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Post Info TOPIC: Sam Mento and running mates outperform GOP Incumbents In Cash On Hand Going into General Election

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Sam Mento and running mates outperform GOP Incumbents In Cash On Hand Going into General Election

Democrat Freeholder Candidates Have $74,001.73; Republicans Show $25,769.55 

Northfield -- All three Democratic Freeholder candidates in Atlantic County show substantially more cash on hand than their Republican opponents, two of which are incumbents. 

People are fed up with the tax and spend policies of the incumbent Republican Freeholders, said Democratic Party Chairman Patrick D'Arcy.  That is why a firefighter, a cop, and a blueberry farmer have more than three times as much as their Republican opponents." 

According to final Primary Election reports, Freeholder At Large candidate and professional, union firefighter Angelo DeMaio topped all six freeholder candidates with a reserve of $36,298.30 and crushed his incumbent opponent's fundraising performance by four to one.  Incumbent Frank Giordano shows $8,516.61 cash on hand. 

Having never run for office before or raised money for a political candidate, I am very humbled by the many supporters who believe in me enough to contribute money toward my campaign, said DeMaio, noting that his and his running mates' contributions are primarily from small donors averaging less than $100, not deep pocketed contributors.

Second District Freeholder Candidate John Devlin also demonstrated his viability by ending the Primary Cycle with a healthy lead over his opponent's cash on hand balance.  Devlin will go into the General Election with $19,844.17, while Formica carries a balance of $5,539.96, after a $7,100 loan to himself is repaid.  

I think I have surprised a lot of people, said Devlin, a police officer and former Marine.  Not only are we having fun in this campaign, but we are bringing in a lot of new faces who want change in our county and are willing to contribute toward that effort.

Farmer Sam Mento, the Fifth District challenger to 15-year incumbent Jim Curcio demonstrated  that his message of change is resonating with average Atlantic County residents.  Ninety-five percent of his 90 contributors gave less than $300 and most gave between $10 and $50.  Not only did he outraise the longtime incumbent, but Mento will also carry forward a balance of $17,929.26 compared to Curcio's $11,712.98.

There does seem to be a changing of the tide in the western end of the county, said Mento.  I am amazed by the support I am getting from Democrats, Republicans and Independents.  Fifteen years of Jim Curcio's lackluster leadership really is too long.

The final Primary Election reports were due in the Election Law Enforcement Commission office in Trenton on June 23rd.   The next reporting period will be 29 Days prior to the November 3rd General Election.  Full reports can be viewed online at

-- Edited by Admin on Friday 3rd of July 2009 02:21:27 PM



Why is all of Damaio's money coming North Jersey and Trenton union bosses? Can we really afford to have the Atlantic County government go the route of Atlantic City? Look at the ELEC reports again the union bosses are trying put their controlled people in office in return for votes.

I do not want a very highly paid administrator (over $107,000 per year) running the Atlantic county budget. We cannot turn into Camden County or our taxes will go thru the roof.

Atlantic City politicans are corrupt and we must defend spreading the corruption into Atlantic County. 2 Atlantic City puppets and little Sammy Mento will be runover by the Democratic lawyers hiding in the background siphoning more of our tax dollars.



What an idiotic statement. If you look at his reports, most of DeMaio's contributions come from local citizens. The unions you mention represent the local people of Atlantic County, their offices are located in other parts of the state, but they still represent local people from our County.
Listen to what these guys have to say, read the information they put out and you will see they are strong individuals who stand for their own principles and will stand up for the people of Atlantic County and Hammonton.
Especially Sam Mento. He is a strong leader of the highest integrity who will represent the 5th district well on the freeholder board. He will not become "invisible" as our current representative is and has been for 15 years.



If Asbury Park, Neptune, Jersey City, Trenton are looking out for Atlantic City.....we are in Big Trouble in South Jersey.

I am an independent voter but if you compare the freeholders, the GOP ticket is much stronger.

Frank Formica (a small business owner and family baker) vs. an Atlantic City Fire Administrator making over $107,000. I will take Formica everytime.

Jim Curcio (a local Hammonton lawyer with his family for over 50 years) who has been a fiscally conservative watchdog for the taxpayers and Hammonton community. All freeholders (democrat and Republican) chose Curcio as the chairman of the Atlantic County Board. I will chose Curcio and his independent streak everytime.

Frank Giordano ( a restaurant owner who employs people) vs. another Atlantic City Policeman is a no brainer. Giordano left the Democrats and switched to the GOP in New Jersey. Giordano has my vote.



Farmer Sam Mento, the Fifth District challenger to 15-year incumbent Jim Curcio demonstrated that his message of change is resonating with average Atlantic County residents.Ninety-five percent of his 90 contributors gave less than $300 and most gave between $10 and $50.Not only did he outraise the longtime incumbent, but Mento will also carry forward a balance of $17,929.26 compared to Curcio's $11,712.98.

Enough said!!!



Isn't Sammy Mento a bigtime union leader too? If he listens to Jim Whelan and Jon Corzine he is on his way to top. With Sam Mento's commonsense approach he will be able to speak to Jon Corzine on a high level most can only dream about. Corzine will also sink alot of his own money into Sam Mento.

Sam Mento will not get pushed around by Jon Corzine or Jim Whelan. 



Anonymous wrote:

If Asbury Park, Neptune, Jersey City, Trenton are looking out for Atlantic City.....we are in Big Trouble in South Jersey.

I am an independent voter but if you compare the freeholders, the GOP ticket is much stronger.

Frank Formica (a small business owner and family baker) vs. an Atlantic City Fire Administrator making over $107,000. I will take Formica everytime.

Jim Curcio (a local Hammonton lawyer with his family for over 50 years) who has been a fiscally conservative watchdog for the taxpayers and Hammonton community. All freeholders (democrat and Republican) chose Curcio as the chairman of the Atlantic County Board. I will chose Curcio and his independent streak everytime.

Frank Giordano ( a restaurant owner who employs people) vs. another Atlantic City Policeman is a no brainer. Giordano left the Democrats and switched to the GOP in New Jersey. Giordano has my vote.

During Curcio's 15 years on the board the county budget has doubled to over $200,000,000. That is really fiscally conservative. And bye the way Sam Mento's family has been in Hammonton for100 years.  His children are the fifth generation to reside in his family's homestead.  His family's floorcovering business has been here nearly fifty years. ( who employees peole that earn a real wage and health care, not minimun wage kitchen help or gratuity based waiters.


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Sam Mento is a strong leader, a good business man and a hard worker. He will represent Hammonton very well on the Freeholder Board. Recently he spoke at the local "Meet the Candidates" night. He outlined some of the platform he and DeMaio are running on. His speech is posted on the Hammonton Dems website. Part of what he said:

On the county level, my running mate Angelo DeMaio and I are running on a platform consisting of:

I.                  Open Government and fiscal transparency...

A Post the budget on line, and have three public reading prior to approval

B Reach out to county employees for their input, to help them work more efficiently.

II       Better cooperation with the federal government, and President Obamas stimulus package to ease the burden of working class families in the county.

III.           Green Technology, I envision Atlantic county as the green energy hub of all of NJ. Build a solar canopy over the old Hammonton landfill, or using the vast tracts of farmland to harness the power of wind. This will create jobs, clean energy, and reduce our dependency on foreign fuel.

IV.           Term limitations, unfortunately when professional politicians get elected their first order of business is to get reelected.  Rather than make tough decisions, they choose to count votes.  And that is why nothing gets done at the county level.  This is a belief George Washington took to his grave.  My opponent hasnt gotten the job done in his first 15 years, lets not give him another three!  

This is who we need to represent us in Hammonton. Right now Hammonton is "invisible" to the Freeholder Board. They forget there is a western end to the county. We have been represented by the "invisible" man. Sam can be a Force for Change.



What will Denny Levinson do with his Yes Men, Curcio and Giordano?  Do the local Rep. realize that Curcio is with HF not them?



Interesting, I never see Curcio and Marino together.  Ingemi and Menton are at alot of the same events though



The president of the local GOP hAS hf Mayoral candidate Steave DiDanato building his house.  At the chamber dinner his uncle Jimmy sat at the HF Table!  Looks like Marino and the three ladies are going to get the shaft from the new HF Republican club leadership.  This is a two pony show HF vs the Dems.  Don't waste your vote, Vote for the Dems from the bottom up!



Curcio exploded at the little league park.  Screaming  at Sam Mento's 12 year old nephew ( calling him a real super star on a past ball).  This behavior is unbecoming of a man.  Regardless if he is in a loosng campaign.  The umpire nearly ejected Jimmy and the event has been dicussed at the Little League Ex. board.  We  commend Sam's brother Chris for keeping his composure and not retaliating when Curcio told him to go frig himself.



I was there and Jim Curcio was a real disgrace that night. He ridiculed a young little league player because he was related to someone who would dare oppose him in his bid for reelection. Curcio has spent 15 years on the Freeholder board, but what does Hammonton have to show for it? Just a bitter, invisible man who just expects all of Hammonton to stay out of his way and vote him in no matter how little he has accomplished.
I commend Sam's brother for not decking Curcio that night. And I commend Sam for not bringing this into the campaign. But every voter in Hammonton should know what kind of man they have been sending to represent us on the Freeholder board.
It's time for a change. We can't have a man like this representing our Town. Sam is a fine young businessman who will represent our town well. Vote for Sam Mento!



This is Sam Mento.  What has been said about the incident at the little league is true.  This infuriates me.  When I first enter the race I pledged to run a clean issue driven campaign.  I realize when one chooses to pursue elected office he or she must be prepared to endure the slings and arrows.  But I feel ones family should be off limits.  I will not use my 13 year old nephew for political gain.  So I ask all my supports to refrain from personal attacks. 

If the Curcio's campaign sees it fit to continue these personal attacks I hope they direct them soley at me and not my family. I am a man who knew what he was getting into, my brother's family, my wife, my children and parents should be left alone.  As will be the same for my opponets. 

I appreciate all my supporters enthusiasm, but we can win this thing by doing it right!

-- Edited by Admin on Sunday 5th of July 2009 11:45:01 AM



And now the MyHammonton blog, which is run by the Republicans, deletes every comment about this occurrence. He even started a new thread but has blocked any comments. Here is some of what he said:

...why I removed the comment. I explained its very simple: When we find comments concerning events, actions, or people that arent in the news and/or are private people (in this case kids), I delete it. In our view, there is no need for commentary about private issues...

The problem is, this is not an issue about kids or private people. The issue is the actions by our Republican Freeholder. What he did was reprehensible. Don't worry Mr. Penza, you are trying to keep this all hush-hush, but the public already knows what Mr. Curcio did. This is a small town and word spreads quickly.



Didn't little league end 3 or 4 weeks ago?

I hope we do not have to go over past little league arguments that involved either candidate family because it gets boring very quickly. Little league should be left on the field with the children not trying to score some cheap political points.



Hurling insults at kids at little league games only shows candidate who knows he is going to lose.  As long as he takes his HF running mates with him. 



Because he's perfect and his offenses go under the carpet.  Shame on you for not realizing that.    If you only knew just how many offenses there really were and not just little league



Isn't that the HF motto?  Sweep it under the carpet...Town hall Costs, trees cut down, etc, etc, etc



No wonder why Jimmy is freaking out.  Mento out raised him 2 to 1.  With the pay to play rules it willl be hard to catch up.  All that HF JIm D,  money can't do it this time.  Funny how there was not one regular Rep.  listed on his elec repot.  I guess they realize he dosen't support them at the local level.  As a matter of fact the invisible man only represents himself.



What Republican would support Sam Mento? Can you please name them, I am sure they are card carrying Ronald Reagan republicans. How can anyone support a guy who readily embraces our current New Jersey governor, Jon Corzine? 

The local Democratic ticket will be well financed this election cycle and should make quite a stir utilizing the money that will trickle down from the wizard of Wall Street. $600,000,000 million from Goldman Sachs can sure finance an election cycle. The democrats have their dream candidate with pockets full of Wall Street money to spend trying to buy another election.

Pretty soon we will all be in line for a government handout.



Admin wrote:

Democrat Freeholder Candidates Have $74,001.73; Republicans Show $25,769.55 

Northfield -- All three Democratic Freeholder candidates in Atlantic County show substantially more cash on hand than their Republican opponents, two of which are incumbents. 

People are fed up with the tax and spend policies of the incumbent Republican Freeholders, said Democratic Party Chairman Patrick D'Arcy.  That is why a firefighter, a cop, and a blueberry farmer have more than three times as much as their Republican opponents." 

According to final Primary Election reports, Freeholder At Large candidate and professional, union firefighter Angelo DeMaio topped all six freeholder candidates with a reserve of $36,298.30 and crushed his incumbent opponent's fundraising performance by four to one.  Incumbent Frank Giordano shows $8,516.61 cash on hand. 

Having never run for office before or raised money for a political candidate, I am very humbled by the many supporters who believe in me enough to contribute money toward my campaign, said DeMaio, noting that his and his running mates' contributions are primarily from small donors averaging less than $100, not deep pocketed contributors.

Second District Freeholder Candidate John Devlin also demonstrated his viability by ending the Primary Cycle with a healthy lead over his opponent's cash on hand balance.  Devlin will go into the General Election with $19,844.17, while Formica carries a balance of $5,539.96, after a $7,100 loan to himself is repaid.  

I think I have surprised a lot of people, said Devlin, a police officer and former Marine.  Not only are we having fun in this campaign, but we are bringing in a lot of new faces who want change in our county and are willing to contribute toward that effort.

Farmer Sam Mento, the Fifth District challenger to 15-year incumbent Jim Curcio demonstrated  that his message of change is resonating with average Atlantic County residents.  Ninety-five percent of his 90 contributors gave less than $300 and most gave between $10 and $50.  Not only did he outraise the longtime incumbent, but Mento will also carry forward a balance of $17,929.26 compared to Curcio's $11,712.98.

There does seem to be a changing of the tide in the western end of the county, said Mento.  I am amazed by the support I am getting from Democrats, Republicans and Independents.  Fifteen years of Jim Curcio's lackluster leadership really is too long.

The final Primary Election reports were due in the Election Law Enforcement Commission office in Trenton on June 23rd.   The next reporting period will be 29 Days prior to the November 3rd General Election.  Full reports can be viewed online at

-- Edited by Admin on Friday 3rd of July 2009 02:21:27 PM

You have to give the Democrats credit for raising all that money.  It certainly is a big change from the past with the Republicans outspent the Democrats signicantly.  For the Democrats to have a three to one advantage is a heck of a turn around.

Also, what actually happened with Jimmy Curcio?



Jim Curcio will win this election in a landside.

Putting up with the constant barrage of political BS that he will have to endure this election will be aggravating but it is the political process in Hammonton. The slime machine politics sponsored by the New Jersey Democratic Party is a well financed, well oiled conglomerate of party bosses and paid political hacks.

It happens every year in New Jersey politics. The big money Democratic bosses (aka lawyers) pool and fire political money at the few Republicans left standing in New Jersey. I am sure Whelan and his female chief of staff are busy in their offices coming up with filthy ideas to throw at Curcio like last election.

The Hammonton area and Atlantic County has been bled dry by Jon Corzine and the Democratic Party.

Jim Curcio will win this election by a landslide.



Even Curcio doesn't think he'll win in a landslide that's why he's sweating.  I'm awaiting his staged appearance at Town Hall come late October.



Anthony Falcone came close to Curcio last election, losing by a couple thousand votes, but Sam Mento is not Falcone. Besides last election was very favorable to any democrat, not so this election with Jon Corzine trying to repeat as governator. All GOP candidates are going to make gains throughout New Jersey.....especially southern New Jersey.

Who are all the so called "real" republicans supporting Mento? I can think of one white haired old retired dude who is well versed is dirty north jersey style politics but who else?

Losing good strong Ronald Reagan type Republicans would be troubling but I don't see it happening.



What actually happened?


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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

What actually happened?

 Look at the posts above from July 4th, they explain what happened.



Anonymous wrote:

Curcio exploded at the little league park.  Screaming  at Sam Mento's 12 year old nephew ( calling him a real super star on a past ball).  This behavior is unbecoming of a man.  Regardless if he is in a loosng campaign.  The umpire nearly ejected Jimmy and the event has been dicussed at the Little League Ex. board.  We  commend Sam's brother Chris for keeping his composure and not retaliating when Curcio told him to go frig himself.




What's this talk about reagan republicans?  I don't think reagan yelled at middle school kids.  Oh and if you want to find out what Republicans are voting for Mento go to the republican meetings and count all the people there except jim curcio.



Don't make me laugh about being loud, rude and obnoxious at sporting events. Sam Mento should look in the mirror about rude behavior at sporting events. Do you really want to go down that road when you are Sam Mento?

We should talk to all of the players (past and present) and the oldtimers and see how far you get with this nonsense. Why don't you stick to the real issues regarding Atlantic County? I know why because people do not like bloated government when you are from Hammonton. Democrats love bailouts and handouts, I wouldn't talk about that either because it does not settle well working people.



Curcio is supporting the local HF ticket every old school Rep knows that.  I know a couple past Rep officers who will do what ever it takes do beat Curcio.




This is Sam Mento.  What has been said about the incident at the little league is true.  This infuriates me.  When I first enter the race I pledged to run a clean issue driven campaign.  I realize when one chooses to pursue elected office he or she must be prepared to endure the slings and arrows.  But I feel ones family should be off limits.  I will not use my 13 year old nephew for political gain.  So I ask all my supports to refrain from personal attacks. 

If the Curcio's campaign sees it fit to continue these personal attacks I hope they direct them soley at me and not my family. I am a man who knew what he was getting into, my brother's family, my wife, my children and parents should be left alone.  As will be the same for my opponets. 

I appreciate all my supporters enthusiasm, but we can win this thing by doing it right!

-- Edited by Admin on Sunday 5th of July 2009 11:45:01 AM




Anonymous wrote:

Don't make me laugh about being loud, rude and obnoxious at sporting events. Sam Mento should look in the mirror about rude behavior at sporting events. Do you really want to go down that road when you are Sam Mento?

We should talk to all of the players (past and present) and the oldtimers and see how far you get with this nonsense. Why don't you stick to the real issues regarding Atlantic County? I know why because people do not like bloated government when you are from Hammonton. Democrats love bailouts and handouts, I wouldn't talk about that either because it does not settle well working people.

Sam Mento III coached my son's tee ball team this year.  He was great to the kids and all the team parents have a tremendous amout of respect for him.  We appreciate the time and dedication he gave to our children.  Regardless of political parties he is the type of man we want to represent our town at the county level.


-- Edited by Admin on Monday 6th of July 2009 09:34:52 PM



Rich J was never an officer in the GOP. Stop making up nonsense and support your ticket without thrashing people.



It seems to me that it's the Republicans doing all the bashing. Both sets of Republicans, the regular and the HF.




This is Sam Mento.  What has been said about the incident at the little league is true.  This infuriates me.  When I first enter the race I pledged to run a clean issue driven campaign.  I realize when one chooses to pursue elected office he or she must be prepared to endure the slings and arrows.  But I feel ones family should be off limits.  I will not use my 13 year old nephew for political gain.  So I ask all my supports to refrain from personal attacks. 

If the Curcio's campaign sees it fit to continue these personal attacks I hope they direct them soley at me and not my family. I am a man who knew what he was getting into, my brother's family, my wife, my children and parents should be left alone.  As will be the same for my opponets. 

I appreciate all my supporters enthusiasm, but we can win this thing by doing it right!

-- Edited by Admin on Sunday 5th of July 2009 11:45:01 AM




Anonymous wrote:

And now the MyHammonton blog, which is run by the Republicans, deletes every comment about this occurrence. He even started a new thread but has blocked any comments. Here is some of what he said:

...why I removed the comment. I explained its very simple: When we find comments concerning events, actions, or people that arent in the news and/or are private people (in this case kids), I delete it. In our view, there is no need for commentary about private issues...

The problem is, this is not an issue about kids or private people. The issue is the actions by our Republican Freeholder. What he did was reprehensible. Don't worry Mr. Penza, you are trying to keep this all hush-hush, but the public already knows what Mr. Curcio did. This is a small town and word spreads quickly.




I just read the AC Press.  It looks like the working class people have united and are voting for change.  Even during these harsh economic times Mento has recieved donations from over 100 people.  Curcio's Nick name the invisible man sure rings true when look at how many jobs have been lost, not only in Hammontonbut through out the entire county, during his tenure as chairman of the board.  Failed policy and missed oppurtunity will be his legacy.

Atlantic County Republican MSG



You probably read this mornings newspaper article about the Atlantic County Democrat Freeholder candidates raking in more campaign cash.

What a surprise!

We are used to the Camden County Democratic Machines money here in Atlantic County and there is one thing Republicans have learned all too well: the Atlantic County Democrats will always out-spend us, but they will never out-work us for the taxpayers of Atlantic County.

The fact that the Democrats can only talk about how much money they raised shows that their campaign is bankrupt of any real ideas for the people of Atlantic County. It says nothing of the property taxpayers and businesses who are suffocating under Governor Jon Corzines disastrous tax and economic policies that have caused unemployment in our county to jump to above 11%. So instead of focusing on the issues Atlantic County cares about, the Democrats instead trumpet the fact that they have a lot of money to spend on their campaign just like Corzine will do.

What a joke!

Freeholders Frank Giordano and Jim Curcio and Freeholder Candidate Frank Formica are campaigning hard throughout Atlantic County. They are paying attention to the needs of voters, not fat cat campaign contributors. Our Republican Freeholder Board has a proactive record of accomplishment for Atlantic County from the windmill farm and solar panels at the ACUA to the additional investment we see at the Atlantic County Institute of Technology and the new FAA Research and Aviation Park, both of which will create more jobs here.

I need you to help the Giordano-Curcio-Formica team combat the undisclosed contributions being amassed by their Corzine-Democrat opponents.

Last year more than 75% of the contributions made to the Atlantic County Republican Committee were for $50 or less, and a staggering 80% came from residents who live right here in Atlantic County!

This tradition of a grassroots network of smaller contributors stands in stark contrast with that of the Atlantic County Democrats, which continue to fund their campaigns with massive contributions from political bosses and special interest groups from as far away as Michigan.

Your immediate contribution of $10 or more will help us continue to mobilize resources for the fall campaign and once again keep Atlantic County out of the hands of the Camden County political bosses.

I want you to know that no amount is too small and it will be immediately put to good use helping to elect Republicans throughout Atlantic County.

Simply click here to contribute.

One more thing - I can assure you, it will only take a minute - please tell 10 of your friends that you donated $10 to the Atlantic County Republican Committee today, and encourage them to join you in doing the same.

I look forward to working with you over the next few months to hold Jon Corzine accountable, restore in integrity and leadership in Trenton, and elect proven leaders here in Atlantic County that will continue to stand up for our residents.

Keith Davis



Kieth I love it when you beg.  As far as work, Curcio hasn't worked in 15 years on the Freeholder Board.  But, I'm sure the invisible man will reappear this fall prancing around with Lobiondo.  It's not going to cut this time Jimmy.



Anonymous wrote:

Kieth I love it when you beg.  As far as work, Curcio hasn't worked in 15 years on the Freeholder Board.  But, I'm sure the invisible man will reappear this fall prancing around with Lobiondo.  It's not going to cut this time Jimmy.

 I love that the Republican Chair gives this story legs.  A 15 year incumbent trails nearly 2 to 1.  The writting is on the wall.  The invisible man is finished!



Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Curcio has taken even more donations from out of the county and from unions. The following came from his reports.
Timothy Lurie, Engineer, Farmingdale, NJ $500
Hutchins, Farrell, Meyer, and Allison, Accountants, Freehold, NJ $500
Local 825 Union, Cherry Hill, NJ $500
Carpenters local 623 $600
Steve Waszen, Trash Hauler, $1,800
Dave DeClement, Attorney, Pitman, NJ $1,000
Advanced Micro Computer Specialists. Horsham, PA $500

Does he think the voters are stupid?
He launches a scud at his opponent, but his totals are higher, and he also took money from the same union he blasts his opponent for.

Current score: 0 Thumbs up!



Anonymous wrote:

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Curcio has taken even more donations from out of the county and from unions. The following came from his reports.
Timothy Lurie, Engineer, Farmingdale, NJ $500
Hutchins, Farrell, Meyer, and Allison, Accountants, Freehold, NJ $500
Local 825 Union, Cherry Hill, NJ $500
Carpenters local 623 $600
Steve Waszen, Trash Hauler, $1,800
Dave DeClement, Attorney, Pitman, NJ $1,000
Advanced Micro Computer Specialists. Horsham, PA $500

Does he think the voters are stupid?
He launches a scud at his opponent, but his totals are higher, and he also took money from the same union he blasts his opponent for.

Current score: 0 Thumbs up!

Waszen was charged with illegal dumping activity in Mullica.  Curio when working one of his muliple county jobs, would not prosecute him.  Give Jimmy a big donation and you are above the law!  Keep Mullica Green! DUMP CURCIO!!!!



Who is Sam Mento's treasurer?







This is Sam Mento.  What has been said about the incident at the little league is true.  This infuriates me.  When I first enter the race I pledged to run a clean issue driven campaign.  I realize when one chooses to pursue elected office he or she must be prepared to endure the slings and arrows.  But I feel ones family should be off limits.  I will not use my 13 year old nephew for political gain.  So I ask all my supports to refrain from personal attacks. 

If the Curcio's campaign sees it fit to continue these personal attacks I hope they direct them soley at me and not my family. I am a man who knew what he was getting into, my brother's family, my wife, my children and parents should be left alone.  As will be the same for my opponets. 

I appreciate all my supporters enthusiasm, but we can win this thing by doing it right!

-- Edited by Admin on Sunday 5th of July 2009 11:45:01 AM

More negative campaigning by Sam Mento.




Mento is going to lose, start the plan to knock off Schroeder.



Anonymous wrote:

Mento is going to lose, start the plan to knock off Schroeder.

 Ingemi and Mento are a joke.  Their own party is out campaigning against them.  RJ won't even write a letter supporting them.


Democrate Rich Jacobus on the attack to try to get Sam Mento elected

Anonymous wrote:


This is Sam Mento.  What has been said about the incident at the little league is true.  This infuriates me.  When I first enter the race I pledged to run a clean issue driven campaign.  I realize when one chooses to pursue elected office he or she must be prepared to endure the slings and arrows.  But I feel ones family should be off limits.  I will not use my 13 year old nephew for political gain.  So I ask all my supports to refrain from personal attacks. 

If the Curcio's campaign sees it fit to continue these personal attacks I hope they direct them soley at me and not my family. I am a man who knew what he was getting into, my brother's family, my wife, my children and parents should be left alone.  As will be the same for my opponets. 

I appreciate all my supporters enthusiasm, but we can win this thing by doing it right!

-- Edited by Admin on Sunday 5th of July 2009 11:45:01 AM

More negative campaigning by Sam Mento.


After writing the full-page commentary contained in this section, I realized that -- in reviewing the accomplishments of Hammonton's all-Republican Town Council -- I had failed to mention Hammonton's other non-productive Republican, Freeholder Jimmy Curcio.

Of course, he's easy to forget. Don't they call him the "invisible man?"

Let's see, what has he done during the past 15 years for his constituents in Hammonton?

Ah, it took 10 years to repair the Liberty Street bridge. No, that's not so good.

Oh, how about 10 years to pave Central Avenue? No, that's not so good either.

Oh yes, how about all his efforts to save Kessler Hospital? Oh boy, that's terrible.

Oh well, I just can't think of a thing he's done specifically for Hammonton.

Sorry, short letter, huh?

Well, I guess they don't call him the "invisible man" for nothing.

Rich Jacobus




RE: Sam Mento and running mates outperform GOP Incumbents In Cash On Hand Going into General Election

RJ only writes negative non sense I am dumber than a 4th grader letters to the editor instead of endorsing his own dEmocartic people.  How many votes did he get Rippa and he lost her job for her, way to go rich!



Sam Mento does not endorse Rich Jacobus. He is speaking on his own accord and we do not like negative personal attacks against anyone.



Joe Ingemi and Sam Mento use Rich Jacobus to get their negative slime out there.  If they didn't actually want to have him write that nonsense they would put him in his place publicly.



Hey Spinzo what is your platform?  Politically speaking, your campain thus far is less then mediocre.



Anonymous wrote:

Hey Spinzo what is your platform?  Politically speaking, your campain thus far is less then mediocre.

Looks like the Republicans are conceding this election to HF again.  They haven't given any reasons why people should choose them over HF again.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Hey Spinzo what is your platform?  Politically speaking, your campain thus far is less then mediocre.

Looks like the Republicans are conceding this election to HF again.  They haven't given any reasons why people should choose them over HF again.

I bet Curcio wishes he didn't bounce out DiMatteo.  Now he realizes Frank was the power of the party.  His nephew can't raise the money like Frank did.  Now the Mento for Freeholder campaign is starting to run away with this thing.  Jimmy is getting out worked by Mento.  Trotting around LoBiondo won't save him this time!




Curcio did not bounce out anybody, that's not How he rolls. The GOP ticket and club are stronger than ever and Frank Dimatteo is still attending campaign meetings and helping everywhere he can. Matter of fact he is worker harder now than when he was president.



Christie, Lobiondo and Curcio


Corzine, Calloway and his AC buffoons and Mento

Tough Choice for Hammonton?

Curcio 57% - Wins every town in Atlantic County
Mento 42% - Loses evry town in Atlantic County

Keeping hugging Jon Corzine he looks like a winner.........NOT!!!!!!



Anonymous wrote:

Curcio did not bounce out anybody, that's not How he rolls. The GOP ticket and club are stronger than ever and Frank Dimatteo is still attending campaign meetings and helping everywhere he can. Matter of fact he is worker harder now than when he was president.

Boy are you delirious???? Curcio has been kissing up to Hammonton First for several years now. He wants Hammonton First to take over the Regular Republican party. That is why he engineered this whole move to oust DiMatteo and put his cousin in as president. Frank DiMatteo follows the old credo, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. He knows what went on and is taking the necessary steps to put down Curcio.
And as for Curcio working hard, he is doing that for the first time in 15 years because he knows he is behind in the polls.




DiMatteo is working hard, just as hard as he did for Ciafalo?



Curcio did not bounce out DiMatteo, Bertino did and the old club officers voted for it. 



What did DiMatteo do to Chiaolo? He was a great doctor.



Anonymous wrote:

Christie, Lobiondo and Curcio


Corzine, Calloway and his AC buffoons and Mento

Tough Choice for Hammonton?

Curcio 57% - Wins every town in Atlantic County
Mento 42% - Loses evry town in Atlantic County

Keeping hugging Jon Corzine he looks like a winner.........NOT!!!!!!

So basically you're saying that Mento has a chance and that Curcio won't definitely win a landslide if he manages to stay in.  Good there's still hope for us all in Hammonton, Mento is making some gains.


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