The Town of Hammonton has entered into a cooperative gypsy moth control program with the New Jersey Department of Agriculture. Downstown Aerocrop Service (DEP license # 90029) 339 Harding Highway, Vineland, New Jersey has been awarded the contract to apply Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (FORAY 76B, EPA Reg. # 73049-49) using aircraft to areas infested with gypsy moth larvae.
Aerial application will begin on or after May 4, 2009 through June 4, 2009 or until completion from 5:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and possibly in the evenings from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the affected areas.
Click here to see a map indicating the exact areas to be treated. Residents may contact the municipal clerks office at (609) 567-4300 extension 105, Town of Hammonton, 100 Central Avenue, Hammonton, New Jersey 08037 for information regarding the exact date, application times and any other information concerning the treatment program.
This was a very successful program last year that saved many trees. Through the efforts of the Hammonton Democrats, the Hammonton Republicans and many concerned citizens, this program was reinstated.
This program is a waste of tax dollars and should be abolished. I have asthma and breathing in these toxic chemicals hurts my lungs.
Are you a moth loving hippie? Kill them all to bloody hell. If the trees die then you're athsma will get worse. Hundreds of trees are dying on several streets in town.
Does anyone know of someone that can spray for me here in Mullica Township? We just purchased this house in Sept 2009 and dont want these things eating our beautiful trees and climbing all over our home. They are terrible. Contact me through email please asap. They will be hatching soon.