time he will really show the good people of Hammonton just how little he really understands. If Spinzo was going to run anytype of campaign he would have already exposed one of the hF candidates for never having voted in a hammonton election. But all that will be exposed is jerry and just what a zero he is. The Republicans have run a poor campaign thus far...".Spinzo and Jerry perfect together." Going  going ...gone the pair of them.

You're obviously someone obsessed with Vincenzo and very anti-Vitalo.  You Republicans should truly learn to get along in a civil manner.  The very reason Hammonton First came about was because the disorder within your party.  This is why it's important for Hammonton to vote Democrat.




Anonymous wrote:

The talk around town today was that Jerry has been replaced on the Republican ticket. This is great news, because he has offered nothing while he has been on council. His handler tells everyone he is there for the common man, what is all that about. Then we hear all he's done for town hall. But most important is that Spinzo the Great has agreeed to a debate ran by council, what is up with that. First up council should  not be sponsoring NO debate. But word is Spinzo the great has agreed to this. The town will get one great big laugh as Jerry will once again self destruct. This time he will really show the good people of Hammonton just how little he really understands. If Spinzo was going to run anytype of campaign he would have already exposed one of the hF candidates for never having voted in a hammonton election. But all that will be exposed is jerry and just what a zero he is. The Republicans have run a poor campaign thus far...".Spinzo and Jerry perfect together." Going  going ...gone the pair of them.

Who is going to replace him?  Is there a short list?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The talk around town today was that Jerry has been replaced on the Republican ticket. This is great news, because he has offered nothing while he has been on council. His handler tells everyone he is there for the common man, what is all that about. Then we hear all he's done for town hall. But most important is that Spinzo the Great has agreeed to a debate ran by council, what is up with that. First up council should  not be sponsoring NO debate. But word is Spinzo the great has agreed to this. The town will get one great big laugh as Jerry will once again self destruct. This time he will really show the good people of Hammonton just how little he really understands. If Spinzo was going to run anytype of campaign he would have already exposed one of the hF candidates for never having voted in a hammonton election. But all that will be exposed is jerry and just what a zero he is. The Republicans have run a poor campaign thus far...".Spinzo and Jerry perfect together." Going  going ...gone the pair of them.

Who is going to replace him?  Is there a short list?

I hear there's a list of good candiates .As soon as the names are released the public will have good reason to support all 3 Republicans.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The talk around town today was that Jerry has been replaced on the Republican ticket. This is great news, because he has offered nothing while he has been on council. His handler tells everyone he is there for the common man, what is all that about. Then we hear all he's done for town hall. But most important is that Spinzo the Great has agreeed to a debate ran by council, what is up with that. First up council should  not be sponsoring NO debate. But word is Spinzo the great has agreed to this. The town will get one great big laugh as Jerry will once again self destruct. This time he will really show the good people of Hammonton just how little he really understands. If Spinzo was going to run anytype of campaign he would have already exposed one of the hF candidates for never having voted in a hammonton election. But all that will be exposed is jerry and just what a zero he is. The Republicans have run a poor campaign thus far...".Spinzo and Jerry perfect together." Going  going ...gone the pair of them.

Who is going to replace him?  Is there a short list?

I hear there's a list of good candiates .As soon as the names are released the public will have good reason to support all 3 Republicans.


The Republicans couldn't decide on selecting 3 good candidates last year which led to a lot of divide in the party and more of them shifting to Hammonton First resultling in HF's win last year.  This year I think more Republicans are voting for Hammonton First.  There should be balance in town council.  The best way to ensure that is to vote Democrat.


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