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Post Info TOPIC: The Democratic Platform addresses the needs of Hammonton

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The Democratic Platform addresses the needs of Hammonton

The main role of the Mayor and Council is to develop and coordinate local policy.  So it is essential that candidates explain their approach to policy development and specifically, what policies they hope to implement.  I wanted to take this opportunity to explain the policy views of myself and my running mates, Mike Ammirato, James Scarpato and Carmen Villani.
Too often, local policy degenerates into three categories:  doing the same thing repeatedly regardless of success, political gimmicks meant to secure votes for the next election and doing the opposite of what your opponents recommend.  Perhaps, these may have worked in the past but such policies have no place in the future.  My running mates and I will evaluate national and state-wide trends.  Based on these trends, we create policy customized to the needs, goals and values of Hammonton.
Using this process, we have developed a comprehensive platform for our campaign.  We want improve the local economy through investment in industries that have high growth potential.  We feel these industries are healthcare, clean energy and conservation, and agriculture.   Just as the real estate boom kept taxes low, created jobs  and produced customers for our local businesses over the past six years, these industries will do the same over the next decades.   Investment in these industries need not come through local property tax revenue but through state and federal programs.  Utilizing such programs also demonstrates how we will approach grants.  Grants must not be seen as an endless supply of free money to be spent on every whim we have.  Rather, grants and aid must be viewed as venture capital to be invested only on projects that bring a return on investment.
My running mates and I also realize that a primary purpose of a local government is to provide local services.  No one can deny the importance of police and emergency services, trash pick-up, or water and sewer.  The issue is how we deliver services efficiently.  Efficiency represents productivity over cost.  Since so many rising costs such as fuel are outside of our control, we intend to focus on increasing productivity.  We will provide our municipal workforce with process improvement methods such as those used by Fortune 500 companies to continuously increase productivity and as a result improve efficiency.  Instead of giving into the ever-present temptation of micro-management, we will set our local workforce up for success.
Finally, we will work to improve the quality of life for those in Hammonton that are often over-looked: Veterans and the military, the elderly and shut-ins, and individuals with special needs and their families.  We will partner with civic organizations, churches and charities to ensure that every Hammontonian can live in this community with both dignity and a sense of belonging.  We must leave no one behind.
Over the next several weeks, I will go into further detail into each component of our platform.  My intent is two-fold.  First, I hope to demonstrate that the local Democratic platform represents a road-map to building a successful community.  Second, I hope to convince you that our platform is the end-product of a group of individuals who have the skills necessary to lead Hammonton in a 21st-century global economy.
You can read our platform in its entirety at our website: www.hammontondems.com.  Feel free to contact us at info@hammontondems.com with any questions, comments or suggestions. 


Joseph Ingemi

Democratic Nominee for Mayor



Is anybody home?



get a second phone booth.



Anonymous wrote:

get a second phone booth.

 Jim Donio still couldn't fit.



Anonymous wrote:

get a second phone booth.

Hello?  Is anybody home?  Where is Rich Jacobus?  Does his muzzle fit well?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

get a second phone booth.

Hello?  Is anybody home?  Where is Rich Jacobus?  Does his muzzle fit well?

Already can't deliver on the VA Hospital, eh?  Noone wants to hear the liberal Democrat nonsense.



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The benefits that a VA Hospital at the Kessler can bring to both Veterans and to Hammonton has not changed. The Hammonton Democratic Team is putting party differences aside to support the Mayor, our state legislators and the Congressional delegation in the fight to make a VA Hospital a reality. Our Veterans and Hammonton deserve no less.



After writing the full-page commentary contained in this section, I realized that -- in reviewing the accomplishments of Hammonton's all-Republican Town Council -- I had failed to mention Hammonton's other non-productive Republican, Freeholder Jimmy Curcio.

Of course, he's easy to forget. Don't they call him the "invisible man?"

Let's see, what has he done during the past 15 years for his constituents in Hammonton?

Ah, it took 10 years to repair the Liberty Street bridge. No, that's not so good.

Oh, how about 10 years to pave Central Avenue? No, that's not so good either.

Oh yes, how about all his efforts to save Kessler Hospital? Oh boy, that's terrible.

Oh well, I just can't think of a thing he's done specifically for Hammonton.

Sorry, short letter, huh?

Well, I guess they don't call him the "invisible man" for nothing.

Rich Jacobus



RE: The Democratic Platform addresses the needs of Hammonton

hey rich,
great job on advising robin rippa, thank god dimateo threw you out of the republican club over the gazette issue. keep up the great work every letter you write gets curcio and marino another 100 votes, you are pathetic.




Anonymous wrote:

After writing the full-page commentary contained in this section, I realized that -- in reviewing the accomplishments of Hammonton's all-Republican Town Council -- I had failed to mention Hammonton's other non-productive Republican, Freeholder Jimmy Curcio.

Of course, he's easy to forget. Don't they call him the "invisible man?"

Let's see, what has he done during the past 15 years for his constituents in Hammonton?

Ah, it took 10 years to repair the Liberty Street bridge. No, that's not so good.

Oh, how about 10 years to pave Central Avenue? No, that's not so good either.

Oh yes, how about all his efforts to save Kessler Hospital? Oh boy, that's terrible.

Oh well, I just can't think of a thing he's done specifically for Hammonton.

Sorry, short letter, huh?

Well, I guess they don't call him the "invisible man" for nothing.

Rich Jacobus


The Dems scum machine is working overtime.




Does Jim Schroeder work for Jim Whelan?



Anonymous wrote:

get a second phone booth.

Superman liked phone booths.



I saw the local reps together but where was Curcio?  Is he with them?



I saw Curcio with the Democrats at the carnival...Are the Democrats secretly supporting Curcio too?



Anonymous wrote:

I saw Curcio with the Democrats at the carnival...Are the Democrats secretly supporting Curcio too?

Everyone is seen together at the carnival.  The question is who does Curcio really back Regular Republicans or HF? 




The Dems scum machine is working overtime.

The Reps aren't running on any engines. They've conceded to HF.  The only thing I've seen the Reps do is line up one after another to get face time at a town council meeting awhile back after they announced their candidacy.  R.S. letting Reps put a truck in front of his business helped the Reps get more "vocal" than they've ever have this campaign.



Rick S. was ok when he let let Hammonton Worst put the truck in front of his business. I think Rick S. realizes what a mistake he made last election and he is now supporting the GOP ticket. Get over it.


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It's funny how the poster accuses the Dems of being negative and then goes on to bash the Republican party and a local businessman. Only to continue in the next post to counter his previous statement. Looks like he is posting from both sides and then blaming the Dems.



The GOP, party of no, has nothing costrutive to bring to this campaign.  They are so negative they are attacking themselves.  Or should I say me, myself and I



I'm confused what does this post mean? confuse



July 15th 11:10 post what does this post mean???confuse



Anonymous wrote:

I'm confused what does this post mean? confuse

It means that Republicans are posting anti-Republican statements and blaming Democrats for them.  The Democratic candidates are running a postive campaign and it's tearing some Republicans and HFers apart that the Dems are being seeing more favorably.



What does Mrs. Rippa have to do with the Curcio letter?ashamed



Democrat Rich Jacobus took out a full page ad blasting the town clerk and others in the Hammonton News. Now the Dems want to say they are running a positive campaign?



Nobody likes what Rich Jacobus writes in the Hammonton News. I am sure that Joe Ingemi and Sam Mento do not support his agenda. The attack letters and ads by Rich Jacobus always seem to hurt the candidates he pretends to support.

I really wonder if Jim Curcio has an alliance with Rich Jacobus because his poll numbers in Hammonton shoot thru the roof after each attack letter. RJ seems about 3 quarters short of a dollar........if you know what I mean.

How much is a full page ad in the Hammonton News worth anyway? They must be laughing all the way to the bank.



Why is everyone so worried about what RJ says?
He pointed out a lot of things he feels have gone wrong in our town.
The only ones that should be worried is Hammonton First. They are responsible for all of the things he pointed out.
I'm sure they are the ones accusing people of turning negative.
Of course, they don't want RJ pointing out the things they have done to our Town.
Just remember, he has the right as an American to voice his opinion.
Sometimes the truth hurts.



The Democrats are going to continue their negative campaigning no matter what.

The people of Hammonton know they do this every year with their nasty attacks. 




What is the Democrats position on GLOBAL WARMING? I am against it ...... can we please talk issues!!! RJ is full of hot air and he is causing global warming. The chili I had for lunch is also causing alot of global warming and air pollution.



Anonymous wrote:


The Democrats are going to continue their negative campaigning no matter what.

The people of Hammonton know they do this every year with their nasty attacks.



I absolutely don't like RJ.  He doesn't speak for anyone.  I vote for the candidates not for who is for or against them. 



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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

What is the Democrats position on GLOBAL WARMING? I am against it ...... can we please talk issues!!! RJ is full of hot air and he is causing global warming. The chili I had for lunch is also causing alot of global warming and air pollution.

The Democrats are only running a positive issue oriented campaign. Click here to see the platform on their website.




Why are the Republicans and Hamm First bashing the Dems for telling the truth? As long as you tell the truth it's not bashing if that's the case then all the news media bashes for a living only they don't tell the truth. If HF is so worried about what people say then change what you are doing wrong and do the right thing. Oh RJ did not get thrown out of the Rep Club him and Frank D are friends in fact they wanted him back but I heard he refused because of how J Lewis and J Curcio were Reps and HF Reps they betrayed their party.



Sorry off the subject. I have a questions maybe someone can answer it truthfully without bashing someone or something. If the building dept is down in revenue because no one is building. We have a full time tax assessor when most other towns have a part time one and our assessor has a secretary. So if there is no building going on in town and no assessing going on in town then why wasn't that secretary laid off? Is it because she supports HF? I can't figure this out it doesn't make sense. Since our assessor is full time why does she need a secretary anyway? I thought HF is trying to save money. no



Anonymous wrote:

Why are the Republicans and Hamm First bashing the Dems for telling the truth? As long as you tell the truth it's not bashing if that's the case then all the news media bashes for a living only they don't tell the truth. If HF is so worried about what people say then change what you are doing wrong and do the right thing. Oh RJ did not get thrown out of the Rep Club him and Frank D are friends in fact they wanted him back but I heard he refused because of how J Lewis and J Curcio were Reps and HF Reps they betrayed their party.

The Democrats want DiMatteo back?  WE know RJ and FD are friends, how does it go? birds of a feather......




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Why are the Republicans and Hamm First bashing the Dems for telling the truth? As long as you tell the truth it's not bashing if that's the case then all the news media bashes for a living only they don't tell the truth. If HF is so worried about what people say then change what you are doing wrong and do the right thing. Oh RJ did not get thrown out of the Rep Club him and Frank D are friends in fact they wanted him back but I heard he refused because of how J Lewis and J Curcio were Reps and HF Reps they betrayed their party.

The Democrats want DiMatteo back?  WE know RJ and FD are friends, how does it go? birds of a feather......


Rich Jacobus did get thrown out of the GOP. When everyone in the club says we would be off without him because when he got involved he caused trouble within the party. His tactics do not garner votes to win elections. Check his record, when Rich Jacobus starts attacking lifelong Hammonton residents, the Hammonton people do not like it and always stick up for the person getting attacked.

This is not North Jersey or even Atlantic City where dirty politics and smearing someone wins elections. Hammonton residents are more informed.




It will certainly be interesting to see if the Democrats' negative campaign works this year. 

They've pounded on Jimmy Curcio.  Sam Mento even wrote about a Little League situation.

Former Mayor Barbara Berenato wrote a letter to the editor. 

Rich Jacoubs has written a ton of letters and has called for the resignation of town employees, mayor and council members. 



FYI Rich J did not get thrown out of the Rep club why do you find it so hard to tell the truth. When he was in the Rep club they won every election until people got their $1 bag of veggies.Hey how come when the star newspaper of Hamm prints false stories, does nasty cartoons of people and always misquotes people HF doesn't have a problem with that!!! I guess because he is your boss and supports you and trashes people for you but when Rich prints the truth it bothers you. Why don't you prove what he is saying is wrong? Or can't you?? And if you care so much about our town then why do your candidates only serve one term why not continue to offer no new taxes (because your broke) and continue the progress or is your motto get all I can and run? Weren't you ever taught honesty is the best policy?



If what is being said about HF is not the truth then why don't they tell us the truth. Why aren't they talking why are they in hiding? They run an open government so tell us the truth and nothing but the truth it's not hard try it I do it every day.



Yo Pinocchio is it true that mayor and council have to lay off 6 more employees to meet payroll? Is it true they are going to raise the cost of water and sewer to meet payroll? Let's here it bud tell the truth because if your nose gets to big they will have to cut it off like they did to the trees down the lake park. Though not sure if they will get a permit they usually don't.



Can HF tell us what is going on with the tax assessors office? Please tell us the truth.

I am shocked!



Is this story really true, I can't believe this could happen in Atlanti City!



Anonymous wrote:

It will certainly be interesting to see if the Democrats' negative campaign works this year. 

They've pounded on Jimmy Curcio.  Sam Mento even wrote about a Little League situation.

Former Mayor Barbara Berenato wrote a letter to the editor. 

Rich Jacoubs has written a ton of letters and has called for the resignation of town employees, mayor and council members. 

First, it is easy to pound Jimmy. It is not negative to talk about his accomplishments, or should I say lack of Accomplishments.(invisible)
Second, Sam wrote on the blog asking for all parties to refrain from personal attacks.  He even had the courage to sign his name.  Can you say the Same?
Third, Barbar wasn't bashing she was setting the record straight.  I guess when the truth hurts it, you have to say it is negative.
Fourth, I agree Rich has written alot of letters.  He doesn't speak for any party.  He is a taxpayer who knows the issues.  Although, I wish he wouldn't be so nasty.




I see the pretty picture  Is that all the Republicans have to offer.  What is there plan.  Spinzo give me three thing your candidates plan to do for the town.  That's right, your to busy writting mean things on the blogs and responding  to yourself. Then you say that the Dems are negative.  Your less than mediocre kid.



Those four fireman in Atlantic City should be fired. They should also be prosecuted for having sex with underage girls. Let's see how Mayor Langford handles this situation in Atlantic City. Will this get swept under the rug like everything else in Atlantic City.



Does Sam Mento have the courage to speak out against the Atlantic City fireman having sex with underage girls in the Atlantic City fire department? This story gets on my nerves. Did this actually happen in the Atlantic City firehouse and were these four fireman doing this while on the clock?

Let's see if Rich Jakobus writes another letter to the Atlantic City press sticking up for Craig Calloway or State Senator William Bryant of Camden County with this situation in Atlantic City..........this is disgusting.

VOTE for CHRIS CHRISTIE to clean up greed, corruption and crime in Atlantic City!!!!!



FACT #1: Todd Christie is Chris Christie's little brother.

Fifteen of the 20 specialists in Todd Christies firm were indicted for manipulating AIG stock by David Kelly, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

FACT #2: David Kelly chose not to indict Todd Christie. Todd was never prosecuted even though according to David Rosenthal, an associate regional director for the Securities and Exchange Commission, "The conduct here was quite egregious. Christie was one of the worst." (Newark Star-Ledger, April 13th, 2005.)

FACT #3: David Kelly left the U.S. Attorney's office and went into private practice. Soon after, Chris Christie, the United States District Attorney for New Jersey gave David Kelly's firm a 29 million dollar no bid monitoring contract.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Chris Christie claims to have a sterling record on ethics but he gave a multi-million dollar contract to David Kelly because as a Prosecutor, Kelly let Chris Christies little brother get away with stealing millions of dollars from his clients.


Here's a link to Christie on NJ101.5.  Just listen to how Christie gets ripped apart and just laughs it off. http://www.nj1015.com/audio/CHRISTIE_052909.mp3



Isn't an Atlantic City fireman running with Sam Mento for freeholder?



Why are you changing the subject stick to the issues at hand - like the miserable performance record of HF. We are broke and everyone knows it. Why is the mayor's brother even bothering to run? It's a shame people had to lose their jobs because of HF's mismanagement.



What do AC firefighters have to do with Hammonton being broke? That has no affect on us but the fact that our town is broke does. Why can't someone tell us the truth. Is it true work has halted at the lake because we ran out of money? Why is no one willing to explain Hammonton's financial crises? What are the taxpayers going to have to face in the next few weeks? Will the state have to come in and take over our town? Who can bail us out. I'm scared, what's happening? It must be bad because no one will talk about it. Maybe we should all move to AC since they are not broke!



Anonymous wrote:

Does Sam Mento have the courage to speak out against the Atlantic City fireman having sex with underage girls in the Atlantic City fire department? This story gets on my nerves. Did this actually happen in the Atlantic City firehouse and were these four fireman doing this while on the clock?

Let's see if Rich Jakobus writes another letter to the Atlantic City press sticking up for Craig Calloway or State Senator William Bryant of Camden County with this situation in Atlantic City..........this is disgusting.

VOTE for CHRIS CHRISTIE to clean up greed, corruption and crime in Atlantic City!!!!!

 Looks like a bunch of Corzine cronies are going to jail.... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090723/ap_on_re_us/us_nj_corruption_arrests



Did any of the Corzine illegal money from todays bust make it to Hammonton?



Sam Mento is running with an Atlantic City cop who has nothing to do with fire department in Atlantic City. Nice try.



Did you hear the latest? Layoffs have been rescinded. One sold out show at Eagle Theater has increased the town's revenue substantially and now no layoffs are needed!!! Thank God I thought our town was broke! It's all good.



Hey why are the regular republicans so quiet? Oh they can't solve the problems - they are part of the problems3. Since Jerry Barberio can't run because he will be violating the Hatch Act policy who will take his place??? I heard Anthony Marino is that true???



Mento is running with an AC cop and the heaD OF THE AC fireman. His name is Angelo Demaio and he should address the how the four fireman will be handled. These guys should be fired immediately. Let's see how this gets swept under the rug in Atlantic City.

Is this good leadership in the AC Fire DeptMent?

Did this happen in the fire house while these guys were on duty?

Are these young girls under age 18?

Do we really want Atlantic City politicans getting control of Atlantic County?

I say no way........they should all be investigated and they should resign effective yesterday!!!!

Is Rich Jacobus going to defend these four fireman like he did Craig Calloway and Senator William Bryant in Camden County? What a joke.............



HF, STOP, Sam Mento is a good man.  It is not his fault he is attached to all this Atlantic City corruption.  I am sure Sam will try to remain positive and get the exposure he needs to get elected in the future.  Don't give up yet Sam, I know you can win a council seat next year.



Boy you guys are really worried about Mento.  You'll try to smear him and his family because of an incident at a firehouse that is under investigation in AC.

Lets talk about Hammonton's Republican State Assembly rep who was arrested for bribery and corruption.  Curcio really has some explaining to do.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

get a second phone booth.

 Jim Donio still couldn't fit.

This comment should be deleted.




Mento is not responsible for the Atlantic City fireman having sex with 4 girls at the Atlantic City fire station. His running mate, John Devlin, is in a bad situation though because he is the head of the fire fighters in Atlantic City making over $107,000 per year from this fire fighters union.

Devlin needs to step up and take responsibility for men under his leadership having sex with 4 girls in the fire house while on the clock. If it is true that 2 of the girls are only 17 years old that is a very bad situation for Devlin. It is not Mento's fault but it is very bad for Devlin.

I would not be surprized if Devlin resigns his freeholder candidacy over this incident. Making over $107,000 for his Fire Dept. job is way better than a lowly freeholder job paying only $20,000 per year.

But Sam Mento should not be held liable for AC firefighters having sex while on duty, it is not his responsiblity. John Devlin should explain and be held accountable for what his men are doing while getting paid on taxpayer money.



I just got my tax bill. OUCH my county taxes went up $91 a quarter.  Curcio's first order as chairman was to tax and spend!



Will the AC Cop running for Freeholder investigate this fire house sex scandal? 



The layoffs were the deciding factor in reinforcing the fact the town is BROKE! Other towns affected by the slowing economy cut back on expensive public works projects and didn't layoff employees. However, our town sacrificed the town employees for their own benefit. NICE really nice! What's going to happen when they run out of employees to lay off?????? Can anyone answer???? no



Yeah you bet your county tax went up. Did you see we taxpayers gave Mr. Ed a half million for his farm?  That's why your tax went upfurious



John DEvlin is not a firemen, he is an Atlantic City police officer. Get yor facts straight. John DevlIn had nothinng to do with on Duty fire personnel having sex while on duty.

He is also not investigating the case. HE is only a patrol officer.



Who is Dimeo?  I she running for frreholder as a fireman?



Did anyone see the council meeting? $11,000. worth of change orders, promotions, bringing Stockton to Hamm at taxpayers expense, more renovations downtown, restaurant and extensive renovations at the airport, penalties for using too much water? It seems as though the taxpayers are getting the short end of the stick. What are we getting for our money??? NOTHING! Why are we paying the Asst. Town Clerk $70,000. just to say where the exists are and that there is no smoking in Town Hall. Mayor and Council are really extravagant with our money not there's. disbelief When will all this wasteful spending stop?



Instead of keep spending money when all other towns are conserving when will HF bring big businesses to Hamm? When will they create jobs for the taxpayers of this town and not just their family members. Every year we keep losing jobs this year Kessler 600 jobs lost the town laid off employees. What is happening? Why isn't Jerry B talking about how great the lakes looks. They looked like robots at the meeting. Why do they want to keep penalizing us with higher permit fees etc. When will this madness stop?



Anonymous wrote:

Instead of keep spending money when all other towns are conserving when will HF bring big businesses to Hamm? When will they create jobs for the taxpayers of this town and not just their family members. Every year we keep losing jobs this year Kessler 600 jobs lost the town laid off employees. What is happening? Why isn't Jerry B talking about how great the lakes looks. They looked like robots at the meeting. Why do they want to keep penalizing us with higher permit fees etc. When will this madness stop?

They laugh at us when they say that we should have big businesses come in.  They're not even trying to attract them.  They like to point out NJM who was already here.  The only businesses they want in Hammonton are those that will fill in the existing downtown storefronts.  I don't shop downtown but I heard that two more downtown businesses shut down this week.




If we are in such good financial shape since they keep spending why did they laid of 5 people who work for the town? Is it so they can hire their relatives? It doesn't make sense they don't care about us only themselves and what's good for them. Why are taxpayers so afraid to get something in return for the taxes they pay?



Anonymous wrote:

If we are in such good financial shape since they keep spending why did they laid of 5 people who work for the town? Is it so they can hire their relatives? It doesn't make sense they don't care about us only themselves and what's good for them. Why are taxpayers so afraid to get something in return for the taxes they pay?

I went to Town Hall to pay my taxes last week.  The place looked empty.  What a waste of $10M.


More Positive News for Hammonton

Click on this link to watch an NBC40 News Story about Hammonton that ran yesterday:



This is an article in todays Atlantic City Press:



RE: The Democratic Platform addresses the needs of Hammonton

What did Berenato write about? I missed it.



I paid my taxes and everyone was complaining that the tax office has a lot of secretaries but only one window open? When there is a line why can't they open 2 windows so the elderly taxpayers don't have to wait so long. Did anyone in the tax office get laid off? Maybe that's why it takes so long to get waited on. The rest of the building is empty so why did we need such a big building that we have to heat and air condition. Big building no parking??? The court was empty too what day is court? If town hall is empty who is going to shop downtown???



Anonymous wrote:

I paid my taxes and everyone was complaining that the tax office has a lot of secretaries but only one window open? When there is a line why can't they open 2 windows so the elderly taxpayers don't have to wait so long. Did anyone in the tax office get laid off? Maybe that's why it takes so long to get waited on. The rest of the building is empty so why did we need such a big building that we have to heat and air condition. Big building no parking??? The court was empty too what day is court? If town hall is empty who is going to shop downtown???

Penalty for being absurd. Grasping at straws is not allowed. 10 yard penalty.




Curcio votes against the middle class again.  He as chairman: first used 3.8 million dollars of tax payer money to purchase lenape lake, then closes it to swimming.  He then votes no to utilize Federal stimulus money to stave off urban blight in his own county!  That would save over 700 jobs. Hammonton has used these types of funds to reserect our down town.  Cumbland County so the need to save jobs and used the same federal stimulus money to save jobs at the Cumberland county mall, where many 5th district residents work.  The shore mall is a million dollar tax revenue base for the county.  The last thing we need is another vacant delapadated mall in Atlantic county.  Jimmy doesn't get it.  He has made a living off tax payer money for too long.  He has become insulated from the struggles of the working middle class people who he is suppost to be representing.  Let them eat cake!

Also, have you seen your new tax bill he raised our county taxes

Jim the Dems need a new thread on this issue!



Another penalty. 10 yards for being a fool.

The rich pocketing more tax money.

I need a bailout too........HELLO OBAMANONICS.

Hey, I am totally bankrupt .......do you want to loan me $1,000,000 million dollars where I will pay you back if I can?

The government decides who gets bailed out and who doesn't........we are slipping very fast into SOCIALISM!!!!!



Anonymous wrote:

Another penalty. 10 yards for being a fool.

The rich pocketing more tax money.

I need a bailout too........HELLO OBAMANONICS.

Hey, I am totally bankrupt .......do you want to loan me $1,000,000 million dollars where I will pay you back if I can?

The government decides who gets bailed out and who doesn't........we are slipping very fast into SOCIALISM!!!!!

Will someone sack this fool eventhough it's not football season.




Help me understand - if the departments where the town laid off personnel are now so short handed that they are bringing in people from other areas to do the work... why weren't these substitutes laid off first - since they are obviously not needed in their regular jobs. DAH!!



A few years ago the Gazzette printed all the town employees salaries. Why aren't they doing it now?? What are they hiding???



Anonymous wrote:

Curcio votes against the middle class again.  He as chairman: first used 3.8 million dollars of tax payer money to purchase lenape lake, then closes it to swimming.  He then votes no to utilize Federal stimulus money to stave off urban blight in his own county!  That would save over 700 jobs. Hammonton has used these types of funds to reserect our down town.  Cumbland County so the need to save jobs and used the same federal stimulus money to save jobs at the Cumberland county mall, where many 5th district residents work.  The shore mall is a million dollar tax revenue base for the county.  The last thing we need is another vacant delapadated mall in Atlantic county.  Jimmy doesn't get it.  He has made a living off tax payer money for too long.  He has become insulated from the struggles of the working middle class people who he is suppost to be representing.  Let them eat cake!

Also, have you seen your new tax bill he raised our county taxes

Jim the Dems need a new thread on this issue!

The Hammonton Democrats whole platform is socialism.

1.  They want to tell farmers what crops to plant.

2.  They want to give Boscov's $1 million of the taxpayer's money.

3.  They want to give Atlantic City Electric money for solar power.

How much more money can we afford?



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If you want the truth you can see the Hammonton Democrats platform at www.hammontondems.org



Oh now I get it Curcio wants to get rid of jobs like HF and make the taxpayers suffer. The busy offices in town hall had employees laid off and the employees in departments with no work kept their jobs - go figure. Curcio and HF think alike. The economy is bouncing back just look at your portfolio's so why did Mayor and Council lay off employees when the economy is bouncing back and every town is receiving stimulus money. What are they doing with all this money. Is it all for me and none for you kind of deal? There is no reason why our town needed to lay off employees what a disgrace and an embarrASSment!!!



Are you really trying to blast Hammonton First for cutting the town budget when alot of taxpayers are struggling to meet the bills? Cutting a budget that depends on our local tax dollars is very prudent and wise. Hammonton First has done many things wrong but arguing about cutting employees in this difficult economy is not one of them.

Most taxpayers are very happy with a smaller town budget because it equates to lower taxes on their annual tax bill. I am a little puzzled by your argument? If government has to supply all of the jobs at it's own expense, it used to be called welfare.



yeah,the cut the budget unless it means forking over millions to Stockton.  How are covering the the $4 million.

I guess using your argument, this is welfare for universities. 



If HF truly wanted a small budget they would stop borrowing and spending the town into bankruptcy. 1 million dollars to run water and sewer to their bowling alley and other properties on Moss Mill Road hardly shows concern for the taxpayers! Wake up you have been drugged by the veggies!



I have a crazy novel ideabiggrinbiggrin!!!

How about we let the taxpayers who actually pay the tax bill keep their own money and stop the big government policies from Washington, DC. We stop the big spending in Trenton, NJ and we stop the big spending in Hammonton, NJ.

Corzine will cut the salaries of all the unions this time. He learned his lesson from the first term.

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